Tales about love for mother. Bedtime story about mom. Read and listen. The best stories about mom

Ksenia Katcheva
Abstract of the educational activity “The Tale of Mother”

This abstract, is aimed at instilling in children love, care and respect for their mother, the closest and dearest person. Children give a gift to their mother.


Masha doll, soft animal toys kitten, cat, puppy, calf.

For drawing:

An oilcloth tablecloth, finger paints or gouache in red and green, a plastic plate for spilling red gouache, sheets of paper, wet wipes.

Target: Help children understand the content fairy tales, empathize with the heroes.


To cultivate love and respect for mother, the desire to bring joy to a loved one.

We fix the names of the baby pets of their mothers, how they talk

Developing competent speech

Teach children to draw a handprint, develop imagination

Learning to express positive emotions (interest, joy, admiration, surprise)


1. Cultivate a kind, respectful, attentive attitude towards mother.

2. Foster a culture of communication and a desire to work in a team.


Teach children to perceive a fairy tale by ear

Relate what you hear to the scenery fairy tale

Help enrich and consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals


1. Intensify children’s speech quotes from fairy tale characters

2. Develop visual attention, logical thinking, fine motor skills of the fingers.

3. Develop children’s ability to independently solve simple problem situations.

Methods used and techniques:

1. Verbal (Teacher’s conversation; questions, explanations, reading fairy tales; conclusion)

2. Practical (Didactic games; outdoor games)

3. Visual (Demonstration of performing motor activities).

Didactic material: Demo: illustrations for fairy tale, models of three houses, models of trees, animal toys (Hares, Little Hare, Forest Bird, 2 wolf cubs and Masha’s girls.)

Preliminary work:

1. Conversation about the holiday "Mother's Day"

2. Photo exhibition "My Mommy"

3. Reading poems about mom

4. Didactic game "Wild animals and their young"

5. Finger gymnastics “Our Mothers”

GCD move:

Children sit on chairs.

Educator: Guys, a doll came to visit us today. Let's say hello and get to know her. The doll's name is Masha.

Doll Masha: Hello guys.

The doll is suitable for every child.

Doll Masha: Hello, what is your name?

Guys: Hello, my name is …

Doll Masha: Guys, do you know what day it is today?

Guys: No.

Doll Masha: Today is Mother's Day. Mom is the most precious person in the world. Mom takes care of us and loves us very much. Let's give her a gift for her Mother's Day. This is just what we can give her. Oh, look, someone is coming. Who is this?

Guys: Kitty. Hello kitten.

Kitty: Hello guys, Meow. (Guys: Hello)

Doll Masha: Kitten, do you know what day it is today?

Kitty: Yes. Mothers Day. And here comes my mother.

Doll Masha: What's the name kitten's mother?

Guys: Cat

Doll Masha: Guys, it’s really a good gift. Oh, someone's coming again.

A puppy is running with a balloon in its paws.

Doll Masha: Hello puppy, do you know what day it is today?

Puppy: Hello. Woof. Yes. Mothers Day. Here I am running to congratulate my mom and give her a balloon. Do you know what your mothers names are?

Guys: Yes

Let's play with a balloon. Masha will throw the balloon to the kids one by one, and you throw it back and say your mother's name.

Masha throws the ball to the puppy, he throws it back and the dog says

Puppy: We played well, but my mother got tired of waiting for me, grabbed the ball, said goodbye while running and ran away.

Doll Masha: Good gift. What will we give? A calf is running with a large bouquet of flowers.

Calf: Hello guys. Mu. I'm in a hurry. Today is Mother's Day and I am bringing a bouquet to my mother. She loves flowers and grass very much, and in return she gives tasty, healthy milk. Have you guessed who my mother is?

Doll Masha: Of course it's a cow.

Let's play a little, when the calf raises a bouquet of flowers high, you will say MU loudly, and when low, then quietly MU. We played great.

Calf: Mu, I have to go, I ran, mom is worried, goodbye guys.

Educator: Each of you has a mother. She loves you, cares about you. She is always nearby and ready to come to your aid at any moment. Do you think animals have mothers?

