10 most disgusting dishes. Unusual food: the most disgusting dishes in the world. Cheese Kasu Marzu

Reading the labels on cosmetics or lotions sometimes takes an advanced degree, so we've deciphered some of the ingredients for you. Chances are that after reading this list, you will be tempted to throw away some of the tubes and boxes that you use to feel more beautiful, and you will switch to a la naturale style, because some ingredients that are added to cosmetic products can, at the very least, give you a sense of surprise.

We have prepared for you a list of the most disgusting ingredients included in cosmetics:


Whale excrement

In the photo: Ambergris

Whale excrement is used for expensive perfumes.

Well, to be more precise, it can be treated as excrement or vomit, depending on which end of the whale it comes from.

Ambergris is a waxy, yellow, solid substance that is formed in the intestines of sperm whales to protect them from sharp objects that they sometimes swallow. This substance is often called “gold of the sea.” By extracting just one pound (0.454 kg) of the foul-smelling substance, you can earn up to $10,000. Whales excrete this substance in their feces, or they may sometimes cough it up.

The unique aroma of ambergris is often used in expensive perfumes as a scent fixative. And sometimes they eat it. Ambergris is considered a delicacy.

Cochineal mealybug or cochineal ( Dactylopius Coccus) are tiny insects that feed on cacti in Central and South America. Female cochineals eat the red berries of the cactus, so when these bugs are crushed into crumbs, a very strong red dye is obtained.

Cochineal dye has been used by people for centuries. It is safe, which is why it is often used in lipstick and eye shadow, ice cream, candy and yogurt. In fact, Starbucks recently admitted to using cochineal dye in some of its drinks, and as a result, it has proven to be a big problem for many vegetarian fans of the famous coffee shop.

In the photo: Fish scales

Fish scales can be found in nail polish and mascara.

There is a common misconception that mascara contains bat guano. In fact, mascara contains fish scales. That's better?

The confusion arises because mascara actually contains something called guanine, which many people confuse with guano. Guanine is a crystalline coloring ingredient that provides a shimmering or light-diffusing effect for products such as mascara and nail polish. It is not made from bat feces, but from crushed fish scales.

It is also often used in bath products, detergents, perfumes, hair conditioners, shampoos and skin care products.


Animals hit by cars

In the photo: Downed deer

Animals hit by cars on the roads are kept in lipstick, eye shadow and soap.

Tall oil is a common ingredient in many products, including eye shadow, lipstick, powders and foundations, shampoos, shaving soaps, moisturizers and skin care products. It is extracted from animal carcasses.

Tallow is produced by rendering animal fat, which means boiling the carcass to create various by-products. The dead animals that are used to obtain this solid fat come from a variety of sources, including laboratories, slaughterhouses, zoos, and yes, it can be animals killed on the roads.


Bull sperm

In the photo: Bull inseminator

Bovine semen is found in hair products.

Due to its high protein content, bovine semen has become a popular ingredient in hair products. Some luxury beauty salons may offer you this procedure - bull semen is mixed with a plant called Katera and applied to your hair. This procedure is especially useful for dry or damaged hair. The process takes about 45 minutes and costs $90-$120. It's called "Viagra for hair."

“What a disgusting thing, this jellied fish of yours!” - exclaims Ippolit in Eldar Ryazanov’s cult film “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!” What would Yuri Yakovlev's character say when faced with some dishes that are traditional in China, Indonesia, Ghana or Nigeria?

“What disgusting stuff, this aspic of yours!” - exclaims Ippolit in the cult film by Eldar Ryazanov. What would Yuri Yakovlev's hero say when faced with some dishes that are traditional in China, Indonesia, Ghana or Nigeria?! In the markets of eastern countries, there is an assortment of not only exotic vegetables and vegetables, but also special ones that only a sophisticated gourmet can cause a good appetite. We present ten culinary “delicacies” from around the world that will not only surprise you, but can also cause genuine disgust.

Cheese "Casu Marzu"

The Sardinian delicacy "Casu marzu", whose name means "rotten cheese" or "wormy cheese", contains live insect larvae. This Pecorino cheese is aged until it rots due to the activity of cheese fly larvae. The larvae are small worms that, when in danger, can move by jumping over a distance of up to 15 centimeters.

"San nak ji"

The dish "San Nak Ji" from South Korea is a live octopus. When eating this delicacy, you need to be extremely careful so that the tentacle of the wriggling cephalopod does not get caught in the trachea before you swallow it. So you can not only choke, but also suffocate!


