The best conspiracies for a quick marriage from leading healers and sorcerers. Conspiracies for a quick wedding How to eliminate a mistress

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A fight to prevent the wedding from taking place

The other day I wrote about how to makeLove spell for marriage (read In the same article there is a love spell ritual for marriage that you can do on your own. And now I’ll move on to another, opposite topic. I’ll tell you how to make a fight so that the wedding doesn’t take place.

When to use a rassorka

The ritual is suitable for those situations when your chosen one’s wedding is very soon, but he just can’t decide to break off his engagement with his rival. This is relevant for those cases when you still have a close relationship with him, he admits his love feelings for you, it’s just that the meeting with you happened after submitting an application to the registry office with his past lover. And now he lacks the courage and confidence to cancel the wedding.

Perhaps what makes it difficult to put an end to the relationship with his rival is that preparations for this event have already been completed, invitations have already been sent out to friends and relatives, and he is also afraid of condemnation from his loved ones for canceling the wedding.

Or he feels, although no longer love, but at least respect for his bride, he understands that he will bring her severe pain and disappointment with his decision to leave on the eve of the wedding.

In general, these constraining circumstances must be overcome. But it is very important that you have at least a couple of weeks before the unwanted planned event so that you have time to have a fight.

Payback in case of a quarrel

As you understand, this magical work in itself is a damage to relationships.

Therefore, do not skimp on a serious payoff after such a ritual. A payoff can be financial assistance to a relative, but for truly important needs, and not for self-indulgence (for example, for surgery and medications).

You can also make a donation to a charity. Just check the information about the organization properly so that it doesn’t turn out that you gave money to scammers.

And, of course, it is not worth mentioning that a couple of thousand rubles, to put it mildly, cannot be considered a payoff. Remember, due to stinginess, sooner or later, you may lose something much more important and valuable in your life for carrying out damage. Therefore, clearly understand that greed is inappropriate here.

Another alternative is to entrust the damage to an experienced specialist who has already performed similar rituals many times and clearly and firmly knows what and how to do and how to protect you from the consequences.

Ritual of a falling out

To carry out magical work, you will need a thick black plastic bag, about one kilogram of fresh raw meat with blood, a photo of your chosen one and your rival, scissors, and black ribbon.

As soon as the sun begins to set, you can do the disassembly. Take scissors and cut the photos into small pieces, throwing them into the bag. When you cut, repeat to yourself these words of damage:

« I cut up the photo and end your relationship. As soon as the meat fades, your relationship will fade. I cut up the photo and pour dirt and anger into your relationship. As soon as the meat goes out, so do the wedding plans.».

Now tie the bag tightly with black ribbon and hide it where no one can find it. As soon as the meat begins to rot, the relationship between your chosen one and your rival will begin to deteriorate sharply, they will begin to swear and make trouble. Every day their hatred and anger towards each other will grow exponentially until they decide to cancel the wedding. As soon as this happens, take the bag outside and throw it in the trash.

If the wedding did take place, then it is worth understanding for what reasons it happened:

Your lover was not completely honest with you about his feelings for you,

His bride is a very profitable match, and he is ready to endure her for his own selfish purposes,

He married under the coercion of his parents, on whom he depends and cannot contradict.

Marriage and wedding spells

As everyone knows, weddings are ruined, and statistics confirm this. But few people know that many weddings are ruined even before the first wedding night, during the journey of the wedding train. Often a sorcerer is hired for this. This is sometimes done by an unfortunate rival or rival, and sometimes the sorcerer himself will do it - not out of malice, but out of a sense of self-preservation. It’s just that every ruined wedding extends his life by 400 years. And during nervous and harmful witchcraft work, when sometimes someone’s induced damage takes 200 years, this is simply a means of prevention. This is why weddings are so often upset. To avoid this, various simple spells and amulets are used.

Conspiracies of girls who want to get married

“Most Holy Mother of God, cover my head with a red kokoshnik, a golden headband” (pronounced in church on the Feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, 1

October). Or they pray like this: “Father Pokrov, cover my head with a red warrior, a golden cuff.”

On the Feast of the Intercession they come to church and, stepping over the threshold, say: “Mother Most Holy Theotokos, cover the earth with snow and me with a bridegroom.”

