Discharging from maternity hospital. Discharge from the maternity hospital: what is needed

After the birth of a child, many women do not understand what day they are usually discharged from the hospital. How long after birth the doctor will allow you to be discharged depends on the following factors:

  • method of delivery;
  • condition of the newborn and mother;
  • no possible complications.

Usually the discharge is carried out after 3 days. When stitches are placed on the vagina and cervix, they can be discharged later - after 5-6 days. If bleeding began during childbirth or curettage was performed, they are discharged on the 7-8th day.

When to be discharged from the hospital after a caesarean section

Baby is happiness

The operation is performed under anesthesia. Methods of anesthesia include epidural and general. The introduction of such substances into the body requires control over the patient.

Sutures also have an effect. If a caesarean section is indicated, surgeons cut the wall of the uterus and remove the baby. Then the abdominal cavity is cleaned and the scars are sutured.

Cesarean section surgery requires recovery time. For the first 3 days, it is painful for a woman to move, not to mention caring for the baby. These are the main reasons for discharge after such an operation on days 7-10. At the same time, the child and mother must be healthy.

Are they discharged from the hospital on weekends?

This decision is made by the head of the maternity ward. Often there is no discharge on weekends and holidays, but there are exceptions.

If there is a large flow of women in labor in the department, then a woman with a newborn can leave the hospital quickly, even on a holiday. In another situation, the new mother stays with the baby in the maternity hospital longer. If the baby was born on Wednesday, then discharge will be scheduled for Monday, not Saturday. Therefore, the woman will be in the hospital for 6 days.

Are they discharged on Saturday?

Doctors decide on what day to discharge children with their mothers, and whether discharges are made on Saturdays is the decision of the head of the department. Some organizations adhere to daily discharges, others release women in labor only if the maternity hospital is overloaded due to a large number of pregnant women.

Are they discharged on Sunday?

With a large flow of women in labor, official unscheduled discharges are practiced even on Sundays or holidays. If there is a shortage of patients, mother and child will spend more time in the hospital.

Are newborns with jaundice discharged from the hospital?

If jaundice lasts less than 4 days, then discharge

Immediately after birth, newborns experience “transitional states” that are on the border between illness and health. For this reason, discharge may be delayed:

  1. A decrease in the baby’s body weight is associated with an increase in the child’s need for fluids and nutrients. On the 3-4th day of life, weight loss of up to 6% of the initial weight is observed, which is the norm. In the case of a rapid decrease in body weight, you should find the reason (premature birth, congenital diseases, poor sucking, lack of milk from the mother), and then ask at what weight you are being discharged.
  2. Severe jaundice in newborns (more than 4 days). This phenomenon is typical for the first days of a child’s life and is associated with the destruction of red blood cells in the newborn’s blood. After 1-2 weeks it goes away on its own.
    When the jaundice is intense, the blood is tested for bilirubin, which appears as a result of the destruction of red blood cells and negatively affects the child’s brain. Severe jaundice is observed in the presence of Rh conflict between mother and child (hemolytic disease).
    To cure this pathology, herbal medicine is used: the baby is placed under a special lamp, as a result of which bilirubin takes on a non-toxic form and is excreted in the urine. In severe cases, blood transfusion is indicated.
  3. Premature birth. In this case, the child appears immature with signs of developmental delay. He is prone to severe weight loss and often has prolonged jaundice. There are also difficulties with feeding, so a long stay in the maternity hospital is required.
  4. Intrauterine hypoxia. The consequences of this disease do not appear immediately, but after a while: severe regurgitation, lack of reflexes in newborns, restless sleep, which indicates disorders of the nervous system. In this case, medical supervision and drug therapy are necessary, which will reduce the risk of the consequences of hypoxia.
    Excessive regurgitation after feeding indicates hypoxia and a possible defect of the stomach, as a result of which the outlet section is narrowed, which prevents food from entering the intestines.
  5. If a rash appears on the body of a newborn, this indicates an infection caused by staphylococci. The disease is transmitted in utero from mother to child when a woman has foci of infection - dental caries, tonsillitis, etc. In this case, the child needs antibacterial therapy, which will also lead to a delay in discharge.

When a baby requires long-term treatment, he is placed in a unit for nursing newborns with various pathologies. There are several profiles of these branches:

  • children born before 34 weeks are admitted to the department for the next stage of nursing;
  • in the presence of developmental defects, the newborn is provided with immediate medical care, for which he is transferred to the surgical department or intensive care unit;
  • after hypoxia, the baby is transferred to the neurological department;
  • If there are signs of an infectious disease, children are admitted to infectious diseases departments.

At what weight are they discharged from the hospital?

Often, women in labor are interested in what weight is considered normal for boys, girls and twins. If the baby is full-term, it doesn’t matter. Children even weighing 2 kg are discharged, but they must be healthy and eat well.

Within a few days from the moment of birth, the newborn loses weight: swelling goes away, and original feces are released. However, weight loss should not exceed 6% of initial body weight.

For example, at birth the child weighed 2500 g, then by the time of discharge the minimum weight should be 2300 g. If this condition is met, the mother and child are discharged on the third day.

