A girl fell in love with her best friend: what to do. What to do if you fall in love with your best friend Well, then it's time to act

It is believed that falling in love with a friend is normal and even right. After all, friendship is one of the components of love. But what should you do if you fall in love with a friend, and the situation is not simple, with some nuances and sensitive moments?

Virtual world

Falling in love with a man over the Internet is not difficult. Even easier than in a person from your real environment. This may seem stupid. But everything has its own explanations. The thing is that virtual communication does not provide as much information about the object of love as is available from communication with a real person. You learn information about a guy during communication, in different situations. But based on correspondence on the Internet, it is difficult to form a complete picture of a man, and women fall in love with their own fantasy. What to do? Understand yourself and your man. Try to transfer communication into the real world and understand whether it is the same as in fantasies or not. If this is not done, then thoughts of unrequited love may haunt you for many years, because ambiguity in a relationship is the worst thing.


Many girls can fall in love with a guy who has a girlfriend. What to do and what to do if you love him, and he loves another woman? There are only two options:

  • Let go
  • Fight

Letting go is difficult and painful, but only at first. You must understand that this is the only correct decision in this situation.

After all, if he loves her. It is almost impossible to eradicate these feelings. And even if you manage to destroy the couple, you won’t be able to live peacefully with this guy. The thought that he could be taken away by anyone else will constantly haunt him. It’s better to let go and wish happiness, simple, not with yourself, but happiness.

In fact, it is even more difficult to fight. If there is love in a couple, then acting honestly and well will not work out. At least in relation to the girl, who, by the way, did nothing wrong. And you need to be mentally prepared for such actions, wait, endure, forgive.

You can, of course, hope that he loves, but she doesn’t. And it will be easier to break them. After all, you can show him your sincere friendship, sympathy, support and believe that he will understand and appreciate. But, unfortunately, not everything is so rosy. If he has love, then it is not possible to forget and give up his feelings quickly. This means that there is a risk of failure and dashed hopes. The result is suffering and disappointment.


There is nothing wrong with loving your childhood friend. After all, as you know, there is no friendship between a woman and a man; in such relationships there is, at a minimum, sympathy. This means that this is one of the positive circumstances for the development of great and true love. You should definitely admit your feelings. This, of course, may seem difficult to do. But it should be remembered that a man has the right to know about this. And that your best friend has respect for you, so he won't hurt you. So you should try it. If he reacts, go ahead. If not, you will remain friends. Don't run away from your feelings. Perhaps this is your destiny.

It's Complicated

If there is love for a friend of your husband or boyfriend, then this is one of the most difficult situations. The difficulty is that you have to take a long time and openly understand, first of all, yourself, your feelings, desires and thoughts. There may be several circumstances for the emergence of love for a friend:

  • thirst for another relationship
  • conflicts with husband
  • lack of love for husband, boyfriend

First, you need to decide whether to remain a spouse or not, regardless of whether you are with another man.

Solutions options

  • Lack of desire to live with her husband, readiness for divorce, lack of good feelings for him.
  • Not satisfaction with the current relationship with my husband, but willingness to be with him and change relationships and behavior.
  • Not being ready to part with my husband, fear of loneliness, fear of leaving a child without a father.

From what decision is made, further actions are planned.

  • Option 1. Divorce. And after that, you can begin to build possible relationships with a friend.
  • Option 2. Frank conversation with your spouse. Discuss your relationship and make decisions together. Of course, this is not a quick process, requiring strength and sometimes the help of a psychologist.
  • Option 3. Everything is clear. You keep your family together by finding solace in dreams and fantasies about your friend.

But do not forget that if your love with a friend is mutual, then he can also interfere in the development of the “triangle” relationship.

Good day, dear readers. Today you will learn what to do if you fall in love with a friend. You will learn how to find out if a guy has reciprocal feelings. You will know whether to talk about your love and how to do it.

How to find out about his feelings

If this happens, the girl realizes that she has fallen in love with her best friend, the first thing that begins to worry is whether the young man will want to change the role of a comrade to a beloved guy. You need to think about it: perhaps your feelings did not arise out of nowhere; they are a consequence of the fact that a friend has been experiencing loving affection for a long time and showing signs of attention. It is possible that the guy himself is afraid to talk about what is in his heart, he does not want to risk friendly relations, because this way he may be left alone. In such a situation, it would be a good idea to talk with mutual friends, just do it not directly, but try to carefully find out. It is possible that they themselves will begin to tell you that a friend is somehow especially looking in your direction or showing concern. They have long guessed about his feelings.

