On which fingers to wear rings? Why is a wedding ring worn on the ring finger?

Wedding rings are considered a symbol of eternal love, fidelity and marriage. Few people know why a wedding ring is worn on the ring finger. There are several versions of the origin of this tradition.

From the history

Plutarch wrote that in Egypt it was customary to wear wedding rings on the ring finger of the left hand because it was closer to the heart. This finger was connected to the heart for a reason. The Egyptians knew human anatomy very well, since at that time there was a custom of opening a person’s body after death. As it turned out, it was from the ring finger on the left hand that a thin nerve ran to the very heart. That is why wedding rings began to be worn on the finger that leads to the heart.

In Russia, it is customary to wear a wedding ring on the ring finger of the right hand. It is believed that there is a guardian angel behind the right shoulder, therefore, by putting a wedding ring on the finger of the right hand, the newlyweds enlist the support of higher powers.

There is a parable that explains wearing a wedding ring on the ring finger.

The Parable of the Ring Finger

Thumb means parents. The index finger is your brothers and sisters, the middle finger is you, the little finger is your children, and the ring finger is your spouse.

Place your palms together. Bend your middle fingers and connect them, and the remaining fingers of both hands should touch only the pads.

  • Try to separate your thumbs from each other. Happened? This means that sooner or later our parents will leave us.
  • Next, try to separate your index fingers from each other. Happened? This happened because your brothers and sisters will have families for which they will leave their parents' home.
  • Now tear off the pads of your little fingers. Happened? This happened because sooner or later the children will leave you and start their own families.
  • Now open your ring fingers. It is either impossible or very difficult to separate these fingers without tearing the remaining fingers apart from each other. And all because the ring finger symbolizes the partner with whom you will always go through life, touching everything.

Wedding rings are a symbol of love and marriage. It can become a talisman for your love and family. It all depends on what meaning you put into it. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

23.03.2015 09:26

Every loss of something valuable to a person is a special sign. There are many folk signs associated with losses. ...

Wedding rings are not only a symbol of love and fidelity, but are also mascots for the newlywed...

Interview with the Echo newspaper with a culturologist,teacher at the Institute of Culture, head of one of the St. Petersburg registry officesLeila Ibragimova.

- You recently published in one of the cultural publications in St. Petersburg a rather large work devoted to wedding rings and their history. Why did you choose this particular topic?

One day, an employee of mine who was conducting a marriage ceremony fell ill. It was unexpected, and there was no one to replace it. Then I, who started my work in the registry office with just such a position, decided to replace her myself. A young couple was registering. The boy is ordinary, and the girl is very lively. And when I said: “I ask the young people to exchange rings,” instead of sticking her finger up, she asks me a question: “Why rings? I asked everyone - no one knows.” I started mumbling something, that this was an ancient custom and all that, I remembered something from history... And then I decided to clarify this issue for myself and found a lot of interesting information. This is the result of this article.

After all, an engagement ring is a terribly interesting thing! Have you noticed that when we look at a stranger, we always pay attention to a minor, but important detail. This detail is the presence or absence of a wedding ring. It is this small piece of metal, usually gold, that brings us very important information.

- Why is a wedding ring worn on the ring finger?

The tradition of wearing a wedding ring on this finger comes from Ancient Egypt. They say that Cleopatra herself was the first to put a wedding ring on the ring finger of her left hand.

They say that Cleopatra herself was the first to put an engagement ring on the ring finger of her left hand.

Although, of course, the ring itself was invented in an unknown place, most likely everywhere at the same time. And very often it was not a decoration, but a kind of identification mark. In this meaning, rings are mentioned, for example, in the Indian epic of the 11th century. As for Egypt, gold rings were already popular there, the pharaohs used them as a seal, and later everyone began to wear them as jewelry. The seal was carved, often with inscriptions, on a wire rim. Simpler citizens wore rings made of silver, copper, glass and even ceramics.

In ancient times, the Egyptians believed that the fourth finger of the left hand was connected to the heart by a special nerve or blood vessel. The ring, worn on the ring finger, was thus directly connected to the heart and symbolized love or marriage.

The ring, worn on the ring finger, was thus directly connected to the heart and symbolized love or marriage

However, the ancient Hellenes were the first to make the ring and love dependent. If a ring was worn on the ring finger, it meant that the person's heart was occupied. If it is on the index finger, then this person is in search of a wife, but if it is on the little finger, then this indicates that he is not ready to get married at all. But if you saw a ring on the middle finger of an ancient Greek, it would immediately be clear that this is a local Don Juan, well versed in the science of love. By the way, such a language of rings existed until the 19th century. According to legend, the very first ring (not a wedding ring, but simply) was worn by Prometheus on the orders of Zeus. This ring was supposed to remind him of those days when he was chained to the mountain.

