How to remove coffee stains? How to wash coffee from white and colored clothes

There are often cases when, in an attempt to get to work on time, coffee spills on your favorite blouse or trousers. No one is immune from this, as a result of which people are faced with the procedure for removing stains. However, an important feature of the invigorating drink is that coffee contains tanning components. They are absorbed very quickly, so the chances of success decrease with each passing hour. Let's consider options on how to remove new and old stains at home.

All of the methods listed below are suitable for both white and colored items. You should be careful with delicate fabrics whose fibers are very thin. Before using the composition in large quantities, do not forget to conduct a preliminary test in an area inconspicuous to the eye.


  1. Mix 45 ml in a ceramic bowl. turpentine and 30 gr. fine salt, spread the product onto the stain, wait about 20 minutes. After this, scrub the dirt with a brush, distribute the composition again, and leave for half an hour. At the end of the manipulations, soak the clothes in water for 1 hour, add powder and rinse aid. Wash the item in a machine and dry it in the shade in the fresh air.
  2. Mix turpentine oil and glycerin in equal quantities and soak a cotton pad in the mixture. Make a compress and leave for 25 minutes. After this, prepare a solution for soaking: pour 150 ml into 5 liters of water. dishwashing detergent, stir until a thick foam forms. Place the item in the solution, soak for 10 minutes, then rub the stain with your hands. After the coffee stain has disappeared, wash in a convenient way.

Sodium borate, or "borax"

  1. Soak the cosmetic disc in vodka or ethyl (medicinal) alcohol and leave to soak for 10 minutes. Rinse your clothes with warm water, then prepare a new mixture. Combine 30 ml into one composition. sodium borate solution (sold at the pharmacy) and 50 ml. whole milk, stir and dip a cotton swab into the mixture. Wipe the coffee stain several times, wash the item by hand or in a machine at 30 degrees.
  2. Dilute in 400 ml. clean water 45 ml. borax solution, soak the stain in the mixture, leave for 20 minutes. Now you need to treat the coffee trail with a solution of lactic acid and water mixed in a ratio of 1:4. Soak a cosmetic swab in the prepared mixture and apply it to the stain, wait 10 minutes. After this, machine wash and dry the items in the fresh air, avoiding UV rays.


It is allowed to use both laundry and tar soap of high concentration (72%). You should not buy a product with additives like “Antipyatin” or “Eared Nannies”, they are less effective.

  1. Break off ¼ of the soap bar and grate it on a grater with a small section. Pour boiling water (300 ml) over the shavings and stir with a wooden spatula or spoon. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, let it cool. Soak a foam sponge in the solution, apply the mixture to the coffee stain, and leave to soak for half an hour. When the time is up, scrub the product with a toothbrush and repeat the steps. 2-3 procedures are enough to completely remove a fresh stain. In the case of old stains, increase the amount of chips to 1/3 per 300 ml. water.
  2. The technique is designed for cotton, preferably white. In rare cases, you can use the composition to remove stains from the surface of dark and colored clothing. Pour 300-350 ml into an enamel pan. clean water, add 30 g. baking soda, boil. Rub a small square of soap about 2*2 cm in size and add it to the water. When the composition dissolves, do not cool it. Place the item on a flat surface above the bathtub, pour the solution into a glass container with a convenient neck. Water the coffee stain with a thin stream, maintaining a height of 50-60 cm. When finished, wipe the coffee stain with a brush, and remove again if necessary.


  1. The method is suitable for absolutely all types of fabric, including wool and silk. Boil 350 ml on the stove. purified water, pour in 55 ml. ammonia. Grind ¼ of a soap bar into shavings and add to the composition. Simmer in a water bath for about 10 minutes, then cool. Dampen a cosmetic pad or cotton handkerchief and wipe the stained area several times. Rinse with water, remove 2 more times. After the last treatment, do not remove the mixture; place the clothes to be washed, setting the appropriate mode.
  2. Dilute 25 ml into one composition. glycerin, 10 ml. ammonia, pour in 270 ml. warm water. Stir, soak the sponge in the solution, and treat the stain 4-5 times. Since the composition is used at room temperature, it is suitable for processing silk and other delicate fabrics. To make a more effective mixture, heat it in a convenient way. If possible, complete the procedure by machine washing, adding not powder, but 40 grams to the second compartment. baking soda.


