Henna with chamomile result. Henna for brown hair: everything you need to know about this coloring. Is it possible to do salon hair coloring after henna?

What to mix henna with? How to prepare paint correctly? What will be the final result? You will find answers to all these questions in our article, which contains a photo catalog with the results before and after coloring.

Many of us have heard about therapeutic hair coloring using henna. And some have long renounced chemical dyes, preferring natural products. If this type of painting is new to you, you should first study the advice of professionals.

  • ALWAYS do a test dye by applying the mixture to a small section of hair. This way you will avoid unpleasant surprises, and at the same time you will find out what color this mixture gives to your curls. After all, the same composition can give different shades on different hair.
  • Be careful with mixtures containing coffee. If the dye is left on the hair for a long time, the caffeine can seep into the pores, causing headaches.
  • To prevent henna from drying out your hair, you can add oils (essential or olive) to it.

How to prepare paint

  1. It is advisable to prepare the mixture in plastic or ceramic containers.
  2. It is not recommended to apply paint immediately after preparation. Let it sit until the mixture changes color to a darker color. To do this, store it in a warm place, after adding lemon juice or vinegar.
  3. The longer the dye remains on the hair, the more reliable the effect. Do not expect results in 15 minutes; coloring can take from 1 to 8 hours.
  4. The amount of henna and the total mass of the mixture depend on the length and color of your hair. Up to 100 grams of henna can be used for short hair, 100-200 for medium hair, and 300-500 for long hair. On light hair the result is more noticeable.
  5. We recommend preparing more than the required quantity. The rest of the mixture can be stored in the refrigerator.
  6. The liquid for diluting henna should not be too hot. If you heat the mixture, do not bring it to a boil - this will worsen the coloring properties.
  7. The optimal thickness of the mixture should resemble the consistency of sour cream. To make the paint drip less, add diluted gelatin.

How to apply henna to hair

Gloves should be used (to prevent the skin of your hands from becoming stained). After you have applied the mixture to your hair, put on a plastic cap or a regular transparent bag and wrap your head with a towel. Apply Vaseline or oil to the skin along the hairline so that the henna does not leave marks on the face. The dye is applied more easily to wet hair than to dry hair. To make your hair color better, dry it with a warm stream of hair dryer. Once you've finished coloring, rinse off the henna until the water runs clear.

It is important to know: henna continues to change the color of your hair even after the mixture is removed. After a couple of days the shade may change.

So, we've learned the basics. What hair coloring options are there?

50 options for dyeing hair red

200 g henna, 1 cup lemon juice, juice of 1 lime, 10 drops patchouli essential oil, 4 tsp. ground cloves, water.

Infuse the mixture for 18 hours. Apply to hair for 3 hours.

100 g henna, 220 g lemon juice, 7 tbsp. spoons of corn syrup, 3 tbsp. cloves, 13 drops frankincense oil, 13 drops benzoin oil, 6 drops rosemary oil.

Let the mixture sit for 15 hours. Apply to hair for 3 hours.

100 g henna, lemon juice, coffee, yogurt

We dilute 100 g of henna with lemon juice to a thick paste, add cold coffee, diluting it to the consistency of sour cream. Let the mixture stand for 3-4 hours. Add yogurt (in a 1:1 ratio). Apply to hair. Then leave the paste on your hair for 2.5 hours.

100 g of henna, lemon juice, 2 bags of ground cloves, a cup of plum juice.

Mix 100 g of henna, lemon juice and add 2 bags of ground cloves, bringing the mixture to a thick paste. Infuse the mixture for 12 hours, then add a cup of plum juice, bringing it to the state of sour cream. Apply to hair and leave for 7.5 hours.

75 g of henna, lemon juice.

We insist for 20 hours. Dilute the mixture with water to the desired consistency. Apply to hair for 3 hours.

6. Rose oil

200 g henna, 75 g lemon juice, 75 g filtered water, 3 tbsp. ground cloves, 20 drops of rose essential oil.

The mixture was infused for 8 hours, then another 1 day in the refrigerator, after which it was applied to clean hair and kept for 5.5 hours.

7. White wine

50 g pectin, 150 g white wine, 150 g water, 100 g henna, cinnamon

50 g pectin + 150 g white wine + 150 g water = heat the mixture for 12 minutes, stirring every minute. Leave for 1 hour, then add 100 g of henna, leave for 3 hours. Add cinnamon for scent and apply to hair and leave overnight. In the morning we wash off the paint.

