Recommendations for parents "The ABCs of communication with a child" consultation (junior group) on the topic. "The ABC of Communication." Parent meeting Soon you and your baby will have to start

All parents raise their children to the best of their ability and understanding of life and rarely think about why in certain situations they act this way and not otherwise.

The main methods of raising a child remain screaming, indignation, threats, orders, punishment; Often parents use negative attitudes without thinking about the consequences. However, modern children feel the slightest violence from their parents more subtly, react more violently to it, demand respect for themselves, and actively resist. Therefore, they often become aggressive from preschool age. There is a problem of civic and communicative competence of society. In connection with this problem, we present five methods to avoid violence towards your children.

These methods must be applied in this sequence.

1. Instead of an order, a request. Avoid rhetorical questions to your child like: “Why is the room a mess? Why are you still sitting in front of the TV? “and simply ask: “Put the toys back in their place, please.”

2. Instead of indignation - active listening. If a child does not comply with your request and behaves badly, it means that at a deep level his basic needs are not being satisfied. Active listening should be aimed at identifying this very unmet need, but not through questioning, but in a way that is very unusual for us. You need to pronounce your guesses in an affirmative manner, while indicating the child’s feelings. For example, a child does not comply with his mother’s request to remove scattered toys. Mom says without any questioning intonations: “You don’t want to put away the toys now because you’re tired. It seems to you that this is difficult.” You won’t believe it, but these simple words can have a magical effect - the child will immediately start cleaning. Why? It’s just that his mother noticed that he didn’t want to do this and showed concern.

Try it! Having experienced the effect of this technique at least once, you will regret that you did not know about it earlier.

3. Instead of punishment and threats - encouragement. There is no stronger motive. Than the child’s internal desire to get along with his loved ones and the desire to receive rewards. Incentives can be as follows: we will go with you for coffee - ice cream, a museum, on an excursion, to the cinema, for a walk, have a tea party, invite your friend to visit, play with you, draw, and the like.

4. An order, as a statement of parental authority, is necessary if the child stubbornly does not begin to fulfill your request. It should be pronounced firmly, but calmly. Once you have used your commanding voice, you need to stand your ground. Emotions, explanations, arguments, accusations and threats only weaken your position. Repeat your order until it is completed. If you still fail to achieve your goal, use the following technique.

5. Instead of punishment and threats, it’s time to “cool down.” You can send your child to his room to let off some steam. Time-out time depends on age: one minute for each year the child has lived. This method is good to use with a child under 10 years old. It must be remembered that time-outs do not work if the child happily goes to his room. In this case, you need to allocate another room to think about your action. At the end of the time-out, repeat your request again.

Try not to criticize your child. Criticism turns children against adults and encourages them to rebel. By showering your child with negative comments, you are depriving him of the opportunity to improve.

By using new methods, we will be able to keep the situation under control without punishment or threats, and will help the child become a successful person, capable of conquering this world, and finding his place in it.

But remember, it is very dangerous to try to be an ideal parent. Trying to teach a child “everything and quickly” will only awaken the defensive reaction of his personality.

A child comes into the world with his own program, and your educational efforts can either help him manifest everything that is laid down “from above.” Or let them wander along circuitous paths without vivid impressions and the joy of victory.

A child who has grown up in favorable conditions is focused on himself and does not try to control his actions: he is confident that his parents are nearby and will back him up if necessary.

Confidence in one's own safety allows the child to cooperate. Talk, learn, establish stable relationships of love and affection with others. He interacts easily, typing information, that is, he develops easily and quickly. He remains blissfully unaware of the dangers of the world around him and therefore easily moves forward, learns, dares and enjoys life.

Give your child the opportunity to choose the direction of his efforts.

Don't let him be lazy!

And allow yourself to make mistakes.

If you fail to overcome yourself, the child will remain unskillful or will grow up to be a person with suppressed initiative - a conformist.

A child who looks at the world only from the position of his own benefit is thereby deprived of the opportunity to develop his own personality. He perceives the environment as something foreign and hostile, and not at all as nutritious soil conducive to his growth.

Consultation for parents “THE ABC OF COMMUNICATION”,

development of the child’s personality, communication skills with adults and peers.

Dear fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers! You are your child's first and most important teachers. His first school - your home - will have a huge impact on what he considers important in life, on the formation of his value system.

No matter how long we live, we still constantly turn to the experience of childhood, to life in the family: even a gray-haired veteran continues to refer to “what I was taught at home,” “what my mother taught me,” “what my father showed me.” .

The child learns everything in communication with adults; the child’s early experience creates the background that leads to the development of speech, the ability to listen and think, and prepares the child to isolate the meaning of words.

“Years of miracles” is what scientists call the first five years of a child’s life. The emotional attitude towards life, people, and the presence or absence of incentives for intellectual development that are laid down at this time leave an indelible imprint on all subsequent behavior and way of thinking of a person.

Each person should be able to listen to the other, perceive and strive to understand him. How a person feels about another and can influence him without offending or causing aggression depends on his future success in interpersonal communication. Very few of us know how to truly listen well to other people, to be receptive to the nuances in their behavior. It takes some skill and some effort to combine communication with careful observation and listening. Equally important are the abilities to listen and understand oneself, that is, to be aware of one’s feelings and actions at various moments of communication with others.