Christians acted very wisely and, unlike other pagan beliefs, did not refute the ancient belief about the connection between the left ring finger and the heart, and in the 9th century, Pope Nicholas I legitimized this connection with a church ritual, although the use of this decoration directly in the wedding ceremony takes its toll beginning in the 4th century. He ordered, with his divine blessing, to engrave the church text on the ring. However, for some reason only Catholics did this. Orthodox Christians today wear a wedding ring on the ring finger of their right hand; only divorced people wear it on their left. But the Orthodox have always wanted to be different from Catholics, maybe this is the reason? However, the whole world, including the Muslim world, wears a wedding ring on the left hand. Although I was wrong when I said that only Orthodox Christians wore it on their right hand. Also Soviet. This is where they really wanted to distinguish themselves. From the rest of the civilized world.

However, history knows many examples of wedding rings “traveling” literally across all the fingers of both hands. For example, in England during the reign of King George I at the beginning of the 18th century, large wedding rings were worn on the thumb. They did the same in India. True, newlyweds there, in principle, did not wear wedding rings for long - after a while they could simply be melted down for any other decoration.

By the way, during the early Middle Ages, when it was customary to wear only one ring, it was worn on the ring finger. And in China, wedding rings were made in such a way that they could be put on any finger. On the ring itself were carved the hieroglyphs “fu” - “happiness” and “show” - “longevity”, or a three-legged toad denoting the same thing. Great importance was also attached to the stone that would be set into the ring.

- You listed several countries where wedding rings were worn. What, they weren’t worn in other countries?

Wedding rings were worn in almost all countries. The custom of exchanging rings also existed among the ancient Hindus, Romans, Anglo-Saxons, ancient Germans, all Slavs and many other tribes.

And why, as your bride asked, are rings the symbol of marriage and are they the ones that need to be exchanged? And why are they gold?

In ancient times, a golden ring among many peoples symbolized the sun - the source of warmth, light and, in general, the joy of life. This, in particular, is spoken of in many ancient legends, tales and songs. I read the lyrics of such ancient songs from Lithuanians, Finns, Belarusians, etc. This, obviously, is where the custom of exchanging rings between newlyweds comes from, which should serve as a guarantee of a happy family life. But this is the reason that, as they say, lies on the surface. In ancient times, when there were not so many people and each member of the tribe counted, a new family meant the birth of new people; family was a sacred concept. The circle, the wheel is one of the most ancient symbols. A round decoration without beginning or end, which cannot be opened, symbolizes the eternity of the family union (by the way, two rings put together form an infinity sign), and precious materials represent how dear the two people who created a family are to each other from now on. Gold has always been considered the most valuable metal among all peoples.

As for the custom of exchanging rings, it did not arise immediately. Wedding rings became an item of exchange between spouses and, accordingly, an important part of the wedding ceremony only in the 2nd century.

Nowadays, a wedding ring is made from only metal. And before it was made with a precious stone. Where did this custom come from?

In the Italian city of Perugia they still keep a relic - a ring with an amethyst, which, according to legend, Joseph presented to the Virgin Mary for betrothal. This is where, according to another legend, the fashion for wedding rings with stones began. By the way, precious stones are also closely related to the history and symbolism of rings. Very often, a stone embedded in a ring carried very specific information. For example, in the 19th century in Brazil, a stone in a ring spoke of the profession of its owner. A lawyer wore a ruby ​​ring, a doctor wore an emerald ring, and a civil engineer wore a sapphire ring. Wedding rings began to be decorated with diamonds and diamonds back in the Middle Ages, when diamond deposits were discovered in India and South Africa. It is believed that the first diamond ring was given to a wedding by the young Austrian Archduke Maximilian when he married Mary of Burgundy. This happened in the 15th century under Frederick III. Maximilian commissioned his jeweler to create a ring made of pressed gold and silver, framed with diamonds in the shape of the letter "M", thereby forever introducing precious stones into fashion for wedding rings. Gradually, the diamond became an integral decoration of a woman’s engagement ring. However, men still prefer a ring made of gold of the highest standard, not burdened with any frills.

- Why did they stop making wedding rings with stones?

They haven't stopped! In Europe, such rings are still given as gifts, or rather, they have never stopped giving. The fact is that before there was a betrothal rite and a wedding rite. According to established custom, the ring that the groom gave to his chosen one for engagement or betrothal was usually much richer and more expensive than the one that he put on her finger during the marriage ceremony. This ring, worn when registering a marriage, had to be without a stone and in the form of a continuous circle. It was believed that the stone on the ring disrupted its continuity, that is, it weakened the protective properties of the ring from evil spirits. That's why wedding rings were simple - why tempt an evil spirit seeking to cause discord between spouses? In addition, wedding rings were a symbol of purity, eternity and fidelity between spouses, and should have been simple, without any decoration, and always made of pure, without impurities, and durable metal.

