Development of the Starbucks Corporation - from its origins to the present day. Starbucks - brand history

The biography of a company is its success story, a clear example of how to build life and work. Confucius wrote: “Choose a job you like, and you will never have to work a single day in your life.” A long time ago, three coffee-loving friends did just that. They turned their hobby into a profession. The friends did not have any specific business concept. What they did can be called creativity rather than strategy. And yet, the whole world soon learned about the coffee shop under the original name “Starbucks”.

How it all began

So, three young people (two teachers - history and English and a writer), who knew each other from studying at the university, came up with an idea. It doesn't matter who initiated it - Jerry Baldwin, Gordon Bowker or Zev Siegl. Since everyone loved coffee, the idea was simple: open a store selling the drink in beans. But money was needed for this. The guys chipped in $1,350 each. Moreover, they borrowed five thousand. This was enough for the store to open its doors to everyone on September 30, 1971.

You may ask, in what state did Starbucks coffee shops appear? We answer: this is Washington, the city of Seattle.

And one moment. The enthusiasts were inspired to such a feat by Alfred Peet, an entrepreneur who somehow roasted grains in a special way and taught the guys how to do it. And they came up with plans to sell coffee using a secret recipe.

What will you name the yacht...

Seattle is the largest center in the northwestern United States and a major seaport. So, thinking about the name of their future brainchild - the Starbucks coffee shop, the founders settled on the name of the whaling ship captain's mate from the famous book "Moby Dick". His name was Starbucks.

They also worked on the logo. We decided to take an image of a siren (mermaid). The preferred color for the picture was brown. In the late 80s and early 90s it was changed to green. The tail was slightly shortened. The girl's breasts were hidden behind hair flying in the wind. Added asterisks between words.

And lastly, the mermaid’s face is located in the center. The green rim disappeared, the stars went out. The color of the logo has become much lighter.

So, Starbucks coffee shops appeared on the streets of the city. At first, the company only sold coffee beans in Seattle, but did not brew the drink itself here. Just a little. They let those who wanted to try it and it played a role.

The friends learned the techniques of the new business from A. Pete and expanded. By 1981, five stores were already operating. There was also a mini-factory for roasting coffee and a department that supplied its products to local bars and restaurants.

And then the network expanded beyond Seattle. Branches appeared in Chicago and Vancouver.

The next step was to begin trading goods by mail. A catalog has been compiled for this purpose. Now you know in which state Starbucks coffee shops appeared. And soon new establishments opened in 33 locations across the United States. And all thanks to the printed register.

Incredible fact: in the 90s, Starbucks opened new stores. And this happened almost every working day! The company managed to maintain such a frantic pace until the onset of the 2000s.

Today for Americans there is no question about what state are Starbucks coffee shops located in? Where can you enjoy excellent coffee? After all, such establishments are everywhere!

New markets

And in 1996, the company reached a new level: the first Starbucks coffee shops appeared many kilometers from the United States - in Tokyo (Japan). Following the land of the rising sun, 56 points were opened in the UK. Very soon, Starbucks coffee shops appeared in Mexico. Now there are already 250 of them, in Mexico City alone there are about a hundred establishments.

Today the Starbucks coffee chain is very large. You can’t list all the addresses. We can only name countries where these establishments exist, and then only a few. These are Switzerland, India, Denmark, Germany, South Africa, Poland, Hungary, China, Vietnam, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Portugal, Sweden, Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Norway, France, Colombia, Bolivia.

Moreover, in Norway the airport in Oslo was chosen as the site for the first Starbucks coffee shop. In Beijing, she checked in at the international departures lounge. In some places, these establishments are located in hotels, for example, in South Africa.

But this is far from the end! Last year, in 2014, Starbucks donated six of its coffee shops to Colombia and four to Hanoi. More than ten establishments will be in Bogota in 2015. The same year is planned for the opening of a similar cafe in Panama.

In the park, on the boat and on the islands

Both in Disneyland and in different countries you will find Starbucks establishments. The year 2015 brought great joy to many coffee lovers. And here's why: the restless Starbucks company now invites you to drink a fragrant drink on the islands in the English Channel.