And all this needs to be learned. Skill does not come to a person by itself; it is acquired at the cost of effort spent on learning. However, you, as your child’s first teacher, can greatly help him in this difficult work if you begin to instill communication skills at a very early age.

Parents must provide their child with the most favorable conditions for his or her implementation in this direction, and for this, remember the following:

· For a child, you are a model in speech, since children learn verbal communication by imitating, listening, watching you. Your child will speak like his family. You've probably heard: “He talks exactly like his father!”

· The child constantly studies what he observes and understands much more than he can say.

· A child’s speech develops most successfully in an atmosphere of calm, safety and love, when adults listen to him, communicate with him, talk to him, direct his attention, and read to him.

· You have an extremely active role in teaching your baby the ability to think and speak, but an equally active role in the intellectual, emotional, speech and communication development of the child is inherent in the child himself.

· It is necessary to provide the child with ample opportunities to use all five senses: see, hear, touch, taste, feel various elements of the surrounding world. This will allow him to learn more about the house and places far from it.

· More time should be devoted to the child, since in early childhood the influence of the family on speech development and the child’s involvement in the life of society is decisive. It is during these years that the foundations of self-confidence and successful communication outside the home are laid, which contributes to the child’s further advancement at school, in the company of peers, and later at work.

· If possible, you should join your child when he is watching TV and try to find out what interests him and discuss what he sees.

· Each child has his own temperament, needs, interests, likes and dislikes. It is very important to respect his uniqueness and set realistic goals for himself and for the child.

· Try to ensure that your child does not feel a lack of love and a variety of impressions, but do not be tormented if you are not able to fulfill all his requests and desires.

· It must be remembered that children love learning more than anything else, even more than eating candy, but learning is a game that needs to be stopped before the child gets tired of it. The main thing is that the child has a constant feeling of “hunger” due to lack of knowledge.

Lazy Zhanna Ivanovna

Organization: MBDOU combined type, kindergarten "Yolochka"

Locality: Republic of Khakassia, Chernogorsk

The game is traditionally associated with childhood and is written off as an activity in a conditional, imaginary situation.

The first function of the game is educational. Some games develop strength and endurance; others - mind; third - a number of interrelated qualities. Moreover, each game has its own hierarchy. Thus, intelligence must be demonstrated in any game, but in some it will be a secondary factor, in others it will be the main tool for success.

The second function of the game - compensatory - is based on the fact that the game appears as a different reality, acting as a man-made oasis in the chaos of real life. A child is attracted by the opportunity to reveal abilities that are difficult to realize in the adult world.

Play has therapeutic potential. The child “discovers” fears, experiences emotions that are forbidden for real interaction, and sometimes behaves aggressively, although due to the situation he does not dare to engage in such behavior. Toys seem to replace the child himself and his environment; the player attributes his motives to them. In the game, it is not him, but the dolls - evil wizards, witches - who behave badly.

Play, as an activity in a conditional situation, occurs when the child begins to use substitute objects, i.e. one and a half to two years. Until this time, his actions are more indicative in nature than playful, and are aimed at studying the physical properties of the object. A child comes to understand the functions of an object at the age of one to one and a half years. Now he uses the toy no longer as a carrier of certain physical properties, but as a means to achieve a certain result. Understanding the functions of an object gives him the ability to use it as adults use it. In the third year of life, this understanding turns into a passionate desire to act with objects independently, like mom or dad. After all, parents are the first people with whom the baby identifies and compares himself.

A feature of an early age is a strong identification of oneself with one of the parents, the desire to act like him. And this is the first step towards a role-playing game.

A child begins to feel like an adult at two or three years old. The first role-playing game is copying the actions of mom and dad, a game during which the child acts in relation to toys as a skillful and experienced adult, like mom or dad feeds their dolls, cooks porridge or soup for them, puts them to bed, teaches them to wash themselves, make the bed . Bottom line: “I’m just like mom (or dad), but I’m independent.” This first identification opens the way to a variety of identifications at an older age, to a variety of complex role-playing games.

By the age of three, the child already speaks, walks and runs quite well. This gives him the opportunity to discover the world outside his family. Feeling like the same “big” being as the people around him, he tries on a wide variety of “adult” roles. A kind of “motto” of this age: “I can be the same as anyone else,” “I can be whoever I imagine myself to be.”

The game can be used as a means of developing the ability to communicate, since it is through the game that the teacher is able to help the child establish contact with the outside world, as well as with peers and adults.

Direct educational activities are built in the form of play situations that encourage children to get closer to each other and to the teacher on the basis of empathy for both the situation itself and its participants, and not only for those events that require sympathy and participation, but also for joyful and cheerful events.

What can help shape play in children?

* Communication skills and qualities.

* The ability to recognize the emotions of others and control your feelings.

* Positive attitude towards other people, even if they are “completely different.”

* The ability to empathize - to rejoice in other people's joys and be upset because of other people's sorrows.

* Ability to express your needs and feelings using verbal and non-verbal means.

