The largest newborn. What is the largest baby in the world? The heaviest newborn

It is known that the normal weight of a newborn baby is 3-4 kilograms. But it happens that real “heroes” are born. What is he like? biggest newborn Today?

Here is what information about record-breaking babies for height and weight is available on the Internet today.

The largest newborns in the world.

1. At the beginning of August 2013, a gigantic baby was born in a maternity hospital in Leipzig: weighing almost 6.12 kilograms and measuring more than 57.4 cm in height.
The girl was named Justin, she became the largest newborn in Germany.

The surprising fact is that doctors managed to do without a caesarean section, and a child of such large size was born naturally.

It turned out that the girl’s overweight was caused by her mother’s diabetes, which was discovered only in the maternity hospital.

It's good that everything ended well. Both mother and her “big” baby felt great after giving birth.

2. In March 2013, a boy, George King, weighing 7.12 kg, was born in the UK, who also managed to be born naturally.

There were no prerequisites for George to be born so big: his parents have absolutely no outstanding height and weight.

There were difficulties during the birth because the broad-shouldered baby got stuck in the mother's birth canal. But a team of 20 doctors was able to help the newborn to be born successfully.

3. Many were struck by the fact that a baby weighing 7.40 kg was born in February 2012 in Central China (Xinxiang city, Henan province).

It was reported that the baby who was born surprised even doctors with his weight, as he set a new record - he became the largest child in the world! The baby (baby?) was given the name Chong Chun.
He is the second child in the family. His older six-year-old sister weighed 4 kg at birth.

The 29-year-old mother of a giant baby also said that she did not imagine such a huge size in her child.

But this weight brought my father into great delight - after all, thanks to this, he unexpectedly became the father of a world record holder, included in the Guinness Book of Records!

4. In January 2012, in the USA (Iowa) there was a case of the birth of a girl weighing 6.35 kg.
Moreover, the first child in this family was also not small - 5.5 kg.

5. A baby born in Ohio in 1879 with a weight of 10.8 kg is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. This child was born to Canadian Anna Bates, but lived only a little over 10 hours.

6. There is also information about the birth of a baby in Italy in 1955 with a record weight of 10.2 kg!

4. In September 2009, in Indonesia, a 9-kilogram strong man, 60 cm tall, was born to his mother with great difficulty; there was a complication during childbirth.

From the first days the boy had an excellent appetite - he simply ate incessantly, and besides, he cried louder than other children.

Well, why be surprised? The newborn baby was the size of a one-year-old.

5. But the baby from Australia, Stephen Little, seemed to laugh at his last name (“little” means “small” in English), being born weighing 7.4 kg.

But this was back in 1963. And today Stephen, having passed his half-century anniversary, is no different from people of his age.

6. In Russia, the “hero”, who weighed 7.2 kg and had a height of 67 cm, was born in January 2011 into the Ovchinnikov family from Khabarovsk.
The boy already had a 14-year-old sister, whose birth weight was less than 4 kg.
33-year-old mother Vera Ovchinnikova had a caesarean section.

Two more cases of the birth of babies with record weights occurred in Altai. Moreover, both large babies were born in large families.

7. Strong baby Nadya from the Altai city of Aleysk was born in September 2007 with a weight of 7.74 kg and a height of 55 cm.
This girl was already the 11th child in the family, and, very curiously, each subsequent child was born heavier.

If the first daughter weighed 4.1 kg, then the eleventh, Nadezhda, already weighed 7.75 kg.

8. And in March 2012, a boy, Roma, weighing 7 kg and height 61 cm, was born in Altai. He is already the seventh child of 42-year-old mother Svetlana Protasova.
Moreover, he was born easily, in 20 minutes, naturally. A team of 7 doctors helped the woman in labor.

The baby's mother admitted that it is difficult to pump such a hero, because he weighs as much as ordinary children weigh only at 8 months.

These are not all cases of births of large babies in our country and in the world; many more facts can be found on the Internet.

By the way, my two children were also born large, exactly 4 kg each. The husband laughed - GOST standard!

And your children, dear readers, what height and weight were they at birth? Please share!

Incredible facts

The largest child in Colombia, who at 8 months weighs like a 6 year old child, I recently went on a diet.

