What types of facials are there in the salon? How does a cosmetologist do facial cleansing? How does this procedure happen and who is it suitable for?

In beauty salons, facial cleansing has become the most popular procedure among women of different ages and with skin of any type. It is used to improve appearance and as a method of hygienic facial care.

Peeling effects

The condition of the skin is affected by the season, time of day, nutrition and type of products, lifestyle, etc. These changes also change the speed of regenerative processes, the secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands, and the degree of skin contamination.

Excessive dryness leads to faster death of the epithelium and an increase in the thickness of the stratum corneum, and increased secretion of the skin glands leads to excess fat content. All this contributes to blockage of the mouth of the hair follicles and the formation of comedones (blackheads), and contamination and a decrease in the protective properties of the skin - their inflammation and suppuration, the formation of rashes on the face with the subsequent formation of small scars and irregularities.

Cleansing (peeling) procedures help to significantly improve the condition of the skin - removing its upper or upper and deep layers, as well as cleansing the pores of dirt and sebaceous secretions. They are based on the ability of cells to regenerate more quickly (after cleansing), as a result of which the skin becomes smoother and more even, and the face acquires a normal color. In addition to daily home care using cosmetics, it is recommended to carry out peeling from twice a week to once every 1-2 months, as a result of which:

  • keratinized epithelial layers are peeled off and removed;
  • intercellular pores are released;
  • acne is removed;
  • facilitates delivery of cosmetics to tissues;
  • blood circulation and metabolism are improved, cellular regeneration is stimulated;
  • the acidic environment is normalized;
  • the protective functions of the skin are restored.

Depending on the depth of impact, all types of facial cleansing are divided mainly into superficial and deep, mechanical, physical and chemical.

general information

Superficial cleansing

This type of cleansing is the most gentle and gentle, as it is limited to affecting only the stratum corneum and granular (with chemical peeling) layers of the skin. It is recommended to use it in young and middle ages (up to 40 years), when the skin is not yet subject to significant changes. As a result of superficial exposure, the stratum corneum is exfoliated, blood microcirculation is improved, tissue turgor and elasticity are increased, fine wrinkles are eliminated, and the face becomes smoother.

Superficial cleansing promotes healing and rejuvenation of the skin without causing inflammation, redness and irritation. It can be used independently at home. The main procedures for surface peeling include chemical treatment of the skin using milk, tonics, gommage, paste masks, scrubs, fruit and other acids; mechanical exfoliation (brushing) and vacuum cleaning; physical impact using ultrasound or fractional dosed erbium laser ().

Superficial cleansing is indicated for oily skin, acne, pigmentation, keratosis, unexpressed age-related changes and for the purpose of their prevention.

Deep cleaning

Deep facial cleansing with acids

The procedure affects the entire epidermal layer. This procedure is very aggressive and traumatic, but quite effective. It is used mainly in people over 40 years of age with gross changes in the skin structure - deep wrinkles, stretch marks, small scars, pigment spots and other signs of skin aging.

The meaning of the method is to use concentrated trichloroacetic acid or, which is applied to the skin after local anesthesia (due to the pain of the procedure). As a result, a burn is formed, followed by inflammation and detachment to the papillary and reticular layers of the skin itself. Over the next 2-3 months, its regeneration occurs. The skin is restored along with collagen and elastic fibers, looking firm, moisturized and smooth.

Due to the difficult control of the process and the toxicity of the drugs, deep peeling is used relatively rarely and to a limited extent. It is contraindicated for pregnant women, people with heart, kidney, liver and other chronic diseases.

Physiotherapeutic method

It is carried out to soften deep sebaceous plugs and normalize the acid-base balance of the skin. The effect is carried out by galvanic current and special alkaline solutions.

Given the wide variety of types of cleanings and their combinations, many people naturally ask: “Which cleaning is the most effective?” The most popular procedures are those aimed at removing keratinized epithelium, impurities, blackheads and comedones. These include mechanical exfoliation (scrubs, brushing), soft professional and mechanical (manual) cleaning sessions, non-aggressive physiotherapeutic and hardware techniques. This is due to their availability, ease of implementation and the absence of a rehabilitation period.

Types of cleaning

Manual cleaning

Manual peeling is the most common and effective deep mechanical cleaning. It is carried out by a cosmetologist in cases where it is difficult to achieve the desired result using hardware techniques - deep cleansing of comedones, whiteheads, and sebaceous plugs. Their removal can be done with your fingers, special metal spoons or loops.

The disadvantages of the procedure are pain, trauma to surrounding tissues and the possibility of infection with subsequent formation of scars, which largely depends on the experience of the cosmetologist. It is not recommended for thin and dry skin, as well as for people with unstable mental health.

Contraindications for manual peeling:

  1. Severe forms of acne.
  2. Purulent inflammatory processes on the face.
  3. High blood pressure.
  4. Cuperosis and.

Read more about the procedure

1. Skin condition before cleansing
2. Immediately after the procedure
3. On the 2nd day
4. After 5 days

Vacuum cleaning

This technique is the simplest hardware method of cleansing, aimed at opening the pores and ducts of the skin glands, removing fat plugs and keratinized epithelium. To do this, a device with a nozzle is used, inside of which negative pressure is created. This cleansing can be done on a dry face or moisturized with milk or a cleansing mask.