* Ability to interact and collaborate.

What should you expect from your child during classes?

* Desire to take an active part in it.

* Friendly attitude in class.

What is required from an adult during classes?

* Patience (in general, like no other quality, a teacher needs it).

* The desire to play and believe in the game the way a child believes in it.

* The ability to accept all children as they are.

* The ability to listen to any answer, any proposal, any decision of the child.

* Ability to improvise.

And further. Maybe these are truisms, but sometimes it’s not easy

follow them in everyday life, and without them contact with the child


* Remember: every person, including the smallest, is individual and unique. Take this into account when communicating with him and emphasize it in every possible way.

* Learn not to compare one child with another, not to set anyone as an example.


Explanatory note. Currently, an urgent problem is the interaction of preschool teachers with parents. As practice shows, parents often experience certain difficulties. In order to competently raise a child in modern conditions, it is necessary to have unity of educational influences on the part of all adults, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child. Therefore, there was a need to develop and implement the educational project “Parents Club “Healthy Baby: The ABCs of Family Communication.” All the various interactive forms of cooperation with parents organized during the implementation of the project are aimed at strengthening the health and creating the prerequisites for a healthy lifestyle for young children, improving the pedagogical culture of parents: imparting knowledge to them, developing pedagogical skills.

Objective of the project: contribute to the establishment of emotional contact with parents, improvement of child-adult relationships based on the conscious attitude of parents to the organization of a healthy lifestyle for the child in the family.

Project objectives:

2. Optimize interaction with medical staff during a comprehensive assessment of the child’s health and development (methodology for assessing neuropsychic development -,).

3. To develop, together with a speech therapist, a system of interaction between the teacher and the families of pupils in matters of preventing presumably delayed speech development in young children.

4. Develop a cycle of physical education games and activities with the participation of parents, taking into account age-related motivation, situational behavior and the principles of spontaneous development of young children.

7. Develop a cycle of consultations, conversations, and questionnaires for parents of students.

8. Prepare instructions for parents.

9. Develop and implement a work plan for the parent club “Healthy Baby: The ABCs of Family Communication.”


1. Analysis of literature on the topic.

2. Organizational:

a) comparative,

b) complex.

3. Observations, data collection and analysis, psychological and pedagogical.

Expected Result:


1. Increasing professional competence;


1. Physical competence of children.

2. Improving indicators of children's speech development.

3. The ability to correctly assess the situation, calmly perceive the demands of an adult and respond adequately to them.

4. A positive, emotionally charged attitude towards physical exercise, outdoor games, cultural and hygienic skills and hardening procedures.


1. Interested attitude of parents to the life of the group, kindergarten.

2. Conscious attitude towards organizing a healthy lifestyle for the child in the family.

Project effectiveness assessment: The effectiveness of the project can be assessed quantitatively - data from pedagogical diagnostics and qualitatively - on the basis of a questionnaire, feedback from parents, generalization and presentation of the teacher’s work experience in the field of forming a conscious attitude of parents to the organization of a healthy lifestyle for the child in the family during the teaching hour.

Stages of work on an educational project

“Parents club “Healthy baby: the ABCs of family communication”


and its stages


I. Project information support

Collection and analysis of information

1. Select literature and study the theory of the issue.

2. Select and study methodological literature on the issue of health, physical development of young children and the involvement of parents of pupils in the work of preschool educational institutions.

3. Select methods of pedagogical diagnostics of pupils, their families and analysis of the results.

II. Logistics support

Analysis, improvement, expansion of the material and technical base of the project

1. Organize “My Family”, “Call Mom”, “Masha the Confused” corners in the group.

2. Prepare photo reports reflecting special moments during the day.

3. Invite parents to purchase paraphernalia for hardening: paths (with buttons, with footprints, massage mats); for breathing exercises, soap bubbles, cups with straws; for surprise moments - paper crafts (origami).

4. Together with parents, prepare an audio library for music therapy at various routine moments: birdsong, sounds and noises of nature, various classical musical works, children's songs.

III. Methodological support

Optimization of the design of the educational process

1. Create a current model of cooperation with the families of pupils, which includes interactive forms of interaction with the family.

2. Carry out a comprehensive assessment of the child’s health and development (methodology for assessing neuropsychic development -,).

3. To develop, together with a speech therapist, a system of interaction between teachers and families of pupils in matters of preventing presumably delayed speech development in young children.

4. Develop a cycle of physical education games and activities with the participation of parents, taking into account age-related motivation, situational behavior and the principles of spontaneous development of young children.

5. Systematize outdoor games according to the tasks and arrange them in the form of a teaching aid “Hands clap, feet stomp.”

6. Select small folklore forms according to the regime moments and arrange them in the form of a card index “Let’s sit side by side, talk together.”

7. Develop and implement a work plan for the parent club “Healthy Baby: The ABCs of Family Communication.”

IV. Work with children.

Formation of prerequisites for a healthy lifestyle

1. Forms of organizing children's activities:

    traditional (games, routine moments, games-activities, entertainment, joint and independent activities); non-traditional (finger and breathing exercises).