On the day of the Great Martyr Paraskeva, named Friday, October 28, as well as on the day of the Intercession, the girls pray: “Friday Paraskeva, send the suitors quickly.”

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord bless, Christ! I will get up, blessing myself, go, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, I will go out into an open field, I will look to the sub-eastern side: from the sub-eastern side the morning dawn is rising, the red sun is rolling out. And may I, the servant of God (name), be more beautiful than the red sun, whiter than the bright moon, more beautiful than the morning dawn and the evening dawn, more beautiful than the whole white world, the whole Orthodox world. As all Orthodox Christians look at the red sun, at the white light, so all the good fellows would look at me, the servant of God (name), and would honor me and exalt me ​​before their eyes; All the good fellows could not live, be, or play games without me. Be, my words, strong and durable. Key, lock. Amen. Amen. Amen.

The girls watch for the appearance of the young moon and, seeing him, spin on the heel of their right foot, saying: “Young moon, hang around me with suitors, just as I hang around you.”

Unnoticed by everyone, they sweep dirty linen from the street into the hut and sweep it into the front corner, where no one will see it, saying: “I’m driving young people into my hut, not enemies, come to me suitors from other people’s yards.”

They make a dough, put it in the oven, and when it begins to sour, they take a thimble, scoop out the solution three times and drink it with the sentence: “As the dough lies in the heart in its place, so the thoughts of the servant of God (name) would lie in the zealous heart of the servant God's (name)."

Matchmaker's plot when going to matchmaking

Entering the porch of the bride’s house, the matchmaker steps on the first step with his right foot and says: “When my foot stands firm and strong, then my word will be firm and molded, harder than stone, more moldable than glue and pine sulfur, sharper than a damask knife, whatever I think.” May it be fulfilled."

Then the matchmaker steps with his right foot over the threshold, and after entering the room and praying to God, he sits under the mother on a bench that runs along the length of the floor and begins negotiations.

This slander is used only when there is no hope of obtaining the consent of the bride's parents.

I, (name), will get up at dawn, at the rising of the red sun, and will go from door to door, from gate to gate, to the eastern side, into an open field; A wild wind is blowing in that open field. I’ll come closer, bow lower and say: “Hey, you, wild wind, help and help me (name) to receive the law from this house, and to take whoever I want, and that person (name) would lose his mind and understanding and all four sides were broken, and (name) would have attacked me and the mind of the family, especially the one I want to get; and all her thoughts, hunts, and fun would have rolled over and gone to me (name), and all of them would have been carried down the water, and brought to me (name). The key is in the sea, the tongue is in the mouth. There is no end to that word; from an evil person there is harm, misfortune and misfortune. And whoever thought (that is, unkindly) and planned something about me and her, nothing would have happened to that person, and they would have locked it with keys and locks and sealed it with wax seals.

Matchmaker's conspiracy ("approach")

When a matchmaker is sent to negotiate with the parents of the chosen girl, the matchmaker, before starting to carry out the assignment, stands in front of the icon of the Mother of God, wipes it with a clean towel and whispers three times:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed, cross myself, enter an open field, stand facing east, with my ridge to the west, and pray to our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the Mother of the Most Holy Lady Theotokos, and to all the saints; I will put on the morning-early white light and button up the morning-early small-frequent stars, wash myself with the wet dew of Solomonia, dry myself with a white towel, white light, put on the royal cap, go to the servant of God, to the ruler (name), into the bright eyes and joyful heart. Just as the servant of God (name) beholds and looks at the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos and at the true Christ, the King of Heaven, so he would look at me (name), the servant of God, and did not arouse him with ardor, and did not grind his teeth, and did not grit his head. shook, and did not stamp his foot, and did not think evilly. Be these words full and strong on the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.

There is such a true sign: like the wedding feast, so is the marital world. This is probably why in the old days the bride and groom at the wedding table did not drink even a drop of intoxicating drink. In addition, the guests avoided even minor quarrels, which could also negatively affect the entire future life of the newlyweds. How much have you heard about the damage that is done to a wedding? But today I will tell you why this happens.