Let's look at the weight standards for newborn boys and girls:

Tests upon discharge from the hospital

To say how long it will take to be discharged, the doctor examines the woman in labor, assesses her condition, the degree of uterine contraction and the intensity of postpartum discharge. He also pays attention to the healing of sutures, palpates the mammary glands and examines for cracks and inflammation.

Now let’s look at what tests are necessarily taken upon discharge:

  1. General blood analysis. Its results make it possible to identify anemia, inflammation and the general well-being of a woman.
  2. They take a urine test. The result shows the condition of the urinary system and the presence of gestosis.

If after a full examination and test results everything is normal, then the woman in labor is sent home.

Do they do ultrasound?

The doctor always sends the patient for an ultrasound before the planned discharge to assess the functioning of the reproductive organs. This approach is not practiced in all maternity hospitals, but most clinics perform ultrasound examinations after cesarean and natural childbirth. This examination excludes the possibility of the presence of a placenta in the woman’s uterus and blood clots.

How to quickly leave the maternity hospital?

You can speed up this process

Let's look at a few tips that will help you return home faster after the birth of your baby:

  1. Complete nutrition. In order for the body to quickly return to normal after suffering stress, proper nutrition is necessary. Also, your growing baby needs to get all the vitamins and minerals from breast milk, so choose only wholesome and healthy foods. Poor nutrition and consumption of fried, salty foods will affect the well-being and development of the child, so exclude processed foods and other harmful foods from the diet.
  2. No bad habits. As during pregnancy, avoidance of alcohol and tobacco products is required. Otherwise, you will harm your body and the health of your baby. Then the discharge will definitely be postponed indefinitely.
  3. Adequate sleep – in order for the body to return to normal faster, a woman in labor needs to get enough sleep. With the arrival of a baby, this is not easy, but every free minute is better spent sleeping than making phone calls and texting with friends.
  4. Doctor's orders – after childbirth, various complications are possible, so you should strictly follow all doctor's orders. Even the slightest deviation from the prescribed therapy will negatively affect the body and require long-term treatment.
  5. Meeting the baby's needs - the timing of discharge depends on the condition of the mother and baby, so it is important to meet all the needs of the baby. Breastfeeding is carried out at the request of the baby; after bowel movements, careful toileting of the genital organs is necessary, as well as rest and warmth. When the baby feels well, discharge is just around the corner.

How to dress your baby for discharge?

Look at the time of year

When choosing clothes for a newborn, adhere to the law: a baby is given one more layer of clothing than an adult. Let's consider the options for a beautiful discharge dress:

  1. Elegant envelopes.
    Such products are considered iconic elements that can be passed on from one generation to another. You can make an envelope of satin, silk, with decorations and rhinestones, and finally tie it with a ribbon in the middle and make a lush bow. After discharge, this product is suitable for daily walks around the city.
  2. Summer outfits. The following items are required for discharge in the summer:
    cap and socks made of natural materials;
    bodysuit and slip;
    light blanket or blanket;
    thin diaper.
  3. Summer suit for discharge.
    Today there is a wide range of children's clothing, so the baby can leave the walls of the maternity hospital in a tailcoat or elegant dress. If you have cutting and sewing skills, you can try to sew an outfit with your own hands. You will need thread, needle, scissors and material to create a masterpiece.
    You can see patterns and a master class on sewing outfits in the photo on our website.
  4. Beautiful blanket.
    This accessory comes from Christian times. Even back then, babies required extra attention. Nowadays, a blanket has become an obligatory attribute of the “discharge” tradition. You can be creative and decorate the product with embroidery, fabric flower petals, or a patch of letters with the child’s name.
  5. Knitted blanket.
    A product made by hand by a grandmother or mother will be the best amulet for a child. Handmade things retain the energy of the master, and family members wish only the best for the baby. The blanket will protect the child from bad weather and related diseases - sore throat, viral infections and hypothermia.

That very happy day has come - your discharge from the maternity hospital - accept our congratulations! As a rule, in the last weeks or even in the last pregnancies, any expectant mother, although incredibly worried and even somewhat afraid of the upcoming labor, still looks forward to that very soon-to-be meeting with her baby.

And now, after a completely successful birth and after meeting her baby, the woman begins to wait just as patiently for that happy moment when discharge from the hospital may arrive and when the woman can afford to return home with her baby.

So, in fact, we come to the question that interests many women, when exactly should discharge from the maternity hospital occur, and exactly what indicators usually become quite sufficient grounds for this discharge?

Standard discharge from the maternity hospital: usual terms for it

Let us immediately note that the timing of a woman and her child’s discharge from the maternity hospital, as a rule, depends on many factors:

  1. From the method of her delivery.
  2. From the state of health of the baby as well as the mother herself.
  3. From the absence of any serious complications arising after childbirth.

The final decision on the possibility of discharge, as a rule, is made by two doctors - this is always the one monitoring the condition of the mother in labor and the pediatrician (more precisely, a neonatologist) monitoring the health of the baby, and such a final decision is made only after the next examination of the mother and her child. Moreover, we note that if the baby’s health condition does not allow a timely discharge from the maternity hospital, which usually happens in the near future, then the doctors may well discharge the mother herself, but only without the baby, since in this case the baby has to be left under strict strictures. supervision of doctors.