Moreover, zealous coffee traders managed to adapt even a ship for their purposes! This happened in 2010. The first store was located on board the cruise ship Allure of the Seas, built in Finnish shipyards. It ranks second in size in the world.

And in Russia too

The company's managers have long been looking towards the inexhaustible Russian market. And then, in the fall of 2007, Starbucks coffee shops appeared in Moscow (in one large shopping center). Very quickly, residents of the capital appreciated this establishment, and it was decided to open several more branches.

In 2012, people started talking about Starbucks in the northern capital, St. Petersburg. On Primorsky Avenue (lovers of the aromatic drink rush from everywhere, drink it and praise it.

99 coffee shops operate today in Russia. Of these, 71 are in the capital, ten are in St. Petersburg. They are also in Sochi, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don and other cities.

The chips do their job

Those who visited these establishments never cease to be amazed at the marketing art of the company's leaders. And everything is involved here in a complex.

The company's biography is impressive. It reflects the long journey from the moment when Starbucks coffee shops appeared - from a tiny store to the world's largest business empire.

Fans love to visit these establishments not only because of the excellent quality drinks, but also because of the incredibly attractive atmosphere. Thus, the interior of the very first coffee shop has hardly changed in 40 years. Traditions are preserved here. And customers enjoy their coffee as if they were in a kind of Starbucks museum.

Here's another example. Every coffee shop in the world plays the same tune at the same time. And a corrugated cardboard ring is placed on top of the paper cup: this prevents customers from burning their hands.

And what about the rich menu! This is coffee of different types (including seasonal). There are also a lot of syrups, teas, light salads and, of course, a huge number of desserts.

Let's not forget about the famous thermal mugs, which can be purchased as a souvenir along with branded cups and glasses.

Caring for the environment

A few years ago, the company launched a program called Soil for Your Garden. The leaders of the empire decided that their business should be environmentally friendly. The waste was sold to everyone who had their own farm. After all, it can be used for compost.

Then Starbucks took another step worthy of emulation. The company began producing paper napkins and smaller trash bags. This approach entails saving natural resources.

The next stage is our own production. In the manufacture of drink cups, they began to use part of the recycled paper - only 10 percent. Some will say that this is very little. Nevertheless, based on the results of the work, Starbucks was awarded a National Award for this idea.

Never stand still

Starbucks coffee shops cannot be blamed for their conservatism and unwillingness to change anything. So, every year, the company pleases us with another innovation.

So, in 2008, the line was launched - Skinny (translated as “skinny”). Clients were offered unsweetened (sugar-free) and low-calorie drinks - with skim milk. Everyone could order what they wanted from a selection of sweet natural products - honey or syrup.

In 2009, customers were offered another innovation - coffee, but in bags. Moreover, its quality was so high that many people could not understand: is this an instant drink or a freshly brewed one?

After a while, visitors were surprised again with a unique innovation. This time it was the maximum size cup - 31 ounces.

After some time, the company again delighted its regular customers, this time with an interesting car. She dispensed the coffee herself. It was packed in thin plastic cups along with milk - for lattes.

In 2012, the menu of Starbucks coffee shops was supplemented with ice-cold refreshment drinks. They contain extract from green beans (Arabica). They also contain fruit flavors and, of course, caffeine. This product has become widely known. People liked its "strong taste - without the coffee aroma."

In 2013, a new era begins - selling through Twitter mobile platforms. And a year later, the production of its own line of carbonated drinks, so to speak, “handmade,” began production. They can be found on sale under the name Fizzio.

Leaders in everything and always

In 2013, Starbucks was among those companies and organizations that were recognized as the best employers in the world. Fortune magazine included the coffee company in its list of 100 leading enterprises.

The organization has achieved such success thanks to a very thoughtful and fair remuneration system. Firstly, the publication noted bonuses for overtime. Secondly, the fact of constant growth in wages, regardless of the state of the world economy. Every Starbucks employee can really build a successful career in this company and go from an ordinary bartender to a top manager.

is perhaps the most famous coffee chain in the world. Besides Starbucks Corp. It also sells coffee beans. The company was founded relatively recently, in 1971, and it began its journey as a chain of stores selling coffee. The first store opened on March 30, 1971. The three founders, Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl, and Gordon Bowker, an English teacher, history teacher, and writer, decided to start selling coffee beans and opened their first store in Pike Place Market in Seattle. . For a long time the store was not only the first, but also the only one. But after ten years there were five stores, and the company also had its own factory. In addition to selling coffee in its stores, the company was also a supplier of coffee beans to many coffee shops, bars and restaurants.