Friends communicate closely and spend a lot of time together. In order to understand what is in a friend’s heart, you just need to observe his manners, behavior, and gaze.

  1. A young man never turns his back to you.
  2. Almost constantly looks straight into the eyes.
  3. He doesn’t talk about his ex-girlfriends or his victories over them.
  4. People around you will behave differently than they do around friends.
  5. The guy often gives “friendly” gifts.
  6. The young man tries to spend as much time as possible next to you.
  7. The guy is interested in your life and helps in case of trouble.
  8. Shows obvious concern and is worried about you.

To confess or not

If you know that your friend isn't dating anyone right now, it might be time to talk about your feelings. What can push you to this is that the guy often, supposedly as a joke, hugs, kisses on the cheek, and tries in every possible way to protect. You must understand that you will not be able to hide your feelings for a long time, because they will become too obvious. Well, why bother and try to hide something, it’s better to tell everything honestly.

Of course, it is possible that your friend will be stunned; it turns out that he does not feel anything close to that. In some cases, a young man will simply need time to think about everything; perhaps he himself has long ago changed his attitude towards you, but is afraid to admit it to himself.

The girl must be prepared for the fact that after everything becomes known, she may lose her boyfriend forever. After all, in a situation where one friend’s feelings have grown into love, but the other’s have not, there is nothing else left. Here, in essence, either the feelings turn out to be mutual, and the couple starts dating, or the friends break up, the girl suffers, but over time she meets new love.

Sometimes a young man who does not feel love may agree to become a boyfriend and girlfriend because he does not want to lose a friend in you. Over time, he will either fall in love or understand the meaninglessness of your intimacy, then you will have to break up.

Possible methods

  1. In the presence of a friend, do not think about your former boyfriends. We can say that you dream of starting a serious relationship with a man like him.
  2. Invite a friend to a party. Here he will be able to see you in a new light, because you will visit the hairdresser and put on a beautiful outfit. Pre-arrange with a friend whom your friend does not know, so that during the party she will come up and note how beautiful your couple is. And here the main thing is to monitor your friend’s reaction. If he immediately starts to deny your relationship, it means he treats you like a friend. If he remains silent, then you will remain silent. At the end of the party, be sure to retire and tell him about it. Note that you would really make a great couple, I wonder what it would be like if you started dating.
  3. Change your usual environment, you can invite a friend to play tennis or go to the movies, like in a friendly way. Try to create such meetings as often as possible, to be together more.
  4. If your friend does not yet know everything about your hidden talents, perhaps now is the time to demonstrate them to him, to open up in a new way.
  5. Touch him often. Let it be minor touches, straighten his bangs, pat him on the shoulder. Perhaps emotions will awaken in him, the guy will feel the pleasure of your closeness.
  6. Don't hesitate to ask him for help. Afterwards, be sure to say thank you. It is important for a man to feel his strength and feel that he is needed.
  7. The most effective way: you can kiss your friend directly on the lips and see his reaction. If a young man has been suffering from love for a long time, he will reciprocate, pressing his lips even harder. If it comes as a shock to him, you can always say that something has come over you. Let this event be preceded by some positive emotions.
  8. Sometimes no hints help to convey to the guy the awareness of what is in your heart. In this case, all that remains is to speak directly about your feelings, knowing about possible reactions.
  1. Remember the first time you felt that you were experiencing feelings stronger than friendship. Didn't this arise at the moment when a friend started dating some girl? If yes, you simply have a sense of ownership, because now you need to share it with someone. In this case, most likely, you will not lose the friendship, unless the new girl turns him against you.
  2. Flirt with your friend, but don't make any promises. It is important that he sees an attractive girl next to him, and not “his boy” who was running around with him in the yard.
  3. Try to provoke him to jealousy. If a friend finds your meetings with another man unpleasant, it means he is not indifferent.
  4. If you have doubts about reciprocity, you can suggest a friendly trip to the cinema to watch a film about love. This way, you will unobtrusively hint to your friend about your feelings. At the same time, such an invitation will not cause violent resistance.
  5. Start touching him more often, do it without excess, in a friendly way. Over time, let them develop into the category of soulful and affectionate. If you hug when you meet, hold him longer in your arms.
  6. You have probably been friends for more than one year and know a lot about your friend, about his views on girls, about what he likes. Now nothing prevents him from becoming that ideal.
  7. If you feel that your friend is breathing unevenly, but for some reason is in no hurry to talk about his feelings, you can take the first step, invite him to a cafe, to a romantic meeting.
  8. It is not recommended to abruptly communicate your feelings to a friend. It’s better to prepare it, start hinting from afar.
  9. In order for a guy to look at you from a different angle, it is recommended to change yours or at least change in some way. For example, if you and a friend always run in sportswear and sneakers, it’s time to put on a skirt, let your hair down, and put on heels. Let your friend see that next to him is not “his boy,” but a beautiful beauty.

