After gender reassignment surgery. Gender change from male to female. Consequences of sex reassignment surgery. Repeated the photo after a while

The gender reassignment procedure takes more than a year in total. First of all, a person who decides to undergo such an operation must undergo a course of examination by a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist must confirm that the patient is transgender and mentally healthy.

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Next, a course of hormonal therapy is started, which lasts about a year. During this time, the transsexual lives as a member of the other sex to ensure his decision. During this period, men's breasts begin to grow, facial features become more feminine, and women's menstrual cycle stops, hair growth increases and their voice becomes rougher. Only after completing the previous stages can a person be given a date for surgery, which in some cases takes place over several periods.

From man to woman

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Transforming a man into a woman is much easier. To do this, the man's penis is removed and a vagina is created in the groin area from the tissue of the penis, other areas of the skin and part of the intestines. The scrotal tissue is transformed into the labia, and implants are inserted into the breast area. If the operation is successful, even a gynecologist will not be able to distinguish a transsexual from a woman.

After the operation, a course of hormonal therapy continues; the patient takes estrogens - female hormones - to make the body more feminine.

From woman to man

Sex reassignment surgery in women can be of two types: metoidioplasty and phalloplasty. In the first case, the penis will be made mostly from the clitoris, which has increased by six centimeters during hormonal therapy. The average length of the resulting penis will be about five centimeters, as a result of which it will retain sensitivity, but will not acquire the ability to penetrate.

Thanks to phalloplasty, it is possible to create a full-fledged penis, but the operation will be performed three times: first the creation of the urethra, then the creation of the penis, and then the design of the head of the penis and the creation of the scrotum. This surgery requires tissue grafting from different parts of the body, such as the thigh or abdomen. The penis will retain the ability to penetrate and achieve orgasm.

Postoperative stage

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After the operation, the person will have to receive new documents. In Iran, for example, a new birth certificate is issued to the patient. In addition, a person will have to take hormonal drugs for the rest of his life, since modern medicine has not yet reached the point of creating organs that change secondary sexual characteristics. This is fraught with problems with the liver and kidneys.

Also, a person who has changed gender will have to face a possible negative reaction from people around him, so he will most likely have to be observed by a psychologist in order to more thoroughly adapt to life in a new body.


Gender reassignment surgery is not performed on those who suffer from mental illness, alcoholism, drug addiction, or those who lead an antisocial lifestyle.

How is sex reassignment surgery performed when a woman is turned into a man? or vice versa - few know. This is a complex process that is divided into several lengthy stages. In this case, surgical modification operations are carried out as a last resort.

Chastity Bono, the only daughter of singer Cher, has turned into Chaz Bon, which shows how a woman can be turned into a full-fledged man
European pole vault medalist Yvonne Buschbaum had sex reassignment surgery and is now called Balian Heidi Krieger, European champion in shot put, underwent gender reassignment surgery - this is how Andreas Krieger was born

Indications for sex reassignment surgery in women

The main and most important indication for gender reassignment is the discrepancy between physical appearance and psychological self-identification, confirmed by medical specialists.

Observation by a psychiatrist for a long time is necessary to confirm the woman’s existing transgender status.


Contraindications to gender reassignment are:

  1. Serious, complex diseases of internal organs in which any surgical intervention is impossible.
  2. Lack of complete confidence of the patient in his transsexuality.
  3. Pre-retirement and retirement age.
  4. Lesbianism.
  5. Alcoholism.
  6. Mental health disorders.

Stages of preparation for gender reassignment in women

Preparing a woman for the operation of transformation from female to male occurs both from the physical and moral sides.

The physical side includes:

  1. Observation by a psychiatrist and sex therapist for 18 months. This is necessary to ensure complete confidence in the need for intervention.
  2. Collecting a complete medical history with all kinds of tests and tests. The absence of any neoplasms in the reproductive system is especially important.
  3. Hormone therapy for 12 months. Necessary for primary masculinization.
  4. The moral side includes being comfortable in the role of a man. To do this, experts advise a woman to live like a man for 6-10 months. This will help you finally decide on your gender.

How does gender reassignment surgery take place from a woman to a man?

Gender reassignment surgery for women is one of the most difficult. Therefore, surgeons divide it into several stages:

  • Removal or correction of primary and secondary sexual characteristics. Depending on the woman’s decision, complete or partial removal of the reproductive system organs and mammary glands are removed.
  • Reconstruction of male genital organs. A phalloplasty or metoidioplasty operation is performed based on the wishes and physiological capabilities of the patient.

Some clinics offer one-stage gender reassignment surgery. Behind operation time 5-7 hours Vaginectomy is performed along with complete female castration and phalloplasty. The advantage is one rehabilitation period instead of several, lower cost.

