Office romance between Aries and Cancer. Is it worth starting an office romance? Relationships should not interfere with work responsibilities

Every weekday is a holiday for you, daily problems at work no longer seem so stressful, have you really fallen in love with a colleague? But what can this love lead to? We will tell you about all the pros and cons.


You know each other well

The awkwardness and trepidation of first dates is not about you. After a couple of dozen joint presentations, brainstorming sessions, negotiations and business trips, you seem to know everything about each other and, most importantly, you are never bored with each other - thanks to your common work, you also share many difficulties and joys. So in the list of “office romance: pros and cons,” the opportunity to thoroughly study the character traits of a new fan should be taken into account as a big plus.


Risk of being deceived

No matter how much one would like not to think about it, the most mundane reasons are sometimes hidden behind the beautiful courtship of colleagues. Try to assess the situation calmly for a moment: is your admirer, following the advice from the ageless Soviet comedy, trying to “hit” you in order to achieve the desired promotion, negotiate an important contract or gain access to valuable information? Listen to your intuition, be careful, take your time and carefully observe the gentleman’s behavior: time will tell how sincere his feelings are.


You are almost inseparable

In studies conducted to determine the reasons for office romances, many respondents sincerely admitted that it was simply convenient. And indeed: if relationships outside the office involve daily partings, meetings late at night and only weekends together, then you can enjoy communication with a colleague throughout the day. This is an important argument, especially considering that we spend at least a third of our lives at work.


Relationships for everyone to see

You can convince yourself as much as you like that you and your lover “could serve in intelligence or act in films,” but don’t even doubt it: even an accounting intern, whose name you most likely don’t remember, knows about your relationship. The relationship between co-workers is something like a series, a kind of live reality show, and as a rule, for the “viewers” ​​(that is, your colleagues) there is nothing sweeter than discussing the “content of the latest episodes.” So be prepared to courageously accept the fact that your relationship will become the object of close observation and endless gossip from everyone around you.


Increased efficiency

Surprisingly, romantic relationships at work very often not only do not harm, but, on the contrary, contribute to high-quality work - happy lovers are full of energy and enthusiasm and are sometimes ready to move mountains. Moreover, in some professional fields, romance between co-workers is even encouraged; A striking example is the police and intelligence services in the United States: the leadership of these organizations is convinced that their employees are ideal partners for each other, since they know the intricacies of their difficult craft, are able to support and understand their lover and, as a result, are better able to cope with inevitable stress and work with greater impact.


Career risk

When comparing all the points on the list of “office romance: pros and cons,” keep in mind that a romantic relationship with a colleague can not only increase, but, on the contrary, powerfully reduce the effectiveness of your work, and sometimes even cost you your career. Imagine what torture your usual office will be for you if the affair ends in a painful breakup - especially if it is not you who initiated it. Or imagine the difficult position you would be in if management made you your lover's boss and you had to assign tasks to him and report to him for being late and missing deadlines. It is not for nothing that in some Western companies the practice of so-called “Love contracts” is becoming increasingly popular - agreements concluded between the company management and colleagues in love: in particular, these documents may include clauses on ethical behavior in the workplace, time management (so that lovers did not waste time communicating by mail and over tea) and participating in joint projects.

Useful tips

Mid-autumn will bring you many new and interesting events in the love sphere. Moreover, these events can be both positive and very stressful. Some may face breakups, others may face major changes in their relationships.

We will see the first half of the month Venus in Virgo , where she entered last month. Virgo is a serious and practical sign, so any relationship that may begin until October 14, 2017, will be taken very seriously. Even the most frivolous people in these first two weeks of the month, they will approach the choice of acquaintances or existing relationships with all seriousness.

Read also:General astrological forecast for all zodiac signs for OCTOBER 2017

Virgo is also quite picky, so doesn't like casual relationships. On days when Venus moves through the sign of Virgo, people will be less likely to rush into quick one-night stands.

Important aspects of Venus in October 2017

In October Venus and Mars– two planets important for relationships will meet in the sign of Virgo. This will happen at the beginning of the month - October 5, 2017. On days close to this conjunction, people of the opposite sex will pull each other stronger than usual. The desire to love and be loved will especially intensify at this time. Although Virgo is not a very passionate sign, you can’t expect great passions now. However, you can completely do without strong passions.