Traditional Japanese dish. The most commonly used fish for preparing fugu is the brown toothfish. In any case, the fish from which the dish is prepared contains a lethal dose of tetrodotoxin, the concentration of which must be reduced to acceptable levels during the cooking process. And although fugu is considered a delicacy that “tickles the nerves,” in Japan fugu is grown under artificial conditions, because the poison gets into the fish from the food it eats and accumulates in the fish’s body: in the liver, caviar and gall bladder.

"Three squeaks of a rat"

An exotic Chinese dish that can be called a favorite delicacy of the Chinese nobility is called “Three squeaks of a rat.” To prepare this disgusting dish, all you need is sauce and one live pregnant rat. The cook does not serve the rat itself, but live rat embryos, which must utter their three squeaks. The baby rat makes the first squeak when the gourmet picks it up with chopsticks, the second - when it is dipped in the sauce. The third and final squeak is heard when the baby rat begins to chew. This dish inspired many great Chinese poets, and Chinese emperors enjoyed this luxury on special occasions.


Kiwiak is a delicious subarctic dish made from a seal carcass stuffed with seagulls. To prepare such an intricate delicacy will require a lot of time, and in addition such ingredients as a seal carcass and plucked seagulls. The seal carcass and all its contents are stuffed with seagulls and then placed under ice for seven months. As a rule, a seal carcass is aged for Christmas, and the dish is put on the festive table.

Tien Khanh Soup

Traditional “bloody! soup of Asian countries. This dish is popular in Vietnam and is prepared from fresh blood and crops of birds. For example, duck blood is used, which is kept in the refrigerator to avoid clotting. It is believed that soup gives strength not only to the one who eats it, but also to the one who cooked it.

Bat soup

On the islands of Palau in the Pacific Ocean, there is apparently a shortage of edible animals, which is why the aborigines eat bats. Perhaps if these hymenoptera were skinned and there was no furry head sticking out of the plate, the soup would not seem so disgusting, but traditionally bats are thrown alive into coconut milk and then boiled for several hours, seasoned with ginger and other seasonings.

Wine infused with baby mice

In Korea and China, you can order a glass of wine infused with the corpses of newborn mice. According to those who have tried this traditional rice wine drink, its taste is more like gasoline.

Monkey brain

A Chinese dish that can be enjoyed in indoor restaurants in Hong Kong and Dali. The peculiarity of the dish is that it is eaten raw directly from the skull of a living monkey. Officially, this delicacy is prohibited by the Chinese government, but it turns out that traditions are stronger than laws. The custom of eating monkey brains is quite ancient, as is the recipe. The monkey is given vodka, then its head is fixed in a special hole in the table, the skull is drilled so that the skull can be removed and the brains of the heart-rending screaming animal can be reached.

Dog meat dishes

The terms Dangogi or Boshintang are used in Korea to refer to dog meat dishes. While we were arguing about whether eating dog meat is considered a delicacy or murder, the Koreans bred a special breed of dog for consumption. “Human friends” are fattened to the required weight, and beaten before cooking so that the meat is soft due to the influx of adrenaline. Dog meat is believed to increase “male strength.”

If you think that the worst food is hamburgers and fries, then most likely you have never heard of the dishes we are about to introduce you to, and most importantly, you have not seen or inhaled their disgusting aroma. If curiosity still prevails over disgust, then allow me to introduce you to the most terrible dishes in the world.

This dish is also called “ant caviar”. You probably guess that this food has nothing in common with delicious black and red caviar. So, this delicacy is made from a certain type of ants living in the roots of the agave plant, or rather their larvae. Large ant larvae are sometimes sold along with ants and can even be bought frozen. Escamoles is savored both raw and stewed. The taste of this delicacy is vaguely reminiscent of the taste of nuts.

Well, a very clean dish. And it’s clean because it’s soaked in an alkaline solution. This is how Norwegians like to pamper themselves. Raw dried fish is soaked for several days in an alkaline solution, and then it is soaked in ordinary water for a day or two, which leads to the fact that the dish, which has already become national, acquires a soft consistency and translucent appearance, and resembles jelly. By the way, you can enjoy the torment of one unfortunate American who decided to test the strength of his stomach with a traditional Scandinavian Christmas dish.

This delicacy was invented by the Swedes, probably to compete with their Norwegian neighbors in preparing the most disgusting dish in the world. Herring with caviar is placed in vessels with brine (concentrated saline solution) and then transferred to a less salty solution and left to sour for about two months. During this process, acetic, butyric and propionic acids and hydrogen sulfide are formed. It is the latter that gives the dish a unique aroma, and when you open the jar, it seems that the fish died a natural death.