In 1987, a turning point in history came, Howard Schultz became the owner of the company, who made it what we know it today. Schultz worked for several years as director of retail sales and marketing, but was unable to realize his dream of creating a chain of coffee shops based on the company. Then he leaves the business and starts his own business - soon Schultz becomes the owner of a chain of coffee shops Il Giornale. And in 1987 he returned and, having found investors, bought the company. Having purchased, he gives this unusual name to his coffee shops and combines two related activities into one company. Such an alliance turned out to be unusually successful and the chain of coffee shops under his leadership managed to conquer the whole world.

The company got its name from one of the characters in the novel “Moby-Dick, or the White Whale” by Herman Melville (what else could you expect from two teachers and a writer!). Starbuck was the name of the first mate on the Pequod ship, on which the pursuit of the white whale, nicknamed Moby Dick, took place. The first version of the coffee shop's name was "Pequod", after the name of the ship, but this word was rejected. Then the founders, according to one version, began to look for a suitable name, paying attention to the fact that the word reflected the local spirit and flavor of their native Seattle. According to legend, this word became “Starbo” - this was the name of an old mine located nearby. But they still did not abandon the idea of ​​​​taking the name from the novel and a name was found that was consonant with the word “Starbo” - the name of the Starbucks senior mate became the name of the company. Contrary to popular belief, the chief mate was not a coffee drinker, but for a long time most people (with the possible exception of English literature teachers) will associate his name with coffee, and not with sailing.

But perhaps the most memorable element of the brand was its logo. The mermaid or siren with two tails, found in an old engraving of the sixteenth century, migrated to the emblem and, although slightly changed, remained there to this day, continuing the maritime theme of the company name. The mermaid with two tails is a common character in medieval folklore, she was called Melusine or Melisande, this image was often used in heraldry. In 1987, the logo changed, combining the logos of two companies and Il Giornale, precisely from Il Giornale the sign received its characteristic features - the mermaid was surrounded by a green circle with stars and the name of the company. Taking this opportunity, the mermaid herself was somewhat modernized. In 1992, the logo was changed once again; along with the curvaceous forms of the mermaid, any hint of her navel disappeared.

Today it is not only coffee, coffee drinks, desserts and snacks. The company is also involved in related types of business - books, cinema, music, there is even a special division - Starbucks Entertainment, which develops the entertainment direction within the company.

Coffee shops are open in more than 50 countries around the world, the company has about 18,000 establishments in total. The company's headquarters are still located in Seattle, Washington.

Interesting fact:

At the conference Apple MacWorld 2007 Steve Jobs used a call to demonstrate the capabilities of the first iPhone and play a little joke on the audience. Showing how owners iPhone can use the Google Maps service from their device, Jobs determined his (and several thousand other people’s) current location. And then he found the nearest coffee shop and started dialing its number on his iPhone. The audience froze in anticipation - Jobs finally got through and, with a most serious look, ordered four thousand lattes to go. But before several thousand people in the hall had time to rejoice and start dreaming of a glass of hot latte, Jobs apologized and told the operator that he had the wrong number. Only long-awaited new products could console the disappointed guests of the conference, and Jobs, of course, was forgiven for everything...

Ask anyone what Seattle gave the world, and most likely they will name two things: Nirvana (which actually originated in the nearby town of Aberdeen), and Starbucks. And if Nirvana has not existed for more than 20 years, then Starbucks today is an omnipresent phenomenon.

Seattleites are proud to have brought a new style of music to the world and have renewed the popularity of coffee. Since I don’t really understand music, today I’ll talk about Starbucks.

Yulia and I were in Seattle passing through on the way home from . Soon, I did not have time to tell anything about this city, for which I received a small scolding from Lena (so far you have only seen her in). Now that I'm home again, I can sort out my debts to Lena and to Seattle. I'll start today with Starbucks.

