How to paint walls correctly? How to dye your own hair. Quickly and evenly How to paint your own head

Paint for a fence in a cemetery is sometimes just thick ink, although it doesn’t hurt to remember the passing of time

The materials you will need are much simpler, but this does not mean that the attitude towards them will be as simple.

  1. Firstly, the place requires maximum responsibility.
  2. And, secondly, we should not forget about the conditions for the continued existence of the paint and the material being coated.

The answer to the question of what paint is best to paint a fence in a cemetery will not be too long, but there is still a choice

And the conditions that must be taken into account are far from ideal.

What we take into account

Keep in mind that the metal of the fence:

  • will be constantly exposed to sunlight, which means ultraviolet radiation and temperature, under the influence of which the metal simply heats up;
  • will be exposed to fairly low temperatures in winter; these temperatures outside the city will always be maintained by strong piercing winds;

Blue has a long tradition in this choice of what paint to paint the fence at the cemetery

  • will be periodically exposed to strong moisture, and outside the city, let us take into account, fogs will form much more often, which can last for several days in a row;
  • where there are fogs, there is all the chemicals that accumulate in the atmosphere and will be deposited on the fence;
  • is constantly exposed to microorganisms - from the apple tree that is leaning nearby, snails, caterpillars, and fallen leaves will constantly fall onto the fence.

It’s always good when the painting of the fence in a cemetery is coordinated with other elements of the surrounding design

And the consequence of all these unfavorable effects on the metal will be one thing - its corrosion and destruction.

The conclusion is also obvious - the fence must be painted periodically.

Painting the fence

But the process itself must necessarily consist of two stages - the first, preparatory, and the second, working with paint (also find out how to paint the outside of a house).

At the very least, it is important that everything is very clean and modest, there is no need for “flashy”


This stage is the most time-consuming and will determine the success of the entire work.

Here we perform the following operations:

  • Firstly, we thoroughly clean the entire surface of the fence to shiny metal. There’s no need to do much fiddling here, so the main tool will, of course, be a spatula, but also keep on hand a coarse sandpaper, a metal brush (or better yet, several different sizes) and even a file. The end of all cleaning should be a pleasant shiny metal surface of the entire fence. There may even be a desire to leave it like that. This is not worth doing, because there is still processing to be done.

Forged parts are often simply varnished

There is a whole crowd of authors behind the impeccable appearance of a modern woman. Her eyebrows are shaped by an eyebrow artist, her nails are shaped by a manicurist, her face masks are made by a cosmetologist, and there’s no need to even mention hair coloring!

However, once you learn how to dye your own hair at home, you will be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is. And think about the bonuses: you won’t depend on your hair stylist at all, and you’ll spend the money you save on a gift for your loved one!

Colored instructions

When you decide to change your image in the salon, a professional immediately determines which brand of paint and even color suits you, which tone will ideally appear on the strands, and which will differ from what was planned.

When you decide to dye your hair at home with store-bought dye or henna, there is no one to give recommendations, so you have to rely on yourself.

To begin with, firmly understand that you don’t need what is heavily advertised on TV! As a rule, these are cheap thermonuclear dyes that are not very beneficial for the health of curls. Professionals don’t use them, and you won’t win such a lottery. Go straight to a professional beauty store. Of course, a portion of such paint will cost more, but they don’t skimp on themselves! Moreover, there you will also receive high-quality advice on each product and will be shown several palettes from different manufacturers.

To dye your own short or medium hair, as a rule, one package is enough. And for long strands it will take at least two. An important argument in favor of buying two servings is that it is better to apply thicker dye than to look in horror at the bald spots of color on your dried hair.

Of course, the shade should be chosen in accordance with your own color type, read about it here. A radical change of image in your kitchen generally does not lead to anything beautiful, so change your hair color by two or three tones. For your debut home coloring, it is better to choose cool tones, since warm tones are more capricious and may turn out completely different from what you imagine.

The brightest red washes off very quickly, so look for a tint balm or shampoo with color protection in advance.

