How to cut your own hair. How to cut your hair (for men). How to cut your own hair and trim the ends

Today, if you want to change your hairstyle, you can simply go to the hairdresser or beauty salon. However, this is not always possible: there is no time, no money, there may be a host of other reasons. In addition, there are experimental girls who like to test new hairstyles on themselves. In any case, it won’t hurt to know how to cut your hair yourself.

Before you get started, carefully read the following tips to help you avoid troubles and unexpected results after cutting your hair:

  1. If you decide to start cutting your own hair, then try cutting your husband or mother’s hair first; it’s best, of course, to practice on a “strong field”: any flaws can be removed with a clipper, and men are not as worried about their appearance as women. Whatever haircut you choose, you need to start by moisturizing your hair: you can wash it or use a spray. Comb the curls thoroughly.
  2. When you decide to make a complex haircut, do not forget to divide your hair into 4 parts: 2 temporal, lower and upper occipital. You shouldn’t cut a large number of curls at once - leave a reserve, this will allow you to correct mistakes and adjust the length of your hair.
  3. The cutting technique is as follows: a well-moistened and combed strand is fixed between the fingers, the required length is adjusted and the cutting begins.

You also need to buy the following tools:

How to cut your own ends

To carry out the work at home, use our following instructions:

  1. Wet your hair thoroughly to make it straight and smooth, this will allow you to better see what needs to be cut. Comb your hair.
  2. Use a tape measure or ruler to determine how much length you want to remove.
  3. Part your hair in the middle. Take the main strand from the front: you will be guided by it later. Fix it and cut it to the required length. Don't forget to check whether the cut is even and if necessary, adjust it.
  4. Continue cutting other strands until you have removed the ends along the entire perimeter. And always follow the “beacon” - the first strand.
  5. Comb your hair and inspect it for any unevenness. If errors appear, correct them immediately.

If you have curly hair, cut it just below the required length. When working with coarse or thick curls, you need to separate them into small strands to avoid unevenness.

Self-haircut cascade

The cascade hairstyle is very popular among girls, so many would like to try to do it at home. However, it’s worth saying right away that this is quite difficult, it requires a lot of time and effort, but if everything is done according to our scheme, the result will please you.


There is another option for a cascade haircut: comb all the curls forward, gather them into a ponytail so that it is almost on the forehead. Decide on the length to be cut and measure it with a ruler.

Don't forget to also measure the length of the tail, this will avoid mistakes.

Take the end of the bundle in your left hand, and carefully remove the excess length with scissors. Don’t forget to profile the cut with a special tool so that the haircut looks natural. After this, let your hair down. All you have to do is just comb them and carefully inspect them again to make sure there are no unevenness.

Our article will tell you how to make it look stylish and attractive.

Learn more about what the balayage technique is and how to do it.

To keep your hair healthy, you need to make special masks for it. Our team will help you choose the right option for you.

Making beautiful straight bangs

After you have done your own haircut, you can try making beautiful bangs. The procedure looks like this:

  1. Determine the part of the hair that will be the bangs. Don't forget to adjust its width and density - the width should be equal to the width of your forehead.
  2. Secure the remaining hair so that it does not get in the way with a clip.
  3. Wet your curls, comb them and start trimming just below your eyebrows.
  4. In order for the blades to glide smoothly and softly, you need to hold your hair at an angle of 45 degrees. It is best to cut from left to right.

Comb your bangs, look for any kinks - if there are any, you need to correct them, holding the scissors at an angle of 90 degrees. You can also profile the curls using special scissors.

Method for long hair

Cutting long hair is more difficult, but it can also be done at home. The result will definitely please you if you follow our advice:

  1. Comb all your hair and curl it (the tighter the better).
  2. Cut your hair to the desired length, and you need to do all the work in front of a mirror to see the result: hold your hair twisted into a ponytail straight above your head.
  3. Release the curls and comb them again.
  4. Twist your hair again, but in a different direction.
  5. Remove any loose curls that are straying from your strands.
  6. Comb again and give your hair the desired shape.