The downside is the large load on the body. Guaranteed complications due to the large amount of operated tissue.

The recovery period after a woman is turned into a man will be painful and difficult.

Mammoplasty – removal of mammary glands

Mastectomy during gender reassignment in women is characterized by complete removal of lipid and glandular tissue. If necessary, excess skin is excised.

Depending on the size of the breast, mammoplasty occurs in different ways:

  • If you have breasts of size AA, A, the tissue around the nipple is cut. Tissue is removed through this hole.
  • If you have a bust of size B, C, an incision is made under the breast, and the mammary gland is removed horizontally through it.
  • If you have large breasts of size D or more, the skin is cut vertically. Since it is necessary not only to remove adipose tissue and glands, but also to excise excess skin. As well as the localization of the nipple in the anatomically correct place for the male breast.

Ovariectomy or female castration

Ovariectomy is an operation during which the ovaries are removed. It is possible to additionally remove the fallopian tubes. If a woman does not plan to have children in the future, a hysterectomy is performed. If only the ovaries are removed, closed laparoscopy is performed.

If the uterus is excised along with its appendages, then open abdominal surgery is performed. It lasts about 2 hours. Primary rehabilitation lasts 5-7 days.

During the rehabilitation period at home, it is necessary to adhere to strict hygiene rules, nutritional rules, and not overwork.


Another step in making a man out of a woman is the removal or stitching of the vagina.

The operation to completely remove the vagina is performed under general anesthesia or epidural anesthesia. It lasts for several hours. Rehabilitation period – about 2 months. Quite painful. High risk of complications.

An alternative to vaginectomy is vaginal reshaping. Its front and back walls are sewn together. This intervention is less traumatic and rehabilitation time is significantly reduced. This is the correction most often recommended by surgeons.

Phalloplasty: where are organs taken for reconstruction?

Penis reconstruction is a complex operation that is performed by several specialists at once: a plastic surgeon and an andrologist. The most difficult part is the formation of the urethra.

The material for creating the phallus is taken from the forearm area. The skin there is thin, its characteristics are similar to that of the male penis. This method of creating an organ is called radiation.

A tube is formed from the flap and transplanted into the groin area. Next, tissue innervation is restored. All connections of arteries, veins, and nerves are performed manually by an andrologist.

A similar operation is performed using a thoracodorsal flap.

At the same time, it is possible to make a larger neophallus - 18-24 cm. To simulate arousal, an erectile prosthesis is installed.

The installation procedure is carried out separately, after phalloplasty. It takes time for recovery and healing.

Correction of the body and face using silicone

For some women, mammoplasty and changes caused by hormonal therapy are not enough for a more complete masculine appearance. The body and face are corrected using silicone implants. Highlight:

For some women, when changing gender, in order to finally feel like a man, only one thing is missing - the presence of a scrotum. It is formed from the outer labia and prosthetic testicles of the required size are inserted.


The distribution of adipose tissue is different in men and women. Men are characterized by abdominal fat deposits, while women are characterized by gynoid fat deposits.

Liposuction helps to quickly get rid of fat accumulations in the buttocks and thighs. This will give a masculine appearance. If, after removing excess fat, you adhere to a certain dietary principle and do not overeat, the results will last for a long time.

Hormone replacement therapy

The female body does not have organs that produce testosterone and other male hormones. It is also unrealistic to recreate them surgically. This is why it is necessary to take hormonal medications.

A qualified endocrinologist selects the necessary medications in individual dosages before and after surgery. They make the voice rougher and lower, increase hair growth on the face and chest, and the hands and feet increase in size. However, this is necessary not only for a comfortable existence in a male form.

Without the proper amount of hormones, after a woman is turned into a man, processes of physiological attenuation begin in the body
which can lead to severe illness and death.

This is why, after removal of the ovaries, a transgender person does not stop taking hormones. The doctor only adjusts the dosage. Androgens are taken for life after surgery.

What organs look like and how they work after gender reassignment

Modern surgery in the field of sex reassignment has reached certain heights. When the operation is performed by an experienced and highly qualified surgeon, the penis will look completely natural, with a visually distinguishable head and shaft.

The sensitivity of the penis will be low. However, everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the location of the implanted tissue. The penis formed from a thoracodorsal flap is considered the most sensitive.

Because the nerve is also transplanted along with the skin. The penis reconstructed using the radiation method also has sensitivity. There have been no studies on this issue due to the small number of people who have undergone this operation.

Erection of the neophallus is possible only if a separate operation is performed to install an erection prosthesis. The operation is possible only after the body has fully recovered after phalloplasty. Is very expensive.

