Danil name tattoo. Name tattoo on hand. Photos and sketches of tattoos with names

A tattoo containing an inscription is a great way to broadcast a message to the outside world. At the same time, an image with meaning will look more important if the words contained in it are not a set of letters, but a laconic and cool phrase.

Often, wanting to get a tattoo with text in a foreign language, a person hesitates and therefore does not know whether it is worth getting it at all. Thanks to our service, you can evaluate photos of tattoos with translations and see how they look in reality. So here you can decide whether such a tattoo is suitable for you or not. Many of them really look cool and can be a great gift for yourself and highlight your personality.

From an aesthetic point of view, absolutely everything is important: what language, font and message is used in the tattoo, so do not deny yourself the pleasure of choosing for a long time and carefully from the many possible options. Moreover, you can evaluate both individual photos of letter tattoos and photos of entire phrase tattoos. This is necessary in order to create a detailed approach to selecting the desired sketch.

It is especially worth paying attention to the photo of a phrase tattoo with a translation, since by choosing a seemingly ideal sketch, you can easily mess with the meaning of the message contained in the text. Ridiculous, ambiguous, and sometimes downright stupid phrases are not uncommon in the world of tattoos precisely because many do not approach the issue very carefully.

So before you go to the right artist and fill in the design, you need to check the photo of the tattoo of words in the style that you think is suitable. This will help you navigate the most common types and phrases characteristic of a particular style of tattoo.

A separate category of very popular sketches are names that are especially important to the wearer. And again, our service is ideal for evaluating tattoos, inscriptions, names, photos. Here you can evaluate how your dear name will look on the body and whether it is worth the cost of a specialist.

A photo of a name tattoo will help you evaluate how the tattoo looks from the outside and how advantageous you can present it to those whose name is emblazoned on your skin.

So, here is the main advice that can be given in connection with the decision to get a tattoo with text: use our service to expand your options. Sometimes a seemingly great idea for a sketch and a guaranteed good master cannot save you from disappointment later. By looking at a tattoo in the form of a photo caption, you will increase your chances of becoming the owner of a tattoo that will delight you non-stop.

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The tradition of giving a person a name goes back to the very beginnings of humanity. Already 400 thousand years ago, people understood that a name carries a deep sacred meaning and plays an important social role. It makes a person individual, endows him with special character traits, protects him and protects him from adversity.

Understanding the importance of his name, man has always sought to increase its sacred power by applying it to all kinds of amulets and body amulets. However, now there is a much more interesting and original way to get energy strength and protection, for example, you can put a tattoo with a name on your body.

Name tattoos are very popular nowadays. For some it is one of the best ways to express your feelings(love, devotion, attention), but for some it is a bright and original way of self-expression, a statement to society about oneself, a kind of presentation.

Types of tattoo images with names

What name to put on the body as a tattoo is up to everyone to decide for themselves. There are many options.

  1. Tattoo with child's name. Such a tattoo is an original way to express the love, devotion, and pride of parents, their way of showing a personal connection with their offspring and declaring the importance of family values.
  2. Beloved names are a beautiful and unusual way to express your love, trust, and affection for your soulmate, in this way you can tell your loved one that you are ready to walk hand in hand through life.
  3. Tattoo with parents' names. People put tattoos with the names of their parents as an expression of gratitude and gratitude for their care and love; this is also one of the ways to never part with the one who once gave life.
  4. Given name. People often put their own name on their body, using the tattoo as a powerful amulet. In addition, this is a beautiful way to express yourself to society and express love and respect for yourself.

Stylistic design and placement of the tattoo

Name tattoos will look great in a wide variety of styles, it all depends on the wishes of the customer. Strong, strong-willed, courageous individuals can put a name in a Gothic, typographic font, you can create the appearance of a “scribbled” inscription. Refined, light-hearted people can choose a beautiful calligraphic font framed with ornaments or other decorative elements.

There are many options for placement of name tattoos. For example, such images look great on hands. Men most often apply the design to the shoulder area, while girls prefer the inside of the wrist. Tattoos inked on the palm along the little finger look original and unusual; some people decide to get a tattoo with the name of their lover instead of a wedding ring.

Quite often, people choose the neck area for tattoos with names; this is a good location option for both men and women. By placing the tattoo image on the back of the neck, you can always hide it under clothing or hair if desired. Women often choose to place a name on the ankle or foot area. Men prefer the chest area.

Paired arrangement of tattoos

Paired images occupy a special place among tattoos with names. Such tattoos are often chosen by spouses who want to put the child’s name on their body. As a rule, a tattoo with the baby’s name is located on the same area of ​​the body for both parents and has a similar stylistic design.

Another type of paired tattoo arrangement can be wedding names and vows of lovers. In this case, the girl puts the name of her lover on her body, and the young man gets a tattoo with the girl’s name. The tattoo can be complemented with a beautiful quote or some image. Often paired tattoos are made on fingers instead of wedding rings.

Did you know? Tattooing a name in place of a wedding ring was invented by people who could not use classic wedding rings due to allergies to metals.

Color scheme for tattoos with names

For name tattoos, as well as for other types of tattoos, there are no strict rules in design. However, it is worth considering that a name tattoo made as a separate image will look better in one color. If we are talking about an inscription that is part of an ornament or any image, then it can be done using several types of dyes.

It happens that the design style of a name tattoo involves the use of color. For example, some people like to have names written on them as if they were “scratched” into the skin. To imitate scars and scratches, the artist simply needs to use a whole palette of red and brown shades.