As you can see, cutting hair at home is not so difficult, the main thing is to purchase a high-quality professional tool.

Hairstyle is half the success of beauty. And we’re not just talking about intricate hairstyles, bouffants and curly haircuts, no. Hair can look luxurious even with the most ordinary hairstyle if it is neat, well-groomed and neat. And for this you need to take good care of them, including remembering to get a haircut at least once a month. But what to do if you don’t have time to go to the salon? Or if you can't find a professional you can trust? The answer is simple – cut your hair yourself! It's not as difficult as it seems. You just need to follow the basic instructions, and then you can easily cut the ends of your hair at least. Read further in the article on how to cut your hair yourself. You will see that you can do it.

Preliminary preparation for cutting at home

Before you begin any type of haircut, you need to make some preparations.

  • Get good scissors. No matter how golden your hands are, old blunt tools, especially scissors, can ruin things. It is better to purchase them in specialized professional stores. It will be most convenient for you to use small scissors with blades 6 to 10 cm long;
  • Provide comfortable conditions. The room in which you are going to cut your hair yourself should be well lit, clean, have enough free space and a mirror;
  • Think about the concept in advance. Look at yourself in the mirror and clearly decide what you want - just trim the ends or cut your hair by 10 cm, for example. Improvising during the cutting process is not a good idea;
  • Study your hair. Analyze the structure, how much curl the curls have, how difficult it is to style... All this will help you calculate the optimal cutting method that is suitable for you.

Necessary tools for cutting your own hair

To cut your own hair, you cannot do without special tools. We have already mentioned high quality scissors above. Now we will list step by step all the tools that will be needed in the haircut process.

  • Hairpins of different sizes;
  • Elastic bands;
  • Comb-massage;
  • A thin comb with fine teeth and a sharp edge;
  • Small mirror;
  • Large wall mirror;
  • Spray.

How to cut your hair at home - step by step diagram

So, almost any haircut can be done by yourself, without resorting to the help of hairdressers. Decide exactly how you want to cut your hair and read the article with step-by-step diagrams below.

How to cut your own hair ends

Probably the easiest type of home haircut is to trim the ends. Split ends and untidy hair ends can ruin the overall appearance of your hairstyle. They immediately make their owner unkempt and unkempt. It is important to monitor this, but not everyone may like spending time and money on such a basic procedure every month. That is why we offer you a way to cut the ends of your hair yourself.

  1. Cut off split ends just above the section. This way they will be stronger. On average, it is enough to cut your hair by 1-2 cm;
  2. Start cutting from the crown of the head (from the forehead to the crown): use the sharp end of a thin comb to push part of the hair over your face and, holding a strand between your index and middle fingers, carefully cut off the desired amount. Try to cut perpendicularly;
  3. Next, move either from right to left or from left to right, whichever is more convenient for you. The parietal strand that you have already trimmed will determine the length of all other strands. So take the already trimmed part of the hair and the part that is still untouched and, aligning them with each other, cut a long strand;
  4. Repeat step 3 with all other strands;
  5. Dry your hair and, if necessary, lightly trim your already dry hair.

This is how easy it is to cut your hair yourself. Of course, this is the most basic type of haircut, but it is what girls most often need.

How to cut short hair yourself

It will also be easy for those with short hair. It’s quite easy to get a haircut for this kind of hair, so be sure to try it. Just do not deviate from the step-by-step instructions and, if something is not clear, look at the photos and videos.