By the way, the rings were changed already during the engagement. This custom was, for example, among the ancient Slavs. This custom, at the time of preliminary agreement - betrothal, cemented the firm intentions of the bride and groom to get married. At the same time, certain moral obligations seemed to arise, which should not have been violated even formally. Later, starting from the 18th century, rings were no longer exchanged during an engagement; the groom gave the bride a ring with a stone, but she did not give him anything. The ancient Romans also had a betrothal ceremony, when the groom gave the bride's parents a ring as a symbol of commitment and ability to support the bride. Moreover, the rings indicated the social status of the residents: the upper classes had the right to wear gold rings, townspeople - silver ones. Even slaves wore rings, but only iron or copper. By the way, even then the Romans invented marriage on a contractual basis. And the engagement was considered a more important moment than the wedding itself, since the main agreements between the groom and the bride’s parents were made precisely during the engagement process.

As for the times of the Soviet Union, there was only one ring for our women, it is called a wedding ring, although in fact this name is incorrect. Nobody even thought about any betrothal or wedding ceremony. But when Christian traditions were strong - before the October Revolution, the Orthodox Christian wedding ceremony in some way combined betrothal and marriage. Back in 1775, the Russian Orthodox Church combined the betrothal ceremony with the wedding ceremony. From then on, the wedding rings, which the bride and groom exchanged before the altar, also began to be called wedding rings. True, newlyweds getting married in a church will be interested to know that the ceremony itself of exchanging symbols of marital fidelity is not a marriage, it is an engagement, which is simply traditionally combined with a wedding in time and is held immediately before the wedding ritual. And the real consolidation of the union by the church occurs when crowns are held over the heads of the bride and groom, and the future spouses drink three times from the wedding cup.

- I read somewhere that in some countries rings for the bride and groom were made of different metals. This is true?

Yes, this was the case in many Catholic countries, but not for long; the custom lasted somewhere from the middle of the 17th century to the end of the 19th century. The groom's ring was made of gold, and the bride's was made of silver. At the same time, the name of one of the spouses was engraved on each ring, and the bride received jewelry with the name of the groom, and the groom received the name of the bride. By the way, many Catholic couples adhere to this tradition to this day. In some European countries, it is common to use the same ring as an engagement and wedding gift. In this case, the jewelry is considered “engagement” until the inscription is engraved on it - the name of one of the spouses and the wedding date. After which the ring is considered a wedding ring.

- Then it turns out that gold is not always used for wedding rings?

Yes, wedding rings were not immediately and not everywhere made of gold. Initially, rings were made of bronze, later of iron, and only around the 3rd century gold became the main material for them. By the way, gold was once considered the material of the Sun, silver - the material of the Moon. Platinum began to be used for wedding rings about two hundred years ago. Wedding rings made of two metals were quite popular, with combinations such as gold plus iron symbolizing the harmony of beauty and strength. An alloy of platinum and gold, the so-called white gold, is still popular. Somewhere in the 70s and 80s of the last century, wedding rings made of three metals were fashionable: white gold, red gold and yellow gold.

Already in the Middle Ages, the appearance of wedding rings was characterized by unprecedented diversity. They were made from a wide variety of metals, decorated with incisions, patterns, niello, enamel, and pearls and precious stones were inserted into them. The rings had the shape of intertwined hands, chains, hearts pierced by an arrow... Cabalistic signs, all kinds of images, symbolic and religious inscriptions, brands, etc. were often applied to them. The Nuremberg Museum, for example, houses a 13th-century ring found by archaeologists. It has a simple triangular profile and the inscription “Loyalty is in me.” There were also other inscriptions: “Love to the grave,” “As long as I love, I hope,” “United together by God cannot be separated by man.” There were also magic numbers on rings, most often 3 and 7. The number 3 was considered a symbol of hope, faith and love, and 7 was simply lucky. Half rings were also very popular. They were worn separately by husband and wife, but only these halves joined together made up a whole ring on which some saying could be read.

Even in Europe there were rings with the image of two hands and two hearts. They were first worn in the 17th century. And in Ireland, since ancient times, they have worn a ring with the image of two hands holding one heart, above which there is a crown. This ring is called "Claddagh". If in the Claddagh ring the heart is turned to the outer side, then this indicates that the person is free, if in the inner direction, then he is engaged or married. Claddagh is also worn in France - in Brittany and Normandy. In Italy, in the provinces of Bolzano and Alto Adige, there is a similar version of a gilded silver ring with two hands that hold not only a heart, but also a flame.

- Are there any beliefs or superstitions associated with wedding rings?

How not to be! Perhaps no other wedding attribute is associated with as many beliefs as rings! The beliefs were very different, most of all there were beliefs regarding the mysterious power of the rings. It was believed, for example, that a gold ring, especially a wedding ring, helps during childbirth, and in Little Russia it was held in front of a woman in labor. One of the most common beliefs is that you should not reuse someone's wedding rings, so as not to learn life's mistakes and possible troubles from the former owners.

One of the most common beliefs is that you should not reuse someone's wedding rings, so as not to learn life's mistakes and possible troubles from the former owners.

An exception is made only for the rings of parents, but only if they want their children to repeat their happy fate. In some European countries, there is a tradition of passing on a wedding ring by inheritance from mother to eldest daughter - from generation to generation.

