Rejuvenation at the cellular level. Rejuvenation of the body at the cellular level is a new way of life. Benefits of rejuvenation at the cellular level

Cellular rejuvenation (revitalization)(from Latin re... - renewal and vita - life, literally: return of life) - a section of cosmetology aimed at rejuvenating the aging body.

It is obvious that the aging of the body occurs constantly, it is not always noticeable in the mirror, and does not always correspond to the age according to the passport. It is impossible to stop this process, but you can slow it down.

For this, cosmetologists at the Hippocratic Oath Clinic offer several Cellular Rejuvenation procedures: fibroblasts (SPRS therapy) and plasma lifting. The essence of such procedures is to restore damaged living tissue by activating stem cells or by transplanting them.

SPRS therapy: natural skin rejuvenation with your own fibroblasts

Why fibroblasts? Our skin consists of three layers: the outer - epidermis, the middle - dermis and the inner - hypodermis. Each layer plays its own important and unique role. But the main layer is the dermis, which is responsible for the strength and extensibility of the skin, as well as for its “youth” and beauty. The dermis is a framework consisting of collagen and elastin fibers, filled with a gel of hyaluronic acid and water. And all these main components of “youth” of the skin - collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, etc. are produced by fibroblasts - the main cells of the dermis. These cells in the skin perform many functions, including the production, organization and renewal of dermal components, as well as maintaining the physiological state of all layers of the skin.

With age, the number of fibroblasts in the skin decreases, their biosynthetic activity decreases, and the content of collagen, the main structural component of the dermis, decreases. Thus, American scientists have shown that in the skin of elderly people, compared to the skin of young people, the number of fibroblasts decreases by an average of 40%, and biosynthetic activity - by 75%. The external manifestation of these processes is a decrease in skin thickness, a decrease in its elasticity and firmness, and the formation of wrinkles.

As soon as our cosmetologists don’t fight this! They have one goal: to stimulate dermal fibroblasts to actively work and replenish its lost volume. Various drugs that are related in biochemical composition to the intercellular substance (in particular, hyaluronic acid) are injected into the skin, and the skin is exposed to a laser. There are also radio wave therapy, dermabrasion and other methods that stimulate fibroblasts to activity and force them to get to work. But since the content and activity of fibroblasts in the skin decreases, the final result does not always meet the patient’s expectations.

A fundamentally different approach is used in SPRS therapy, which is based on introducing into the skin a drug containing the patient’s own fibroblasts, which, after administration, themselves restore skin tissue and trigger natural physiological mechanisms and regeneration in them.

Officially, SPRS therapy has been approved for use for the correction of age-related and scarring skin changes in Russian clinics since July 2010. A year later, the American company Fibrocell Science received approval from the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to use its similar technology to correct wrinkles in the area of ​​nasolabial folds.

Thus, the technology for the use of autologous skin fibroblasts has now received worldwide recognition. Up to this point (for a total of almost twenty years!), both Russian and American scientists have conducted many clinical studies that have proven that the method is safe and indeed gives very good results - almost all patients and doctors are satisfied with it.

The essence of SPRS therapy. A piece of skin with a diameter of 4 mm is taken from the patient from behind the ear (where the skin is least damaged by UV rays) and a fibroblast culture is obtained from it. In the skin of every person, regardless of age, fibroblast precursor cells are present. In culture, they are able to form colonies - clones consisting of tens and even thousands of fibroblasts, developed from a single precursor cell. This means that in a person of any age, from a small fragment of skin, you can obtain the number of fibroblasts necessary for therapy. We are not exaggerating when we talk about “any age”: in the skin of even a 95-year-old person there are up to 14% active fibroblasts!

