How to write articles for advego. A detailed guide to making money on advego. What difficulties may newbies encounter and how to overcome them?

The Internet is filled with thousands of offers to earn “easy” money.

They are often associated with the sale of dubious goods, “magic” wallets, taking surveys, financial pyramids, etc.

As a rule, such methods bring nothing but disappointment.

To add an article for sale you need:

  • specify the content type;
  • designate a category;
  • select language;
  • create a title;
  • copy the text of the finished publication;
  • provide a brief summary with key phrases.

What articles to sell?

What price should I set?

It is better to create 4-5 short materials than one long one (this will increase the chances of finding a buyer).

It is important that the article contains a bright and catchy title.

At the same time, it should be short, succinct and meaningful.

You can use numbers to attract attention.

In the “Short text” section, it is better to describe the essence of the article in the form of thesis questions, rather than inserting an arbitrary passage of text.

This way the buyer can make sure that there is no “water” in the article.

What price should I deliver?

Currently, there are quite a lot of offers on the exchange, so it makes no sense for beginners to set exorbitant prices for materials.

To begin with, you can limit yourself to a cost of 0.3-0.6 USD. for 1000 characters without spaces.

And after writing 5-10 materials, gradually increase the price.

The cost of working on the stock exchange is often discussed on the forum.

If necessary, you can create a new topic.

How to improve your status?

Each user on the portal has a certain status, on which customer trust directly depends.

So, for beginners, for example, there is no point in participating in tenders, since there is an extremely strict selection among authors with a higher reputation.

The competition is quite strong now.

According to statistics, over the past decade the number of freelancers in the world has grown by about 14%.

It is logical that a higher status allows you to take higher paying orders.

At the initial stage, the newcomer is assigned the title of “amateur”; gradually, one can move higher up the Advego career ladder, subject to the successful completion of projects.

  • amateur (immediately after registration);
  • a specialist (after some time);
  • a professional (when you have a portfolio);
  • an expert (when there are enough reviews and regular customers);
  • guru (highest rating on the portal).

One of the most important profile indicators is the portfolio.

It is in this section that the number of works completed on the exchange is displayed, and the parameters of the author’s efficiency are also indicated (efficiency for 90 days, place in the ranking, number of payment refusals, etc.).

The more successfully completed projects and the fewer failures, the better.

If you wish, you can create a separate portfolio regardless of the exchange, for example, make a business card website and indicate examples of work on it.

This will allow you to develop a portfolio and get as many positive customer reviews as possible.

Over time, it will be possible to move on to more complex and expensive projects.

  1. Take on a lot of simple projects to build up your portfolio.
  2. After completing 1 task, immediately proceed to the next one. There is no point in standing around waiting for payment, since the customer can make it within 3 days (after approval of the project).
  3. Be responsible when designing your profile and upload a bright and eye-catching avatar.
  4. Refuse to participate in tenders - at first it is pointless due to the lack of rating and portfolio.
  5. Look for answers to questions using the Advego forum. Most of the controversial issues have already been discussed.
  6. Take care of the safety of your personal data (otherwise, attackers will be able to withdraw funds from your account).
  7. Beware of unscrupulous customers. Under the guise of holding a tender, they can receive a text from you for free and declare that you did not pass the selection.

It is impossible to say unequivocally how much you can earn on Advego.

This depends on the experience and portfolio, the desire of the author, as well as his overall performance and the amount of free time.

Beginners need some time to get the hang of it, so it's more difficult for them.

For the first month, provided there is no experience, earning $100 on a copywriting exchange can be called a quite decent result.

But this is still far from the limit. The earnings of some authors on the portal reach $1000-2000 per month or even more.

Agree, not bad for freelancing.

Of course, it is unlikely to achieve such results in 1 year.

Here you need to get comfortable, build a portfolio and improve your rating.

In addition, luck plays a role.

You should not chase quick results, so as not to burn out emotionally and lose interest in work.

To begin with, set yourself a small goal to earn the first $100 on the stock exchange, and then climb to new and new heights.

How to withdraw money from Advego?

You can withdraw money from this service if you reach a minimum amount of $5.

Withdrawal of funds for the first time is carried out within 14-16 days, and starting from the second withdrawal - within 1-3 days.