Santiago Mendoza(Santiago Mendoza) suffers from severe obesity and his weight has reached 19.7 kilograms. Although he seems to be a happy child, he has already been hospitalized several times and requires medical treatment.

Local media dubbed the child the fattest in Colombia. The boy was recently taken in by a charity after his mother asked for help. His mother Eunice Fandino(Eunice Fandiño) admitted that the baby's condition is partly the result of her ignorance.

Fat baby

She said that the child was born healthy, and the woman I fed him every time he cried, which led to his unhealthy obesity.
Doctors will try to reduce the baby's weight before performing a series of surgeries.

“Otherwise, in the future he will suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure and joint problems,” said the director of the organization.

The doctors mentioned that the only cause of obesity that they found in the child was overfeeding. Now Santiago will be put on a strict diet to reduce his weight to 7.7 kg and begin treatment.

However, they clarified that the boy will need longer treatment and a healthy lifestyle with physical activity and low-fat foods to maintain health.

Childhood morbid obesity is on the rise in Colombia, with two out of five children at an unhealthy weight.

The biggest children

Boy from China Lu Hao was five times the size of children his age when he was 3 years old. The child was born weighing only 2.6 kg, but by 3 months he began to quickly gain weight. He eats three bowls of rice during family meals.

Dzhambulat Khatokhov from Kabardino-Balkaria entered the Guinness Book of Records as the largest child. He weighed 17 kg a year, and in 2009 at the age of 9 his weight reached 147 kg. Jambik, as he is also called, eats a normal portion for children his age, his mother said.

Indian girl Suman Khatun (Suman Khatun) – one of the fattest children in the world at 5 years old she weighed 91 kg, which was five times higher than normal. She suffers from hormonal imbalance and constantly feels hungry. In one week, the girl ate up to 10 kg of rice, 24 eggs, 6 liters of milk and 5 kg of potatoes. She spent all her time sitting in front of the TV or watching the neighbor's children.

Obesity in children

Children become fat at different rates reasons. Here are the most common:

· Poor nutrition

· Overeating and eating disorders

Lack of physical activity

Obesity in the family

Endocrine and neurological disorders

· Medicines (such as steroids)

· Stress (parents’ divorce, moving, death of a loved one)

· Problems in the family and with peers

· Low self-esteem

· Depression and other emotional problems

Obesity increases the risk of a number of diseases, including high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, bone and skin problems.

To determine if your child is obese, you need to calculate body mass index, measuring the child’s weight and height and comparing the result with the norm.

Babies whose weight approaches 4 kg at birth are usually called bogatyrs.

However, sometimes nature prepares surprises, in cases in which this weight increases by one and a half to two times! A selection of the largest babies in history awaits you.


In February 2012, a new world record was set - the largest baby in the world was born! The baby was named Chong Chun, he has a sister who weighed 4 kg at birth.

2 Infant 10.8 kg, Canada
The child was born in 1879, but lived only a few hours.


The first record holder included in the Guinness Book of Records was born in 1955.

4 Infant 9 kg, Indonesia
The baby's height was more than 60 cm, which greatly complicated the birth.


Muhammad Akbar Risuddin was born in 2009.

6 Baby 7.7 kg, Altai
A girl with such weight became the 11th child in a large family!


He was born in 1963 and outweighed a three-month-old baby (with such and such a surname, it would seem!)


When weighing this baby, the scales crossed the 7 kg mark.


The single largest newborn in Britain born naturally.


Javier Upton was one of the heaviest babies born in Victoria.

A newborn baby usually weighs 3-4 kg. If a child weighs more than 4 kg, he is considered very large. Babies weighing about 5 kg cause amazement. Such giants have a height of about 60 cm or more. But children weighing more than 6 kg look like real heroes.

In 1955, the largest newborn baby was born in Italy. He weighed 10 kg 200 grams! However, it was not possible to obtain photographs that would confirm this unique fact. In 1879, a child weighing 10.8 kg was born in Canada. He lived for several hours.

