Facelift (lifting) at home. How I managed to tighten my facial skin after losing weight What is a facelift done by a cosmetologist called?

Wrinkles have appeared, and it seems that old age is just around the corner. How to delay the departure of youth? Many people are saved by a circular facelift. How effective is it, how is it done, how much does it cost? Is there an alternative for those who don't want to go under the knife? This article will give you the answers.

Hello, my darlings! Svetlana Morozova is with you. Today I’m talking about a popular way to combat aging – circular facelift. You will learn how plastic surgery is performed, what it is, what complications there may be, and how a facelift is performed without surgery. Go!

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Circular Facelift: Basics

A circumferential lift is the surgical removal of stretched skin in order to smooth out wrinkles and skin folds that are not yet very deep.

The classic scheme: the skin is incised along the hairline at the temples and on the back of the head, in front of the ear and behind it, under the chin, then it is separated from the muscles and subcutaneous fat, stretched, the excess is trimmed, the contours of the incision are aligned and sutures are applied. All this, of course, with anesthesia - no pain is felt during the operation.

Sometimes circular plastic surgery is done together with a SMAS lift - sagging muscles are trimmed and tightened along with the skin. This combined operation is performed to eliminate already pronounced changes: sagging cheeks (jowls), double chin.

Types of circular lifting

Usually, for plastic surgery, the face is figuratively divided into 3 problem areas: upper, middle and lower.

In the case of circular plastic surgery, the lift affects all 3 zones at once. However, if in some area the changes are more pronounced, then emphasis is placed on it:

  • Upper zone lift. This is the forehead, eyebrows, eyelids, temples. Lifting the temporal area and eyebrows is called temparoplasty, and the eyelids are called blepharoplasty. Here, endoscopic lifting is most often performed: to make the stitches almost invisible, they operate through small punctures using a microscopic video camera, which displays the image on the screen.
  • Mid zone lift. This is the skin under the eyes, nose, cheeks, cheekbones,... A small incision is made under the lower eyelid, through which the tissue is pulled vertically. There are other names for such mid-plasty – check-lifting or midface.
  • Lower zone lift. Here work is carried out on the chin and neck area, jowls, and lower lip. Here either an endoscopic approach or several incisions are made under the chin along the contour and along the lower hairline. Lifting threads are passed through the incisions and used to fix the chin tissue in the desired position.

A circular facelift is performed in several ways:

  • Classic scalpel surgery. I described above how it is done: they give anesthesia, excise excess skin and sew it in the desired position. Here it is necessary to go to the hospital - for several days after the operation (on average 5), the patient is observed, the necessary medications are administered to him and a clean bandage is applied daily.

The cost of the operation is decent - from 100 to 600 thousand rubles.

  • Thread lifting. This operation is usually performed without general anesthesia - with local anesthesia. Special threads are threaded through small incisions, and a special frame is formed from them that will support the tissue. The incisions are then closed with stitches. The whole procedure lasts an hour on average, and after 4 hours you can go home.

The price ranges from 10 to 200 thousand rubles.

  • Tightening by radio waves. This operation does not require any incisions or punctures, but may require up to 3 sessions. The tissues are heated by electromagnetic waves, causing microburns, which tighten the skin. Everything is done under local anesthesia.

The asking price is 3-50 thousand rubles.

  • Laser lifting. The laser acts similarly to radio waves - it penetrates deep into the skin and creates microtraumas in the fibers. This provokes the body to intensively produce collagen and tightens tissue.

This procedure costs about 10-100 thousand.

The last two methods are considered the safest among plastic surgeries, since they do not require incisions or stitches, and the recovery period is faster.

The results of any plastic surgery do not last forever - the effect lasts on average 5-10 years, since the causes of sagging tissues (impaired blood circulation and tissue metabolism, poor drainage of lymph, muscle spasms) are not eliminated. Everything is disguised only externally.

Performing a circular lift

  • “Blurred” facial contours;
  • Double chin and flabby neck;
  • Sagging cheeks (not only due to age, but also after strong and);
  • Pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • Drooping eyebrows and eyelids;
  • Drooping corners of the eyes and lips;
  • General sagging skin of the face and neck.