Children: Eat.

Educator: A bunny has a hare mother, a fox cub has a fox, a hedgehog has a hedgehog’s mother, a wolf cub has a she-wolf mother, a bear cub has a she-bear (look at illustrations). They take care of their young. Children, how does this happen?

Children's answers

Adult animals feed their young.

Protect them from dangers.

Teacher: Do baby animals always listen to their mothers?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Sit back and listen « A story about mom» .

Reading fairy tales.

“One day the Little Bunny got capricious and told my mom:

I do not love you!

The mother hare got offended and went into the forest.

And in this forest lived two wolf cubs. And they didn’t have any mother. It was very bad for them without their mother.

One day, the wolf cubs were sitting under a bush and crying bitterly.

Where can we get mom? - says one Wolf Cub.

Well, at least mommy cow!

Or cat mom! - says the second Wolf.

Or mother frog!

Or mother bunny!

The hare heard these words and speaks:

Do you want me to be your mom?

The wolf cubs were happy. They brought a new one mom to my home. And the wolf cubs' house is very dirty. The mother bunny cleaned up the house. Then she heated the water, put the wolf cubs in a trough and began to bathe them.

At first the wolf cubs did not want to wash themselves. They were afraid that the soap would get into their eyes. And then they really liked it.

Mommy! Mommy! - the wolf cubs scream. - Rub your back again! More to the head of the fields!

So the Hare began to live with the wolf cubs.

And the Little Bunny completely disappears without his mother. It's cold without mom. I'm hungry without my mom. Without my mother it is very, very sad.

The Little Bunny ran to Masha:

Masha, Masha! I offended mine mom, and she left me.

Stupid Bunny! - Masha shouted. - Is that possible? Where will we look for her? Let's go ask the Forest Bird. And they ran to the Forest Bird.”

Educator: Guys, but we are friends with both the Bunny and Masha, and friends always come to the rescue. We also ran to the Forest Bird. (Journey "through the forest" together with Masha and the Bunny)

Children: Yes. (running in group) Educator: Oh! And here is the house of the Forest Bird. Educator: - Forest bird, have you seen the Hare?

“I didn’t see it,” answers the Forest Bird. - But I heard that she lives in the forest with wolf cubs.

Educator: Thank you, Forest Bird. Educator: - And in the forest there were three wolf houses. It is very difficult to get to the wolf cubs' houses. Look, guys, there are stumps and snags all around. We step the children over the stumps and raise our legs high. (stepping over objects) Educator: We've arrived! “...Masha and the Bunny looked into the house. They see: the house is dirty, there is dust on the shelves, garbage in the corners.

No, my mother doesn’t live here,” says the Little Hare.” Let's go to another house. Oh, look, there’s a stream flowing on the way to the house. Let's jump over the stream, guys. (jumping on two legs). And then the house appeared. “...We looked out the window. They see: The tablecloth on the table is dirty, the dishes are unwashed.

No, my mother doesn’t live here! - says the Little Hare.” Educator: Let's go, children, to the third house. And on the trees, the branches bent low - the thicket was impenetrable; need to crawl! (crawling on all fours). We crawl carefully so as not to get caught on a twig. They've crawled!

“...They ran to the third house. They see: Everything in the house is clean. There are wolf cubs sitting at the table, fluffy and cheerful. There is a white tablecloth on the table. Plate with berries. Frying pan with mushrooms.

That's where my mom lives! - the Little Hare guessed.”

Educator: Guys, Little Bunny was happy, he jumped for joy. And we will rejoice with him, we will all jump for joy. (jumping on two legs while moving forward).

“...Masha knocked on the window. The hare looked out the window.

The little bunny pressed his ears and began ask mom:

Mom, come live with me again. I won't do it anymore.

The wolf cubs began to cry:

Mommy, don't leave us!

The hare thought. She doesn't know what to do.

Here's how to do it: Masha said. - One day you will be the mother of a bunny, and the other day you will be the mother of a wolf cub. That’s what we decided.” Educator: And everyone happily went home to kindergarten (walking in a circle in the group).