  1. Wet your hair with a spray bottle and comb it;
  2. Divide it into several zones using the sharp end of a comb. Twist and pin the strands so that they do not interfere during work;
  3. Start cutting your hair from the temple area. Take one strand in this area and cut it as desired. Next, take another strand higher and, pulling it together with the first at an angle of 45 degrees, cut it, aligning it with the already trimmed strand. Do this operation with all the strands of the temporal zone;
  4. From the temples you should move gradually to the back of the head. Proceed according to the same principle: grab a little hair from the previous, already cut strand in order to cut a new one along it. Please note that the curls at the back of the head should remain a little longer. In this way, treat the entire back of the head to the middle;
  5. Comb the lower part of the hair at the back of the head and cut the required length;
  6. The main work is done, all that remains is to process the hair a little. Using the old scheme (grabbing the trimmed and untouched strands), trim the ends so that the upper long strands smoothly transition into the lower short ones;
  7. Now only the parietal region remains untouched. Take a part of the hair along the side parting, grabbing the trimmed strand along with it, pull it perpendicular to the head and trim it, aligning it with the trimmed strands;
  8. Now dry and comb your hair and get rid of small errors on already dry curls.

Now you know how to cut short hair yourself. Try it, you will definitely succeed!

How to cut your hair with a ladder

We have discussed only the simplest hairstyle options, it’s time to touch on the topic of curly haircuts for long hair. In fact, there are a lot of them, and it’s impossible to talk about them all. Therefore, we decided to highlight one of the most popular women's haircuts. Read, watch photos and videos about how to cut your own hair.

  1. Wet your curls with water from a spray bottle and comb;
  2. Bend forward so that your long hair is parallel to the floor. And from this position you need to cut off 1-2 cm of the ends;
  3. Return to the starting position. Divide your hair into sectors and secure them with hairpins in the parietal area;
  4. Start cutting from the back strand in the occipital area. Choose one strand that will guide the rest of your haircut. Comb it again, pulling it at an angle of 90 degrees. to the head. Pinch it between your index and middle fingers and trim the cut on the outside of your fingers;
  5. Repeat steps 4 with the entire occipital region, aligning all strands under the first, control;
  6. Now take care of the side sectors. Also moisten them and, starting from the length of the occipital area, begin to cut the ends. Grab an untouched strand and part of the already cut hair and cut it so that the length of the new strand does not reach 2 cm;
  7. Repeat step 6 along the entire length of the hair;
  8. Dry your hair and, if necessary, lightly trim your already dry hair.

Voila! Now you can cut your own hair, even if you have long hair!

You are convinced that cutting your own hair is not so difficult. The main thing is to have desire and perseverance, and also not to forget to read the instructions and watch training photos and videos, and then you will succeed. Good luck!

Video: Instructions: how to cut your own hair at home with a ladder

Hair care requires a lot of time and financial costs.

But they can be reduced if you decide do your own haircut, at home - don’t let these words scare you.

Are you a successful busy woman and don’t have time to make an appointment for a haircut at a salon or you simply don’t trust your hair to a hairdresser? If you are not afraid of such experiments - you can cut your hair at home.

Some tips for those who have decided on such an undertaking:

  • To get started, buy hairdresser's scisors(usually they are very expensive, so it is better to choose an option that suits your budget, the main thing is that they are always sharp).
  • Also necessary for cutting hair at home a thick comb and several hairpins.
  • Decide on the length of your hair before and after cutting. Can take a ruler.
  • For a haircut you need large mirror, to which you need to turn your back, as well as a mirror into which you will look directly.
  • To start ( first haircut) you can try the simplest hairstyle - the same length around the entire circumference of the head.
  • Before cutting your hair, first need to be washed but not dried.
  • If you have blonde hair– cut them against a dark background so that all the nuances can be seen, if dark– on the contrary, on a light background.


  • do not use scissors for haircuts for other purposes;
  • for the first time don't choose too complicated haircut;
  • in order to make a cascading haircut, you need to purchase thinning scissors;
  • cutting my hair wet hair, keep in mind that as they dry, they become a little shorter;
  • dull scissors leave split ends.

Pros of home haircuts:

  • This will greatly help save time and money;
  • You will also be able to do exactly what you planned with your hair (if possible);
  • You have the opportunity to change your image at any convenient time.

Cons of home haircuts:

  • Not everything will work out well the first time;
  • Secondly, you will have to clean up the hair in the room where the haircut was done;
  • This may take a long time.