2. Methodological techniques:

    domestication of the group (introduce elements of home comfort into the bedroom); maintaining home habits; flexible regime for newly arrived children, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

V. Working with family

Finding ways of development and cooperation

2. Develop a cycle of consultations, conversations, and questionnaires for parents of students.

3. Prepare instructions for parents.

4. Organize photo exhibitions with the help of parents: “Health is fine, thanks to exercise!”, “We are no longer babies, we have grown up a little!”

5. Hold an Open Day: “Long live scented soap and fluffy towel!” (viewing operating moments).

6. Create “Speech Mosaic” corners for parents in the group.

VI. Interaction of specialists.

Prevention of speech disorders and stimulation of speech activity in young children

1. To develop and implement, together with a speech therapist, a system of interaction between the teacher and the families of pupils in the prevention of presumably delayed development of speech in young children.

VII. Preparation for presentation and presentation of the project

Demonstration of work experience

1. Presentation of the project: presentation of the project during the teaching hour.

The parents' club is a necessary social platform for solving problems of family education and strengthening parent-child relationships. The participation of family members in the events of the “Healthy Baby: The ABC of Family Communication” club contributes to the desire and ability to communicate beyond their own stereotypes, to search for and find ways out of difficult situations. A study of parental requests revealed the need for the club to operate in two directions.

The leading forms of interaction in a club are collective and individual.

A very popular form is counseling parents - “What should we do with the fidgety child?”, “Child’s adaptation to preschool”, “For the first time in kindergarten”, Funny Tongue”, which is aimed at achieving a deep, objective understanding by parents of the child’s problems , his personality in general; determining your educational strategy in communicating with him and ways of interacting with other participants in the educational process.

We base our parent consultations on the following principles:

Creating trusting relationships;

Mutual respect;

Interests of consultants;


Formation in parents of an attitude towards solving problems independently.

Thanks to the club, parental attitudes towards interaction with an educational institution have changed: “it is necessary to begin to engage in the upbringing and development of a child before his birth”; “Know yourself as a parent, and you will know your own child.” Parents also began to understand the causes of conflicts; learned to understand the situation, stopped looking for advice; learned to see the successes of their child, their own achievements.

The result of the work of the parent club “Healthy Baby: The ABCs of Family Communication” is that 20% of families have organized family sports corners at home (at the beginning of the club’s work 5%), 50% of families have become a good tradition of active recreation in the fresh air at any time of the year ( at the beginning of work 10%). According to a survey of parents, when organizing a family vacation, they do not forget to adhere to the daily routine and properly organize the baby’s motor activity. All routine moments outside of kindergarten are accompanied by exercise songs, finger games, and dance games, which contributes to the effective development of children’s speech activity.

Parent club work plan

“Healthy baby: the ABCs of family communication”

Meeting No. l

Target: Analyze the relationship between adults and children in the family; identify the educational needs of parents.

Acquaintance “Where is this street, where is this house.”

Game "Snowball".


Result of the meeting: creation of little books “Meet me - I’ve come.”

Meeting No. 2

Preliminary work: viewing the regime moment “Open the faucet - wash your nose”

Target: Provide qualified advice to parents and develop their understanding of the regime as a significant factor in the child’s life.

Consultation “I live according to a schedule.”

Joint activity - making attributes for breathing exercises.

Homework - “Let’s think, observe.”

Meeting No. 3

Target: To contribute to increasing the pedagogical competence of parents on the issue: speech development of young children.

Consultation-workshop “Mom is the first speech therapist.”

Questions and discussion of the topic.

Summing up the results of the survey.

Meeting No. 4

Target: To explore the educational potential of the family and to form in parents a conscious attitude towards organizing a healthy lifestyle for the child.

Discussion “Baby’s health is in your hands.”

Workshop - culinary duel "You'll lick your fingers."

Homework: “Is there a stadium at home?”

Meeting No. 5

Target: To acquaint parents with parenting styles and provide assistance in organizing an environment for physical activity at home.

Sharing experiences “Growing Healthy.”

Joint motor activity "Let's play together."

Meeting No. 6

Target: Unite adults and children with a festive mood.

    Sports festival "Together with mom, together with dad."
    Photo collage “We are not little kids anymore, we have grown up a little.”

Meeting No. 7

Target: Create conditions for full communication and the desire to exchange opinions.

Discussion of the results of the club's work.

Tea party “Do-it-yourself sweet table.”

"The pussy came to the kids"

Tasks: learn to spring your legs - bend and unbend, land softly, develop strength and mobility of the legs, consolidate jumps moving forward, stepping over given objects, develop coordination of movements. To form parents’ ideas about the characteristics of motor activity of young children.

Equipment: two paths of different lengths, a cat toy, a log, hoops, oilcloth circles.

Progress of the game-lesson: In preparation for a lesson, the gym is prepared in such a way that children and parents have the opportunity to practice various types of movement.

Children and parents enter the hall.

1 Part

Independent activity of children and parents. Children explore this or that equipment at will, parents provide backup as needed. The teacher carefully observes the children from the side.

2 Part

Joint activities of children, parents and teachers. During joint activities, parents perform exercises together with their children.

