What to do if your cat doesn’t go to the toilet regularly for several days. The cat doesn't go to the toilet

There are a number of reasons for the fact that a small kitten may not go to the toilet for several days. Namely:

  1. Stress caused by a change in environment. If, after you brought the animal into the house, it has not relieved itself for several days in a row, there is no need to sound the alarm. This state of affairs is due to the intense stress associated with moving. However, if bowel movement has not occurred after five days, you should consult a doctor or look for other reasons.
  2. Mother's inexperience. Probably not many people know that in the first month after birth, kittens are not able to independently cope with their natural needs. In this case, their mother comes to their aid and massages the abdomen. If this does not happen, the kitten simply cannot poop.
  3. The condition of the kitten’s digestive system is very negatively affected by the rapid transition to “adult food”. It is best if he begins to receive adequate nutrition gradually, while also being fed with mother's milk.
  4. Congenital intestinal pathology. This is a fairly serious problem, due to which the kitten cannot poop quietly. In this case, you simply cannot do without the intervention of a veterinarian.

Why doesn't an adult cat go to the toilet in a big way?

Before helping his pet in any way, the owner must understand the possible reasons why an adult cat has stopped going to the toilet in a big way. The most common causes of problems with bowel movements are:

  • unbalanced diet. If your cat's diet does not contain enough fiber and protein, he may experience delayed bowel movements. The situation is aggravated by an excessive amount of bones in the cat’s diet, as well as too little fluid intake;
  • A cat with long hair may experience bowel retention because too much hair has accumulated in its gastrointestinal tract. This problem is especially relevant for clean cats that constantly lick themselves. The wool that gets into their stomach falls into lumps, which are subsequently transferred to the intestines, thereby clogging it;
  • stress. Not only small kittens, but also adults are subject to this emotion. For example, a cat may experience stress after accidentally encountering an unfamiliar dog or as a result of a loud noise;
  • old age. Cats, like people, in old age can experience some problems with the gastrointestinal tract, which causes them to experience constipation;
  • Constipation in neutered cats is not uncommon. The animal becomes quite lazy, and the most interesting thing in their life is to lie down and eat. Of course, this state of affairs does not contribute to normal bowel movements.

How to solve this problem yourself

If a cat does not go to the toilet regularly, it needs the help of a specialist.

But in cases where a visit to the doctor is impossible, you need to find a way to help the pet yourself. To do this you should:

  1. Pay attention to the animal's nutrition. There may be something in his diet that is causing bowel problems. In addition, vegetables, milk, and kefir must be included in the cat’s diet.
  2. Add 5 drops of petroleum jelly to each portion of animal food. It does not cause any harm to the cat’s health, but it perfectly contributes to the normalization of the bowel movement process. Remember, petroleum jelly should never be replaced with vegetable oil, since its use can negatively affect the condition of the animal’s liver.
  3. The cat’s poor condition can be somewhat alleviated by giving him an enema. Veterinarians categorically do not recommend performing this procedure at home. But if there is no other choice, then this should be done extremely carefully. Among other things, you should not do an enema often, as this can lead to a significant weakening of the intestinal walls, due to which the cat will never be able to bowel movement on its own.
  4. People who constantly keep cats in their home recommend giving the cat condensed milk. To do this, it should be diluted with running water in a 1:1 ratio. This solution should be given to the animal 1 teaspoon every hour until the moment of defecation, but no more than 5 times a day.
  5. If a small kitten cannot poop, you will have to try on the role of its mother and give a belly massage. To do this, use a cotton pad soaked in warm water to make circular movements clockwise.
  6. Drugs that help restore intestinal microflora are also suitable to alleviate the animal’s condition.

If your animal has repeatedly encountered a problem such as constipation, we can say that it is prone to this phenomenon. This means that it is time to reconsider the cat’s diet, and also adhere to the following recommendations:

  • include porridge and soups in the animal’s diet;
  • dry food should be soaked in water or soup;
  • Boil the vegetables and mix them with the main food. If the cat agrees to eat boiled vegetables on its own, then one feeding can be completely replaced with vegetables;
  • Give your cat fermented milk products regularly. Natural kefir and yogurt are best suited for this.