Another belief is that you should not even let someone try on your wedding ring. But this belief “works” only in Europe and America; in Azerbaijan, for example, there is a custom, as they say, exactly the opposite. When the groom gives the bride a ring after he has proposed and the betrothal ceremony has taken place, the bride invites her unmarried girlfriends to her house to look at the dowry and try on the ring. The one who tries on first will be the first to get married.

There are many signs associated with rings. It is believed that the worst thing is to drop your wedding ring from your hands, especially in front of the altar. In Russia there is even a saying for this occasion: dropping a wedding ring under the aisle is not a good sign. There is evidence that this sign is true in my practice. When I was still registering marriages myself, I had three cases when the bride dropped her ring. And, imagine, all three couples came to divorce after some time. Now I no longer register marriages, but our girls say that the sign continues to work. Even worse is losing your wedding ring. This was generally considered a big disaster for the family. When a ring breaks or cracks, it is considered a harbinger of an imminent divorce.

When a ring breaks or cracks, it is considered a harbinger of an imminent divorce.

This happened to my friend. Her husband's cut ring cracked and they separated three months later. So don’t believe in omens after this!

No, signs regarding wedding rings always work. For example, I’m not a superstitious person, but my first husband and I lost our wedding rings within one day of each other. You don’t even have to ask whether we got divorced or not... By the way, about faceted rings. So we talked about why an engagement ring with a precious stone, and a wedding ring must be simple and smooth. There is such a sign: if the ring is simple and smooth, then life will be simple and smooth.

If the ring is simple and smooth, then life will be simple and smooth.

- In the dream book, a lot of space is allocated to rings. Do you believe in dream books?

I personally don't. Dream books are entertainment for teenagers and exalted ladies. To solve a dream, you need not a dream book, but logic or a psychic. But in various dream books, a lot is actually written about wedding rings. For example, if a woman sees her wedding ring shiny and bright in a dream, then this is supposedly a sign that she will not know either worries or betrayal. If you see that you have lost or broken a ring, this means that sadness awaits you in real life. In principle, an engagement ring is such a magical, mysterious and mystical thing that these signs very often work with dreams.

Why, if a wedding ring is such a mysterious and mystical thing, does it practically not appear in any novels or plays? That is, rings are mentioned, but I can’t remember a single work where the wedding ring plays such an important role as, for example, the handkerchief in Othello?

Well, this question is not for me! Maybe that’s why they didn’t write, because writers were afraid of all sorts of mysterious things? However, you are not entirely right; there were literary works where wedding rings occupied quite an important place. There is, for example, a plot whose origins are lost in the darkness of centuries. The 12th century English chronicler William of Malmesbury talks about an amazing and, in his words, reliable incident. A certain Roman youth, before a game of “balls”, I really don’t know what kind of game it is, but that’s not the point, took off his wedding ring so that it would not interfere with the game, and, without hesitation, put it on the finger of a statue of Venus standing nearby . The consequences of this rash act were indescribable. On the eve of the first wedding night, Venus herself, taking human form, laid claim to the groom. The young man, understandably, was terribly frightened, and in order to get rid of the nightmare obsession, he turned to the warlock Palumbus. He sent a decisive message to Venus, which forced the goddess of love to have mercy and leave her unexpected “betrothed” alone. Subsequently, this plot in various versions is found in various medieval poems, in the opera, the ballet "The Marble Bride", in the wonderful ironic story by Prosper Merimee "Venus of Il". But if for Merimee this incident with the unlucky young man was a matter of irony, then for medieval authors it was more than a serious matter. In those days, people really believed in the magical power of rings; moreover, the ring itself was often mysteriously considered connected with the fate of the person himself, and even determined his location.

- Why do they wear the ring on the other hand during a divorce?

Some actually transfer the ring to the other hand. By this they seem to signal to the opposite sex that “I am free and ready for a new relationship.” But there are no strict rules on this matter; this is everyone’s personal matter. The strict rule was that the ring must be worn after the wedding. There was even a sign: “if your ring gets cold, so will your love.” Therefore, many women do not take off their wedding ring even during cleaning or other dirty work. Although, I must say, this is harmful. True, not for women, but for men.

- Is it harmful to wear rings?!

Yes, scientists have proven that constantly wearing a ring - any ring - has a harmful effect on your health. The fact is that precious metals, like others, are susceptible to oxidation. After all, no one makes rings from pure gold now! To impart the necessary mechanical properties and color, additives of non-ferrous metals are introduced into the rings, producing alloys, for example, gold with silver and copper, sometimes with palladium, cadmium, nickel and zinc; silver and platinum with copper. These alloys are capable of releasing chemical reaction products, which over time affect the male gonads and can even lead to sexual disorders. Doctors say that even a fraction of a milligram of gold oxides can disrupt the normal functioning of the glands, regardless of the sample. Moreover, what is especially interesting is that this does not in any way affect women’s health, their body is better protected, only men suffer!