In most cases, glycerin copes even with stains that are two months old, but in this case it is necessary to carry out 2-3 procedures in a row.

  1. Buy liquid glycerin at a pharmacy or cosmetic store. Pour the contents of the bottle into an enamel container and heat on the stove. You can heat the mixture by placing the tube in boiling water or use the microwave. When the glycerin heats up, soak a cotton swab in it and wipe the stain on both sides. The disc will darken as it is processed and must be replaced each time. When the coffee stain lightens, pour a small amount of glycerin onto it and wait 40-50 minutes. After completing the manipulations, wash the product by hand.
  2. Combine crushed salt and glycerin into one composition, and you should end up with a paste-like mixture. Spread it in an even thick layer over the stain, place cling film on top and wait 10 minutes. Then rub the mixture into the stain with your hands, rinse off the excess with water. Apply again, wait 20 minutes. Finish removing coffee stains by washing in a machine and adding a softening conditioner.


The product is used only in cases of contamination on the surface of white or very light-colored products.

  1. Pour 200 ml into an enamel pan. clean water, add 1 sachet of citric acid and boil. Wait until the crystals have completely dissolved, then proceed with processing. Wet the area around the coffee stain with cold water and, if possible, rub the area with an ice cube. Take a little citric acid solution into a syringe, squeeze the contents onto the stain and press on both sides with polyethylene. Leave for a quarter of an hour, then wash the item by hand.
  2. Squeeze the juice from 1-2 lemons (based on the size of the stain), moisten the area around the coffee stain with cold water, and spread the lemon juice over the stain. Wait about 30 minutes, then machine or hand wash.


  1. Mix 50 gr. washing powder, 15 gr. baking soda, pour vinegar solution (6%) to obtain a semi-dry mass. Add ice-cold purified water, bringing the mixture to a paste. Rub the coffee stain with an ice cube on both sides, apply the prepared product in a thick layer, and leave for 5 minutes. At the end of the time, rub the mixture with a sponge, rinse, and if necessary, perform another procedure. Complete the procedure by rinsing and washing in water at room temperature.
  2. Brew 35 g. sage in 320 ml. hot water, wait 20 minutes, strain through gauze and cotton wool. Distribute the solution into ice cube trays and freeze. Pour 5 liters of water into a basin, add ice cubes, and add clothes. Wait 1 hour, then remove, squeeze and wipe with vinegar solution mixed with water in equal proportions. If desired, you can add the juice of half a lemon.

Coffee stains are rightfully considered difficult to remove, so if possible, remove them immediately, and not after 1-2 months. Use folk remedies such as vinegar, borax (sodium borate), lemon, ammonia, glycerin and soap. Follow the recommendations, do not violate the time of the procedure, then everything will work out.

Video: how to quickly remove coffee stains

Traditionally, most people start their morning with a cup of hot, invigorating drink to wake up, but, alas, sometimes unpleasant incidents happen. It's easy to spill coffee in a hurry. This raises the question of how to wash coffee.

Many people believe that it is impossible to remove stains from coffee. In fact, you need to act quickly and follow the tips outlined below, and you will know how to clean coffee quickly and forever.

The very first action should be to remove the stain. But it happens that at this moment you are outside the home and do not have the necessary funds at hand. What to do?

In such a situation, use hot water. Place the area where there are fresh traces of the drink under the stream, but do not wash it off. Such stains easily spread and grow on fabrics.