As it turned out, by culturing cells it is possible to obtain a very interesting individual characteristic of the skin, on the basis of which it is possible to calculate the value of the regenerative potential of fibroblasts (that is, their ability to maintain tissue self-regulation and restore it when damaged), on the basis of which a conclusion can then be made about the regenerative potential of the skin in general, and, therefore, its ability to self-heal. The magnitude of this potential is individual for each person, it does not depend on his age. Taking this indicator into account, it is possible for each patient to develop his own individual program for skin renewal and restoration (the so-called “Skin Passport”™ and “SPRS-program”).

What is it for? Everyone is familiar with this situation: two patients of the same age undergo the same procedures, then one is completely delighted, and the other complains that there is no point. “Skin Passport” helps predict the result, find out who will easily get an excellent effect, and who needs to undergo preparatory procedures. This is the essence of the individual SPRS program.

SPRS drug. When an individual cellular preparation for rejuvenation is prepared from a piece of skin, only active fibroblasts are selected that have retained a high ability to divide and synthesize components important for the skin. Cells that are unable to divide are removed during the cultivation process. And here is the question that worries everyone when it comes to cellular technologies: could such autofibroblasts become a trigger for the development of tumors? No, they can't. After injection, a person’s own skin cells fully take root in the dermis and, being under strict control of the microenvironment, become a normal component of its cell population. Analysis of skin samples, which was carried out over two years of clinical research, did not reveal any negative effects - these cells in the skin do not divide, but only synthesize substances needed by the skin.

So, a ready-made culture of the patient’s own fibroblasts is injected into his skin (into the upper layer of the dermis) using thin mesotherapy needles. This is done in two doses with an interval of a month. Actually, already in culture, cells actively produce collagen types I and III, elastin and other components of the dermis. Moreover, the formation of these proteins is practically independent of age and gender.

What are the indications for SPRS therapy? Age-related changes in the skin of the face and body (thinning of the skin, decreased elasticity, firmness, the presence of small and medium wrinkles); acne scars; skin rehabilitation after peelings and plastic surgeries.

What areas of the skin can be “treated”? Skin of the face, neck, décolleté, hands.

The result is visible within 10-14 days after completion of the procedures: the skin becomes firmer, more elastic, the color and contours of the face improve, the number and depth of wrinkles decreases, as well as the severity of age spots. Another important indicator is that the thickness of the skin increases (after a year by an average of 65%). The effect lasts for several years (at least two years) and increases over time. Thus, according to clinical studies, if after a month 88% of patients evaluate the effect as “good” and “excellent”, then after 3, 6, 12 and 24 months - 100% of patients. Wrinkles decrease after a month by 14%, and after 12 months - by 46% compared to the initial state. Moreover, all patients, without exception, note an increase in skin density and a decrease in the depth of wrinkles, 73% - a decrease in the number of wrinkles, 87% - an increase in skin elasticity and firmness, a lifting effect. And in men (who, as always, are luckier), the lifting effect is observed in almost 100% of cases.

What happens to the cells that are brought into the skin? Histological studies - the most objective method from the arsenal of modern cell science - have shown that after a month, autofibroblasts are visible in the skin in small groups, which is understandable, since the cellular material is introduced in portions, and the cells remain in portions without migrating throughout the dermis. New collagen fibers are clearly visible in the intercellular matrix, confirming that fibroblasts are actively working. A similar picture persists after 3, 6 and 12 months - this means that the transplanted fibroblasts are active even a year later. After 24 months, fibroblast groups are also recorded, similar to those observed immediately after transplantation, and collagen production continues. Apparently, the transplanted fibroblasts are fully integrated into the skin and become a natural part of its normal cell population, and, accordingly, their activity depends on the needs of the skin. It is during this period that they can be further stimulated using cosmetic methods according to an individual program previously drawn up for each patient. In this case, it is natural to expect that the effect of the procedures will be pronounced, since the population of skin fibroblasts is significantly replenished with new cells.