“...The Hare began to live one day with the Little Hare, and the next with the Wolf Cubs.”.

Educator: Guys, tell me, why did mom leave Bunny?

Children: (children's answers)

Educator: Why did the Hare decide to become a mother of wolf cubs?

Children: (children's answers)

Educator: How did the Little Bunny feel without his mother?

Children: (children's answers)

Educator: Don’t you offend your mothers?

Children: (children's answers)

Educator: You see, guys, what happens if mom gets hurt. Mom needs to be loved, help her, and be obedient. Educator: Coming soon "Mothers Day". We talked a lot about him. But today we learned that animals also have mothers and they also care and worry about their babies. Mothers are all the same - loving, caring and kind.

Doll Masha: Guys, I came up with an idea, there’s nowhere to pick flowers outside the window in autumn, but let’s draw a flower for mom. Look how I did it.

The children sit at the tables. Guys, what color is Masha’s flower? Red. The guys dip their palms in a plate and use red finger paint, then make an imprint on a sheet of paper, at the top of the sheet.

Wipe your hands with wet wipes. What color are the stems and leaves? Green. Dip your finger in green paint, draw a stem and leaves. If you want, you can also draw grass.

Doll Masha takes her drawing, I will give my drawing to my mother. Praises the guys for their drawings. Says goodbye to the guys.

Children, what wonderful flowers we got, our mothers will really like them. After all, a gift made with your own hands is the most precious for our mothers. In the evening, when the mothers come, the guys give your flowers and don’t forget to hug and say how you love them.

Gift for mom. O. Vysotskaya

We are a gift to mom

We won't buy

Let's draw it ourselves

With my own hands.

You can embroider her a scarf,

You can grow a flower

You can draw a house

blue river,

And also kiss,

Dear mother!

We ask questions to consolidate the topic.

Guys, what holiday is today?

What animals came to us?

And what gifts did they give for their mothers?

What gift did we give to our mothers?

List of used literature:

Gerbova V.V., Ivankova R.A., Kazakova R.G. Raising children in the second junior group of kindergarten - M.: Education, 1981. - 70.

Gerbova V.V. Classes on speech development in the second junior group of children garden: Book. For the teacher of children. garden - 2nd ed. Reworked - M.: Education, 1989. - 111.

Komarova T. S. Integrated long-term planning in the second junior group of kindergarten - M.: MOZAYKA-SYNTHESIS. 2011-72s.

Sokhin F. A., Ushakova O. S., Arushanova A. G. Classes on speech development in children garden: Book. For the teacher of children. garden/Ed. O. S. Ushakova - M.: Education, 1993. - 271.

Ushakova O. S. Development of speech in children 3-5 years old, 2nd edition, revised. And additional /Ed. O. S. Ushakova. - M.: TC Sfera, 2011. – 192 p. – (Developing speech)

I came up with this simple story for Sonechka to explain that I also need care and rest. It might be useful to someone else. Relevant in light of the recent Mother's Day.

Parable about a mother and two sprouts

Once upon a time there lived a kind woman who had two daughters. The woman loved her children very much and spent a lot of her time with them. Having finished her chores, she played with the girls on the lawn near the house, in the hot hours of the day she taught them to sew and knit, and in the evenings she read books to them.

The girls really enjoyed spending all their time with their mother, they loved her funny games, fairy tales, and her care. It used to be that the mother would sit down to rest, and the girls would be right there.

“Tell us a story,” one asks.

“Braid my braid, it’s disheveled,” asks another.

- Maybe we can make a new dress for mine?

Around the age of two, a child develops a natural need for fairy tales. Fairy tale is an indispensable element of raising a child, from it he receives vital information: it teaches communication, talks about the structure of the world, good and evil. Fairy tale- this is the language of a child, it is more understandable to the baby than ordinary adult speech, so if we want to present our child with any information, it is better to do it in the language of a fairy tale. Fortunately, in recent decades such a huge number of children's fairy tales for all ages and on various topics have appeared on the shelves of bookstores and online stores that you can almost always choose one that suits your child’s taste. This is where the question arises: Why then are mother’s fairy tales needed at all, why rack your brains and come up with something of your own, if this something was invented long ago by professional children’s writers?