To withdraw funds, you need to go to the “Service” → “Withdrawal” section, indicate the desired amount and payment method.

This way, it will be possible to remove the long threshold for withdrawing money from the account.

In addition, you can make sure that the system works, this will inspire you to complete new orders.


The Advego copywriting exchange provides the opportunity to earn money remotely without any special skills or abilities.

Registration here is free, and you can start completing tasks from the first day.

For beginners, simple tasks are suitable, for example, like, join a group, or create a new topic on the forum.

There are no restrictions on earnings.

A beginner can easily go from scratch to an income of $100 per month by following the recommendations from our article.

Have you tried your hand at

Share your impressions in the comments!

The Advego copywriting exchange has the largest functionality for a copywriter’s work and is very convenient for web masters. There are more than twenty free services, three of which are primarily needed by authors. This is a check for uniqueness, spelling and SEO analysis. No beginner has ever managed to figure out the website interface in one day, but this is not necessary. You will master all the platform options as you work. How to work for Advego for a beginner, let's start in order.

Registration on the site to earn money is standard. In the block that opens, you fill in the following data:

  1. Nickname under which you will work.
  2. Work email.
  3. Upload an avatar - your photo or picture, which will be your logo.

An email will be sent to you with a registration confirmation and verification password. Click on the link in the letter and go to the registration page, where you set your own password and confirm it.

The email to which the letter was sent will be used as your login on Advego. If access to mail is lost, you will still be able to use it to work in the system.

How to work on the site if your email is blocked. I have been working according to this scenario for two years. My Yandex email has been temporarily blocked. I contacted the Advego support service with a request to change my email, I was asked to enter the first confirmation password in the field... Of course, I didn’t save it, and I no longer had access to my email... I work without re-registration, the only negative is that I haven’t received letters from the exchange for three years , but since I visit it every day, I see all the news and scheduled work in the “Notices” column.

If you plan to sell your articles on the Advego exchange, the store will become available to you after completing ten works for customers, which, of course, will be paid.

Getting to know the interface - how to take your first order

The Advego interface is very large, and it can be difficult for a beginner to figure out where to start. Brief instructions on how to take your first order.

  1. Under the Advego logo there is a button “Work on the Internet”, click on it.
  2. In the bottom ribbon, click on the “Search for a job” option.
  3. In the windows below, select and check “Copywriting” if you want to view specific copywriting orders, or “All orders”.

You will see a filter form on the left and all available jobs for the current minute. These are all orders on the copywriting exchange. For fun, you can scroll down the page to roughly understand what prices customers (webmasters) set.

To filter orders specifically for your requests, carefully look at the menu on the right - this is a filter that will help you not waste time and immediately display available and suitable applications on the page. Be sure to click the “Search” option at the very bottom of the form.

How to apply

You have chosen a suitable order, you are satisfied with the price, but copywriting, rewriting, translation on Advego can almost never be taken without the consent of the customer. Submit your application. It is precisely for such cases that you need to have on the copywriting exchange what is called the beautiful word “Portfolio”...

The “Tender” form of work is very common on Advego. Customers choose from a dozen authors - who? Of course, those who can show an example of their work.

Therefore, when you submit an application, do not write the banal: “Ready to complete,” everyone is ready. Write three or four competent and beautiful sentences; experienced webmasters will see the style and style even in a short resume.

  1. Choose your favorite order.
  2. Click on the “Submit Application” option.
  3. Waiting for confirmation.
  4. If you are approved, notifications will light up in the blocks on the top panel.

You can take a job immediately after registration if you are ready to complete an order, which is marked in the filter as “Publication on the customer’s website.” The copywriter’s earnings in this case will be from 5 to 12 rubles; the order can be completed in 7-10 minutes.

You will have to leave comments on website pages, or demonstrate to a forum visitor, or write a review about the work of the store. After you complete any 10 jobs, you will be able to sell your articles in the Advego store.

How to make work marked “Publication on the customer’s website”

The simplicity of this work comes up against the difficulty of filling out the order form and uploading the work after it is completed if you are poorly versed in the terms and are not a professional user. But it is not the Gods who burn the pots, so in a day you will be able to do 20 such works a day.