But if for some reason the mother herself is not entitled to timely discharge, say, due to the state of her health, then the child is forced to stay with the mother in the maternity hospital until she fully recovers. So usually, if your birth went smoothly and at the same time passed without any serious complications, if both the mother and her newborn baby feel normal or at least satisfactorily, then the standard discharge from the maternity hospital occurs immediately on the third or maximum on the fifth day after that how the baby was born.

However, if your delivery was carried out with any complications or by caesarean section, then you will probably need a slightly longer time for full recovery - this time ranges from seven to ten days. As a rule, this period of time is necessary for the partial restoration of the woman’s body, and for proper treatment and primary healing of existing sutures. Of course, it will take place at home and this process can take quite a long time. But the most important thing is that they will still let you go home, because at home, as they say, even the walls can be healed.

Standard discharge from the maternity hospital: general examination of the mother and her baby

As you understand, you will be clearly allowed to be discharged from the maternity hospital only after the woman in labor is examined by her leading gynecologist, and the newborn baby is examined by a pediatric neonatologist, respectively. Typically, such an examination always takes place in the first half of the day, when all laboratories are working and, accordingly, you can easily obtain all the necessary tests confirming your health.

And, of course, if the results of such an examination are positive and practically nothing prevents a young mother and her child from allowing a standard discharge, then the discharge itself will be carried out, and right in the afternoon.

So usually mothers and babies begin to be discharged immediately after two o’clock in the afternoon. The main criteria for a woman in labor to be ready for discharge are considered to be: positive results after ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs, positive results of blood tests and urine tests. Normal for a given time, as well as a normal amount, normal smell and normal color of a woman’s vaginal discharge, completely established lactation. Moreover, it may not be fully installed, but this, of course, does not interfere with the standard extract. As a rule, complete restoration of lactation will occur at home; the most important thing that doctors check is that milk is released at least a little from the mother’s breast.

Further normalization of full lactation is a matter of time and sucking efforts of your baby. The fact that the baby is completely ready for discharge and for a full meeting with the whole world around him outside the maternity hospital can be revealed by his examinations. And this is: his general well-being (it is important that the baby does not cry constantly and uncontrollably), the normal condition of his skin, the baby’s umbilical cord without any signs of infection, the baby’s absolutely normal stool and the same normal full urination.

In addition, doctors always check the beginning of the baby’s normal weight gain and the decline of erythema, which is quite typical for babies, or rather for their postpartum period. And, in addition, even before being discharged from the maternity hospital, your baby will have to receive all the vaccinations that are so necessary and mandatory in our country, again, if he does not have any exemptions for such.

Standard extract from the maternity hospital: all the documents you need

A standard discharge from a maternity hospital, as a rule, involves the issuance of strictly defined documents to the woman who gave birth. So, usually the woman is provided with a special extract and a general conclusion about the real state of health of the mother herself. It is important to remember that in the future, the woman in labor will have to submit such an extract with a conclusion about the real state of her health to the very medical institution where the woman in labor was observed during the entire period of her pregnancy. Next, the young mother will receive another conclusion with actual information about the general health of her baby.

Again, we must remember that this conclusion about the health status of the baby must be submitted by the woman directly to the children's clinic, usually at the place of residence. By the way, ideally it should be, and it happens almost everywhere, that this conclusion is transferred to the children's clinic regardless of the woman in labor herself.

And, as a rule, upon receipt of this conclusion from the maternity hospital by the children's clinic, literally on the first or second day of a young mother and her child’s stay at home, their children’s doctor or at least a nurse must come to visit them. This is necessary for the mother to get to know each other and receive new recommendations regarding the proper care of the baby. Let's go further, also when discharged from the maternity hospital, the woman is also given a certificate of the birth of her child. Moreover, this certificate has a form strictly defined by our legislation.

This certificate contains information about the exact time and, of course, the exact date of birth of your baby; it also always indicates the gender of the baby, and the surname, first name and patronymic of the midwife who was on the shift who attended the birth. It is important to know that this particular certificate cannot be lost under any circumstances. Since it is this certificate that you will need to subsequently obtain from the district civil registration department (or the registry office) the birth certificate of your baby and, accordingly, to receive the one-time allowance for the birth of a child accepted under the Law. A young mother receives all the documents described above directly at the nurse’s station or in the doctor’s office, but sometimes it happens that doctors can give you the papers “separately”: say, an obstetrician will give his part of the extracts, but strictly his own.

Standard discharge from the maternity hospital: general preparation and final meeting with relatives

As a rule, the exact time of meeting the woman in labor is clearly indicated by the maternity hospital itself, of course, having previously agreed with the woman in labor. Moreover, quite a lot of women can be discharged on the same day, and therefore sometimes a whole queue can form in maternity hospitals, when exactly 20 or 25 minutes are allocated for each specific discharge. Further, when your relatives and friends come to meet a young mother and her child from the maternity hospital, they will have to report this directly to the “information or transfer post.”

And, of course, at the same time, the staff will definitely inform the woman herself that her relatives are already waiting for her, and therefore, all she can do is go out and carry the baby out to meet her loved ones. As you understand, it’s better to pack all your things and prepare for such a long-awaited meeting in advance. This is necessary so as not to force your own and other people’s relatives to wait too long and so as not to delay the doctors themselves, who, believe me, will also be waiting for your discharge. Although, of course, no one will really limit the time you spend getting ready.