8. Red wine

100 g henna, 200 g red wine, 1 tbsp. lemon juice.

We dilute the mixture with water until we get the thickness of sour cream. We insist for 3 hours. Apply to hair for 1 hour.

100 g of henna, raspberry tea, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, olive oil, red wine vinegar, turmuma, paprika.

Brew strong raspberry tea with cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. Mix 100 g of henna with 1 cup of tea. Add 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil and 4 tbsp. red wine vinegar. Add a pinch of turmeric and paprika. Let the mixture sit for an hour and a half. Apply to hair for 3 hours.

Henna, lemon juice, lavender and tea tree essential oil, a cup of chamomile tea and a pinch of paprika.

Mix henna with lemon juice, add lavender and tea tree essential oils, a cup of chamomile tea and a pinch of paprika. Mix thoroughly and leave in a warm place for 24 hours. If the mixture dries out, dilute it with lemon juice. Apply to hair and leave for 4 hours.

Luxurious hair, shiny iridescent curls, like a waterfall falling on the shoulders of an elegant lady - this is certainly beautiful. And the condition of hair can tell a lot about the health and well-being of its owner.

After all, you must agree that the problem of hair loss, as well as excessive drying, is most likely associated with a malfunction of internal organs and systems, or caused by the inept actions of a hairdresser who uses strong chemicals when dyeing and/or curling curls.

Natural natural dyes and biological hair care products include henna - a powder obtained by grinding (grinding) the dried leaves of the Lawsonia inermis plant.

Strengthening hair with henna goes back thousands of years. According to legend, the Prophet Muhammad used henna. Historians claim that, since the Bronze Age, Lawsonia powder has been used as an effective dye for silk fabrics, animal hair, human skin and their appendages - hair and nails.

This unique substance also allows for safe coloring of curls that does not disturb the hair structure and is considered completely biological. In order to answer the question of whether to dye your hair with henna, you should carefully study all the pros and cons of this product.

Should you dye your hair with henna?

hair color after dyeing with henna photo

According to experts, henna does not have such a powerful coloring activity that it can completely replace the natural hair color. However, the use of henna leads to impressive results if you want to enhance the natural hair color and saturate it with a beautiful copper shine, as well as add additional rigidity and fullness to the strands.

The coloring properties of lawsonia powder are given by two biocompounds - yellow-red lawson and rich green chlorophyll. At the output we have a fine powder (flour or powder) with a characteristic swamp aroma of a dirty green color, which is the basis of the dyes called “Natural Henna”.

Original Iranian, Sudanese or Indian lavsonia is intended for coloring hair in a copper/red color. The henna used for hair allows you to obtain shades ranging from golden to deep chestnut (the final shade depends on the duration of contact of the hair with the henna paste).

  • Coloring occurs due to the accumulation of pigment in the upper layers of the hair shafts, while it does not penetrate inside, does not change the structure and does not have a destructive effect.

Combining henna with basma- a way to dye your hair black. Modern industry, after numerous experiments, brings to our attention colored henna, enriched with various natural dyes, for example, coffee, cocoa, lemon, oak bark, chamomile, etc., which give a completely different shade to the dye.

  • The final shade depends significantly on the original hair color.

For example, henna on dark hair does not have a significant effect on color and can only give a shiny, unique shade, acting as an excellent tonic for caring for the scalp. Owners of dark hair can use any shades of colored henna (chestnut, chocolate, burgundy, black, golden) or natural lawsonia powder (from the lower leaves - copper or from the stems - colorless).

Women with blond hair should be extremely careful when choosing a shade, as thin hair can turn an unexpectedly bright color. To obtain a golden tint, it is enough to leave light-colored henna on the hair for about half an hour, and for a more saturated color, the contact should be increased to one and a half hours.

In any case, using henna will help make your hair healthy, shiny and well-groomed.

