How to make an elephant from pastiline. Elephant made of plasticine. How to blind? How to make an elephant from plasticine

Plasticine provides enormous opportunities for children's creativity. You can carefully examine it while studying the colors, then knead it in your hands and begin creating all kinds of details. Object modeling is a useful activity for developing a child’s creative abilities. Be sure to buy your child a large set of plasticine or dough for modeling sculptures. Also, the baby simply needs to be taught from an early age to order and neatness, and therefore a modeling board and wet wipes are indispensable for work.

Follow the photo instructions we provided, and you will be able to make an elephant together with your child. Joint creativity brings adults and children closer together. Freeze the finished toy in the refrigerator if it is made of plasticine, or bake it in the oven if it is made of polymer clay.

1. A child can make an elephant from plasticine of absolutely any color. If he wants to get a truly believable result, then he needs gray material. In a large set of plasticine such a block will definitely be present. But if you bought a small box with six colors, then the gray color can be easily done yourself. Simply mix the black and white pieces until completely homogeneous.

2. From most of the resulting gray plasticine, make an oval piece and a small ball.

3. Connect the prepared torso and head.

4. Instead of the elephant’s legs, use cone-shaped parts; attach three white balls to each of them.

5. Pierce each leg with half a match and insert into the lower torso.

6. Attach a miniature ponytail at the back.

7. Make two large cakes and attach them to the head, instead of ears.

8. Make an elongated trunk, pierce it on one side with a rod to get a hole.

9. Attach the trunk to the head and smooth out the connection.

10. The little elephant is almost ready. All that remains is to attach the eyes and white tusks. Now we know how to make an elephant from plasticine.

The final look of the craft.

If everything worked out for you, then you can try another craft, for example, a plasticine monkey craft, which is similar in complexity to an elephant craft.

DIY plasticine elephant. Master class with photos

Master class for children with step-by-step photos: Animals of the southern countries from plasticine

Author: Dmitry Veselov 8 years old, studying at the Children's Art School named after A.A. Bolshakov, Velikiye Luki, Pskov region.
Teacher: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova, teacher, Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children “Children’s Art School named after A.A. Bolshakov”, Velikiye Luki, Pskov region.

Description: The work can be done with children 6-9 years old. The material may be useful to educators, additional education teachers, children and their parents, and anyone who is interested in creativity.
Purpose: gift, board game.
Target: creating animals of southern countries from scrap materials.
-introduce children to the technique of creating crafts from old plasticine and glass molds, followed by painting the product with gouache;
- practice working with plasticine, gouache;
-develop creative imagination, accuracy in work;
- cultivate interest in creative activities.

Hello, dear guests! Many of us associate fairy tales with childhood, that irrevocable time that happens only at the very beginning of our lives. But is it true that it cannot be returned? You can be anyone - a teacher or a student, a worker or a socialite, but without faith in goodness and fairy tales, miracles on New Year's and Christmas night, life is boring and empty.
Everyone has their own favorite fairy tales and characters from childhood, soft toys of their favorite heroes, our favorite cartoons have been watched hundreds of times and still bring a smile and a great mood.

Tarzan, a fictional character created by writer Edgar Rice Burroughs and first appearing in Tarzan of the Apes, is one of the most recognizable literary characters in the world. In addition to a huge number of books written by Burroughs himself and other authors, the character has appeared in many films, television programs, cartoons, radio, comic books and parodies.

He is also known as the King of the Jungle. Tarzan was rescued and raised by a colony of apes after his parents were killed by the leopard Sabor. He grew up in the jungle and his family were monkeys. Tarzan is very loyal and noble. He cares about his family and friends, even willing to risk his life to save them. As a child, he was playful and cheerful, although he was very worried that he was not like other animals. Tarzan's best friends are Turk the gorilla and Tantor the elephant, their friendship is admirable. Tarzan, Terk and Tantor first met when they were children. Since then they grew up together and never parted.

Gorilla Turk loves attention and is just the perfect “big sister.” She always protects Tarzan and is absolutely sure that he will be lost without her. Even though Tarzan has long grown up and even become stronger than Terk, she still believes that he should follow her advice. She is the best friend of the elephant Tantor, and although he quite often upsets the gorilla with his suspicious nature, Terk truly values ​​him as a friend, this very timid and sometimes even cowardly elephant, who is incredibly easy to scare. But nevertheless, Tantor always takes care of his friends, and in some cases is ready to do brave things for their sake. Tantor was invited to the wedding of Tarzan and Jane along with the troop of gorillas in which the man grew up.
All fairy tales end sooner or later, and I really want them to continue, let's see what our heroes are like in life, because they have so much in common!

Elephants are the largest and strongest land animals living on Earth. They lift and drag heavy loads (about 9 tons) that a person cannot lift. However, relative to their own weight, their achievements are not large enough - only about 1.7 parts of their own weight. The length of their elephant body reaches 6-7.5 meters, and the average weight is 5 tons. Elephants live 40-60 years.
Gorillas are the largest and strongest among the primates. They have strong fore and hind limbs. This is a massive animal with very well developed muscles and enormous strength. Males have special strength; enormous power lies in their hands. An adult gorilla can lift 10 times its own weight. The height of adult males ranges from 1.65 to 1.75 meters when they walk on all four limbs, arms and legs. There were individuals 2 meters tall; it is believed that these primates do not reach a higher height. The average weight of males is 135-250 kilograms or more. Females weigh approximately 2 times less. A gorilla can live about 40-50 years.

