Wives of the G7 Presidents. The G7 summit has ended in Italy. The shortest declaration

Melania Trump, Queen Matilda and Ingrid Shulerud

The meeting of the first ladies of the G7 countries is being vigorously discussed online. However, it is not because of Melania Trump, as one might think: the cause of the fuss was 38-year-old Gautier Destenay, the husband of 44-year-old Prime Minister of Luxembourg Xavier Bettel. Gaultier became the first man to take part in the official meeting of the first ladies. However, this did not bother him at all: the husband of the Luxembourg politician gladly posed for invited photographers, smiling widely.

After the meeting in the royal palace, an official protocol photograph was taken with all participants. Gautier Destenay also took part in the photocall: he stood behind the wife of Turkish President Emine Erdogan and Melania Trump. In addition to them, in the photo you can see the First Lady of France Brigitte Macron, the companion of NATO Secretary General Ingrid Shulerud, the friend of the President of Bulgaria Desislava Radev, the beloved Prime Minister of Belgium Amelie Derbaudrengien, the common-law wife of the Prime Minister of Slovenia Moika Stropnik and the wife of the Prime Minister of Iceland Margret Baldvinsdottir.

First Ladies of NATO countries and Gauthier Destiny

Let us remind you that Gautier Destinay has been a Luxembourg politician of Xavier Bettel since May 2015. The Prime Minister became the third head of government in the world (after Bertrand Delanoë in Paris and Klaus Wowereit in Berlin) to enter into a same-sex marriage.

Today the G7 summit opens in Taormina, Sicily, where all heads of NATO countries will gather. US leader Donald Trump and his wife Melania are already in Italy.

Xavier Bettel and Gautier Destinay

TAORMINA (Italy), May 27 – RIA Novosti. The G7 summit ended in Taormina, Italy. The participants adopted a final declaration, in which they noted the importance of the fight against terrorism, strengthening the confrontation with IS (a terrorist group banned in the Russian Federation) in Syria and Iraq, and also did not rule out strengthening sanctions against the Russian Federation in the event of failure to comply with the Minsk agreements.

Experts note that the current summit turned out to be the most useless of all and did not bring any concrete solutions to the main problems. So now all attention will be directed to the G20 meeting in Hamburg.

The shortest declaration

The G7 summit took place in Sicily on May 26 and 27. The USA, Great Britain, Canada, France, Italy, Germany and Japan discussed issues related to climate change, the fight against terrorism, resolving the migration crisis, Russia, Syria, as well as assistance to African countries in the fight against epidemics and famine.

As a result of the meetings, the participants adopted a declaration, which turned out to be much shorter than at previous G7 summits. Only six pages. Experts suggest that the G7 leaders left the most difficult issues for discussion within the G20 in Germany.

And in the final document, in particular, the countries reaffirmed their support for Ukraine, stating that Russia is responsible for this conflict. The leaders also expressed their readiness to tighten sanctions against Moscow if the situation requires it.

Commenting on the decisions of the Seven, French President Emmanuel Macron said that he would discuss the situation in Ukraine with Russian President Vladimir Putin during his visit to Paris on May 29. Macron emphasized his intention to conduct a demanding dialogue with Moscow, and believes that it is necessary, since the exchange of views with the Kremlin is important for resolving many international issues. According to him, in particular, the G7 countries recognize the important role of Russia, Turkey and Iran in the Syrian settlement.

The French leader also spoke in favor of holding a meeting in the Normandy format as soon as possible to discuss the crisis in Ukraine.

Another topic of the final communique touched on the situation in Syria. On the first day, the G7 countries adopted a declaration on the joint fight against terrorism. In the final document, this topic was revealed through the intention to strengthen cooperation in the fight against the Islamic State, in particular in Syria and Iraq.

The leaders called for punishing those who commit crimes in the name of IS* and use chemical weapons. They also demanded that Russia and Iran exert influence on Damascus to strengthen the ceasefire.

The Seven expressed hope that the Astana agreements on de-escalation zones will indeed lead to a reduction in violence in Syria. At the same time, the leaders linked their willingness to work on a political settlement in Syria with Moscow’s need to influence Damascus.

Among other topics that the leaders touched upon in their statement were the economic situation in the world and interaction with African countries, including on combating migration. All G7 countries reaffirmed their commitment to keeping their markets open and opposing protectionism, and agreed to partner in helping African countries create the conditions to prevent the causes of mass migration.

The G7 leaders also tried to achieve unity on the issue of combating climate change, but in the final declaration they were forced to admit defeat due to the position of the United States, which did not join the consensus on revising the Paris Agreement. US President Donald Trump himself wrote about this on his Twitter account that he will make a decision on climate change next week.

