How to develop logical thinking. Development of thinking, types of thinking, how to develop thinking What is the best way to develop thinking

Many business gurus in their books or trainings begin communicating with the audience by pointing out the mistakes in the thinking of modern people. The fact is that, in essence, if we discard all stereotypes and assumptions, in preschool institutions and schools we are not taught to develop thinking. Children solve certain problems, learn to work with data, obtain conditions and even analyze actions, however, conditions for personal growth are created only at the institute, and even then, these are limited courses in basic subjects.

A person uses different types of thinking:

  • Logical thinking - its task is to generalize what is happening, to find sequences and cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Deductive thinking is a process very similar to logical thinking, but it differs in generating inferences rather than comparing what is happening with logical actions. A person himself determines the associated processes and understands what they lead to.
  • Analytical thinking is very related to logic, most often characterizing the ability to quickly find an effective and optimal solution in a given situation.
  • Creative thinking - it is not the logical centers that work here, but creativity and imagination. It is responsible for generating creative ideas and thoughts.
  • Inductive thinking is a certain form of logical thinking that is responsible for generalizing and summing up the thinking process.

It is interesting that logical and analytical thinking (as the most interconnected type) persists into old age, until the brain atrophies and loses the ability to rationally study the world around us.

The peculiarities of human personal development are such that someone in their life is based on logical conclusions and actively uses logic, someone lives and makes creative decisions that are dictated by imagination, desires, and emotions. This is neither good nor bad, it is simply human predisposition. However analytical thinking can be developed, and it is believed that logic is more difficult to develop than creative abilities.

Thinking is the ability to model systematic relationships with the outside world. The more often you solve problems of a certain type and complexity, the more logical thinking will develop. Analytic mind valued in leadership positions, among those people who must solve a huge flow of different types of problems and find the optimal solution for them. Moreover, the ability to think analytically allows you to put together an overall picture of the world, which helps you achieve greater success by understanding cause-and-effect relationships.

How to develop analytical thinking?

The first thing you need to know before starting self-development work is that analytical thinking is very closely related to logic. Therefore, by solving problems on logical thinking, you can gain an analytical mindset, reorienting your worldview. Solve problems, puzzles, crosswords, complex puzzles, solve riddles. At school we all get a foundation, especially in math subjects. Over time, especially after starting work, most people abandon their development, mistakenly believing that work itself contains all the conditions for improving qualities.

Analytical thinking develops differently for everyone, at different speeds and with different results. An especially analytical mindset develops quickly when studying foreign languages, programming languages, when working with technology, complex mechanisms, and large amounts of data.

In modern business, it is difficult to say unequivocally what led to the success of an entrepreneur, whether his analytical mind, or solving a huge number of problems improved his thinking abilities. It is definitely known that the skill of strategic vision, predicting results, working to achieve various goals through certain algorithms and actions is the merit of analytical thinking, which can and should be developed.

Create situations

This technique is very simple and accessible, since you only need a little free time and your intelligence. The essence of the task is to come up with a certain situation, set a goal and formulate an effective solution. For example: Your goal is to fly into space. To do this, you will need either participation in the space program or money to purchase a ticket for the space tourism program. If you have health problems, or are elderly and have poor physical fitness, your only solution is to buy a seat in the Shuttle. By developing this idea, working on generating a chain of decisions, analyzing information, you develop your analytical thinking. If you don’t want to waste time, start planning your own business, buying a country house or car, analyze what you might need during a trip to a foreign resort.

Psychological simulators

Of course, the BrainApps team could not lose sight of the need to develop analytical thinking. Here you will find a huge number of games and simulators that are aimed at developing logic, among other things. There are tasks for quick decision-making, searching for the optimal answer, and restoring the full picture, using the details. The main feature of our site is powerful user support. You'll get:

  • Personal trainer – a unique specially designed mechanism for building workouts according to your goals and abilities;
  • Statistical module – the ability to check your development progress in your personal account for even more effective training;
  • Interesting and exciting games that will appeal to both adults and children.

Remember, the best investment is an investment in yourself! Your intellect is the greatest phenomenon that requires a careful and responsible attitude. Practice, and the results of your training will not keep you waiting.

In professional activities and in everyday life, the organs of perception play an important role. Even an adult can think about the question of how to develop thinking and make their mental activity more effective.

If you have a weak memory, this is not a reason to worry, you can always improve it. Of course, the older a person is, the more difficult it is to do this, but systematic exercises will help you achieve results and significantly improve your abilities.

In the article we will tell you that physical activity is important for the development of mental activity. We will also give examples of exercises and tips for improving brain function. Tips will help develop creative and analytical thinking without extra effort.