Your baby will need to be dressed strictly according to the season, and usually for such a discharge, women use an elegant or ceremonial envelope, which is truly perfect for such an occasion. After all, the baby, like his mother, will have to appear before his relatives in all his glory; you must admit, this is his very first birthday. But if we talk about the clothes that the mother herself will wear when checking out, then you should definitely take them with you in advance, say, even at the stage of general preparations for the maternity hospital. You may ask what to do if labor began completely suddenly, and the woman arrived at the maternity hospital, as they say, in what she was wearing at home at that very moment? We answer, there’s definitely nothing wrong with it; in this case, all the necessary things for subsequent discharge will be brought to her the day before by the same relatives.

Further, when both the young mother and her baby are fully dressed, and their things are also completely collected, the woman herself and the child simply go out to their greeters. Moreover, as a rule, according to our traditions, it is always the nurse who hands the baby into the arms of relatives. Note that one of the latest new-fangled trends has become the so-called ceremonial meeting of the woman in labor and her baby. Often this ceremony is organized as widely as a wedding, with video or photography. It must be said that in the case when the parents themselves want to capture this important moment on film, they will be able to agree on such filming with one of the truly numerous companies that offer such services. Moreover, they will be able to advise you on a company offering such services right there in the maternity hospital.

And the last thing that expectant mothers often ask about. Is it permissible and possible to allow free visits to relatives literally on the same day that the young mother and baby were discharged from the maternity hospital? According to doctors, it is possible, although with a reservation if such a visit is not too long and tiring for both. In fact, it is advisable that such visits from relatives should not last longer than 30 minutes. And, of course, as you understand, absolutely all guests, without any exceptions, will have to strictly observe standard rules of personal hygiene, be healthy and avoid too close direct contact with the newborn himself.

For your attention, dear readers, the site is a video of a beautiful discharge from the Novokuibyshev maternity hospital:

A grandiose event in the life of every woman is birth. Even if he is not the first-born, it still feels like the first time. A long 9 months are behind us - and here he is, the long-awaited baby! The next stage is discharge from the hospital. It doesn’t matter what day they will be discharged from. In order for everything to go at the highest level, you need to prepare for this event in advance and think through all the details well.

When discharged from the hospital

Many new mothers are interested in the question: when are they discharged from the maternity hospital? An obstetrician-gynecologist will examine the mother, and a pediatric neonatologist will conduct an examination. If there are no contraindications, you will be sent home on the 3rd day, you will not be detained for a single day, there is no such practice. The picture is different if there were complications or the woman in labor was exposed. In this case, the period of stay in a medical institution is extended to 5-9 days.

Mom will be discharged if:

  • she is in normal condition;
  • the uterus returns to normal;
  • urine and blood also without;
  • discharge from the uterus is healthy, without indications of inflammation;
  • the procedure confirmed that there are no unwanted elements in the uterus - blood clots, pieces of placenta.
There are less and less cases when things go perfectly. Situations where problems still arise have become more frequent. This:
  • The suture does not heal quickly enough, other possible sutures are also not normal.
  • With blood loss, hemoglobin may be reduced. It must be normal, otherwise the mother will not be discharged.
  • Tests and discharge from the uterus indicate an inflammatory process.

Be sure to examine and carry out the necessary tests. This:
  • General tests and for congenital diseases.
  • The condition of the umbilical cord is assessed.
  • General tone.
  • Weight dynamics.
  • Measured.
  • The newborn received vaccinations against tuberculosis and hepatitis B.

Important! Vaccinations for a newborn are given only with the written consent of the mother.

The child will not be discharged if:

  • An infectious disease has been detected.
  • A loss of 6-8% of the initial weight was recorded.
  • Diagnosed with severe form.
  • Born prematurely - premature.
  • The condition is impaired due to hypoxia.
And according to the indications, 3 options are possible:
  • Mom and are healthy, both are going home safely.
  • The mother is not ready to be discharged, the baby is healthy. In this case, the mother is delayed in the maternity hospital, the child remains as well.
  • The mother is healthy, the baby is not ready for discharge. This option is the most problematic. According to the rules, the mother must go home and leave the child in the department for further treatment, having previously agreed on a schedule for visits for feeding. But the practice is somewhat different. Mom also remains in the department, with the consent of the administration. In such cases, so-called charitable donations are practiced.

Discharge process: what you will need

The process of discharge from the maternity hospital has been worked out by generations of happy mothers who gave birth before you. There is nothing complicated here, but attention and organization will not hurt.

We pick up the documents

The list of documents upon discharge from the maternity hospital is standard. In good departments where the discharge process is streamlined, the entire package will be found on the charge nurse's table. If not, then you will have to run yourself. The main thing that a mother should pay attention to is not to forget anything. So, what should be in the package:

  • Medical certificate of birth of a child. In the future, it is presented to the registry office when registering a new citizen of Ukraine.
  • Maternity exchange card - a document for antenatal clinics. This is a medical history of the course of labor.
  • Child exchange card- for a children's clinic. This includes information about the newborn: height, blood type, vaccination.
  • , which are returned upon discharge. - this is a document from the medical institution where the woman was observed during the pregnancy, and which she submitted to the maternity hospital upon admission. The coupons are sent to the children's clinic, they confirm the child's right to free medical care for up to 1 year.
  • Sick leave- in case of complicated childbirth. By law, in such cases, maternity leave is extended.