It seems to me that in order to better answer this question, it is necessary to first understand what is mother's tale. I always compare my mother telling a fairy tale with a Kazakh akyn, an improvising poet (not for nothing, I was born in Kazakhstan). What I see is what I sing about. The first fairy tales that a mother tells her baby are a direct reflection of the events that the baby experiences in everyday life. They are simple, do not require many details and help the baby better adapt to everyday life. Here is “a fairy tale about a plate that likes to have all the porridge eaten from it” and “about a girl Katya who lives with her mom and dad and loves to go for a walk.” After 2.5 years, a child develops a desire to see as much “action” as possible in the fairy tales that his mother tells him. In most cases, he himself will tell you what situation to put his favorite hero in. Very often such a hero is an animated object or animal with human qualities. On a subconscious level, the child identifies himself with his hero.

Mom's tales have many advantages for both the baby and his mother. Here are 7 reasons why it is so important to tell your child fairy tales.

  1. The process of telling fairy tales allows the mother to spend time with her child, which is especially important if the child spends the whole day in kindergarten/with grandma, and the mother is at work.
  2. Mom's fairy tale It brings mother and baby very close, allows the mother to stand on the same level as the child and look at the world through his eyes. This is certainly a very important moment for a parent, which helps to come to an understanding with their child.
  3. Mom's fairy tale allows both mother and her creatures to develop the imagination of not only the child, but also his parent. And if you also involve dad, you get real family creativity.
  4. You yourself can vary the length of the tale depending on the amount of time and effort.
  5. Depending on the mood and desire of the child, the same fairy tale can have many options for ending or continuation.
  6. Mom's fairy tale protects mother's eyes. For me this is one of the most important reasons. A fairy tale is a salvation at the end of the day, when the mother is tired and does not have the strength to read to the baby.
  7. You can tell a child a fairy tale, the most important thing is to choose the right fairy tale for him. In this way, the educational effect will be achieved without lectures and moralizing.

I hope I convinced you, my dear mothers, to tell fairy tales to your children. I will be very glad if you use some of my fairy tales as ideas or come up with new adventures for my characters together with your child. All the best to you!

Warm July greetings from sunny Greece! After a long absence, I'm finally returning to the blog. It’s sad to me that he was left completely unattended, and there was a little time. So I will sometimes pull out fairy tales from the bins and share them with you. Have a good rest and enjoy more healthy fruits and vegetables! Photo from free stock

Today for you is another fairy tale by Olga Kamynina. The author's spelling and punctuation have been preserved. Photo from here.

My mom is my sunshine

One day little Alice woke up, looked out the window and saw large puddles on the asphalt. There was a light autumn rain. The sky was overcast with gray clouds that hung heavily over the city. She looked at this gray picture outside the window, and somehow she felt sad... “I’ll have to sit at home again,” she thought. Alice immediately remembered the warm and sunny summer days, when she and her mother spent almost the entire day walking on the playground or in the park. Well, nothing can be done - changing the weather is beyond the power of a little girl. Alice then decided to play something at home.

Dedicated to everyone, all fall lovers! They are with you again, they are back this year too! If everything goes well, I’m planning two more fairy tales.

If you haven’t read the fairy tales about the autumn birds before this series, it’s best to read them in order; here are the three previous fairy tales in reverse order.

This time the fairy tale, unfortunately, does not contain any drawings by Katya Kolesnikova (except for the cover). But there is a nice good reason for this. A few months ago Katya became a mother. I congratulate her once again from the bottom of my heart, and I hope that soon little Fedya will give his mother the opportunity to draw again!

First snow

By mid-November, dad Khrup and mom Aya decide to take grandpa Vokh to them from the distant forest. Autumn's dad says that the winter will be cold this year, so it would be better for grandpa to live with them.

And grandfathers are happy to be with their grandchildren. He is already so old that he doesn’t even remember how old he is.

“It’s either 173 or 211,” he says, scratching his beard. – Our life, of course, is not as long as that of the goblin, but still you can’t remember.