Storing fibroblasts in a cryobank. In conclusion, one more feature of SPRS therapy should be noted: part of the resulting fibroblasts can be cryopreserved and placed in cryostorage, where they can be stored in liquid nitrogen in individual cells for an unlimited time. Cells preserved in this way can be used, if necessary, to produce an SPRS drug throughout the patient's life.

Don't be afraid of old age - it will pass.

Mikhail Genin

People have always sought to find a recipe for eternal life and tried to prolong youth by any means. Nowadays, expensive cosmetics designed to eliminate the main aspects of old age are increasingly used. But, unfortunately, many people forget that appearance is a reflection of the state of all systems and organs, and first of all, rejuvenation at the cellular level is necessary. Old age can be pushed into the background in various ways, but not all of them are safe and effective. Of course, at first you can hide small wrinkles with decorative cosmetics, but every year this becomes more and more difficult.

Biological age and its influence on appearance

Scientists have long noticed that a person’s actual or “passport” age does not always correspond to his appearance. You can meet a girl who at 20 looks like 30, and it happens that a 40-year-old lady can be on par with 25-year-olds. Therefore, the term “biological age” was introduced, which reflects the deterioration of the body and its organs. The lower this criterion, the greater the load the body can withstand. At high levels, problems with hair, skin, nails and health in general appear.

Biological age is influenced by many factors:

  1. Heredity
  2. Environmental conditions.
  3. Individual habits.
  4. Diet.
  5. Lifestyle, etc.

A young body can easily withstand an increase in normal load by 6 times, while the general condition of the person will not worsen. As biological age increases, the difference between the background activity of metabolic processes at rest and during exercise decreases. This significantly affects physical capabilities, emotional endurance and, most importantly, appearance. Rejuvenation of the body at the cellular level helps slow down the aging of all systems and organs, which in a short time is reflected in external data (tight skin, lush hair, strong nails, etc.).

Increasing the intensity of metabolic processes is the main step towards rejuvenating the body

Rejuvenation of human body cells depends on metabolism. The easiest way to improve this process is to increase the amount of protein consumed. Animal protein enhances cell regeneration and metabolic processes by almost 40%, but it also has its negative aspects:

  • It is advisable to use it before the age of 40, after which consumption of animal protein begins to negatively affect the liver, joints and kidneys. Therefore, it is necessary to replace it with products of plant origin (olives, turnips, soybeans, white rice, cauliflower, etc.).
  • The protein consumed must be supplemented with a sufficient amount of water. For 100 g of protein, drink at least 500 ml of water. But you need clean water, not drinks (tea, carbonated drinks, juices, compotes, etc.). Water helps remove protein breakdown products from the body, which negatively affect health.

Cellular rejuvenation, due to the acceleration of metabolic processes, helps:

  1. Nutrition adjustments.
  2. Playing sports.
  3. Massage.
  4. Walks in the open air.
  5. Sauna.
  6. Aromatherapy.
  7. Healthy sleep, etc.

Modern pharmacy does not stand still and is developing various directions every day. Vision offers a variety of products aimed at improving the quality of life.

Beauty requires sacrifice?

Nowadays, many products are advertised that “guarantee” almost eternal youth. Trusting people buy, accept and wait a long time for at least some result, but it still doesn’t come. Rejuvenation of body cells is a long process and requires a clear selection of active ingredients and their dosages. High-quality products are developed by competent specialists, taking into account the compatibility of substances, analysis of pharmacological characteristics, etc. This is exactly the work that Vision specialists did, as a result of which they received products that meet all quality standards (GMP, ISO202000), passed clinical trials in many countries and received methodological recommendations developed by MAMS named after. DI. Sechenov.

The 100% natural composition ensures absolute safety, and not every dietary supplement can boast of such an advantage. Plant raw materials (RS) are collected at certain moments when the concentration of active substances is maximum. To further fully preserve the useful components, the PC is crushed using the latest cryo-crushing technology. This allows you to transfer all the life-giving power of herbs to the preparations.