The web master will pay your order after verification, you will see your balance next to the button with your nickname, next to the avatar icon. The minimum payment amount is 500 rubles, regardless of the currency in which you wish to withdraw funds. You will submit text papers in the same way. In the “Completed work” field, insert your already verified article and send it to the customer. That's all for now, I wish you success and good luck.

Copyright and rewriting are always in demand. On exchanges they will buy almost any articles from you if they are written on popular topics. At the same time, there are two ways to create articles - write yourself from your head or use online sources. In the first case, your work will be called copywriting, in the second - rewriting. Both methods give a unique result, and therefore cost almost the same.

Before writing an article, you must know the topic. You choose the topic yourself, or the customer gives it to you. The next step is to find a ready-made text on this topic. Use Yandex to search. Now it's a matter of technique. The text needs to be rewritten in a new way, so that no one recognizes it. Sentence by sentence, the text must be read and retold. The result is unique if the *text ru service showed 95 or higher percentage of uniqueness.

If you know English, then you can do work such as translating articles from English-language resources. They pay a lot for such work if it is a custom translation. But even if you are just creating articles to sell, English will be very useful. The fact is that articles in a foreign language are usually of higher quality. Therefore, we look for an article in English and translate it, and we get a lot of money for the work.

Where do they make money from articles?

There are many exchanges where texts are sold. Advego*, text sales, etkst* and text* ru are leaders in this area. Often an article can be sold just a few hours after it hits the store. However, many remain in bed for a month or longer.

Each exchange has its own requirements for articles. You can be blocked on Advego* for errors in the text. And on the *etxt exchange, low quality of an article is not punished in any way. There will simply be a checkmark next to the text indicating that it may contain some errors.

But exchange prices also vary greatly. On Advego, all texts are strictly moderated, so finished articles cost no less than 15-20 rubles. For 1000 characters. On etxt you can set any price, from 8 to 4 rubles. Most often, articles are sold at a price of around 10-15 rubles. However, when a copywriter develops, learns to write better articles, the popularity of his work in the store increases and then he begins to write for 30 rubles per 1000 characters.

How to write a good article and quickly?

  1. Decide on a topic. The topic should be interesting, the topic should be clearly stated in the title of the article.
  1. The text of the article must have a structure. Short paragraphs, lists, and subheadings help the reader determine the content of the article even without reading. Try to state the essence of the problem in the first paragraph, and in the last paragraph describe the effectiveness of your proposed solution to the problem.

How to write an article that will be bought?

When writing sales texts, you should use the following rules:

  1. Write not from the first person, but from the third. Because most blogs require simple informational texts that do not contain the words I or we.
  1. Don't forget to divide the article into parts. Paragraphs and subheadings must be present in the article. Indent one line between paragraphs. And every three paragraphs should ideally have a subheading.
  1. Don't forget about the introduction and conclusion in each article.
  1. The text size should be approximately 2-3 thousand characters.
  1. Write the text and quickly. To speed things up, learn to touch-type and create texts at mind-blowing speed.

As for the text style, the description style is ideal for an article for sale. Just write an informational article with useful tips or interesting ideas.

What should you do before selling an article?

Before you put an article up for sale, you need to write a description for the article, select keywords and enter all this data into the article card. Announcements and keywords will be read by potential buyers, so take this seriously and create a beautiful and attractive description.

Where to sell articles?

Texts can be sold in the Advego* store or on any other exchange. At the same time, you should not hope that the text will be bought immediately as soon as it is placed in the store. Many authors make the mistake of writing one article and waiting a month for people to buy it. You should always continue to write articles, even when people don’t buy them for a long time. After all, there are often cases when texts are not purchased for several weeks, and then in one day they take 10 pieces at once.

You choose the prices for the article yourself. At the beginning of your career, it is not recommended to set the price above 20 rubles up to 1000 characters. The fact is that while you have neither a rating nor reviews, then you should not count on buying expensive articles.

Advice: before sending an article for sale, you should not only proofread it, but also check the degree of spam. The SEO analysis service on advego* allows you to do this. The level of Academic nausea should be in the range of 7 - 9%, if less then this is good.

Advego and some other exchanges have a function for attaching a photo to an article. All photographs must be unique, that is, yours.

What is better - writing articles or working to order?