How much does gender reassignment surgery cost - cost, price

As you know, plastic surgery costs a lot of money. The transition from woman to man is one of the most expensive. The high cost is due to:

  • a small number of specialists capable of performing high-quality sex reassignment,
  • complex of operations carried out,
  • complex rehabilitation aimed at minimizing complications.

The total cost of gender reassignment surgery depends on the complex of measures that the woman does. Approximate prices of the main ones:

  • Ovariectomy – about $1000;
  • Mastectomy – $1500-2500;
  • Vaginectomy – about $3000;
  • Phalloplasty – $6000;
  • Endoprosthetics of erectile penile prosthesis – from $1000 to $4000 (depending on the type of prosthesis)

Since some amputations and transformations can be performed in one surgical procedure, the final cost of gender reassignment may be less - up to approximately $7,000.

Rehabilitation (recovery period) for women who have changed sex

Rehabilitation after a woman is turned into a man is based on several points:

  1. Maintaining a calm, healthy lifestyle. Includes proper nutrition, minimal physical activity, and self-treatment of stitches
  2. Scheduled examinations with a specialist, strictly following his recommendations.
  3. Taking hormonal medications, broad-spectrum antibiotics, painkillers (as needed).

The recovery period lasts from six months or more, depending on the characteristics of the body.

Possible complications in women after gender reassignment

The risk of complications after a woman is made into a man is very significant. This is due to the high complexity of ectomies. Common complications are:

  • Inflammation of the seams.
  • Infectious infection of tissues.
  • Rejection of the neophallus.
  • Loss of sensation.
  • Slow healing and bleeding.
  • Tissue necrosis.

Psychological complications may occur. This occurs due to a discrepancy between the expected and received results. There may be a feeling of general discomfort from the new appearance. The desire to return to your original appearance.

This complication is extremely rare, since before undergoing a sex change, a woman strives for several years to achieve a male appearance through hormones, undergoes psychological preparation, living a male life.

Life after gender reassignment – ​​social adaptation

Social adaptation is one of the most important in the long process of gender change. It is complicated due to the high level of intolerance of society towards such people. To some extent, it is impossible to understand their internal state.

To make adaptation easier, many change their social circle and move to a new job. This happens due to cruel and harsh communication with a transgender person. Having told those closest to him about his intentions, a person faces manifestations of transphobia. It is expressed in the form of psychological violence, aggressive behavior, and rejection of the stated fact.

According to foreign and domestic studies, only 30% of transgender people observed a neutral or friendly attitude towards themselves after coming out.

How to change gender in Russia

In Russia, gender reassignment surgery can only be performed after a diagnosis of transsexualism has been made.

This requires a certain amount of time - from a year to 3 years, during which a visit to a psychiatrist is mandatory.

After making a diagnosis, he refers the woman to a medical commission consisting of 3-5 specialists from different fields of medicine. Only the commission is authorized to provide referrals for gender reassignment operations.

It is possible to undergo a commission for a fee in a private clinic that has permission to do so. This method is faster, but also more expensive.

In Russia, at the legislative level, changing your passport gender and name is problematic. Since today no sample application has been developed that will be used to issue a new birth certificate and passport without any problems. A medical certificate confirming that you belong to the other gender is also required.

However, this does not guarantee success. In most cases, the civil registry office refuses to change documents and it is necessary to go to court.

Gender reassignment in children

Changing gender in childhood is possible only in a few cases: in case of injury to the genital organs and the impossibility of restoring its function, as well as in congenital pathologies of the reproductive system.

Doctors turned 11-year-old Savarnni from Australia into a boy because they diagnosed him with “gender identity disorder”

In some countries, teenagers who want to change gender are prescribed hormones. They are taken during puberty to prevent the development of secondary sexual characteristics and reduce the development of primary ones. After 18 years of age, such people can undergo sex reassignment surgery.

How to make a man out of a woman: video review

The first video shows a real-life story of how a woman was turned into a man:

The second video shows a selection of “Before and After” photos as proof that a woman can be made into a man:

It is possible to turn a woman into a man only for strict medical reasons. Often such an operation is necessary because people cannot find their place in society and suffer greatly. Suicides are common among them.

One of the wonders of modern surgery is an intervention that can turn a woman into a man. This is a complex operation that requires difficult preparation. Problems are possible even after it. But this is the only way to give a normal life to a person who cannot bear to be in his own body.

Read in this article

A little history about sex reassignment surgery

The first intervention for a transsexual was carried out in Denmark in 1931. But until the mid-60s, these operations remained unique. Everything has changed since the second half of the last century. The first specialized clinics that helped transsexuals arose in France. In 1978, an international association of surgeons specializing in sex reassignment operations was created in the United States. In the USSR, such an intervention was first carried out before 1991.