The method is less effective than the previous one, but completely safe. However, it also has its contraindications. It should not be used not only in the presence of inflammatory processes on the face, but also in the area of ​​rosacea or hemangiomas, as well as in cases of increased fragility of blood vessels, due to the formation of hemorrhages.


The procedure allows you to cleanse the surface layer of keratinized epithelial skin cells. For this purpose, devices are used that are equipped with nozzles rotating at an adjustable speed. The latter are brushes made of natural or artificial bristles of varying hardness, pumice, and a sponge.

Contraindications are:

  1. Acute skin inflammatory processes and herpetic rashes.
  2. Couperoses and hemangiomas in areas of expected exposure.
  3. Increased sensitivity to mechanical stress.
  4. Pronounced sagging skin.


It is a deep cleaning method based on a combination of galvanic currents and alkaline solutions (disincrustants). Under the influence of galvanic current, fat comes out to the surface of the skin and is liquefied (saponification) with alkali, after which it is easily removed.

The current strength is so low that it does not lead to discomfort or pain if the patient’s pain threshold and psyche are normal. Disincrustation, in addition to cleaning, also tones the tissues, creating the effect of tightening them, and slows down the rate of formation of the stratum corneum. It can be used as an independent procedure or in preparation for manual or vacuum cleaning.


  1. Purulent and acute inflammatory phenomena of a local nature.
  2. Chronic (psoriasis, eczema, chronic dermatitis) and oncological skin diseases in areas of exposure.
  3. Molluscum contagiosum and pronounced age-related wrinkles.
  4. Heart rhythm disturbances and the presence of an artificial pacemaker.

Ultrasonic peeling

This type of cleaning is completely painless, the most gentle and safe. Ultrasonic waves penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin, performing micromassage at the cellular level, effectively removing dead epithelial layers and impurities from its surface, improving lymphatic drainage and blood circulation, thereby providing anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects, and normalizing the function of the skin glands. However, they do not have an effect on small scars, pigmented areas, rosacea and other acne.


  1. Pustular and herpetic rashes.
  2. Neuritis and trigeminal neuralgia.
  3. Thyrotoxicosis and skin condition after chemical peeling (up to 3 months).

Acne or acne is a problem that plagues more than 80% of all people on the planet.

The sebaceous glands on the skin actively work, protecting the skin from drying out, but improper body care and ignoring the rules of a healthy diet lead to the formation of acne.

You can get rid of them with facial cleansing - salon or home.

Types of facial cleansing

Salon cleaning, of course, differs from the procedure at home; it comes in the following types:

  • Mechanical, during which the master cleanses the pores with his hands, using loosening compounds and cosmetic spoons. The procedure irritates the skin, can lead to enlarged pores, and if hygiene requirements are not followed, infection can enter the pores.
  • Ultrasonic, during this procedure, a loosening composition with fruit acid is applied to the skin. Direct cleaning is performed by an ultrasonic wave, which carries out a vibration massage. It is believed that such cleansing does not remove acne, but removes it from the top layer of skin: a month after the procedure, acne returns.
  • Vacuum is the most popular method of skin cleansing. A special nozzle creates vacuum pressure that pulls acne out of the pores. The disadvantages of this cleaning include superficial cleansing and a short-lasting effect.

Any cleaning in the salon follows one scheme, including treatment with lotion and emollients, cleansing using the chosen method and treatment with an antibacterial drug that prevents the development of inflammation.

Facial cleansing: contraindications

Facial cleansing has a number of contraindications:

  1. Pustules on the skin
  2. Eczema and herpes
  3. Hypertension and diabetes mellitus
  4. Epilepsy

Effective ways to cleanse your face at home

At home, you can perform mechanical cleaning, cleaning using folk recipes and pharmaceutical products. It is worth telling about the latter in more detail:

  • Bodyaga. Bodyaga is available in powder form, which is recommended to be mixed with water or gel for washing. This composition is applied to problem areas, usually the T-zone, cheeks and forehead, for 15 minutes and washed off with water. Bodyaga is an active remedy, and during the procedure you will feel a tingling sensation, and after that, red spots will remain on the skin, disappearing within 2 hours.
  • Soda. Soda, like bodyaga, is mixed with water to form a paste, which is applied to the skin. The cleansing effect occurs by changing the pH of the skin, softening its top layer. After a soda mask and subsequent massage, blackheads are removed from the skin.

  • Calcium chloride. This is a cleaning method from our grandmothers, because the cost of 10 ampoules of calcium chloride does not exceed 70 rubles. Calcium chloride in its pure form is applied to the skin with a sponge in 2-3 layers as it dries, then a layer of soap is applied on top of the product, and after 5 minutes you can begin cleansing. Use light massage movements over the skin - pellets will form on it. Calcium chloride, reacting with soap, softens the top layer of skin, and dead cells along with dirt are easily separated.
  • Glycolic peeling. This method is close to salon methods and will require a set of acid and a neutralizer for it. The acid in the form of a gel is applied to the skin, and after the time specified in the instructions, a neutralizer is applied on top.