A cat appears with a kitten (mother and child). The characters attract children using playful motivation (the cat meows). Children run up to the cat, greet her, and examine her.

Kitty:“The cat sat down on the path,

Sit on it for a while

Stay, don't leave

Look what the kids can do."

Children first walk along the path, then run along it. You can also run and walk not only along the path, but also next to it. And the children first walk around the path, then run around it. Suddenly a log appears on the path, and in order to walk along the path, you need to step over it. Children step over.

But our path has turned into a shallow stream, and in order not to get our feet wet, we need to jump from bump to bump (jumping on two legs while moving forward). Now our stream has become deep. Children step over the stream and then jump over (jumping on two legs). The cat gives the guys another path, now we have a long path. All the same can be done, but along a long path.

The teacher pays attention to each child and always encourages his new invention, independently invented.

3 Part

The cat invites the children to play with her. An outdoor game is being played "Catch up with the cat." The game is repeated 2-3 times. Children invite a cat to visit them and calmly go with her to the group.

Game-activity with the participation of parents

"We have a city"

Tasks: Learn to walk on all fours up an inclined surface; strengthen in walking and running in columns one at a time over a limited area, while maintaining balance. Introduce the rules that must be followed in an outdoor game.

Progress of the game-lesson: Parents take an active part in the game-lesson, the teacher draws the parents’ attention to the correctness of the children’s exercises.

Educator: Guys, grandma Nastya (the mother of one of the pupils) came to visit us.

Grandma Nastya: Hello guys and parents! I invite you to my garden, where a lot of vegetables will soon grow, but you can only get there along the path that your mommies and daddies built. They were great, they came to the kindergarten early and made a long wonderful path out of bricks.

Grandma Nastya: Spring has come, it’s time to plant carrot seeds, but the problem is that I’m getting old and I can’t handle this on my own. Guys, help me! (listens to the children's answers).

Grandma Nastya: Oh, and the seeds remained in the basket, at the other end of the garden you will have to crawl back, like ants (“ants” crawl on all fours like a snake between the beds).

Grandma Nastya: Guys, take the seeds from my basket one at a time, whoever wants which ones, plant them in the beds at a distance from each other (then the kids and parents stand together in a circle around the beds).

Game exercise “We have a vegetable garden”

We have a vegetable garden (they walk in a circle, holding hands)

There are carrots growing there. (standing still, raise their hands up)

This height (they squat, lower their hands to the floor)

This is such a low place, (they spread their arms to the sides)

This is the width (bring hands together)

These are the dinners. (jumping on two legs)

You, carrot, hurry up (jump and turn around)

Dance with us!

Game exercise - repeat 2 times (grandmother praises).

Then Grandma Nastya invites children and parents to a group where they will prepare a carrot salad together.

Game-activity with the participation of parents

"Cheerful Bunnies"

TARGET: Encourage children to take active action, promote a good emotional mood for each child.

The characters in the lesson are the parents of the students.

Educator brings a beautiful box.

Children, someone sent us a package. What do you think is in it? (Children express their guesses)

Let's see if you guessed right. There are bunny ears and some other letter here.

Educator reads it to the children:

Whoever puts on these ears and says the magic words: “Turn right, left and turn into a bunny,” will become a bunny. Put on your hats, guys. Now we will all say the magic words together. (The teacher helps the children put on their hats)

Oh, so many bunnies. Let's go with you to the forest.

(Children “ride” to the music)

Well, here we are. How beautiful it is here, how many Christmas trees are around. Yes, it's just very cold. Let's hide under the Christmas trees, maybe it will get warmer. (The children sit under the Christmas trees. The teacher shudders as if from the cold)

Who, little bunnies, can warm us up?

Unexpectedly for the children, an adult (the child’s father) appears in a bullfinch cap.

Bullfinch speaks:

I feel sorry for you, kids. I'll warm you up now. Wave your paws, little bunnies, like I do with my wings, and you will warm up. (Children wave their arms and pound their fists)

Educator seems to be complaining:

It's still cold. No one can warm us.

Suddenly he runs in bear and says:

I feel sorry for you, I will warm you. Do exercises with me and you will immediately feel warm. (Children repeat 2-3 exercises after the bear)

Appears fox.

I am a fox, the whole world is beautiful. I will warm you, I will pity you.

Lisa invites the children to play the game "Catch-Up". The teacher supports the fox's proposal.

Okay, fox. You will chase the rabbits. Just be careful not to offend the bunnies. The game begins

Educator addresses the fox:

You, fox, want to catch all the bunnies. You're cunning. We have now learned how to warm ourselves. Let's jump, little bunnies, and have some fun.

The dance "Hares" is performed. After the dance, the teacher leads the children to the house and says:

Under a green bush,

Yes, under a small leaf,

There is a little house

Miracle tower-teremok.

For obedient ones, for bunnies,

The treats are there.

Stand next to each other

And hold on to the ribbon.

I'll go first.

I'll take you to the house.

(All children, holding the ribbon, go to the house)

Miracle tower, open! And turn to the bunnies!

(Children and parents say these words together with the teacher)

And here is a treat for the bunnies. Your favorite carrot.

