How to eat wheat bran. How to properly use bran for weight loss, cleansing and healing. Properties of coarse fibers

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In the spring, when vitamin reserves are running low, bran will saturate your body with all the necessary microelements and vitamins.

Bran is a by-product in the flour milling industry, consisting of the grain hulls (located around its starchy core) and unsorted flour, and is classified as a secondary product, and includes all grain hulls. Any bran, regardless of what cereal it is obtained from, contains up to 90% of the biologically active components contained in one or another variety of whole grain.

By including this unique dietary product in your diet, you reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Blood pressure is normalized due to coarse fibers, magnesium and potassium content, as well as high fiber content. Eating wheat or oat bran, rich in fiber, also has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system. By consuming bran, you remove all toxins from your body and help the intestines function properly. Due to the high content of dietary fiber, the microflora of the colon improves.

Modern scientific research confirms that diseases such as chronic colitis, diverticulosis, hemorrhoids, develop as a result of a lack of plant fiber in our diet.

The benefits of bran are invaluable in the fight against excess weight. Food with a large amount of fiber is absorbed more slowly, gives a feeling of fullness for a long time, and intestinal motility improves, the calorie content of the food eaten decreases. Bran helps suppress appetite and reduce weight. Fiber does not burn fat, but acts on the cause of excess weight, affecting the improvement of metabolic processes in the body.

Important! You should not get carried away with bran if you have a stomach ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis and enteritis, especially in the acute phase. Other diseases of the digestive system are not a contraindication to eating bran.

If you use this product excessively, there will be serious consequences. There will be an exacerbation of intestinal diseases, bloating, flatulence, and impaired intestinal function. Hypovitaminosis may occur when nutrients and vitamins leave the intestines so quickly without having time to be absorbed by the body. Before use, it is advisable to consult with specialists and nutritionists.

How to use bran correctly?

Bran comes in different types: barley and oat, wheat and rye, buckwheat and rice. The appearance of bran can also be different: in the form of sticks and granulated. For efficiency, it is still more useful to finely crush or buy it ready-made, or grind it yourself in a coffee grinder. The smaller the particles, the less they irritate the mucous membrane, and the better their effect on the intestinal microflora.

  • The daily intake of bran for an adult should not exceed 30-40 grams.

If you are just starting to use bran, it is recommended to eat it daily in the amount of one teaspoon, gradually doubling the amount. It is necessary to gradually introduce this product into the diet, otherwise gas formation will increase, bloating, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea will appear, and the absorption of minerals such as zinc, calcium, iron, magnesium, and vitamin B12 may also be impaired.

  • The positive effect of this product on the body will only occur when it reacts with water.
  • It is not advisable to use the medicine and bran at the same time, since the latter will absorb most of the active components of the medicine. Bran can be consumed only 6 hours after taking the medicine.

Natural bran must first be steamed with boiling water at the rate of 1 glass of liquid per 1 tbsp. l. bran. The infusion is kept for half an hour, then the water is drained, and the bran, which has become more tender and soft, is added to cereals, yoghurts, soups, salads, side dishes or other dishes. They are eaten with water. You get tasty and healthy mixtures if you combine it with kefir, fermented baked milk, low-fat yogurt or other fermented milk products.

Granulated bran that has undergone pharmacological treatment is a ready-to-eat product. They can be eaten dry, always washed down with water.

Oat bran is a product recommended for consumption throughout the entire Dukan diet, except for the Attack stage. That is why many Dukanites are interested in why bran is so important, what exactly is its benefit and how to properly include it in your diet. Let's try to satisfy your curiosity.

Oat bran is a very valuable substance, despite the fact that previously it was used only for feeding animals, and that most people consider it a by-product, and some even consider it a waste product from flour milling. In fact, bran consists of useful germs of seeds and grain shells, where biologically active substances are concentrated, but premium white flour is absolutely “lifeless”, if you do not take into account vitamins of synthetic origin. Namely, bran contains up to 80% fiber, vegetable protein, fatty acids, carotene, vitamin E and B, phosphorus, healthy salts, iron and other micro- and macroelements. Indications for use of oat bran:
  1. Pay attention to bran if your goal is to improve digestion, and this, by the way, is quite common in our time. Once in our body, bran works like a vacuum cleaner. They collect harmful substances such as toxins, radionuclides, cholesterol, which do not even have time to be absorbed, and then excreted. Thus, normal intestinal functioning is established very quickly.
  2. In addition, oat bran will help eliminate the risk of diabetes. After all, the amount of sugar in the blood decreases.
  3. Bran will come in handy when losing weight, as it causes a feeling of satiety and helps reduce fat absorption. The feeling of hunger is blocked, as they are able to swell in the stomach under the influence of water and increase in volume several times.