The ability to think and remember largely depends on the physical form in which a person is. Fatigue, illness, and stress depress the nervous system, reducing our abilities. Light sports will help support the body: swimming, sprinting, cycling, rollerblading, skiing. Morning exercises are useful, as they awaken the body and saturate it with oxygen.

The brain definitely needs an influx of fresh air, so the room needs to be ventilated as often as possible. It is better to exercise outside or at least with an open window, this will improve the flow of oxygen to the brain.

Sedentary work leads to fatigue and causes blood stagnation in the organs, so it is important to take breaks accompanied by physical activity. Sometimes it’s enough to just walk, make circular movements with your arms, neck, and bend a few times to the side and forward.

By increasing the amount of physical activity, you will soon notice that mental activity begins to improve.

Exercises to develop memory and thinking

  1. Reading. Unfortunately, modern people have little time to read. We increasingly prefer short notes on social networks, while large texts seem like an impossible task to us. This leads to the fact that thinking and memory begin to work worse.

    Make it a rule to read through texts on serious topics that require analysis at least twice a week. You need to not just read them, but remember the main idea. In addition to articles, classical, psychological and philosophical literature, as well as those related to professional activities, are well suited. It happens that we seem to be reading, but we cannot remember the last paragraph or page. In this case, go back and re-read, get your brain working.

  2. Remember the routes . Once you find yourself in an unfamiliar place, try to remember how to get back here. During the trip, pay attention to what surrounds you, try to remember the signs of streets and cities. For better memorization, associate objects with some emotion.
  3. Good for developing memory Mind games : checkers, chess, puzzles, various board economic games.
  4. Remember your account passwords . Of course, you also need to write them down; by writing them down, you help yourself remember them. Use different passwords and nicknames, trying not to access your records, but to remember them. Numbers and names can be linked to certain images.
  5. It is believed that to improve memory you need to learn poems. We will offer a slightly different method. The fact is that it’s good to learn poems if you know that they will be useful to you, therefore, in order not to pollute your memory, but at the same time develop it, let’s do the following exercise: read the poem and, without peeking, put it in your own words. For adults, this task is more enjoyable and will help them learn to think outside the box.
  6. Remember what happened to you during the day . Try to imagine the sights, sounds, words and emotions, as well as the people you met along the way. This exercise will help develop analytical thinking, as well as sum up the results of the day.

Developing creative thinking

A person who strives to think effectively is probably interested in how to develop innovative thinking. There's nothing complicated about it. To begin with, it is important to want to work on yourself, because desire is already the beginning of the path.

Creative thinking is the ability to see something new in the ordinary, the ability to get out of ordinary situations in an unusual way, often more effective.

  • Consider any situation from different angles.
  • Write down or remember any thoughts that come to you, this will help improve your decision-making speed in the future.
  • Remove patterns from your life: in thoughts, actions, work moments. Patterns make our thoughts monotonous, memory, creativity, and individual way of processing information stop developing.

Often the speed of decision-making is influenced by internal fears and uncertainty - am I doing the right thing? We'll have to get rid of them. By the way, fears can also affect memory, preventing a person from remembering traumatic events. The bolder a person acts, the faster he can learn to think outside the box.

We develop analytics

We need thinking in order to solve assigned problems without errors. Knowing how to develop analytical thinking allows you to improve your understanding of the world and your ability to find a logical and more correct solution. How to develop it in an adult.

  • For each question, come up with several possible answers.
  • For one problem, ask leading questions that will help speed up decision making.
  • Analyze the chosen option from all sides, find its strengths and weaknesses.
  • Make it a rule to analyze what you see and hear, this will gradually increase the speed of thinking and improve the memorization of information.
  • Sort the information you receive into categories: very important, important, moderately important, unnecessary. The same applies to current affairs. Systematization increases the speed of finding the correct answer and helps you quickly deal with current affairs.
  • Solve logical problems, start with the simplest ones, in order to understand how to do it correctly.

Find a personalized way to memorize and solve problems

We are all different, and each person has his own unique style of thinking and remembering information. Someone will be able to develop memory speed in a few weeks, while another person will need several months, however, this does not mean that you have to stop.

Everyone's speed of memorization is also different. One person needs only a single repetition of the material, while another needs to watch or read it several times.

Analyze how you remember information. The memorization method will help you find the most effective method of assimilation of information. People are divided into three types:

  • Visual people - they often operate with images.
  • Auditory - They remember better what they hear.
  • Kinesthetic learners - sensations are important to them.