Ladies set

To properly dye your own hair at home, dye and oxidizer alone are not enough. You will have to stock up on other tools:

  • A special brush for painting. If you want to dye your own long hair or this is your first experience of dyeing it yourself, then take a wide brush, it gives an even result.
  • A plastic or ceramic container for mixing paint with oxidizing agent. Metal should absolutely not be used! It enters into a chemical process with the oxidizing agent and can affect, and negatively, the properties of the paint.
  • A wide-toothed comb.
  • A towel or a special cape (you can also buy it in the store).
  • It is better to buy gloves separately, preferably medical ones. Almost all manufacturers put disposable gloves in paint boxes, but they are so huge that they would fit the Hulk himself. And working with them is completely inconvenient; they slide, rustle, and get in the way. So wear medical gloves and stay safe!
  • Vaseline or greasy cream.
  • If you are going to dye your own medium-length or long hair, you will need plastic clips to hold the strands together. This way the already colored ones won’t mix with the clean ones.
  • Large mirror.

In order not to stain yourself and everything around you, put on things you don’t mind, and cover the place where the finished paint will be with cellophane or oilcloth.

  • After preparing the mixture, apply it to your hair immediately! Even a professional prepares a new portion as needed, but it is strictly forbidden to store the compositions at home for future use.
  • Be sure to make sure you are not allergic to chemical components. Prepare just a little mixture in advance and apply to the crook of your elbow. If itching and redness do not appear within 20 minutes, proceed with coloring. By spending these few minutes, you will protect yourself from unpleasant manifestations of allergies such as dermatitis, blisters and other “charms” on the scalp.
  • Do not wash your hair at least 24 hours before painting. The dusty-fat layer will become a natural protection against aggressive “chemistry”.
  • There should be no styling products on the hair.
  • After rinsing off the composition, let your hair dry naturally, without a hair dryer.
  • Do not keep the mixture longer than necessary. The intensity of the color will not change, but you are almost guaranteed to have burnt strands.
  • Modern paints do not flow, so leave hats, bags and the famous insulation with a towel far in the past.
  • Don't add your own "ingredients" like hair conditioner or shampoo. Now the paints have a pleasant creamy consistency and do not need dilution. In addition, it is unknown how foreign components will affect the properties of the paint.
  • The last thing to paint is the frontal and temporal areas. The hair there is very thin and will quickly absorb the pigment.
  • If there are abrasions, rashes, or wounds on your head, then postpone painting until they heal.

Now you are fully armed and allowed to move on to the next stage – the practical one. Ready?

Transformation at home - step-by-step stages of DIY coloring

If you follow the instructions, you will very soon admire yourself in a new image.


  • Wear a cape or cover your shoulders with an old towel.
  • Try to position yourself so that there are mirrors in front of you and behind you. No one has eyes on the back of their heads, and to dye their hair at the back, you have to look in the mirror.
  • Prepare all the necessary tools. Mix the paint in a bowl and oxidize. You can mix them until smooth using a brush.


  1. Apply Vaseline or thick consistency cream according to hair growth.
  2. Comb the dry strands thoroughly and divide them into partings. Let the first go from the middle of the forehead to the back of the head, the second will divide the mass of hair from one ear to the other through the crown. You will get 4 sectors, secure them with clamps.
  3. Apply the dye at the roots in two parts.
  4. When they are painted, release one sector from the hairpin and, dividing into small strands, paint all the roots of this part.
  5. When the roots are painted, return the clamp to its place and work with the next sector.
  6. This is the technique you should follow when you only want to dye your hair roots.
  7. After the roots, you can dye your hair to the ends. Distribute the mixture from top to bottom.
  8. Leave the paint on for the time indicated in the instructions.
  9. If you notice that pigment has gotten on your skin, immediately wash it off with a product that contains alcohol or a mixture of lemon juice and foundation.
  10. Rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water. Use a conditioner for colored hair and wrap the freshly colored strands well in a towel and let them dry in it.

On short hair, the technique is much simpler: use a brush to distribute the paint from roots to ends and you're done!

This video will clearly show you how to dye your own hair at home:

What if... you didn’t get the desired color?

It is better to immediately correct the situation on your own and not try. Contact a good colorist who can help you change your shade.

But you will have to live in your newly acquired image for at least a couple of weeks. And all this time, nourish your curls with masks and balms, because very soon they will experience another severe stress.

Natural product is no worse! How to dye your hair with henna

Many people prefer to dye their hair with this natural remedy, because henna also has a strengthening effect.

The composition based on it without additives is very simple to prepare: henna needs to be diluted with hot water to the consistency of thick sour cream.

While it has not cooled down, henna is applied in the same way, first to the roots, and then distributed along the entire length. The hair is covered with a polyethylene cap and wrapped in a towel.