In turn, Italian leader Paolo Gentiloni expressed hope that the remaining unresolved item on the summit agenda will be resolved within the next week, noting that the remaining G7 members respect Washington's position.

"Seven" has not exhausted itself, but is already useless

Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni expressed satisfaction with the progress of negotiations at the summit and called the discussions open. According to him, the summit format has not yet exhausted itself, and the other leaders agree with him on this.

At the same time, experts believe that the current forum has “set a new negative record” of empty statements.

“In a year when expectations were already minimal, the G7 set a new negative record... It is not wise to present the final declaration as a success simply by adding words about “hunger” or “sustainable development” at the last moment. Only concrete actions, not words can save human lives and secure our common future,” says Federike Roeder, director of security and development of the non-governmental organization ONE.

According to her, the countries were unable to come to unity due to the unfriendly position of the new Trump administration and the lack of ambition of other leaders.

The current G7 summit has turned out to be useless, since the countries that are members of this group mean less and less on the world stage, says Ian Bremmer, founder and president of the American research and consulting company Eurasia Group, professor at New York University.

"The results will be small, because the G7 involves seven countries that mean less and less. With a capitalist economy and globalization, the emergence of economic and geopolitical power of China, the turmoil of Europe, the growing weight of Russia, the inward explosion in the Middle East, an increasingly visible the US’s opposition to the rest of the world, especially with regard to the values ​​it once propagated,” the political scientist said in an interview published by la Repubblica on Saturday.

Bremmer believes that the joint action of the G7 and the West as a whole against terrorism, outlined in Friday's declaration, will be difficult to implement in practice. In his opinion, the world will face a geopolitical recession in 2017.

Trump against the system

The forum's "newcomers" - US President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron - aroused keen interest among journalists. The media watched with interest what the first ladies of the two states were wearing, compared the cost of their suits and how they attended official events.

The behavior of Melania Trump, who, according to Italian media, did not participate in the official program for the spouses of G7 leaders for security reasons, was on the verge of a scandal. At the White House, RIA Novosti denied these reports, calling them incorrect. Later, the media also published information that Melania Trump took part in an excursion for the wives of delegates and was wearing a jacket worth 50 thousand dollars.

Trump himself was “distinguished” for violating protocol. On the second day of the summit, he showed up to the meeting an hour late. And after that, he did not use headphones to translate when Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni opened the discussion in Italian. He touched upon Trump’s behavior at the summit at the final press conference, calling him “curious” and “open to dialogue.”

Some Western media also suffered from the American onslaught. Some journalists were denied accommodation at the hotel where one of the Seven press centers was located “for security reasons.” Even booking and paying in advance for a hotel room did not help. As it turned out later, the US delegation bought almost the entire hotel for the presidential pool of correspondents, so some of their colleagues had to be evicted.

Emmanuel Macron was not noticed in such scandals and attracted the attention of the press only as one of the possible “hidden leaders” of the summit. However, his walk in the gardens of Taormina with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau did not go unnoticed. On social networks, the footage of the two most visually attractive politicians of the Seven was called “very romantic.”

Protests, peaceful and not so peaceful

There were also demonstrations by protesters, traditional for such events. Despite all the security measures taken, units from all over Italy gathered in Taormina and surrounding cities, and a virtual state of siege along the entire Sicilian coast, the summit was accompanied by both peaceful semi-theatrical actions and a real march of anti-globalists, which ended in clashes with the forces of law and order.

On Friday, Greenpeace activists installed a 4-meter Statue of Liberty, wearing a life jacket, in the sea near the town of Giardini Naxos, adjacent to the summit site. According to the organizers of the action, in this way they wanted to draw the attention of politicians and the public to the problems of climate change and rising sea levels.

Almost on the same beach on Saturday morning, activists of the international humanitarian organization Oxfam. Seven of them put on huge doll heads of the heads of state of the Seven and erected a wall of cardboard shields with a brick pattern, protesting against the migration policies of the world's leading economies.

The apotheosis of the demonstrations was the anti-globalization march that took place on Saturday evening after the summit. The arena for him was the same embankment of Giardini Naxos. About one and a half thousand mostly left-wing activists took part in the action, marching along the street under flags with the image of a hammer and sickle. The most radical of them tried to break through the police cordon, to which the law enforcement forces responded with tear gas.

However, the clashes turned out to be short-lived and, according to a RIA Novosti correspondent, did not even end in arrests.

Be that as it may, for civilians the past summit became rather an irritating factor that brought confusion into everyday life. The owners of the hotel where the RIA Novosti correspondent stayed expressed hope that such events will henceforth bypass the quiet resort of Sicily.

* Terrorist organization banned in Russia.

Posted a topic in , Monday at 12:42 PM

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