However, not everyone can solve this with plastic surgery. If any of these problems are not congenital, then it is better not to undergo surgery until the age of 35. At this age, all changes can still be eliminated with careful self-care and regular exercise.

There are also strict contraindications:

  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Oncology;
  • Any tumors;
  • Blood clotting disorders;
  • Endocrine disorders (diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, goiter);
  • Infection (flu, bronchitis, hepatitis, tuberculosis, syphilis, malaria, etc.);
  • Hypertension of grade 2 and above;
  • Presence of a pacemaker, metal staples and prostheses after operations;
  • Tendency to keloids - scars made of connective tissue.

Therefore, before undergoing a circular facelift, the patient undergoes a comprehensive examination. What does it include:

  • General blood and urine tests;
  • Liver test;
  • Prothrombin index;
  • Blood for glucose;
  • Blood for prolactin;
  • Bacterial smears;
  • Wasserman reaction;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • Mammography;
  • Examination by a gynecologist.

Additional consultations or laboratory tests may be prescribed.

On the day of the operation, you also need to follow strict rules:

  1. Do not eat or drink. The operation is performed on an empty stomach, mainly in the first half of the day.
  2. Do not smoke for at least 6 hours before surgery.
  3. Do not drink alcohol 2 days before surgery.
  4. Remove all makeup, do not apply cream or use hair styling products.
  5. Take a shower the day before and wash your hair thoroughly.
  6. The day before surgery, do not take anticoagulants - blood thinning drugs.
  7. Sometimes you need to give up tanning 2 weeks in advance; this is usually necessary for laser tightening.

After a circular facelift

After the operation, there is rehabilitation - a period when you need to follow special rules and be observed by a doctor. Depending on the type of operation, this ranges from 3 weeks to six months.

During this time, it is forbidden to sunbathe, physically exert yourself, go to baths and saunas, drink alcohol and not smoke. It is better to limit even swimming in pools and open reservoirs.

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As reviews show, unpleasant complications often arise:

  • Scars and cicatrices;
  • Hematomas;
  • Tumors;
  • Seams coming apart;
  • Infections;
  • Damage to the facial nerve;
  • drooping eyelid;
  • Facial asymmetry;
  • Numbness of tissues, impaired sensitivity and mobility.

Using the stars as an example, we see that the person in the before and after photo can change beyond recognition, and not for the better. Instead of a face there is a tense mask, devoid of attractiveness.

Is it worth taking such a risk if you can tighten your face without a plastic surgeon? There is a healthy alternative for this - special exercises for the face.

Circular lifting without surgery

Why does everyone have a face? The same reason why someone at 20 years old has a saggy figure and cellulite, although he looks slim. And some are fit at 50, with strong muscles and elastic skin.

And of course, don’t forget that many problems can be avoided by doing anti-aging facial exercises. I recommend my set of exercises. It needs to be done every day, for five or ten minutes. I tried all the techniques given in it on myself and vouch for the results.

5-10 minutes and after 2 weeks a visible result - such a circular facelift can compete with any plastic surgery. All exercises can be done independently, at home and at any convenient time.

Many are already happy with the result. Try it too! Click the link and join.

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Which allows you to eliminate most effectively even significant manifestations of age-related changes in the skin of the face, neck, and upper eyelids. Long-term preservation of a positive result (for 5-10 years if all the recommendations of the plastic surgeon are followed), a minimal number of possible complications after this type of intervention and the relative affordability of the cost are important advantages of the method under consideration, which explains the constant attention to it from patients.

How to decide on rhytidectomy

In order to determine the need to perform this type of intervention, which is quite traumatic and requires a long time of rehabilitation in compliance with all the doctor’s requirements, you should analyze the condition of your skin and identify the presence of any negative changes in the form of skin folds. If the listed manifestations are obvious, the wrinkles are deep, and the upper face, then a circular facelift operation will help restore youth to the skin and the natural oval of the face.