Glycolic acid cannot be washed off with water: it can cause a terrible skin burn.

Preparing the skin for facial cleansing

Before cleansing the skin with any product, it must be prepared. The method of cleaning is not important, the preparatory procedures are general.

  • So, the first procedure is washing with gel or soap, after which a scrub is used. The scrub should be soft, for example, with apricot kernel, sugar or coffee.
  • After light peeling, the skin is steamed over a hot herbal decoction, treated with antibacterial drugs and cleansing begins.

Cleaning your face from blackheads at home

At home, blackheads are removed mechanically. To do this, you need to wash your face with a scrub, boil water with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. chamomile and lemon balm. Now steam your skin by bending over the broth, covering your head with a towel for 10 minutes.

Perspiration will appear on your face, which should be easily blotted with a towel. You can’t rub your face: it will turn red and the skin will be injured.

That's it, your face is ready, and you wash your hands with soap, wrap your fingers in a sterile bandage, moisten them in 1% salicylic acid and start removing sebaceous plugs. Press the blackhead on both sides and squeeze it out like a regular pimple.

Once all the spots have been removed, use a high alcohol lotion to disinfect the skin. You can also use a pore-tightening gel or lemon juice with water. You should not wash your skin; it should dry naturally.

Homemade facial cleansing for acne

To get rid of acne, use a bodyagi mask effectively. For it you will need:

  • Bodyaga powder.
  • Hydrogen peroxide 3% or water.

Mix the components, apply to the skin and after a quarter of an hour, rinse with water and treat the skin with antibacterial gel.

Don't be alarmed if the skin turns red - this is the result of exfoliation of dead cells. The procedure is contraindicated for wounds on the face and hypersensitive skin.

Homemade face masks

For cleaning, you can use masks made from cosmetic clay, and 2 masks made from natural products also come to the rescue.

Oatmeal for breakfast for health, oatmeal for skin for beauty!

Oatmeal is suitable for any skin type, because for dry skin it is enriched with oils or sour cream, and for oily skin it is enriched with lemon juice.

  • To prepare the mask, steam 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal with water for oily skin and milk for dry skin.
  • After cooking, add 1 tsp to the porridge. lemon juice or 5 drops of almond oil.

Warm oatmeal opens the pores in the scrub: grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder, add a little washing gel to it and massage the face for 5-7 minutes.

Gelatin for lifting and cleansing

From ordinary food gelatin you can prepare a mask with a lifting and cleansing effect.

  • For the mask, take 1 tbsp. l. gelatin, fill it with 5 tbsp. l. milk or water, stir and wait until it hardens.
  • After hardening, heat the mixture and apply the resulting liquid to your face.

This is a standard recipe, but the mask can be enriched with the following ingredients:

  • For oily skin, lemon juice is beneficial for lightening acne. Also sour milk or kefir, which will dry out the skin.
  • For the dry type, oatmeal or rice flakes, sour cream, milk.

Before applying the mask, the skin is cleaned, lubricated with cream, and then the gelatin mixture is applied. Keep the mask on until a feeling of tightness appears.

After the mask has dried, you should not move your facial muscles: if the gelatin film separates, a wrinkle will appear in the “seam.” Therefore, remove the mask with a wet cotton swab.

How to care for your face after cleansing?

After cleansing, the skin requires additional care:

  • Antibacterial gel or mask that prevents infection from entering open pores. Use products that contain selenium or tocopherol.
  • After antibacterial treatment, the layer of removed epidermis is restored. It is recommended to use preparations with Shea butter or grape seed oil, Omega-3 fatty acid, and wax. Stimulation of the recovery process is faster with gels based on panthenol and retinol.
  • After deep cleansing, micro scars and flaky areas may form on the skin; to avoid them, use formulations with hyaluronic acid.
  • After cleaning with acids, you should use care products with lanolin, wash with acidified water and avoid cosmetics.

Is it possible to exfoliate, apply makeup and sunbathe in a solarium after cleansing?

After deep cleaning in a salon, at home using acids, bodyagi, or regular cleaning with folk remedies, you should not use decorative cosmetics, and before going outside, cover your face with sunscreen. Also, for 24 hours after cleansing, you should not wash your face, exfoliate, or use any care cosmetics other than recommended and antibacterial products.

Masks after cleansing the face

To soothe skin that has suffered during cleansing, it is recommended to use the following masks:

  • Comprehensive care. Mix white clay and simple talc, add ½ tablet of aspirin, chloramphenicol and starch to the mixture, dilute with infusion of chamomile or thyme until creamy.
  • Honey care. Mix honey and crushed oatmeal, you can add ½ tablet of aspirin if there are inflamed areas after cleansing. Make a mask every other day.
  • Puree. Regular pureed fruits or vegetables without the skin will perfectly soothe the skin. You can use warm potato, banana or cucumber. 1 tbsp will also soothe dry skin. l. cream with the same amount of chopped parsley.

