Plan for working with large families. Mother of many children: how to manage everything? Scenario for an event with large families dedicated to Family Day Working with a large family in a dow

Tatyana Khmarina


In the modern world there is an opinion that if a woman has a lot of children, then she doesn’t have time for herself, for her hobbies. Many people believe, What large families mothers spend time only in the kitchen and cleaning the house. And that it is unrealistic to meet a beautiful and well-groomed mother of many children.

Is the concept of beauty and grooming incompatible with status? mother of many children? And when you start to get acquainted with their lives, you understand the opposite: that their life is joyful and fulfilling, they have beautiful and clean houses, their children are cheerful and sociable, but such a mother, it turns out, has many different hobbies. Beautiful and well-groomed mother of many children - this is real?

Seven mothers of large families will share with us their secrets that allow them run a successful household, happily communicate with your husband and children and remain yourself.

Please introduce yourself and tell us about yourself.

(mothers talk about the rules in their family) .

Song "Spring flowers" performed by Liana, Dasha, Vika, Masha.

Leading: Mothers with firstborns often complain: no time, I have nothing I have time, sometimes you don’t even have time to eat properly or take a shower, and what can we say about going out somewhere with your husband or doing what you’ve dreamed of for so long.

But what about those who have not one child, not two, but three, four, five - how do they manage to find time for their children, and for their husband, and for themselves? So that in the family was all fed, happy, treated kindly, and weren’t you ashamed to show up on the street? Do they succeed?

To mother of many children I felt like a happy woman, and not my slave families, they follow some rules. Tell us what the rules are in your family.

Leading. Yes, of course, the most important assistant is the daily routine. Children easily adapt to the measured rhythm of life families.

Leading. Most of our heroines with an increase in the number of children in family became more organized and purposeful, discovered a new source of strength, inspiration and creativity. Share your discoveries.


Every person has their own family, those closest to you People: parents, sisters, brothers, grandparents.

I suggest you guys listen and guess the riddles.

Without anything in this world

Can't adults and children survive?

Who will support you, friends?

Your friend... answers children: family!

Who is the cutest in the world?

Who do children love very much?

I'll answer the question directly:

Our dearest... answers children: Mother!

He will teach you how to drive a nail,

Will let you drive the car

And he will tell you how to be brave,

Strong, dexterous and skillful?

You guys know everything -

This is our favorite... answers children: dad!

Who never gets tired of loving

For everyone family bakes a pie

And delicious pancakes?

This is our...children's answers: grandmother!

He is a man and he is gray

To dad - dad, to me he ... answers children: grandfather!

Well done! Everyone has solved the riddles!

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other.

We have a circle,

Let's start playing!

The game is being played "Play and Dance".

(Mothers and children dance to cheerful music)

Leading. Big mistake many mom - try to be in everything "excellent student". Remember how in the movie "White Sun of the Desert"? “She cooks, cleans, looks after the children - and all alone? It’s hard!” There is no need to try to shoulder everything on yourself, trying to become a super-mom. Exhaustion and disappointment will set in very quickly. For mothers and housewives, it is important to be able to delegate responsibilities (to husband, children, parents, nanny), to be able to attract helpers and not to be shy about using things that can make life easier. Who are your helpers?

(Moms talk about their helpers).

Leading. A striking distinctive feature of most of the families of our heroines is that even the youngest members families They already actively help their elders and have their own responsibilities.

What responsibilities do your children have?

Song « Mom is my sunshine» performed by boys from large families.

Leading. Do you know your children? (Children tear off a petal from a flower with a task for mom).

1. What is your best friend's name? (girlfriend) your son (daughters)?

2. What is your child's favorite dish?

3. What games does your son like to play most? (daughter)?

4. What is your child's favorite cartoon?

5. What is your child's favorite fairy tale?

6. What does your child like to do on his day off?

7. Who reads fairy tales to your child?


Who do you guys think is the support? families, on whom does the house rest? children's answers

Of course it is Mother! Happy is the one who has known his mother's love, affection, and care since childhood. And how happy Mother when they answer her in kind.

Zina will read a poem about her mother.