When collecting documents, you should be careful, otherwise you will then have to waste time on repeated visits to the maternity hospital, and, believe me, there will be no extra time. The last procedure upon discharge from the maternity hospital is a lecture to the young mother on how to properly care for the child at home.

Necessary things for mother and baby

And here is the mother with the newborn in the discharge room. The moment has come when you need everything you have prepared for discharge from the hospital. If a mother is giving birth for the first time, it would not be a bad idea to ask the nurse to dress the baby. Here gratitude is due, purely symbolic - a chocolate bar, for example. Mother's clothes and shoes are brought by relatives or they are given out from the wardrobe.

Often mom wants to look smart on this special day. Nothing prevents her from dictating a list of things she wants over the phone to her husband or other relatives. Note that organized women, as a rule, pack a bag of such clothes even before giving birth and leave it at home with the inscription “for discharge.”

As for clothes for a newborn. There is a persistent prejudice among the Ukrainian people that you cannot buy baby clothes before giving birth - supposedly there is a danger of the evil eye. To believe it or not is a personal matter for every young mother. In addition, only with the introduction of the technique it became possible to see. Just 30 years ago, women did not know for sure who they would give birth to - or. Therefore, there was no rush to buy clothes. Traditionally, clothes for a newborn girl are bought in pink, and for a boy - in blue.

You can also buy it in the appropriate color. Now the situation has changed, mothers already know the gender of the unborn child in the first half, and there are no problems with buying baby clothes. Organizationally, it’s still better to prepare everything in advance so that your husband or other relatives don’t miss anything in the rush to get ready.

Did you know? Scientists have proven that the more freely a child's hand moves, the faster his brain develops. Therefore, children are no longer swaddled with “soldiers”.

Baby items needed upon discharge:

  • vest;
  • blouse;
  • sliders;
  • socks;
  • a thin cap, the ears should be closed;
  • blanket.

You need to pay attention to the quality of clothing. A newborn is a new person, and even his mother does not know him yet. It is possible that he was born with allergies. The low price of a blouse or vest should alert you.

Features of discharge at different times of the year

Options are possible in the set of children's clothing for discharge from the maternity hospital. It depends on the tastes and financial capabilities of parents or close relatives. But you definitely need to take into account the time of year. For example, for discharge in winter, a set of clothes for a newborn is purchased in an insulated version.

Spring and summer

In summer and late spring, care must be taken so that the child does not overheat. This is dangerous for a baby; dehydration occurs too quickly if he sweats for a long time. Spring, if it is early and cold, suggests a winter set of children's clothes. The intuition of a young mother and her own feelings will tell you how to properly dress the child.

Autumn and winter

When deciding what to discharge your child in in winter, you must take into account the air temperature. After all, the child, even if only for a short time, will have to be taken out of the maternity hospital onto the street. It is very important that he does not catch a cold. Therefore, the set of things is duplicated with warm clothes. A warm knitted one is added to the thin hat. A warm blouse is put on over the vest. The blanket must be quilted. If so, then on an insulated gasket.

What to give as a discharge gift?

It is customary to thank the medical staff upon discharge from the maternity hospital, and you need to think about what to give the nurse; obstetrician-gynecologist who delivered the child; the neonatologist who observed the child. Traditional and appropriate gifts - flowers, boxes of chocolates, elite alcohol. The child is handed over to the father by the nurse who dressed the child. Mother and newborn should not be left without gifts either.

According to Ukrainian traditions, it is customary to give significant gifts for the so-called homelands (from the word childbirth), then for christenings. Upon discharge directly, the husband or those greeting them are limited to flowers. A few points need to be made. The happy father wants to express his boundless gratitude to his wife for the child and brings an armful of flowers to the maternity hospital.

This is inappropriate; it will be difficult for mom to hold such a huge bouquet. In addition, we repeat - the child may be allergic. And it’s still unclear how he will react to his father’s bouquet. Therefore, it is advisable that the flowers and the newborn travel in different cars. However, a little later, you will still have to give. In Ukraine they usually give children's clothes as gifts - all sorts of overalls, suits, blouses, hats. Everything, as a rule, is for growth. Rich relatives give a crib, a stroller, or a car seat. And if there are none, then the parents themselves buy them in advance. But this is in the near future, but for now mother and baby need to get home.

Decorating a room, car and other ideas

About 30 years ago, discharge from the maternity hospital was a purely family matter and was not particularly advertised. We met, arrived - and that’s it. That's right, because the young mother is left alone with the worries that have fallen on her, and on this day there is no time for receptions and guests. Nowadays, this process is arranged somewhat differently. There are even companies specializing in organizing holidays. They will offer ideas for the meeting and solemnly arrange the discharge from the maternity hospital. Their services are not cheap, and not everyone has the opportunity to order such a service.

Regardless of the state of the young parents’ wallet, it is imperative to order a photo session from professionals. Filming this event on a mobile phone is considered bad manners. Still, relatives, and especially a loving new dad, must make sure that this day is remembered by the young mother. It is enough to figure out how to decorate the room for discharge from the maternity hospital - and a great mood is guaranteed.