When consuming bran, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:
  • You can eat bran as an independent dish, or adding it to your usual meal.
  • Pour water over the oat bran for a couple of minutes, or rather boiling water. They should swell within 20 minutes. Then drain the water to make a porridge, swallow with plenty of water.
  • As an alternative to the latter, you can use low-fat yogurt, kefir, and milk. You can add bran to porridge, vegetable cutlets, soup, bake a pastry product, prepare jelly, pudding.
  • Drink enough water - at least 2-3 liters. Otherwise, the product will be poorly digested, and you will not get the result, or rather, you will get it - but not the one you wanted to achieve (constipation), since liquid is necessary for their swelling.
  • Start with a minimal amount of bran, gradually accustoming your body. During the week, take 1-2 tsp, then you can increase to 1 tbsp, and then bring it up to the daily norm, set at 3 tbsp. per day (30 grams). If you eat more, you may experience problems such as gas, heaviness in the stomach, and unstable stool.
  • It is recommended to use bran in cycles and practice breaks in the use of bran, as they prevent the absorption of all substances - not only harmful, but also nutritious. During a break, the body will replenish its reserves. The first cycle will be 10–12 days, the second – 2 weeks, the third – 2 months.
  • Having achieved the desired effect, you can continue to take bran in an amount of 1.5-2 tsp. per day, or replacing them with dietary bread, which contains oat bran.

But, despite all the benefits of bran, they are not suitable for people who have problems with the stomach and intestines, such as gastritis, colitis, and peptic ulcers. If there are no contraindications, do not forget that you should not eat them in batches, otherwise you are guaranteed bloating, flatulence and spoiled stool. Never take medicines with bran, no earlier than 6 hours before, as they are able to absorb their active substances.

Bran is a unique product containing a huge amount of useful substances and vitamins. You can learn more about its benefits from this article:. This product is great for a healthy diet and weight loss. But you definitely need to know how to take bran correctly in one case or another. Then the result will not be long in coming.

How to take bran correctly

It is necessary to start taking wheat or oat bran with a small amount. To begin with, one tablespoon of this product per day will be enough. Then you can increase its consumption to 30 grams per day. This amount is quite enough to keep the body in shape and saturate it with all the necessary vitamins and microelements.

Please note that it is not necessary to take bran in dry form. They can be prepared in various ways, it all depends on what purpose you are pursuing when introducing them into your diet:

  1. Soak 2 tbsp in kefir. spoons of bran and eat them 20 minutes before the main meal. This recipe is effective for gallbladder atony, dysbiosis and constipation. Add the rest of your daily requirement of bran to your regular meals.
  2. Brew 30 g of bran with 500 ml of water, put it all on the fire and let stand for 10 minutes. Drink the broth hot several times a day, you can add a little sugar or honey to it. It is very effective for respiratory diseases.
  3. Pour 1 tbsp. spoon of bran 300 ml of boiling water. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer over low heat for 40 minutes. Add 5 grams of honey there and drink. You need to take this decoction three times a day. It will allow you to be cheerful and energetic throughout the day.
  4. Take a small apple and grate it. Add 2 tbsp there. spoons of honey, the same amount of bran and honey. Pour all this over a glass of low-fat kefir and mix in a blender. Drink the prepared cocktail several times a day. It will allow you to quickly recover from a serious illness and use of antibiotics.
  5. When introducing bran into your diet, be sure to increase your water intake. It will make it much easier for them to digest.

How to take bran for weight loss

As mentioned above, you can take oat and wheat bran for weight loss. You must adhere to the following scheme:

  1. In the morning, mix one tablespoon of bran with any low-calorie yogurt. If you prefer muesli with water for breakfast, then add this healthy product there.
  2. For lunch, eat vegetable soups, buckwheat porridge and oatmeal. They require adding 1 tbsp. a spoonful of bran.
  3. For dinner, eat exclusively salads made from fresh vegetables and fruits. Enter no more than 1 tbsp. spoons of bran.