But it is better to completely exclude chicken, chicken eggs, broth, bones and rice from the diet. Each of these foods hardens the stool, causing constipation.

Every caring owner should be attentive to any changes in the behavior and well-being of their pet. This is especially important when it comes to the most delicate moments. So, if your cat does not go to the toilet, what should you do and how to solve this problem?

First of all, you must find out whether the animal does not go to the toilet at all, or only in a specific litter box. You will discover the latter by a thorough inspection of the house.

The reason why a cat may start walking past the litter box:

Stress. There are many options here, and they all depend on the sensitivity of the animal:

    incorrect location of the tray (cats, like people, need privacy, so the toilet should be located in a secluded place);

    dirty litter box (they are extremely clean, and some are so clean that they have to have two or even three litter boxes at the same time, because they cannot go to the toilet a second time in a place that is already dirty);

    you added new litter and your pet doesn’t like it;

    you washed the tray with detergent, the smell of which he doesn’t like;

    you bought a new tray;

    you moved the tray to another place;

    you moved to a new house;

    you got another pet;

    a small kitten has the greatest stress when it is taken away from its mother (in this case, they may not go to the toilet for up to 5 days. The solution is to create a calm atmosphere and isolate it from children for a short time);

Puberty period. At this time, animals undergo a serious mental restructuring. If the cat begins to mark, and the cat is in her first heat, this may be the case. What to do if the cat does not go to the toilet in these cases - first wait until it gets better on its own, but if nothing changes, contact a veterinarian. If you have a purebred animal and you plan to have offspring from it, the doctor will prescribe a sedative that will help relieve stress. If you have a simple pet that does not go outside, the best solution is castration. It will help improve your pet’s hormonal levels and relieve constant unnecessary worries;

Some diseases of the genitourinary system. For example, with cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), the frequency of urination increases sharply, and the cat may simply not have time to go to the litter box;

Injuries in which some nerve endings atrophy (the pet does not feel the urge to urinate, and goes to the toilet wherever necessary).

Reasons for complete lack of urination

It is important to know: if a cat does not go to the toilet for a day (and you are sure that he does not do this in another place), you need to urgently take him to the veterinarian. Otherwise, dangerous changes in the composition of the blood occur, and kidney failure may develop. This even threatens the death of the animal.

The cause is almost always various diseases of the genitourinary system.

For example, with urolithiasis, stones in the ducts can interfere with their patency, so the cat does not go to the toilet at all.

There is also hyperplasia (enlargement) of the prostate, or various neoplasms due to cancer. In such cases, the animal still has the urge to urinate (the cat sits in the litter box), but is unable to urinate.

You cannot delay a visit to the veterinarian, because every hour the intoxication of the body increases, and the kidneys suffer greatly.

A separate case is when a cat does not go to the toilet after castration. If this continues for about a day, and at the same time he eats and drinks little, then the matter is most likely in recovery from the operation. If this lasts more than a day, you need to immediately go to the veterinarian. There may be purulent inflammation, or other pathologies that you cannot diagnose and treat on your own.

Reasons for the complete absence of bowel movements

If a cat does not go to the toilet for 1-2 days, and there are no other symptoms such as vomiting, lethargy, or loss of appetite, this is not a reason to worry.

Possible causes of constipation (in this case, the animal often squats in the tray and strains):

    poor nutrition. The issue may be a fundamentally incorrect diet (mixing dry food with natural food, feeding food from your own table, eating low-quality food, low water consumption) or too sudden a change in diet (after moving to new owners, or when changing food, it takes 3-7 days gradually reduce the amount of previous food, replacing it with a new one). A common mistake home owners make is adding potatoes to their diet. Like all products containing starch, cats cannot digest it at all;

    frequent stress (for example, other animals or children offend the pet);

    improper care of a cat for a newborn kitten or refusal of it (without licking, which stimulates digestion, the kitten sometimes cannot go to the toilet and get rid of gases). In this case, you will have to do a gentle tummy massage - with a damp cloth from head to tail;

    acute intestinal obstruction. Another important symptom is vomiting. It can be caused by a foreign body in the stomach or intestines, a buildup of hairballs, or even worms. If you are not sure why exactly your cat is not going to the toilet, it is better to immediately contact a veterinarian;

    various intestinal diseases. For example, tumor formation, or inflammation. If constipation is chronic, then this may be a consequence of a congenital pathology - elongation of the large intestine (in this case, the stool becomes too dry and does not pass further). Such animals need a special diet, or even surgery.