Your task now is to prevent the coffee from drying out. You can also sprinkle salt on the fresh stain; these two options will prolong the freshness of the stain and increase your washing time.

Remember that the water should not be boiling water. Its temperature should not exceed 60 degrees Celsius.

The faster you start cleaning the stain, the easier and faster you will be able to remove it.

If you intend to wash the stain as quickly as possible, then you should blot the contaminated area with a napkin, towel, or cotton pad. This way, less coffee will be absorbed into the fabric.

You can also immediately use a stain remover. Just check whether it is suitable for this type of fabric, this is indicated on the label. The product should usually be applied to the stain, left for about 10-15 minutes and rinsed thoroughly in water. Never overuse stain remover as it may damage the fabric or leave stains. See below for how to remove coffee stains without effort or special products.

Proven ways to deal with coffee stains

  1. White items made from natural fabrics such as linen and cotton can be washed using ordinary washing soap. After washing, it is recommended to boil the clothes, which should not be done with colored items made from natural fabric. This is the first option for how to remove coffee from white clothes, but there are others.
  2. For wool and silk clothes, a method using a solution of soap and ammonia is suitable. You will need to make soap shavings, mix them with 3-6 teaspoons of ammonia and 1 liter of water. Wash the stain in the solution you prepared yourself, then wash the item in.
  3. If it turned out that you didn’t have time or you simply didn’t have the opportunity to wash away the fresh traces of coffee, and they dried up. You should soak the item in cool salted water for 20-30 minutes, depending on how much the stain is absorbed into the fabric. Then wash with soap and rinse thoroughly in water at the temperature recommended on the label.
  4. There is also a method that is popular among the people. The contaminated area is rubbed with dry soap, then cleaned with a brush, and rinsed in water with a two percent ammonia content. It can be used to remove coffee from jeans.
  5. Silk will help clean a solution of 20 grams of alcohol, 20 grams of water and 1 gram of ammonia. Rub the mixture onto the stain, then dry it with a towel or napkin and rinse in water.
  6. Fresh stains can be removed with glycerin. Warm it up and apply it to the dirt, leave it for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.
  7. If the stain is already old and dry, then there is another recipe for using glycerin. 1 teaspoon of water and exactly the same amount of glycerin are mixed with a couple of drops of ammonia. Rub with this solution until the stain disappears before your eyes. Then wash the item in the usual way.
  8. Another effective method for cleaning coffee stains is a paste of table salt and glycerin. Apply it to the stain and rub it until it loses its color, then throw the item in the washing machine on a regular wash cycle.
  9. Another proven method is hydrogen peroxide from white coffee. It is good for bleaching stains, especially on white or light-colored fabrics. This makes it very convenient to remove stains from carpets and sofas, because washing them completely is not easy, and sometimes impossible.
  10. Do not forget that on a white shirt you can use bleaches such as peroxide, bleach, and other special products that contain bleach.
  11. But vinegar will help to remove stains even from colored fabrics. A solution of vinegar and water is prepared in a ratio of 1 to 1. The item is soaked in vinegar water for 5-15 minutes, and then washed off or washed with a damp towel or napkin. This method is suitable even for colored carpets and furniture.

Don't be afraid to spill your favorite drink; there are many effective, time-tested methods to remove these types of stains.

Now, with the tips outlined above, you know how to wash coffee from clothes, how to get rid of fresh or old coffee stains, from stains on white fabrics and on colored ones, how to get rid of coffee residues on different types of fabrics. You know how to clean furniture and carpets, even those with cotton coverings, using simple and accessible products.

It is not easy to wash coffee from clothes; it is advisable to get rid of it in the first minutes after it gets on the item. To remove coffee from white and colored fabrics, various means are used. These can be washing powders, homemade solutions and mixtures. They allow you to remove even old stains.

A coffee stain on clothes can be removed with powder or bleach at home. Effective methods from housewives will also help with this.