Did you know? Physicist Faraday invented balloons

If a woman has a creative and loving husband, he may well organize a flash mob in front of the maternity hospital. This could be friends and relatives dancing, or singing a favorite song with a guitar. There are many ideas, if there is a desire. But you need to know when to stop: fireworks and loud music in front of the hospital are prohibited. Seeing such an attitude, your beloved wife in the near future will want to give you another child, and a newborn brother or sister.

When the long-awaited baby is finally born, the new mother looks forward to the moment when she can go home with the baby. In order for discharge from the maternity hospital to take place without delay and fuss, it is necessary to prepare for it in advance. Even before giving birth, you should find out what things will be needed upon discharge, what documents will be issued, and how, in fact, the procedure itself goes.

When discharged from the hospital

If the birth was natural and went without complications, the baby and his mother can be discharged home on the third day. If the birth was difficult, or the child was born by caesarean section, the period of stay in the maternity hospital increases to 5–9 days. The decision on discharge is made by the obstetrician-gynecologist and neonatologist (pediatrician who deals with newborns).

Indications for discharge of the mother are:

  • Satisfactory general condition;
  • Normal uterine contraction;
  • Normal urine and blood tests;
  • The absence of pathological discharge indicating an inflammatory process;
  • Ultrasound results confirming that there are no blood clots or remaining placenta in the uterus.

If a woman in labor has any complications: the sutures on the perineum, vagina, cervix, sutures after a cesarean section are healing poorly, the hemoglobin level is reduced due to significant blood loss, or there are signs of an inflammatory process, she remains in the hospital until complete recovery.

Before being discharged from the hospital, the newborn is also carefully examined: standard urine and blood tests are performed, as well as tests for congenital diseases: hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis, galactosemia, phenylketonuria, and adrenogenital syndrome. The neonatologist evaluates the condition of the umbilical cord and skin of the baby, muscle tone and weight changes. If everything is fine with the newborn, he is in good health and has a normal temperature, he has received vaccinations against tuberculosis and hepatitis B, he is discharged.

Contraindications for discharging a child are:

  • Infectious diseases;
  • Loss of body weight exceeding 6–8% of the initial one;
  • Severe jaundice of newborns (when it is accompanied by a change in the color of feces and urine, vomiting);
  • Diagnosis: immature or premature baby;
  • Disorders resulting from intrauterine hypoxia.

It happens that a mother and her baby are not discharged from the maternity hospital at the same time. If the child is discharged but the mother is not, the baby remains with the mother. If the situation is the opposite, and only the mother is discharged, the child is left in the neonatal ward until his complete recovery.

What documents are issued upon discharge?

  • A medical certificate confirming the birth of a child, on the basis of which the registry office will issue the baby’s first official document - a birth certificate.
  • An exchange card for a woman in labor, which is sent to the antenatal clinic. This document contains information about the course of labor and the postpartum period.
  • The child’s exchange card, which will become part of the child’s general outpatient card in the children’s clinic. It contains information about the newborn - weight, height, blood type, assessment of general condition at discharge, vaccination data and others.
  • The birth certificate that the pregnant woman submitted to the maternity hospital upon admission. Upon discharge, two coupons of this certificate are returned. They are transferred to the children's clinic, where the child will undergo free medical examinations until the age of 1 year.
  • In the event of a complicated birth, the mother is issued a sick leave certificate, which extends her maternity leave.

How does the discharge procedure work?

On the day of discharge from the maternity hospital, both the mother and the newborn are examined by doctors, final blood and urine tests are carried out, blood pressure and body temperature are measured. If the go-ahead is received from both the children's doctor and the gynecologist, the new mother is prepared and given documents for discharge. This procedure takes about half an hour.

Then the mother is invited to a lecture where they will tell you how to properly care for the baby. After the lecture, she and her child are escorted to the changing room. Outerwear and shoes are taken from the wardrobe, all other things necessary for the newborn and the mother are given by relatives. Don’t forget to tell your family in advance what clothes they should bring for you - on this wonderful day you will want to look especially beautiful.

What clothes does a baby need?

Nowadays, a newborn baby is not swaddled, but is immediately dressed “in an adult way” - in blouses, pants and overalls. The standard baby kit that a newborn will need upon discharge from the hospital includes:

  • vest;
  • blouse;
  • knitted rompers or bodysuit with overalls;
  • booties or socks;
  • a thin cap that covers the ears well (in spring, autumn and winter, a warm knitted cap is put on top of it);
  • disposable diaper (size is selected depending on the baby’s weight);
  • outerwear - overalls or envelope blanket.

What to give for discharge from the hospital

Among the most desired gifts are clothes for the baby (a suit for growth, overalls, a set of rompers or a bodysuit). Next in popularity are the crib, playpen, bathtub, car seat, as well as devices and devices useful for a family with a small child: a thermos or thermal bag for bottles, a baby monitor, a bedside night light, an orthopedic feeding pillow, a baby sling or a sling backpack. Such a universal gift as a large package of diapers will never be superfluous.

But you should be careful with baby dishes, cosmetics for babies, toys and rattles. Children's cosmetics should be only natural; dishes for infants can be ceramic, plastic or glass, and can withstand treatment with boiling water. Toys should be made of safe material - hypoallergenic plastic, wood or natural fabrics; it is better to buy them in specialized stores, where all products have a quality certificate.