As everyone knows, Starbucks today is a worldwide network that can be found in every corner of the world. I was told that a Starbucks branch used to operate inside! I think it won't be long before Starbucks replaces Coca-Cola as the most recognizable brand in the world.

Many people know that Seattle is the birthplace of Starbucks, but not everyone knows the details of the company’s history, and the fact that the “First Starbucks” still operates in this city. In fact, he is not the first, but more on that later.

This is what the place looks like from the outside:

The most eagle-eyed among you have probably noticed that there are some unusual logotypes hanging above this cafe. Yes - this is the original form of the world famous trademark. Let's take a closer look and try to find a few differences:

Did you notice anything? Right! The original logo featured the world famous mermaid showing off her tits to everyone!

The first version of the mermaid was taken in 1971 directly from a medieval engraving. When three friends decided to open their own business selling coffee beans, they thought a little about the name and decided to name their store after Starbuck, the first mate in the novel Moby Dick. One of the founders heard that names starting with “st” create the impression of serious and successful businesses. The mermaid simply suited the nautical theme - the store was located near the shore in a port city.

At that time, Starbucks did not make coffee, but only sold it in bean form. In addition, equipment for roasting coffee was on sale, as well as many different teas (including my favorite, smoked Lapsang Souchong).

Coffee and tea were sold by weight. It was impossible to drink the drink in the store or take it with you in mountain form.

The early 1970s were not the best time for Seattle, and business in the city was slow. The second store was opened a year later, but the chain did not gain much success for a very long time. By 1986, there were only six coffee shops operating in Seattle.

At that time, coffee sales in the United States were falling sharply, and the owners decided to sell Starbucks (where they were just starting to brew their own espresso) to one of their former employees, Howard Schultz. He aggressively promoted the business, opening many new coffee shops in the northwestern United States and across the border in Canada. Schultz is still the head of the company.

Shortly after the purchase, in 1987 he finally made a professional logo design. The mermaid remained, but her tits were modestly hidden by long hair. Instead, the public was presented with her belly button. Five years later, in 1992, he too disappeared.

In the 1990s, the Starbucks chain finally achieved widespread success. It was she who popularized espresso-based drinks in the USA and many other places in the world. Today it’s common to hold your nose at Starbucks coffee (saying that they’ve really gone bad), but be that as it may, the company created a whole market around itself in which people were willing to pay $3-$4 for a coffee drink when the store across the street had coffee on tap. sold for 60 cents.

Starbucks' success did not go unnoticed - mainly competitors, in attempts to repeat it, copied what was easiest to copy. The Starbucks logo got rid of the famous “Starbucks Coffee” inscription in 2011, because everyone already knew who the mermaid in the green circle was. But before that he managed to spawn a small army of imitators. A circle with a picture in the middle and an inscription around the perimeter (sometimes very similar to Starbucks font) immediately tells everyone - “Here they will pour you a cup of mediocre, but generally tolerable coffee.”

It is this many times copied logo that I consider Seattle’s main contribution to world civilization. In many countries (and Russia is one of them), imitators with similar branding entered the market long before Starbucks itself came there.

But let's return to the First Starbucks, located at 1912 Pike Place Market. There's even a very official sign inside:

Unfortunately, the sign is blatantly lying. The first and main Starbucks store was opened in 1971 at a different address nearby. He worked there until the end of 1976, when he was forced to close because that building was going to be demolished. It was only in 1977 that the owners opened a store at Pike Place Market, where it is located to this day.

Tourists are not confused by such nuances - and the First Starbucks is one of the main attractions of Seattle. Every visitor to the city considers it his duty to come here to drink a cup of mediocre coffee and take a selfie in front of the sign. Because of this, there are almost always queues inside.

I asked if they sold anything special here, since this is the "First Starbucks", and I was told that only here they have some unique variety of coffee beans, called "Pike Place Special Reserve" after the address of the coffee shop. You can order a drink from this coffee, or you can just buy a bag of beans the old fashioned way. These packages have an old logo, resurrected by some marketing geniuses.

On the shelves nearby are ordinary products with a modern logo.