There is now a high probability of office romances, that is, this is the ideal time when a business relationship can develop into a love relationship. However, be careful about excessive flirting at work: you may be misunderstood.

October 7 and 8, 2017 can be expected very conflicting emotions: It will be difficult to understand your feelings and desires. In some couples, coldness, detachment and indifference to the feelings of the other party may grow. These days, we do not advise you to sort things out or demand something from your partner, as pressure can worsen the relationship. It is possible that weak ties will break, and strong relationships will also be tested for strength.

Valid days for wedding: October 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 29, 30, 2017.

Astrological forecast: love life of zodiac signs in October 2017

♈ Aries love horoscope for October 2017

This month, your relationships with partners may be quite difficult, especially towards the end of the month, when Venus and Pluto will make a negative aspect. There may be quarrels and disagreements: partners will not understand your goals and aspirations. Your relationship may deteriorate. If you correctly perceive the situations that you will encounter together with your partners, and are not too categorical and harsh with them, serious problems can be avoided. Take care of your partners, you should not make important decisions, they may turn out to be premature.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : disagreements with partners, clarification of relationships, misunderstandings with partners.

♉ Love horoscope Taurus for October 2017

The beginning of the month can be very successful for you: your love life will be in full swing, there are chances to make new acquaintances and even meet your other half. Use first 5 days month in order to get the most positive emotions: communicate more, be visible, meet people on the Internet. But now it’s closer to October 8, 2017 try to reduce communication with the opposite sex. October 6-11, 2017 It is dangerous to sort things out and demand something from partners. In existing relationships, there is a risk of rupture or very serious crises, leading to coldness and distance between partners.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : dating, romantic relationships, having a good time, breakups, quarrels, separation.

♊ Love horoscope for Gemini for October 2017

This month will not bring you success in love, rather it will be quite stressful and will make you think. The events of this month in your love life may not seem the most pleasant at the beginning, but you will appreciate their meaning a little later. If your relationship is too strained or you feel like it's time for a big change, there's no better time. Moreover, situations may help you, and you will be able to make the right choice, albeit a painful one.

Luck : low.

Events in personal life : separation, breakups, serious changes in personal life.

♋ Cancer love horoscope for October 2017

In general, this month is not suitable for dating and starting serious relationships, as they will not be the most successful for you. You will find fault with little things and will find it difficult to perceive new acquaintances as potential partners. But still, the chance of meeting love is small, but there is. If you are single and want to find a partner, it is better to go looking for him in the first 5 days of the month: then there are more chances to make a romantic acquaintance. Later, the risks of unsuccessful and disappointing meetings increase.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : low likelihood of new romantic acquaintances, disappointing relationships.

♌ Leo love horoscope for October 2017

This month your personal life may change seriously. If earlier you were quite careless and frivolous in relationships with your partners, now you have to seriously think about what needs to be changed in your personal life. If you are single, you will want to find someone, if you are in a relationship, you will want passion and sharper and brighter emotions. Remember that everything is in your hands and do not be too afraid of the changes that may now occur. Be prepared for them.

Luck : high.

Events in personal life : changes in personal life, transition to another level of relationships.

♍ Virgo love horoscope for October 2017

This month you will especially want to love and be loved, but, unfortunately, not everything in your personal life will be cloudless and simple. You may be tormented by a feeling of loneliness, various experiences that you will not show to others and, as always, you will be quite stingy with emotions. Events that contribute to this can be very different: from a banal quarrel and disagreement with a partner, coldness in a relationship, misunderstanding to temporary separation or breakup.

Luck : low.

Events in personal life : various problems in personal life, obstacles to understanding.

♎ Libra love horoscope for October 2017

This month may bring events that will heighten your feelings and inner experiences. You will daydream and fantasize a lot, so some experiences will not be particularly supported by external events, rather they will be your memories or fantasies rather than anything specific. There may be secret love dates and meetings; it is also possible that you will meet a person with whom you will not advertise your relationship. In the second half of the month, everything may be revealed, secrets will become apparent, and at the same time you may experience not the most pleasant emotions.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : dreams and fantasies prevent you from looking soberly at the world, secret events in your personal life, betrayal, complex emotions and feelings.