How to help a cat yourself?

If the cat does not go to the toilet for a day or more, you need to feel his stomach. If there is bloating, pain, and when trying to go to the litter box the pet meows pitifully, then he needs help.

If there is no stool for less than 5 days, then the most effective remedy is Vaseline oil. It needs to be poured into the pet’s mouth from a syringe without a needle 2 times a day (2 ml of oil for each kilogram of its weight) until it can go to the toilet. This way you can check the patency of the intestines (after 4 hours, apply a paper napkin to the cat’s anus). Keep in mind that petroleum jelly comes out undigested and may stain your carpet, furniture, or your clothes.

If necessary, it can be replaced with half a teaspoon of any vegetable oil, but only once a day.

If these procedures do not help within a day or two, you need to take the animal to the veterinarian.

In case of severe constipation (more than 5 days), cats are given an enema, but it is better for a veterinarian to do this. Trying to do this yourself or using human medications can harm the animal.

General recommendations for cats prone to constipation are to drink as much fluid as possible and choose the appropriate diet (for many, switching from dry food to natural food helps). It is also recommended to add bran to the food of such animals, which helps digestion.

In any case, if the cat does not go to the toilet, the empty tray cannot be left unattended. These processes are as important for the body as nutrition. Only your attentiveness and observation will keep your pet healthy.

Health to you and your pets!

Cats, like people, experience constipation, and it happens quite often. This causes a lot of inconvenience for the cat, and unnecessary worries for the owner, because he wants to help his pet, but often does not know how. Some owners expect the problem to resolve itself, but you shouldn’t hope for a miracle. The animal needs help, but it cannot solve its problem on its own. The article will examine in detail the question: why the cat does not go to the toilet, and whether it is possible to somehow help her with this.

Why don't kittens go to the toilet?

When a small kitten appears in the house, the whole family does not leave its side. Some want to play, some are simply touched, and some are monitoring his condition. And quite often it happens that a small kitten stops going to the toilet, and this problem should be solved. But before looking for a solution to the problem, you should find out the reasons for its occurrence.

  • A small cat does not go to the toilet due to the stress she received while moving to a new home. This is a kitten's natural reaction to a change in environment. When kittens arrive at their new home, they may go for about three days without going to the litter box at all, and this is considered normal behavior. But this process should be controlled, because if after five days the tray is still empty, this means that the baby needs help.
  • A similar problem may occur in kittens who still live with their mother, but due to her inexperience or for another reason, she may not help the kittens defecate, although in the first month of their life, responsibility for this process lies entirely with the mother cat. She should give them a special massage on their stomach to make it easier for them to go to the toilet.
  • If a kitten is switched to natural food too early, the digestive system may not be able to cope with this difference. It’s good when, while still receiving mother’s milk, the kitten is already familiar with regular food. Then the process of transition from milk to natural food is absolutely painless.
  • There is such a thing as congenital intestinal pathology. In this case, the kitten will not be able to go to the toilet normally without the help of a veterinarian.

Causes of illness in adults

The reasons why a cat does not go to the toilet in a big way are different from those that were suitable for a kitten.

  • Poor nutrition. If you feed your animal food that contains a minimum of fiber and protein, this can cause severe stool problems. The same symptoms appear in cats that eat too many bones or drink little fluid.
  • Quite often, the problem of lack of stool occurs in long-haired cats, because there is too much hair in their stomachs, which gets there at those moments when the cat “washes itself.” Hairs that enter the stomach become clumps, which, in turn, become a serious obstacle not only to the release of feces, but also to their formation.
  • Stressful situations have a negative impact not only on children, but also on adults. cats may be frightened by a meeting with a dog, or perhaps they will be frightened by a too noisy company that will be visiting. One of the breeders in his review says that after moving, his cat did not go to the toilet for a whole week, but the veterinarian did not find any disturbances in the functioning of the body.
  • When a cat is already in old age, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract can greatly deteriorate, since the intestines are no longer able to work with the same activity as they did at a young age. This is why feces do not pass through their channels well.
  • Everyone knows that a neutered cat is a very lazy cat that spends its energy only on eating. And the rest of the time he just lies there. Therefore, they are prone to obesity, which often leads to the fact that the process of defecation is difficult, and the cat cannot go to the toilet without outside help.
  • If after sterilization the cat does not go to the toilet for more than four days, then this is a reason to consult a doctor. Because this is how reflex constipation manifests itself, which is a consequence of such an operation.
  • And the last point will be various diseases that have similar consequences or symptoms.