All of the above advantages made it possible to create not only a safe, but also an effective product with 98% absorption of biological active substances. Compared to the absorption of vitamins and minerals from food, Vision products distribute throughout the body almost twice as efficiently, nourishing organs and systems. Plus, it is worth remembering that modern methods of processing vegetables and fruits (accelerating growth, preventing rapid rotting, etc.) significantly reduce the performance of useful components. The body is critically short of vitamins and other microelements, which leads to accelerated aging.

Do you dream of overcoming old age in the shortest possible time? Then Vision products are a reliable and indispensable assistant. The following complexes will help restore your former beauty and prevent fading:

A powerful complex of 10 natural antioxidants that slow down cell destruction, remove toxins and waste, protect against the negative effects of free radicals, reduce oxidative stress, and enhance collagen production. As additional effects, the product prevents the occurrence of inflammatory, oncological, cardiovascular and ophthalmological diseases. When used, a decrease in cholesterol levels and strengthening of cell membranes, blood vessels and capillaries is noticed, and DNA is protected.

The action of which is aimed at preventing all aging processes. It contains only proven components that have undergone clinical trials, confirming their effectiveness and safety. The complex ensures the acceleration of regenerative processes in cells, the suppression and removal of free radicals, cellular rejuvenation, etc. As side effects, the immune system is stimulated, the processes of blood formation and circulation are restored, the risk of cancer and ophthalmological diseases is reduced, and the functioning of the thyroid gland is regulated.

A complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for the coordinated functioning of many body systems. PUFAs are especially important for the heart, brain, skin and blood vessels. By improving cell structure, they help slow down aging and maintain skin elasticity. In addition, the heart rate is regulated, blood pressure is normalized, the skeletal and muscle systems are strengthened, memory is improved and the immune system is strengthened.

The complex has high bioavailability, which allows its components to penetrate deep into the skin cells. “Beauty” quickly copes with imperfections (blackheads, enlarged pores, redness, etc.), perfectly moisturizes the skin, renews the structure of hair and nail cells, accelerates regeneration processes, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. Together, all these effects make the skin smooth and velvety, restoring tone and smoothing out wrinkles.

The question is how to rejuvenate the body's cells and restore their former beauty? Our consultants will help solve this problem without much effort. With Vision products you can forget about surgeries and other painful procedures. Now beauty does not require sacrifice! It is enough to contact consultants who will promptly select a safe program that provides 100% effect for a reasonable price. Do you dream of regaining your youth? Tired of using hundreds of jars of useless products? Then you have come to the right place. Just one call separates you from perfectly smooth and toned skin, luxurious hair, strong nails and other delights of youth.

There are five rules according to Bolotov

In his book “This is Real,” B.V. Bolotov writes that every person can solve health problems for himself. To do this, you only need to follow the five necessary rules of health (the “quintessence” of health). As B.V. Bolotov writes: “quintessence is effective always and everywhere, in Chernobyl or elsewhere. It doesn’t matter whether you are sick, irradiated, whether you were harmed “The quintessence always operates successfully, just as the law of universal gravitation always operates.”

The essence of these five rules of health is as follows.

Rule one - increase the number of young cells

Each cell of the human body is constantly dividing, giving rise to new and new cells, gradually aging and dying. Thus, the human body consists of young aging and old cells, and by the number of each type of cell one can judge the oldness or youth of the organism. In the 60s of the last century, B.V. Bolotov invented a device that allows you to determine the number of old and young cells in a single area of ​​skin. The principle of operation of the device is that the test area a thin beam of light is directed, the spectrum of which is compared with the spectrum of reflected light: As it was established after studying the reflected light spectrally and over time, young cells turned out to be more energetic and were easily distinguished by the device. Old cells retained light for a longer period of time and reflected light with a significantly changed spectrum. In addition, lines appeared in the spectrum of old cells that were not characteristic of normal skin (sugar, creatinine, etc.). Based on the intensity of reflected light, it was found that at the age of up to one year, old cells do not exceed 1%. At 10 years of age, the number of old cells ranges from 7 to 10%. At age 50 it increases to 50%. Thus, the first rule of health is to increase the number of young cells in relation to the number of old ones.