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A. Potapova


Who loves mom more?

When Lyudochka is brought to kindergarten, she cries loudly. All the kids from kindergarten know that they brought Lyudochka.

I don't want to stay! I want to go home!

“Daughter,” her mother persuades her, “I need to go to work.”

Ah-ah-ah! - Lyudochka roars.

And so every day.

One day Valerik, who went to kindergarten with his younger sister Galochka, approached Lyudochka and said:

When will you stop crying?

What do you want? - Lyudochka frowned.

“Nothing for me,” Valerik answered. - Only you don’t love your mother one bit.

Is that what I don't like? - Lyudochka was indignant. - Yes, did you hear me cry when she left?

“I heard,” Valerik said, “that’s why I’m saying that you don’t love me.” Galochka and I love our mother very much and try not to upset her. Mom goes to work calmly and doesn’t worry about us. We kiss her deeply, and then wave after her. Mom near the gate always turns around and smiles. And your mother gets upset and nervous every morning because of you. Do you really think that's good?!

Lyudochka didn’t answer. But the next morning no one heard her being brought to the kindergarten.

“I’ll never cry now,” she told her mother. - You, mommy, work calmly, don’t worry. I’ll wave to you from the window, and you smile at me near the gate.

What a wonderful decision you made! - Mom was happy.

Because I love you very much! - Lyudochka answered.

Such a hero

Everyone in the kindergarten was preparing for the holiday. Alyosha came home and told his mother:

Please sew me a hero costume. I will ride on a horse and shout “hurray”!

And the next morning Alyosha had a toothache.

“We need to go to the doctor,” my mother said.

Never! - Alyosha was scared. “Maybe he’ll pass by himself somehow.”

But the tooth did not go away. Alyosha walked around the room and groaned.

Then his mother took him by the hand and led him to the clinic. The doctor put the boy in the dentist’s chair, but then Alyosha shouted: “I’m afraid!”, jumped up and ran out into the street.

Mom ran out after him. He stood at the entrance and trembled.

How will you go to the holiday? - Mom asked angrily.

“I’ll go somehow,” the son answered, wincing pitifully. - Just don’t forget to sew a suit.

Mom sat until late in the evening, cutting and sewing.

The suit is ready,” she said in the morning when Alyosha woke up.

Oh, thank you, mommy, let's try it on! - Alyosha exclaimed, pulling the bandage off his cheek.

Try it on, try it on,” his mother said and put the cap on him.

Alyosha walked up to the mirror and gasped. There were long bunny ears on the head.

Mother! - Alyosha shouted. - I asked you for a hero costume, but what did you sew for me?

“And I made you a little bunny costume,” my mother answered. - What kind of brave and courageous hero are you if you are afraid of the dentist?


where will I sit? - Tanya and her mother entered the tram car and now looked around. All seats were taken.

“We don’t have far to go,” Tanya’s mother said quietly. - Wait.

And I want to sit down! - the daughter pouted capriciously. - I always sit!

Well, if you always do, then sit down,” the gray-haired man with a stick stood up and stepped aside. - Please!

Tanya quickly sat down in his place and began to look at the cars running next to the tram. Then she drew the letter T on the glass with her finger, shifted in the seat and ceremoniously folded her hands on her knees.

But something prevented her from sitting quietly. No, no, and she glanced first at the stick, then at the elderly man who was now leaning heavily on it.

Mom, should we go out soon? - she asked.

“In two stops,” my mother answered.

How long will it take for you? - Tanya touched the sleeve of the gray-haired passenger.

I'm in three.

Oh, then you will sit in my place for one stop when I get out! - the girl declared joyfully and began to look at the passing cars again.

No, girl, I’m unlikely to be able to sit for one stop,” the man with the stick grinned sadly. “Another girl who is used to always sitting will come in, and I’ll have to stand until the exit.”

And when I go out, I’ll tell this girl not to sit down! - Tanechka frowned.

What about yourself? - asked the elderly man. -You won’t say anything to yourself?