Kumis is not a dish, but a drink, but it can be a worthy competitor in the fight for the title of the very best. Kumis is a dairy product made from fermented mare's milk and contains some alcohol. They love to savor it in Central Asia. The process of making kumis involves fermenting milk for several hours or days. The output of this product has an unpleasant odor and is a milky-alcoholic substance.

Centennial eggs

The name is right on target, because the appearance of eggs evokes just such thoughts about their shelf life (and maybe even more). Despite the fact that the name contains the number one hundred, this dish is prepared for several months in a mixture of salt, lime and clay, which has a strong alkaline reaction. And now, the product is ready - the white becomes like rubber, and the yolk becomes like a creamy mass. In addition, the color of a hundred-year-old egg does not in any way resemble an ordinary one - it darkens and is saturated with wonderful rotten aromas.

This so-called dish cannot but cause disgust, but they still eat it. The placenta is believed to help cope with postpartum depression and other postpartum complications. The worst thing is that there are many recipes for preparing placenta; they even make cocktails from it. This fashion trend has not yet reached Ukraine, but in Mexico, China, Hawaii and the Pacific Islands it is very common.

This delicacy is prepared from fresh blood of geese, ducks or pigs. Nuts and aromatic herbs are added there. Just lick your fingers. Such soups are loved in Northern Vietnam, where they are washed down with plenty of alcohol. Well, this is not surprising; it’s scary to approach such a delicacy without a glass. This dish has a metallic taste.

This dish, which is very popular in Mexico, consists of corn smut infected with a fungus. Fungal spores infect healthy cobs and form white growths, inside of which are powdery spore heads. Corn thus acquires a mushroom flavor and is an extraordinary delicacy.

And the Japanese love this delicacy. Fermented soybeans are what is hidden under the name “natto”. The dish is prepared by adding Bacillus hay, which begins the fermentation process. Ferment for a day and serve: fermented beans resemble a slimy, viscous mass with the aroma of ammonia. They taste bitter and salty. Well, it's the perfect snack to go with beer!

Do you like cheese? How do you like live cheese? This sheep's cheese, originally from Sardinia, resembles a living creature because live fly larvae are added to it for fermentation, which are left even after the cooking process is completed. Surprisingly, despite the fact that this strange and disgusting product causes bloody diarrhea (fly larvae are sometimes not digested), it is still loved and praised for its taste.

An exquisite delicacy or just a disgusting dish? In pursuit of unusual taste sensations, people choose not the best way to prepare a special dinner. Humanity will always be in search of something new and unusual. Some dishes have existed for centuries and millennia, while others were invented quite recently. Many people will say that it is inhumane to use animals this way, and they will be right. It is worth considering that many peoples adhere to their traditions and for them many things look quite normal. Today we will talk about the most disgusting dishes that are prepared in different parts of our planet.

The name will intrigue everyone. No, this dish does not simmer for a hundred years. An ordinary duck (chicken) egg is coated with ash, as well as lime, several types of tea, salt and wrapped in rice husks and clay. After this, the delicacy is stored in the ground for 4 months. After some time, it is dug out and served in its purified form. Subsequently, the egg acquires a jelly-like texture and is black in color.

tuna eye

The tuna eye is quite large and is sold in almost every supermarket in Japan. Why true gourmets like it so much, many people are unable to understand. It is very difficult to find such a delicacy outside of Japan. The tuna eye is consumed raw; it is simply swallowed almost whole. The Japanese claim that it is very good for health and improves immunity. They advise eating this dish at least several times a week.

Pig brain

Pig brains soaked in milk are sold sealed in cans. For us, the pig's brain is nothing special, but for true gourmets this dish has excellent taste. You should not abuse such food because of the high level of cholesterol, which is almost a thousand times higher than the daily norm determined by nutritionists.
This Chinese dish was created for the nobility and is prepared extremely rarely. The main ingredient is unborn baby rats. The preparation method involves cutting up a live rat that is in the last stages of pregnancy. After this, the live baby rats are placed on a plate and poured with creamy sauce. The rat makes the first squeak when it is squeezed with chopsticks, the second is dipped into a creamy sauce, the third is directly in the person’s mouth before death.

Balut (balut)

Only a true connoisseur of the exotic will try this dish. Southeast Asia is especially famous for its disgusting delicacies. In front of you is a boiled duck egg, it would seem that there is nothing strange here. But! Inside such an egg is a fruit that is already almost formed. Gourmets describe the taste as like fried chicken liver. The egg can be eaten raw, sprinkled with soy sauce. This dish is considered very nutritious, quickly saturates and satisfies the needs of the human body for vitamins.