An unusual approach to your own name

Typically, people print a name in the language they speak and write. However, nothing prevents you from creatively rethinking your name and getting a tattoo done using a different language. So, you can get a tattoo in Latin or Greek letters, or you can make an image using Japanese or Chinese characters.

Important! If you decide to get a tattoo with a name in another language, carefully check the correct spelling of the name in the sources. When using Japanese and Chinese characters or Arabic script, you should seek the help of professional translators in order to avoid possible errors and inaccuracies.

The choice of tattoos with names must be approached with all responsibility. Whether it will be a tattoo with one’s own name, or the name of a lover, or one of the family members, everyone decides for himself, however, it must be remembered that the image is applied for many years, so you should go to a tattoo parlor only after a well-thought-out decision.

In this case, we are not talking about hidden meanings and multifaceted meanings; it is clear that the best way to capture love for a person is to get a name tattoo. Today, such tattoos are made with the names of loved ones, children, parents, friends and even pets. This is a way to reflect on your body the memory of a loved one or a life situation associated with a certain person. Name tattoos are appropriate on any part of the body. Often name tattoos are made on the chest, placing the name of a loved one closer to the heart. It is also popular to get names tattooed on the hand or wrist. Many mothers and fathers get tattoos of their children's names on their bodies as a sign of deep love and affection that overshadows other feelings and emotions. Loving parents believe that a tattoo with the child’s name helps strengthen emotional ties with him and gives the feeling that the baby is always close to them. Various fonts are used to write names in tattoos. Some parents also sign the child’s name under the tattoo – an autograph; the artist outlines and stylizes the child’s handwriting to create an image filled with deep meaning for the parent. Name tattoos on the hand look beautiful, made in an unusual way, decorated with curls, dashes and underlines. An original idea could be to get a name tattoo in a foreign language. In addition to children's names, tattoos with girls' names are also popular. This is how men express their love and affection. For the owner of such a tattoo, it becomes a reminder of a dear person who is always with him. Our artists have repeatedly performed tattoos with names, so we invite you to look at various options for performing this tattoo plot on the body below on the page.

Tattoos with a name are made when they want to immortalize the name of a loved one or loved one on their body. Many girls and guys who want to get a tattoo with the name of their significant other are ready for such a romantic act.

Modern parents get tattoos with the names of their children, and modern children get tattoos with the names of their parents. And, of course, this list includes best friend name tattoos.

Are they ready to walk around with someone's name on their body for the rest of their lives?

Lovers, before taking such an important step, need to think about whether they are ready to walk around with someone’s name on their body all their lives. Sometimes such decisions are made hastily, and a tattoo is done in a fit of emotion. In the future, their owners also have to contact the salon again to have the existing tattoo removed or removed. To avoid such unpleasant consequences, this issue must be taken seriously.

If a tattoo with a name is your first tattoo experience, then first you need to choose a good place for the future inscription. The names of men's loved ones are most often tattooed on the chest, forearm and wrists. For women, tattoos of this kind will look succinctly under the collarbone, on the lower back and on the lower abdomen.

The names of men's loved ones are most often tattooed on the chest, forearm and wrists.

As with any other tattoo, first you will need to develop a sketch. There are thousands of different fonts and tattoo design options at your disposal. If you want to make your tattoo original and memorable, you will need a little imagination. For example, the name can be written in the form of initials. Such minimalism will not look provocative and can easily be combined with the tattoos you already have on your body. You can decorate your tattoo with flowers, hearts or an infinity sign.

For men, a tattoo option in the old school style, when the name of a loved one was inscribed in a red heart, is suitable.

Tattoos with children's names are in great demand today. A tattoo with a child's name requires a responsible attitude. You should think about the sketch, application option and font. And also, of course, you have to choose a place for the future tattoo. Women choose the area around the heart, wrist and forearm for such tattoos. Men tattoo their children's names on their shoulders, wrists and chests.

Tattoos with children's names are usually decorated with flowers, symbolizing that children are the flowers of our lives. Hearts, stars and other symbols are also suitable for decorating tattoos. Recently, such an original solution is often used: along with the name, parents fill the handprints or footprints of their baby.

Before tattooing the name of a loved one on your body, you should think about whether you are really ready to wake up every morning with a tattoo that will remind you of a specific person. If, after a series of similar thoughts, you still have not given up on your idea, the next step is to carefully select a place for the tattoo.

If a tattoo with a name is not your first experiment in body art, then you should choose a place that harmoniously combines with other tattoos on your body. Try to fill your body with tattoos symmetrically and evenly. If a tattoo with a name is your first tattoo, then we will recommend you a number of suitable locations. Guys might consider places like:

Girls should pay attention to such places as:

  • Forearm;
  • Small of the back;
  • The area below the navel.

Original ideas

Today, you won’t surprise anyone with an ordinary trivial inscription on your body. The tattoo subculture requires maximum effort from a person in his creative expression. But where do you get inspiration? It's simple - we offer you several interesting tattoo ideas that may give you an unusual idea:


Famous people often “sin” with tattoos with their names. We present to you a list of popular people who have names tattooed on their bodies:

  • Ireland and Hailey Baldwin have their last names tattooed on their middle fingers.
  • Nicole Richie got her last name tattooed on her neck.
  • Zoe Kravitz has the name Lola stamped on her wrist.
  • Lena Headey has her husband's and child's last names tattooed on her wrist.
  • Katy Perry emblazoned "Jesus" on her wrist.
  • Chanel Iman got her name tattooed on her neck.
  • Nikki Reed got the name of her ex-boyfriend from Russia “Luchny” tattooed on her body.
  • Kelly Osbourne's body is decorated with the extravagant inscription "Jack".