As mentioned earlier, you need scissors. Ideally, take regular (sharp) and thinning ones (but you can do without them even with a cascade haircut). Also several hairpins (clips) or elastic bands.

  • Sit near the mirror and place the instrument in front of you so that it is convenient to take it at any time.
  • If you're a little nervous, start cutting from the lower strands– they can be covered with the top strands if something suddenly goes wrong.
  • Also, to make cleaning easier, you can spread the oilcloth on the floor. This will save a lot of time.

So, let's proceed directly to the haircut.

The most difficult haircut is a cascade

First you need to decide on the length all the “components” of the cascade. After this, you can directly start cutting.

In your right hand (if you are left-handed, then in your left) we take the scissors, in the left - a strand of hair. Selecting a strand, twist it into a bundle.

You need to cut very carefully, cutting off only the part of the hair that is on top. Then it is recommended to pin the strand to make it easier to cut the rest of the hair.

But there is another exotic one, but simple, like everyone else ingenious way to make a cascading haircut– gather your hair into a regular ponytail... on your forehead. After that, decide on the length and just cut it straight.

Comb your hair without removing the elastic to check if there are any uncut hairs left. When you remove the rubber band - you will be pleasantly surprised How easy and quick it was to do such a complex haircut yourself at home.

How to cut a cascade yourself at home? Watch the master class on video:

How to cut your hair into a bob yourself?

As with any haircut, wet hair and sharp scissors required. Choose the length of the bob, and divide the hair into several main parts: temporal, occipital and crown areas.

We also select the strands and, pulling them a little, cut off the required length. But important to remember, that it is undesirable to pull the hair too much, because after drying, it will still fall as it grows.

You need to start cutting from the front, gradually moving towards the occipital and crown area. You need to keep your hair parallel to the floor, this will make it as easy as possible to make an even haircut.

After you have had your haircut, hair needs to be dried and styled. Firstly, because the bob requires styling and care, and secondly, it will help you notice the long, lonely hairs that you missed when cutting.

Cutting the ends of the hair

A very important aspect of care
hair care is trimming the ends of the hair. It is done to prevent split ends of the hair, as well as to help it (the hair) grow better.

The procedure is not at all complicated, does not require much time and effort. It will be much longer and more expensive to do this in a salon, where you will still have to sit in line and waste your time.

Therefore, we present to your attention some tips, how to trim the ends at home, with a minimum of effort, and, moreover, with enormous time savings.

Grab a section of hair with two fingers of your left hand and pull it to the length you want to keep. All that remains behind the fingers just cut it off sharp scissors.

If you have curly hair, then you need to pay a lot more attention to the length you want to cut. After all, you need to take into account that after your hair dries, it will become much shorter (you need to be especially careful with bangs).

For a video tutorial on how to trim the ends of your hair yourself, watch the video:

The most important advice In any case, whether it’s a cascade, a bob, or just trimming bangs, it’s important not to immediately cut off too much strand length.

Checking the haircut

Everything is quite simple here - drying and styling. It is advisable not to use for the first time, no styling products, especially heavy ones (wax, varnish). If your hair is very unruly, use light mousses; they do not weigh down your hair and allow you to maintain natural volume.

After installation Take a thick comb and comb your hair thoroughly. This way you will get rid of cut hair that is tangled, and you will also see (if any) strands of different lengths or simply missing hairs that can easily be trimmed pointwise.

If you are worried, you can contact see a specialist for advice. We wish you success!

Home haircutting is a skill that will never become superfluous in your knowledge bank. Even if you do not intend to become a professional in hairdressing, the ability and ability to perform at least the most basic haircuts will help you at various stages of your life. You will be able to cut your family, friends and acquaintances’ hair yourself. And the children will only say “thank you” to you, because... they are often afraid to go to the hairdresser until a certain age.

When cutting hair at home, you need to have a certain arsenal of tools.

What is needed for a haircut?