Leading. Guys, when you grow up, each of you will have your own friendly, strong, loving and beloved family. After all, such family- the main wealth in the life of every person. Undoubtedly, every person should have a home, not just a roof over their head, but a place where they are understood, loved and expected, where a person feels warm and comfortable.

I invite you to build your dream home. Now mothers and children will be the construction crew.

(A house is built from cubes).

Leading: We have children, we built a house. All that remains is to plant a tree. Each of you has hearts. Write on the heart a character trait or quality that you would like to give to your child. We'll hang the hearts on the tree. It's magical. Let's hope it fulfills your wishes. (Moms write wishes for their children on hearts).

Musical number from large family.

Leading. We will create paintings to commemorate our meeting. "Colorful palms".(Idea from maam). Mom has many qualities. All these qualities remind rainbow: red - life, orange - health, yellow - sunlight, green - nature, blue - magic, blue - calm / harmony, purple - fortitude / spirituality.

And a child’s palm is yellow. After all, a child for a mother will always be her sunshine. (Moms and children create pictures).

Leading: One child is a great happiness, and three or more are an inexhaustible source of love and energy. I want to wish to you: let your faces get tired only from smiles! May your home always glow with love and happiness. In moments when it is especially difficult for you, remember that you are the owner great happiness, which is always nearby. Look around around: even one sincere child’s smile makes us move mountains. Strength to you, health and support to all members families!

Words of gratitude from mothers of many children.

When a social educator works with families, it is necessary, first of all, to focus on the goals and essence of the state family policy of Russia, which is based on the following provisions. The Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes that motherhood and childhood, the family are under the protection of the state (Article 38). “Family, motherhood, paternity and childhood in the Russian Federation are under the protection of the state,” says Art. 1 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the RF IC). This recognizes that the birth of children and marriages are not only a private matter, but are of great public importance and require state support. Family rights of citizens, and above all, certain rights of mother and child, follow from the general constitutional provision. These rights correspond to certain responsibilities of the state, as well as other persons.

A set of rights related to the family is enshrined in the RF IC. Many norms are also enshrined in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, etc. 11, p. 17. Family legislation establishes the conditions and procedure for marriage, termination of marriage and invalidation, regulates personal non-property and property relations between family members, determines the forms and procedure for the placement of children left without parental care (Article 2 of the RF IC).

Family legislation is based on the need to strengthen the family, build family relationships on feelings of mutual love and respect, mutual assistance and responsibility to the family of all its members, the inadmissibility of arbitrary interference by anyone in family affairs, ensuring the unhindered exercise by family members of their rights, the possibility of judicial protection of these rights .

Taking into account the requirements of the above legal acts, the social teacher builds his work with the family 7, p. 357.

At the same time, the social teacher, first of all, should pay attention to timely prevention and neutralization of crisis situations in the family.

Prevention includes financial assistance to families from the state in the form of payment of benefits, provision of benefits, and social assistance. A social teacher, in addition to pedagogical problems, working with families, solves social, economic, medical and psychological problems 21, p. up to 96.

When neutralizing, the main goal is to mobilize the internal forces of the family to overcome the crisis. To do this, firstly, it is necessary to analyze the problems. Secondly, you should consult with experts, thirdly, determine ways out of the crisis 20, p. 6.

What is the job of a social educator to help families?

1st. Advise the family on the possibility of receiving various benefits and social benefits, and on the procedure for receiving them. To do this, consult what benefits a large family can receive 12, p. 217.

2nd. Help increase family income, help both adults and children earn money, and get a loan if the family decides to open an enterprise.

3rd. Help a mother who found herself alone with children and without work. She needs a job so that she does not leave the children alone for a long time 13, p. up to 224.

4th. Many parents need the help of a teacher. Consultations can be conducted individually or in groups. You can unite parents of sick children or parents whose children will go to first grade, or parents who have difficulty communicating with their children, etc. 19, p. 136.

When creating a parent lecture hall, we can recommend the following topics 25, p. 73: pedagogy and psychology - sciences about the development and upbringing of a child; about the role of parents in raising children; family relationships of different generations; raising a difficult child; raising children with physical and mental disabilities; education at work; preparing the child for school; aesthetic education of a child in the family; sex education; religious education; dangers of childhood smoking and drug addiction.