Elephants are social animals that greet each other with a special ritual. One of them is the hug, where elephants wrap their trunks around each other. When he sees a baby elephant slipping in the mud, an adult elephant will certainly give him his trunk and put him on the ground. Just like people hold their children's hands. A baby elephant holds on to its mother's trunk. Elephants remain faithful to their herd. They are very sad when newborn elephants or other members of the herd die. Under other circumstances, they are able to rejoice, demonstrating happiness and fun. Elephants can laugh. It is noteworthy that elephants communicate at low frequencies, and the distance between two talking elephants can reach 10 kilometers.
Elephants have the largest brains of any land animal. His weight is 5 kilograms. Elephants are believed to have a wide range of behaviors and skills. They feel sad, worried, bored, help their relatives, and also have some abilities in music and drawing.
The importance of gorillas lies in the fact that they are close relatives of humans; humans share 98% of the same DNA. Despite the fact that gorillas cannot speak, they perfectly express all their emotions. They can laugh and be sad, cry, be shy, get angry, and show love. And communication usually occurs through the expression of emotions and gestures. Gorillas can make 22 different sounds, which they use to communicate with each other.

Gorillas are one of those rare species of animals that are capable of using tools. For example, using the most ordinary stick they measure the depth of a pond.
He does everything the elephant needs with his trunk: eats, picks leaves, picks up objects, waters himself. There are cases when elephants opened padlocks with a key. For example, the Indian or Asian elephant, thanks to its strength and trunk, helps people do complex and hard work. In India, elephants have long been in the service of humans.

Elephants are herbivores. They spend about 16 hours a day on food. Their diet is quite varied. It includes leaves, tree bark, fruits and vegetables, and herbs.
Elephants are considered not only the largest mammals on Earth, but also one of the most sociable animals: an elephant cannot live alone; it needs communication with its relatives. They live in a structured social order. The social life of males and females is different. Females spend almost their entire lives in a family group, which consists of mothers, daughters, and sisters, controlled by a female matriarch. Males lead a solitary lifestyle or live in groups with other males.
All adult elephants sleep standing up, huddled together and, if possible, leaning on each other. If the elephant is old and has very large tusks, then he places them on a tree or termite mound. An interesting fact about elephants is that baby elephants can easily afford to fall on their side, which they successfully do, but for some reason this habit goes away with age.

Gorillas live in nests. These primates make a new nest every evening (or even after a hearty dinner) on the ground or on the lower branches of trees. Moreover, females with cubs prefer to sleep in trees, and males, or “dominants,” settle on the ground. With the exception of very young individuals, each gorilla is entitled to an individual nest.

It is no secret that elephant tusks are a very expensive material, and poachers, unfortunately, do not miss this type of income. Elephants' tusks grow 7 inches (18 cm) per year and can reach lengths of more than 20 feet (6 meters). If the elephant dies on its own, then the tusks are eaten by African porcupines, thus trying to satisfy their mineral hunger. In many countries, killing an elephant is punishable by death.
Gorillas are a critically endangered species. Their natural habitat was destroyed when people began to occupy the land for farming and trees for fuel. Also, gorillas are killed by poachers and sometimes fall into traps that poachers set for other animals. As always, a person is distinguished by his cruelty and irresponsibility. And children should know what species of animals are on the verge of extinction, and why this is happening, since they are our future, and so that they do not repeat the mistakes of our time, in their own time.

Materials and tools:
-glass jar
- old plasticine
-gouache, stack
-brushes, water jar, cloth for hands and arms
-Polish for hair

Progress of the master class:

First we need to cover the jar with a thin layer of plasticine.

Then we sculpt blanks of elephant legs (roll up large columns) and stick them to the jar.

Cover the neck of the bottle with a round piece of plasticine. Roll a large ball for the head and place it on the craft.

We roll two more balls, flatten them (ears) and apply them to the elephant’s head.

Next is the trunk, we will need a long column, we will press it to the head, and at the end we will make an incision with a stack. Let's make a ponytail.

All we have to do is sculpt eyes, tusks and a treat for the banana baby elephant. Then we cover the craft with a thin layer of plasticine, it will degrease it.

The paste must dry.

While our baby elephant was drying, we made another gorilla hero. We need a large oval for the body, a ball for the head and two short columns, two long ones for the paws. We connect the parts together, forming the body shape and posture characteristic of a gorilla.

It is perhaps difficult for children to even imagine how big an elephant is. These clumsy giants live very far from us in Africa or India. There are fewer and fewer elephants left on the planet, so they need to be protected. And I really want to look at a living representative of the fauna with at least one eye. Another cherished desire of children is to learn how to sculpt an elephant from plasticine. This is what we will do in this lesson.

This article describes in detail how to make an elephant. And our figurine will look like a real one, not a cartoon. Everyone knows what elephants look like, so you can have a visual aid in the form of a photo or this detailed master class.