First of all, these are scissors. There is no need to buy expensive professional scissors. The main requirement is that they be well sharpened. The degree of sharpening is easy to check. If your scissors easily and simply cut wet cotton wool, then the sharpness is good. And scissors can be used to cut hair.

To cut hair at home, you need different types of combs: small and large, with rare and frequent teeth. If you are going to want a short haircut, then you need to purchase a hair clipper.

Haircut at home

It should be noted that before cutting your own hair, mandatory disinfection of tools is required.

After preparing all the necessary tools for work, you can begin the cutting process. When cutting hair, you should follow several rules. Hair is always cut only when wet! After drying, the hair will become shorter by about one centimeter. At the time of cutting, the head should be divided into zones and cut sequentially. This is usually the parietal, occipital, and temporal zones. The occipital zone can also be divided into three parts: the upper zone, the middle and the lower. Decide which zone you will start cutting from, and pin the remaining zones with comfortable clips.

To make the haircut look complete, you should make an edging or shading. This allows you to shape the contours of the haircut.

Edging- this is the cutting line of the hair according to its growth. It gives the final contour to the hairstyle. The edging can be round, oval, trapezoidal, etc. An edging is also made along the bangs. It can be straight, asymmetrical, or oblique.

Tushevka– allows you to create a smooth transition from long hair to short hair along the edges of its growth. Shading is done with a comb and scissors. Or with a hair clipper - if you need to reduce the length of your hair.

It should be noted that when cutting hair at home, sufficient experience is required. Be prepared that most likely your first attempts to cut someone's hair will not be very successful. The timing of learning how to cut a haircut at home depends on perseverance and interest in this topic, and the number of people who agree to your experiments with their hair also plays an important role.

Haircut at home

Tip: after each haircut at home, you need to disinfect your tools. It is necessary to take into account that it is convenient to cut hair only when it is wet, so if it dries out during the cutting process, it must be periodically moistened. Remember that after drying, the haircut will be shortened by 1 cm.

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Hello! In this article we will talk about how to cut the ends of your hair yourself, why this is done and how to carry out the procedure at home.

Every girl who takes care of her appearance and hair knows that it requires regular care. One of the mandatory items in hair care is cutting the ends. This procedure allows your hair to look well-groomed and healthy. There is also an opinion about the accumulated energy load, which is removed with a haircut.

Split ends must be cut off without fail, since they cannot be cured, and the rest of the healthy hair may be damaged if this is not done.

How often to trim the ends of your hair

The ends of your hair should be cut as soon as they become thin or begin to split. If your hair is thin, then the ends will thin out faster, in which case it is recommended to cut your hair once every 2-3 months. If your hair is thick and strong enough, then once every 3-4 months is enough.

How to cut the ends of your hair yourself

You probably often ask yourself questions about how to save money and time spent on an expensive salon on hairdresser services, how to not depend on the opinion of the hairdressers and choose exactly the length you want? One solution to the problem is to cut the ends of your hair yourself.

What you may need for this:

  • straight hairdressing scissors (the option with a standard sharpening is suitable; stationery scissors will not work!);
  • thinning scissors for neat thinning of hair;
  • special hairdressing level;
  • two mirrors - large and smaller;
  • hairpins and elastic bands, you can buy clips;
  • straight, fine-toothed comb and brush;
  • water spray;
  • hair straightening iron;
  • hot scissors for split ends (such scissors are plugged into an outlet, only the blade is heated, and when cutting, the tip of the hair is sealed, which allows it to retain moisture and prevent subsequent split ends).

You won't necessarily need all the tools. The choice will depend on which cutting method you choose and whether you want to add any additional effects or styling.

Method 1. Classic length alignment

This cutting method is suitable if you plan to cut your own hair for one of your friends or relatives with longer than average hair length. It will be difficult to cut your hair this way. The haircut can be done either with classic hairdressing salons or with hot scissors. The latter are effectively used to get rid of split ends.