This is what the young woman Katerina said:

“I’m thirty-five years old and I’m not married. Or rather, she was married, but only for one day. I dated my future husband for almost three years: we wanted to finish college first and then get married. Volodya and I understood each other perfectly, we looked at everything with the same eyes, we liked the same things, films, music, etc. In general, we were, as they say, two halves of one whole.

The only thing that alarmed me was the behavior of his mother. I felt that this was not the kind of daughter-in-law my future mother-in-law dreamed of. But I drove away bad thoughts and tried in every possible way to please her in everything.

I didn’t tell Volodya about my suspicions, and besides, I’m sure that our relationship was already discussed in their house.

He loved his mother, and I didn’t want to come between them, because she raised him alone and probably loved him no less than me.

“It’s okay,” I told myself, “over time she will get used to me, everything will work out and I will earn her respect.”

Since there was not much time left before registration, I was forced to tell my mother about this. I couldn’t even think that she would immediately rush to call Volodya’s mother. Although I can understand her: mom wanted to celebrate

Mom called my future mother-in-law and asked if she needed any help from our side. Poor mother naively believed that preparations for the wedding were in full swing, but they simply did not want to bother her. It never occurred to Mom that Volodya’s mother didn’t know about our decision. (I didn’t tell my mother anything about my guesses - I didn’t want to upset her and thought that everything
will sort itself out.)

Hearing this news from my mother, Volodya’s mother flew into a rage. When I came to visit them that evening, I was forced to listen to a lot of unpleasant things: “The city is full of women who twist their asses and think only about how to marry my son. They themselves have neither skin nor face, but everything is there
same! Just to sit on someone’s neck, you stupid sluts!”

From resentment, tears flowed in three streams. I started making excuses, but Volodya’s mother just laughed evilly. Volodya took me by the hand and we went outside. There I cried, and he said that his mother could understand that she raised him alone and was probably afraid that he would leave her after the wedding.

Two days later, when Volodya was at our house, my mother said: “Nothing, Volodya, my father and I will borrow money for the wedding and slowly pay it off, this will be our gift. It’s difficult for your mother, she is alone, and there are two of us.”

In general, we began to prepare for the wedding, everything was as it should be: outfits, rings, a car with ribbons.

We decided to celebrate in a cafe. Volodya’s mother came with her friends, on whose faces there were malicious smiles. Then the fun began, and everything seemed to be fine.

At some point, I noticed that Volodya’s mother had disappeared somewhere. Then I also thought: what if she felt sick from drinking wine? I told my husband about my concerns, and he asked me to go into the ladies’ room and see what was wrong with my mother and why she didn’t come out into the hall. When I entered the toilet, I heard her in the vestibule telling her friends nasty things about me and my parents.
Seeing me, she hissed angrily:

“Here she is, the bitch, hung on my boy, she didn’t even let him finish college.” She was so itchy that she didn’t even have the courage to wait, now the guy will be without an education. What I heard made me feel bad, and I said: “Now I’ll tell my husband how you’re behaving!”

And then my mother-in-law rushed at me, began to tear my veil, pull my hair and beat me as hard as she could. I fell and hit the sink, blood sprayed, someone came in and screamed, and my mother-in-law cursed me in every possible way and spat in my direction.

The worst thing is that my husband took her home and never came back to me. The guests were still dancing, and he told me on the phone that it was all over between us. Several years have passed. He got married and has a daughter. I was left alone. Apparently, my mother-in-law’s curse really had an effect: no one even looks in my direction.”

Conspiracies have long been firmly established in our lives, especially in love relationships. Most often, the goal of lovers is to get married, and especially women, who imagine the main dream: to become a bride, put on a wedding dress and, on that day, arm in arm with their loved one, start a new happy life and start a family. But what if your loved one doesn’t share your dream and isn’t going to propose? In this case, magic comes to the rescue - a wedding plot will solve your problem with marriage.

Wedding conspiracies: characteristics

Rituals aimed at marriage belong to the section of white magic. When using any conspiracy for a quick wedding, it is undesirable to pronounce the name of the supposed betrothed in the text of the spell, so as not to doom yourself to an unsuccessful marriage. You should focus on making sure that the girl is desired and loved by her future husband. In this case, you will attract your destiny to you.

But if your goal is to destroy the existing relationship of a particular man in order to create a family with him, remember that these actions are in the nature of black magic and will not bring happiness to either you or your lover.