Tanya thought and thought and answered:

I’ll tell myself: you, Tanya, have young, strong legs, you just wait, and let your uncle sit with a cane - it’s hard for him to stand. - And she stood up. - Sit down please!

Thank you! - The elderly man smiled, sat down and put the stick next to him.

You know, mom,” Tanya whispered to her mom, “standing is even better for me than sitting.” The mood became somewhat good.

“And this is because you did well,” the mother affectionately stroked her daughter’s head.


Olya climbed into the sandbox, spread out his arms and said:

Why yours? - Little Larisa timidly objected, shaking off the sand from her hands.

Because it's mine! - Kolya said menacingly and trampled the house built of sand by Larisa.

The girl got out of the sandbox and went to the flowerbed to smell the flowers.

Kolya made a cake, made a mound, dug a ditch, all the time looking at Larisa. She stood near the flowerbed and looked at a beautiful red peony.

Groaning, Kolya got out of the sandbox and headed towards the flowerbed. He pushed Larisa aside with his shoulder, leaned towards the peony and said:

Larisa didn’t have time to answer when a huge brown bumblebee flew out of the peony. He hit Kolya right in the forehead, buzzed angrily and, spreading his furry paws, was about to bite into his cheek.

Ay-yay-yay! - Kolya shouted, covering his face with his hands, and rushed to the teacher, who was sitting on a bench.

Scared? - Anna Ivanovna asked when Kolya buried himself in her lap.

Why is he? - Kolya complained.

He buzzed: “My-yo!” - Anna Ivanovna answered. - Just like you in the sandbox.

Kolya stood up, walked up to Larisa, took her hand:

Come on, I'll show you how to sculpt a fortress.

Then he looked back at the teacher and shouted:

But I didn’t buzz!

Seryozhin's vegetable garden

A green sprout sprouted from a round yellow onion.

Little Seryozha saw this and exclaimed:

Grandma, grandma, look, the green onions are coming out!

Take a glass, pour a little water into it and put an onion - and you’ll have your own garden,” answered the grandmother.

Seryozha did just that. Every morning he ran to his garden and looked at what was happening to the onion. On the third day, white strings and roots appeared in the glass.

Now we can plant it in the ground,” said the grandmother and brought a flower pot from the pantry.

The green arrows were stretching up and up. And one day my grandmother said:

It's time to harvest from your garden!

Mom, dad, and grandma all ate a delicious green onion salad and praised Seryozha.

It's winter outside, but in our house it's spring

Grandma said.

And Seryozha, flushed with praise, said:

Eat, eat, I’ll grow something else! Maybe even watermelon! All you need is for a sprout to emerge from the seed!

Good words

A new boy has arrived in kindergarten. He immediately tripped up the slow Vadik. Vadik fell and asked in surprise:

What are you doing?

Nothing! - the boy answered. - Just like that!

What is your name? - Vadik asked, getting up.

Zhenya. And you?

Vadik,” Vadik answered.

Your ears are like dumplings, I’ll tease you with dumplings! - Zhenya suddenly declared. - Dumpling, dumpling, sit on the broom!

Vadik was offended and moved away from Zhenya. But he did not calm down. He ran up to little Svetochka and jumped around her:

Your cheeks are like apples, round! Baked apple, crushed with a pusher! - he sang a meaningless song and stuck out his tongue at Svetochka.

But one day Zhenya got so naughty that he ran into a rocking boat that stood on the playground and bloodied his nose. The nose became red and thick, like a tomato.

Vadik pointed his finger at Zhenya and shouted:

Look, look, his nose is like a tomato! From now on you are a real tomato!

Zhenya covered his nose with his hand and said sadly:

Don't tease me. When they tease you, you want to cry.

And, sniffing his broken nose, he came up with good words:

We come to kindergarten, Zhenya is happy, and Vadik is happy! Let's live happily together, Don't tease, but be friends!

Ekaterina Isaeva
A Tale about Mom (for Mother's Day)

High in the sky, on soft marshmallow clouds, little children's Souls frolicked and fluttered. They swung on the Rainbow Swing, watered the beautiful flowers in the Rose Garden with warm dew and sang melodious songs. For a while they had fun, but later they realized that they wanted to live in Their friendly family. Souls sat on the very edge of the cloud and chose their Mother.