Fresh stain

It is possible to wash off a coffee stain if it has just formed. You need to use the recipe:

  1. Take table salt and glycerin.
  2. Mix the components in a 1:1 ratio.
  3. Apply the mixture to the area of ​​the stain, covering the area beyond its outline.
  4. Leave the composition for 30 minutes.

The result is a rapid discoloration of the yellow stains from the substance. After the trace of the drink begins to fade, you should soak the item in hot water and washing powder. The method helps to remove contamination from juices, ink, and fatty substances.


It is not always possible to quickly trace a trail. There is the following useful method:

  1. Pour warm water into a basin.
  2. Pour 3 tbsp into a container. soda
  3. Soak your shirt in the mixture.

Soak clothes in hot water with powder and wash as usual.

If the mark on clothing remains for a long period, the following methods are suitable for getting rid of it:

  1. Dilute 100 gr. salt in 10 liters of water.
  2. Soak the jacket for 3-5 hours, then thoroughly rub the stained area.
  3. Mix ammonia and glycerin, 5 grams of each substance, add a little water.
  4. Soak cotton wool in the mixture and rub the dirty area.

The result is that the old stain will come off in 10 minutes.

How to remove coffee stains

Colored fabric will become discolored if highly concentrated aggressive products are used.

Colored things

It is more difficult to get rid of coffee stains on colored materials. An important condition is to maintain the richness of the color.

Whitening methods are as follows:

  1. Apply a 10% borax solution to the stain.
  2. A solution of 5% citric acid and 1 tsp will help remove traces. salt.

After using the first or second method, you should thoroughly rinse the item in cold water.

Black cotton can be washed as follows:

  1. Soak the T-shirt in the baking soda solution. Wait 3 hours. The mixture provides 3 tbsp for 5 liters of warm water. soda Baking soda prevents dirt from attaching to the fibers.
  2. First, soak the item in powder with the addition of 3 tbsp. soda After 60 minutes, add white for colored items. Boil for 30 minutes.

This method will help remove old stains.

For synthetic fabrics:

  1. Take 3 tbsp. salt and dissolve in 5 liters of water. Leave the item for 120 minutes. Then wash in powder.
  2. You can wash off dirt in the following solution: 1 tsp. ammonia, 1 tbsp. laundry soap shavings, 200 ml. water. Apply the contents to clothing, wait 20 minutes, then wash with powder.
  3. Leave the borax on the stain for up to 10 minutes. Wash with powder.

Do not use pure alcohol. The product will tear the fibers.

The following recipes will help you remove traces from a wool or silk robe:

  1. Mix equal parts of powder, vinegar, and water and hold on the contaminated area for up to 5 minutes. Then wash in powder.
  2. Rub the mark on the woolen item with gasoline. Then wipe the area with water and ammonia in equal parts. Wash.
  3. Stir five small spoons of a mixture of ammonia with laundry soap shavings in 1 liter of water. Soak a cotton pad in the mixture and rub the contaminated area. Wash thoroughly.

The sofa and carpet can be washed perfectly using hydrogen peroxide. Testing should be done from the side to avoid damaging the furniture. If there are no streaks left, you can apply the product to the contaminated area. Soak a cotton pad in peroxide and rub the area. For lasting results, add 2-3 drops of ammonia.

A sweater made of delicate fibers requires a special approach:

  1. The water temperature should be 30 degrees. Add 30 gr. ammonia, grate a little baby soap and pour into water. This will help soften it. Soak the fabric for 10-15 minutes. Wash in powder.
  2. Soak a cotton pad in gasoline and wipe the contaminated area. Then rinse off the product using ammonia and water in equal parts.

Do not twist knitted items after washing, lay them out on the table.