Before you begin to perform the ritual, you must fast for 3 days, and during this time eat only bread and water, and read the plot on the waxing moon, avoiding church holidays.

Ritual with candles for marriage

To carry out this ritual, it is not at all necessary to have a specific guy in mind; the conspiracy will quickly bring your betrothed into your life. To achieve success, you need to believe with all your heart that the actions you take and the words you speak will very soon realize your most important dream.


For this ritual you will need:

  • white tablecloth (preferably new);
  • church candle;
  • cup of water;
  • a cup of honey;
  • paper.

Procedure for performing the ritual

The ritual to get married soon should be carried out in the first week after the new moon, at dawn. Having prepared, proceed directly to magical actions:

  1. Place a white tablecloth on the dining table.
  2. Write the plot down by hand on paper.
  3. Place a cup filled with honey and another with water on the table.
  4. Place a candle nearby and light it.
  5. Imagine your own marriage - wedding dress, groom, relatives.
  6. Leaning over a cup of water, read the spell 12 times.
  7. Wait until the candle burns out completely.
  8. Add some honey to a cup of water, stir and wash your face.
  9. Sprinkle the remaining water with honey onto the front door.


“I, the servant of God (name), will light a church candle and tell the Lord God about my desire. I will tie red threads in knots - one knot for love, the second knot for passion, the third knot for fidelity. It’s not that the threads are tied, but my soul is connected with the soul of my future spouse. As they will be together, so we will live together and give birth to children. Just as no one can untie my knots, no one can destroy our family, no one can spoil our love. My words will be strong and molding. Amen".

Soon after reading these words, the girl’s fate will change, and she will definitely meet her soul mate. An important condition for success is that the ceremony must be kept secret, even after many years.

Plot for a quick wedding

To attract several guys with serious intentions to a girl at once, and so that her wedding takes place soon, we can recommend reading the plot and performing the ceremony at the Annunciation. The result will not be long in coming, and higher powers will give you a meeting with the most worthy young people. However, you should not tempt fate and think for a long time about marriage. Marry the one who is dearest to your heart as soon as possible!


For the ritual you will need the following items:

  • new broom;
  • the scoop is yellow, the material doesn’t matter, and if you can’t buy a yellow scoop, you can simply paint any scoop yellow;
  • canvas bag.

Procedure for performing the ritual

Ritual actions begin at the stage of preparing accessories. The order of your actions:

  1. Buy a broom, this can only be done on Wednesday or Friday; you cannot take change when purchasing.
  2. When returning home with your purchase, focus on the broom, on its purpose - how convenient it will be for sweeping the house, and what kind of order you will create.
  3. On the night of the new moon, sweep up the litter in the courtyard of the house and in the entrance as cleanly as possible.
  4. While sweeping, you need to read the plot.
  5. Collect trash in a yellow dustpan.
  6. Bring the trash home in a dustpan and pour it into a bag.
  7. On the bag, read the Lord's Prayer 9 times.
  8. The bag of garbage should be placed in the far corner of the house and left there until the next new moon.
  9. On the new moon, bury the bag in a deserted place.


“I invite good fellows into my house - good, handsome, stately, kind and brave. Not thieves, not greedy, not lazy. Come to me soon, from other people's yards. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Remember to maintain secrecy and look forward to meeting the applicants soon. Trust your heart and you won't go wrong.

Ritual for a quick wedding for a guy

Young people can also successfully use rituals in order to quickly arrange their destiny and marry a good girl. Using the ritual described here with a pure heart and with the belief that every action has a secret magical meaning, the guy will definitely soon find family happiness.


To successfully carry out the ritual, you only need seedlings of any flowers and a strong desire.

Procedure for performing the ritual

The ritual is performed on the waxing moon, in the morning at dawn, so that no one can see. Strict adherence to the sequence of actions will lead you to success:

  1. You need to plant the prepared seedlings near your home.
  2. During landing, read the plot.
  3. Over the course of the next week, you must conscientiously take care of each planted flower, avoiding the death of a single seedling.
  4. In the evenings, while watering, repeat “Our Father” 9 times.
  5. As soon as the first flower blooms, you will meet the girl destined for you.
  6. Don't waste time and ask her to marry you before the last flower blooms.
  7. When the last flower has faded, pick it, dry it, and hide it away from prying eyes - this flower will serve as a talisman for your family and will ward off unpleasantness and quarrels from you.