(Children and parents take carrots)

Educator is reading:

Always drink carrot juice

And nibble on a carrot.

You will always be there, my friend.

Strong, sturdy.

Well, now it’s time to turn from bunnies into guys. Let's all say the words together: “Turn right, left, and turn into kids.”

Consultation for parents

Working with parents on physical education.

Today, following the fashion of the times, parents are paying more and more attention to the mental development of their children, without showing due care for their physical development. The task of the kindergarten is to introduce children to active physical education.

Young children show a great interest in movement. Every new movement for a child is a mystery that he certainly wants to solve, that is, to do. Our task is to support and consolidate this natural interest in movements. The formation of children's interests is significantly influenced by the parents' attitude to physical education, to the children's passion for outdoor games and exercises.

In physical education classes, children enjoy imitating animals from fairy tales: a bunny, a cockerel, a bear cub, and they really like to perform movements to the story invented by the teacher: “How the children rode the train to the forest,” “What they saw in the forest.” All motor tasks in classes are associated with a specific task: “Let’s move the stick, get the rattle.”

Working with parents is not limited to the time of admission of children to kindergarten and the adaptation period. Close contact with the families of our pupils is carried out gradually: conversations with the doctor, parent meetings, consultations are carried out as planned and as needed. We constantly involve parents in participating in various events held in kindergarten and strive to convince them of the need for family physical education.

At physical education leisure and holidays, mothers and fathers act not only as passive spectators - they themselves take part in the plots being played out. The more good health and good physical characteristics we equip our children in childhood, the easier it will be for them to adapt to new social conditions. The main thing for us is to raise and raise a healthy, smart, cheerful child.

Consultation for parents

First time kindergarten

It often happens that a child already goes to kindergarten, but debate about the need for this is still in full swing. For example, one parent believes that kindergarten is necessary for successful development, while the other worries that the child is too small and delicate to be left without his mother for the whole day. A child should NEVER be present during these conversations! We often think that they are small and do not understand anything, but this is a misconception. Accept and understand that children understand everything, but we are unlikely to be able to predict what conclusions they will draw, and we can only guess about the consequences. Often, a child’s negative attitude towards kindergarten is only a reflection of the parents’ doubts.

Accept and love the kindergarten you have chosen. Don't just look for the dark sides. Now this is the home where your baby will be. If you condemn and scold the kindergarten, the child may ask the question: “If it’s so bad there, why should I go there?”

Be sure to get to know the teachers and junior teacher - after all, these are the people with whom your child will spend most of the day.

It often happens that even by the middle of the year, parents do not know the name and patronymic of their son or daughter’s favorite teacher - for the child this is an indicator of your indifferent attitude towards his life.


Try not to leave your child for the full day right away. It is advisable to pick him up at first when he is not yet tired and does not want to leave - immediately after a day walk or after lunch. Gradually increase your time in the garden. Remember that for a baby, daytime sleep is a kind of boundary of the day, beyond which the “long time” begins (“Will I be in kindergarten until bedtime or for a long time?” the neighbor’s boy asks his mother in the morning).


Now your boy or your girl will spend a lot of time in kindergarten, so it is advisable to find out all the rules that exist there, especially those related to personal hygiene. Try to adhere to them at home too - then it will be easier for the child to get used to the requirements of the garden. If your baby uses the potty in kindergarten and sleeps in pajamas, give up diapers at home too. Be sure to leave a supply of clothes and linen in the kindergarten so that if necessary, the child can quickly change into clean clothes.


Most often, food in kindergarten tastes different from what we prepare at home. Therefore, explain to your child that the food in kindergarten is no worse, it’s just different. Very often, adults have a pre-formed prejudiced attitude towards food in kindergartens. Don’t pass it on to your child, let him develop his own opinion - and perhaps soon you will hear from him: “And cutlets taste better in the garden! And make me a compote like you gave me for lunch yesterday!”

On days when the child does not go to kindergarten, try to make sure that he does not “bite”, but follows his diet. The child’s body gets used to snacking, and he may not have enough of it in the garden. The baby will experience discomfort, but will not be able to explain it.

Does the child eat on his own or does he need help? Confident in using a spoon and fork? Decide how much help you want from your caregivers with this issue. Tell your wishes to the people who will interact directly with your baby.


The topic is not an easy one. Very often, parents are sure that the child does not need a nap during the day, because you cannot put him to bed at home. In kindergartens, children sleep because their life is much more dynamic and eventful than that of a “home” child. so after lunch the guys are just falling off their feet from fatigue. There is no need to resist sleep. Just accept it and help your baby accept it. Conversations: “You lie quietly, pretend as if you are sleeping so that the teachers do not notice” are unacceptable. It’s better to explain to your child why he really needs rest.


Another important point. Clothes should be comfortable and comfortable. Think about what your child will wear for a walk, and how quickly he can get dressed for a walk. What is more important to you - that he looks the most fashionable and stylish, or that he is not afraid of getting his clothes dirty and wrinkled? Pay attention to the convenience of the fasteners: let Velcro replace laces, a helmet hat - a cap with ties, trousers with an elastic band - jeans with a zipper and a tight button. Let the little person feel comfortable and free, and let clothes not be the subject of your regrets and complaints to the child.