In 2009, a woman in Indonesia gave birth to a baby weighing 9 kg. His height exceeded 60 cm. The birth was very difficult due to the giant fetus. Therefore, doctors were forced to remove the baby to prevent injury to the mother. From the first days of his life, the 9-kilogram boy had an excellent appetite. The hero’s mother was forced to constantly feed him. The baby stood out among other newborns not only because of its large size, but also because of its loud cry. Doctors explained the child’s enormous weight by the fact that his mother suffers from diabetes. Her blood sugar levels were found to be too high, causing the baby to develop at an accelerated rate. This boy became the country's record holder for weight among newborns. Before this, the leader in Indonesia was another baby whose birth weight was 7 kg.

In Europe, heavyweights are also born quite often. The main reasons for their appearance are diabetes or obesity of their mothers. In Germany, the largest child is Jaslin, whose birth weight was 6.11 kg. The girl was born naturally, avoiding a caesarean section. Previously undetected gestational diabetes is the reason for Jasleen's large size.

World record

Also appeared in Central China. The baby was born in 2012 and weighed 17.04 kg. The boy was given the name Chong Chun. He has an older sister who was born weighing 4 kg. The newborn was able to surprise the whole world with its large size.

Despite the gigantic weight of the child, the birth went well. The baby and mother felt great, and the father of the family was indescribably delighted that he had the largest newborn child in the world, especially since this happened in the Year of the Dragon. The mother of the record-breaking boy, 29-year-old Yujun, had no idea that her baby would be so unusual.

Statistics show that the heaviest children in the world are most often born in China. In 2008-2010, three babies were born there, weighing 7 kg. The boy Chong Chun was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest newborn baby on the planet.

Russian heroes

Largest newborn baby in Russia was born in the Khabarovsk maternity hospital. This large boy was born to the Ovchinnikovs. His weight was 7.2 kg and his height was 67 cm. Doctors say that children usually reach this weight in the first 6 months of life. Therefore, the appearance of such a giant caused a real stir in the hospital. At first there wasn’t even a crib for such a big child.

The woman in labor knew that she would have a large baby, so she prepared in advance for a caesarean section. Doctors were sure that the baby’s weight at birth would be 5 kg, but they miscalculated. Before this incident, such large babies had never been seen in Khabarovsk maternity wards. The maximum weight of the largest newborn baby was previously 6 kg. This is already the second baby in the Ovchinnikov family. 14 years ago they had a girl who was of standard weight. A large newborn weighing 6.7 kg also appeared in Samara. He broke all records of maternity hospitals in the city.

A girl weighing 7.7 kg was born in 2007 in Altai, in the city of Aleysk. She was named Nadezhda, and she became the 11th child in the family, surpassing her sisters and brothers in weight. Doctors say that each subsequent child born to a mother is heavier than the previous one. The weight of the record-breaking girl turned out to be very large, but her height was average - 56 cm. Mom Tatyana was not very surprised by her daughter’s size, since all her children were born large. The first-born weighed more than 4 kg at birth, and each subsequent baby was heavier than its predecessor.

The obstetricians of the Aleysk city maternity hospital were excitedly awaiting the start of labor. At 33 weeks, during an ultrasound, the pregnant woman learned that her fetus had already gained 2.5 kg. There was a danger that the 42-year-old mother of many children would not be able to bear such a burdensome burden and would have a miscarriage. But the pregnancy ended well, and Tatyana gave birth to a giant girl weighing 7.75 kg.

Doctors say that too much weight in a newborn often indicates pathology. Therefore, after birth, Nadezhda was under the supervision of specialists for another three weeks. At first, the girl was suspected of having a heart defect, but this diagnosis was not confirmed. Although Nadezhda had other health problems. For this reason, by eight months of life, she weighed less than immediately after birth - only 7 kg. But doctors are of the opinion that her health will improve over time.

Despite the sufficient number of large children around the world, not every giant is included in the Guinness Book of Records. Among the other giants is a baby weighing 10.2 kg, born in Italy in 1955. He was officially considered the largest newborn baby in the world until the Chinese Chung Chun weighing 17 kg was born.

The birth of a child weighing more than 4 kilograms is quite a rare occurrence, but these babies broke all records!

1. Jasleen - the largest child in Germany

In 2013, a child weighing 6.1 kilograms and 57 centimeters tall was born naturally. The girl, Jasleen, was born at the university hospital in Leipzig, Germany on July 26 and became the record holder for the largest size in the entire country.