“I, the servant of God (name), will go out from door to door

I’ll look at the red sun and the blue sky.

Let my daughter-in-law smile at me

And he’s getting ready to marry me faster.

When my flowers bloom

At that hour I will find a bride.

As I said, so it will be. Amen".

Ritual for a happy marriage on Pokrov

The Intercession of the Virgin Mary (October 14, new style) is a great holiday, especially for women. On this holiday, it is advisable to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos and ask her for a happy woman’s lot. It is on this holy day that conspiracies and rituals for marriage are powerful, and girls who perform rituals on the Intercession get married throughout the year.


Van will need the following items:

  • large candle (preferably red);
  • headscarf.

Procedure for performing the ritual

This ritual is performed early in the morning in the church on the Feast of the Intercession. It is advisable to go to the temple and light a candle on this day before the rest of the parishioners.

On this great holy holiday, your request will be heard, and you will definitely soon find your family happiness; all that matters is a strong desire, sincerity of feelings and pure thoughts.


If you read wedding conspiracies and perform rituals, higher powers will definitely help you find your happiness or find it with your beloved man who does not dare to take this important step. With the help of magic you will realize your dream of family happiness and a new life.

There are many signs and prejudices associated with such an important and solemn event as a wedding. Some of them are mere fiction and have no basis, but there are also those, compliance or non-compliance with which may well affect the family well-being of a young couple. Let's try to figure out what wedding attributes practical magic recognizes what is really important and what wedding magic is.

Wedding dress as the most important magical attribute.

Every bride dresses up in a wedding dress and dreams of being the most beautiful and original in it. The tradition of wedding dresses dates back centuries and has remained virtually unchanged for many hundreds of years. As ancient traditions require, the bride’s dress should be snow-white and symbolize the innocence and purity of a girl ready to enter into married life.

As a symbol of innocence, a wedding dress should not be too revealing, exposing the bust or legs. But today modern adjustments have been made to these traditions. Thus, today's brides perceive a wedding dress as an opportunity to advantageously demonstrate their feminine attractiveness and reveal the advantages of their figure to others. In addition, the widespread practice of remarriage today has led to the fact that the bride’s dress may not be white, but beige, pink, blue and even red or green.

Those who are interested in wedding magic often ask questions about what kind of bride's dress can be the key to a successful marriage. Practical magic knows the answer to this question, which states that the bride’s outfit must have sleeves and include a veil, which not only symbolizes the bride’s modesty, but also protects her from the evil eye. If the bride does not want to wear a veil, then she should worry about other measures to protect herself from the evil eye: putting a coin in her shoe or pinning the hem of her dress with a pin.

Today, the practice of renting wedding dresses is very common. Indeed, a new or custom-made dress is quite expensive and not every girl getting married can afford it. This is why modern brides prefer to rent dresses, because it is cheaper, and after the end of the celebration there is no need to solve the problem of what to do next with the wedding dress.

However, practical magic strongly disapproves of the idea of ​​rental dresses. The fact is that every marriage is full of its own energy, which may not always be favorable. Moreover, ill-wishers can use the dress as a tool to damage the bride. There are known cases when, during a wedding ceremony, needles were secretly stuck into the hem of a dress or crosses were drawn on the hem with a burnt match. All these manipulations are designed to destroy the well-being of the new married couple, and traces of this negative impact remain on the outfit forever.

If you are not afraid of the prospect of getting married in a dress that dozens of girls have worn before you, then you should at least worry about the simplest safety measures. For example, practical magic advises holding a church candle near the selected rental dress. If the candle burns evenly and brightly, it means that there is no unfavorable energy on the outfit. If the candle begins to crackle and emit black smoke, it means that the dress was the object of damage or the evil eye and you should not choose it. In any case, before the ceremony it is worth sprinkling holy water on the outfit in order to cleanse its energy.

It is very important that the bride’s relatives and especially not the bride herself do the sewing of the wedding dress. It is also a well-known rule that the groom should not see either the outfit itself or the bride dressed in it before the ceremony. Moreover, wedding magic insists that the newlyweds spend the night preceding the wedding separately from each other, in the circle of friends or relatives, otherwise their future family happiness may not be completely cloudless. And one more point regarding the wedding dress: the bride’s shoes must be closed, and sandals are absolutely not suitable as wedding shoes.