Inside, it’s hard to distinguish this Starbucks from any other, except that there are more people here. I wonder if there are people who come here without realizing that this coffee shop is somehow different from thousands of other Starbucks in the world?

The history of Starbukcs begins, by all standards, quite recently - in 1971. It was then, 42 years ago, in Seattle, Washington, that three young people became business partners and opened a very small store where they sold coffee beans.

The founders of the company: English teacher - Jeri Bolden, history teacher - Zev Siegl and writer - Gordon Bowker. The young people made up the authorized capital of the company from their own funds (they chipped in $1,350 each), as well as borrowed money - another 5 thousand. With these funds they found and equipped premises for the store and began to work.

At first, there was no talk of any modern coffee shop. The store’s premises were quite small and, despite the fact that a couple of tables were set up for those who wanted to drink coffee without leaving the cash register, the main field of activity of the company was trade, and not only coffee. The first Starbucks stores also sold tea and spices.

The target audience, as they would say today, were bars, cafes and restaurants that purchased coffee beans for their kitchens. But in the first 10 years of the company's history, a lot has changed.

From store to chain

Initially, freshly baked entrepreneurs learned how to select the right varieties and roast coffee beans from Alfred Peet, owner of Peet’s Coffee. For the first 9 months, Starbucks bought pre-roasted beans from Peet's Coffee, and then installed its own roaster.

Around the same time, they opened a second store in another area of ​​Seattle. In 1979, the owners of Starbucks bought Peet's Coffee. By 1981, 5 stores had already been opened, as well as a small coffee roasting factory and a trading division that supplied coffee beans to bars, cafes, and restaurants.

New people and fresh ideas

In 1982, Howard Schultz, who had previously worked as a sales representative for a company selling tableware, became head of the company's sales department. Some time later, Schultz went on a trip to Italy, where he came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a whole chain of coffee shops in the United States modeled on Italian espresso bars.

The novelty of the project lay in the fact that in those years a coffee shop in America was not a place for meetings and communication, but rather a kind of bohemian place. Schultz wanted to change the format of American coffee shops, and at the same time give the mass consumer the opportunity to try good coffee.

Alas, upon returning to the States, Howard Schultz was unable to fully convey to his employers the beauty of the idea and they refused to change anything. In addition, the company's financial affairs were not going well and the business owners simply did not want to take risks. As a result, Howard Schultz quit Starbucks and started his own business.

Howard Schultz and his own business

After resigning, Schultz began searching for investors. He had to go through a lot of offices, but eventually, in 1985, his first coffee shop opened in Chicago, called Il Giornale, after the Milanese daily newspaper.

To say that things went well for Schultz is to greatly understate the success of his endeavor. Just 4.5 years later, Howard Schultz bought Starbucks from its previous owners for $4 million. After merging the brands, Schultz kept Starbucks as the main trade name, since by that time this trademark was firmly associated with high-quality and tasty coffee.

History of the Starbucks logo

And now - the most interesting part. All Starbucks fans and even those who have never tried coffee from this coffee chain should be wondering what the mermaid has to do with it and where the name came from.

The idea belongs to three founders, who spent quite a long time choosing a name for their brainchild. They settled on Herman Melville's famous novel, Moby Dick. At first they wanted to borrow the name of the ship on which the heroes of the book sailed - the ship was called "Pequod", but then they chose the name of Captain Ahab's first mate - Starbeck. And the image of the Siren (yes, that’s it) was borrowed from a 15th century engraving.

The first version of the logo was considered indecent: the two-tailed siren, located in a brown circle, had not only quite curvaceous, but also uncovered shapes. This image lasted 6 years - from 1971 to 1987.

Then, in 1987-1992, the main color of the logo became green, the fish tail was cut off a little, and the siren was “combed”, covering her chest with flowing hair. Stars appeared between the words in the logo.

The next version of the logo focused on the Siren's face - the lower part of the mermaid was removed. This happened in 1992 and was so until recently. And literally 2 years ago, in 2011, the green rim with the company name and stars disappeared from the logo, and the color of the logo became lighter.