You can keep henna on as long as you like; some, in pursuit of a rich color, leave the composition on their head even overnight. The exposure time depends only on the desired result. After just 5 minutes, the curls will become golden-red and the color will darken over time.

As you can see, dyeing your own hair at home is not at all difficult. A lot depends on the correctly chosen and, most importantly, high-quality paint. The rest will be added by your patience and ability to hold your hands above your head for a long time! Well, jokes aside - think how much money and time you will save, because now you are both your own master and a satisfied client! Good luck with your color experiments!

These days it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a girl or woman with natural hair color. Conditions and lifestyle, mood, circumstances change, and at the same time the person himself changes. The female sex tends to change in appearance along with everything. This is quite natural, but sometimes it can be difficult to understand how to dye your hair correctly so as not to harm it, what color to choose based on your natural shade - useful and practical tips in our article will help you find answers to all these questions.

How to dye your hair at home: general rules

First of all, before you start dyeing, you need to answer yourself one question: what color will your hair be? You need to choose a shade carefully, because the wrong choice can radically change your appearance, change your appearance and give your skin an unattractive color. And here, of course, you shouldn’t choose a color just because you like how it looks on your friend or favorite actress.

First, determine your appearance type: warm or cold. In the first case, a person has a dark or peach skin color, brown or green eyes, and a natural hair color from dark blond to chestnut. Golden, chestnut and red shades are ideal for this type. But too light, blonde colors can make you look old.

For cold-type people (fair skin; gray, blue or blue eyes) light brown, ash colors and even black are suitable. But it’s better to avoid the red palette.

You should be careful when trying to dye your hair a radically new color if you have previously dyed your hair regularly with the same color. At best, the dye simply won’t stick to your hair in the color indicated on the package; at worst, you’ll get a completely unnatural color: for example, green, purple or blue.

In general, on the back of the package, where the initial color and the one that will be obtained after dyeing are indicated, the “initial” refers to the natural shade of the hair. Therefore, if you currently have another dye on your hair, this information is useless to you. Based on this, some advice suggests itself: if a radical change in tone is planned, it is better to contact a professional in a beauty salon. A specialist will be able to give you what you want by testing your hair on a chromatic circle.

In general, experts advise regularly washing off the dye before applying a new one in order to wash out the old pigment from the hair. This will increase the chances of getting the desired shade. But even when buying a remover, you need to be careful. If the paint you used before contained ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, there is a separate remover for this, and vice versa.

Now some tips on how to dye your hair at home:

  • Never ignore the sensitivity test when purchasing a new brand of paint. To carry out testing, you just need to follow all the manufacturer’s recommendations. If you don’t do the test and then get an allergy, you can be left completely without hair and with scalp burns.
  • Start applying dye to your hair from the back of your head. This is due to the lowest degree of heating, which causes poor painting.
  • First, paint the roots, then distribute the remaining paint along the entire length of the hair. The dye on the hair needs to be foamed properly and then combed well. This way the color will lie more evenly.
  • Do not leave the dye on your hair for longer than the time specified in the instructions. This will not affect the intensity of the shade in any way, but it will not have the best effect on the health of the hair, making it dry and brittle.
  • Rinse the dye off your hair with plenty of water until it becomes completely transparent.

There are times when it is better to postpone hair coloring until better times.

  • If the scalp is damaged and there are scratches and cuts on it (for example, it was scratched heavily).
  • The period of pregnancy and menstruation is also not the best time to change your image. Hormonal changes in the body can cause changes in hair pigment and give a different shade.
  • Colds and taking medications will not have the best effect on the effectiveness of coloring.
  • If you have just permed your hair, you should postpone the dyeing procedure for at least 2 weeks.

How to dye medium length hair

For medium-length hair, as a rule, one tube is enough. But it all depends on how thick your hair is, since the thicker it is, the more dye you need. Buy a brush for applying paint in advance; this will greatly simplify the process and help apply the paint evenly, saving money.