After this interview, all the men will take off their wedding rings and say that this is what the newspaper advised them to do...

Men should not panic at all! After all, many years must pass before the oxidation process reaches dangerous levels. But if someone is still afraid of this, then we can advise them on a very simple way out: wash your hands more often, that’s all! And clean your rings more often. But what’s really harmful is if your ring is small and tight. This negatively affects not only the condition of the nerve endings concentrated in the fingers, but also the blood circulation in general. So wear your rings and be happy!

Everyone knows that the most important symbol in marriage is the wedding ring. The question immediately arises: why not some other precious item, such as a bracelet or earrings?

The explanation is quite simple and lies in the fact that the rings are presented in the form of a closed strip of metal, symbolizing stability, immutability, eternity and infinity. Thus, the ring is considered a symbol of fidelity and eternal love, which guarantees cohesion in relationships, the ability to support each other in difficult times, as well as such quality as constancy. Today this symbol no longer has the same power as before. Although all newlyweds swear and believe that they will find immeasurable happiness.

But still, the question certainly arises: why are wedding rings worn on the ring finger?

According to legend, the first rings appeared among the Egyptians, who made them from gold for exchange during marriage. To do this, they took a strip of gold and gave it a round shape, which symbolizes fidelity and love. The inhabitants of Ancient Egypt put rings on the middle finger of their left hand, believing that it was the connecting thread between the vein and the heart, thereby symbolizing love. Thus, Eastern peoples traditionally wear a wedding ring on the middle finger.

Residents of European countries are accustomed to wearing a wedding ring on their right hand, namely on their ring finger. There is a belief that he has miraculous powers thanks to the ring. Speaking of the Egyptians, ancient Greeks and Romans, it was this finger that they used to rub in healing ointments. According to legend, a finger wearing a wedding ring could be cured of illness.

There is also another legend according to which we owe it to the ancient Hellenes for wearing a ring on the ring finger, speaking of the busyness of a person’s heart. They were the ones who tied the ring and love together. If a person wore a ring on his index finger, then he was actively searching. The presence of a ring on the little finger indicated an unwillingness to marry. The presence of a ring on the middle finger testified to the unprecedented victories of its owner on the love front.

The act of the Christians was quite wise in that it was legal to wear a ring on the ring finger of the left hand, associating it with church ritual. Since the 9th century, the Pope has blessed the engraving of church text on the ring. But this was characteristic only of Catholics, since the Orthodox were accustomed to wearing them on the right hand, while the ring finger of the left hand was for divorced people.

So, in history there are many options for wearing a wedding ring, which is a symbol of the bond of marriage. And it doesn’t matter where this symbol of love and fidelity is worn. The main thing is that everything in life goes well for the married couple. In a word, so that there is advice and love in their lives.

Since ancient times, jewelry could tell about its owner. Its presence on one or another part of the body told many secrets and innermost desires of the owner. Particular attention was paid to the hands and fingers. Decorating them was considered a magical effect, since it is known that there are more than 400 active points on the fingers, which are responsible for the functioning of various organs.

There are cases when a person wears a ring for quite a long time and suffers from constant headaches. But you just have to experiment and remove it, and all your ailments will go away. And the reason for this is the influence of the ring on biologically active points. Or another example, when a woman’s reproductive function was in a passive state for a long time, and only by saying goodbye to the ring or changing it to another finger, she was able to get pregnant. It is very important to know and understand your body, its needs, energy balance and the changes occurring in it.

A huge amount of information has been accumulated over the centuries on the influence of various minerals and alloys on the human body. Silver is more suitable for people who suffer from migraines and want to balance their emotional state. This metal is also suitable for esotericists and clairvoyants, as it helps the development of magical abilities and intuitive thinking. We often see silver jewelry darken over time. This happens, for the most part, from contact with the skin of a sick person. So if your silver ring takes on a dark tint, then you should pay close attention to your health. To restore vital energy and increase strength, it is recommended to wear gold jewelry. Gold has a particularly beneficial effect on the vitality of women of Balzac age. From a health point of view, the noble metal has a positive effect on cardiac function and helps reduce high blood pressure. It is also recommended to wear gold jewelry for people suffering from ulcers. Silver, on the contrary, increases heart rate and increases blood pressure.

Which hand should I wear rings on? If you put the ring on your right hand, it will reflect the state of the owner here and now. The decoration on the left hand reflects the desired state of its owner and helps to achieve it. And for left-handed people it’s the other way around.


Astrologers say that the energy flowing in the thumb is protected by Mars. The main parts of the body affected by this planet are the head and neck. Therefore, Mars is primarily responsible for such qualities in a person as will, logic, and thinking. People who lack such qualities are advised to wear rings on their thumbs. This action activates the necessary energies and replenishes the person with the necessary qualities.