Henna for hair - benefits and harms of use

In the table I have collected the main pros and cons of using the properties of henna for hair.

pros Minuses
1. Dyeing your hair with henna will not only change the shade, but also help strengthen and improve the condition of your hair.1. Natural dye manifests itself individually on each type of hair, especially when applied to strands previously colored with synthetic dyes. By reacting with compounds of the previous dye, lavsonia produces very ugly shades, ranging from dirty gray to green tints.
2. Combining henna with various natural dyes allows you to obtain many amazing shades in the output.2. Changing color using colored henna, especially if this happens for the first time, may not correspond to your expectations and the shade shown on the product packaging.
3. The accessibility of henna lies in its relatively low cost.3. Despite the budget, henna is not suitable for most women because of its inability to completely cover gray hairs. At best, you will get a strange purple tint to the depigmented areas of the head, and at worst, a combination of the original color and strange inclusions of gray hair.
4. If you are completely satisfied with the result, then you can regularly tint the growing roots with the selected shade of the product, thereby ensuring high-quality hair care.

4. After dyeing with henna, hair cannot be dyed using synthetic dyes, as most often due to a chemical reaction. compounds of lawsonia with their components, unexpected reactions occur, and the result is a rusty or greenish tint.

After dyeing with henna, the hair should grow completely, then you can start experimenting with other types of dyes.

As you can see, this is not a universal product; after studying the benefits and harms of henna for hair, you can make your own choice in favor of this or another natural dye, but take your time, let’s take a closer look at the beneficial properties and methods of using henna.

How to get different shades when dyeing your hair with henna?

The following combinations of herbal ingredients with lavsonia powder will help diversify the color palette:

  1. Dilute henna powder with a strong decoction of onion peels (2 handfuls per 300 ml of boiling water, cook over low heat for 30 minutes) to obtain a beautiful copper-golden hue.
  2. Diluting henna with hot beet juice will give you an unexpectedly rich burgundy color.
  3. Subtle red shades are created by adding turmeric powder to henna and then diluting it with hot water.
  4. For an amazing chocolate color, combine henna with pure cocoa powder (no additives).
  5. A combination of lavsonia powder and a strong decoction of field chamomile gives the hair a bright sunny tint (2 tablespoons of dry plant material per glass of water, simmer in a water bath for about a quarter of an hour).
  6. Lovers of red tones are recommended to dilute henna with natural cranberry juice, preheated to a temperature of 80°C.
  7. Henna diluted with hot red wine, such as Cahors or Cabernet, will give your hair an exquisite cherry tint.
  8. If you are not ready to experiment at home, then colored henna is available in various shades, the choice of which depends on your preferences.

Using henna to strengthen hair

Many ladies use henna in regular home hair care, making unique nourishing masks from it, but without changing the color of their curls.

  • Henna dye is prepared from the leaves of lawsonia, and to obtain colorless henna, its stems are used - they do not contain pigmenting compounds, but have all the beneficial properties of the plant.

Lawsonia leaf powder contains the following healing bionutrients: hennotannic, gallic and other organic acids, vitamins C and K, valuable phospholipids, resinous substances, polysaccharides, traces of etherols. Thanks to this composition, the beneficial properties of henna for hair can solve many problems, ranging from hair loss to giving additional volume to thin and excessively oily curls.

Recipe for a nourishing mask with henna

To prepare a nourishing mask from colorless henna, simply dilute the powder with hot water or an aqueous extract from medicinal plants to obtain a thick paste-like mass and evenly distribute the composition on the scalp, dividing the strands into parting.

The mask lasts from 20 minutes to 1 hour. If you want to enhance the effect of lawsonia powder, add essential oils (2-3 drops), blue chamomile, cypress, geranium, neroli, or mixtures thereof.

Benefits of colorless henna for hair:

  • reduction in the production of fatty secretions and reduction in sebum secretion from the bulbs;
  • cleansing the hair follicles from accumulated and compressed secretions (sebaceous plugs), which prevents normal hair growth;
  • strengthening the roots of curls;
  • treatment of dandruff and oily seborrhea;
  • creating additional shine to the strands;
  • activation of rod growth;
  • increasing hair thickness and increasing its overall volume.

The packaging with the powder contains detailed instructions and recommendations on the duration of contact of the natural dye with the hair. There are a number of specific rules that should be followed for diluting henna:

  1. Do not use metal objects and utensils, as the quality of the paint deteriorates when in contact with metal.
  2. The powder is diluted with hot water, but its temperature should not exceed 80°C.
  3. The consistency of henna should not be liquid, as flowing streams can stain the skin and clothes. Prepare a product that is similar in thickness to homemade sour cream.
  4. The drug is applied to damp hair washed with shampoo and warm and distributed evenly throughout the strands, starting from the back of the head.
  5. After application, an insulating cap made of a polyethylene cap and a heated terry towel is put on the head.
  6. Contact time varies from 5 minutes to 2 hours.