Having determined your leading type, you can choose the most convenient method of memorization. Remember how it is more convenient for you to perceive information - reading or listening. Do emotions, as well as the ability to touch a thing with your hands, affect the speed of memorization?

Use this system. However, we should not forget about others, they should also be developed, and then thinking becomes more productive and memory is stronger.

Thinking is one of the most important differences between humans and other living beings. What is thinking? Thinking is the ability to think, analyze a situation, draw conclusions based on observations, and also present the information a person has. A person’s behavior very much depends on his way of thinking, and if this is so, then if we develop our thinking, we will be able to change our behavior in various situations, to become a slightly different person.

Development of thinking is an exercise in which we change the course of our thoughts about the same object or phenomenon. For example, when it's a hot summer day outside, you can think about it in completely different ways. The first, as mentioned earlier, is simply a statement of fact: “It’s a hot summer day outside.” Or: “Great weather.” Or: “Unbearable heat.” Or: “Perfect weather for going to the beach!” There are many ways to talk about a hot summer day, and each of them carries its own emotional connotation, and therefore determines our attitude to the weather outside the window and determines further behavior. The same is true with any event happening around us.

This is where the biggest problem arises - we always think in the same way to which we are accustomed and do not even think about the possibility of looking at a familiar phenomenon from a different angle.

It turns out to be a very interesting situation. Thousands of people live with each other, communicate, but at the same time, everyone considers their way of thinking to be the most correct and the only possible one. At the same time, almost no one even thinks about the fact that you can think differently.

That's why it lies development of thinking It’s precisely about learning to think differently, making your thinking more flexible.

It’s very simple to start developing your thinking - take some problem that has been bothering you for a long time, but you cannot find a solution to it. Think about it differently, then change your perspective again, and then again and again. Eventually, you will find the path that can solve your problem.

In general, the very occurrence of a problem is usually associated with incorrect thinking, an incorrect approach to solving it.

Ways to develop thinking

  1. Remember childhood tasks where you need to find a way out of a maze. If you go the wrong way, you will hit a dead end, and you can only get to the exit by returning to one of the forks. Thinking should be developed in the same way.
  2. Take a closer look at how other people think (speak or write). Try to think about how each of them, maybe one of these ways will appeal to you.
  3. You can also study different ways of thinking described in literature - fiction and psychological.
  4. Try to put together the ways of thinking that you have learned about and, based on them, create your own way of thinking, most likely it will be closest to you.
But most importantly, do not settle on any of the ways of thinking you find, since each of them is suitable for successfully solving only certain situations.

The point of developing thinking is not to find an ideal way of thinking, but to make your thinking more plastic, as diverse as possible, because the more ways of thinking you have, the more problems that arise in front of you, you will be ready .

It is believed that rich people and poor people, happy and unhappy people think completely differently, learn to think differently, develop your thinking and, most likely, you will find the way of thinking that will help you become successful and happy.

A person is endowed with several types of thinking, but one always prevails over the others. Analytical thinking is consistent. People prone to it process a large block of information, dividing it into main parts and examining each component step by step. To do this, they must also have developed logical thinking.

Analytical thinking involves searching for new information, studying and systematizing it, as well as conclusions drawn based on the data obtained.

This type of thinking requires facts, detailed elaboration of the issue, emphasis on detail, the ability to compare data and draw conclusions. When we talk about a mathematical mindset, we mean precisely a penchant for analytical thinking.

A person with an analytical type of thinking should be able to:

  • Collect the information;
  • work with large amounts of data;
  • divide general information into component parts according to certain criteria;
  • compare data and find relationships;
  • objectively evaluate information;
  • think logically;
  • express thoughts consistently;
  • work with facts;
  • correctly arrange, separating the main from the secondary;
  • think critically (question the information received);
  • look for alternative options;
  • draw conclusions.

How analytical thinking is useful

Well-developed analytical thinking allows you to timely and effectively cope with even the most complex task and find several possible options for solving it.

A person with predominant analytical thinking makes thoughtful and informed decisions, knows how to plan and make forecasts of his activities.

Employees endowed with such qualities are highly appreciated. In any professional field, the ability to quickly find a decent way out of a difficult situation will be an advantage. By the way, this ability is useful in everyday life.

How to develop analytical thinking

Analytical thinking can be trained and developed.

1. Solve logic problems

Logic is important for analytical thinking. If this is your weakness, then start training. Choose first, gradually moving towards complex ones.

2. Solve math problems

Find a math textbook and remember. Choose complex examples that involve variables.

3. Do crossword puzzles

And when you have hundreds of solved ones behind you, try to compose your own. It's quite difficult.

4. Solve puzzles

Solve puzzles, solve riddles, or try solving a Rubik's cube.