It is better to choose a ring or ring that you will put on your thumb with blue or blue-green stones. It is recommended to have several stones in use and change them depending on your goals and well-being. Wearing minerals on the thumb whose energy is contrary to the nature of the energy of the finger can lead to serious problems, including paralysis, and create an unstable emotional background in a person. If you put jewelry with red stones on your thumb, then such actions can reduce the owner’s self-confidence. The blue color in jewelry worn on the thumb activates vital energy, has a beneficial effect on the restoration of the nervous system, sharpens attention, and when worn for a long time, fights absent-mindedness. The blue-green shade of the stone on the jewelry can prevent epileptic seizures and create a pleasant feeling of comfort. These stones include:

  1. lapis lazuli,
  2. green turquoise,
  3. sea ​​green aquamarine,
  4. amazonite

Rings with green mineral replenish the body's protective functions, increase immunity, promote tissue regeneration, stabilize the owner's psychological state and balance the heart rate. Yellow stones on the thumb stabilize the nervous system. It is strictly forbidden to wear blue stones on this finger, since the latter can incline a person to bad habits such as alcohol, smoking and drugs. Blue flowers in decoration also include gray, which can instill fear in a person, as well as make a person’s mood apathetic. The presence of a blue-violet stone on the thumb can cause migraines and attacks of nausea.

Very often, wearing jewelry on the thumb becomes the reason for celibacy, because it suppresses the beauty of a woman and attracts men who have psychological imbalance. Due to a change in energy, a person may become suicidal. Women should be wary of wearing stones on their thumbs. If you are still a fan of decorating this particular finger of your hand, then you should take into account the fact that some minerals are hostile towards each other. Observe their harmonious presence on your hand.

In palmistry, the thumb has the value “3”, i.e. that people wearing rings on this finger strive to show their superiority in life, to choose the main paths of self-realization. But on the other hand, such a person becomes overly talkative and boastful. The owner of the ring is often an emotional, expansive and very strong person. The trail of communication with such a person remains in the thoughts of the interlocutor for a long time, most often like a bad dream. It is useless to convince this person; he firmly stands on his opinion and does not accept compromises.

A special case is when a man wears a ring on his thumb. Even in Ancient Rome and Greece, the thumb was considered a symbol of the phallus and iron rings were worn on it to pacify male energy. In the modern world, this opinion has not changed, the only thing is that iron has been replaced by more noble metals and elegance in jewelry. Don’t be scared if a person comes to a meeting wearing a huge ring on his thumb. This only indicates that a person is trying to curb his aggression and praise the harmony within himself, aimed at fruitful communication.


According to astrologers, the index finger is an expression of the power of Jupiter. It accompanies our development, fills our feelings and emotions, and indicates our purpose in life. Wearing jewelry on the index finger affects the development of talent and self-realization in your favorite business, and the success of the enterprise being implemented. An incorrectly selected stone can worsen the situation in your business and even lead to ruin. It will attract irresponsible and frivolous behavior to the owner, allowing him to fulfill unnecessary whims, which will lead to unwanted waste. But if you choose a stone correctly and harmoniously, then with its strength it will help in the implementation of your plans, endow a person with courage, courage, and open channels of influence on other people.

special offers for you

  1. sapphire,
  2. aquamarine,
  3. lapis lazuli,
  4. turquoise,
  5. amazonite,
  6. opal,
  7. beryl.

To increase your self-esteem and to implement good and bright plans, it is recommended to wear tin jewelry on your index finger. It is believed that this is the metal of Jupiter or Perun. In rare cases, you can give preference to gold - a metal that is friendly to Jupiter. Silver rings can lead the owner to a complete fiasco in business and disruption of planned plans, do not wear them. Women are advised to wear jewelry on the index finger of their left hand, and men - on their right hand.

Jewelry on the index finger was worn by such famous commanders and rulers as Ivan the Terrible, Caesar, Cardinal Richelieu. Henry VIII preferred to wear rings exclusively on his index fingers and decorated both hands with them. He is remembered in history as a famous reformer, a great monarch, a husband of six wives at the same time, and as a person with an extremely unstable psyche. Indeed, it is believed that if you wear a ring on the index finger of your right hand, this action develops prudence. And if on the left, it shows a sense of self-importance, delusions of grandeur, a tendency to depression and hysteria.

The ring that the owner wears on the index finger indicates that a person has a strong-willed character, a desire for power, for leadership. If a person is by nature timid and shy in communication, indecisive in his actions, then by decorating his index finger, he can absorb all the necessary qualities of character.
Suddenly a man with a ring on his index finger comes to you on a date - rest assured, he is ready to conquer and conquer you with the most serious intentions. If both fingers on the left and right hand are decorated with rings, such a person will stop at nothing to achieve his goals.

Middle finger.

Palmists characterize the middle finger as a symbol of reflection of the path of life, the thread of fate. Astrologers talk about it as a manifestation of Saturn. This planet manifests itself in a person’s life in his life priorities, in the development of his personality, in his ability to speak and teach others. Natural stones in a ring worn on the middle finger help develop in social affairs, in business, and the ability to be a leader.