90% of authors prefer fulfilling orders to writing articles. The fact is that when working to order, you receive money immediately, with a guarantee. And the sale of articles does not provide any guarantees. For some, more than a quarter of all articles remain on store shelves forever.

How to rewrite an article?

First, read the original article and make a short outline. All this should take 5 - 10 minutes. After this, you need to write the article in your own way, adhering to the written plan. The result should be a 95-100% unique article, although 90% uniqueness is enough to sell texts.

Texts can be taken from newspapers and magazines, and your own experience in any area, for example, in raising children, can be cited. Another source of inspiration can be English-language resources.

It’s very easy to make money by writing articles today. All you need to do is choose a suitable text exchange, register on it and you can immediately start working. In this article we will talk about a project popular among copywriters Advego.

  • Operating since 2008 During this time, more than 2 million users registered in the system and began their activities; a huge number of positive reviews about the work of the exchange provide a guarantee of honest work.
  • A lot of work varying degrees of complexity are available to performers at any time convenient for them. Users can choose suitable tasks for themselves based on their skills and level of knowledge, ranging from simple likes, reposts and votes, to writing highly specialized texts.
  • Flexible schedule makes it possible for the performer to structure his working day as efficiently as possible. Advego is ideal for both additional income and the main source of income.
  • Own tools to check articles for literacy and uniqueness. Also, any user can conduct SEO text analysis thanks to the site’s free software.

It’s easy to create a personal account on the largest text content exchange. On the project website, there is a registration button in the upper right corner. After clicking on it, a window will open where you need to fill in only two fields: come up with an alias (nickname) and indicate your valid email address, the password for your personal account will be sent to it. After confirming your registration, you can log into your profile, fill out a personal questionnaire and begin searching for a suitable job.

What difficulties may newbies encounter and how to overcome them?

At first glance, it may seem that huge competition will not allow new authors to break through to expensive orders, but this is not so. Yes, there are a lot of performers working for advego, but there are also enough customers.

Sometimes, fulfilling even an inexpensive order, you can get a permanent employer, who will be satisfied with the result of the first order and will subsequently begin to purchase content from this author at a higher cost.

Tender assignment system that is difficult for newbies to win. Of course, if a user with a low rating writes in his application what a good author he is and promises to complete the order competently and on time, he is unlikely to be able to compete with “upgraded” accounts. In addition, more and more customers are asking to include examples of their already written work in their applications. Where can I get them and can a newbie win the tender? Quite.

In order to have something to indicate in an order application, you must initially take care of filling out your portfolio.

It’s easier for those who have already had experience writing texts on other exchanges and have several decent articles in stock to post on their profile. It is worth noting that after payment for his work, the author loses the right to use it for commercial purposes, for example, to resell it to other customers, but, by agreement with the buyer, he can use the sold texts as an example of his work.

A good portfolio will help you not only become the best in the tender among job seekers, but also receive a personal order. A large number of customers come to the forum to view the portfolio of performers and select workers to write texts for their projects.

Not every beginner can put their work on sale for free. According to the rules of the system, the user must have completed and paid for at least 10 custom jobs.

It may seem that it is very difficult to do this with a tender system and a zero portfolio. But, it is not necessary to choose orders for writing voluminous texts, and not all works are announced as competitions between performers. Any user can easily complete simple tasks on a social network: write a comment, join a group and invite several of your friends to it, like a publication and repost it to your page. All you need to do is complete 10 of these simple tasks, get paid for them, and you can freely submit your work to the article store.

How to start making money on adveg correctly

Finding a suitable job on this exchange is quite simple; for this you can use a convenient search: the “Job” / “Job Search” tab, on the right is a window into which the user enters the necessary parameters and selects suitable orders.

It often happens that, due to ignorance or inattention, at the very beginning of his copywriting journey, the author receives payment refusals, which negatively affects his efficiency, and this indicator is assessed by customers when choosing a contractor.