Indications for sex reassignment surgery in women

Surgical “transformation” from a woman to a man is much more difficult to do than to fashion a gentleman into a lady. Therefore, clear indications are needed for the operation. The main one is the patient’s transsexuality, confirmed by specialists. Lesbian sexual preferences are not grounds for plastic surgery.

Medical indications for gender reassignment

Before sex reassignment surgery, identification of medical indications is required:

  • confirmed diagnosis of transsexualism by a sexologist;
  • exclusion of similar forms of gender identification, including homosexual orientation, transvestism (inpatient diagnostics are desirable);
  • consultation with a psychiatrist to determine mental disorders (they are a contraindication for surgery).

Bruce Jenner changed gender at 65

After the initial examination and diagnosis, examination and observation by a psychiatrist is recommended in order to study:

  • developmental features, time of appearance of ideas about gender reassignment (for this, at the request of the patient, relatives are involved);
  • motives for surgery;
  • awareness of health risks, problems in contacts with the environment, family (it is especially important to take into account the psychological trauma of a child when a parent changes gender).

An andrologist and/or endocrinologist examines hormonal levels. To assess the condition of the female genital organs, you need to consult a gynecologist. Based on all this data, a medical consultation is appointed (sexologist, psychologist, psychiatrist), at which a conclusion is made about whether the person is really a transsexual and whether gender reassignment can help him.

If the answer is positive, a certificate is issued for the registry office. Based on it, changes are made to the passport data - the first name, last name and gender are changed. After a year of probation and taking male hormones, surgery is prescribed. Before this, a repeated examination and confirmation of the intention to change sex is necessary.

Contraindications to surgical operations in transsexual women

The operation is impossible if there is:

  • doubts of specialists and the patient himself about transsexuality;
  • mental disorders;
  • alcoholism;
  • severe diseases of internal organs and systems.

Obstacles may include being too young or too old.

What happens if you change gender from woman to man?

If a complete gender change has occurred from female to male, the following will be deleted as a result:

  • adipose tissue from the mammary glands so that they become flat, the size of the nipple decreases;
  • ovaries with fallopian tubes and uterus;
  • the vagina, or it is closed surgically;
  • excess fat on the buttocks and abdomen to give a masculine figure.
Implants for penile prosthetics

To recreate the genital organs, an operation is performed to form a penis from the tissues of the body or clitoris, or a scrotum from the labia. It is also possible to inject silicone into the chin, calf muscles, and biceps. The scope of operations depends on the wishes and financial capabilities of the patient. All the time before and after the intervention you need to take male sex hormones, since without them complete transformation is impossible.

Stages of preparation for gender reassignment in women

Plastic surgery is performed through several surgical interventions, as it involves serious changes in the functions of the body. Therefore, the preliminary stage is also multi-stage.

Physical training

Before allowing a patient to undergo sex reassignment surgery to male, it is necessary:

  • Observe with a sex therapist for at least a year. It must reveal the impossibility of a woman to exist in the body given by nature, that is, the need for intervention.
  • The same amount of visits to a psychiatrist. The specialist must confirm the patient’s ability to make decisions, that is, the absence of pathologies.
  • Undergo a thorough examination. In addition to the tests that are required for any operation, hysteroscopy and salpingoscopy are needed. They must confirm the absence of genital tumors.
  • Long-term use of hormones. To make the new body aesthetically and functionally more consistent with a man’s, they take medications.

Before (Yvonne Buschbaum) and after (Balian Buschbaum)

Moral preparation of a woman

Before surgery, it is important to prepare yourself psychologically for future changes. You need to live as a man for at least a year to confirm that your feelings and decision to change your sex are correct. If such an existence turns out to be more natural and comfortable than in a female form, moral preparation can be considered successfully completed.

Is it worth radically deleting everything at once?

It is no secret that during surgery, the patient’s female genital organs are removed and the male genitals are reconstructed. But there are options here. If you preserve the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes, there will be no external signs of their presence. That is, the patient will take on the appearance of a man. But subsequently, by stopping taking hormonal drugs, it is possible to restore the functions of the female organs.

And you can conceive, carry, give birth to your own child. Similar cases are known.

Thomas Beaty is the only pregnant man who did not immediately have all his female reproductive organs removed.

Whose organ is sewn into women during gender reassignment?

When women undergo gender reassignment, a sexual organ is sewn on, which is created from her own tissues. There are two options for the operation:

  • Formation of the penis from the clitoris and surrounding labia minora. It is carried out after the organ has grown while taking testosterone.
  • Creation of the penis from the muscle tissue of the back, forearm, thigh. As a result, it will be similar to a man's size, and an erection is possible. If it is not enough, then an additional prosthesis is inserted.