Professional cosmetologists give the following general recommendations for facial cleansing:

  1. The procedure is performed once a month; frequent use of aggressive cleansers accelerates skin aging. But oily skin can be cleansed once every 10 days, and dry skin once every 1.5 months.
  2. Absolutely everyone needs periodic cleansing, because the skin gets dirty, and if you don’t remove acne, then there will be more and more of them.
  3. In the first 3 days after cleansing, the production of sebum will increase due to the fact that the plugs that impede the functioning of the glands have been removed. Therefore, it is recommended to wipe your face with chlorhexidine digluconate or alcohol-free tonics.

Facial cleansing is a procedure accessible to everyone that allows you to cleanse your skin and give it a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

One of the most popular and in demand salon services is facial cleansing by a cosmetologist. First of all, the procedure is important for proper skin hygiene, which suffers daily from poor ecology, cosmetics and other negative factors. Regular cleansing is indicated for acne, comedones, and other skin defects of any type. This article will help you understand the advantages of a salon cosmetology procedure, as well as which cleansing method is optimal in a given situation.

Indications for use

Proper skin care is the key to its health, youth and beauty. The standard is an even, smooth face with a uniform shade, without wrinkles, pigmentation and congestion spots, pimples, blackheads and other defects.

Many women strive for this. But at home it is not always possible to achieve the desired effect, especially for those with problematic epidermis. Scrubs, peels and other products clean only the outer layer of the skin.

Professional cleaning will help improve the condition of the dermis, which affects the deep layers of the skin and is useful because it works in several directions:

  • regulates the separation of sebaceous secretions;
  • eliminates oily shine;
  • fights blackheads, acne, pimples, milia (a type of wen);
  • lightens pigmentation;
  • evens out skin tone;
  • eliminates post-acne, scars, scars;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • eliminates dryness and flaking of the skin.

One of the few problems that cannot be dealt with using this method is the elimination of wen, which is a lipoma or atheroma (benign formation). To eliminate subcutaneous lumps, the doctor will recommend laser correction or another option. In all other cases, the doctor will prescribe a certain type of cleaning, taking into account the type of skin and the problems that need to be solved.

Typically, experts do not recommend cleaning the epidermis using salon methods until you reach adulthood. It’s even better to postpone the procedure until age 25–30, when dermal regeneration slows down. In adolescence, it is worth using a gentle alternative: masks, special cosmetics for young skin.

Attention! Many doctors are confident that early intervention in the natural processes of self-renewal of the skin is harmful and is fraught in the future with early wrinkles, dry epidermis and other troubles.

Efficiency of the procedure

With the help of cleansing, it will be possible to effectively exfoliate the outer layer of the skin, which will be replaced by a new epidermis: soft, smooth, more elastic and fresh.

The procedure will help even out the skin tone and texture, restore pH, cleanse the dermis of impurities and toxins, improve metabolism, accelerate blood circulation, activate regeneration and launch the production of collagen and elastin.

Cleansing will be effective for women who want to slightly rejuvenate their skin and rid it of various defects: age spots, wrinkles, acne and post-acne, comedones, and reduce the appearance of pores.

The frequency and number of sessions depend on the specific method, the complexity of the tasks, the age of the patient, as well as her skin type. Those with dry and normal dermis can go to the salon once every 4-6 months. For girls with oily, combination, problem skin, the cosmetologist will offer more frequent visits - approximately every 1.5–2 months. Usually, to obtain a noticeable result, a course of 3 to 5–6 procedures is required.

Doctors advise cleaning during periods of no active sun: late autumn, winter, early spring. The renewed epidermis is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, which is expressed in pigmentation of the treated areas. At the same time, regardless of the time of the procedure, the skin should be protected with cosmetics with SPF.

Preparation for the procedure

The doctor will tell you in advance about the need to prepare for facial cleansing. In some situations, specialists will order a medical examination because some procedures have health-related limitations. Besides, Doctors warn patients about the following rules:

  1. For 14 days before the expected date, you cannot sunbathe on the beach or in the solarium.
  2. It is not advisable to choose a day for cleaning that falls during your menstrual period. The skin will take longer and more difficult to recover. During menstruation, blood clotting worsens and pain intensifies.
  3. In consultation with your doctor, you should stop taking antibiotics. In addition, during the treatment of infectious, viral illnesses (especially with high fever), cleaning is contraindicated.
  4. 2 weeks before the appointed date, you cannot peel or cleanse the skin in any other way.
  5. Particularly strict prohibitions apply to the next 3 days before the procedure. It is necessary to avoid using scrubs with abrasive particles, alcohol-containing cosmetics, as well as visiting saunas, steam baths, and swimming pools.


It is best to choose one or another procedure in tandem with a cosmetologist. A professional will assess the condition of the skin, existing problems and offer his own options. Types of cleansing differ in technology, indications for implementation, and degree of impact on the skin.


Most often, this method refers to a manual (manual) method of eliminating comedones and pimples - squeezing them out using a Vidal needle, strainer or Uno spoon.

Some experts distinguish between the concepts: mechanical cleaning is called cleaning, which involves the use of sterile instruments, and classical manual cleaning is where the cosmetologist works exclusively with his hands.

Any of the methods is suitable for the owner of an oily, combination epidermis with clogged pores and abundantly covered with blackheads, pimples, and acne.

Mechanical methods of facial cleansing also include brushing. Another name is brossage. The keratinized particles of the dermis are exfoliated using special brushes.