In fact, it is far from a rare case when a guy and a girl are friends and then fall in love. If you have such feelings, this is a pattern, because you spend a lot of time together, have known each other for a long time, and probably have common interests and views on life. It's so wonderful when your best friend becomes your favorite man. Just don’t be afraid of losing friendship, continue to remain silent, hiding what’s in your heart. The girl must understand that all this time the guy can be tormented by his feelings.

Fell in love with a friend and don't know what to do? Should you talk about your feelings? Can a friend become your boyfriend and reciprocate the feelings?

Should I show my cards?

If your good friend has begun to seem unbearably good to you, and you suspect that you are looking at him with different eyes than you did before, perhaps you are in love. It can be either a fleeting feeling or true love. Only time will tell the truth. But if you are unable to control your emotions, you should be patient and engage in introspection. So what to do? Recognition can be a real problem because the outcome can be completely unpredictable. Maybe your friend, just like you, experiences tender, not only friendly, feelings. But the opposite is also possible, and then your friendship may be damaged, and balance may not be restored. Therefore, before you reveal all your cards, try to analyze his attitude, because if your friend views you exclusively as a girlfriend, then is it even worth talking about falling in love?

How to check a friend's behavior?

Any girl can fall in love with a friend; none of us are immune from this. Before you confess your feelings, you should “probe” his behavior for signs of falling in love. Remember, perhaps his behavior has long betrayed his love, and his glances are filled with far from friendly tenderness? Additionally, the deterioration of your relationship could also be a sign that a crush exists.

If your friend often tells you about meeting other girls, then he is not in love with you. But there may be exceptions, and this is just a test of your reaction, whether you will be jealous. A bad sign for you is his worries about the girl he likes. But if a friend begins to show secrecy, speaks little about his passions, and becomes more uptight, then perhaps he has developed something more serious than friendly sympathy. A good sign for you is that your friend doesn't see any good guys for you.

Signs of falling in love

How do you know if your friend is in love with you? To do this, it is not at all necessary to read his thoughts - analyze his behavior! How does a young man in love reveal himself?

  1. Constantly looking at you.
  2. He mentions his girlfriends less, as well as his liking for others, and does not talk about past relationships.
  3. His behavior in your company has become different: either too cheerful, cheerful and open, or more timid and uptight than before.
  4. His ex (current) girlfriend dislikes you.
  5. In your presence, his comrades make fun of him.
  6. He tries to touch you with or without reason.
  7. Your friend began to show himself in a more favorable light in front of you.

Even if you don’t dare confess, try to hint to your friend about your attitude towards him, speak warmly to him, praise his strong qualities, perhaps soon your friend will take a step towards you!


There are many opinions. But, for the most part, it ends in love relationships. You went to the same kindergarten group, then studied in the same class, he always carried your briefcase. You were always sure that he was there, you had someone to rely on, and someone to tell about your troubles. And now, you are already adults who continue to be friends, but you began to understand that your feelings are... You fell in love with your best friend! What to do in this situation, and is it necessary to do anything at all?

You are in love with your best friend: what to do?

The first thing that begins to torment you is whether the person who has been your devoted friend for so long will be able to? And most importantly, will he want it? You have a difficult task to answer these two questions.

Think about it, is your feeling for your friend so groundless?

He, just like you, is afraid of his feelings and afraid of losing your friendship.

Try asking your mutual friends. They certainly see from the outside how your friend really treats you. In addition, he may let one of his friends know about his true feelings for you.
Talk to him as only a woman can talk - but without making any promises.
Try to make the young man see in you not only the girl with whom he climbed trees and raced on a bicycle. You are already an adult lady, and you know for sure that you are attractive to men. Try calling . Men usually react extremely negatively to the appearance of an opponent. If earlier love was dormant in him, because he knew that you belonged only to him, then at this moment it can break out.
Create for him - a horse ride, a boat ride on the river, about love. Do everything in such a way as to subtly hint to the guy about your feelings, but do not scare them with an aggressive display.