The best way to achieve this is to remove (destroy) old cells with reduced vital function, which should be replaced by young ones. To help the body solve this problem, it is necessary to induce the release of pepsin enzymes in the stomach. To this end, 30 minutes after eating, take about 1 gram of table salt on the tip of your tongue for several minutes, then swallow the salty saliva. Such a small amount of salt cannot harm the body, but it is extremely necessary to increase the amount of pepsin. Even the ancient Greeks suggested sucking grains of salt after eating (it turns out that gastric juice begins to be released reflexively, the elements of which break down old and damaged cells). Pepsin-like substances also dissolve the cells of pathogenic organisms. They do not dissolve only their own young cells.

But rejuvenation of cell colonies can be achieved not only with the help of salt. To rejuvenate the body, it was also recommended to eat plants of the molodilo family (or others: plantain, sorrel, nettle, cabbage, fennel, seaweed, lemongrass, leuzea, Manchurian aralia, ginseng, etc. - up to a hundred species of plants).

What about at home? achieve rejuvenation of body cells? There are several ways to do this:

1. Place one gram of salt on your tongue for a few minutes and swallow the salty saliva. Do the procedure after every meal or 5-7 times a day. You can also add salt to the fruits that go to the table. It is not recommended to eat during treatment.

2. After eating, eat 1-2 teaspoons of seaweed or a small piece of salted herring. Borscht is best prepared from sauerkraut with the addition of pickled beets. Plants from the Juvenile family can also be fermented. To do this, fill a 3-liter jar with the plant, add 1 teaspoon of table salt and 0.5 g of yeast. Place in a warm place for 6-7 days. Take 1 tablespoon with meals.


Cellular rejuvenation: secret techniques of Hiromi Shinya and Zviad Arabuli, reviews

Women spend a lot of time on beauty treatments, diets and exercise. The goal is one - to slow down the aging process. The fight against physiological depletion of the body's resources has acquired a fantastic scope; cosmetic companies and plastic surgeons are secretly competing in the use of ever new technologies and means. Scientific research and genetic research have led to a simple conclusion - you need to come to an agreement with your cells.

There are a great many ways to influence cells, and recipes from ancient times and nanotechnology quite peacefully occupy neighboring niches in the beauty and rejuvenation industry. The most creative research and discoveries in the modern world are always presented to the public. Men do not lag behind their other halves; they are also interested in rejuvenating the body at the cellular level. Therefore, today we will discuss the most effective and secret methods that brought their discoverers well-deserved fame (and financial success).

Neurolinguistic secrets of body rejuvenation

These techniques assume that a person has a great interest in the result, enough patience and perseverance. In essence, you need to “agree” with your body using certain commands introduced into the subconscious. The neurolinguistic niche itself is quite voluminous. After all, there are a great many adverbs and unique conversational techniques in the world. The most prominent representatives of this direction:

  • Louise Hay;
  • Alexander Sviyash;
  • Creators of the NLP system;
  • Ancient shamans;
  • Professor Sytin.

Before downloading new programs that rejuvenate the body into the brain, you need to:

  1. Using techniques, get rid of old attitudes, or, in other words, stereotypes of your own thinking;
  2. “Pump up” your body with additional energy;
  3. Create an intention to change or accelerate the necessary processes;
  4. Act in accordance with your own new guidelines.