5. Play chess

Find your opponent and remember the rules of the game. Chess is an excellent trainer for analytical thinking.

6. Read books

You can choose, for example, about Sherlock Holmes, fiction or specialized literature. Ask questions: why did the hero act this way in this situation, what else could have been done?

7. Analyze situations from everyday life

Train critical thinking, doubt, look for facts and new information when watching the news or reading a book. Pay attention to details, look at things from a new angle and look for non-obvious relationships between a variety of objects, compare facts.

9. Learn something new every day

Pick a topic that interests you and find one fact about it per day.

10. Look for alternatives

Don't stop at one solution to the problem - look for more. Think about what you might have missed, process the information several times and draw conclusions.

11. Participate in discussions

12. Ask yourself how the objects around you work

Ask yourself questions about the things around you or the situations you encounter. Why does this happen, how does it work, why does it happen? Answer them, but don't look for easy ways. Understand the problem and give yourself a comprehensive answer.

13. Create a mind map

Thought map, mental map (mind map) is a way of visualizing the thought process. The mechanics are simple: you have a key idea that you put in the very center of the card. Let it be “Development of analytical thinking.” To it you add elements related in meaning or significance, for example: development methods, difficulties, reasons - everything that seems important to you. Then you supplement the map with new associative rows from each element. And a picture of your thought process appears in front of you.

jean-louis zimmermann/

You can create such a map on your computer, phone or tablet using. But you can also take a regular sheet of paper (be prepared that there may not be enough space).

14. Write it down

Keep a diary in which you write down your goals, ways to achieve them and results. Work on mistakes if the goal was not achieved. Look for reasons and analyze.

15. Simulate situations

Think of any situation where there is a problem and try to fix the problem. Develop an algorithm of actions and don’t stop at one solution - look for more.

Perform brain exercises daily - most of them do not take much time and do not require special conditions. You can develop analytical thinking if you practice regularly and set yourself challenging tasks.

Developed tactical thinking is the key to success in almost any activity. It helps to win victories in war, in sports and in more everyday things - in learning and solving everyday problems. Today we will learn more about tactical thinking and its structure and look at exercises for developing this useful skill.

A little theory

Tactics are a set of techniques, means to achieve a specific goal. It is most often mentioned in connection with combat (combat tactics), sports (competition tactics), and games (game tactics).

Tactical thinking is a fast, efficient and expedient flow of thought processes aimed at finding rational ways to solve a problem and achieve a goal. A person with this mindset thinks through all actions several steps ahead. This can be compared to a game of chess, when in order to achieve victory a player needs not only to think through his moves, but also to predict the opponent’s moves and adequately respond to them. A simplified diagram of the results of tactical thinking will look like a chain of logical conclusions with the structure “If..., then...”.

Tactical thinking has the following characteristics:

  1. Effectiveness. This type of thinking is inextricably linked with practical activity and is included in it. The student will think about which solution to a mathematical problem to choose precisely while working on it.
  2. Improvisation. In the process of solving problems and on the way to achieving a goal, various unforeseen circumstances may arise that were not taken into account and thought out. Tactical thinking allows you to quickly navigate the situation and make an improvised decision. For example, a child thought through his answers to the teacher’s questions in class. But he was asked something that he did not expect. A student with developed tactical thinking is able to easily deviate from a previously planned plan and give an impromptu answer.
  3. Efficiency. This type of thinking is always quick and clear. For example, a schoolchild is called to answer a paragraph on history at the blackboard. In the few seconds it takes to get up from the desk, the child thinks about what he will say and in what order, how he will answer questions, etc.
  4. Probability. The point is that any assumption cannot be absolutely accurate - there is always some degree of the fact that the conclusion made through tactical thinking is incorrect. For example, a schoolboy solves a physics problem. Based on the conditions, the student can already guess what the answer will be, but cannot be 100% sure of this.

Thus, tactical thinking is a very useful skill that helps students even in the most common learning situations. It includes the following tasks:

  • Setting goals. For example, solving a specific mathematical problem, giving a brilliant answer at the blackboard, winning a school Olympiad, etc.
  • Analysis of your own capabilities at a given moment in time. The student needs to weigh his strengths and weaknesses.
  • Accounting for conditions. It is necessary to analyze and take into account all external factors in solving a task/problem: where it takes place, at what time, who is nearby, etc.
  • Forecast of obstacles and difficulties. It is necessary to assume what difficulties may arise and how to resolve them in this case.
  • Making a backup plan. Because tactical thinking is characterized by probability, the student needs to think about how he will act if his initial plan does not work

At first glance, these tasks seem quite difficult, especially for a child. But with the help of interesting game exercises, tactical thinking can be developed in a representative of any age and gender.