White clothes

You can wash black coffee from white clothes in the following ways:

  1. A snow-white bomber jacket can be washed with lemon juice. You can take 2 tsp. lemon and add 1 tsp. oxalic acid, mix and pour 200 ml. warm water. Treat the mark on the jacket, wait 2-3 minutes and wash.
  2. White cotton fabric is soaked in soapy water for 10 minutes. Apply white for 2 minutes, then wash.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide cleans synthetic fibers. Take 100 ml. water, 1 tbsp. peroxide, apply the composition to the stain for 15 minutes. Then wash the wardrobe item.
  4. A snow-white fur coat can be bleached with hydrogen peroxide. Wet the cotton wool and wipe the contaminated area.

An effective dishwashing detergent will quickly remove dirt. You need to drop a couple of drops onto the contaminated area and lather. After 5 minutes, wash the item.

Vinegar and glycerin will help remove stains from white silk.

  1. Dilute vinegar in water in equal parts. Apply to the stain and leave for up to 15 minutes.
  2. Glycerin will make your wardrobe items snow-white if you apply it for 10 minutes and rub it with a brush and soapy water.

In both cases, after the procedure, wash the item in the usual way.

Review of special products for washing coffee stains

You can get rid of stains using stain removers. They should be used following the instructions to avoid damage.

Name Compound Effect
White Chlorine based. Enhanced by boiling. Suitable for cotton, linen fibers.
Eared nanny Sodium cocoate, glycerin, water. No dyes, chlorine. Anti-allergenic, can be used in cold water, suitable for children's clothes.
Ecover 15-30% anionic plant-based bio-surfactants, zeolites, Delicate, gentle care. Cleans all fibers.
Antipyatin Bile, glycerin, sodium salts of fatty acids, sodium chloride. Removes marks from delicate fabrics, there are different types: soap, gel, aerosol.
Sarma Active Enzyme complex, no chlorine. Removes old stains, suitable for all types of fibers, except silk and wool.
Amway Natural. An expensive product with an effective, quick effect on delicate fabrics.
Vanish Oxi Action Crystal White Nonionic, anionic surfactants – less than 5%, oxygen-containing bleach – 30%. From visible to small marks, obsolete marks from fatty foods.
Anti-stain 5-15% nonionic surfactants, 5-15% solvent, 30% water, 5% ox bile. Eliminates old yellow marks.
Oxygen bleach Almawin Natural. For linen products, linen, curtains, effectively whitens and refreshes color.

User lifehacks:

  1. For white jeans, a good product is Domestos. Makes things snow-white, even removes stains after mixing things during washing.
  2. Rub the jeans with dry soap and brush them. Rinse in 2% ammonia and water solution.
  3. Spread on Fairy and leave for 2 hours.
  4. Udalix effectively removes colored marks.

What not to do

For delicate fabrics the following methods should not be used:

  • Do not use lemon juice for colored fabrics;
  • the fabric is destroyed by frequent use of chlorine-based products;
  • boiling water is harmful to synthetic threads;
  • It is prohibited to overexpose the stain remover;
  • Do not use undiluted ammonia;
  • For colored wool, do not use aggressive bleaches.

Before purchasing aggressive products, consult the seller. When using at home, test the product on the back of the fabric. Before using the composition, the washing water should be softened by adding soda.

Delicate fabrics require special treatment. It is better to entrust the item to dry cleaning specialists. In other situations, the flaw can be dealt with at home using the effective remedies indicated in the article.

A disaster happened and you knocked over a cup of your favorite drink? There is no time to think about how to remove a coffee stain - you need to act as soon as possible! Regardless of what exactly was damaged: a white blouse, a woolen sweater, or a carpet in general, in our selection you will definitely find a method that will help remove coffee stains specifically in your situation.

Boiling water and hot water

Of course, ideally you need to soak the item immediately after a coffee stain has formed, but this is not always feasible. But you will most likely succeed in exposing only the stained area under a stream of hot or warm water: keep the stain under the stream until it is washed out. If the stain is not completely gone, sprinkle it with salt and use one of the methods listed below at home.

To easily wash off dried coffee, pour boiling water over it: slowly pour hot water from the kettle onto the stain, and then wash as usual.