A large family needs more practical advice: how to properly feed children of different ages, how to instill behavioral skills in children, etc. 27, p. 10.

5th. When working with families, you should pay attention to the child’s position in the family. You must first collect all the information about the family: at school, from neighbors, at the clinic. It should be remembered that “in addition to physical violence, there is emotional violence, when the child is not paid attention to, mocked, pulled back, criticized. This leads to a child’s mental disorder” 14, p. 39.

6th. When working with a family of alcoholics or drug addicts, it is useful to first decide the issue of placing children in orphanages or in an orphanage. When parents are deprived of parental rights, the children are transferred to prosperous families. Then decide on the issue of compulsory treatment of parents 5, p. 75.

The social educator pays attention to families with disabled children, placing them in special schools, purchasing strollers for children, and obtaining vouchers for summer holidays. A social worker contacts a lawyer to organize a consultation for a family where there are constant conflicts. A large family turns to a teacher about the employment of a teenager who needs constant supervision 4, p. 105.

Initially, where the social teacher begins is the study of the family. Studying relationships within the family and discussing them will help the teacher imagine the child’s position in it. The most common and natural method of studying families is the observation method.

Conversation method. To prepare for the conversation, you should conduct a survey, draw up a questionnaire in advance, and get acquainted with the results of the commission that made a conclusion upon the child’s admission to this institution.

A sociometric method in which data from conversations, questionnaires, surveys and algorithms, and assessment of the child’s crisis state are collected for mathematical processing.

After studying the family, the social educator is faced with the task of creating new relationships in the family. This can be solved using the following technologies: family involvement in various clubs, health groups, councils, household associations, work in the garden, in the vegetable garden, in everyday life 17, p. 218.

Having formed an idea of ​​the child’s situation in the family, the social teacher, together with the family, develops options for a rehabilitation program for him. The daily routine, free time, and his activities are discussed with the child.

Using the method of persuasion, a teacher can achieve success if he has sufficient legal knowledge to convince the child of the consequences of his antisocial behavior. Using the method of persuasion, he can ensure that the student himself begins to look for ways out of the current situation 30, p. 181.

There is a practical technology, using which a social teacher draws up a “family map”

The technologies of work of a social teacher in pedagogical education of families with handicapped children deserve special attention. According to research by American scientists, every seventh family now has defective children. From birthmarks on the face to functional disabilities, blindness, deafness, delayed mental development

To begin with, in such a family it is important to find out the attitude of the child and parents to the condition of his child, the degree of reaction of the parents to his inferiority. For some, a spot on the face is a tragedy; for others, it is a painful realization that the child will be helpless all his life. The sensitivity of a social teacher is needed here.

So, systematic comprehensive pedagogical education of the family involves, first of all, familiarizing parents with the basics of theoretical knowledge, and, to a greater extent, with the practice of working with children. The pedagogical educational work of a social teacher should be built according to the program. Carrying out educational pedagogical work involves familiarizing parents with innovative ideas in the field of pedagogy and psychology.

The structure and composition of the family (complete, single-parent, maternal, complex, simple, one-child, large, etc.) largely determine the characteristics of raising children.

Currently, there is evidence that convinces that family is discordant, even if they belong to the same type.

In a complete harmonious family, both parents and children are mutually connected through relationships of deep understanding, trust, and love. Undoubtedly, such families have the best conditions for the creative educational process. There are families that are complete, but destructive, where there is no agreement, where quarrels and squabbles arise for any reason and for no reason.

Many families exist only formally, in which the spouses live on their own and the father’s educational contribution is so unnoticeable that it can be ignored.

Sometimes a family outwardly seems strong, united (normal), but in essence it is pseudo-solidarity, torn apart by contradictions, there is no participation, attention and mutual respect for each other. In such a family, everyone is uncomfortable, but children with their fragile psyche and great impressionability especially suffer.