In between main meals, fruits are allowed. At the same time, exclude fried, sweet, smoked and baked foods from your diet.

Please note that people who have:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • chronic exacerbations of gastritis, hepatitis and cholecystitis;
  • duodenal ulcer.

The duration of the bran diet should be at least 1 month. If necessary, it can be increased to 90 days. Everything will depend on how many kilograms a person needs to lose.

Another straw that those losing weight clutch at is eating bran (rye, oat, wheat, buckwheat, corn, rice, millet). It is actually a by-product of processing grain into flour. Side effects do not mean bad or useless. Nutritionists and healthy eating enthusiasts recognize the beneficial properties of bran in the fight against excess weight. In addition, this dietary supplement helps improve digestion, get rid of chronic constipation and achieve the desired lightness.

We have already started talking about the most popular bran -. In addition to them, rye bran (which came into fashion after the advent) is in active demand among those losing weight, the benefits and harms of which are somewhat different from other types. We'll talk about them.

About calories, benefits and daily value

What nutritional and energy value do rye bran have? Their calorie content is about 220 kcal, or 920 kJ, per 100 g of product. This amount of pure rye bran contains 15 g of protein, 3.5 g of fat and 30 g of carbohydrates. Not much, provided that 100 g of bran can (and should) be spread over two to three days.

But the main advantage of rye bran is the presence of a large amount (about 40%) of coarse dietary fiber (). It is this component that allows bran to become the best friend of digestion and helps you forget about constipation. Dietary fiber promotes the proliferation of beneficial bacteria in the large intestine, which means it prevents the development of dysbiosis.

Bran is recommended for diabetics, as it can significantly reduce the glycemic index of any product. And the substance beta-glucan, which is part of bran, is a regulator, as it helps to bind and remove fatty acids.

Rye bran absorbs and promotes the expulsion of heavy metal salts and radionuclides from the body. Rye bran binds and removes carcinogens, performing an oncological protective function.

Manufacturers indicate on the packaging of bran the daily permitted consumption rate. Usually – 30–60 grams, subject to proper drinking regimen (about 2 liters of clean water). This applies to both granulated and ground bran.

Please note that you need to introduce rye (and any other) bran into your diet gradually: in the first week, no more than a level teaspoon per day. Further, if the body does not express dissatisfaction, the daily portion of bran can be increased to three tablespoons.

Rye bran affects not only the processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract. So, they are used as a proven folk remedy for bronchitis. Take 100 g of rye bran per 0.5 liter of water and cook the mixture over low heat for about an hour. Add 50 g of lemon juice to the finished broth. The drug is drunk an hour before meals, half a glass. This remedy will help remove phlegm and curb cough. Interestingly, the same recipe is also indicated for hypertensive patients to lower blood pressure.

How to start the weight loss process?

Due to the presence of dietary fiber and low calorie content, many people use rye bran for weight loss. Weight loss here is based on three main factors:

  • fiber fills the stomach and helps you feel full with less food and control your appetite;
  • consuming rye bran prevents carbohydrates from being actively absorbed into the blood;
  • Rye bran plays the role of a natural scrub for the stomach and adsorbent - it absorbs toxins and helps remove toxins from the body.

As a stimulant for weight loss, bran is taken half an hour to an hour before meals to curb appetite. You can also replace breakfast with bran and kefir. An evening snack can be the same, then you definitely won’t get full at night.

To be fair, we note that any bran works well to control appetite and cleanse the body. A pleasant bonus of rye is the presence of B vitamins, as well as the mineral salts of magnesium, potassium, iron and phosphorus necessary for the body. Of course, if we are talking about natural bran - not steamed or granulated. But even processed pharmaceutical analogues do not lose their main advantage - dietary fiber.