Scheme of surgery for gender reassignment from male to female

Schematically, the process of surgery for changing gender from male to female can be divided into stages:

  1. Removal of glandular and excess fatty tissue of the mammary glands, formation of a small nipple.
  2. Creation of a penis from the clitoris, muscle tissue and a new opening for urination.
  3. Removal of the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes.
  4. Stitching or complete excision of the vagina.
  5. Changing the shape of the body, face, correction of the shape of the penis.
  6. Penile prosthetics to maintain the desired erection.

Each of them includes preparation (blood and urine tests, consultation with an andrologist, surgeon), the surgical intervention itself and the recovery period. It is important to note that in each case the doctor can choose an individual sequence of stages, as well as surgical techniques. The duration of rehabilitation depends on the correction option and the general health of the patient.

Drugs for gender reassignment from female to male

For gender reassignment and transformations from woman to man appoint drugs based on testosterone. Most often these are long-acting injectable forms - Sustanon and Omnadren. They will have the desired effect in about 4-6 months:

  • the body and its proportions begin to change;
  • the clitoris enlarges;
  • coarse hair appears on the face, along the white line of the abdomen, on the legs;
  • the volume of the mammary glands decreases;
  • menstruation gradually becomes smaller in volume and frequency, then disappears;
  • muscle strength increases.

It is important that the level of female hormones is not too high, as this will interfere with the functioning of testosterone. Therefore, you should visit an endocrinologist and get tested for estradiol, progesterone, prolactin and testosterone before starting replacement therapy. You may also need to take medications with an antiestrogenic effect or those that reduce prolactin levels.

How gender reassignment is performed for women, the course of the operation

Gender reassignment surgery, if you want to become a man, takes place in several stages:

  • , change ;
  • get rid of the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes;
  • the vagina is sutured or removed;
  • some time after the above manipulations, the penis is reconstructed.

To make the appearance more consistent with gender, some patients need facial plastic surgery.

During the cycle of gender reassignment operations, the following is performed in stages:

  1. mammoplasty,
  2. surgical castration,
  3. plastic surgery of the penis,
  4. creating the urethra for urination,
  5. correction of body shapes.

Masculinizing mammoplasty

Surgery techniques vary depending on bust size, although all are performed under general anesthesia. If the breasts are small, an incision is made around the areola. Through peripheral access, medium-sized busts are removed.

If it is necessary to remove a large breast, a vertical incision is made. But in all cases, they get rid of the fatty and glandular components and excess skin. Sometimes there is a need to move the nipple and areola and make them smaller.

How is mammoplasty performed?

Involves excision of adipose and glandular tissue. If the breast is initially small, or significant reduction has been achieved when taking hormones, then the incision is made around the nipple. For large-sized glands, access passes under the breast or along its anterior surface.

The operation can be one-stage, but large mammary glands are often removed in two stages with an interval of 3-4 months. This is due to the fact that after the main correction of the shape, to give an aesthetic appearance, it is necessary to remove excess skin and reduce the diameter of the nipple.

Ovariectomy with hysterosalpingectomy, or female castration

If the patient does not plan to give birth in the future, it is necessary to remove the uterus, ovaries and
fallopian tubes. Ovariectomy is performed laparoscopically or using abdominal surgery.Each of them requires general anesthesia.

If a hysterectomy or hysterosalpingectomy is planned at the same time, an incision is made above the pubic plexus.

The postoperative period, which lasts up to 7–10 days, ends with the removal of sutures. But he undergoes rehabilitation for at least 1 month.

How is surgical castration done?

This stage includes:

  • removal of ovaries, fallopian tubes;
  • isolation and cutting off the uterus.

When only the ovaries are partially removed, the operation is less traumatic, since it can be performed through a laparoscope. The incisions for inserting the device will be small (2-3 cm), recovery is quick - about 1 week.

If complete removal of all internal genital organs is prescribed, then the surgical approach is often through the vagina, since the anterior abdominal wall may be needed for further penile plastic surgery. But an incision is also possible in the suprapubic area. The duration of the operation is about 2.5-4 hours. The rehabilitation period after complete castration takes 8-12 weeks.

The need to remove the uterus and ovaries is dictated by the risks of hormone replacement therapy. With lifelong use of male hormones, the risk of tumors of these organs increases. Doctors often recommend this stage after penile plastic surgery, that is, at the final stage of gender correction, in order to have complete confidence in the patient’s intentions.

Watch this video about gender reassignment surgery:

Vaginectomy, or masculinizing vaginoplasty

Another stage in the transformation of a woman into a man is the correction or removal of the vagina. The organ can be removed along with the uterus during a hysterosalpingectomy. In other cases, a less traumatic masculinizing vaginoplasty is performed. During the operation, the anterior and posterior walls of the organ are sutured.