Unravel the meaning of each symbol

Each character is equal to a specific number. Using the table below, guess the meaning of all the figures. After each row and column the sum of the symbol values ​​is indicated.


There are four balls (two black and two white) with numbers printed on them. They are arranged so that the numbers on them form the following sequence: 3, 4, 2, 1. They have been swapped. Task: find a new sequence that meets the conditions:

  • The number on the far left is twice as large as the next one.
  • Odd numbers are next to each other.
  • The white balls are next to each other.

Non-standard “sea battle”

In a grid of 6 by 6 cells it is necessary to place three cruisers (4 cage decks), three boats (3 cage decks) and three buoys (1 cage). In this case, you should take into account the values ​​opposite the rows and columns. Each of them should not have more or less filled cells than indicated. For example, the first line of the grid below should not have more or less than 5 cells filled. In this case, there must be at least one space between one and four filled cells.

If... then...

This exercise can be used in absolutely any situation. It is necessary to provoke the child to predict the outcome of his actions and the possible development of events. For example:

  1. If you go for a walk in the rain, then...
  2. If you don't learn your lesson well, then...
  3. If you win the school Olympiad, then...
  4. If you are called to the board and you are not sure, then...
  5. If you begin to solve the problem in this way, then...
  6. Etc.


A keyword is a type of crossword puzzle with numbers inscribed in a grid, under each of which a specific letter is encrypted. As a hint, one word is included in the grid, on the basis of which further decoding is carried out.

To solve this crossword puzzle you need to think two steps ahead, which is an excellent training in tactical thinking.


You can use exercises for creative improvisation and improvisation of solutions:

  1. Creative. Come up with the ending of a song or poem; show a skit on the theme of school life, etc.
  2. Solutions. The exercise is included directly in the performance of any activity, in solving a problem. For example, come up with a different way to solve a problem because a new variable has appeared; which way will you go if the two roads you planned to take earlier are blocked, etc.


Another type of puzzle for developing tactical thinking is Sudoku - a Japanese “numeric crossword”. It consists of a 9 by 9 grid (there are 9 squares inside each of 9 cells), which must be filled with numbers from 1 to 9 so that they appear only once in each column and row.

Drawing up an action plan

To develop tactical thinking, a student needs to learn to plan his activities. To practice this skill you can:

  1. Plan classes for a day, several days, a week, etc.
  2. Think through the sequence of performing any action: going to school, washing dishes, solving a chemistry problem, answering at the board, etc.
  3. Make large-scale plans, taking into account all the details. For example, a plan for a hike, a plan for achieving a goal (getting an A in a quarter, winning an Olympiad/competition, etc.).

Drawing up a plan, especially a large-scale one, should take a lot of time. It is recommended to do this in stages, gradually adding new details and making adjustments.

Place the hexagons

Below are several hexagons and the field where they need to be inserted. The figures must be placed in such a way that the numbers in the triangles coincide in the places where they touch (thick lines). Hexagons cannot be flipped.

Orientation, map reading

The exercise can be performed in real or virtual conditions (computer games). Here the child needs:

  • Set a goal. For example, get out of the forest, find a river, choose the shortest route, etc.
  • It’s good to familiarize yourself with a map of the area in advance. If necessary, help the student decipher some signs, determine his location, etc.
  • Correlate the card data with what he sees in reality. For example, the number of trees on the map and in the clearing.
  • Choose a route. Determined depending on the goal.
  • Achieve the goal, making adjustments as necessary. During the route, various obstacles may arise, as a result of which the original plan may change. You can ask the student to think through these difficulties and ways to solve them in advance, or leave this for later to train speed and improvisational tactical thinking.

"Alphabet" journey

In the ovals below you must write the letters from A to L (inclusive). In order for the grid to be filled out correctly, the following conditions must be met:

  • The letter D is located further east than the letter G.
  • F is located strictly (any place on the same horizontal/vertical) north of D and west of E.
  • A is standing next to K.
  • K is located due north of A.
  • B is located due west of the letter A.
  • W is further north than E and E.
  • And it is located next to W, strictly in a northerly direction.
  • L stands strictly west of E and strictly north of G.


Perhaps this is one of the most difficult but effective exercises. If a child does not know how to play chess, then it is recommended to start with the basics: explain the rules, show possible moves.

When the student can already play the game on his own, it is necessary to help him with the tactics of the game: ask him about the meaning of each move and its possible consequences.

The issue uses pictures from the book by Phillips Ch. “Logic + Tactical Thinking.”