In recent years, there have been more and more families in our country in which parents are preoccupied with career problems, making money, where children are unwanted, abandoned, and relegated to one of the last places. So, a complete family does not yet guarantee the full upbringing of a child. What can we say about incomplete?! However, in a modern single-parent family there are many options for upbringing and all of them are negative.

Single-parent families arise as a result of family breakdown: the death of one of the spouses, divorce. The most common is an incomplete family consisting of a mother and child.

Whatever the reasons for divorce, all members of a broken family suffer from its consequences, which complicates the process of upbringing.

Often the mother prevents not only the father’s participation in upbringing, but even occasional meetings with them. Even greater damage to development is caused if parents, after the breakup of the family, do not hide their hostile attitude towards each other and drag the child into the orbit of mutual accusations.

Growing up as a little person in an environment of hostility and enmity often leads to a confrontation between integrity of character and resourcefulness, strength of spirit and cowardice, deceit, and pretense. Therefore, parental duty and responsibility to their own children requires spouses to part with dignity, not to be led by their emotions and injured pride.

Single mothers resort to different tactics in raising children. Some of them are more concerned about their own future fate, rather than the past, present and future of their child. Their interests are focused on finding a new life partner. For such mothers, as well as for those who are morally broken by the drama of divorce, children, as a rule, are left to their own devices (hypocustody). This is evidenced by their appearance (groomed, unkempt, not always well fed), and most importantly by their behavior (increased aggressiveness, fussiness or, on the contrary, isolation, lethargy).

In other single-parent families, especially maternal ones, where the woman has made a conscious choice to give birth for herself, a different educational situation develops. Mothers experience a heightened sense of duty, responsibility, and responsibility (hypersociality) for raising a child, since they have to rely only on their own strengths. Feeling her inadequacy in marriage, a woman strives to assert herself as a mother, to raise her status in her own eyes and the opinions of others. By her behavior and active educational position, the mother proves to herself and others that she can raise her child, ensure his full development, and give him a good education. Her attention and vital interests are concentrated on the child. In the future, the child may rebel against such dominance of the mother, and then she will consider that she has suffered a pedagogical fiasco, that life has failed. From all of the above, it is clear that an incomplete family needs special attention, more help and support from a preschool child care institution. We found that the choices of forms of work with children made by parents from single-parent and single-parent families practically do not differ in content from each other - parents from both complete and single-parent families prefer the same forms of children's activities. The only difference concerns the number of choices - parents from single-parent families choose more forms of children's activities in general.

It can be assumed that this fact reflects the uncertainty of mothers who are raising a child alone that they will be able to adequately provide the child with access to all types of activities necessary for full development at his age. Single mothers hope that the child care institution will take on this concern, since these women are not able to cope with all the problems of upbringing and education.

In addition, single-parent families usually experience financial difficulties and often cannot afford to pay for educational services for the child to the extent that they would like to do so. Therefore, the main task of a teacher working with parents who are raising a child alone is to help them find a compromise between the request for educational services and the cost of these services, to assist them in choosing the most important ones for the child at a given time.

At present, it can be noted that large families are a minority, and families with one child are the absolute majority.

The main differences in the choice of forms of work with children between parents from large and one-child families relate to the organization of physical activity of children. Parents with many children do not choose outdoor games, and the same goes for story-based games. But parents with one child are interested in these games. Board games and organized physical education classes are of more interest to parents of large families.

Another difference is that parents of large families do not choose a form of children’s activity, such as working with a computer, but parents of one child are interested. Parents of large families are less likely than parents of one child to choose learning a foreign language, reading, construction and educational games.

Among parents with higher education, intellectual forms of work with children provided by children's educational institutions are not particularly popular. They explain this by the fact that they can independently teach a child writing, reading, a foreign language, organize excursions for him, and the participation of preschool educational institutions in this training seems optional to them. Therefore, when working with this group of parents, the main emphasis must be placed on others not related to education - on the fact that kindergarten is a place for communication with peers for the child, on the fact that here he gets used to communicating with unfamiliar adults, and this will make it easier for him further adaptation to school. Only mathematics and reading fiction are in demand.

Parents of young children consider the most important thing in the work of a preschool institution to be the organization of walks, music and physical education classes, and drawing.