Help an animal

Undoubtedly, if you notice that your cat does not go to the toilet for several days, then this is a serious reason to seek help from a veterinarian. But if this is not possible, then you can try to help the animal yourself in order to alleviate its suffering at least a little.

  1. The first step is to review your pet's diet. The menu must include milk and vegetables. If there is such an opportunity, then kefir.
  2. Vaseline oil has a very good softening effect. Veterinarians recommend adding it to the food of even healthy cats as a preventive measure. It is absolutely harmless to the animal. Five drops once a day will be enough for your cat to have problems with stool much less often. Some people replace Vaseline oil with vegetable oil, but this should not be done, since the latter has a very bad effect on the animal’s liver.
  3. If the problem has arisen for a long time, then you can try giving your pet a laxative. Duphalac and Lactusan are well suited for this. If you study the reviews of breeders, these drugs are the best for constipation in cats.
  4. Some veterinarians recommend giving cats enemas, which can alleviate the animal's condition. But there are several caveats here: firstly, an enema cannot be done at home, and secondly, you should not resort to this method too often, since this weakens the intestinal muscles, and there is a serious risk of chronic constipation.
  5. You can use the advice of experienced breeders who talk about the effectiveness of condensed milk. It is diluted with ordinary running water in a ratio of three to three. Every hour the pet should drink a tablespoon of this liquid. But don’t get too carried away, and five doses a day will be enough. This liquid will relax the stomach and return the cat to the ability to defecate normally.
  6. If the problem arises in a small kitten, then you can try giving him a massage, which will also relax the muscles and help the baby do his job. You should take a cotton pad, previously soaked in warm water, and move it clockwise over the baby’s tummy.
  7. Perhaps your cat should normalize its intestinal microflora. In this case, special medications that can be prescribed by a veterinarian will help.

Diet for cats

If your cat often suffers from constipation, you should put her on a diet that will greatly facilitate this process. So, the cat should eat the following foods:

  • If the animal eats dry food, then it should be soaked, and also periodically given soups and cereals.
  • Cats rarely agree to voluntarily eat vegetables, but they must be added to their food at least in small quantities. Zucchini, pumpkin and beets are especially effective for constipation.
  • You can’t do without fermented milk products.
  • You should not include raw fish and liver in your menu too often.

If a cat suffers from constipation, then rice, chicken meat and broths based on it, as well as chicken eggs should be excluded from its diet. If your cat often has problems with bowel movements, you should consult a veterinarian who will help you choose special food for your animal.


It’s good to know how to combat constipation, but it’s even better to take all preventive measures in time so that this problem does not arise at all. First, you should pay attention to what your pet eats. Many owners feed their cats from their own table, which is absolutely forbidden to do. If you buy high-quality dry food for your cat, he will not have problems with bowel movements. And if the owner chooses natural food, then when creating a diet, you should consult with more experienced breeders or a veterinarian. After all, the menu should definitely include vegetables and meat.

The article already mentioned that cats quite often swallow their fur and, because of this, then cannot go to the toilet normally. To prevent this, you should constantly brush, especially for long-haired breeds.

How many times does a cat go to the toilet?

If we talk about generally accepted norms, then an adult should go to the toilet once every two days. Those animals that eat dry food do it more often, and there can be up to three trips to the toilet per day. The same thing happens with cats that eat a lot of fiber. As you can see, a lot here depends on what the cat eats. But if a cat does not go to the toilet regularly for more than four days, then this is already a reason to visit a doctor.