Any relationship between people (friendship, love, family) is impossible without touching and hugging. Therefore, make your touches gentle and soulful. Hold his hand in yours a little longer, press him a little tighter to you.
The answer to the question of what to do if you fall in love with your best friend is simple - remain yourself. Perhaps, having thrown away the guise of a shirtless guy, and a sexy one, you will be the first to hear from someone who is so dear to you.
You are an adult girl who has known your friend for more than one year. Remember everything he said about the opposite sex. Definitely something you should know, your friend. Start approaching this image with all seriousness. Finally, make a date with him in a cozy place where pleasant music plays and delicious food is prepared. Chat, dance, maybe on this day you will hear from your friend what you are waiting for, or decide to take this step yourself.

If you are planning a vacation, invite a friend to spend it together. You have common interests, you have something to talk about, you will definitely have fun together. There, under the palm trees, on the shores of the bluest ocean, you can confess to your friend how you feel about him. In addition, you will spend a long time together. A young man will be able to see that you have excellent taste, a wonderful figure, and besides, you are also a very practical girl who knows exactly in what situation and how to do the right thing.

Think about it: at what point did you realize that you loved your best friend? Did this period coincide with the time when a girl appeared in his life? Maybe you, driven by , are simply trying to “take away” what’s yours? Perhaps there are no feelings at all, but you are trying to keep a person near you? In that case, don't worry. Men are too freedom-loving; your friendship will always have a place in his life.

But, if you understand that you really love this person, and jealousy has absolutely nothing to do with it, fight, act!

Don’t give in to despondency and don’t hide “in your shell,” it won’t help. Don’t give up on what you’ve been building for so many years – your relationship.

Take a closer look at how the young man communicates with other girls who could become his passions. Compare what the difference is between his communication with girls and his communication with you. Relationships like “my boyfriend” or “I really appreciate you” can be distinguished instantly. Only “my boyfriend” is unlikely to turn into love, and “I appreciate you” easily turns into “I love you madly.” If in the first case, you will have to work on yourself and make drastic changes in the relationship (this will take more than one day), then in the second case, the guy is already ready for love. If he is used to treating you as a friend for games and entertainment, then it will be difficult for a person to change his attitude. Although, the moment he understands that it is very important for life that partners understand each other at a glance, he will definitely decide that you are exactly the right person. Just don’t act spontaneously, let everything take its course.

How to confess your love to your best friend

You, like no one else, should know if your best friend has a girlfriend. If not, confess your love to him. If before this day your friend gently hugged you by the shoulders and kissed you on the cheek, supposedly as a joke, now you can find out the true motives of his actions. At this moment it will become clear whether it is manifestations of friendship or a desire to love and protect you.

If you understand that, don't hide it. This cannot go on for long; soon your impulses will become clear to everyone without words. And breaking up with a loved one because of your shyness will be very painful. By telling the truth about your feelings, you will hear in response what the person really feels for you. No matter how bitter the truth is, it is always better than the unknown and mental anguish.

The minute you are alone with the person you now love, gently take his hand, pull the person towards you, and kiss him. Just do it with all the tenderness you can muster. The main thing is to remember that neither you nor your friend is to blame for the fact that the friendship is gone, and other feelings have replaced it. Don't blame anyone for this.

Don't cry or throw tantrums. A person will be able to see the depth of your feelings later. For now, you are faced with the task of telling them that they exist at all, that you cannot live without this person. With a fit of sobbing, you will simply scare the guy, and he will decide that you are hysterical. A man who enters into a love relationship with a woman fears her tears. For him, this is a signal that more than one million nerve cells will have to be destroyed. After all, you will need to calm down this crybaby. Therefore, a guy will think a hundred times before he begins to connect his life with a whiny girl.

In addition, if you calm down and behave with dignity, it will be easier for you to see the young man's response. Note that for him your recognition is as much a surprise as your feelings are for you. If the young man does not immediately respond to your impulse, do not be upset and do not rush him.

It happens that a guy courted you for a long time, but you could not accept him as a partner. Although, friendships took root and grew into... After some time, you realize that now you love this person. However, don't rush! Perhaps over such a long time his attitude towards you has changed.

It is worth noting that, no matter what you do, from the moment you realize that you love your best friend, the previous relationship between you will never be the same. You are no longer friends, you are people who must decide whether you should continue to be together or not. There are two options:

You stay together, just in a different status;
You are breaking up.

1 March 2014, 15:39

It would seem that we have known each other for so many years, we fell in love together, quarreled, shared all the events, sweets, opinions. You call each other several times a day, and also write to each other on social networks, you know all his girls, his preferences, you can tell in advance what he will wear, what he is thinking about.