♏ Love horoscope for Scorpio for October 2017

This month you will be very firm in your convictions, you will want to persistently achieve your goal and insist on your opinion. This can strain and even ruin relationships with existing partners. Lonely Scorpios can start relationships with people from a friendly group: friendships can develop into love ones. In the second half of the month, you will want to hide your feelings more. You may be tormented by emotions and strong internal contradictions. You may find it difficult to make any decisions regarding your partners. If you decide to break up with someone, it will be very difficult for you.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : communication and flirting in a friendly group, internal experiences, suspicion and anxiety, obsessive thoughts regarding personal partners, separation and separation from loved ones.

♐ Love horoscope Sagittarius for October 2017

In the first half of the month, you will be more concerned with work and career issues. Personal life may fade into the background, or events in your personal life will not be as bright as events in the professional sphere. In the second half of the month there may be disagreements and misunderstandings with partners, which are also related to your hobbies and friends. For example, your partners may not understand your desire to spend more time with friends and like-minded people.

Luck : low.

Events in personal life : There are no particularly important events, but there may be quarrels and disagreements with partners.

♑ Capricorn love horoscope for October 2017

This month it will be more difficult for you to restrain your negative emotions: you may become more picky and critical of your partners, which can lead to serious quarrels, disagreements and even a breakup! If you value your relationship, it is better to remain silent once again and do not find fault with trifles. In case of serious conflicts, restrain yourself and try to be alone for some time so that all passions subside and you can look at situations with a more sober gaze, without criticism.

Luck : low.

Events in personal life : quarrels and disagreements with partners.

♒ Aquarius love horoscope for October 2017

At the beginning of the month, your feelings and emotions will be very heightened. Events are possible that will affect the future development of your relationships with partners; fatal meetings are also possible. Your wishes may come true by themselves, you may be surprised by it. Your relationships with partners can become closer and more intimate, and deeper feelings will appear. But at the same time, not the most favorable events may await you this month: there may be one-sided love, or insufficient attention from partners. Not the best month for dating, especially with foreigners and people from afar.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : changes in relationships with partners, dissatisfaction with personal life, unhappy love.

♓ Pisces love horoscope for October 2017

The first week of the month will be very successful for you and your partners: you will be in a good mood, your partners will delight you and take care of you. You will feel special affection and gratitude. But closer to the middle of the month, situations may change. Any trifle can make you angry and ruin your relationship. There is an increased risk of relationship breakdown or serious crises in the partnership. It will be difficult to start a new relationship.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : mood swings, very different events - both good and unfavorable.

This good-natured, merry fellow is not as simple as he seems. Beneath the ordinary appearance hides an independent personality. The Virgo man will not show feelings for others, because he does not know how. Don't be offended by him for this. He has enough emotions and feelings inside. The horoscope for October promises to comprehend something qualitatively new. Virgo man has considerable inner strength and determination in the autumn season.


Getting emotions from a Virgo man can be extremely difficult. According to the horoscope, he is used to experiencing a lot inside and as a result he often suffers defeats on the love front. At the same time, his penchant for beautiful and well-groomed women is well known. Apparently for practical reasons, he prefers to choose attractive companions.

The horoscope conditionally divided the representatives of this sign into three main types in the love sphere:

  1. Single bachelor (usually reserved and not ready to start relationships with women)
  2. Lovelace (sex comes first for him)
  3. Lover (one who does everything in life with pleasure)

The brilliant prototype of the latter is Gosha from the Soviet film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.” It is also the most suitable for relationships.

The love horoscope for October promises some passivity in relationships with the opposite sex. This was preceded by a rather hot summer in terms of love. The Virgo man will want to be alone and pay attention to the issue of health. Having regained his strength, the man will be capable of loving exploits again. According to the horoscope, this period falls in November.

Minor ups and downs are predicted for family members. The other half is dissatisfied with your willingness to sacrifice everything to help your immediate family. The horoscope for October calls for the Virgo man to resolve the issue delicately, without offending either side. It is important to maintain secrecy.

Single men better think about the issues that come up tomorrow. Clear calculations and correct prioritization will help strengthen your financial position for a long time.