In achieving your goals, stones of purple and black colors are more suitable than others. But we do not recommend wearing them all the time. Such stones require “rest”. It is prudent to wear stones to certain events and business meetings. Their completion should end in success for you.

  • To restore peace of mind, turn to jewelry with amethyst.
  • Do you want to be protected from the bad actions of others? Obsidian in combination with silver, worn on the middle finger of the left hand, will help you achieve the latter.
  • If you want to look convincing, feel free to wear a moonstone set in silver.

It is recommended to wear only silver jewelry on the middle finger. If you don't like silver, then it's better to avoid wearing rings on your middle finger altogether. This finger outlines and indicates boundaries, but if you still want to bring them into your life, then wear gold rings on the finger of the planet Saturn. If a woman puts such a ring on her middle finger, then over time she will notice that she has become less attractive and uninteresting. Rings made of lead or iron bestow strength that will help overcome difficult life situations and adhere to common sense in decision making. They develop in a person such qualities as wisdom, constancy and devotion.

Close attention should be paid to stones with a red color scheme. You should be especially wary of such stones in combination with a gold frame. This mix can seriously worsen the situation in your personal life. The use of a ruby ​​in such a ring will deprive a woman of satisfaction in terms of intimate sensations when wearing it. Medicine has long noticed that a huge number of women who are attracted to such rings are dissatisfied and frigid.

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The middle finger is the most central, the longest, and the decorations on it always have the most pronounced emphasis, demonstrating the attractiveness of the owner and pointing to a pronounced nature that wants to stand out in this particular capacity. Marilyn Monroe wore a ring on it when she sang about diamonds. The size of the stone also has its own meaning: the larger the mineral, the more its owner wants to attract attention to herself and convince others of her irresistibility. Graceful, small and artistically executed jewelry on the middle finger is more likely to emphasize a small sense of self-importance in a person, but if the ring is huge, tasteless and mega shiny, then this is more likely to present the person as vain and proud. Note that in the legendary film based on Tolkien’s trilogy “The Lord of the Rings,” the main character wore a ring on his middle finger.

Family jewels are usually worn on the middle finger: the owner establishes a connection with his ancestors, weaving into the magical stream of fate, accepting karma and understanding his higher purpose. Such people, as a rule, are very deep, wise and have enormous spiritual strength.

Ring finger.

The ring finger is the personification of the Sun. It is the luminary that gives us love, inspires us and colors life with a wide variety of feelings. Whether it is the right or left hand, it makes no difference, the owner of the ring on the ring finger seems to be spinning her love and giving it, illuminating everything around. This is why many women find it very convenient to wear jewelry on this finger. Please note that when you try on a ring in a jewelry store, you automatically put it on your ring finger for the first time.

  1. ruby,
  2. pomegranate,
  3. tourmaline,
  4. red jasper,
  5. cornelian,
  6. other.

Yellow stones are also welcome to wear on the ring finger:

  1. topaz,
  2. amber,
  3. citrine,
  4. cornelian.

If you need to strengthen a love union in life, then it is recommended to wear pearls on your right hand.

Under no circumstances should you let another person try on a ring from your ring finger. Thus, you open your life wide open, letting in betrayal with the possibility of losing your family or destroying your relationship with your loved one. If you dream of getting married and creating a family, then ignore the silver rings on your ring finger. They have an energetically calming effect to the extent that your call into the life of a loved one will simply be reduced to zero. Please note that women who wear silver “save and save” rings on this finger are mostly unmarried.

Rings are worn on the ring finger by spouses to show their love and fidelity. This little sign plays a huge role in the life of a family. It was in Ancient Egypt that the ritual of exchanging rings appeared on the day of the emergence and strengthening of the union. The Egyptians believed that the “artery of love”, leading directly to the heart, originated from this finger. Initially, wedding rings were made from glass, various metals and even ceramics. Later, in ancient Rome, this tradition was revived and jewelry was made from bronze or iron. And the more common metal from which wedding rings are still smelted, gold, appeared only in the 3rd-4th centuries.

The ring adorning the ring finger emphasizes the owner's desire for beauty, sophistication and luxury. There are several facts that tell about their owner:

  1. a person who constantly wears a ring on his ring finger is completely romantic. For him, the sensory perception of this world, the desire for pleasure and an easy, pleasant pastime are important. If a person comes to you on a date and has a ring on his ring finger, then know that he is in a great mood and has good intentions. If both the right and left hand are decorated with an emphasis on the ring finger, then the person is simply at the peak of positive emotions;
  2. a miniature decoration reflects a harmonious and balanced person, confident in himself;
  3. a large or bright ring is a symbol of stormy and sometimes depressive-hysterical behavior of the individual;
  4. wearing a wedding ring shows that for its owner, family is the most important thing in life. And if a woman puts on some other, second ring on top of it, then this doubly emphasizes the importance of marriage in her life. A ring worn on the left hand signifies readiness to start a family.

Little finger.