The algorithm of work is simple, but along the way there are always nuances that confirm the unique individuality of each organism. The working “techniques” are described in detail, and they are easy to find on the Internet. For example, here are some of them:

  • Special word forms for rejuvenating the body from Professor Sytin are recognized throughout the world by the scientific community. In the construction of phrases, special impulses for the subconscious are encoded, helping to rejuvenate the body from the inside;
  • For those who have a rich imagination, the method of visualizing and moving pictures on the internal screen, from right to left (from past to future);
  • Shamanic practices suggest that a person, through actions unusual for him in everyday life, gains access to the subconscious, bypassing his rational brain. Therefore, tambourines, dancing, breathing and being in non-standard conditions are used.

Not everyone has the time, perseverance and incentive to work independently, since modern realities force women and men to perform many tasks and functions at the same time. Therefore, our next candidate is cellular rejuvenation using fibroblasts.

What is fibroblast rejuvenation?

This method involves the help of cosmetologists and gene surgeons. The essence of the method is to replant your own fibroblasts - the main cells of the second layer of skin (dermis). The skin consists of:

  • The top layer is the epidermis;
  • Inner layer - dermis;
  • The deep layer is the hypodermis.

The dermis is a framework of collagen and elastin fibers found in a natural environment of hyaluron and water. The formation of all these components depends specifically on fibroblasts. With age, fibroblasts lose their active component, but even in very old people they are present in the skin. The method was originally used to reduce scars after surgery. But in 2010 I found myself in cosmetology.

Rejuvenation with fibroblasts, the essence of the method is that a piece of skin taken from behind the patient’s ear is cut off. Next, a colony of related fibroblasts is grown from it, selecting the most active cells for the procedure. The finished cells are introduced under the patient's skin using thin cosmetic needles. Rejuvenation at the cellular level is carried out in two stages, with an interval of one month. Fibroblasts remain locally at the injection point, without migrating through the subcutaneous space, and immediately begin to actively restore the skin. An absolutely harmless operation that does not cause the formation of tumors, since the genetically grown material is related to the human body. The effect is noticeable after a couple of weeks and remains unchanged for up to 5 years.

If a woman comes for the procedure at the age of 45, additional cell-stimulating procedures can be used a year after the introduction of fibroblasts (use creams, undergo additional manipulative techniques in beauty salons). Rejuvenation with fibroblasts is the most innovative method that gives quick results and stimulates the body’s own reserves.

A woman's body's best friend

Internationally recognized gastroenterologist Hiromi Shinya promotes not just a healthy lifestyle, but also offers an original technique that allows you to rejuvenate the body from the inside. The main idea of ​​the gastroenterologist is that for rejuvenation you do not need dietary supplements, drugs and other improvised means. Everything can be arranged using the internal reserves of the body, detoxifying each working cell. After which the waste material is recycled and converted into amino acids and other useful microelements necessary for life. This method is suitable for supporters of therapeutic fasting, although you won’t have to literally go without food.

The key element of the system is a short fast, which provokes the same renewal processes as during complete fasting.

Products should be predominantly cereal and not heat-treated. The general algorithm announced to the public:

  • Every morning starts with half a liter of clean water;
  • After half an hour, you need to eat a seasonal fruit or vegetable (apple, carrot, pear);
  • After another 30 minutes - a full breakfast containing an acceptable percentage of proteins;
  • The lunch meal follows that prescription;
  • Dinner should be 4-5 hours before departure for rest (sleep).

In addition to proteins, Hiromi does not welcome dairy derivatives and vegetable oil (as a processed product). By simulating hunger, but simultaneously introducing microelements and vitamins beneficial to the body, the doctor “cooperates” with the beneficial internal microflora. This method allows not only rejuvenation at the cellular level, but also a complete change in lifestyle.

Tibetan techniques

A woman’s body has a large margin of safety, but not infinite. The realities of life in the form of an unhealthy environment, stress, and fatigue negatively affect the functioning of cells. Over time, this leads to wear, disease and aging. In infancy, all diseases are necessary to establish immunity, but for the older generation this is additional stress.