Parents of children of primary preschool age (3-5 years old) give preference to music and physical education classes, drawing, learning to read, and going on walks.

Parents of children of senior preschool age (5-7 years old) are most interested in mathematics, learning to read and a foreign language, drawing, physical education and music classes.

The most popular form of children's activity among parents, regardless of age, is drawing.

In addition, as the child approaches school age, parents become more and more interested in activities close to school - math classes, learning to read, and a foreign language.

From the experience of working as a preschool teacher. Topic: Working with single-parent families in preschool settings

Description: This material discusses a current topic - single-parent families, as well as the reasons for their occurrence, the main directions of work of a kindergarten with parents of single-parent families, tasks and principles, forms and methods of working with these families.

Family for a small child is the whole world. The world in which he lives, acts, makes discoveries, learns to love, hate, rejoice, sympathize. In the family, the child acquires the initial experience of communication, the ability to live among people, the first experience of living in the social world.
Single-parent families have existed since time immemorial. For a whole millennium, the reason for their appearance was the death of one of the parents. Divorces are also not a modern invention, and they have existed since ancient times. And yet they have spread en masse today. And accordingly, the percentage of such families is much higher than the percentage of single-parent families associated with the death of one of the family members. Recent studies by psychologists and educators are similar in one thing: the situation of a child growing up in an incomplete family is exceptional, difficult, sometimes threatening, and sometimes dangerous. There may be danger, but it should not become real. It is quite obvious that a number of factors, intertwined, complicate the life of an incomplete family:
1. The reasons for the emergence of an incomplete family. The child is influenced differently by such factors as who is absent from the family, for how long, what age the child was, when the absent person passed away (death, unmarried mother, divorce, emigration, etc.), whether he was someone replaced, what was the personality of the lost parent and what is the personality of the present parent and, most importantly, what is the personality of the child.
2. The influence of the social context and social background in which the life of a single-parent family takes place (that is, whether grandparents help, how financially secure the single-parent family is, what are the cultural traditions of the environment, what values ​​does it live by, etc.)
3. An incomplete family cannot fully ensure the fulfillment of the basic functions assigned by society to the family (providing emotional support to all its members and preparing the child for life in a given society);
4. Emotional experiences of the child. The loss of one of the parents from a close circle of contacts with the child is emotionally difficult for him, which in the future may affect the further formation of the personality.
5. All difficulties and problems (material, emotional, psychological, etc.) are solved by one parent who remains with the child.
6. Problems and difficulties arise in the rejection of a child from a single-parent family by the surrounding society: by the children's group in kindergarten, and then at school, etc.

The consequences of these factors are quite varied: it is quite possible that the child’s development still proceeds normally - and a personality grows up, perfectly adapted to life in society, completely positively assessed; but maybe everything is different - developmental disorders can be so strong that a person grows up to be poorly adapted, conflict-ridden, and even with a pronounced pathology.
The academic year in our preschool institution for a teacher of any age group begins with a traditional acquaintance with the families of the children. In this case, we find out the following factors:
Complete or incomplete family. We clarify the reasons for an incomplete family: divorce, single mother (or father, since the birth of a child), one of the family members has died, one of the family members is temporarily absent.
Composition of families and structure of family ties: complete one-, two-, three-child families, who the pupil is (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. child).
Marital experience (in the 1st, 2nd marriage, divorce, etc.).
Parents' education (higher, specialized secondary, incomplete).
Two-parent families with broken consanguinity (stepfather, stepmother).
Generational composition of the family (grandparents living with the child), etc.
Families at risk (alcohol abusers, drug addicts, criminals, etc.).