How not to ruin your reputation from the very beginning

  • You shouldn’t take on expensive orders from the very first day. To get started, you can complete several orders for writing comments. Not only are they easy and quick to complete, but they will also help you get positive numbers in your profile statistics (efficiency and commitment).
  • Pay attention to the time. When choosing an order, you should pay attention to the time given for its completion and calculate your strength correctly.
  • If you don’t have a portfolio, you shouldn’t waste time on orders with tenders. The customer is unlikely to pay attention to performers with low performance. You can find a job on the stock exchange without “competitive” selection. Of course, the payment in most cases will be lower, but getting such an order is much easier. In addition, this is a great opportunity to develop a portfolio. Therefore, even low-paying orders should be treated as responsibly as possible, and always check texts for errors and uniqueness.
  • The order must fully comply with the specifications. Whatever order the contractor takes on, it must always fully comply with the specifications. Otherwise, the customer may simply not pay for the work, without even sending it for revision.

Receiving earned money

Payment for work on the advego text exchange is made in American currency. You can withdraw both in dollars and rubles to WebMoney and Qiwi electronic wallets. The first transaction is carried out within 14 days, subsequently the money earned is withdrawn within a day. To order a payout, the account must have at least $5.

Currently, there are plenty of different online platforms where even a beginner can make money. If you are a beginner freelancer, start with VkTarget or the Advego copywriting exchange. The latter will be discussed in this article.

We have previously touched on this wonderful online service. But since all its capabilities could not be included in several publications, it was decided to make an additional full review.

Advego - analysis by cogs

In fact, there is something more hidden behind the phrase “copywriting exchange”. After all, Advego is a huge platform that provides the opportunity not only to earn money, but also to purchase content for the site, perform SEO analysis of the text, and check it for uniqueness.

The service was born in 2007. At its origins is Sergei Lupandin, who for a long time nurtured the idea of ​​​​creating an Internet project, one way or another related to advertising. As Sergey himself assures, initially Advego’s staff consisted of 9 people.

Based on statistics, there are currently 1,800,000 registered users on the Advego website and their number is constantly growing. More than 175,000 jobs are completed per week. The number of authors is impressive - 1,500,000. The service has an article store, which presents more than 35,000 unique texts.

The exchange charges a 10% commission for its services. This is true for performers and customers.

I’m especially pleased with the availability of free tools that allow you to check uniqueness and spelling in one place, perform SEO analysis of Advego, and all this online.

Advego - reviews

On the Internet you can find quite ambiguous, contradictory reviews. Some people praise this exchange, others throw mud at it.

There are a lot of negative reviews left online, which many listen to. It is possible that these are paid comments posted by ordinary freelancers. As they say, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. Therefore, register yourself on, try it and leave objective comments under this article.

The service also has its fans. These include Vadim Skvortsov (head of the copywriting department at NetPeak), Konstantin Leonovich (curator of Sape projects), Dmitry Sevalnev (head of the SEO and advertising department at Pixel Plus) and many others. etc.

Why Advego captivates

Advego - registration

To get closer to your cherished dream and become a freelancer, you need to go through a simple registration. To do this, just click the “Registration” button, enter your E-mail, come up with and enter a nickname in the appropriate field, indicate the purpose of registration, check the “I am not a robot” checkbox and click the “Register” button.

To activate your account, you must open the mailbox that was specified during registration and follow the link provided in the letter.

In the next step, you will be asked to create a password.

Registration is also provided for the lazy, i.e. authorization using social networks.

Advego - where to start

After creating and confirming your account, it is advisable to edit your profile. To do this, click on your nickname and select the “Settings” tab.

On the page that opens, you can enter personal information, namely:

Go to the next tab and upload an avatar (the file size should not exceed 10 MB).

The next thing to do is enter your payment information. For greater convenience, you can set the main type of funds (dollars, euros, rubles). It is thanks to this setting that the Advego service determines which currency to credit to your balance.

Among the number of payment systems through which you can withdraw earned funds: WebMoney and Qiwi.

It is also possible to transfer to Visa and MasterCard cards with 16 and 18-digit numbers.

The remaining three tabs are intended for setting up access (new password, change E-mail, security), connecting social profiles (Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Google+, Twitter, Mail.Ru) and setting up notifications.

It is noteworthy that you can receive various types of notifications in Viber by first clicking on an individual link from your mobile device.

Getting to know the Advego interface

Before you start completing tasks, it would not hurt to understand the service interface. Due to the abundant number of navigation elements, many novice users are perplexed. To make it clearer where to point, pay attention to the horizontal menu located in the site toolbar.