Removing henna from hair after dyeing and washing off the color using vegetable oils.

How to properly remove henna from hair?

Many women are concerned about the question of how to wash henna from their hair so that the effect of the procedure is maximum? The composition is washed off with plenty of warm running water without the use of detergents.

For thick hair, the rinsing process can be lengthy, since it is necessary to completely remove powder particles from each hair. In the next three days, it is not recommended to wash your hair, since the active components of henna continue to have a beneficial effect on the hair.

If you want to wash off the resulting shade after using colored henna, aromatherapists recommend being patient and using vegetable oils: olive, peach, grape or almond.

  • The procedure is carried out 2 times a week, carefully applying any of the proposed oils warm to the hair.

The oil mask is kept on the head under an insulating cap for an hour, after which it is washed off with regular shampoo. After 3-4 weeks, the henna particles that are on the surface of the curls will be completely washed off.

These are the beneficial properties of our exotic guest, henna, which came to us from the countries of the Ancient East. If you want to experiment with new shades, use colored lawsonia powder, the choice of which is currently quite large, and if you need to strengthen your hair and take care of its unique shine, use colorless henna.

Beauty and eternal youth to you!

Today, store shelves and beauty salons are full of various hair dyes, but such a natural remedy as henna still continues to occupy its rightful place. Using the product you can not only dye your hair in noble shades, but also give it strength and shine. This article will tell you how to dye your hair with henna at home.

Useful qualities of henna for hair

The practice of dyeing hair with henna in various shades is growing in popularity.

Henna is a powder made from the leaves of lawsonia. Since henna is an herbal remedy, it contains components that are beneficial for hair. The dominant amount is B vitamins, henna builds, strengthens hair, has antibacterial properties, and deeply nourishes with pigment.

Regular use of henna will help your hair:

  • Strengthen hair roots;
  • Eliminate dandruff by adding other components to the composition (henna coloring is pigmentation + components that, in addition to color, make up a mask);
  • Cleanse, normalize moderate sebum secretion;
  • Hide gray hair;
  • Give your hair a charming oriental shine.

Is it possible to dye your hair with henna? Which hair to dye with henna

Before dyeing, let’s figure out whether natural henna dyeing is suitable for each hair type. Hair coloring with natural henna is not suitable for all women, as the result depends on many factors. You should postpone dyeing with henna if:

  • More than 80% gray hair. has its own characteristics;
  • You need to dye dyed hair with henna after a while or bleach it using natural means to get rid of the dye pigment;
  • After perm, henna pigment will not be absorbed into the hair due to impregnation with chemicals;

Perms may also not be accepted on hair after dyeing with henna; they do not interact well.

If after painting with henna you plan to paint again, then you should wait or use a remover again. We recommend washing your hair with natural products.

Don't be afraid of hair bleaching; there are effective ones.

You can dye your hair with henna for any hair shade, but with a different set of components; recipes for each hair type are described below.

What color you get when dyeing with henna depends on the original hair color and the recipe used. You can dye your hair brightly with henna if you have natural hair tones, where henna will give a more pronounced effect (light brown, brown hair).

Whatever the initial hair color, no matter what recipe for dyeing with henna you choose, we recommend that you do a test before use to help ensure the result. To do this, brush one bottom strand of hair as indicated in the recipe.

How to dye your hair with henna at home - simple effective recipes

First you need to correctly calculate the amount of henna powder for the length of your hair:

  • For short hair, no more than 50-100 g is recommended;
  • For bob hair – 150-200 g;
  • For shoulder-length hair – 200-300 g;
  • For waist-length strands – from 300 g.

One tablespoon – 10/15 grams

How much henna is needed to dye hair table (recipes indicate the required amount for medium-length hair, but you must change it in relation to your length):

Attention! A coloring mask based on henna and basma must be applied to clean and dry hair. If for dyeing with professional dye it is recommended to apply dye to dirty hair, then when dyeing with henna this is not necessary. Oil on the hair protects the hair from the harsh effects of the dye, while henna is a natural beneficial remedy, so in its case, wash your hair (on dirty hair, the pigment will not be able to penetrate deeply into the hair and the color will be less deep).