They saw many Mothers, but they wanted to find their own, special one. It was a difficult choice and they tried not to make a mistake.

And for a long time one Soul could not decide. An angel sat down next to her and asked:

Do you want me to help you?

The soul answered:

Yes, sure!

Angel said:

To find your one and only one, meant just for you, you must name the qualities that are most important to you.

After thinking, the Soul answered:

My Mom will be Loving and Kind.

What else? - asked the Angel.

She will also be Tender. This will be heard in the voice and seen in the eyes. She will be Cheerful so that she can make me laugh if she becomes sad.

This is all? - asked the Angel.

Of course not! My Mother will be Wise. She will always be able to answer the most difficult questions.

Angel said:

Well, you've decided. But how do you still recognize your Mother?

The soul answered:

Can I answer you tomorrow?

All night, by the light of the stars, she peered down from the dark sky. The next morning she knew what to answer.

With the morning Dawn, the Angel descended to the edge of the cloud. Soul told him:

I chose My Mom! She prayed all night that she would be given a child. I know for sure that she will rock me to sleep in a beautiful cradle, sing me songs and tell stories. If I fall, Mom will kiss me and everything will pass. Mom will open the whole world to me by reading books and telling stories. Mom will always help me if something doesn’t work out. Mom will console me; she will feel in her heart when I need it. Mom and I will go for walks, splashing through puddles and chasing butterflies. Mom will love me more than herself and protect me from troubles.

Angel said:

I am very glad that you recognized Your Mom! From now on, I will be your Guardian Angel...

In the morning, waking up, when the rays of the sun began to play on the pillow, Mom, putting her hand on her stomach said:

Good morning, Son!

And Fonuea sang this song to the chief. And Letuli ordered to announce to all the inhabitants of the village that his guests would now become a shark and a turtle and that from now on they would live in the sea under a rock. And if anyone dares to offend them or shows disrespect for them, the leader will consider this a grave crime. Fonua and Salofa again took the form of a shark and a turtle and settled in the sea under the Waitogi rock. They lived there for many, many years and always swam to the surface when they heard a song addressed to them:

God Tama heard the cry. He went down to the cradle, looked at Maui’s blue body, carefully took the child in his arms and hurried home - into the sky. At home, he placed the baby under the rafters, and the child soon warmed up from the stream of warm air that rose above the fireplace. The kid laughed and waved his arms cheerfully.

The palm trees rustled above the children, and they could hear the waves rolling onto the shore, but there were no other sounds. The children spoke in whispers, they were very lonely, and the night seemed dark and uninhabited. They soon fell asleep, but woke up again when their parents tiptoed into the house.

They began to prepare for the feast. The women of Rewa wove mats and made patterned strips of tapa. When the wedding day arrived, everyone dressed up, adorned themselves with purple leaves, put on beautiful flower belts, rubbed themselves with oil, and their bodies shone in the light of the torches as they sang and danced.

Soon the mother came and saw that the house was not as usual. She began to scold, and then the son came out, and a little later the girl appeared. She told her mother her story and admitted that she fell in love with the young man. But the mother demanded that the girl immediately go with her to the meeting house - let the old people who gathered there decide her fate.

And then the good spirit saw a bag that was lying nearby. The grass spirits skillfully wove it. He remembered the restless little kangaroo and how much trouble the baby caused his caring mother, and immediately instructed one of his sons to find the mother kangaroo, give her the bag and tell her to tie it to her stomach, and tie it tightly.

First, she sailed to Old Mawata and saw young men and girls on the shore - they were playing with a string, and one girl among them was very beautiful. The woman took her son’s woven bracelets, which she had brought with her, and began to try them on for the girls - the one for whom they would be just right would be suitable for Novara as a wife. Finally she tried them on for the most beautiful one, but they turned out to be too small for her. faces, and Novare’s mother took off the girl’s bracelets and said: “You don’t eat much, that’s why you’re all thin.” Eat more, you'll get fat.