The truth speaks through the lips of those losing weight

Bran of various brands and types has earned many positive words on the Internet. Rye bran, reviews of which we analyzed, is praised for its taste, effectiveness in improving digestion and weight loss, as well as for its affordable price. For example, a girl under the nickname Lucien talks about her acquaintance with granulated bran:

“With proper nutrition, exercise and this bran, I lost 3 kg in a week. I ate this bran in batches, because... they have a lot of protein and are very light (both in weight and in calories). With plain yogurt, kefir or milk. They are crispy, like crackers, very tasty, as if you were eating bread, but at the same time it’s not bread, but a healthy product!”

And user Tanushka_87 shares the positive effects of rye bran on hair and skin:

“My dandruff disappeared, my hair stopped getting very oily, and the skin on my whole body became smooth. For 4 weeks now I’ve been eating them in the morning, and a little during the day... And I feel great.”

Shall we crunch?

So, you bought your first pack labeled “rye bran” - how to use it to improve your health and diversify your diet? With granulated ones, everything is simple: you can crunch them to your heart’s content. We close our eyes and imagine that we are enjoying Kirieshki (there is a distant similarity if you choose bran with seasonings and additives). The main thing is not to forget to drink it with water – you can drink it not only with water, but also with any fermented milk (kefir, yogurt, etc.), juice. Some people replace bread with it and eat granulated rye bran as a “bite” in soups.

“Lazy” ways to use ground rye bran are to stir a tablespoon or a half in a glass of kefir and let it sit for 15–20 minutes, sprinkle it on a salad, stewed vegetables or first course, and add it to the minced meat for cutlets. And to control your appetite, you can simply steam a spoonful of ground rye bran in hot water (not boiling water!) and eat it half an hour before meals, washing it down with plenty of clean water.

For those who love culinary experiments, here are several recipes with rye bran. These dishes are very light and help improve digestion. They can be included in the diet during periods of fasting and weight loss.

Summer cold soup with rye bran (with kefir)

For 2 servings, take: two glasses of 1 or 2.5 percent kefir, three medium fresh cucumbers, a large boiled cucumber, one hard-boiled cucumber, 40 g of rye bran, green onions, or other favorite greens.

We cut the vegetables into cubes, chop the greens, mix everything and pour in kefir (if desired, it can be slightly diluted with water), salt to taste and add ground bran. Mix well and pour into plates. Before serving, decorate each serving with half an egg and herbs.

Light salad with seaweed, crab meat and bran

We cut into strips 100 grams of crab meat (ideally natural, but for lack of anything better, you can take a package of crab sticks), cucumber and tomato (pull out the liquid insides so that the salad does not “float”). Add 200 grams of pickled seaweed and 2 tablespoons of ground rye bran. Mix the ingredients and let the salad “rest” for about 15 minutes. Before serving, add a little salt and season with lemon juice.

Pasta with added bran

If you are confident in your culinary talents, you can make your own pasta at home.

Mix five parts flour and part rye bran, add a pinch of salt and knead a stiff dough in cooled boiled water. Let the dough rest for about half an hour, covered with a clean napkin. Then roll out as thin as possible, let dry a little and cut into small strips.

You can cook the pasta right away; keep in mind that it takes a little longer to cook than store-bought pasta. You can season the finished dish with either low-fat sauce. If you have a lot of pasta, you can dry it well and store it in an airtight container.

Dessert with rye bran for losing weight

Pour rye bran (one part) with a small amount of boiling water. Add (one part) and (two parts) to the steamed bran. Pass everything through a meat grinder. Eat with tea or kefir.

Not bran alone...

Rye bran, the benefits and harms of which are mainly associated with the presence of a large amount of dietary fiber, should be eaten without fanaticism. If you do not maintain the daily intake of bran, or if you do not drink plenty of fluids in parallel with their absorption, you can achieve undesirable consequences. In the best case, you will simply feel discomfort and heaviness in the stomach, gas formation will increase and stool will become loose, in the worst case, the formation of fecal stones will begin.

For any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to avoid consuming different types of bran, including rye bran. At the very least, don't take risks without consulting a doctor.

It is important to know that consuming bran reduces the absorption of drugs. Therefore, during active treatment, you should avoid consuming rye and other bran. In addition, if you suffer from individual intolerance to cereals, rye bran can cause an allergy attack.

And finally, advice from nutritionists: in the summer, when it is possible to consume more natural foods rich in fiber - fruits, herbs and vegetables, it is better to reduce the consumption of bran or remove it from the diet. Bran can be added to food in courses, but not constantly, as it reduces the absorption of minerals and vitamins.