  • Starbucks official website
  • Program from the series "Monsters, Inc.": Starbucks
  • Free electronic encyclopedia Wikipedia, section "Starbucks".
  • Howard Schultz, Dorie Jones Yeung/ Pour your heart into it. How Starbucks was built cup by cup
  • Howard Behar It's not about the coffee. Starbucks corporate culture

Today, one in five cups of coffee is drunk at Starbucks in the United States, but Howard Schultz, the owner and mastermind of the company, had to work hard to instill in Americans a love for this exquisite drink.

The story of three coffee lovers

In 1971, English teacher Jerry Baldwin, history teacher Zev Siegl, and writer Gordon Bowker each pooled $1,350, borrowed another $5,000, and opened a coffee bean store in Seattle, Washington. When choosing a name for the store, the name of the whaling ship from Herman Melville's novel "Moby Dick"? -? "Pequod" was first considered, but in the end it was rejected, and the name of Ahab's first mate? -?Starbuck was chosen. The logo was a stylized image of a siren.

The partners learned the correct selection of varieties and roasting of coffee beans from Alfred Peet, owner of Peet’s Coffee. Starbucks bought beans from Peet's Coffee for the first 9 months of operation, and then the partners installed their own roaster and opened a second store.

By 1981, there were 5 stores, a small coffee roasting factory and a trading division that supplied coffee beans to bars, cafes, and restaurants.

In 1979, the owners of Starbucks bought Peet's Coffee.

The store opened during a difficult period: at the end of the 60s, Americans were completely disillusioned with instant coffee, and most of them simply did not know that there was any other coffee besides instant. Therefore, there really weren’t many buyers.

Romantic Howard Schultz

Howard Schultz became one of Starbucks' true believers. Having tried Starbucks coffee, he immediately fell in love with it, because this coffee had nothing in common with what he had tried before.

[+] Schultz later recalled:“I went out into the street, whispering to myself: “My God, what a wonderful company, what a wonderful city. I want to be a part of them."

After leaving his post as CEO of the New York division of the tableware company Perstorp AB, Howard Schultz came to work at Starbucks.

He directed all his efforts to the development of the new company, but business was not going as well as he wanted. In total, Starbucks had only a few thousand regular customers.

1984 was a turning point in the history of the company. Once in Italy, Schultz discovered a completely new culture of coffee consumption. Unlike Americans, Italians drank coffee not at home, but in cozy coffee shops.

[+] The idea of ​​drinking coffee outside the home literally inspired Schultz.

He suggested that the owners of Starbucks open a coffee shop, but the proposal did not find support. The management was of the opinion that real coffee should be prepared at home.

But nothing could stop Schulz, and in 1985 he founded his own coffee shop, II Gionale. Things went so well that after 2 years he bought Starbucks from its founders for $4 million.

Bar counters appeared in all the company's stores, where professional baristas (coffee preparation specialists) ground coffee beans, brewed and served aromatic coffee.

The baristas knew all the regular customers by name and remembered their tastes and preferences. But even such impeccable service could not overcome the conservatism of the Americans: they were still not ready to drink real bitter coffee.

[+] Then Howard Schultz decided to make coffee light roast? -? lighter and more familiar to the average American. And this brought success to his business: America fell in love with this coffee.

Starbucks coffee shops received more and more visitors, and coffee sales in stores remained at the same level. This is how the company’s main business turned into a side business.

Meeting point

The popularity of Starbucks inspired not only consumers, but also competitors. Similar coffee shops began to open everywhere, but with lower prices. Even fast food restaurants and gas stations have started advertising "Espresso" to lure customers.

Following its stated benefits, Starbucks is completely changing the format of coffee shops, turning them into the best place to socialize.

The area of ​​the establishments has increased tenfold, and high bar stools at the counter have been replaced by cozy tables. With the ability to sit apart from other customers, Americans began making appointments at Starbucks.

[+] Howard Schultz wanted his chain of coffee shops to not just sell coffee, but to have a special atmosphere, becoming a third place between work and home.

In America, Starbucks has become the embodiment of democratic coffee shops for a new generation of visitors - educated and with good taste.

[+] Howard Schultz emphasized that his business is not to fill stomachs, but to fill souls. This is the secret to Starbucks' success.

Uncompromising quality

Starbucks' popularity continued to grow, but the company found it increasingly difficult to combine a wide variety of products with high quality products.