To sculpt an elephant from plasticine, prepare:

  • Gray plasticine;
  • A little white plasticine;
  • Toothpicks.

Modeling an elephant step by step:

Since we are going to sculpt a believable elephant, we will need a lot of gray plasticine. For an unusual toy copy, any other color, for example, pink, will do. To make the head, knead several pieces of plasticine.

The central part of the head is a ball. Roll it into one portion. Pull the second part into a thin tube and glue it to the ball as a trunk. This is how unusual and long an elephant’s nose should be. Smooth out the plasticine where the parts are attached. And also prepare two huge ears - crush two pieces of plasticine into thin cakes. Do this with your fingers, pressing the cakes all over the surface.

Glue the ears on the sides of the head. Press down the plasticine with force, when the mass hardens, it will hold its shape, even in the form of such thin parts as cakes. Insert a toothpick into the lower end of the trunk to create a hole. Glue on small eyes, literally grains.

Tusks should be visible from under the trunk - thin white fangs. Glue them and lift the ends up. In places where the trunk bends, you can make several lines with a toothpick. These will be folds of thick elephant skin.

Next, continue kneading the pieces of plasticine; you need to mold the torso, legs and tail. The body is the largest piece, roll it into an oval.

Make the legs in the form of simple wide blocks - the easiest details to make. Attach a piece of toothpick (or match) to one side, which is designed to secure the head. On the other side there will be a tail - make it in the form of a thin gray thread.

Glue the legs and tail with a large oval - the body. The legs can either be attached to toothpicks, or pressed down on the sides, smoothing the plasticine.

Place the head on a toothpick.

All children love to make things with their own hands. If adults help them in their work, then joy knows no bounds. Mom or dad can show their child an easy master class on sculpting any animal, the specific character doesn’t matter. The main thing is to have fun and usefully spend time. You can blind, or.

After work, be sure to praise your child for his success and help him clean up the workplace. Such activities develop a sense of responsibility, teach accuracy, and give emotional satisfaction from joint creativity. Parents should appreciate every minute spent with their children, because every minute they participate in the process of education.

In this master class we will show you how to make an elephant from plasticine step by step, together with your child. A small elephant, made with your own hands from plasticine, will become a child’s favorite souvenir. Gradually you can create a whole collection of exotic animals made from plasticine. It will be easier to work with each new craft, so you should start with the simplest options. This is exactly what a plasticine elephant is.

DIY plasticine elephant - step-by-step master class with photos:

1. Stock up on a large set of plasticine. With an economical approach, it will be enough for several crafts. The bright colors and soft texture alone will arouse your child's interest. To sculpt an elephant you will need gray material. If it is not enough, mix additional black and white bars.

2. From the chosen color, roll a spherical head and an oblong body.

3. Pierce both pieces with a match to securely connect them. Attach ears made in the form of wide flat cakes to the sides of the head.

4. A long sausage will replace the trunk; you just need to attach it to the front part. Also place the eyes and eyebrows above the trunk, and attach white sharp tusks to it below.

5. Use the rest of the dark gray plasticine to sculpt the tail and legs. A very thin thread with a tassel at the end will serve as the tail, and four barrels will serve as the legs. Immediately attach the barrels to the halves of the matches so that you can later insert them into the body.

6. Collect all received blanks. The plasticine elephant, molded with your own hands, is ready.

7. You can insert a small ball of any bright color into the plasticine elephant’s trunk.

Let's make a figurine of an animal from bright plasticine with a long trunk, large ears, a massive body and paws. It is not difficult to guess, because only an elephant that loves hot climates has such features.

Necessary materials:

  • plastic stack;
  • plasticine;
  • toothpick or any tool with a sharp end;
  • wet wipes;
  • base for modeling.

Stages of sculpting an elephant:

1. For the main body of the elephant, we use blue plasticine, from which we roll it into a ball. For massive paws we use the same color, but we will prepare four smaller balls.

2. From a large ball we get an elongated body. But we flatten the small balls a little.

3. We correct the shape of the paws. To do this, lift one side of the flat figure up with your fingers.

4. We make four holes in the body using a skewer or other tool. We insert the upper ends of the paws into them.

5. Let's move on to forming the individual parts for the head. We use blue plasticine to get two large ears and a long trunk. But first, cut off the required amount of material with a stack and roll it into balls.

6. We turn the largest ball into a “sausage” by rolling it out a little on a flat surface. From the remaining two figures we get flat cakes.

7. We deform the plasticine “sausage” along its length to get a trunk for an elephant. We attach it directly to the front of the head, where it will have a muzzle. We bifurcate the tip of the trunk with a stack.

8. We create thin cakes from red plasticine and place them on the ear blanks.

9. We attach the finished ears to the sides of the elephant's head.

10. From white and black pieces of plasticine we create flat eyes, which we immediately attach to the front of the muzzle in front of the trunk.

So we have a voluminous elephant made of plasticine, which happily walks with its massive paws and selects the most delicious and fresh fruits from the tops of the trees. For such a plasticine figurine, you need to create a stand from thick colored paper.