One of the least painful and traumatic cleaning methods. The cosmetologist acts on the skin with a special device that emits ultrasonic waves. As a result, the face is cleansed of sebaceous plugs, blackheads, etc. An additional effect is micromassage, which stimulates blood circulation and metabolism. The ultrasound method is suitable for girls with normal skin type. It does not act aggressively, so it will not cope with serious problems.


Combines 2 types of cleaning at once: manual and ultrasonic. The first is used on problem areas with blackheads, milia and other defects. Ultrasound cleanses the entire surface of the face, refreshing the skin, improving its color and texture. The method is suitable for almost all women, with the exception of those whose skin is too dry.


Occurs using special equipment with a suction cup that creates a vacuum, which pushes all impurities to the surface of the skin. Has a slight lifting effect. The procedure is suitable for owners of any type of skin, but it may not be effective for oily and problematic dermis.


It is considered the most expensive and quite aggressive cleaning. The laser beam evaporates (burns) problem areas, stimulating epidermal cells to renew. In place of the previous layer, a new, smoother, cleaner, even, uniform in color is formed. The technique is indicated for ridding the face of pigmentation, wrinkles, as well as increased greasiness, comedones and other problems characteristic of oily, problematic and combination types of dermis.

Atraumatic (chemical)

For this cleaning, the doctor uses special acid-based preparations, which carefully exfoliate the outer layer of the skin, cleanse it of impurities, even out the shade and texture of the face.

The procedure is often called chemical peeling. The method is suitable for owners of any type of epidermis. The difference is in the composition of the product.

There is also another dry cleaning method that uses phytic acid. The method is called Hollywood and is recommended for women with dry, aging, oily skin. This option is also used for sensitive skin.

Attention! Sometimes vacuum and ultrasonic methods are considered atraumatic types of facial cleansing because of their delicate effect on the skin.


Other names are disincrustation, galvanotherapy or galvanophoresis. During the procedure, a special solution is applied to the skin. In order for the drug to better penetrate the epidermis, the cosmetologist applies weak electrical impulses to the patient’s face. This cleansing helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, dissolve impurities, and soften comedones. However, the method is not suitable for girls with dry, thin skin.

The average cost of different types of facial cleansing in Moscow is from 2,000 to 4,000 rubles. You can find it both cheaper and more expensive. The price of the laser method (depending on the complexity of the situation) reaches 12–16 thousand rubles, and this is not the limit either. How much any procedure costs depends on the location of the clinic, the qualifications of the doctor, the size of the treated area, etc.

Stages of the procedure

Each cleaning is carried out according to its own scheme, using solutions, tools, devices, etc. On average, a visit to a cosmetologist lasts from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours (this includes preparation and the process itself). Depending on the specific technique and its nuances, in general terms the complete salon procedure goes something like this:

  1. Cleansing the face from impurities and makeup.
  2. Steaming the skin (for example, for a mechanical method) or treating the epidermis with a special composition (atraumatic, galvanic and other methods). If necessary, use local anesthesia.
  3. Elimination of defects manually or using devices (vacuum, laser, ultrasonic device, etc.). During the procedure, the patient may experience discomfort. Some women complain that they are in pain. The most common sensations are a burning sensation and tingling sensation. Many patients call ultrasound the least painful.
  4. The final stage: treating the skin with antiseptics, moisturizers or soothing agents.

The cleaning must be carried out by an experienced, qualified doctor who will do everything according to the protocol and pay due attention to the sterility of the process.

Photos before and after

Healing period

After the procedure, the face may remain red for some time. Painful sensations are possible: itching, a feeling of tightness of the skin, burning, etc. To relieve symptoms, it is important to use only those means that the doctor allows. Depending on the situation, doctors often recommend moisturizers, Panthenol or Bepanten, Chlorhexidine and other drugs.

By the way. The ultrasound procedure has the shortest recovery period. But it, like other methods, has contraindications.

The cosmetologist who performed the procedure will tell you in detail how to properly care for your facial skin after cleansing. Some recommendations differ depending on the method chosen. However, there is also general rules:

  1. For the first 2–3 days, try not to touch your face with your hands or wash it with water. If the cosmetologist allows it, wipe your skin with milk or foam.
  2. Avoid using tonics, alcohol-based lotions, as well as scrubs and peels.
  3. After cleaning, you cannot visit the pool, sauna, or solarium for 2 weeks. Limit physical activity during this period.
  4. Remember: alcohol slows down skin regeneration and causes swelling.
  5. For the first few days after cleansing, protect your face from wind, frost, and heat.
  6. In the future, use a cream with sunscreen filters.
  7. As recommended by your doctor, use lotions and skin masks prepared at home.

Precautionary measures

If the procedure is carried out correctly with sterility, and if the patient follows all medical instructions, the skin heals quickly. Usually the process takes no longer than 7–10 days, and more often even less.

It depends on the chosen method. If at some stage there was a violation of the technology or the client ignored the doctor’s recommendations, there is a risk of complications. It happens that rashes, hematomas, and swelling appear on the face, which do not go away for several days.