Problems with urination

After the problems and ways to solve them regarding constipation have been considered, it is worth paying attention to the animal’s urination. After all, if a cat doesn’t go to the toilet very often, then this is also a cause for concern. It is quite easy to notice this, since the animal will definitely communicate this with its screams, moans and endless meows. But even if he manages to go to the toilet, very little urine will come out, and this is unlikely to alleviate the animal’s condition. It is worth paying attention to the cat’s belly, which becomes bloated; any touch to the belly causes pain. If you pay attention to the tray after urinating, you can find traces of blood or even pus there.

Why doesn't a cat go to the toilet in a small way:

  • If the pet does not have constant access to water, then there may not be enough fluid in its body. And a small amount of urine leads to the formation of stones in the kidneys or bladder, which, like in humans, prevent the passage of urine.
  • This problem can be inherited.
  • Such a pathology can be congenital, since sometimes kittens are born with a diagnosis such as urinary tract obstruction. It is impossible to solve this problem on your own, and only surgery can help.
  • Poor nutrition leads not only to constipation, but also to problems with urination. Especially if the cat eats a lot of raw fish and meat, as well as mineral and salty foods.
  • A cat doesn't go to the toilet much if it has a few extra pounds. After all, such pets move very little, as a result they not only get constipation, but also the outflow of urine worsens.

Owner's actions. Reviews

Of course, if any problems are detected in the pet, the owner must immediately take him to the veterinarian, but it is not always possible to do this immediately, so you need to be able to provide assistance to the animal on the spot. Regarding issues with urination, judging by the reviews, you should do the following:

  • Insert a catheter designed specifically for urine drainage. This procedure is quite complicated and brings a lot of discomfort to the cat, so it is not recommended to carry it out on your own. There are cases when the catheter was placed under general anesthesia. Often the procedure cannot be carried out, since the urinary canals become swollen, and the animal may completely lose the ability to urinate on its own.
  • You should review your pet’s diet and provide him with constant access to clean and fresh water.

Frequent urge

In veterinary practice, cases of not only rare urination are considered, but also when the cat often goes to the toilet in small quantities. There are many reasons for this, and each of them deserves a separate article. In short, diseases such as cystitis, urolithiasis, and diabetes can contribute to this. In this case, the cat goes to the litter box often, but little urine is released, and in some diseases it contains blood. During the hot season, pets drink a lot of liquid and because of this they may go to the toilet frequently, but this is not a reason to panic.

Sometimes cats do this to mark their territory. This phenomenon is temporary and should not worry the owner.


If urinary tract disease is detected at an early stage, there is a high probability that the animal will be completely cured. But the main thing in this matter is not to try to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment on your own. Because in this way you can harm the animal even more. Moreover, if you put off going to a specialist for a long time, there is a real risk that the disease will become chronic, and any treatment will become meaningless.


As you can see, there are many reasons why a cat may not want to go to the toilet. But if you pay attention to this in time, you can help the animal and prevent the development of the disease. Every owner should know how to help their animal at home, and remember that such help still cannot replace qualified help.

The condition when a cat cannot go to the toilet is very dangerous for the pet! The inability to empty the intestines or bladder can cause the death of the animal, so when the first such situation occurs, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. There are several diseases that can lead to such consequences.

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    The cat cannot go to the toilet in a small way

    In a situation where a cat cannot empty its bladder, consulting a doctor is the only thing that can be done. Problems with urination in animals are always a symptom of various diseases: most often we are talking about cystitis, but urolithiasis is also common. Also, the inability to urinate may indicate nephritis, urethritis, pyelonephritis and other inflammatory processes in the animal’s genitourinary system. It is almost impossible to distinguish between these conditions at home: only after an examination by a veterinarian, tests and an ultrasound scan can one draw any conclusions and select a treatment regimen.

    If your cat has problems with urination for a day or more, you should not hesitate to go to the veterinary clinic. This condition will not go away on its own, and the owner will not be able to help the pet at home.

    Symptoms of urinary problems in your pet

    The most important and significant symptom that a cat cannot go to bed is a dry litter box. If it was changed a day or more ago, and it still hasn’t gotten wet, there is no doubt that there is a problem! It is also worth noting that there is insufficiently abundant urination: if a cat usually goes to the toilet a lot, but now - very little and rarely, the owner should be wary. It is also necessary to check the tray for the presence of blood or purulent discharge, and if the latter is a rich yellow color, you should rush to the veterinary clinic.

