We wear hats correctly - beanies, sock and other new words in the encyclopedia of hats. Introduction to hats, or how to wear a hat or beret correctly How to wear a hat

Last update: 11/05/2018

The little beanie is the exclusive preserve of vacationing actors, former X-gamers and extreme snowboarders, isn't it? Wrong. Beanie hats have come a long way – you'll now find cashmere and merino versions alongside more traditional knits.

For many men, especially those living in northern latitudes, this item has long been part of. But how to wear a hat correctly, taking into account different styles, is a question few people study. And this article will correct this mistake in your style education.

White color

All the good guys in history, from The Lone Ranger onwards, have worn white hats; this guy keeps the noble tradition alive with his short knitted beanie hat. There's no unwritten rule that says you have to match it with a sweater, although the white design makes a strong statement, but the way it contrasts with his is definitely worth serious consideration. And if you can't find a completely white one, the lighter one will still mark you as one of the goodies.

Submission to demands

Doesn't the thought of a hat bring to mind a shapeless something stuffed with a bulbous head, like Cartman from South Park? Well, this man proves that the right application of a classic, high-coverage, ribbed beanie cap can finish off a seasonal ensemble with a beautiful plummet.

Graceful shape

Eternal dilemmas of men's style:

  1. Should they "pool" at the hem or should they be worn with cuffs?
  2. Can you wear a hat with ?
  1. Depends on taste.
  2. Yes, if you can do it like Esquire's impeccably dressed fashion director, Nick Sullivan. The team of dark tones of a soft hat, together with, are designed to compensate for the lighter shades of your coat and jacket.

Creating your own pattern

Two rules of thumb when choosing a beanie hat pattern: Avoid sour color clashes unless you're single-handedly trying to revive a 1990s style; and make sure the motif matches the rest of your outfit. This man triumphs on both counts, thanks to the vibrant but not gaudy design and the way it contrasts and complements the herringbone overcoat.

Selecting and Mixing

The joys of winter: roaring fires, toasted marshmallows, cranberry smoothies. And layers. The chance to combine three or four tiers at the top - coat, jacket, jumper and scarf - and play up their colours, textures and shapes with the header - dropped low, dialed in tonal hue or with its own sweet color way - ensuring crowning glory. These men add a few subtleties - winter ones, pocket squares and gloves.

Using bright colors

Was this man thinking about the Cuban artist Fernand Léger's quote: "Man needs color to live - it is as necessary as fire and water" - when he put this outfit together? Probably not, but it's a great example of the saying, with a shiny red cap that takes the subdued yet sophisticated naval ensemble to another level.

Making your fantasies come true

New beanie hats are prints. Admittedly, there was a time when such a concept languished, in style, somewhere under fake tuxedo T-shirts or piano-print ties; but now that everyone from Gucci to Valentino is adorning their beanies with prints like Mickey Mouse and Roaring Dragon, it looks like they've come into fashion with the colder weather.

A stylish sock hat has long taken its place in a woman’s wardrobe, although previously it was considered to be a man’s headdress. The secret of such a hat is that it can add sexuality and playfulness to the image. It can be worn with a jacket, coat and sometimes even with a sheepskin coat.

Hats and socks for girls

It looks very stylish when the hat, scarf and gloves are matched. But you can also make this headdress a bright spot in your look; lovers will especially like this.

It is clear that you will not wear this accessory with classic or business outfits. But a sock hat decorated with stones, rhinestones or beads will go well with a romantic knitted tunic or sweater. Get a gentle and mischievous image.

How can you wear a hat and sock?

Typically, a fashionable sock hat is worn lowered at the back of the head or to one side. In the second case, it will turn out quite playful and cute. But if you create a few folds in the back and tuck the ends into the bottom of the hat, you get a flirty and sexy effect. Wear a voluminous knitted hat sock up to your eyebrows, and lower the bottom loosely around your neck.

If you have beautiful fashionable bangs, then you shouldn’t hide it, because you can buy a shallow sock cap. This hat also looks attractive with long flowing hair.

Many stars will never give up this accessory, such as Rihanna, Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Biel and Nicole Richie.

As you can see, this is a versatile hat that can be worn in many different ways. Therefore, experiment with your images, and believe me, your efforts will be appreciated by others.

Last update: 11/05/2018

The little beanie is the exclusive preserve of vacationing actors, former X-gamers and extreme snowboarders, isn't it? Wrong. Beanie hats have come a long way – you'll now find cashmere and merino versions alongside more traditional knits.