However, before carrying out this operation, it is necessary to consult with a plastic surgeon, who, based on the tests recommended by him, will also be able to analyze the general condition of the skin and existing problems with the face. There are a number of contraindications that should be kept in mind when deciding to undergo rhytidectomy. These may be organic lesions of the body, poor blood clotting, and mental disorders, as well as inflammatory processes in the active stage. Existing lesions in the body interfere and complicate the healing process.

Important features of the procedure and indications for its implementation are described in this video:

Preparing for it

Carrying out this type of circular facelift, such as rhytidectomy, is accompanied by a number of manipulations that are performed in a certain sequence. The skill and qualifications of the plastic surgeon who performs this operation ensure a pronounced positive result, giving the skin and face a youthful and fresh appearance.

Proper preparation is no less important than the operation itself. An important condition for rapid rehabilitation after surgery should be the complete elimination of all pathological processes in the body, stimulation of the immune system - this is necessary for more successful and rapid healing of postoperative sutures, eliminating the possibility of inflammation of the skin incision sites.

The following conditions must also be met for successful rhytidectomy, which relate to the preparatory stage before the operation:

  • two weeks before the expected moment of surgical intervention, you should completely abandon and, since these bad habits worsen the quality of the blood, reduce the body’s ability to self-heal;
  • a week before rhytidectomy, the use of medications that reduce the degree of blood clotting, which can complicate the healing of sutures, should be avoided;
  • Negative effects should be eliminated for a week before the operation so that the body is full of strength for recovery: rhytidectomy is a fairly traumatic operation, therefore all options for weakening the body should be excluded.

Maintaining a balanced diet, a clear daily routine and immunostimulating medications will also make it easier to undergo surgery and speed up the process of complete healing of postoperative sutures.

Methods of conducting

Traditional methods

The performance of rhytidectomy may vary slightly in the surgical technique. The method of influence under consideration is divided into three varieties, each of which has its own specific implementation and gives different results:

  1. There is a deep version of this effect, which affects the deepest tissues of the epidermis. As a result of this type of operation, you can get the most pronounced positive changes in facial skin, returning elasticity and youth. The preservation of the result in this case will also be the longest: if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, the effect will last for 10-12 years.
  2. Superficial version of rhytidectomy is accompanied by correction of more superficial tissues, without affecting the periosteum, which allows us to expect final healing of skin damage in the shortest possible time. However, the result obtained from this type of rhytidectomy is less pronounced, it lasts for a shorter period of time - no more than five years, after which rhytidectomy is recommended to be repeated.
  3. Combined impact involves the use of deep treatment methods for specific areas of the facial skin. For example, in the presence of a double chin, excision of excess fatty tissue in this area and skin, which is greatly stretched and worsens the oval of the face, is used. This usually requires deeper treatment of the chin area. In the absence of strong negative changes in the facial skin in other areas, a superficial version of the intervention is used to improve them.

All three surgical techniques require highly qualified plastic surgery specialists and the fulfillment of all conditions for proper preparation for surgery and a rehabilitation period.

New technologies

Since cosmetology is constantly evolving, more and more advanced drugs and methods of skin correction are used, rhytidectomy is also undergoing certain changes, allowing for a more pronounced and long-lasting effect. For example, for a circular facial skin tightening, it allows you to enhance the positive effect of this type of intervention and increases the duration of the result.

The use of threads (the most commonly used are Aptos threads, which have proven themselves and are available to patients) allows you to eliminate the initial manifestations of age-related skin changes: decreased skin elasticity, the initial stage of manifestations of a double chin. Threads are used for both young people, when the natural elasticity of the skin is still preserved and the rehabilitation period as a result proceeds more quickly, and for the elderly: even at the age of 60-65 years, the use of a circular lift using threads can significantly improve the external characteristics of the skin and facial contours , neck and chin.