A penchant for deduction and an analytical mind can elevate a Virgo man to the pedestal of honor. Considerable successes in business are coming. In October, the financial horoscope especially favors representatives of the Earth zodiac; study the field of finance and generate money. A successful venture will make you a competent consultant and provide additional income.

If you believe the horoscope for October, Virgo will enter a state of detachment for a week. The Virgo Goat will especially succumb to such influence. By performing certain actions, the final goal becomes vague. At some point, the Virgo man will be puzzled by the question “Why do I need all this?” It’s great if there is a loved one or a good partner nearby who will help you cope with everything and remind you of your main dream.

“In the middle of the month, the concentration of planetary influence will be so high that Virgos will feel an incredible urge to invest. Most representatives will be successful at this. But the horoscope does not advise risking your finances at the end of the month. If the desire is irresistible, reduce the amount of investment."

From November, a new partner may appear on the horizon. Unfortunately, the horoscope advises the Virgo man to take a closer look at him. The stars predict a high probability of deception or unclean intentions. If possible, do not let anyone in on your financial successes.


According to the horoscope, the Virgo man will be subjected to moral torment in early October. The job you just offered holds many opportunities. But a loved one will put the question bluntly. Virgo will have to choose between a new perspective and love.

The career horoscope recommends showing leadership qualities in October. You are an excellent analyst, but something is stopping you from getting a leadership position. Think about it! If you are satisfied with everything, you can continue to work in this way. If, nevertheless, the task of growing is part of your plan, go for it. On the advice of the horoscope in October, sign up for training, take courses, inspire yourself to take a leading position. Patience and perseverance will be your friend on the path to success.

Employers generally frown upon romance in the workplace. But this does not bother the employees at all. According to surveys, 40% of workers have started relationships with colleagues at least once in their lives, and 18% of respondents met their spouse at work. Therefore, if you happen to fall in love with a colleague, do not be alarmed, but also do not forget about the safety rules.

Comply with corporate ethics

Be sure to find out what your bosses think about office romances. In some companies, it is considered good form when employees inform their superiors about their non-official relationships. During the conversation, the phrase must be said: “Of course, this will not affect our work in any way.”

Other companies do not pay attention to such “amorous issues” at all. At least until the romantic relationship affects the quality of work. But it could also be the other way around - everything is very strict, and if you want to have an affair, then one of you will have to quit of your own free will. Are you ready for this turn of events? What about your lover?

Relationships should not interfere with work responsibilities

The main commandment: non-work relationships should not interfere with your work responsibilities. And here a variety of situations are possible. Let's say you now go out to lunch together, sometimes you forget about the time and come back 20 minutes later. Or you quarreled with your loved one, play “silent” and at work also refuse to discuss professional issues with him. Or you miss a deadline because you put aside your work to help your sweetie cope with his responsibilities.

Be prepared for the fact that your colleagues will perceive your romance with disapproval and any mistake on your part will be multiplied by two: “Well, of course, now she has no time for work at all.” In order to avoid criticism of yourself, work even better than before, so that your boss and colleagues have nothing to reproach you for.

Be discreet

Do not create illusions - you are unlikely to be able to keep your relationship with your colleague a secret. There will definitely be someone who saw you holding hands on the street or going shopping together at the supermarket. Don't advertise your romance, but don't play spy games either. To all hints and open questions, calmly answer: “Yes, we are dating, but it has nothing to do with work.” Be sure to discuss with your loved one how you will now behave in public. Leave cute nicknames, kisses and other endearments outside the office threshold. Never, under any circumstances, tell your colleagues the details of your “office romance.” Even if you consider Marina from the sales department to be your friend. Even if you are sure that Marina is a flint and will not gossip. Even if you are overwhelmed with emotions and need to let off steam.

Think over the breakup

At the beginning of a relationship, when it seems that happiness will last forever, you don’t want to think about the bad. It would be worth it! Discuss this unpleasant but necessary topic with your lover: what you will do if you break up. Will one of you have to quit? If yes, then to whom? Or will you try to maintain a calm, friendly relationship after the breakup? Such a conversation becomes especially important when it comes to boss-subordinate relationships. A typical story: love has passed, and the former lover finds an excuse to get rid of unpleasant memories and an “inconvenient” employee.