  1. The finished mask must be applied to the hair and then put on a plastic cap on top and additionally insulate the head with a towel.
  2. The dyeing time depends on the hair color and the desired shade.
  3. If you want to tint or shade your hair with henna, and not radically change the color, 20-30 minutes will be enough.
  4. For dark strands, this dye needs to be kept on for more than two hours. The more patience you show, the brighter the color will turn out.
  5. You need to rinse off the dye once with warm water and thoroughly; if your hair is too coarse, use conditioner at the end. Henna continues to color your hair for another day; the fewer interventions there are, the longer you will be pleased with the coloring result.

By following these simple tips, you will know exactly how to dye your hair with henna. Let's move on to preparing the masks.

How to dye your hair bright red with henna

If you are thinking about how to dye your hair red with henna, then try this effective recipe at home:


  • Henna (Iranian) – calculate based on the hair length indicated above.
  • Cocoa powder – two teaspoons
  • Rosemary and avocado oil 7 drops each
  • Cinnamon - on the tip of a knife
  • 1 egg white

Mix the powder ingredients - henna, cocoa and cinnamon, add slightly warm water. Separate the protein and add oil to it, check the temperature of the slurry and add the protein to it, it is important that it does not curl, mix everything together.

Apply liberally to hair with a brush and wrap warmly under a cap.

Rinse off with water and shampoo.

The result of dyeing natural light brown hair with henna bright red:

The result of dyeing red henna photo:

How to dye your hair copper with henna photo:

How to dye your hair brown-chestnut with henna

We will dye our hair with henna in a dark color with the addition of the following components:

  • Kropivny decoction – 0.5l
  • Half a glass of strong tea (tablespoon)
  • Half a glass of strong coffee (1.5 tablespoons)
  • 3 drops mandarin essential oil
  • 10 drops jojoba oil
  • Egg yolk

Brew a decoction of sprinkles, coffee and tea. Take henna (calculated for length), mix 2 tablespoons of each decoction together. If the mixture is too thin, add more tea. Add the yolk and oils.

Distribute the mask over your hair from root to ends. Leave the coloring mask on for 1.5 hours under a cap and towel. Rinse once with shampoo and water.

The result of henna dyeing dark chestnut color photo:

The result of henna dyeing chestnut colored hair photo:

The result of henna dyeing chestnut color photo:

How to dye your hair black with henna

To dye your hair black with henna and basma, you need to use a ratio of henna and basma of 2 to 1 (calculate based on the length of your hair). With the addition of the following components:

  • 1 protein
  • 10 drops jojoba oil
  • Black tea
  • Henna and basma

Mix dry henna with basma, dilute with lukewarm tea, beat in the egg whites and oil, mix the composition. Apply to hair until it is oiled and leave on hair under a towel for 2 hours. Afterwards, wash off with shampoo, once is enough.

Apply the finished mixture to clean, dry hair, then put on a shower cap and cover your head with a towel. This paint must be left on for at least two hours. The more, the more saturated the shade will be.

Hair coloring with henna, basma or coffee is suitable for all those who love dark shades.

The result of dyeing hair with henna and basma almost black photo:

How to dye chocolate color with henna

To dye henna in a chocolate shade, you need to use the following ingredients:

  • henna powder (by length)
  • tablespoon basma
  • half a glass of red wine
  • cocoa 3 teaspoons
  • buckthorn berries 80 grams per half glass of water

To do this, berries (about 100 g per glass of water) need to be boiled for half an hour and then added to henna. If necessary, you can add a little hot water. The consistency of the paint should be like thick sour cream.

Apply the paste evenly to your hair, then put on a shower cap and wrap with a towel. Leave the paint on for at least 2 hours.

The result of home dyeing brown hair with henna chocolate color:

We offer another simple recipe if you want to dye your hair light brown with henna. To do this, you can use red henna in combination with basma. The products must be mixed in equal parts (1:1) and diluted with infusion of chamomile or onion peel. As with the traditional recipe, the mixture should be creamy. Next, apply the henna paste to your hair and put on a shower cap. You can insulate with a towel. Wait at least 1 hour.

Dyeing dark brown hair chocolate with henna at home photo:

How often should I apply henna?