The technique of using threads to perform a circular facelift is as follows:

  • First, the area where this technique will be applied is anesthetized. The anesthesiologist gives the required number of injections, which are evenly distributed over the desired area. Their number, depending on the area of ​​the skin, can vary significantly: from 2-3 to 8 injections. Their duration of action is 5-8 hours, during which time the patient does not feel pain when performing manipulations;
  • Next, markings are applied to the facial skin, previously cleaned with disinfectant solutions, along which the threads will then be inserted - this will make it easier for the doctor to distribute them as evenly as possible along the oval of the face and further secure them;
  • Now small cuts are made at the marking site, through which the thread is threaded using a miniature needle. The doctor distributes it evenly in the skin. Next, you should most carefully distribute it throughout the entire volume of the treated area, securing the ends.

The duration of the procedure in question may vary depending on the area of ​​skin on which the operation is performed. The patient is not admitted to hospital; a few hours in a day hospital is sufficient.

Lifting with Aptos threads is described in this video:

How is the operation performed?

Rhytidectomy is performed in several stages, which may vary in duration depending on the area of ​​skin being treated. Preparation before surgery should also be carried out in full compliance with all the doctor’s requirements: this will avoid possible complications of surgical intervention, and also speed up the rehabilitation process.

The sequence of actions of the plastic surgeon is as follows:

  1. First, anesthesia is administered, which is usually administered in the form of intravenous anesthetic drugs. The duration of the operation is about 5-9 hours, therefore a drug is selected that ensures a long-term lack of sensitivity of the skin in the areas where it is treated.
  2. Next, an incision is made in the temporal part and behind the ears, depending on the size of the area on which the manipulations are performed, the size of the incision may be different.
  3. Then the plastic surgeon, with the utmost care, separates the fatty tissue from the skin, removes its excess and evenly distributes the remaining fat. This makes it possible to give the face the desired natural oval.
  4. After removing fatty tissue, a certain amount of skin is formed, which becomes redundant and displays unsightly folds. It is also excised with a scalpel.
  5. The end of the operation is performed in the form of suturing with uniform distribution of the skin; the suture is made with non-absorbable threads. After 2-3 weeks, the threads at the sutures are replaced with strip sheets of adhesive tape.

To speed up the rehabilitation process, various medications are used (for example, ointment for the face and sutures “ “); the doctor’s recommendations regarding the absence of significant physical activity and sudden movements must be followed.

Results of circumferential facelift surgery

After a circular lift, patients receive a significant increase in skin tone of the treated areas of the skin, restoration of its elasticity, elimination of wrinkles and skin folds. Age-related changes are minimized, the natural oval of the face is restored, and a double chin is removed.

Thanks to this technique, it is possible to achieve a reduction in the age assessment of the face and neck by 5-10 years, while maintaining the positive effect is observed for 5-8 years.

Where to do it

A procedure such as a circular facelift is performed only in specialized medical institutions by an experienced plastic surgeon who has practical experience in performing rhytidectomy.

  • When choosing a clinic that offers services for performing a circular facelift, you should first of all pay attention to the reputation of the medical institution, the length of its work in the medical field, as well as reviews of those who have already performed a similar manipulation in the chosen organization.
  • The use of modern anesthetic drugs and the use of professional equipment are also important indicators of the quality of work of the selected cosmetic plastic surgery center.

Almost all large medical centers offering their services for performing a circular facelift are located in large cities of Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Novosibirsk, Yaroslavl.

Complications after the introduction of dermal implants into the facial area - the topic of the video below:

Maintaining a young, attractive and beautiful face is one of the strongest desires of any woman. There is a wide range of methods to combat age-related changes.

  • lifting the upper part of the face: lifting the forehead and eyebrow line (an incision during the operation is made in the scalp);
  • midface lift: cheeks, folds around the mouth, nasolabial folds are tightened (incisions are made above the upper lip and in the temporal area);
  • lower face lift or lower third face lift (incision is made above the chin).

A facelift can be performed using plastic surgery and also non-surgical techniques.

There are several types of surgical operations:

  • classic circular lift;
  • endoscopic lifting;
  • smas-lifting;
  • scarless lifting.

A classic lift (or circular lift) is performed through an incision along the hairline, around the ear, and under the chin in natural folds, that is, the incision is made along the circumference of the face. Due to the location of the incisions, the scars after surgery will not be noticeable.

The muscular frame is not affected during this operation. The procedure is aimed at excision of excess skin.