Features of vaginal removal

If the method of complete removal of the female organs is chosen, then the vagina may also be cut off. This is the most difficult option for recovery. Complete healing occurs within 3-4 months; there is a high risk of postoperative complications. Therefore, more often the surgeon recommends suturing the vaginal walls after the stage of removing the ovaries, tubes and uterus. The operation is less traumatic, recovery will take about 3-4 weeks.

Phalloplasty or metoidioplasty

After the removal or cessation of the functioning of the female genital organs, reconstruction of the male genital organs follows. This is possible in 2 ways:

  • Phalloplasty– 3-stage creation of a penis using a prosthesis and transplantation of living tissue from the thigh, abdomen or forearm. First, the urethra is formed, then the penis, the head with the scrotum and artificial testicles.

  • Metoidioplasty– reconstruction of the penis using only your own tissues. It is carried out provided that, as a result of taking hormones, the clitoris has increased by 6 cm or more. The urethra is formed from the vaginal mucosa, and the size of the penis as a result of the operation will be approximately 5 cm. The scrotum is created from the labia majora with the introduction of a prosthesis. This is a less traumatic operation, and it also makes the penis very sensitive.

But full sexual intercourse with insertion into the vagina is not always possible.

More details about creating a penis

It can take place in two stages. The first is called metoidioplasty and is sufficient for the clitoris and surrounding labia minora. This method makes it possible to obtain a penis from 6 to 8 cm, but only if it is already close to these sizes due to the use of male hormones. As a result, the penis will be quite sensitive, but its erection will usually be weak.

Silicone implantation

In order for the patient’s appearance to be masculine, sometimes correction of different parts of the body and face with the help of endoprostheses is required. More often they are installed in the area of ​​the testicles, chin or calves. First, access to tissue is provided through incisions in the appropriate area. A pocket for the implant is then formed in the area to be corrected. After installation, a suture is applied and a drain is placed, which is removed after a day.


Excess fat and the peculiarities of its distribution can hinder the final appearance of a man. Liposuction can help get rid of effeminacy. It is done wherever there is excess. The fat is removed through the incisions into which the cannula is inserted using a vacuum. A solution that thins the lipid tissue is first introduced.

Lifelong hormone therapy

Taking medications is not limited to the preparatory period. The patient will have to take hormones throughout his life to maintain external masculinity and a deep voice. After all, the organs that produce these substances necessary for life cannot be recreated. The drugs must contain testosterone and other androgens.

Watch the video for the opinion of sex therapist Yuri Prokopenko about the beginning of the formation of transsexualism and the consequences of the decision to change sex:

Rehabilitation and recovery in women who have changed their sex

The recovery period after such an intervention consists of several important points:

  • taking antibiotics, painkillers and hormonal drugs;
  • exclusion of physical activity;
  • seam care;
  • quitting smoking and alcohol;
  • nutritious food without excesses;
  • monitoring the condition by a specialist;
  • refusing sex until the intimate area is completely healed.

How long rehabilitation will last depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the amount of changes made.

Possible complications in women after gender reassignment

Problems due to interference may arise:

  • General surgical. These are infections, seromas, hematomas, poor tissue healing, and implant rejection. Bleeding, insensitivity of some parts of the body, and negative consequences of anesthesia are possible.
  • Psychological. It happens that the patient is uncomfortable being a man. And he wants to get his old body back.

Long-term consequences of sex reassignment surgery

Gender reassignment through surgery, even if it is completely successful, has long-term consequences the need to primarily hide the truth, because of the hormone, interruptions in the cardiovascular system, liver damage, and diabetes can occur.

Psychological ones are most often caused by the fact that a person believes that all problems with gender identification and role in society will disappear. In reality, this is not always the case. Throughout the transformation, one has to deal with the negative attitude of others, rejection due to homophobic sentiments, and psychological trauma in the family. Therefore, purely biological changes caused by hormones unusual for the body are superimposed with psychological discomfort.

Since this is a conscious decision for which we had to fight for a long time, patients prefer to fight depression and melancholy on their own. Alcoholism and abuse of psychotropic drugs occur. However, the majority still feel relief if the diagnosis was made correctly and surgery was the only option.

Side effects of long-term testosterone use include:

  • an increase in the level of estradiol in case of overdose or uncontrolled administration, excess testosterone is converted into them;
  • heart and vascular diseases - lack of female hormones increases the risk of atherosclerosis, hypertension, myocardial infarction, stroke, especially with obesity, smoking, hereditary predisposition;
  • damage to the liver, which processes hormones;
  • increase in hemoglobin, blood thickening, increased formation of blood clots and blockage of blood vessels;
  • increased blood glucose, development of diabetes mellitus with a tendency to impaired carbohydrate metabolism, cases of illness in the family;
  • headache.