You are great friends, in his house you are welcome, no longer a guest, but your own little man, almost a sister. You have the same tastes, you are always together and suddenly, at one moment, you realize that you do not need fans and are indifferent to their advances, compliments and attentions irritate you.

When you meet a friend with his girlfriend, you feel pain from stings of jealousy, you notice that you have begun to think of him not as a friend, you constantly miss him, and when you meet, your heart is ready to start dancing. Previously, you could open the door for him in home clothes and feel completely calm about it, but now you prepare for each visit, carefully choosing a toilet, doing your hair and makeup. You realize - yes, this is more than just friendship.

Many questions immediately arise that require immediate solutions. Confess your feelings? What if you lose what you already have between you? What if he, like you, is in love? How will he react to changes in the relationship? Questions - a swarm in my head!

Or maybe he?

You may have noticed some stiffness in his communication with you, a fear of touch and some alienation; he ended his relationship with his girlfriend and began to look unfriendly in the direction of your fans. Think about it, he, too, could understand that you are more than a friend in his life. Try to take the first step yourself.

If relations on his part are still friendly, what should I do?

First you need to understand yourself, your feelings - it is quite possible that this is just a habit of each other or a reluctance to share a friend with someone else. This is best done from a distance. Take a ticket, agree to a business trip, go to a friend’s house or to the country for a week, you never know the options.

Take a break from your thoughts, unwind, or, on the contrary, load yourself with work. Why do you need this? Understand whether this desire to be with him is fleeting or not. If you recently broke up with your boyfriend, then the reason for the sudden feeling may be the need for support from a friend, not a girlfriend. Or the need for love.

Weigh all the pros and cons, imagine how you would spend your time, but not only in a romantic flair, but in everyday life. Knowing his habits, good and bad sides, think about what you like most about him, what you could patiently endure, and what you categorically do not accept, and here he should change, adapt.

So, we analyzed everything, sorted our thoughts into shelves, put things in order in our heads. Has anything changed in your attitude towards him?

Well, then it's time to act!

  1. You shouldn’t immediately blindside him with confessions. Start with yourself. Remember all his girls and how he spoke about them, what was attractive about them for him and for what reason they broke up.
  2. Conduct reconnaissance - carefully, non-intrusively ask mutual friends and acquaintances about his attitude towards you, what he values ​​in a woman, which girls he considers sexy, collect as much information as possible that will play into your hands in the future, even small details are important here.
  3. Try to change little by little - during meetings, dress more femininely, where appropriate - show weakness and some dependence on him, his advice, taste, but just don’t overdo it, because he knows you well.
  4. Ask for help more often, for example, to serve a blanket, drive a nail or hang a picture, yes, you can do everything yourself, but let him feel like a man caring for a weak woman.
  5. You can arrange renovations or a global rearrangement in the apartment. This is where you can’t do without it - what wallpaper to take, how to lay parquet or linoleum, where it’s better to move the closet, whether to leave the old sofa or replace it with a more comfortable double bed, what kind of lighting to choose. Going shopping together to transform your home will greatly contribute to a different kind of rapprochement, not the friendly one as before. Try to ensure that in all these alterations, his contribution is significant. Do according to your general taste and mood, make compromises, but also defend your point of view; excessive complaisance can be annoying. Let him leave your home with regret, even if only for a short time. Don't forget to feed the worker. After each working day, arrange something like a festive dinner or lunch. Select new recipes in advance to suit his taste, but preferably ones that you have not prepared for him before.

There are other options for the “rapprochement strategy”

The most important and difficult thing is to try to explain yourself; sooner or later you will have to do this anyway.

Set yourself up in an optimistic mood, but also think about your behavior in advance if he says that he loves you as a friend. Here the choice is yours - turn everything into a joke and laugh together, or say that you wanted to try it on him, how an old fan will react to such a proposal and continue the friendship, with the hope that he will change his mind.

Either - break it up, break it up - end the friendship and part on good friendly terms, but no more. If you fail, don’t even think about falling into tears, sobs, or hysteria - this is not an option and will not add any advantages at all, it will only smudge your makeup, make your eyes swollen - remain beautiful. Plus, you shouldn’t humiliate yourself and beg to try, sometimes it’s this position that makes a man reconsider his attitude to a very negative one.

To explain, choose a suitable secluded place - an office in a cafe or restaurant, a home dinner, a picnic for two, so that no one will disturb or distract you. Act calm and serious. Be sincere - it won’t be difficult, because you have already decided everything for yourself. Before going on a decisive date, be sure to look at yourself in the mirror, even if you don’t believe in omens, but make sure that everything is in order.