Seal stuffed with seagulls

Another exotic dish that can cause shock, disgust and vomiting. Seal stuffed with plucked seagulls is especially loved by gourmets. This dish is served raw. Method for preparing exotics: the uncleaned belly of a seal is stuffed with seagulls, then placed in a freezer and kept there for eight months. The finished dish tastes like old hard cheese.
This is one of the most cruel and disgusting dinners. There is a legend, rumors that monkey brains are supplied in “working condition”. Not a single serious source has confirmed this information. The small animal is doused with vodka and firmly secured under the table. Half of the monkey's head is on the table. Next, a hole is made in her skull, then the brains of a still living animal are eaten. Consumption of cooked monkey brains did occur, but such dining was not common.

Kopi Luwak

Coffee that has a very unusual processing is called Kopi Luwak. What's special? The fact is that this coffee is first eaten by the small animal musang. The excrement containing the grains is then washed and dried in the sun. The pleasure of drinking such coffee is not cheap. Gourmets claim that drinking this coffee leaves a wonderful aftertaste.
In Ireland there is an unusual traditional dish - haukarl. The main ingredient of the dish is polar shark. Fish meat is very dangerous and toxic due to high levels of ammonia. But if this meat is left to rot in gravel for two months, it becomes edible. But you should wait another 7 months for the taste to sharpen. When the time comes, the meat is covered with a thick crust that must be peeled off before serving.

Human placenta

Human placenta is eaten in many countries around the world - in Europe and the USA, in Mexico and on the Hawaiian Islands. A lot of dishes and even cocktails are prepared from human placenta. Gourmets claim that they love to eat this dish not only because of its taste, but because it is very healthy, helps with infertility and relieves depression.

Of course, there's no denying that Westerners eat some pretty terrible things, like sea urchins and tripe, but this list includes a few of our own "delicacies." For this reason, this is probably a more balanced list, focusing more on Western dishes. The most frightening thing is how easy it was to find ten more absolutely disgusting things that people eat.

1. Escamoles
Escamoles are the larvae of Liometopum ants found on agave roots in fields in Mexico. In Mexican cuisine, escamoles are considered a delicacy and are sometimes called "insect caviar." It has the consistency of cottage cheese, but tastes like butter, with a nutty flavor. To get escamoles, you need to dig to a depth of 8 meters to reach the larvae's nest. According to one larvae collector: “Some of the hunters have a man with a brush who sweeps the ants off their bodies as they dig. I have heard that others cover themselves with pork fat, through which the ants cannot bite.” It should be noted that the ant's bite is extremely painful - this type of egg collection is quite "extreme".

2. Lutefish
Lutefish is a traditional Nordic dish made from stockfish (air-dried) or dried by soaking in lye. Its name literally means "alkaline fish" because it is made using caustic soda, a derivative of potassium minerals. Cooking in lye causes the fish to turn into a jelly-like form. When preparing and eating lutefish, it is very important to wash all utensils and utensils immediately after finishing. Lutefish left overnight is almost impossible to wash off (imagine what happens in your stomach). Lutefish is usually served with a variety of side dishes, including bacon, green peas, stew meat, potatoes, gravy, rutabaga puree, melted or ghee, syrup, goat cheese, or blue cheese. The Scandinavians are very good at this nasty-tasting dish.

3. Surströmming
Surströmming is a Swedish national product, which is a canned pickled herring that is so smelly that it is usually eaten outdoors due to the stench. It is sold in tin cans, which often swell during transportation and storage due to ongoing fermentation. Thanks to the Haloanaerobium bacterium, the contents mature. These bacteria produce carbon dioxide and a number of compounds that make up a unique smell: pungent (propionic acid), rotten egg (hydrogen sulfide), rancid oil (butyric acid) and acetic (acetic acid). Usually a sandwich is made with surströmming and other ingredients. Served with boiled potatoes (often almond) and chopped onions. Other common ingredients include gräddfil (fermented milk fat or sour cream), green onions, and sometimes tomato.

4. Kumis
It's actually a drink, but it's quite disgusting (as well as quite nutritious). Kumis is a dairy product made from fermented mare's milk. Since mare's milk contains more sugar than fermented cow's or goat's milk, kumiss has a higher, although not very high, alcohol content. Kumiss is made by fermenting mare's milk over several hours or days, often with stirring or foaming - a process similar to making butter. During fermentation by lactobacilli bacteria, the milk sours, turning it into a carbonated and slightly alcoholic drink - fizzy, moldy horse milk. Another property of this disgusting drink is that it has a laxative effect.