Please note that boiling water can only be used on cotton or linen, as it can damage wool, silk and synthetics.

Saline solution or soda ash

If the coffee stain has dried, but is not yet old, you can soak the item in a salt or soda solution for an hour or two, and then wash it with regular powder. This method can be applied to clothes of any color and from any fabric, but if the coffee has dried and ingrained into the fibers, then you will have to move on to heavier artillery.

Typically, for a solution per 2 liters of water, add 1 tbsp. l. salt or soda, but nothing bad will happen if you increase the concentration a little.

Mixtures with glycerin

In fact, even pure glycerin can help remove coffee stains, and in combination with other active ingredients, it will be able to handle even the most difficult coffee stain.

  • Apply slightly warm glycerin to the stain and leave it on the clothes for 20-30 minutes. After washing in the machine, not a trace will remain of the stain!
  • Mix glycerin with salt and rub the resulting slurry into the coffee stain. The exposure time of the mixture is also about 30 minutes, after which the clothes are machine washed as usual.
  • Replace the glycerin with a borax solution, which also effectively removes coffee.

After using glycerin, traces may remain, but they can be easily removed with ordinary laundry soap.


Ammonia is widely used in bleaching clothes and can help remove coffee stains. You should not use it in its pure form, as the product is quite aggressive. Instead, use one of these mixtures to scrub off your coffee.

  • Mix 1 tsp. glycerin, 1 tsp. ammonia and 1 tbsp. l. water. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and blot the dirt.
  • Dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of water. ammonia and about 20 grams of soap shavings. Wet the stain with the solution and leave for 15-20 minutes. After this, wash the item in the machine as usual.

Solutions with ammonia, despite their apparent aggressiveness, can be used on finicky silk and wool items without the risk of ruining the item.

When using ammonia, pay special attention to rinsing the clothes, otherwise the pungent odor will remain on the dried item.


If a white item has been damaged and it was not possible to completely remove the coffee stain using the above methods, the ingrained coffee can simply be bleached. Any familiar remedy will do for this: “Whiteness,” peroxide, or even boiling if the item is made of cotton or linen.

Many housewives replace Belizna with Domestos, which also contains bleach, as they consider it a more effective remedy.


A mixture of equal parts vinegar, water and washing powder applied to a stain can help wash even very heavily soiled items. Apply the solution to the stain, wait 5-10 minutes and rinse the product thoroughly. It is also convenient to use a solution of vinegar and water (1:1) to treat a stained sofa or carpet of any color.

If the product (for example, a sofa or carpet) cannot be placed under running water, try to remove as much coffee from the pile or upholstery as possible with napkins. This will greatly facilitate further manipulation of the stain.

So don’t rush to throw away a damaged item: even dried coffee can be washed off from any product if you know truly proven products!

Favorite clothes or beautiful furniture can be seriously damaged by an accidentally planted stain. Such pollution comes from a wide variety of origins. But if the stain remains from coffee, then the fight against it becomes several times more difficult. After all, such pollution is quite insidious. They are always rich and bright, just like the drink itself. And the most unpleasant thing is that most often they belong to the category of outdated ones. After all, in the morning, when the incident usually happens, there is practically no time left to deal with the problem. And yet, it is quite possible to eliminate an unpleasant stain if you know how to wash coffee. Let's figure it out.

What to choose?

What to do if branded clothing or new furniture is damaged? How to remove coffee stains? The main thing is not to despair.

Every housewife knows very well about effective, potent remedies. However, we should not forget about traditional methods that have been proven over the years. In addition, chemicals are not always at hand, and the opportunity to immediately go to the store is not an attractive prospect at all.

If we talk about home remedies, then most of them are always at hand. In addition, they are no less effective than aggressive store-bought drugs. Therefore, let's figure out how to wash coffee using available products.

Removing fresh stains

How to wash coffee if a drop of the drink has just spilled on your clothes?