The little finger is responsible for such human skills as correct speech, the ability to establish and acquire contacts and connections. Astrologers believe that the little finger is the energy of Mercury. According to informative sources, decorations on this finger are companions of artists and actors, people involved in healing and writing. It is these areas of creativity that Mercury is responsible for. The metal that reflects the energy of the planet is mercury, but since under normal conditions it is in a liquid state, it is not used for smelting rings. But the planet is friendly with almost all metals, so it doesn’t matter what frame you wear on your little finger. But from the point of view of the stones that adorn the ring, it is recommended to wear minerals of yellow and green shades on the little finger:

  1. cornelian,
  2. citrine,
  3. amber,
  4. topaz,
  5. emerald,
  6. chrysoprase,
  7. chrysolite.

It is especially recommended to wear chrysoprase in combination with silver if you are going to a business meeting. This mineral will become an assistant in the implementation and development of new projects. And jade, both in gold and silver frames, will help you make the right decision.

Owners of pinky rings are very subtle and creative people. Marlene Dietrich paid special attention to such rings. If you meet a person with jewelry on his little finger, and his activity is not related to the world of art, then you should know that such a person is able to go beyond generally accepted cliches, perform an interesting act and distinguish himself with creative behavior. Such people are very fickle, often going against the flow of life, choosing interesting branches that can develop their other qualities. If a person comes to you on a date with a ring on his little finger, then in most cases you can’t expect anything good from him. Such people are prone to empty promises, coquetry, and it is very difficult to build a strong and happy family with them, because they are more focused inward. These people live by their sensations, and their activities are aimed mainly at searching for original, new, unusual manifestations and impressions.

A ring found or inherited should be treated with caution. Since ancient times, people have known that rings absorb all the information that happens to a person. And if you don’t want to try on someone else’s fate for yourself, get rid of the ring you find (especially the engagement ring). Please accept hereditary rings inherited from your ancestors as a talisman as a gift with joy. But there is one thing to be wary of. If you do not want to repeat the fate of your ancestors and want to change the family line of life, then it is worth doing the ritual of ring cleansing, which is described in more detail.

Wear your rings with joy and knowledge, and they will help you follow the path of life!

The palm with fingers represents family. Only by gathering together does the family represent strength and be able to repel any enemy (fist).

Thumb means parents.
Index - brothers and sisters.
The middle one is yourself.
Nameless - your partner (spouse).
The little finger means your children.

Why is the wedding ring placed on the ring finger?
Follow the instructions below. Indeed, only God could come up with such a miracle.

First, place your palms together as shown in the photo, with your middle fingers touching the outer sides.

Then simply touch the other 4 pairs of fingers with pads (thumb to thumb, index to index, and so on).
The game begins, follow the instructions, but do not forget that out of five pairs of fingers you can only tear off two fingers from each other at a time.

Try to separate the pads of your thumbs, which represent your parents, from each other. Happened? This happened because all people get sick in their lives, and at the end of their lives they die. This gap symbolizes that our parents will one day leave us forever.

Now put the pads of your thumbs together, and then tear the pads of your index fingers apart, which symbolize brothers and sisters. Happened? This happened because they also have (or will have) their own families for which they will leave us.

Now place the pads of your index fingers together and then separate the pads of your little fingers, which represent your children. Happened? Sooner or later, our children will start their own families and leave us.

However, put the pads of your little fingers together, and now try to tear the pads of your ring fingers, where we put wedding rings, away from each other. You will be surprised, but these two fingers cannot be opened completely (without tearing the other fingers away from each other), because they symbolize husband and wife, and the fact that you will touch everything throughout your life.

True love will last forever...

Why do we wear rings

The answer to the question why we wear rings is given by a beautiful legend. “The gods chained Prometheus to a rock as punishment. The eagle that came every day pecked at his liver. Having broken the chains, Hercules freed Prometheus, but a fragment of the chain with a piece of rock seemed to remain on the titan’s hand.” Since then, people wear rings and rings in memory of him...

Meanwhile, history shows that rings first appeared in the countries of the Ancient East. However, their purpose was not decoration at all, but had a practical purpose: they were used instead of money. Such rings were made of simple metal and were not particularly beautiful. For convenience, the Egyptians strung several small rings onto a large ring, depending on what they needed to buy with their help.

Since ancient times, rings have been worn on the left hand so as not to interfere with work. The only exceptions were weddings. Different peoples and religions still have their own rules and customs here. According to legend, Joseph put Mary's ring on the middle finger of his left hand. By the way, the Catholic Church also prescribes wearing a wedding ring on the ring finger of the left hand. Orthodox Christians wear a wedding or engagement ring on the ring finger of the right hand, and widows wear it on the left. But in England and India, for example, many centuries ago they were worn on the thumb.

An anecdote on the topic.

If a woman wears a ring on the ring finger of her right hand, she is married.
If he wears a ring on the ring finger of his left hand, it means nothing.
If there are rings on both hands, it means that she is married, but it doesn’t mean anything...

// October 26, 2009 // Views: 8,773