    An indirect symptom indicating a problem with urination may be a tense and hard abdomen. The cat will try to lie on its back so as not to touch it, and will not allow the owner to feel it. If an animal actively resists being touched, meows and hisses, it is clearly painful and unpleasant. You can draw the appropriate conclusions from the pet’s behavior: it will be apathetic and lethargic, and will also begin to meow frequently and pitifully or even scream.

    How to treat a cat in such a situation?

    The owner will not be able to cure the cat on his own: before treating problems with the genitourinary system, a thorough diagnosis is necessary, including an examination by a specialist, blood and urine tests, as well as an ultrasound. Based on the results, the veterinarian will select the optimal treatment regimen for the pet: first, the outflow of urine is restored, and then rinsing, antibiotic treatment and preventive care for the animal are carried out.

    The outflow of urine is restored in two ways. If the cat's urethra is not blocked and functions normally, you should provide it with plenty of fluids, remove food from the diet and supplement it with herbal decoctions with a mild diuretic effect: you can use lingonberry leaves, bearberry leaves and horsetail. If there are problems with the urethra, catheterization of the bladder is necessary: ​​the catheter is installed for 5-7 days, after which treatment is carried out.

    When the cat's urine flow is restored, it is necessary to rinse the bladder and urethra. For this purpose, antiseptic solutions such as potassium permanganate, furatsilin, chlorhexidine, boric acid or regular saline are used. Rinsing cleanses the bladder of mucus, pus, blood clots, sand and other unwanted elements, and also disinfects it.

    After washing, the cat continues to be treated with conservative methods: antibacterial and sulfonamide drugs are actively used, the negative effects of which are compensated for by probiotics and enterosorbents. Do not neglect disinfectant decoctions of various herbs and special urological preparations.

    In case of severe pain, antispasmodic and sedative drugs are prescribed: they calm the cat and help her calmly endure the treatment.

    Prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system

    Prevention is an important part of caring for a pet after an illness, because diseases of the genitourinary system often return, and with serious complications. Typically, recommendations for further care are given by a veterinarian, but they are universal and are common to all cats with urinary problems:

    • It is necessary to exclude hypothermia of the animal. Drafts, winter walks and cold in the apartment are prohibited for such diseases! If a cat catches a cold in the kidneys, problems with the genitourinary system cannot be avoided - and the course of the disease will be difficult.
    • Vaccination should not be neglected: inflammation of the urinary tract is often caused by pathogenic microorganisms, so their presence in the body of a pet must be avoided.
    • A cat with such problems needs constant access to clean filtered water: the pet must drink plenty of water at every meal, so you need to monitor its water supply. If the owner is often away from home or is a very forgetful person, it is worth purchasing an automatic option! But you shouldn’t pour too much water into the bowl, as it may spoil.
    • It is very important to monitor your cat's diet. Many foods and foods are bad for your pet’s kidney health! You should be careful with meat and fish products, exclude prohibited foods from the diet and switch the animal to special varieties for cats with genitourinary problems - they are guaranteed not to cause harm.

    Each of these points requires consistency and rigor: even the slightest relaxation and neglect of the rules can result in serious problems for the pet’s health and its future well-being.

    If a neutered cat lives in the house, it is worth getting additional recommendations for him from a specialist: such pets are affected by problems with the genitourinary system much more often than ordinary cats.

    The cat cannot go to the toilet in a big way

    Constipation in a cat can occur due to the wrong food, an unusual environment or a stressful situation, due to hairballs and other foreign bodies in the stomach, and also due to insufficient mobility. Constipation can also be caused by age: kittens and older pets go to the toilet less often than adults.

    You should be careful: even old cats and small kittens should have a bowel movement every two to three days. If this does not happen, you should not hesitate and contact a specialist!

    Diseases that cause constipation in pets include all kinds of inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract, adhesions, hernias, tumors and other conditions that cause intestinal obstruction. The problem may be in the anal passage itself: with ruptures, inflammation and scars, defecation brings severe pain, so the cat has to endure it and not go to the toilet.