Health 04/03/2014

Dear readers, today on the blog I want to continue the topic of our health and gaining harmony. I think I’m not the only one who has noticed that today many people are increasingly thinking about the benefits and quality of what we eat. After the boom of fast food, which fell on our heads, or rather, on our stomachs, we begin to think: is it really useful to constantly consume everything that is so persistently offered? Some were simply fed up, others may have experienced certain health problems. However, more and more people are becoming interested in healthy eating and healthy food. Everyone will probably agree that our diet directly affects our health. So, if you are planning to change something in your lifestyle, try to start with nutrition.

One of the trends that has recently been observed both in the information field of the Internet and among many of my friends is the use of bran. I recently met a friend whom I knew all along as an overweight person. And imagine my surprise when I saw her noticeably slimmer. The woman is already well over 50, and this is an age when the body is very reluctant to part with its weight.

However, the result was “on the face” and the rest of the body, which naturally raised a logical question in me: “How?” In response, I heard that there were attempts to go on strict diets, but a sharp restriction in food was difficult, and the risk of developing side health problems as a result of this was quite high. So she chose a gentler path for herself - she simply revised her diet, eliminated meals after 18.00 and... began to eat wheat bran. It is to them that she attributes the success of her current figure.

By the way, this same wheat bran has become a “mandatory program” in the nutritional system of many stars. Nutritionists vied with each other about them, recalling also oat bran. By the way, we recently talked about them in an article

Today we’ll talk about the benefits and value of wheat bran.

Wheat bran. Compound.

Wheat bran itself is a product of flour milling, which until recently was considered a waste and was mainly used as livestock feed. It was once upon a time that our ancestors ate bread made from whole grain flour, but today we use baked goods made from the most refined flour, depriving ourselves of the benefits of whole grains. But all that is separated during grain processing - the grain shell, the germ and the aleurone layer of the endosperm and contains about 90% of all important and valuable substances. This “waste” is called bran. Chemical composition of bran:

  • Vitamins A, E, as well as group B: B1, B2, B6, B6
  • Micro and macroelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, copper, iodine
  • Healthy fatty acids (Omega-3, Omega-6, pantothenic acid - beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract)
  • The main “richness” of wheat bran is fiber and dietary fiber, which regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, remove cholesterol, lower blood sugar levels and perfectly saturate, preventing the desire to constantly throw something into the stomach.

Wheat bran. Calorie content : 150-200 kcal per 100 g. The product is quite light, but very nutritious. Gives a feeling of fullness and does not add “reserves” at all; on the contrary, it works on their disappearance.

Wheat bran. Benefit.

  • Benefits of wheat bran for the gastrointestinal tract . Improvement in the functioning of the digestive system. Once in the stomach, fiber retains water due to its porous structure, and already in the intestines it dilutes the processed masses. This promotes good peristalsis and relieves problems caused by constipation. The second feature of fiber is its adsorbing properties. Swelling with water, it absorbs everything unnecessary - mucus, toxins, waste. As a result, the intestinal walls do not suffer from contact with harmful substances (carcinogens, preservatives, dyes, etc.), which can lead to the development of diseases such as colon cancer.
  • Prevention of dysbacteriosis . B vitamins nourish the gastric mucosa and stimulate the production of gastric juice. In addition, vitamin B3 activates the functioning of the liver and pancreas.
  • The benefits of wheat bran in combating excess weight and diabetes . Again, the fiber contained in wheat bran comes to the fore - it slows down the process of carbohydrate absorption, and therefore reduces the rate of increase in glucose levels. Swelling in the stomach, bran creates a feeling of fullness, preventing overeating.
  • The benefits of wheat bran for the heart and blood vessels . By taking bran, we normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system. B vitamins work to lower cholesterol levels in the blood, thereby preventing the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques. Potassium and magnesium are also beneficial for the heart and blood vessels, which reduce the risk of myocardial infarction, tachycardia, arrhythmia and other “heart” problems.
  • Maintaining “female” and “male” health . Wheat bran benefits both the strong and weak halves of humanity. The fatty acids contained in bran maintain the necessary estrogen balance. This serves as an excellent prevention of diseases such as breast cancer, endometriosis, and so on. And men, consuming wheat bran, can count on the normal functioning of the prostate gland and the preservation of their male strength.