Sometimes side effects are the result of an allergic reaction or indicate individual intolerance to the components of the solution. To prevent the development of complications, it is important to exclude situations in which facial cleansing is contraindicated:

  • oncology;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • serious pathologies of internal organs;
  • chronic diseases (diabetes, epilepsy, bronchial asthma, etc.);
  • violation of the integrity of the skin - abrasions, wounds, cuts, burns;
  • exacerbation of herpes or other viral infections;
  • dermatological ailments;
  • presence of implants, pacemaker, etc.

Attention! Ask your doctor for a list of contraindications for a specific procedure.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of facial cleansing by a cosmetologist:

  • exfoliation of dead skin cells;
  • elimination of skin defects - blackheads, acne, etc.;
  • correction of greasy shine;
  • fight acne;
  • sterility of the procedure;
  • low risk of complications and side effects;
  • competent planning of a course of procedures;
  • choosing the optimal type of cleansing, taking into account the type and condition of the skin.

In addition to the advantages, the salon procedure also has disadvantages:

  • unpleasant sensations are possible (usually this concerns the mechanical method, since modern methods are practically painless);
  • a course of procedures is not cheap;
  • rehabilitation is required, during which certain rules must be followed;
  • there are limitations to any method;
  • the result lasts for several weeks, sessions need to be repeated from time to time;
  • You cannot do the procedure too often.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Some experts are sure that not only the type of cleaning is important, but also the method of preparation for the procedure. For example, the author of this review believes that you should not use a special device for steaming the skin - a vaporizer, which is popular with the mechanical method.

The issue of cleansing during pregnancy raises a lot of discussion. Cosmetologists advise women to be patient and postpone the procedure: why put the baby and your own health at risk? The author of this review speaks out against the mechanical method.

There are cosmetologists who do not consider ultrasonic cleaning harmful for the expectant mother and her child.

An alternative opinion is that atraumatic facial cleansing is possible during pregnancy. Although the final word, of course, remains with the woman.

For those who want to have a beautiful and well-groomed appearance, maintain their beauty and health for many years, all paths are now open. Cosmetic procedures can be carried out at home, or you can resort to the services of certified specialists. Almost every girl knows how to clean her face at home. Essentially this is basic mechanical cleaning, peeling with store-bought skin products, and care cosmetics. For lovers of grandmother's recipes, steaming, herbal decoctions, rubbing with ice, etc. remain relevant at all times.

For girls who are not afraid to experiment, but prefer indoor slippers and a robe to going to a beauty salon, there is also a good alternative. The market of the modern beauty industry is replete with individual care devices. Among them are darsonval, devices for myostimulation, ultrasonic scrubbers, etc. All of them are effective, however, they cannot compare with facial cleansing from a cosmetologist. This is why beauty centers are so popular in our society.

Professionalism and modern technology to protect your beauty

There is probably not a single fashionista who can deny herself such a pleasure as going to a beauty salon. It's nice to know that you can just close your eyes and relax, entrusting your appearance to specialists in their field. It is better to trust your appearance to people with medical education - dermatologists and cosmetologists. These beauty industry masters will conduct a detailed examination of your health, the condition of your skin, the presence of indications and contraindications for performing a particular manipulation. They will easily select the procedure that is right for you.

Facial cleansing by a cosmetologist will, without a doubt, be the most correct solution for those who want to look brilliant, despite age, stress at work, bad weather or a sleepless night. An important point is the use of modern devices and technologies. Progress moves forward, and every self-respecting cosmetology office follows this. Such traumatic procedures as mechanical cleaning are gradually being replaced by more and more progressive methods. Ultrasound, laser, chemical, or combined techniques are most often used. Modern, rightfully, can be called a breakthrough. It allows you to combine several types of dermis cleansing at once.

Salon procedures step by step

When we cross the threshold of the beauty and health center for the first time, we hope for a miracle. Once in the skillful, experienced hands of a beauty industry worker, we will receive this miracle. With the right approach, you can see a completely different person in the mirror. Proper facial cleansing can give us such benefits as an even complexion, dullness of the skin, narrowing of pores, increased turgor and elasticity of the dermis, and reduced peeling. What can we say about getting rid of blackheads, various types of rashes and other defects. It is worth considering in detail how to do facial cleansing in a salon . The whole process takes place in several stages:

  1. Examination by a specialist. The cosmetologist conducts a visual examination and a survey, during which he finds out the presence of concomitant diseases, selects the optimal cleaning method and the frequency of manipulation in each specific case;
  2. Cleansing. Includes makeup removal and removal of the stratum corneum of the dermis using a scrub or sponge (gommage and brushing, respectively);
  3. Steaming. A procedure aimed at maximizing the opening of pores. This is necessary to increase the effectiveness of cleaning (isopropyl alcohol-based lotions, vaporizers, or steam baths);
  4. Directly, facial cleansing. It can be mechanical, vacuum, chemical, laser, ultrasound, combined, depending on the prescription of the cosmetologist. Not only excess sebum is removed, but also deeper impurities, such as blackheads, comedones, sebaceous plugs;
  5. Additional hardware care according to indications (darsonvalization, myostimulation, micromassage) is used to improve blood circulation, increase lymphatic drainage and the resistance abilities of the dermis;
  6. Application of special soothing and moisturizing products selected by a cosmetologist according to your skin type (masks, creams, balms, serums).