Fresh stains can be easily removed with a mixture of glycerin and kitchen salt. Mix these components. Then apply the resulting mixture to a fresh stain. Leave the mixture on the fabric for approximately 30 minutes. You will see how glycerin salts perfectly discolor yellow stains.

As soon as the stains begin to disappear, wet the item and wash it as usual.

Old stains

Now you know how to remove a recent coffee stain. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to declare a merciless war on pollution immediately. What to do if you urgently need to run to work, and a completely unaesthetic stain is emblazoned on your beautiful blouse?

Let's figure out how to wash coffee in this situation. Fill a basin with warm water. Add some baking soda to the liquid. Stir the water thoroughly. Soak your blouse in a basin. And when you return from work, do a full wash using special products.

If the stain has completely dried, the procedure becomes much more complicated.

  1. Initially, the item must be soaked in water and salt. The solution is prepared taking into account the proportions: 100 g of salt per 10 liters of water. Soak the stain for several hours. Then wash.
  2. Mix glycerin and ammonia (5 g each). Add a little water to the mixture. A cotton swab is moistened in the resulting product. Then carefully wipe the coffee stain. After a few minutes, the contamination will disappear.

Removing stains from white clothes

Unfortunately, very often it is light-colored fabrics that become contaminated. The question arises - how to wash coffee from white clothes?

There is an excellent traditional method for getting rid of this kind of pollution. You will need lemon juice. It is best to use a freshly squeezed drink. Citric acid can be a good substitute for juice. These components have excellent whitening properties.

Use the following great method to remove coffee stains on white:

  1. Combine citric acid (2 tsp) and oxalic acid (1 tsp).
  2. Add water (200 ml) to the mixture.
  3. Carefully treat all coffee stains.
  4. Now stretch the thing.

Removing stains from colored items

Dyed fabrics require a special approach. When thinking about how to wash coffee, remember that your procedure should not lead to a loss of brightness of colors.

To protect colored items from fading, it is recommended to use a borax solution (10%). It will perfectly remove unpleasant coffee stains. In addition, this product is quite effective in combating stains left behind by tea.

So, let's look at how to wash coffee from clothes:

  1. Treat the stain thoroughly with a borax solution.
  2. The resulting stains can be easily removed under the influence of lemon juice (5%) or acid with the addition of a pinch of salt.
  3. All that remains is to rinse the item in cold and warm water.

When thinking about how to wash coffee from white or colored clothes, be sure to take into account the structure of the fabric. Methods for dealing with contamination largely depend on what material was damaged.

  1. If stains remain on linen or cotton fabrics, what should you do? How to remove coffee stains on white? Cleansing is done by boiling. Linen or cotton must be soaked in a basin of water, after adding soda ash to it. To separate the dirt, after 40 minutes put the pan on the fire. Add liquid bleach to the water, maintaining the ratio: 60 ml per 1 liter of water. The liquid should boil. Now things need to be carefully transferred to the pan. Boiling continues for 30 minutes.
  2. There is a great old-fashioned method to remove coffee stains from silk fabric. Combine ammonia (1 part), water (20 parts), alcohol (20 parts). Use a cotton swab to thoroughly wipe off the stain. Now use a dry cloth to dry the wet stain. Finally, wash the item lightly.
  3. If a coffee stain appears on a woolen product, then this method will help you. Rub the dirt thoroughly with dry soap. After this, carefully work it with a regular brush, after moistening it in a solution of ammonia (2%). Wash the item. Wipe the stain with a swab soaked in gasoline. After this procedure, treat the contamination with a solution containing water and ammonia. These components must be mixed in equal quantities.

It is extremely unpleasant if coffee stains are found on your favorite things. To get rid of them, you have to spend a lot of time and effort so that the clothes shine with their original shine. However, measures taken in a timely manner can greatly facilitate the task. After all, the fight against fresh stains is always more effective and happens much faster!