Judging by surveys conducted among women, many of them consider a certificate to the specialized store “Everything for Babies” to be an excellent gift for discharge from the maternity hospital, where parents themselves can choose the necessary things for their child.

The birth of a child is a whole event in the life of a woman and her family. She carries the baby under her heart for nine months, waiting for the day of birth to come. But unfortunately, this day is not always happy. Many suffer terrible agony or complications before a long-awaited event. But everything ends someday, and then the day of birth comes, the baby is born, and all the suffering the mother has endured seems insignificant in comparison with the happiness of holding her child in her arms. And now she can only think about how everything will be fine with him and they will be sent home as soon as possible. On what day are they discharged from the hospital? It depends on how the birth went and how the baby and his mother feel. Now let's look at this issue in more detail.

On what day are they discharged from the hospital? Necessary tests before sending patients home

During the normal course of labor, registration of discharge from the maternity hospital occurs as standard. The mother and newborn are released on the fourth, or at most on the fifth day. During this time, the child must receive a mandatory vaccination against tuberculosis (BCG). Yes, in many European countries, doctors have refused to vaccinate infants. But in countries where tuberculosis is already entering the epidemic stage, vaccination is the only way to protect children. For example, in Ukraine, mortality from tuberculosis is growing every year. Today, more people die from this disease than from cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, when mothers do not want to get the BCG vaccine, they better think carefully about the consequences that their refusal may lead to. However, this is a topic for a completely different article. So, after the child has been vaccinated, it is necessary to take blood on the fourth day for a comprehensive examination of the baby. This study allows us to identify congenital diseases and other pathologies that may lead to disability in the future.

The child also needs to undergo a hearing test to identify disorders in the early stages and begin to correct them. If a woman wishes, she can be discharged after vaccination - on the third day, and she can undergo the remaining mandatory procedures privately - on her own - in any children's clinic. But as practice shows, in the first weeks after discharge there is a lot of turmoil, and many simply forget to do this. And they remember when it’s already too late. After all, these examinations are carried out precisely because in the first days of the child’s birth, work on eliminating problems begins immediately, when irreversible consequences can still be prevented. Therefore, doctors strongly advise you to be discharged after all the necessary examinations. A couple of days won't change anything much for you, but it could save your child's life.

How do you prepare for discharge?

We have already decided on what day they will be discharged from the maternity hospital if the postpartum condition of mother and child is normal. Now let's talk about another topic. How is discharge from the maternity hospital processed?

Several specialists inform the woman about her discharge. This is a gynecologist, pediatrician and midwife. All this happens during the morning rounds. Already on the same day, after 12 o’clock, all the necessary documents are drawn up, and relatives can pick up the long-awaited child and his mother. But if one of the doctors believes that it is too early to send patients home for some reason, then discharge is postponed for the required period. Also, many new parents are interested in the question: “Are they discharged from the maternity hospital on weekends?” Here everything is decided individually and in each hospital differently. And yet, are they discharged from the maternity hospital on weekends? If the round is carried out on Saturday and Sunday, then nothing can interfere with discharge. In the case when doctors come only on weekdays, sending you home on weekends or holidays is out of the question.

What documents are issued for a child?

For the pediatrician who will observe the newborn, the following is issued:

1. Birth certificate. This is a document that is created when the mother registers with the antenatal clinic, and is maintained throughout the pregnancy. Upon admission to the maternity hospital, the woman gives it along with her medical record. Upon discharge, it is returned to her, but not in full, but only a coupon. She will have to take it to the pediatrician at her place of residence or give it to the nurse on her first visit to the house. According to the certificate, a child up to one year will undergo all necessary procedures and examinations.

2. Statement of health of the newborn. It contains all the information about the child:

First and last name of the baby's mother;

His date of birth;

How the pregnancy proceeded (if there were complications, they must be indicated in the extract);

How was the birth?

Data on vaccinations and examinations that were carried out for the baby in the maternity hospital;

Whether the woman is breastfeeding the baby or whether the newborn is breastfed;

Data on weight, head circumference, and chest are recorded.

Documents for the registry office and antenatal clinic

For civil registry authorities, a certificate is issued with a note about the birth of the baby and the mother’s last and first name. This document must be taken to the registry office in order to issue a birth certificate for the child.

Within three days after being discharged from the maternity hospital, the woman must bring to the consultation her outpatient card, which is returned to her at the maternity hospital, and an extract with notes about her state of health after childbirth.

Why might discharge be delayed?

But not everything is so wonderful. If there was a difficult birth, discharge is delayed for a number of reasons. Then doctors examine patients more carefully. The week after childbirth is the most important period in a baby's life. He is under constant medical supervision. It also happens that the baby is placed in an incubator and is not brought to the mother. Since any contact with the outside world can be dangerous for a newborn.

If a caesarean section was performed, when will they be allowed to go home?

A difficult birth can negatively affect the health of not only the newborn, but also his mother. Therefore, in such cases, doctors do not allow patients to be discharged home during the first week.