Jasleen's mother was found to be suffering from gestational diabetes, a condition that usually appears in the 24th week of pregnancy and can lead to unusually large newborns.

2. Stephen Little - Australia's largest child

Stephen Lyttle, who weighed 7,399 kilograms when he was born at Kempsey Hospital on January 26, 1963, was the largest baby in Australian history. The average weight of newborns is 3.37 kilograms.

At the moment, he is 50 years old, his height is the usual 186 centimeters, and his weight is also not much different from the norm - 97 kilograms.

3. Maxine Marin - gave birth to the largest girl in Spain

A 40-year-old woman from Britain has given birth to the largest child born naturally in Spain - a girl weighing 6.2 kilograms. Maxine Marin gave birth at 4:43 a.m. local time at the Hospital Marina Salud in the Mediterranean city of Denia.

Larger babies were delivered by C-section, but Marin didn't even need an epidural (a painkiller injected directly into the spine during labor).

Marin, who lives in Spain with her Colombian husband, said she was expecting a big baby, but "not that big."

4. George King is Britain's largest child

The largest baby born in the UK is George King, born this year. The child weighed 7 kilograms, which is almost twice the average weight of a child.

There were no signs that George would be that big: both of his parents were of normal size at birth and were also not particularly tall or heavy as adults.

George's size caused significant difficulties for his mother, Jade. During childbirth, after the newborn's head had already left the mother's body, he became stuck. His relatively large size for a newborn meant that his shoulders could not go any further.

Jade said "it got really scary then" as nearly 20 paramedics worked to free the child. As a result, George was successfully delivered and was transferred to another hospital for further observation.

5. JaMichael - the largest child in Texas

In 2011, Janet Johnson gave birth to a boy who came into the world weighing 7.2 kilograms, which is twice the average weight of newborns. Baby JaMichael was the heaviest baby born at Good Shepherd Hospital in Longview and, by some accounts, the largest newborn in the entire state.

Johnson and her fiancé, Michael Brown, knew the baby would be big. Two weeks before the birth, via Caesarean section, Dr. John Kirk, Johnson's gynecologist, said the baby would weigh 5.5 to 6 kilograms. However, JaMichael surprised even the doctor.

6. Nadia Khalina

Nadya, who weighed 7.75 kg at the time of birth, is captured in a photograph lying in the maternity ward of a hospital in the Siberian city of Barnaul on September 26, 2007. A mother from Siberia literally made a big contribution to correcting the demographic situation in Russia. Tatyana Kharina shocked her husband by giving birth to Nadya, her 12th child.

7. Newborn weighing 8.7 kg from Indonesia

This four-day-old baby, weighing 8.7 kilograms, sleeps among average-sized children at Abdul Manan General Hospital in Kisaran, Asahan district, North Sumatra province. He was born on September 21, 2009. An Indonesian woman gave birth by Caesarean section to a baby whose weight is equal to that of an average one-year-old child.

8. Stephon Hendrix Louis-Jean - newborn boy 58 centimeters tall

Marie Michel's fifth child was a record holder. In 2011, Michelle gave birth to a 6.7 kilogram boy at William W Backus Hospital.

Hospital officials said the newborn, Stephon Hendricks Louis-Jean, broke the 18-year-old record for heaviest newborn, beating the previous record holder by 822 grams. The boy's height was almost 58 centimeters.

The size of the child did not surprise the mother. Michelle's oldest son weighed 4 kilograms, her eight-year-old twins weighed 3.8 kilograms each, and her youngest, a three-year-old boy, weighed almost 5.5 kilograms.

9. Ademilton dos Santos - the largest newborn in Brazil

In 2005, a Brazilian woman gave birth to a “giant baby” weighing 8 kilograms, twice the weight of an average newborn. Ademilton dos Santos, according to the Brazilian Association of Gynecologists, is the heaviest boy in the history of Brazil

Ademilton was born by Caesarean section in a hospital in Salvador in northeastern Brazil. This is Francisca Ramos dos Santos' fifth child, and doctors believe the boy's unusual size was due to his mother's diabetes.