    Symptoms of constipation in a cat

    An important symptom that indicates problems with defecation in a pet is the very absence of feces and the animal’s frequent but fruitless attempts to defecate. In such a situation, the cat sits in the tray for a long time, digs the litter and makes plaintive sounds: if the owner notices something like this, there is no doubt that it is difficult for the pet to go to the toilet! For older animals and kittens, this condition is normal, but you need to watch the time: if the cat does not poop for 3 days, you need to show it to the doctor.

    Other symptoms that are important to pay attention to are your pet's behavior and appetite. If an animal is not eating well, is lethargic and meows more often than usual, something is probably hurting him! It is worth paying attention to the cat's belly: if it is tense, swollen and feels harder to the touch than before, this is a clear sign of a problem. As in the case of problems with the genitourinary system, the cat will try not to lie on its stomach and not let the owner near it, avoiding pain.

    How to help a pet with gastrointestinal diseases?

    Diseases of the digestive tract in an animal must be treated only under the supervision of a veterinarian: independent measures can greatly harm the cat and even kill it. So, laxatives should not be taken before an ultrasound scan - if the problem is intestinal obstruction, this will cause it to rupture! If constipation is mild and short-lived, you can try changing your pet’s diet: add more liquid to it and reduce the amount of dry food. If this doesn't help, you need to rush to the vet.

    If a doctor prescribes a laxative, you should give preference to mildly acting agents: petroleum jelly, Duphalac and herbal preparations. Avoid using castor oil! Despite the fact that it is often praised and recommended, it has too rough and harsh an effect, which in the future has a bad effect on the pet. You can also use enemas, but you shouldn’t give them yourself: instead of helping the pet, the owner can only make things worse.

    After treatment, you need to use drugs with lactobacilli and bifidobacteria and food containing them in large quantities, if the cat agrees to eat it. You can choose a special food containing such bacteria - it is very useful after an illness.

    Preventing feline constipation

    The main rule for preventing problems with constipation in a cat is to change its diet. It should contain clean and fresh water in large quantities, fresh vegetables and wet food, which are beneficial for digestion. In addition, vitamins are needed: add them to the cat’s food, grow special grass for it, or buy suitable food.

    It is necessary to diversify your pet’s motor activity: try to play with it more often, take walks. Movement is always good for bowel function, and this is especially important for older pets.

    And don’t forget to see a veterinary clinic. Mandatory examinations, ultrasound once a year, preventive vaccinations and treatment as needed - this is what any pet needs. If the disease is chronic, it needs to be prevented in time - which is why a trip to the veterinarian should not be neglected.

A cat cannot be called a human, which means there are no human motives in its actions either. And if you think why a cat doesn’t want to go to the litter box, then the answer most likely lies in something specific that is not related to cat morality. Therefore, it is useless to appeal to prudence, poking the animal into another pile or puddle, and what’s worse - hitting the pet or yelling at it. But the problem of the cat's friendship with the litter box needs to be solved. And now we’ll figure out how to do this.

The situation is already clear - the cat does not want to go to the litter box and, naturally, such blasphemy must be corrected. It should be said right away that a cat ignoring the litter tray occurs for only two reasons: behavioral and medical.

Behavioral approach

The psychological reasons for the unclean behavior of cats are as follows:

  • Disgust.
  • Dislike can be both for the tray itself and for the filler. A cat may even find the place where its litter box is disgusting.
  • Preference.
  • The pet likes this corner and is not at all afraid that the tray is not there.
  • Dirt in the tray.
  • Here all the fault lies with the owner. The tray is not washed, the filler is not changed.
  • Presence of strangers.
  • The cat is shy and does not go to the litter box out of shame if there are strangers in the house, for example relatives. Another option is that the pet is afraid of strangers.
  • Intraspecific aggression.
  • Social disagreements between two cats living in the same house. This is especially true if one of the pets is new.
  • Increased anxiety.

Here is a little bit of everything from the previous points, plus you can add a recent move, rude attitude from the owner, etc.

In general, we can draw a conclusion.

If a healthy cat does not want to go to the litter box, then you need to look for the answer in psychology.

Medical point of view

Let's immediately dot the i's regarding uncastrated and unsterilized animals. There is no need to explain anything here. Hormones are raging and pushing poor cats and cats to do “wet things”. The point is high hormonal levels and the stress associated with it. There is a solution to the problem - it’s time to go to the veterinarian for surgery.