5. Centennial eggs
How I missed this on the first list I don't know, but here it is! Centenary eggs are a Chinese dish made from duck, chicken or quail eggs that are kept in a mixture of clay, ash, salt, lime and rice straw for a period of several weeks to several months, depending on the method of processing. Once the process is complete, the yolk becomes a dark green, creamy, strong odor of sulfur and ammonia, like a rotten egg, while the white becomes a dark brown, clear jelly with a faint aroma and taste. Centenary eggs can be eaten without any additional preparation, either on their own or chopped as one of the ingredients. But no matter what method you choose, you are still eating a rotten egg.

6. Human placenta
I was of two minds about adding this point, but enough people have eaten this dish that it even has its own name: placentophagy - thus this point is here. Placentophagy is advocated mainly by people from modern America and Europe, Mexico, Hawaii, China and the Pacific Islands, who believe that eating placenta prevents postpartum depression and other pregnancy complications. There are many recipes for preparing placenta, despite the taboo against eating human body parts. Since the placenta is a temporary organ, according to some classifications, eating the placenta is not cannibalism. Here is just one recipe that I found on the Internet for placenta - this is a placenta cocktail: 1/4 cup of raw placenta, 220 grams of vegetable juice, 2 ice cubes, 1/2 cup of carrots. Blend on high speed in a blender for 10 seconds and drink. Or don't drink.

7. Blood soup
Raw blood soup is a dish of raw blood from ducks or geese (sometimes pigs) sprinkled with peanuts or grass. This is a typical North Vietnamese protein-rich breakfast, but it is very dangerous because there is a high chance of contracting the H5N1 bird flu virus. Prepared by freezing fresh blood in the refrigerator. Raw blood soup is usually consumed while drinking alcoholic beverages. Usually a few chopped peanuts are placed on top of the soup, not for taste, but for appearance. Blood soup has a strange texture and a metallic taste.

8. Corn fire
What name! And if you think that doesn't sound so bad, what will you think when you find out what this dish consists of: corn fire is a disease of corn that can infect any part of the plant, usually infecting the cobs and resulting in large tumors resembling mushrooms. In the United States, this dish is (rightly) considered dangerous. In Mexico... it's a delicacy. In Mexico, corn fire is called huitlacoche, a word that means crow droppings in the Nawaki language. It is considered a delicacy and costs more than corn. For culinary use, the growths are collected while still immature - fully mature growths are dry and almost completely filled with spores. The young tumors are harvested two to three weeks after the ear of corn has been infected and still retain moisture, giving the cooked dish a mushroom-like, sweet or salty, woody flavor. This “delicacy” has had difficulty being introduced into the American and European diets – for obvious reasons!

9. Scorpion soup
Scorpion Soup – As the name suggests, this is a soup made from scorpions. Cooking scorpions is a dangerous task, as Chinese man Wing Li attested to his experience when he was stung three times while trying to catch and put scorpions in a jar. He made soup to relieve rheumatic pain. Scorpions are eaten in southern China. They are raised on private "ranches" and then brought to markets. Scorpions have a woody flavor and can be eaten whole, except for the tip of the tail - although some recipes suggest that the poison in the tail is rendered harmless by cooking. Anyway - I think I'll go with the chicken soup.

10. Kasu marzu
This cheese is disgusting and illegal - but that doesn't stop locals from selling tons of it on black markets. Casu Marzu is a traditional Sardinian sheep's milk cheese, notable for being riddled with live insect larvae. A derivative of pecorino, Casu marzu goes beyond typical fermentation, which most consider to be decomposition caused by the digestive larvae of the cheese fly Piophila casei. These larvae are deliberately introduced into the cheese, helping to increase fermentation levels and reduce fat. The texture of the cheese becomes very soft and sometimes liquid leaks out. Kasu marzu is considered toxic when the larvae in the cheese die. Because of this, only cheese in which the larvae are still alive is valued. The maggots in cheese can jump up to 15 centimeters if disturbed; foodies should keep their hands in front of the sandwich to prevent the maggots from getting into their eyes. If the gourmet is not careful and does not chew all the larvae to the end, the consequences can be disastrous - the larvae, resistant to stomach acids, have powerful claws that tear apart the stomach and intestines, and the larvae can get into the internal organs.

11. Bonus
Human fetus
It is listed as a bonus because this point is controversial and even if it is true, it is not accepted anywhere in the world. We've all heard stories about xenophobic Chinese people who eat human fruit. This is most certainly not true. However, a series of photographs have been posted online showing a Chinese woman eating a human fetus. It turned out that she was an artist and the series of photographs was one of her works, called "Nutrition of People" (another recent work was of a human brain in a jar). In response to a question, the artist (Zhu Yu) stated that these were real human fetuses stolen from a medical school. Apparently this is a doll's head attached to the body of a duck. But whether it's real or not, the photo above is somewhat disturbing.