The effect lasts for a long time. This surgical lifting restores a beautiful and clear oval of the face. Classic circular lifting can be combined with eyelid rejuvenation surgery - blepharoplasty.

An endoscopic facelift is a minimally invasive plastic surgery aimed at rejuvenating the face and correcting the oval.

A significant advantage of endoscopic lifting is that it does not require large incisions or extensive tissue excision.

Surgical procedures are performed using special endoscopic equipment. An endoscope with a camera is inserted into the incisions and slowly moved to the place where manipulations need to be performed. Surgical instruments are also introduced. The surgeon can monitor the progress of the operation on the monitor.

During endoscopic lifting, the skin is tightened, excess fat is removed, and the muscles are fixed in a new position.

How much does it cost to tighten skin using the endoscopic method? A mid-face lift using endoscopic lifting costs from 14,000 rubles, an upper face lift costs the same, and a full face lift costs 150,000.

SMAS stands for Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System. The SMAS system is an inextricable fibromuscular layer that connects muscles to the dermis and is located under the skin and subcutaneous fat.

The operation allows for an effective tightening and restoration of facial features and contours lost with age without the effect of over-tightening the skin, as well as restoring a clear oval shape. After the operation, the patient remains and is observed in a hospital for several days.

How much does SMAS lifting cost? The average price of the procedure is from 120,000 rubles.

During a scarless lift, an incision is made in the temporal region and in front of the ear, which does not go behind the ears as in a classic lift. It is recommended for people aged 30 to 40 who need to slightly tighten their skin and slightly correct their oval shape. This lifting is a minimally invasive type of SMAS lifting.

Small-scar plastic surgery is very effective and requires much less recovery time. It leaves a short and barely noticeable scar.

Many reviews from patients who have undergone surgery note high efficiency and a pronounced facelift after surgery.

Non-surgical lifting methods include:

  • Face lift with threads.
  • Facelift at home.
  • Hardware cosmetology (lifting using special cosmetology devices).

You can choose which non-surgical method is best to tighten the skin by analyzing numerous patient reviews and recommendations from a cosmetologist.

You can effectively and safely lift and tighten your oval shape without surgery using thread lifting. It does not require long-term rehabilitation, the likelihood of complications is unlikely, and a facelift with threads has a minimal number of contraindications.

The essence of the procedure is as follows: the cosmetologist inserts a thread under the skin into a microscopic puncture using a needle. The threads have micro-notches that help fix them in the required position and, thus, tighten the skin and smooth out wrinkles.

You can do a face lift quickly and easily at home. Lifting at home includes: massage, masks, creams, various folk remedies, gymnastics and exercises.

Massage in general has a beneficial effect on the skin and has a lifting effect, helping to make the oval of the face clearer.

In order for massage, exercises and folk remedies to bring the desired effect, you should definitely give up smoking and alcoholic beverages, because they cause enormous harm to the body and nullify all efforts to rejuvenate. It is also necessary to eat right, get enough sleep, and avoid stress.

A very important nuance is the amount of time spent on rejuvenation at home - the more, the more effective the effect will be.

Lifting creams usually contain collagen, alpha-lipoic acid (a natural antioxidant for human cells), kinetin, vitamins, and oils. Products with such substances smooth out wrinkles, tighten and rejuvenate the skin, making it more elastic. When choosing cosmetics, you should also pay attention to the amount of natural ingredients: the more there are in a cream or mask, the better.

If you make a tightening mask before applying the lifting cream, you can achieve greater results. The mask should be done two or three times a week, and the cream should be applied every day.

In addition to store-bought masks, you can make homemade ones using only natural ingredients. Time-tested folk recipes for anti-aging products will be very beneficial for the skin in general. Effective masks at home can be made from honey, clay (can be purchased at a pharmacy), potatoes, egg yolk, oatmeal, cabbage juice, aloe juice and other natural remedies. You can add cosmetic oils to the prepared mask: olive, almond, grape seed oil, sesame, peach, sea buckthorn, avocado oil, jojoba and others.