I suggest watching the video, which explains everything about bran in great detail. Not only about wheat, but also about rice and rye.

Wheat bran. Where can I buy

For those who are going to take the first step towards proper, and most importantly, healthy nutrition, you can start with this simple, but very valuable product. Wheat bran can be bought in pharmacies and in supermarkets in the diet or baby food departments. Recently, trademarks producing bakery products have also started selling them. So finding them today is not too difficult. You just need to set a goal.

Which bran is better to buy: crushed or in granules?

When looking for wheat bran, remember that you can find the product in two states: regular crushed, that is, ground bran and granulated wheat bran. The first option is preferable, since it was amenable to processing to a minimal extent. But flavors, and even sugar or salt can already be added to the granules to enhance the taste. Such a product will not cause harm, but it will also provide less benefit than ordinary ground bran.

Good, unspoiled bran should have a reddish-yellow and gray tint and be practically tasteless and odorless. The main thing is that there is no rancidity or sour taste.

Wheat bran. Reviews.

But those who have already tried the effects of wheat bran can confirm their effectiveness. In particular, the first thing that can be noticed after a course of consuming bran is an improvement in the condition of hair, nails and skin. In addition to the fact that with bran we receive useful substances necessary for tissue regeneration, the stomach, tuned to proper functioning, absorbs them correctly. That is, the absorption of all vitamins, macro- and microelements increases, which cannot but affect our appearance.

A natural consequence of consuming wheat bran is the normalization of stool and the coordinated functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract. In addition, there is an improvement in the person’s general condition - you will feel a surge of strength and energy. It also strengthens the immune system and even improves vision.

By the way, wheat bran is often used to prevent cancer.

How to use wheat bran.

By analogy with oat bran, wheat bran can simply be added to your food as part of all kinds of dishes - salads, soups, meat dishes and of course porridge. You can also begin your acquaintance with this product by eating wheat bread with bran. And, of course, the bran can be eaten separately.

There are two options: dry or pre-soaked. If you want to try bran in dry form, take it before meals, be sure to wash it down with at least one glass of liquid. Or pre-soak the required portion of bran in boiling water and leave for half an hour. Then simply drain the water and consume the bran as is or add it to any dishes.

You need to introduce wheat bran into your diet, like any new product, gradually. We start with one teaspoon per day and during the first two weeks we increase the daily volume to three teaspoons. (1 tsp three times a day). Gradually increase the consumed amount to three tablespoons per day (one for each of three meals).

Wheat bran. Dosage per day.

3-4 tablespoons of wheat bran per day is the norm that should not be exceeded when consuming this product, so as not to upset the balance of substances necessary for the body.

Typically, the course of treatment with wheat bran is at least six weeks. When you feel positive changes in your body, you can gradually reduce the daily portion to two teaspoons per day.

Recipe with wheat bran to cleanse the intestines and normalize stool.

Tasty, simple and healthy. Pass 100 g of steamed wheat bran through a meat grinder with 100 g of raisins and 200 g of prunes - eat during the day in 3 doses, washing down with plenty of water.

Try cooking bran cakes according to Pierre Dukan .

Take 1 tbsp of wheat bran and 2 tbsp of oat bran, add 1 egg and 1 tbsp. dietary soft cottage cheese. Mix everything, leave for half an hour and bake in a well-heated frying pan without oil. These flatbreads can be heated, can be eaten instead of bread, and store well.

Wheat bran for children

Such a useful product can be introduced into children's menus, starting from the age of over the first year of life. You can prepare soups and porridges using bran decoction: 1 teaspoon of wheat bran is poured with boiling water and simmered over low heat for no more than 15 minutes. Then we filter the broth and can use it as a basis for preparing any dishes. You can also pre-steam a third of a teaspoon of wheat bran with boiling water and then add it during the preparation of porridges and soups.

Wheat bran for weight loss. Diet.

A diet aimed at smooth weight loss and normalization of metabolism often dictates taking wheat bran. This is quite logical, given the properties of wheat bran and their effect on the gastrointestinal tract. After all, a portion of bran may well replace, if not a full meal, then certainly one of the snacks.