Wedding rings and wedding signs.

Today you can see a stunning variety of engagement rings in jewelry stores. Along with the traditional smooth ones, various carved options are offered, inlaid with expensive stones, etc. In this regard, magic says that some liberties in the design of wedding rings are indeed possible, but in any case, these symbols of marital happiness should be wedding rings, and not resemble ordinary decorative rings.

To happily live a long family life, you need to choose the right day to start it. Thus, it is unacceptable to schedule a wedding ceremony on any day of religious fasting. Also, you shouldn’t get married, much less get married, on Sunday.

In order for peace and prosperity to reign in the future family, the bride and groom should take care of this during the marriage ceremony. For example, throughout the entire holiday, a young couple should not be separated and should not allow anyone to pass or stand between them.

Separate rules apply to wedding bouquets. It is traditional to give the bride bouquets of roses, but few people know that according to the rules, the flowers in the bride’s bouquet must be thornless. And if someone nevertheless gave roses with thorns, they must be cut off. It is very important that the number of flowers in each composition is odd, since bouquets with an even number of flowers symbolize bitterness and loss. After the wedding, all bouquets given to the newlyweds must be collected and displayed in the newlyweds' room. It is very important that not a single bouquet is left in the registry office, in a restaurant or given to one of the guests. Moreover, you should not take wedding flowers to the cemetery to the graves of deceased relatives, as this is a sure path to unhappiness in family life.

By the way, flowers from a cemetery are a powerful witchcraft tool that can destroy any marriage. That is why, for the purpose of malicious intent, young couples are given bouquets taken from graves. In order to protect the newlyweds from witchcraft, the best man and groomsman must review each bouquet and count the number of flowers, making sure that it is odd. If a cemetery bouquet is found among the flower arrangements, it should be immediately burned or thrown into the nearest body of water.

In order for the newlyweds to confidently walk through life and not need anyone’s help, they should not lean their backs against the wall at the wedding table. And in order to protect a young family from damage, the young husband must carry his wife over the threshold in his arms.

An excellent way to install energy protection on the bride is an ordinary safety pin. It is pinned on the inside of the bodice on the left side. Thus, the pin, as it were, protects the bride’s heart and does not allow outside magical influences to destroy the love for her future spouse. Additional elements of protection can be pins or needles without an eye, which are used to tuck the hem of a wedding dress from the inside.

It is traditionally believed that at a wedding, the families of the bride and groom meet and become related, that is, this holiday unites two families into one strong and friendly family. However, in our time this rule is not always observed. It even happens that newlyweds first celebrate their marriage with the bride’s family, and then go to the groom’s relatives and have a separate feast there. Well, everyone can act at their own discretion, but such a division will certainly not benefit a young family.

As a groomsman, you should choose a trusted friend who sincerely wishes the bride happiness. But those girls who are regularly invited to become boyfriends need to remember that after three ceremonies they may have problems entering into their own marriage.

And finally, the most important wedding sign concerns the money that is customary to give to newlyweds; as an example, I will give one situation in which one young family unknowingly found itself. Since both the bride's and the groom's family were not rich, they had to borrow money to celebrate the wedding. And after the end of the celebration, the parents asked the young people for part of the amount donated to them in order to pay off their debts. After this, the young family began to experience great financial difficulties and any attempts by the husband and wife to find additional sources of income ended in failure.

Here the situation develops according to a completely natural scenario: if the wedding money goes to pay off debts, then the newlyweds will constantly live in need and get into more and more new debts. Therefore, the young family should spend all the money donated for the wedding on their own needs; it is better if this money is used to purchase furniture or household appliances - something that brings comfort and coziness to the house.

In conclusion, I would like to say that not all wedding signs are ancient superstitions; many of them still have real force today. And it is very unfortunate that newlyweds treat signs with disdain and often do not follow even the most basic of them. I would like to warn young couples getting married against such frivolity, and recommend that they more carefully study the signs and, if possible, follow the rules that have been established by centuries-old traditions of holding a wedding ceremony.