After these manipulations, the skin may have a reddish tint for some time. But it goes away after an hour or so.

We have examined in detail How does facial cleansing work? at home and with a specialist. Both methods have a right to exist. However, I would like to note that the salon procedure is distinguished not only by its competent approach and its effectiveness, but also by its hygienic aspect. The threat of additional infection is mitigated if all antiseptic rules are followed. All instruments are treated with special disinfectant solutions, the staff uses individual disposable special devices.

When choosing a cosmetology salon, you should be guided by reviews about the establishment, carefully study the techniques that are used, and find out in more detail about the qualifications and experience of the center’s employees. This will help you make the right decision and give a huge gift to your body and your loved one.

Grooming is the sister of beauty. Moreover, unlike its flighty relative, whose canons change with the winds of fashion, grooming has very specific criteria. Nobody likes inflamed ulcers, small pimples and blackheads. But what to do if you are unlucky with your skin? Cosmetologists took care of this. When numerous remedies from advertising tabloids are powerless, they are replaced by facial cleansing. In our article we will talk about how the procedure is carried out and what to expect from it.

Facial cleansing is the cleansing of facial skin from imperfections. It sounds obvious, but there's no better way to say it. Those with oily problem skin should resort to the procedure. As a result of the active secretion of the sebaceous glands, the pores on the skin become clogged, and microflora develops in them. As a result of its vital activity, the skin “blooms” with a not very pleasant color.

About 80% of the world's population encounter skin problems during adolescence. During this period, facial cleansing is rarely resorted to. As a result of hormonal changes in the body, a malfunction occurs, which is a variant of the norm. Most just wave. Meanwhile, such negligence can leave an imprint for a long time (in the literal sense of the word) Post-acne, scars and even scars - all this can be a consequence of facial cleansing not carried out on time or carried out unprofessionally.

As a result of cleaning, the problem is removed from the roots. Even the most effective care does not give such a result. Until recently (some 10 years ago!) the procedure resembled hard labor, and after it you didn’t want to leave the house at all for a couple of days. Now everything is different. Many innovative techniques have been developed that will allow the skin to look healthy without discomfort. In short, beauty requires almost no sacrifice.

Cleaning by a cosmetologist

The hands of a master are half the success. That is why you should not think that going to a cosmetologist is a waste of money. Like, we can handle it ourselves. You can't handle it. Even if you plan to do home cleaning, you should first visit a specialist. There you can find the correct procedure. The salon procedure has a number of advantages over the home one:

  • Absolute sterility. Of course, if the cosmetologist is chosen correctly. A qualified professional works with sterile instruments, so the likelihood of infection is minimized. At home, achieving sterility is not easy.
  • A complex approach. Salon cleaning takes place in three stages: acid peeling, direct cleansing and a mask with a soothing and moisturizing effect. Not everyone can boast the same arsenal at home. Meanwhile, cleansing is stressful for the skin, so it needs preparation and rehabilitation. By the way, many salons use special products to minimize swelling after the procedure. By the evening after such cleansing, the skin will look beautiful and healthy. After home cleaning, the skin returns to its normal state only after 2-3 days.
  • Careful preparation. The cosmetologist has a vaporizer - a special device that steams and opens the pores before cleaning. The vaporizer has several functions - cold, hot and ozone steaming. The type of preparation required is determined locally, depending on the condition and type of skin. At home, steaming is best done using a pan of boiling water. At worst, it is not carried out at all.

House cleaning

It is not recommended to carry out facial cleansing without appropriate qualifications. However, not everyone follows these recommendations. Some people don’t turn to cosmetologists on principle, some are embarrassed, and some simply save money. Be that as it may, you need to be prepared for the consequences. Home cleaning may have side effects. Sometimes very serious.

To minimize the risk (but not eliminate it completely), you should pay attention to the rules for home cleaning:

Rule #1. Prepare your skin. To do this, you need to apply peeling to your face. This preparation is also the first stage of cleansing: it exfoliates dead cells and “lifts” blackheads from the deep layers of the epidermis. Not just any peeling is suitable. It needs to be soft. Don't immediately expose your skin to stress. The ideal option is a product based on fruit acid.

After peeling, you need to open the pores. A vaporizer or a regular steam bath will help with this. If you choose the second option, you can add an herbal solution or tea tree essential oil to the boiling water. This way you can not only help the skin, but also benefit the entire body, because inhalations are beneficial. You should not keep your face close to boiling water; the optimal distance is 40-50 cm.

Rule #2. Don't touch your face with your hands. Even if those hands are thoroughly washed. As already mentioned, absolute sterility cannot be achieved at home. For cleaning you can use:

  • Disposable gloves;
  • Napkins;
  • With special devices: a Vidal needle or an UNO spoon.

The procedure is carried out gently, gradually. The face needs to be divided into zones: first the nose, then the chin, then the forehead and cheeks. You need to be very careful when squeezing. This statement is not a marketing ploy in defense of cosmetologists.