  1. In a separate bowl, mix all the ingredients contained in the package (oxidizing agent and developer). Under no circumstances should the paint container be made of metal; it is better to purchase a special plastic bowl.
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  3. Wear the gloves that come with the paint on your hands.
  4. If the paint is dark, then change into something unnecessary, such as an old T-shirt, or put bags on your shoulders and chest so that if the paint accidentally drips, it won’t stain anything. In this case, the area on the forehead, temples and ears, which are close to the hairline, generously lubricate with rich baby cream. Then, when paint gets on the skin, the first one will not stain it.
  5. Comb your hair thoroughly.
  6. Dip the brush into the paint and begin to distribute it along the roots of your hair.
  7. Once all the roots are painted, distribute the remaining paint along the entire length. You can pin up your hair and take strands out of the bun, coloring them one by one. This way you can be sure you won't miss anything.
  8. To ensure uniform coloring, at the very end, when all the dye is on the hair, comb your hair with a fine-toothed comb.
  9. Put a shower cap on your head, hiding all your hair under it, and wrap a towel over it. Measure the time indicated in the instructions.
  10. As soon as the time has come to an end, go to the shower and wash the dye from your hair under high pressure of water. As soon as the water becomes clear, wring out your hair and apply the balm that came with the dye. Wait 2-3 minutes and rinse.

You should not wash your hair with shampoo after coloring. It is necessary for the dye to be fixed on the hair, and the shampoo can wash it out.

How to dye short hair

Dyeing short hair is not difficult. The whole process is similar to the previous one, only the time costs will be significantly less. If you want to dye short hair quickly, then you don’t have to use a brush, but do everything yourself. Please note that short hair here refers to a “boy” haircut.

Just lean over the bathtub, dip your hands in the dye and start rubbing it into the roots, and then into the hair itself. Do this until the entire surface of your head and hair is covered with paint. Then follow the instructions given above.

If your hair is short, then a whole tube of hair dye may be too much. However, diluted paint must be used immediately and storing it in this form is strictly prohibited. Therefore, first squeeze half of each component into a bowl, and leave the rest in tubes until the next time of painting.

Features of dyeing long hair

Dyeing long hair at home solely with your own efforts is quite problematic, but it is possible. There are no peculiarities in their painting. Everything is done the same way as described above. You have to be careful not to miss a single curl, and this is not so easy.

Therefore, in order not to do anything bad with your hair, try to find someone to help you. A person who will agree to dye your hair. As a last resort, it is better to contact a hairdresser. The cost of painting in an average salon is not that expensive, but you can be sure that every strand is in perfect condition.

How to dye dark hair

Coloring dark hair is one of the most difficult tasks. Any attempt at lightening, even a couple of tones, can be problematic. Here you will definitely need to carry out washing procedures to free each hair from the existing pigment, for subsequent filling with a new one.

Usually, to lighten dark hair, the most powerful chemicals are used, which are very harmful to the hair, disrupting its structure. They become dry and brittle and lose their shine. Therefore, in order to somehow smooth out and reduce the damage of the dye, it is important to choose a quality product, or seek help from professionals.

Some people resort to a gradual coloring method, applying hair dye a tone lighter than the previous one every three weeks. And so on until the desired shade is achieved. However, this is also very harmful and time-consuming (at least 3-4 months). The technique is suitable for those who want to radically change their hair color.

After such an aggressive effect on your hair, you will need to organize proper care for it. Moisturizing and healing masks should be carried out almost every other day. Otherwise, you will get the simplest washcloth on your head, instead of luxurious hair.

But which method of hair coloring and design to choose should be decided by the master, after assessing the initial condition of the hair.

How to dye blonde hair

There are a lot of options for coloring blonde hair. Transitioning from one color to another is the most common method. Working with blond hair is much easier than working with dark hair, so it won’t be too difficult for a hairdresser to give you what you want.

A very popular technique for coloring shatush. It doesn't take much time, and the effect is wonderful. Light shading on the hair looks original and natural.

An equally popular coloring technique is ombre. The hair colors also blend smoothly into each other, but unlike the previous look, here the color contrast is most noticeable. As a rule, clients' choice falls on a dark top and a light bottom. But you can choose another combination, with bolder shades, for example, a light top and purple or pink bottom.

The balayage coloring option is not much different from the previous one and, in principle, a non-professional is unlikely to distinguish them. But there is still a difference. Here the master works with the client’s hair more carefully, choosing a color scheme not only for the hair, but also for the type of the client herself (eye color, facial skin and its shape). An incorrectly chosen edging can visually change the face for the worse.

Nowadays, there are a huge number of techniques that will make your hair look both natural and unusual. To transfer the effect from the picture to your hair, just print the photo and take it to the hairdresser.