How much to dye your hair with henna depends on your hair type. Normal and oily hair can be dyed no more than twice a month. Dry hair no more than once a month, as this dye tends to dry out the hair. If you are prone to allergies, you can apply the procedure once every two months. Using henna too often can lead to dull hair, so when answering the question of how long you can dye your hair with henna, we recommend no more than is necessary.

Should you dye your hair with henna?

In some cases, the use of henna can lead to dry, dull hair, as well as loss of elasticity. Especially, this result is possible if you get carried away with paint too often. With repeated use of henna, hair often becomes unruly and stiff.

Using this dye requires experience, as you need to know how to apply henna correctly to get the desired result. You may need to experiment several times.

It is not advisable to use henna on already colored hair, as the result is unpredictable. If you still want to try, then you need to resort to this procedure no earlier than 2 weeks after the chemical paint. Lightening hair after henna is extremely difficult.

What to do if the color doesn't work out

What color you get when dyeing with henna often depends on the original hair color, so sometimes the result may not live up to expectations. It will be easy and harmless to wash off unwanted color with natural hair removers.

Henna on light brown hair will help change its color, while only natural dye will act. How it works, what needs to be done for this, what to take into account and think about in advance - you will find out if you continue reading.

Henna for brown hair: there will be results!

Natural henna for hair coloring is a powder prepared from the lower leaves of a plant called lawsonia. Interestingly, the upper leaves also do not remain idle - they make a more saturated dye for painting “mehendi” on the body.

Of course, it is important to know in advance what results henna will give on brown hair. Natural henna can give different shades, depending on the original hair tone, the characteristics of the preparation of the coloring composition and its exposure time. Since henna is a natural product, it is 100% impossible to predict the final shade. But there are nuances that will help you get a more predictable effect.

Henna on light brown hair can give different shades, from the lightest to the most saturated.

It is best to choose Indian henna, because it gives a long-lasting, rich shade. If you want to avoid redness and add just a little golden shine, leave the tinted henna on your hair for a short time, about 5-7 minutes. Then the shade will be light and will wash out after just a few uses of shampoo.

A light reddish tint can be achieved by washing off the henna after 5-7 minutes.

Henna for brown hair - how long to keep, what to mix with, final shades

To prepare the coloring composition, henna is diluted with hot water and thoroughly stirred until it becomes liquid sour cream. Henna is a fairly harmless natural dye, so it can be left on your hair for up to an hour or even more. But be prepared that in this case, henna on light brown hair will give bright, rich shades that fade into red. Maybe this is what you need?

Henna does not damage the hair structure like ammonia dyes.

The effect of using henna is cumulative. That is, with constant dyeing, more and more reddish and color will accumulate in the hair structure.

Do you want to get darker and less red shades with henna on light brown hair? You can use ready-made henna-based dyes or natural additives.For example, if you want to get a less reddish tint with henna on light brown hair, try adding a decoction of chamomile or nettle to the mixture. added to produce chestnut shades. Lemon juice - for lighter tones.

The effect of using henna is cumulative.

Henna for brown hair: warnings

Even with natural dyes you need to be careful.

Do you want to achieve a new shade with henna on brown hair? Be prepared for some peculiarities of this natural dye.

1. Henna makes hair stronger, denser and heavier, but also less voluminous at the roots. What should I do, accept this effect or try to neutralize it with volumizing products? The choice is yours!

Oxyfusion technology will also help provide additional volume without weighing down your hair. Try to use both shampoos and shampoos together so that your curls can find the optimal balance between volume and hydration.

2. Henna can dry out hair, especially hair that is already prone to dryness. Therefore, carefully monitor the condition of the strands after dyeing, paying special attention to the ends. Some people advise adding an egg or a little to the henna-based coloring composition to avoid overdrying. But you can also take care of your strands with oil even after dyeing.

For example, try . To nourish and strengthen hair, it can be applied to the entire length from roots to ends and even rubbed into the roots to activate growth. Regular use of the product provides a light laminating effect, adds shine and smoothness.

3. Distinguish between natural henna and tinted dyes based on it. If you see white henna or henna that promises to achieve a cherry or wine shade on light brown hair, know that this is not a 100% natural dye. Additional shade is provided by dyes, often based on ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.

Natural henna gives reddish, red and copper shades.

4. If you have already dyed your light brown hair with henna, don’t do it right after that. We recommend waiting up to three months to avoid getting a bright orange or greenish tint after bleaching.