Exercises and gymnastics for the face will help achieve significant rejuvenation if done every day.

Rejuvenation and tightening of the oval at home is the most convenient and cost-effective option that anyone can afford.

Hardware cosmetology is very popular due to its effectiveness, painlessness, complete safety and long-lasting effect. Lifting with cosmetology devices includes the following procedures: ultrasonic lifting, microcurrent lifting, fractional photothermolysis (laser lifting).

Ultrasonic tightening is performed using a special device that creates focused ultrasound radiation.

High-frequency sound waves generated by the device affect the deep layers of the skin, namely SMAS. The waves compress and shorten collagen fibers, provoking the process of neocollagenesis (the formation of the skin's own collagen) and the formation of new elastin fibers. The process of neocollagenesis can continue for three or four months.

The procedure lasts from thirty to sixty minutes. The result is noticeable immediately after the first session. For ultrasonic lifting, local anesthesia with anesthetic creams is used.

Age-related changes in the skin begin at the age of 20, when the number of dying cells increases every day compared to those being born. That is why, after a few years, the first “bells” begin to appear that the skin is aging. The complexion becomes dull, pigment spots appear, turgor and elasticity decrease, and dryness increases, causing the first wrinkles to appear.

It is known that women over 40 turn to the help of plastic surgeons, and this is not surprising, because at this age cosmetics help little. What about those who are between 25 and 40 years old? For such patients, cosmetologists have a whole arsenal of face lifting options without surgery. What methods of non-surgical lifting exist and what are their advantages? This is what we will talk about.

Benefits of a non-surgical facelift

All methods of face lifting without surgery are based on the principle of therapeutic trauma to the inner or outer layers of the skin. In this case, the layers of the dermis respond differently to damage, but in all cases this intervention ends with the formation and formation of new collagen fibers, elastin and molecular chains of hyaluronic acid.

Undoubtedly, surgical operations are radical in many ways and can eliminate many aging problems in one intervention, but non-surgical lifting also has its advantages that you need to know before deciding to use any of them.

So, below are the benefits that non-surgical lifting has:

  1. There are minimal contraindications to such manipulations. The exceptions are mainly infectious diseases, pregnancy and lactation, cancer and diseases associated with the blood clotting process.
  2. There is a virtual absence of side effects and negative consequences, except for the possibility of swelling, bruising, hyperemia and peeling of the skin.
  3. Shortened rehabilitation period. Low level of pain. Generally, local anesthesia is sufficient for the patient. The only exception is lifting with surgical threads. It is even possible to use anesthesia here.
  4. The first results quickly appear and the rejuvenation effect increases. Many non-surgical lifting methods remain effective for up to several years.
  5. General positive and healing effects on the body. Many cosmetic procedures for rejuvenation use the body's reserve forces: microcirculation of blood and lymph improves, blood flow speed is normalized, blood vessels are cleansed and metabolic products are removed.
  6. Most procedures are performed on an outpatient basis and do not require hospitalization.
  7. Low invasiveness or non-invasiveness of methods, as well as reducing the risk of infection of the body during manipulations. There are no traces of exposure, scars or scars left on the skin.

How to make the right choice?

Unfortunately, none of us can stop time, but we can prolong youth and stay at the peak of strength and energy if we use the body’s hidden reserves and use the cells’ ability to self-renew. Which procedure should I choose from among those already available? This problem can only be solved by cosmetologists who carry out diagnostics and determine the dominant type of skin aging.

Diagnosis is very important, as it can be biological aging (premature aging due to external and internal factors), photoaging (due to solar radiation), as well as chronoaging, when aging occurs due to age. It is important to determine not only the skin type, but also which of the skin layers to correct.

A facelift without surgery is achieved mainly in two ways, each of which has its own nuances and with which you can achieve the necessary changes.

These include:

  1. Correction techniques that are aimed at eliminating early signs of aging and are carried out at the level of the dermal layer of the skin. These technologies are used in cases where there are no obvious wrinkles or sagging skin. These methods include RF lifting, laser dermabrasion, laser fractional thermolysis and laser nanoperforation, bioreinforcement, the use of microcurrents, plasma lifting, photorejuvenation, vector lifting.
  2. Correction techniques that eliminate ptosis, as well as medium and deep wrinkles. These methods act at the level of the hypodermis and muscle layer, that is, at a deeper level. These include botulinum toxin injections and thread lifting.