Organize your personal space

If you start a serious affair with a colleague, your communication often turns into 24 hours a day, and you become inseparable. From the outside it can look very romantic - you and your loved one are together all the time and become one. In reality, lovers quickly get tired of such round-the-clock communication; they simply run out of topics to talk about. To make relationships more harmonious, each partner must maintain personal space. What can I fill it with? Meetings with friends, hobbies, entertainment, study - anything to gain new impressions and have time to miss your loved one.

The stars favor harmony in relationships, patronize lovers and create excellent conditions for finding life partners for those who have not yet met their destiny. However, in all matters relating to personal relationships, during this period one should exercise attentiveness, restraint and prudence.

Representatives of the sign risk being drawn into a long-term conflict with their partner due to disagreements over the dominant role in the relationship. You should not enter into open confrontation and zealously defend your right to a decisive vote. It is important to competently show the chosen one the importance of his opinion in resolving controversial issues.

Lonely Aries in mid-October will experience a mysterious affair, a declaration of love from an interesting person, and casual flirting on the Internet. If mutual sympathy arises, you can count on the continuation of the relationship in real life and a lot of unforgettable impressions.

Representatives of the sign are now irresistible and incredibly attractive to the opposite sex. The end of the month is conducive to romantic travel and a joint vacation with your chosen one.

For representatives of this sign, the month will begin with sensual flirting with a long-known acquaintance, whom they had never previously considered as a candidate for husband. And, by the way, it’s completely in vain! The stars advise you to take a closer look at this person - you will probably be able to discern many positive qualities in him.

Those who are already in a relationship can expect numerous grievances and mutual recriminations. But it’s not a matter of incompatibility or divergence of interests – the culprit is simple fatigue and lack of time for quality sleep.

Therefore, it's time to go out of town, take a walk in the forest or visit the sauna. Moreover, on vacation, many Taurus will be drawn to try something new. And this will have the best effect on improving relationships in a couple.

For single representatives of the sign, the beginning of October is not the best time for casual relationships and small affairs. Frivolous behavior during this period risks causing a lot of unpleasant consequences.

Geminis who are already in a relationship should not give their other halves the slightest reason for jealousy. Even the slightest flirtation with the opposite sex can now cause a storm of negative emotions and indignation of the partner.

In the middle of the month, the stars recommend that lonely Geminis make attempts to get closer to people they like. The natural charm of the representatives of the sign, which is especially noticeable to others in October, will help to achieve reciprocity and build a serious relationship with the chosen one. The end of the month is ideal for attending social events together.

At the beginning of October, representatives of the sign may be overwhelmed by a suddenly flared up feeling for a new acquaintance. You will want to plunge into the pool of passions and spend all your free time with your lover. However, the stars do not recommend rushing things and letting them develop too quickly. It is important to take a closer look at your chosen one and treat the relationship with a reasonable amount of caution - it is possible that the partner will turn out to be a skillful manipulator, eager to realize some selfish goals.

Family Cancers face a period full of calm and predictability. There is no reason for worry or worry - complete mutual understanding reigns in the family. At the end of October, it’s worth visiting mutual friends – friendly get-togethers will put you in a good mood and invigorate you perfectly! It also wouldn’t hurt to visit the relatives of both spouses.

Leos who have not yet found their soulmate, but are actively searching, can hope for a fateful meeting. Most likely, it will take place in the first ten days of the month. During this period, the attractiveness of the representatives of the sign increases significantly, and there is every chance to achieve the favor of a person who has long been liked and picky about connections. The main thing is to act carefully and not try to gain sympathy with an overly extravagant act.

Those who are married should take time to communicate with their partner, listen to their wishes and ask about their future plans. It is quite possible that your spouse will want to go on a tourist trip in the near future. There is no need to resist and postpone the trip - the stars are now favorable to any joint pastime.

October can become for many single representatives of the sign a time of sincere adoration and receiving a marriage proposal. It is possible that a person who until recently felt ordinary sympathy for Virgos will be inflamed with a very real and tender feeling for them this month. And that is great! The stars do not find any reason to refuse a fan - on the contrary, they even strongly recommend that the chosen one reciprocate and give consent without hesitation! The main thing is to be guided by the impulses of your heart and natural intuition - it will definitely not let you down now!