The fact is that the grains were delivered to Starbucks in special packaging - two-kilogram bags. As long as the bag was closed, the coffee retained its original freshness, but the opened bag had to be used within 7 days. This was unacceptable for rare and expensive coffees.

Starbucks found a way out here too. The company created its own technology for producing powdered coffee and, as a result, developed instant coffee that is as close as possible to natural coffee. The quality of the coffee was not affected, and the cost issue was successfully resolved.

In the 90s, America was already overwhelmed by a real coffee mania and obsession with Starbucks. The company was growing at a frantic pace - up to 5 new coffee shops were opening every day. By the end of the 1990s, Starbucks had more than 2,000 locations and was gaining recognition in Japan and Europe.

At the same time, the idea of ​​healthy eating is gaining momentum in California, the richest and most populous state in the United States. Californians began to count every calorie and decided that drinks made with full-fat whole milk were unhealthy.

At first, Starbucks resisted the fashion trend, fearing that skim milk would not allow the coffee to retain the same taste.

Diet coffee wasn't introduced until the company started losing customers. This is how drinks appeared on the menu, devoid of the taste of real coffee, but satisfying the tastes of consumers who care about their health.

Starbucks' business was running like clockwork, and in 2000, Howard Schultz decided to step away from direct management of the company to pursue new business projects.

By 2005, Starbucks had grown into a global chain with more than 8,300 coffee shops. By the end of 2007, 15,700 Starbucks coffee shops had already been opened in 43 countries. The company's revenues for 2007 amounted to $9.4 billion.

[+] Starbucks fame reached such a level that The Economist magazine introduced a “Starbucks Index” similar to the popular “BigMack Index”.

This index is an indicator of the economic situation in the country and is determined by the price of a standard cup of coffee at Starbucks.

Return of the Leader

In 2007, the situation at Starbucks began to seriously concern Howard Schultz: coffee shop patrons complained of a “loss of the spirit of romance.” Schultz knew perfectly well what was going on, and repeatedly drew the attention of the company’s top managers to the fact that:

  1. new machines for brewing coffee were higher than the previous ones, and this did not allow customers to monitor the process of preparing the drink;
  2. The new packaging preserved the beans well, but deprived the coffee shops of the subtle aroma that was so attractive to coffee connoisseurs.

In early 2008, Howard Schultz returned to leadership to restore the company's image. The economic crisis also made additional adjustments: optimizing costs, the company closed 600 coffee shops in 2008 and another 300?-?in 2009.

Now all the company’s efforts are aimed at overcoming the consequences of the crisis and improving service. Starbucks is actively helped in this by its customers by publishing their reviews and suggestions on the website.

  1. The company logo was an image of a siren with a bare chest and navel. The image of the siren symbolizes that Starbucks coffee comes from the far corners of the world. The original Starbucks logo can still be seen on the first store in Seattle.
  2. Schultz was advised to unite coffee shops and stores under one name, Starbucks. Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft and one of the company's early investors.
  3. Starbucks locations always meet the following requirement: the front door faces east or south, never north. Visitors should enjoy daylight without being disturbed by it.
  4. The music played in Starbucks coffee shops spans its entire network: the composition that you hear in New York is playing at the same minute in Seattle. Moreover, each coffee shop has a unique interior design and atmosphere.
  5. A year ago, Starbucks joined the AIDS Foundation's (PRODUCT) RED™ program, donating a percentage of its profits to research and treatment of the virus in Africa.
  6. Over the course of the year, the company collected donations that will be enough for 7 million days of medical support for HIV-infected people in Africa.

Quotes by Howard Schultz

“We just didn’t know it couldn’t be done, so we did it.” “We believe that business should mean something. It must be based on some original product that exceeds the client’s expectations.” “Coffee without people? is a theoretical concept. People without coffee? -? also neither this nor that.” “If we consider a butterfly, based on the laws of aerodynamics, it should not be able to fly. But the butterfly doesn’t know this, that’s why it flies.” “Dreaming is one thing, but when the moment comes, you have to be ready to leave your normal life and start searching for your own sound.” “If you say you never had a chance, maybe you just didn't take it.”