Cellular rejuvenation can be carried out using centuries-old Tibetan methods. Special collections of herbs and dried plants contribute to this. The main idea is to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, which is responsible for processing, excreting and using nutrients for the benefit of the body. We present two recipes tested by modern women around the world. Reviews about them sound only in superlatives.

  • Recipe one

You need to collect or buy the following herbs at the pharmacy:

  1. St. John's wort leaves and roots;
  2. Birch unopened buds;
  3. Heads of common field chamomile;
  4. Strawberry roots and dried leaves.

Boiling water is poured into 2 tablespoons of dry collection. The half-liter jar is wrapped, and the infusion should cool in the dark. Drink 250 grams before bed, at least a couple of hours should pass after dinner. The remaining 250 grams are drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. You can have breakfast only after 60 minutes. Dry herbs are mixed in equal proportions (each about 100 grams); you need to drink decoctions daily until the herbs run out.

  • Recipe two - amazing soup

Dried elderberry (1 tbsp), pour water overnight. Add 100 grams of elderberry infusion and half a peeled and chopped apple to the broth cooked with white chicken meat. No spices are added, only ghee in the amount of one spoon. The soup must be eaten in two sittings - morning and evening. It must be done once every seven days.

Innovative development

Finally, it is necessary to mention stem cells grown in special genetic laboratories. Replanting them triggers regenerative processes, but the operations are expensive and are so far used only for medical purposes. There is a version that artificially grown cells contribute to the development of tumors, but the fact has not yet been confirmed by the medical community.

Hi all! The article “Risk rejuvenation of the body at the cellular level” - this sensational news was recently received from abroad. I have already touched on the topic of skin rejuvenation and erysipelas, I covered 10 ways to shorten your life, and today we will rise to the level of chromosomes and telomeres.

1.In search of the secret of eternal youth

Humanity is on the way to realizing its long-standing dream - discovering the secrets of eternal youth. The first step on this thorny road was taken by a caveman when he stopped eating everything and began cooking food over a fire. Then Cleopatra bathed in donkey milk, Genghis Khan took cinnabar, which contains the “soul of metals” mercury, the singer Kamalia bathed in a bath with champagne.

But science is moving forward and home-grown methods are being replaced by ultra-modern rejuvenation technologies.

2. Chromosome telomeres are the key to body rejuvenation

In the USA, a woman conducted an experiment on herself, trying to look 20 years younger using her own method. To do this, she used her new practice of using gene therapy, developed on the basis of some experimental data.

It has long been known that the youth of an organism depends significantly on the length of the telomeres of its chromosomes. However, under the influence of multiple unfavorable environmental factors, telomeres can shorten with each division, which causes aging.

Researchers have long been looking for ways to stop this process and regain lost youth. During the experiments, they found that the more children a woman has, the longer the telomeres on her chromosomes, however, this method of preserving the youth of the body is not suitable for everyone.

Another way is to influence chromosomes with the enzyme telomerase, which can restore missing sections of chromosomes. But this is a risky experiment and no one dared to conduct it on humans, although scientists managed to get good results on animals.

3. Risky experiment of American E. Parrish

However, American researcher E. Parrish decided to test the effect of the enzyme on herself. She underwent a special course of gene therapy aimed at increasing its synthesis in the body. To do this, she moved to Colombia, since the use of the drugs required for the course is not permitted in the United States.

As a result of the experiment, the woman's white blood cells were the first to rejuvenate. Chromosome telomeres in leukocytes have increased significantly and their sizes have become comparable to those found in the cells of an organism that should be 20 years younger. Scientists will continue to monitor the woman’s body.

The first data does not yet indicate that her body will rejuvenate, but it already inspires some hope that in the future the technique will help many.

And I propose a simpler and safer option: “Rejuvenation of the body at the cellular level in the flow of Kunalini Reggae energy”:

Today we talked about rejuvenating the body at the cellular level and froze in anticipation of the end of this risky experiment. How did you like the article? Subscribe to my blog to follow the news, tell your friends on social networks.