  1. Before you start cutting, your hair should be clean, damp and completely combed. During the process, ensure that the head of the person being cut is held level to achieve the desired level of length and evenness.
  2. Start from the back of the head, separating a strand about 2 cm wide from the total mass of hair (for thick hair - 1 cm), secure the remaining ones at the top with a clip. Carefully comb the selected strand with a straight-toothed comb and cut the length as required.
  3. You can equalize the resulting row by cutting off the remaining rows of hair, which should be separated in a manner similar to the previous row - in strips of 1-2 cm.
  4. If your hair gets dry, moisten it with water from a spray bottle. After cutting, rinse your hair again.

Since the hair is wet when cutting, keep in mind that after drying, its length will be slightly longer than when it was wet. As a result of this haircut, you should have smooth hair of the same length.

Method 2. Head down haircut

If you want to decide to cut your hair yourself and cut your hair evenly, then choose this method! It is well suited for hair of any length.

  1. Rinse and partially dry your hair, leaving it fairly damp.
  2. Comb your hair well with a comb, head down.
  3. Carry out the haircut with classic scissors, remaining in the same position - head down, hair hanging straight down. No strands are separated.
  4. Cut your hair as evenly as possible, periodically combing your hair to check. It is advisable that you can see your hair and the result of your work. The recommended cutting direction is from left to right.

To minimize post-process cleanup, before cutting, place polyethylene, paper or fabric in the cutting area, which can then be disposed of.

Method 3. Comparison to specialized level

There is a special barber level for those who like to cut their own hair. This type of tool is not usually used in salons. The level is a compact size clamp; there are levels for bangs (smaller) and for the main volume of hair.

  1. A haircut with this tool is well suited for straight hair. If your hair is curly, it is better to straighten it first. For example, using a special iron.
  2. On your head, exactly in the middle, make a parting, dividing the entire volume of hair into 2 parts.
  3. Connect the right and left parts of the hair under the chin and put on the level so that it is held evenly, horizontally and at a height that matches your wishes for the subsequent hair length.
  4. Cut the length along the bottom edge of the level; take this point into account when installing it.

To shorten your bangs with a level, secure it to it. Installation can be either straight or oblique, depending on your wishes. Also take the length along the bottom edge of the level.

Method 4. High ponytail

This method will allow you to quickly give yourself a cascade haircut, which has been popular among Russian fashionistas for a long time. It allows you to highlight the features of your face. Cascading haircut is suitable for straight and curly hair.

  1. Before getting a haircut, your hair should be clean and slightly damp and should be well combed.
  2. Gather your hair into a ponytail close to your forehead (on the top of your head). Secure the tail with a thin elastic band. This should be a special hair elastic; rubber bands will not work as they can damage your hair. The tail can also be fixed with a hairdresser's level.
  3. Use scissors to cut the resulting ponytail to the length you planned.
  4. If your hair is thick, do not completely grab the entire ponytail to avoid uneven haircuts, and also profile the ends with special scissors. This will give your hair extra lightness.

Method 5. Low ponytail

This is one of the easiest ways to remove short lengths of your hair yourself.

  1. Carry out the haircut on clean and well-combed hair.
  2. Gather your hair at the back of your head at the very bottom, at the neck, exactly in the middle. Secure the ponytail firmly with a hair tie, a thin one will do. The tail should be dense and smooth, nothing should stick out.
  3. The resulting tail can be moistened with water from a spray bottle and combed well.
  4. Provide additional fixation of the ponytail with thin hair elastic bands, tie them at equal distances from each other - every 2-3 cm. The last elastic band should be located at the level to which you want to shorten your hair.
  5. Cut the hair evenly under the last elastic band. Use classic scissors, but if your hair is very split, then this haircut can be done with hot scissors.

This is a very simple method that takes a minimum amount of time and gives a good result in the form of beautiful, well-groomed hair.

Method 6. Twisting into a tourniquet

To give your hair lightness and playfulness, use this simple method, it won’t take much time either.