Let's go through these seven tabs:

  1. Copywriting Exchange- a platform where customers and performers meet to obtain their own benefits.
  2. Anti-plagiarism- an online tool designed to analyze the uniqueness of the text.
  3. SEO text analysis- an online tool through which you can check keyword density, word frequency, text volume, number of stop words, nausea, wateriness, number of grammatical errors.
  4. Download Advego Plagiatus– allows you to download a program for free to check the uniqueness of texts.
  5. Spellchecking- service for checking text for spelling, grammatical and morphological errors. In addition, it detects typos, missing or extra letters, and missing spaces between words.
  6. Translit online- a tool for converting Cyrillic written characters into Latin ones.
  7. Captcha recognition- a new interesting Internet project from Advego for making money on captcha. The faster the user’s solving speed and efficiency indicator (coefficient of efficiency), the more he will be able to earn.

Below the logo there are several more horizontal menus. When you click on the “Work on the Internet” item, the contents of the lower menu automatically change.

This function is relevant for each menu item; when you click on it, child menus are automatically inserted below.

Let's take a quick look at root and child clauses:

  • Working on the Internet:
    • Job search - responsible for opening the page with all orders;
    • My works - allows you to view active tasks, applications for tenders, as well as the number of completed tasks for the entire period;
    • Sell ​​article - provides the opportunity to sell an article on Advego. For these purposes, a special form is provided, which will be discussed below. Here you can also see statistics on articles (sold, on sale, withdrawn from sale by the administration);
    • Earning money on captcha - earning money by entering written characters;
    • Users - a tab that allows you to manage users (add to the black list, create new lists);
    • Withdrawal - opens a page for withdrawing funds;
    • Statistics - allows you to view the author’s statistics;
    • Notices - here are all messages regarding payment for work, refusals of payment, income from the affiliate program, approval of a tender application, completion of work, payment of articles by buyers, withdrawal of funds, etc.
  • To the customer:
    • New order - allows you to create an order;
    • My orders - opens a page with all orders. Here you can see active, new and deleted orders;
    • Projects - a submenu where you can create a new campaign, add or delete a project;
    • Works - allows you to perform moderation, view applications from performers;
    • Statistics - monitoring and analysis of the work done by the webmaster for a certain period;
    • Users - here you can create a new list, block dishonest performers;
    • Top up account - page for transferring money to your balance. Unlike performers, the customer is given much more opportunities to replenish his account. Money can be transferred to the Advego website using WebMoney, Qiwi, Visa and MasterCard, as well as Yandex Money and mobile operators - MTS, Beeline, Megafon. In addition, you can top up your account through Alfa Click Internet banking, the international telecommunications company Tele2, and in cash through the terminal. Please note that each service/payment method has a different commission;
    • Notifications - provides the opportunity to view messages regarding the completion of tasks, refusals, tender applications, transactions, etc.
  • Article Store:
    • Buy an article - opens access to the Advego article store, where you can put content in the cart, view paid articles, or buy an article by clicking on the appropriate button under the announcement;
    • Sell ​​article - allows you to add an article for sale, view statistics of articles sold or withdrawn from publication. Advego notifies you that an article has been sold by E-mail (provided that this is specified in the settings).

We deliberately omitted the Tools menu item, since it displays tabs that were sorted out in previous bulleted lists.

  • affiliate program:
    • Terms - look here to view the terms and conditions of the affiliate program.
    • Attracted users - opens a list of attracted referrals. Who are referrals and how to make money from them, you can read the link.
    • Promotional materials - opens access to advertising materials (text links, banners) that will help attract the attention of users and convert them into referrals.
  • Forum:
    • All forums - go here if you can't figure out an issue or want to contact the administration.

Since many tabs/menus are duplicated, we did not mention them or list them.

How to make money for a beginner on Advego

It’s interesting that to fulfill requests, you don’t need all these fancy menus. For productive work, eight icons located in the same header of the site are enough.

When you click on the first icon on the left you will be taken to the page where Advego Plagiarism is located. Next come: “Customer”, “Contractor”, “In the basket of articles”, “New personal orders”, “New orders by subscription”, “Messages”, “New notices”.