Don't take risks and don't bleach your hair immediately after using henna.

5. Remember that an allergic reaction may occur to any dye, including natural henna. Therefore, before applying henna to brown hair (or any other hair), apply a drop of the dye to the bend of your elbow about a day before. If there is no irritation, you can start coloring!

Henna- a shrub, the bark and leaves of which, after processing, turn into a powder called henna, a well-known natural hair dye.

Henna not only dyes hair, it strengthens it, improves its growth, treats seborrhea, and also prevents hair loss. Hair acquires a shiny, rich color. You can dye your hair with henna yourself by purchasing 1-3 bags of henna, it all depends on the length and thickness of your hair. When painting, it is very important to mix the composition correctly. The easiest way is to mix henna with water until it looks like yogurt. To speed up coloring, you can add red wine, lemon juice or vinegar to the powder composition. Henna has a specific smell; to hide it, add green tea; you can add spices or essential oils; this will not particularly affect the hair color.

When purchasing, pay attention to the freshness of the henna; fresh henna will color your hair faster and with better quality.

  • Before dyeing, apply cream to the forehead to prevent the skin from staining;
  • You should start dyeing your hair from the back of the head, then the crown and temples, and finally paint over all the hair;
  • How much time you spend on coloring depends on what hair color you have and what shade you want to get;
  • Dark hair is dyed from 1 to 1.5 hours, and light hair from 30 to 40 minutes;
  • If you want to dye your hair faster, you can lightly dry it with a hairdryer;
  • After coloring, henna is washed off with shampoo until the water is clear. Don't forget to apply conditioner to your hair;
  • If the color is too bright, you can remove it slightly. You need to rub heated vegetable oil into your hair, hold it for a while, then rinse with shampoo. If necessary, the procedure with oil is repeated;
  • After coloring, don’t wash your hair for three days, and if it’s summer, don’t hide it from the sun, then the color will become brighter and more saturated;
  • If you dye your hair with henna more than once every two months, it may become dull.


You can resort to little tricks to get the desired shade. A chestnut shade can be obtained by adding just one spoon of instant coffee to the henna solution. If you add beet juice to henna instead of water, you will get a reddish tint. Henna mixed with basma will give a chocolate tint. If your henna color has faded, you can refresh it. Take 1.25 liters of boiled water and 50 grams of henna, stir, filter, cool, and rinse your hair.


  • If your hair has recently been dyed with modern dye, or highlighted, or after a perm, it is better not to dye it with henna, because there can be a very sad result with an unpredictable color.
  • Henna dyeing on natural blonde hair is not recommended unless you are a fan of bright red hair.
  • Gray hair cannot be covered with henna; all that can result is an unpleasant carrot color.
  • If you decide to dye your hair with henna, keep in mind that henna is a permanent dye that penetrates deep into the hair and has a beneficial effect on the quality and health of the hair. But you can't paint over this paint. Hair dyed with henna cannot be curled or dyed; we wait until it grows.

I really want to dye my hair after henna

There are only two options. Wait for it to grow back and cut it: it’s a long wait, it’s a shame to cut it. To dye your hair, you need to get rid of the henna... wash it off. There are several options, homemade folk recipes, which one is suitable yours hair - we don't know.

  • Using laundry soap instead of shampoo, you can dye your hair in a month.
  • Soda solution: 10 tbsp. spoons of soda, 1 spoon of salt per glass of water - apply the solution to your hair and leave for an hour, then rinse.
  • Onion. Wet your hair with onion juice.
  • Sour sour cream - apply to hair for 1 hour.
  • Kefir mask. 1 glass of full-fat kefir, 50 grams of yeast, apply to hair for 2 hours.
  • Oil masks are considered the most popular. Take olive or jojoba, almond (any natural) - heat and apply to hair, put on a cap and wrap in a towel for 2 hours.
  • Alcohol masks. Alcohol masks dry out the skin very much.
  • Pepper tincture for 20-30 minutes.
  • Vodka 70 ml, olive oil 50 ml, honey 1 spoon, oil and honey warm, keep for 2-3 hours.
  • Cognac 50 g, castor oil 50 g, keep for 1 hour. Without rinsing, apply kefir with orange juice for another 5 hours.

There are also professional cosmetic products that can help you remove henna.

However, remember that none of the suggested options will do this in one go. If you want to get rid of henna once and for all, you will have to try.