Why do breast nipples hurt during the menstrual cycle
With soreness of the breast, and in particular the nipples, women experience monthly. In most cases, this is a manifestation of healthy physiological processes of "life" ...
Causes of pain during breastfeeding
In this article: Having a baby is a wonderful time in a woman's life. But the joy of communicating with the baby can overshadow some troubles. Young mothers note painful ...
How to understand that the breast is growing: signs and stages of breast growth in girls in pictures
Breast growth in girls: age, size, sensations. Many mothers are interested in a rather interesting question - at what age will their daughters begin to grow ...
Is it possible to cure mastopathy: various methods of treating the disease
Mastopathy is a benign lesion of breast tissue. This violation is becoming more common every year and, according to statistics, ...
Breast pain when feeding
During lactation, the mammary glands are subjected to a serious test. Therefore, many nursing mothers complain of chest pain during feeding. It is usually natural...
26 natural remedies to increase breast size
Large breasts not only symbolize a woman's femininity, but it is also associated with their self-esteem and self-confidence. It is believed that the main...
Estrogens - female hormones, deficiency symptoms
Reproductive function in women is controlled by hormones called estrogens. They are also formed in a certain amount in the testicles of men, and also in the liver and ...
Delay, absence, norm of menstruation during lactation
Menstruation during lactation may be absent or irregular. Moreover, both the first and second cases are considered normal. What happens in a woman's body...
A week after menstruation, the chest begins to hurt: causes, symptoms, how to eliminate
In most cases, chest pain appears immediately before menstruation, and after the discharge stops, the pain goes away on its own, this ...
How to make saline solution 10?
For treatment, salt is often used in dissolved form. The methods have a number of nuances that you definitely need to know about. For example, how to make 10% salt...
Pain in the mammary gland - causes and treatment
The mammary glands have a rather fragile hormonal balance, which is better to initially maintain at the proper level. If you do not engage in prevention, it may occur ...
Why before menstruation the breast hurts and swells: the answer of the gynecologist
Why does the chest hurt before menstruation? This worries every third representative of the weaker sex, because the appearance of pain is almost always associated with ...
How to reduce estrogen in women with folk remedies?
Estrogens are the combined name of the female hormones produced in the ovaries and the cortical layer of the adrenal glands. They have a positive effect on the female ...
Types of hair in men on the body and what determines their amount?
Representatives of the strong half of humanity have more active hair growth along the torso than women. In fact, nature has laid the presence of hairline ...
Breast pain during ovulation
Cyclic mastodynia - this is the medical definition of soreness of the mammary glands during ovulation. Pain manifests itself in one way or another in ...
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