  1. Before cutting, make sure your hair is clean and well combed. They can be washed in advance; this haircut does not have to be done on wet hair.
  2. Raise all combed hair to the very top of your head and twist it into a tight rope. If there are hairs left behind and fall out of the overall strand, it’s okay, leave them.
  3. There is no need to secure the tourniquet with clamps or rubber bands; hold it firmly above your head with one hand. With your other hand, cut to the required length, then release the hair and comb it thoroughly.
  4. Re-gather your hair into a similar braid, but now twist it in the opposite direction. Again, no need to fix it. In the resulting bundle, trim off any hairs that will stick out.

This method is perfect for long and medium length hair.

Method 7. Two tails from below

This solution will help you save maximum time on the haircut process.

  1. Divide clean, combed hair into a parting so that you get 2 identical parts of hair on the left and right.
  2. Secure the resulting halves tightly into ponytails on the sides with thin hair bands. Lower the elastic to the length you plan to cut.
  3. Make the cut under the elastic bands from the edge to the center. To make the edge of the hair look as natural as possible, try to tilt the scissors at an angle of approximately 45 degrees when cutting.

After cutting, rinse your hair in warm water with shampoo; if necessary, to save time, dry it with a hairdryer using a brush. As a result, the back of the haircut will have a V-shape.

Method 8. "5-6 tails"

This is a rare cutting method that will require a little more time and patience, but the process will undoubtedly bring you pleasure.

  1. Before cutting, your hair should be clean and damp, but not damp.
  2. We divide the head into 6 zones:
    - occipital - hair below;
    - bangs (if you have them);
    - 2 equal parts at the top of the head on the left and right and 2 similar parts to the occipital area.
    If you don’t have bangs, then there will be only 5 zones.
  3. Secure each zone into a tight ponytail with elastic bands.
  4. Using straight scissors, cut the ends to the required level. Cut the same length from each ponytail (except for the bangs).
  5. The hair that is loose after this haircut can be trimmed a little with thinning scissors and once again see how the bangs fit. If necessary, further trim it with straight scissors or profile it.

Before choosing one method or another, be sure to watch the following video.

Detailed video instructions on how to cut your hair straight. The tips combine all the methods listed above.

To be fully prepared and do everything right, we offer some more useful tips:

  1. If you want the effect of the haircut to last for a long time and your hair to grow more slowly, then cut it during the waning moon; if, on the contrary, you want it to grow faster, then cut it during the waxing one. Therefore, cutting the ends of your hair is acceptable even if you are growing your hair.
  2. You can see how the hair lays at the back after the haircut, whether everything is done smoothly, or a second mirror will help you check the quality of the styling. Take a medium-sized mirror and place it behind your back, find a position that will allow you to see the back of your haircut in the main mirror.
  3. To cut your hair yourself, you can use a life hack for visual assistance: cut dark hair against a light background, and light hair, on the contrary.
  4. To reduce split ends, place straight hair scissors at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. If you have hot scissors, it is better to use them.
  5. If the ends are split, then cut the length about 2-3 centimeters above the place where the hair begins to split.
  6. Another method for removing split ends is to twist the hair (in small parts) into small tight strands, and cut off the hairs sticking out of the strand with regular hairdressing scissors with a good sharpening. And so on in turn throughout the head.
  7. If you are cutting curly hair, it should be moistened much more intensely before cutting than straight hair.
  8. Trim the length of your bangs depending on the speed of their growth, approximately once every 1-2 months. So that it looks aesthetically pleasing and does not interfere with your view and does not get into your eyes.

How to trim your ends less often

  1. Try to use curling irons, flat irons and hair dryers less, because... they spoil the hair structure. The ends take the hit first: they dry out, become thinner and, as a result, need regular trimming.
  2. Do not use tight elastic bands.
  3. Moisturize and nourish your hair more often with. And also use hair conditioner.
  4. Don't wash your hair with hot water.
  5. Use shampoos based on your hair type and for split ends.
  6. Do not rub your hair after washing, but pat dry with a towel.
  7. Use gentle hair dyes or use.
  8. Drink more water and eat right - hair is a reflection of our body.