For many men, especially those living in northern latitudes, this item has long been part of. But how to wear a hat correctly, taking into account different styles, is a question few people study. And this article will correct this mistake in your style education.

White color

All the good guys in history, from The Lone Ranger onwards, have worn white hats; this guy keeps the noble tradition alive with his short knitted beanie hat. There's no unwritten rule that says you have to match it with a sweater, although the white design makes a strong statement, but the way it contrasts with his is definitely worth serious consideration. And if you can't find a completely white one, the lighter one will still mark you as one of the goodies.

Submission to demands

Doesn't the thought of a hat bring to mind a shapeless something stuffed with a bulbous head, like Cartman from South Park? Well, this man proves that the right application of a classic, high-coverage, ribbed beanie cap can finish off a seasonal ensemble with a beautiful plummet.

Graceful shape

Eternal dilemmas of men's style:

  1. Should they "pool" at the hem or should they be worn with cuffs?
  2. Can you wear a hat with ?
  1. Depends on taste.
  2. Yes, if you can do it like Esquire's impeccably dressed fashion director, Nick Sullivan. The team of dark tones of a soft hat, together with, are designed to compensate for the lighter shades of your coat and jacket.

Creating your own pattern

Two rules of thumb when choosing a beanie hat pattern: Avoid sour color clashes unless you're single-handedly trying to revive a 1990s style; and make sure the motif matches the rest of your outfit. This man triumphs on both counts, thanks to the vibrant but not gaudy design and the way it contrasts and complements the herringbone overcoat.

Selecting and Mixing

The joys of winter: roaring fires, toasted marshmallows, cranberry smoothies. And layers. The chance to combine three or four tiers at the top - coat, jacket, jumper and scarf - and play up their colours, textures and shapes with the header - dropped low, dialed in tonal hue or with its own sweet color way - ensuring crowning glory. These men add a few subtleties - winter ones, pocket squares and gloves.

Using bright colors

Was this man thinking about the Cuban artist Fernand Léger's quote: "Man needs color to live - it is as necessary as fire and water" - when he put this outfit together? Probably not, but it's a great example of the saying, with a shiny red cap that takes the subdued yet sophisticated naval ensemble to another level.

Making your fantasies come true

New beanie hats are prints. Admittedly, there was a time when such a concept languished, in style, somewhere under fake tuxedo T-shirts or piano-print ties; but now that everyone from Gucci to Valentino is adorning their beanies with prints like Mickey Mouse and Roaring Dragon, it looks like they've come into fashion with the colder weather.

The sock hat is more elongated in shape than a regular one. It differs in cut: has a fairly large portion of loose tissue, which can be styled in various ways to create original looks. On ladies who know the answer to the question: how to wear a sock hat correctly? – this accessory looks truly stylish, playful and youthful. To see this, look at the girl in the photo.

First of all, you need to understand that a sock hat presupposes a certain style of clothing with which it is planned to be worn. So, a wardrobe consisting of classic and elegant things will not harmonize with it. Therefore, you will have to either buy several new sets, or show imagination combined with an absolute sense of taste, or abandon this headdress. However, if your wardrobe is designed in a casual style or, a sock hat is an absolutely safe and win-win solution! It will add sass to your look and make it charming and modern.

How to wear a sock hat for girls?

The sock-hat suggests several possible wearing options. Three are considered the most common and stylish. The first option involves wearing it in the same way as you usually wear a hat, with the remaining loose fabric falling in the back of the head, like the girls in the photo below. The second option suggests laying the free part of the hat slightly on its side. This image will look more naive and cute. Whether you tuck your hair inside the hat or leave it outside is up to you. However, long flowing hair peeking out from under a stylish hat will always make the look more romantic.

There is a third method: the sock-hat is pulled over the forehead to the level of the eyebrows, and its upper part rises, forming a kind of cap. This teenage option looks fun and hooligan, so it is not recommended for women over 20 years old. The girl in the photo looks very colorful and extraordinary.

The three methods indicated should in no way limit your imagination. Choose the option that will look best with the set and reflect your mood.

When choosing a sock hat, do not forget that not too voluminous models are more suitable for short women. Whereas those who are tall can easily afford voluminous knitted hats.

When choosing a color, decide what role the sock hat will play in most sets. It can be a bright accent, adding a dynamic touch to an ensemble kept in laconic colors, or it can be a stylish addition to a multi-colored wardrobe. In the second case, it is better to give preference to a calm palette.

What to wear with a sock hat?

May be sweet and romantic. And a pink sock hat will help in creating such an image.

For amateurs non-standard solutions You will definitely like the creative combination of a classic-style sundress with a turtleneck, jeans or