History knows examples of the sad consequences of home cleaning. For example, Ekaterina Pavlovna, Queen of Württemberg, died from squeezing out a pimple on her upper lip with a needle. Since then, the area of ​​the nasolabial folds has been called the “triangle of death”, and it is better to avoid it.

Rule No. 3. After the procedure, you need to wash your face with cool water to close the pores. This way dust from the air will not get into them. Then treat your face with any antiseptic solution. A little later you can make a soothing mask. Cosmetologists also recommend not using decorative cosmetics for the face (foundation, powder, concealer, etc.) for 5-7 days after cleansing.

Indications and contraindications

Facial cleansing is carried out under the following circumstances:

  • Increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. During the day, any makeup comes off, and the skin shines like a greasy pancake.
  • Enlarged pores. Normally, these microscopic holes should not be visible. Due to disturbances in the body, pores become enlarged and the skin becomes textured.
  • Acne. This term is used as a collective term to refer to all the “companions” of oily skin: acne, comedones, etc.

It is better to avoid facial cleansing if:

  • There is a tendency to epileptic seizures;
  • At the time of the procedure, the patient suffers from an infectious disease;
  • There is a history of bronchial asthma;
  • The patient suffers from diabetes;
  • At the time of the procedure, the patient is pregnant.

Critical days are not an absolute contraindication to facial cleansing. However, cosmetologists recommend prescribing the procedure no earlier than 7-8 days of the cycle. The fact is that during this period certain hormonal disruptions occur in the body. The pain threshold is significantly reduced, and skin regeneration occurs slowly.

Types of facial cleansing

Facial cleansing is classified according to:

  • Degree of exposure to skin;
  • Method of exposure to skin

According to the first criterion, cleaning can be superficial, medium and deep. According to the second, manual and hardware cleaning are distinguished. Let's look at each type separately.

Superficial, medium or deep?

The answer to this question is individual and depends on the skin.

Superficial cleaning is considered the most gentle. The cosmetologist cleanses only the top layer of skin without deeply injuring it. The technique is applied to patients under 40 years of age. The result is not only clean, but also elastic skin. Superficial peeling helps improve lymphatic drainage and improves skin tone.

Average Cleansing is used for those who have serious skin problems. This procedure is needed when the sebaceous glands are blocked. Active substances penetrate the epidermis and dissolve plugs.

Deep cleaning is highly traumatic. It is performed on patients over 40 years of age. During this period, the skin loses sensitivity. Deep cleansing helps remove toxins. The normal PH level of the skin is also restored.

Mechanical cleaning

This type of procedure is a real veteran in the cosmetology market. The method has been tested by thousands of women and has been identified by them as particularly effective. Mechanical facial cleansing is classified as manual. This means that it is carried out by hand without the use of any equipment. Its main disadvantage is pain. No matter how golden a cosmetologist’s hands are, manual cleaning of certain areas of the face (for example, cheeks or nose) is very unpleasant.

Another obvious disadvantage is the aesthetic component. After such manipulations, you need to be prepared that for about three days the patient will look as if he was fighting a flock of bees.

Nevertheless, reviews about the procedure are flattering. We recommend using it if you are a staunch conservative with a high pain threshold. And definitely on the eve of the weekend.

Ultrasonic cleaning

Unlike the previous one, ultrasonic cleaning is painless and occurs without consequences. But it is also inferior in efficiency. Cleansing of pores occurs using low frequencies. A bonus of this hardware procedure is massage, which improves microcirculation. The procedure can be recommended for those with normal skin. It will not solve severe problems, but it will cope with isolated rashes.

To combine the best of manual and hardware techniques, cosmetologists use combined cleansing. For an example of a combined technique, see this video:

Vacuum cleaning

Vacuum cleaning is a hardware technique that can compete with mechanical cleaning in efficiency. It is rarely found in salons. The reason is expensive equipment. The operating principle of the vacuum cleaning device is similar to that of a vacuum cleaner. Using a special tube, the cosmetologist “sucks out” impurities from the epidermis. Result: no inflammation on the face, and it also stimulates skin elasticity. The procedure is worth trying for owners of any skin type.

Dry cleaning

Chemical facial cleansing is a manual procedure. Pores are cleansed by applying peels. For a long time, such a procedure was considered harmful and even dangerous. However, the situation has now been corrected. Advances in science have made peelings less aggressive. They contain only useful acids: hyaluronic, glycolic, fruit, etc. A side effect of the procedure is active exfoliation. Within a few days, the skin on your face will noticeably peel.

Laser cleaning

In cosmetology, such cleaning is called heavy artillery. She is the most aggressive of all varieties. The laser literally burns out all imperfections along with the top layer of skin. An undeniable advantage is the effectiveness of the procedure. Laser can help you get rid of not only pimples, but also wrinkles, pigment spots and other troubles. The disadvantages are also obvious: the skin is severely injured and will require a long rehabilitation. Recovery measures include special cosmetics and avoidance of skin exposure to ultraviolet light. (

And in conclusion, I would like to note that facial cleansing is only a way to eliminate a cosmetic defect. It is not a panacea. If problems recur again and again, you should take care of your health. For example, switch to a healthy diet and take daily walks as a rule. Remember, facial skin is just a reflection of the internal state of the body.