There is no need to test your child “for greed” by forcing him to share his favorite toys: remember - now he is adapting to kindergarten, this is already difficult for your child, and he does not need unnecessary shocks at all! Just explain to your child which toys are worth taking to kindergarten and why, and which ones are not.


Separating from your mother is a burning issue for everyone. Many children cry when parting. They have to be persuaded and distracted for a long time. The teacher will help you with this, but it is also in your power to make the separation less painful.

Find out how your child is doing in your absence. If he quickly calms down, is not sad, does not ask about his mother, and easily copes with the daily routine, then most likely the reason is the separation ritual. It is necessary to invent or change this ritual to make it easier for the child to let you go. For example, a new toy that the child will be in a hurry to show to friends will help with this. Or the tradition of waving to the mother from the window of the group - the mother does not yet have time to reach the exit, and the baby is already flying as fast as he can to the window. According to the observations of educators, children part with their fathers much more painlessly than with their mothers - therefore, perhaps, the mother should say goodbye to the child at home for the first time.

There are children who find it difficult to bear the very separation from their mother. A very worrying moment. As a rule, this phenomenon is a consequence of the behavior of adults. Most often this happens to children who have very anxious parents. Consider whether your baby is manipulating you. First of all, in such a situation, the mother or an important person at that time for the child must change her internal state. your questions: “Have they offended you?”, “Aren’t you hungry”, “Are they scolding you”... imply a ready answer: “Yes, they scold you, you’re hungry, they’re insulting you.” Avoid such questions by asking: “What did you do in kindergarten today? Who did you play with? What? What did you have for lunch today?


All questions that you have for the kindergarten staff should not be asked in front of the child! Most often, the content of your conversation will be inaccessible to him - but he will feel the tone and attitude immediately. The issue will be resolved - and the “sediment” will be “Mom is dissatisfied with someone!” A teacher? Or maybe me?” - will remain.


If you promised: “I’ll pick you up after lunch” - when the baby finishes the compote, you should already be standing ready at the door of the group. Deception - even if your plans have changed - can become a very serious trauma for a child, shake his trust in you and negate all efforts to successfully adapt to kindergarten. Now, every time we part, he will doubt - will you come? Will you pick him up on time? Is it easy to play and walk calmly with such fear in your soul? Therefore, if you are not sure whether you can fulfill your promise, it is better to pick up your child earlier without warning - this will be a pleasant surprise for him.

If you have a negative attitude towards a particular kindergarten - after all, by sending your child to kindergarten, we are buying a pig in a poke - take your child as calmly as possible. Do not transfer the negative impression to all kindergartens - just look for what is most suitable for you and your child. And your efforts to adapt your child will not be in vain!

Memo for parents

Dear parents!

We are very glad to see you all! You are now entering an important period in your life and the life of your child - he is going to kindergarten. And in order for his adaptation to new conditions to take place as calmly and quickly as possible, you must know more about the features of this difficult period.

At the age of 1.5-3 years, everything in a child is interconnected: health and emotional state, physical and neuropsychic development. This is the most fertile age - the changes are most noticeable: the baby began to talk, assemble or disassemble the pyramid himself, ask the first questions: “why?”, “where?” And that's not all. At this time, the baby receives the necessary development through toys; the most important activity for him is play. And parents need to understand that they can achieve what they want through the sentence: “Let’s play!” Here we constantly play with children, because it is through play that they get acquainted with the world around them, visual arts, construction, and fiction. The game also develops children's speech.

For every parent, it is their child who is the best, the smartest. But now he is sent to kindergarten. Naturally, mom and dad have their first experiences related to the garden. How will the child get used to it? Will he like it?

Typically, the period of adaptation of children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution does not exceed two months. But in order for it to pass without unnecessary shocks, we must all try to rid newcomers as much as possible from the factors that traumatize them.

What is needed for this?

1. Parents must get used to the idea: “My child is going to kindergarten, he will feel good there, they will take care of him, he will play with his peers. I want him to go to kindergarten."

2. In the corner for parents hangs a sheet of the child’s daily routine. This is another important point of habituation. In order for adaptation to proceed safely, you now need to accustom your baby to a daily routine that is to a large extent similar to the kindergarten routine: breakfast at 8 a.m.; lunch 11 o'clock; sleep from 12 to 15 hours; dinner at 16 o'clock, going to bed no later than 21 - 22 o'clock. And try to adhere to this regime as much as possible.

3. To prevent the child from feeling discomfort, it is advisable to potty train him in advance and wean him off the pacifier.

Now we have come to the most important thing: all the documents are ready, the child and parents are ready to go to kindergarten, to see their children.

Day 1 - you bring your child at 8.00 for breakfast and pick him up 1 hour later.

Then, during the week, bring your baby and leave him in the garden until 11.00,

next week until 12.00.

And we watch him and, depending on his behavior (addiction, emotional mood), we inform you when it would be better to leave him for a nap, and then for the whole day.