Therefore, it is important to be under the supervision of a doctor throughout the entire period of hormone replacement therapy.

Does a woman become a man as a result of sex reassignment surgery?

As a result of sex reassignment surgery, a woman becomes a man only by external signs. This means that she will have:

  • flat mammary glands;
  • internal genital organs (ovaries, uterus, tubes) were removed;
  • no vagina (sutured or completely removed);
  • the penis, urethra (urethra), an analogue of the scrotum with testicles, have been formed.

The operation will not allow you to make changes to:

  • chromosome set, all genetic material will be female;
  • hormonal background - testosterone will be independently produced by the adrenal glands in minute quantities, which requires lifelong use of male hormones;
  • psychology and behavior - a period of adaptation to the new body, socialization (changes in contacts with the environment), development of new behavioral reactions are required, for which psychological help is recommended.

What else does a woman need to know after becoming a man?

Before surgery, a patient wishing to change gender should know:

  • about possible difficulties with the preparation of new documents;
  • about the likely hostility of others who learn about the operation, the difficulties of communicating with loved ones;
  • On the left is an ex-girlfriend

    Frequently asked questions by future men

    When changing gender to male, the uterus is removed, and what is it replaced with?

    When sexual characteristics change from female to male, the uterus is removed; it is not replaced with anything. This operation is performed based on the wishes of the patient, but if the decision is clear, it is also recommended for medical reasons. Since you will need to constantly drink male hormones in the future, the risk of tumors in the female genital organs increases.

    Before the operation, it is important to fully decide on the choice, since the loss of this organ will be irreversible.

    What is used to replace men's penises in women's areas?

    To replace the male penis in female areas, the following are used:

    • Clitoris and labia minora after hormonal therapy (metoidioplasty surgery). The penis will have a male appearance, you can urinate while standing, its erection will allow penetration, but full sexual contact will be difficult.
    • Muscle and skin tissue from the posterolateral surface of the chest, forearms, thighs, lateral areas of the abdomen (phalloplasty) - with its help it is possible to achieve sufficient hardness of the penis, but most often only after installing an implant (mechanical pump).

    How is a penis sewn on?

    During gender reassignment surgery, a penis formed from its own tissues is sewn onto a male one in this way:

    • a selected musculocutaneous flap from the arm, abdomen, thigh or back is connected into a tube;
    • the surgeon uses a microscope to connect arteries, venous vessels and nerve fibers;
    • after complete healing or simultaneously the urethra is formed.

    Is a prostate transplant possible after gender reassignment?

    Prostate transplantation is not performed for gender reassignment. This surgery is not used on men or women who have undergone hormone therapy or penile reconstruction. This is due to the fact that the work of the gland is regulated by several organs: the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, testicles. The relationship between them is formed during the period of intrauterine development. Therefore, the transplanted organ does not function.

    Such interventions are not yet technically feasible. As a result, when changing gender, the artificially formed penis cannot independently achieve the same erection as a natural one and release sperm.

    Is it possible to change gender at 40?

    Changing gender from female to male is possible even after 40 years, but it is very important to take into account that with true transsexualism this desire arises in adolescence.

    At a more mature age, hasty decisions caused by life situations are possible. A person goes through a crisis of forty years and often feels that he is not living his own life. Moving to another social category seems like a good option for solving problems.

    Dangers that lie in wait when changing sex after 40 years:

    • rethinking, the desire to return everything back;
    • difficulties in adapting to the family, negative reactions of children, even suicidal decisions;
    • Daughter of singer Cher Chastity, who became Chase

      In order to eliminate most of the negative consequences, a long preparatory period before the operation is recommended - at least 3-4 years. All this time should be devoted to examination and work with a psychologist or sexologist.

      When changing gender, is sex very different from the sensations and functions of the genitals of an ordinary man?

      According to reviews from those who have completely changed their gender to a man, the sensations and functions of the genital organs allow them to have a sexual life with women. In terms of differences from an ordinary man, it is difficult to draw a conclusion, since there is no data on comparison of these two options by the same person. Most people admit that they get maximum satisfaction from bringing their psychological state into line.

      Nevertheless, there are also cases when a person, having gone through the entire path of difficult operations and recovery, regrets his decision.

      Learn more about thigh liposuction.

      Famous women after sex reassignment surgery

      Over the decades of existence of gender-correcting interventions, many famous people have done them:

      • singer Cher's daughter Chastity, who became Chase;
      • German athlete Yvonne Buschbaum, now called Ballian;
      • Dorothy Tipton, known as pianist Billy Tipton;
      • born Tracy Lagondino, who became Thomas Beaty - the first pregnant man.