How do non-surgical lifting methods work?

According to experts, many of the non-surgical lifting methods are a worthy alternative to methods of rejuvenating the face and body using surgery. Almost each of them uses the ability of skin cells to self-heal and renew collagen fibers.

  • Radiofrequency lifting or . The effect on tissue is produced by low-frequency radio waves, as a result of which the stretched collagen fibers contract. After several sessions, the mechanisms for the production of new molecules of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin are launched. The procedure can be used on any part of the body and face, and 5-6 sessions can maintain the effect for up to 24 months.
  • Skin rejuvenation using laser technology(, laser nanoperforation, and others). Using laser radiation, it is possible to eliminate many signs of age-related changes and significantly increase the turgor and elasticity of the skin. There are two types of effects: ablative (when epidermal cells are simply evaporated and the lifting effect is achieved through the regeneration of damaged tissues) and non-ablative (when protein coagulation occurs in the deeper dermal layers and the processes of neocollagenesis and tissue restructuring are launched). To prevent the occurrence of destructive changes, laser therapy is carried out from the age of 25 and 1 session is sufficient. For a lasting effect, you will have to take a course of several sessions.
  • Bioreinforcement, simply - injections of hyaluronic acid. To maintain excellent skin condition, it is enough to carry out 1-2 procedures every 6-12 months, starting from 25-30 years.

Read more about the procedure in the article: - an alternative to surgical lifting

  • Electrotherapy– based on the effect of microcurrents on dermal tissue. Using this method, you can not only perform lifting without surgery, but also eliminate problems such as cellulite and fat folds.
  • Plasmolifting– a therapy in which platelet-rich plasma obtained from the patient’s own blood is injected under the skin. It is enough to carry out only 2-4 sessions of 1-2 courses annually to remain young and fit for many years.

Hello, dear readers!

We women really want the same young and energetic beauty to always look at us from the reflection in the mirror as we feel in our souls. But, unfortunately, the years go by and leave the imprint of time on our face. And we sincerely wish that life’s wisdom be the highlight that will favorably emphasize external beauty and attractiveness.

Therefore, it is important for us to know about all the ways to prolong youth. And so, today we will talk not so much about a cosmetic procedure, but about a surgical procedure, the general name of which is face lift. It helps to keep our face young for a longer period of time and is a fairly popular procedure these days, since it is a well-groomed and fresh appearance that significantly increases internal self-esteem, which is reflected in the perception of our personality by the people around us!

The essence of the operation

The procedure can be “targeted” on the entire face or on any part of it: upper, middle or lower. If you only need to tighten the upper zone (the area near the eyes), then an incision is made in the area of ​​the eyebrows, lower eyelids and temples.

In a mid- or lower-section lift, the incision line is primarily along the hairline, within the natural contours of the face in front and behind the ears. If necessary, an incision is made near the upper lip and under the chin. The skin, together with deep structures (muscle tissue and nerve endings), is carefully stretched and stitched with special threads. Excess tissue is removed.

The length of the incision and suture directly depends on the complexity of the intervention. The scars that most women who are thinking about this operation are so afraid of are mostly almost invisible.

Circular facelift

Doctors use this term along with another - “full facelift”. This means that complex surgical rejuvenation will be carried out, aimed not only at the face itself, but also at the neck.

You might be wondering what to expect from a circumferential lift. So, it necessarily consists of the following stages:

  1. Modeling of the upper facial zone (the area near the eyebrows and forehead).
  2. Mid-section lift – enhancing flat cheeks and cheekbones.
  3. Lower zone lift (2/3): designed to reverse the aging process of the jaw contour and neck line, when severe sagging of the cheeks occurs, the formation of a double chin, etc.

It is advisable to resort to the circular lift procedure at the age of 45-60, when other methods of rejuvenation, or, give little results.

When and who should have surgery?