But then the child began to cry, and the parents asked the question: “What should I do?” But it’s very good that the baby is crying; quiet, “indifferent” children cause great concern, because they keep all their experiences to themselves. A child cries and calms down emotionally; he gives a “signal” to pay attention to him. With all responsibility, we can say that children who cry at first in the future attend kindergarten with greater pleasure than those who are quiet and calm.

During our communication with you, various questions will arise, please do not hesitate to come to us and ask. We will be happy to answer them, and if necessary, we will conduct a consultation. Don’t keep questions to yourself, don’t rely on advice from friends. Highly qualified specialists will work with you and your children.

Keep in mind that until your child adapts to kindergarten, you should not take him to visit. For this time, let only the walls of his home and his group be familiar to him.

And one more small, but very important point: in front of each of you there are questionnaires. In order for us to get to know your baby better and help him get comfortable in the kindergarten as quickly as possible, answer the questions in the questionnaire as completely as possible.

And in conclusion, I would like to wish you success in raising your children.

Love them with unconditional love, simply for having them.

Good luck to you!

Soon you and your baby will have to start

new life. So that the baby enters it joyfully,

sociable, mature, we want to offer

Try to create a calm, friendly atmosphere in the family.

Set clear expectations for your child and be consistent in presenting them.

Be patient.

Develop self-care and personal hygiene skills in children.

Encourage games with other children and expand your social circle with adults.

When your child talks to you, listen carefully.

If you see a child doing something, start a parallel conversation (comment on his actions).

Speak to your baby in short phrases, slowly; in a conversation, name as many objects as possible. Give simple and clear explanations.

Ask your child: “What are you doing?” To the question “Why are you doing this?” he will answer when he grows up.

Read to your child every day.

Make sure your child has new experiences: after all, walks are a great time for discoveries!

Engage in joint creative activities with your baby: play, sculpt, draw...

Encourage curiosity. Don't be stingy with praise.

Enjoy your baby!

Irina Lukina
"The ABC of Communication." Parent meeting

Good evening, dears parents! We are glad to meet you. You are your child's first and most important teachers. His first school - your home - will have a huge impact on that. what he will consider important in life. Children learn everything in communication with adults. “Years of miracles” is what scientists call the first five years of a child’s life. We will talk about this today. We hope your experience and parental vigilance will help us find answers to many questions.

When do you think you should start instilling cultural behavior skills in your child? At what age?

What cultural behavior habits does your child have? Please provide examples.

Can your child speak polite words? How do you achieve this?

It is the game and the fairy tale that should become your faithful helpers. You can use masks and toys. If we adults want, we can turn into wizards for a while to help children master the rules of behavior.

Now we’ll play a little and remember the basic rules of cultural behavior.

Game "Let's teach Carlson good manners" (to music parents hand over a toy, when the music stops, the one with the toy says the rule of cultural behavior.)

Is it necessary to train a child in cultural behavior skills?

Are methods such as conversation, punishment, and moral teaching successful in education? We adults we know: a polite word becomes a magic one. But how can you teach a child to say magic words?

Here's a little story for you, familiar many:

1. - Hello, Anna Ivanovna! Alyosha, why don’t you say hello? Now Tell: “Hello.” Well, why are you silent, say hello to Anna Ivanovna. Now Tell: "Hello". I'm waiting. The one who is so stubborn is not a child, but a punishment. Well, tell me, how else can I teach him?

What advice would you give to your mother? What would you do?

2. Next situation: "You are traveling on a crowded bus. Luckily, you and the child are sitting. An elderly woman with heavy bags gets on the bus." Your actions.

3. Having met a work colleague on the street, you talk. Your child interrupts every now and then you: "Mom, let's go!" What's your reaction?

Famous poetess Agnia Barto wrote: “When things don’t go well, praise helps me.” Praise your child every day. Let the child receive the first portion of praise in the morning before entering kindergarten; in the evening on the way home, be sure to find a reason to praise, and at home in the presence of relatives, neighbors, friends - praise. And you will see how quickly the child learns the rules of behavior.

And now we invite you to look at your children from the outside and analyze their behavior with the help of chips lying on the tray. If the child always follows this rule, you place a blue chip on the table, if not always or incorrectly - yellow, if he does not follow - red.

1. The child washes his hands independently before eating, after visiting the toilet, and wipes himself with an unrolled towel.

2. Hangs clothes neatly.

3. Knows how to use a handkerchief independently.

4. Politely asks for help tying a hat, buttoning a coat, and thanks for the service provided.

5. When meeting, greets warmly; when saying goodbye, he always says "goodbye"

6. Do not throw papers on the street or indoors.

7. Knows how to apologize if necessary.

Look at the chips, their colors will help you decide what to work on with your child.

You are a little tired. Now we will play a children's game, which also helps children develop cultural behavior skills. It's called "Please". You can play this game with your children at home.

If I say “please,” complete the task; if I don’t say “please,” do not complete it.

"Please" clap your hands;

"Please" raise your hands;

Put your hands down;

“Please put your hands down;

Raise your right hand;

"Please raise your left hand.

To help you develop a culture of behavior in your child, we also want to offer you the handout “Secrets of Raising a Polite Child.” We hope they will help you (Reminders are distributed to parents) .