If a woman had a caesarean section, she will be discharged from the hospital no earlier than on the seventh to ninth day. It all depends on how the stitches will heal and how she will feel in general, how quickly her body will recover. Even if the baby’s health is fine, he waits until mommy gets better. Then they will be sent home together. It also happens that the mother quickly returns to normal and can be discharged, but the child must still be under the supervision of doctors. Then she is discharged, and the newborn is transferred to the children's ward for an inpatient stay or left in an incubator at the maternity hospital.

When are women who have bleeding discharged?

How long does it take to be discharged from the maternity hospital after childbirth if the woman in labor has experienced slight bleeding or had to undergo additional curettage? Doctors leave the woman in the maternity hospital for a few more days. This is to make sure that the bleeding has stopped and there is no infection, etc. If there is heavy bleeding, anemia may occur. A blood transfusion may be needed. Then the mother is left until the hemoglobin returns to normal. Even in cases of mild anemia, doctors may prescribe a course of iron supplements.

It is also very important to ensure that the woman in labor does not develop inflammatory processes. Then a course of antibacterial drugs is prescribed, and in cases of complications, surgery may be performed. After childbirth, a woman may also have an increase in the level of protein in her urine - this will lead to various types of edema, which also delays discharge from the hospital.

If there are problems with the baby...

As for newborns, they, like their mother, are constantly monitored by doctors. And if the baby is diagnosed with physiological jaundice, which happens quite often, then the child is in the maternity hospital until complete recovery. He may even be given a blood transfusion or placed under artificial light. If the baby experienced oxygen starvation at birth, he may experience a disruption in the functioning of the nervous system, and until doctors are convinced that there is no danger, he will be in the maternity hospital under constant supervision. Infectious diseases require a course of antibacterial drugs.

You also need to take into account the fact that the baby may be born underdeveloped or premature. This happens in cases of premature birth, when the fetus has not yet fully formed. The child will be under the supervision of doctors all the time until he gains the required weight.

Baby's weight

So, even if the baby is healthy, but is not gaining weight, he will not be discharged until his body weight returns to normal.

So at what weight are newborns discharged from the hospital? In general, baby weight loss after birth is normal. Each one who is bewitched loses up to seven percent of its mass already on the fifth day. But then he quickly picks them up. But in any case, at the time of discharge, the child should not weigh less than two kilograms.

Discharge in summer or autumn. What things are needed?

When the dangers for the mother and her child have passed, and their health is normal, doctors examine both and begin to prepare for discharge. The procedure in case of complications is the same as during the normal course of the postpartum period.

Now mommy begins to have pleasant chores. In addition to all the collected documents, she must have things necessary for the newborn.

If you are discharged in the warm season, you need to have a diaper, a bodysuit made of cotton fabric (a vest with rompers), light socks, and you can put a thin cap on your head. And you can put the baby in a light summer envelope or wrap it in a diaper. In autumn or spring, a jumpsuit and a warm hat, an insulated envelope or a blanket are added to the set of clothes.

Hooray! We are being discharged! What things are needed in winter?

What do you need to leave the maternity hospital in winter? If you are picked up on a frosty day, you need to make sure that the baby is well wrapped up. Be sure to put a diaper on your baby, then a warm bodysuit or rompers with a vest.

What else do you need to discharge from the maternity hospital in winter? Wear a warmer flannel jumpsuit on top. And upstairs - winter. You will also need a wool hat. The child's hands must be covered, and after that it is necessary to put him in a warm winter envelope. In severe frost, the baby's face should be covered with a cape.

Meeting from the maternity hospital

How are you greeted from the maternity hospital? The extract may be standard, or it may be ceremonial. The procedure itself takes no more than half an hour. Health workers take mother and child to the changing room. First of all, a woman puts herself in order. Then he begins to dress the baby. The nurse should help the mother with this and show her how to do it correctly.

If you wish, you can order video or photography of the process of preparing for discharge. After this, the new mother and the nurse with the child in their arms go into the hall where relatives are already waiting for them. Here they are met by the baby's father, to whom the nurse hands the child over. Then the celebration takes place depending on how someone prepared.

Interesting ideas for meeting mother and child

How are you greeted from the maternity hospital? Often happy daddies, in their joy, do not know how to thank their wife for the child they have born, and begin to show irrepressible imagination. For example, they order a limousine to the entrance of the maternity hospital (if finances allow, of course) and fill it with flowers. Or they decorate the apartment with all sorts of posters and balloons. Some young fathers, according to their taste, while their wife was in the maternity hospital, arrange an original nursery for their baby.

Many dads, to celebrate, decorate the threshold of the maternity hospital with flowers, balloons and generally everything that comes to mind. You can also lay out flowers in front of the maternity hospital, if the time of year and finances allow, a huge heart. You can use balloons to write words of gratitude for your son or daughter. Be sure to order an operator who will film all this on camera. He will do it professionally, taking into account all the nuances. By entrusting such an important mission to relatives, you risk being left without good memories.

In addition, in gratitude for the birth of an heir (or a daughter - it doesn’t matter), the father can give his wife a gold ring or other jewelry. In any case, no matter how you greet your loved ones from the maternity hospital, be sure to make sure that it is safe for the baby.


Now you know what day you will be discharged from the hospital. We also talked about what is needed for mother and child. And they indicated what documents would be issued upon discharge. We hope that the information presented in the article was useful to you.