The first subjective factor, of course, is the woman’s desire to stop the process of skin aging and prolong youth. But objective conditions should be taken into account:

  • deep folds under the lower eyelids;
  • wrinkles along the nose extending to the corner of the mouth;
  • noticeable drooping or thinning of the cheekbones;
  • loss of tone in the middle and lower facial areas;
  • Loose skin and excess fat deposits under the chin and jaw, even in women of normal weight.

When should you not have a facelift?

Lifting is a very serious step that requires a balanced approach. Only a woman's sincere desire cannot be a convincing reason. When certain individual risks prevail, a conscientious doctor will refuse a woman surgery.

Direct reasons for refusing an operation are:

  • high blood pressure;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • blood clotting problems;
  • low hemoglobin level;
  • the presence of any kind of chronic (diabetes, nephropathy, etc.), hormonal and endocrine disorders;
  • emotional state of the patient.

Do I need to take any tests before surgery?

Since a facelift is performed through surgery, you should undergo a full medical examination and undergo some tests prescribed by the doctor himself. The list of tests is exclusively individual and depends on the age and health status of the patient. Also make sure that the plastic surgeon reads your medical record in detail beforehand.

To avoid unforeseen circumstances, the following tests are usually prescribed before surgery:

  1. Detailed blood test. Its purpose is to determine the group and Rh, exclude anemia and bleeding disorders, etc.
  2. Urinalysis, which will help investigate kidney function and other conditions.
  3. Test for hepatitis C and HIV.
  4. Heart function tests (ECG, X-ray).

How is the operation performed?

Modern facelift methods are based not only on tightening the upper layer of skin, as happened 10-15 years ago, but on complex, deep regeneration of the lower structures. This provides long-term prospects for rejuvenation, and also allows you to preserve most of the facial functions.

The operation itself is done like this:

  1. The anesthesiologist administers anesthesia.
  2. The surgeon makes an incision just above the front of the ears and then goes down to the lobe, surrounding it and ending in the natural folds behind the ears to hide the incision and future stitches.
  3. The deep muscle layers and connective tissues then rise vertically to reverse the effects of gravity and contract.
  4. The doctor covers the excision sites with the removed parts of the skin to maintain a natural appearance.

Important points:

  1. Anesthesia‒ one of the most dangerous moments of the operation, which often causes side effects (for example, allergies, pulmonary arrest, etc.). However, experienced specialists will ensure complete safety by first making a test.
  2. Operation duration depends on the area being reconstructed. When lifting the upper zone, the operation lasts about 2 hours. Mid-zone lifting takes 2-3 hours. A circular lift will take longer - 4-5 hours.

Recovery after surgery

Remember, during the first week after a facelift, you will be under the supervision of a doctor at all times. During the postoperative period, your bandages will be changed and injured surfaces will be treated. Antibiotics may be prescribed as needed.

The bandages are removed two days after a successful intervention. The sutures will be removed after approximately seven days. Approximately 15-25 days are needed for adaptation. Full recovery usually takes about 6 weeks.

What do you need to be prepared for?

This is a very important question. You must be prepared for the following:

  • For the first week, any physical activity is prohibited;
  • for two weeks in a lying position, the head should be elevated;
  • there is severe pain in the face and head;
  • bruises and swelling of the head, eyes, neck last about 6 days;
  • numbness is present: in the cheek area - up to one month, near the chin - from 3 to 4 months;
  • during the first 7 days, bruising is inevitable;
  • in some cases a drainage tube is required, which is removed after 2 days.

Possible consequences and complications

Side effects are quite rare, but the following negative consequences are still possible:

  • wound infection;
  • formation of a subcutaneous hematoma, which requires repeated surgery;
  • delayed healing;
  • damage to the facial nerve that controls facial expressions;
  • with an intervention that lasts more than an hour, the risk of developing venous blood clots increases.

Facelift‒ a powerful weapon in the fight against time. However, it should be borne in mind that the effect is not permanent and, moreover, is not always safe. Therefore, think again, weigh the pros and cons, and only then draw conclusions that are decisive for yourself.