To find out what conditions for moral education exist in single-parent families and what kind of help they need, we comprehensively study families: we conduct questionnaires, surveys, testing, observations, and conversations with adults and children. We pay attention to the emotional atmosphere in the family, to the intensity and content of the child’s communication with adults. Having analyzed and summarized the results obtained, we came to the following conclusions:
1. The majority of single-parent families are single-parent from the birth of the child - 15%.
2. Single-parent families as a result of divorce - 11% (16 families) as a result of the death of one parent - 0.8% (1 family).
3. There are families that are not officially registered – 4.2%.
4. Single-parent families from the risk group category.
5. The majority of parents from single-parent families cannot name the rights of the child - 80%.
6. In case of conflict, physical punishment is used - 55%.
7. Use obscene language when communicating with a child – 27%.
8. There is an authoritarian style of communication - 87% of families.
9. They prohibit communication with the second parent - 29%.
10. The second parent himself refuses to participate in the upbringing of his child – 4%.
11. In single-parent families, grandparents are mainly involved in raising the child – 0.8%.

After analysis, teachers take into account all the information received when planning work with families within the kindergarten, in communicating with parents, and in providing competent advisory psychological and pedagogical assistance.
The main areas of work of preschool educational institutions with parents from single-parent families are as follows:
1. Strengthening children's health (together with medical and psychological services).
2. Creation of a unified educational space for the development and upbringing of a child;
3. Protection of the rights of the child,
4. Increasing parental competence in matters of legal and pedagogical culture;
5. Organization of family leisure.

To help single-parent families raise children, we have set the following tasks for working with these families:
1. Creating an atmosphere of trust and goodwill in communication between the preschool educational institution and parents.
2. Providing comprehensive socio-psychological and pedagogical assistance and support for single-parent families.
3. Carrying out special events to compensate for the unfavorable experience of socialization and unfavorable living conditions of children and their families.
4. Providing diagnostics, correction and consultation on social and pedagogical issues for children and families at risk.
5. Prevention of social and pedagogical neglect of children from single-parent families.

Taking into account the goals and objectives set on this topic, when building work with single-parent families, the teaching staff adheres to the following basic principles:
The openness of the kindergarten to the family (each parent is provided with the opportunity to know and see how their child lives and develops);
Cooperation between teachers and parents in raising children;
Creation of an active developmental environment that provides unified approaches to personal development in the family and children's team;
Diagnosis of general and specific problems in the upbringing and development of a child
In the methodological room of the preschool educational institution, the teaching staff has collected rich and varied material that contributes to the implementation of these principles in practice:
Regulatory documents on family education;
Materials that help educators obtain information about the families of pupils (questionnaires, tests, survey sheets, “Family Social Passports” cards, etc.);
Materials on the importance of family in the development of a child, on raising children in various types of families;
Materials for preparing communication with parents (various notes on organizing various forms of communication with parents, practical materials on various aspects of education);
Materials of methodological work with teachers on issues of communication with families (various forms of methodological work with teachers, approximate topics of communication with parents, pedagogical situations, etc.);
Visual materials (illustrative, advisory material for decorating parent corners, literature for organizing exhibitions).

The teaching staff is constantly searching for the most effective forms and methods of working with single-parent families:
Creation of a data bank about the families of pupils
Informal conversations about children (we discuss the child’s achievements);
Systematic study of parents’ requests, requirements for the work of a preschool institution;
Conducting open days of preschool educational institutions;
Conducting and participating in intra-garden, city, regional and all-Russian competitions, festivals, etc.
Teacher visits to families at home;
Organization of intra-group honor boards;
Involving parents in organizing and conducting intra-kindergarten events;
Parents' contribution to the development and education of their child (individual homework assignments);
Involving parents in social activities (working Clubs for parents, inviting lecturers on issues of interest, etc.)
Advisory assistance from preschool educational institutions specialists;
Scheduled conversations with parents to discuss the individual development of their child;
Targeted observations of the nature of parent-child communication and behavioral characteristics of children;
Conducting questionnaires and surveys of parents;
Conducting parent meetings: oral journals, clubs, discussions, parent lounges, etc.
Projects of various directions: “Our friends indoor plants”,
Joint thematic vernissages (books, children's works):
Visual pedagogical propaganda:

From work experience, we see that a parent (and, as a rule, in most families this is a mother) raising a child alone cannot always cope with his teaching responsibilities. Many single mothers are characterized by extremes: they either caress the child, then they allow everything, then they become overly strict and begin to ban what was previously allowed. Such fluctuations either depend on mood or are caused by a negative assessment of the child’s behavior by someone around him. All this adversely affects the relationship between mother and child and the formation of his character. Therefore, teachers tactfully draw the attention of such mothers to the consistency in their behavior, in the requirements for the child, and help them in analyzing their own pedagogical influences and their effectiveness. In these cases, we actively use the following forms of work: individual conversations, analysis of pedagogical situations, and the game method.
An important task in working with single-parent families is to create trust and intimacy between teachers and parents. We assert with confidence that such closeness is not achieved immediately; an incomplete family is more “closed” to outsiders. A single mother, as a rule, is sensitive to outside interference. Therefore, especially when communicating with such families of teachers, great tact, tolerance, and goodwill are required. It is no secret that in single-parent families difficult children are more common, but the teacher’s comments and negative characterizations of the child’s actions are perceived painfully by mothers. For this reason, in individual conversations, we try to talk not so much about the child’s misconduct, but about the possible reasons and motives for this misconduct, and involve the mother in the analysis of the child’s behavior. And we always emphasize all the good things that a child has.

In individual conversations with parents, we pay attention to:
Mother (or father) on the importance of creating a positive attitude of the child towards the other parent;
We help ensure that the child’s communication with both parents is systematic;
We try, if possible, to reduce or even neutralize the influence on children of parents who behave immorally and irresponsibly (we turn to the juvenile affairs inspectorate, the guardianship department, or the orphanage for help);
We carry out differentiated explanatory work with older family members who react sharply negatively to the child’s communication with the father,
If possible, we involve parents, parents living separately, in raising the child, in the child’s life in kindergarten.

We respect single parents (mostly mothers). In our kindergarten, we elect those who have good experience in education to the parent committee of the group (kindergarten), and we express our gratitude for their active participation in the life of the preschool educational institution.
But there are parents, to our great regret, who do not take their parental responsibilities seriously, rather frivolously and indifferently. For such parents it is necessary to apply other forms and methods of work together with the juvenile affairs inspectorate and the guardianship department of the city administration. We have seen from experience that the moral development of a child in single-parent families depends, first of all, on the intensity and content of his communication with adults (including his father), as well as the presence of a positive emotional microclimate in the family.
The active use of various forms and methods of work of preschool educational institutions with families makes it possible to achieve understanding and interest among the majority of parents in the material under discussion, and the emergence of associations with their own experience. Most parents from single-parent families have become our active helpers and allies. Children from single-parent families have become much more sociable, more emotional, and their relationships with other children and adults have improved. Constant improvement of the professional level of teachers allows families of preschool children to actively work in various areas.

Plan of work with single-parent families by quarter.

September October November
1. Study of the individual characteristics of families, their educational capabilities, classification of families by type (degree of well-being, number of children, consultations, parental certificate “change of surname”).
2. Offer parents homework: make a list of what their children need, in order of importance: movement, playing with parents, friends, beautiful things, treats, affection, praise.
3. Identify the causes of family dysfunction. Individual conversations with parents belonging to this category (do they understand that their family needs “treatment”, what ways do they see out of this situation).
December January February
1. Parents are invited to observe the child’s play activities within the precincts of the kindergarten. Consultation “What to do with children at home.”
2. Invitation and participation in the New Year's fairy tale “Visiting Cinderella.” Making carnival costumes.
3. Analysis of conflict situations. Situation - “I am him” (for representatives of families with 1 or 2 children: imagine how the child will behave if he is called away from his favorite activity, or does not buy the treat he likes).

March April May
If a child is raised by one mother.
1. Thematic meeting: “Being a mother is not as easy as people usually think.” Exhibition of methodological literature.
2. “Let’s talk over a cup of tea” Festive tea party. Introduction to B. Spock's book “Conversation with Mother” (selection of chapters).
3. Meeting of parents with the teacher of the school “The child goes to first grade.”
Memo for parents “Psychological readiness of parents for school”

June July August
1. Reflections of the grandfather (grandmother) exchange of experience. Consultation “Eternal compromise”.
2. Leisure time in the family. Experience exchange.
3. Parent meeting “Introduction to the kindergarten’s work plan for the summer.” Parents' tasks.