Search for tasks

A green round icon with a dark gray star inside is responsible for searching for tasks.

A special “Job Search” block located in the sidebar (on the right) allows you to filter tasks.

Here you can set the price, length (values), execution time, and set the “pay for volume” checkbox.

Particularly useful is the ability to select the type of work on Advego:

If desired, you can check the “Do not use blacklist” checkbox. This is relevant if you have previously blocked users.

There is also a “Search by text” filter. To activate it, enter the desired text in the appropriate field.

Next to the “Show orders” option, you are given the opportunity to indicate which orders you would ultimately like to see (general orders, tenders, personal orders).

No less useful is the “Dislike” filter. It can be used to determine how adequate the customer is. We recommend setting “Show Dislikes”.

To filter your search results, click the Search button.

As a result, you will see a list of tasks corresponding to the previously installed filters.

At the very top, the topic and type of task are indicated on a blue, green and yellow background; its topic/title is indicated below. Even lower, you can see the price, the number of characters and the time it takes to complete the work.

Pay attention to the customer's nickname, when you click on it you can get very useful information regarding paid work, refusals and modifications.

If everything is OK (the price is satisfactory, the customer has a satisfactory rating, there is time), we read the text on a yellow background. To open the entire text and read all the requirements, click the "Full text" link.

You can also start searching for tasks by going to the menu: Working on the Internet/Job Search.

Earning money from selling articles

To increase your income, write texts and post them in the article store.

To do this, go to Article Store/Sell Article. Many beginners don’t understand how to post an article in the Advego store? This is actually quite easy to do.

We fill in the “Article Title” field, assign a category to the material, indicate the text type and language. We put a tick in one of the fields “Advertising article” or “News”.

At the next stage, insert the text of the article into the appropriate field, select the fragment that you would like to see as a short announcement, and click the “Short text” button.

All that remains is to add a description that should clearly and concisely reflect the essence of the material.

If desired, you can add thematic images. Finally, indicate the cost of the article (a system commission of 10% will be added to the cost of the article), check the “I agree with all points” checkbox, and click the “Add article” button.

If you don’t see your article in the article store, most likely you forgot to uncheck the “Do not put up for sale” checkbox.

As mentioned above, the exchange notifies you by email that an article has been sold (provided that this is specified in the settings). This is also signaled by “Notices” and informative notifications.

Please note that to open the possibility of adding articles to the Advego store, you need to complete any 10 orders and receive payment for them.

The article is automatically checked for uniqueness, after which it is sent for manual moderation, which can take from 1 hour to 24 hours. If any errors are found in the material, it will be returned for revision. The performer has three attempts to correct errors. After the limit is exhausted, set the article aside for a month so that the moderator forgets about it, proofread it and send it again for moderation.

Earning money by entering captcha

This job is primarily suitable for those who do not want to mess up their profile on social networks or create a new one to earn money. There is no need to strain too much here, creating something like “The Old Man and the Sea” by the brilliant Ernest Hemingway.

All that is required of you: speed and accuracy of typing, increased concentration and perseverance.

Practical recommendations for entering Advego captcha are on the page where it is actually located. The level of earnings directly depends on the percentage of efficiency. It goes without saying that the higher it is, the more money is charged.

To get started, go to the page and click the “Get captcha” button.

Sometimes the captcha is missing. In this case, you need to check the “auto” box.

Money is credited to the performer’s balance every hour. In order for the system to calculate efficiency, you need to solve 100 captchas.

How to withdraw money

To withdraw funds, use the scroller. Scroll down the page and find the block marked “Your Balance” in the right area of ​​the service.

After clicking on the corresponding green button, all that remains is to click “Confirm payment” and the withdrawal request will be accepted by the system.

The first application for any new wallet is processed within 16 days. Money is withdrawn according to Moscow time from 10:00 to 19:00 from Mon. on Fri. The “Notifications” icon signals that the application has been successfully submitted.

Bottom line

The Advego exchange is an excellent platform where many successful freelancers started. With enough hard work, perseverance and perseverance, here you will gain invaluable practical skills and become familiar with many of the intricacies of remote work, which will definitely come in handy in the future.

PS: I would like to hear the opinion of ordinary people about this copywriting exchange. Share your invaluable experience in the comments.

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