Those who have long tied themselves with the knot of Hymen will feel an unusually strong attraction to their partner and incredibly great passion in mid-October! We can say that the couple is waiting for a new honeymoon, which will allow each of the spouses to feel truly desired and loved again.

For some representatives of the sign, October may mark the beginning of a whirlwind office romance. It is possible that it will arise not just between colleagues of equal social status, but between a senior manager and his subordinate. In any case, extreme caution and precaution should be exercised. You shouldn’t start a relationship just because you want to advance your career and get serious. The stars warn that nothing good will come of this. On the contrary, the opened connection can play a cruel joke on Libra and jeopardize all labor achievements.

In October, family representatives of the sign will want to enjoy the company of their other halves in a calm, relaxed atmosphere and spend several evenings just the two of them. You can safely make plans, dream and fantasize - all this will not only come true, but will also improve the couple’s relationship.

Representatives of the sign, who have been looking for a life partner for a long time and are tired of loneliness and emptiness, can meet the partner of their dreams in the very first days of October. The main thing is not to sit cooped up during this period, but to actively attend social events - go to concerts, exhibitions, cinemas or corporate parties. It is there that there is a high probability of making a promising acquaintance, which can subsequently lead Scorpios to the registry office. Just don’t try your best to please others; it’s important to behave with restraint and appropriateness.

Representatives of the sign who are in a relationship will be immersed in the problems of their other half and solving everyday issues, and this month, alas, a lot of them will accumulate. The end of October is suitable for visiting a massage room together or signing up for a swimming pool.

In October, family Sagittarius will want comfort and home warmth more than ever. There will be a desire to update the interior or start a major renovation. Fortunately, the partners of the representatives of the sign will completely share the mood of their halves and will react to this idea more than favorably. Therefore, issues of improving the family nest can be resolved without the slightest disagreement, and joint work will bring together spouses who already value each other greatly.

Lonely Sagittarius this month will notice increased interest in themselves from someone living nearby. A chance meeting in an elevator can mark the beginning of a serious and sincere relationship. The stars recommend being more attentive to others and not missing the signs and clues of fate. Exciting games of bowling or billiards will greatly contribute to rapprochement.

Throughout the month, coupled representatives of the sign will fiercely fight outbreaks of jealousy towards their partner. However, there are no visible reasons for such concern - the chosen one is just a little flirtatious and flirts with others. So the stars advise you to moderate your ardor and direct your energy in a peaceful direction. Joint holidays, evenings of solitude and communication with close relatives will help smooth out rough edges.

Those who are still in search of great and bright love run the risk of encountering veiled flattery from representatives of the opposite sex. There is a possibility of becoming carried away by a not very worthy partner, who beautifully lavishes pleasant compliments, but is pursuing some personal gain. Only time, which is now working in Capricorn’s favor, will help identify the deception and see through the “admirer.”

Romantic adventures and fateful meetings await Aquarius far beyond home - on trips abroad or on the Internet. There is a high probability of receiving an anonymous declaration of love or pleasant gifts from a secret admirer. But you shouldn’t create illusions and completely trust the first people you meet. Before plunging into love dreams, it is important to communicate with your interlocutor, find common ground and common interests. It is possible that the first impression will be deceiving, which is why it will be very difficult to heal mental wounds!

On the personal front, the family representatives of the sign are facing an extremely turbulent period with a stormy showdown, nit-picking and reproaches. Most likely, the cause of conflicts will be long-standing disagreements, including in matters of raising children.

October can become the busiest month of the year for Pisces, rich in love adventures, promising acquaintances and romantic encounters. Single representatives of the sign will again feel charming and attractive and will find themselves in the thick of things. But don’t lose your head and rush things - let the situation develop as usual. The stars advise you to look around - among the many fans you will be able to spot the only one who is truly interested in the representatives of the sign.

Family Pisces will have to be nervous - there is a high probability of rivals appearing. This indicates coolness in the relationship with the partner and the need to urgently take measures to save the marriage. Long trips, meetings with old friends and caring for children will help strengthen the union.