      Watch the video about the most famous people who decided to change their sex:

      Surgery to change the female gender to the opposite is a long and difficult path. But for some, he may be the only one. And if so, then you need to approach your new life responsibly, weighing the pros and cons, and doing everything necessary for success.

a woman who began her transgender transition at age 25.

“My first time, even before I began the transformation, was unexpected and exciting, although not entirely pleasant. My first sexual partner was a stranger I met on my way to the library. He was older, and I believed that he would enlighten me on this issue, but he was clearly inexperienced himself. I remember he used hand sanitizer as a lubricant - ouch!

I hid my man parts the whole way as best I could because I wanted him to dominate. It all turned out rather awkwardly, but we managed to smooth it over as we cuddled up on the couch and started watching a movie. The next time we took our mistakes into account, and the second time was already normal.

After my sex change, I was scared to have sex for the first time. On doctor's advice, I tried to develop my new vagina, and it was very painful. I put off starting a new sex life as long as I could, but my then-boyfriend was patient.

When we finally tried it, the experience was exactly what I expected. I was in pain, but at least I was able to feel like the woman I considered myself to be. I didn’t feel the shame that forced me to hide my “extra organs” because they were no longer there. I felt as if I had always had a vagina and never had to go through gender reassignment surgery. I felt comfortable, I felt whole, and I truly felt like I was me, as much as possible.”


2. Sydney Chase, 24 years old,

a woman who began her transition at age 21.

“My first girlfriend and I decided to sleep together when I was 15 and an inexperienced guy. She took control of everything and I just lay there. I was attracted to her, but I was not satisfied with the role that was assigned to me.(...) I was expected to behave in a very masculine manner, and this is not my thing. In general, if you remember my intimate life before the start of sex change, it was like having sex on skis: theoretically possible, but terribly inconvenient.

After starting hormone therapy, I found my yin and yang balance, and my intimate life completely changed. My whole body glows and rings, not like before. I've never had this reaction to sex before. Now I have become receptive and relaxed in bed.”

3. Oliver, 32 years old,

a man who began his transition at age 31.

“Losing my virginity the first time was a blur, mainly because I was completely drunk. One thing was clear: I hated my body, and it took a tank of liquor and complete darkness to do it. Even though I felt like a lesbian because I was attracted to women, I was drawn to homophobic behavior to impress or convince others (and maybe myself?) that I was a regular cisgender* girl.

“I was drawn to homophobic behavior in order to impress or convince others (and maybe myself?) that I was an ordinary girl.”

That's why it occurred to me to lose my virginity to some guy I met at a student party. I only remember that he was much older, not even one of our classmates, and he had a decent-sized penis. I could only wait impatiently for it to be over. As soon as it started, it became clear to me that this was a big mistake, but, fortunately, it was all over quickly.

Some people do not feel very comfortable in their body, and so that their internal state coincides with their external state, they decide to change their gender. Thanks to modern hormone therapy and various surgeries, such a transformation has become more than possible. Moreover, in some cases the result is simply stunning - it is impossible to imagine that the person we see was previously of a different gender. We present to you 35 photographs of people who radically changed themselves and shared the results of their transformation.

1. “A lot has changed, but I still love wearing ties.”

2. “I found my photo 8 years ago. I've changed a little since then."

3. A 30-year-old man became a woman in 9 months

4. Incredible changes in 2 years

5. Became a girl and lost ten extra pounds

6. Transition from girl to man in 6.5 years

7. From man to woman. 1.5 years of hormone therapy

8. “My third Christmas in a new life. I didn’t just become a woman, I became who I am.”

9. “At the age of 16, I realized that I wanted to be a woman. The photo was taken after a year of hormone therapy.”

11. At 26, a man became a woman

12. “I bought a new swimsuit after 13 months of hormone therapy, proper nutrition and the gym.”

13. Just one year difference

14. “My transition from woman to man. Now I feel much more confident and happier."

15. After a while

16. “My first dress”

17. “It took 17 difficult months of hormone therapy, but it was worth it.”

18. Transition from man to woman in 16 months

19. “At 31, I began my transition from man to woman. I'm much happier now."

20. Photos 10 months apart

21. “This was the best decision of my life.”

22. A 27-year-old man became a woman in 16 months.

23. A 22-year-old guy became a girl in 1 year and 3 months.

24. Changes over 2.5 years

25. Repeated the photo after a while

26. My transition to a woman from 2009 to 2017

27. “It’s only been two months of hormone therapy, but I can already feel the changes.”

28. Still in the process of transition

29. 2012 and 2017

30. From 16 to 21 years old

31. 2 years on testosterone

32. June 2015 and July 2017

33. Amazing before and after photos

34. From man to woman in just 4 months

35. Almost two years on hormone therapy