It’s a completely different matter if the problem with childbirth is solved, and the cat walks past the litter box. In this case, one must sin on illness. There are many diseases that disrupt the natural urination cycle:

  • inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • food allergies;
  • diabetes;
  • hepatitis;
  • constipation;
  • colitis.

But the predominant reason for cats walking past the litter box is diseases of the genitourinary system: urolithiasis, cystitis, etc.

If we talk about older cats, their physical abilities and brain activity decrease due to old age. Agree, this is a compelling argument to disrupt the impeccable management of natural needs. For example, a cat does not go to the litter box for one simple reason - he does not have time to reach it due to atony (age-related weakening of the urethral muscles).

We have discussed the main reasons why cats do not go to the litter box. But what to do if your pet regularly goes to the toilet for a big task and makes puddles in the corners. Or vice versa, the corners are littered with piles, but otherwise everything is fine. Let's resolve this issue too.

Why doesn't the cat want to go to the litter tray?

You see that the pet regularly leaves piles where it should be, but there are no wet marks in the tray. It is clear that this is an alarming signal. After all, a small problem with the absence of puddles can turn out to be a big problem - inflammation of the bladder or cystitis.

Why doesn't the cat go to the litter box?

Ask yourself - is he capable? Maybe he's constipated. There can be many reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon:

  • stress;
  • improper diet;
  • intestinal problems.

In each of these cases, the cat needs your help. The simplest method is to feed your pet laxative food until the expected result is achieved. In this sense, regular milk can help. You can, of course, resort to medicine, or even the old fashioned way - an enema or soap into the anus.

How to solve a problem with a tray - the best ways

If you have several four-legged pets at home, provide them with separate restrooms.

Spend time deciding whether the animal is marking its territory or going to the toilet. The mark is a small amount of urine, and the toilet is a puddle. It is worth knowing that the battle for space is inherent in both cats and female cats.

Take time to use the litter box.

Try to clean your cat's litter box as often as possible. Ideally, once a day. You shouldn’t delay changing the filler either. In fact, cats are clean animals and it would not be surprising if a cat stops going to the litter box, showing her feelings about this.

Remove the smell.

The problem has already happened, the cat does not go to the litter box, but the situation can be solved. Kill even the thought of the smell in the place where the animal is addicted to going “on business.” You can use home remedies: bleach, vinegar, or you can go to a pet store and buy a special product for this case.

Install multiple toilets.

Relevant for large houses. The cat may not have time to go to the litter box or may be too lazy to go to it. Therefore, buy several trays and place them around the perimeter of your home.

We move the tray.

Your cat has gotten used to pooping by, but in one place. Place the tray in this place, and over time, gradually move it in the direction you need.

We change the tray.

If all of the above has already been tried, and unexpected “gifts” keep appearing, think about changing the tray. This really helps in certain situations. For example, an old cat would prefer to go to a simple litter box with a low side than to a super fashionable closed toilet.

We change the filler.

Some fillers, especially expensive ones, are impregnated with a fragrance that hides odors. This is convenient for people, but a cat may think differently. It may not be the smell, but the granules themselves.


Why a cat doesn't want to go to the litter box, you can watch her. Often the reason for your pet’s reluctance to live “like a human being” is right under your nose. But there is no time to notice obvious facts, so watch.

Perfect option.

Point the cat to the door and give the cat a tray for the road. Just a joke, of course. It is best to make the area you don't want your cat to use as a litter box inaccessible and/or unpleasant for her. Use everything - build barricades, buy repellent spray, wipe the “bad” area with vinegar and bleach. Your task is to make the cat hate the toilet or forget about it. By the way, this takes a couple of months.

Thanks to these tips, you were not only able to understand why the cat does not go to the litter box, but also learned how to deal with this problem. Stick to it and under no circumstances act through threats and violence. It’s a sad fact, but many cats and cats are familiar with this practice of education, and people too. In any case, if the pet has lost its cleanliness for one of the above reasons, screaming obviously will not correct it.

Remember! Cats will never resist your perseverance and patience, and the joy of a filled tray will reward you for all your efforts.