How to dye brown hair

Dyeing light brown hair is no different from the previous options. Dark blond hair is equated to dark hair, and light blond hair is equated to blond hair. Otherwise, all types of staining are absolutely identical. Here are some examples of how it looks on brown hair.

How to dye your hair multiple colors

Dyeing your hair several colors is quite a bold decision, which can quickly get boring, but getting rid of it will not be so easy. But the modern beauty industry can offer changes in appearance for just one or two days, returning your usual naturalness. One of these options for coloring hair in several colors at once is crayons. With them you can act as your own real stylist and at the same time not be afraid of doing something wrong, because everything is washed off with ordinary water. And the effect from them is as if you dyed your hair with colored dye. However, it is often not recommended to use them, since many people complain that crayons dry out their hair.

The boldest colors are at your disposal. Crayons can be purchased individually or in sets. What exactly to give preference to is up to you. But, of course, it is better to purchase sets at once, they are much cheaper, and there will be much more painting options.

This video explains in detail how to dye your hair using crayons.

How to dye your hair ombre

Hair dyed using the ombre technique looks very beautiful and many people think that it is impossible to dye it this way on their own and that they need to contact a hairdresser. But this is a big misconception. All this can be done at home with your own efforts. Moreover, creating this beauty is much easier than dyeing your hair the usual way.

  1. Prepare the dye you want to apply to your hair.
  2. Comb your hair thoroughly and tie it into a ponytail.
  3. Apply the prepared dye to the hair that hangs from the elastic, along the line of the latter.
  4. Keep the mixture on your hair according to the instructions.
  5. Rinse off the dye and dry your hair.
  6. Enjoy the results.

You can independently regulate the amount of dyed hair by tightening the ponytail or loosening it. This is already personal preference. But in any case, as you have already seen, there is nothing complicated about a “home” ombre.

How to dye bleached hair

Bleached hair must undergo a course of treatment and restoration, which depends on the degree of damage, but not less than 2-4 weeks. In addition to using masks, you should avoid hair dryers and straighteners, at least for the specified period.

The peculiarity of discoloration, when the composition completely removes the color pigment, does not allow the new paint to lie flat. Therefore, for the first time, you should avoid painting in bright and saturated colors. This can result in bald spots, when in some places, especially after several shampooing sessions, light color will peek through the dark color. The ideal option is light colors: light brown, blond, ashy, etc.

Dark dye is washed off very quickly from bleached hair. Therefore, it is necessary to fix the color. To do this, the painting procedure is carried out several times within a short period of time, but not less than 14 days.

The fastest way to dye your hair

The dyeing technology is always the same, following step-by-step instructions is mandatory, so there is simply no fastest dyeing method. Of course, if you compare by type, the most primitive coloring in one tone will take much less time than, for example, ombre. And in general, it’s no good to rush in such matters, because what’s important here is not speed, but the end result, which, if you’re in a hurry, can be so disappointing that you won’t leave the house for weeks.

The only way to speed up the hair coloring procedure is to seek help from a hairdresser. It won’t be difficult for a professional who does this day after day to do it in just 40-60 minutes, but it can’t get any faster, because the hair dye needs to be left on for a certain amount of time, as stated by the manufacturer.

How to wash off dyed hair

To radically change your hair color, you need to carry out a washing procedure. Those. free the hair from stagnant pigment and prepare a place for a new one. This will help the fresh paint lie flat and convey the color as close as possible to the packaging. It is very easy to do this even at home.

Professional cosmetics salons sell ready-made kits for removing hair dye. Depending on the color intensity and hair length, 1-3 packages will be required. The cost of each is on average 350-700 rubles, depending on the brand. Each drug comes with its own instructions, which should be strictly followed. The product is applied to all hair, left for a certain amount of time and washed off. Along with it, the pigment itself is gradually washed away. Each time the hair will become lighter and lighter. You need to stop when you achieve the desired result. After this, you can use the paint of your favorite shade.

Of course, you can wash off the color with folk remedies, but you will have to wait quite a long time for their effectiveness. It is much easier to give preference to industrial store-bought drugs.

Even in ancient times, women changed their hair color using plants, ashes, animal blood and many other sources of natural dyes. Modern beauties rarely use natural ingredients, preferring persistent chemical compounds. Moreover, many girls regularly apply makeup on their own, finding many advantages of a home procedure over a salon service. If you also decide to change the color of your curls at home, rather than at the hairdresser, find out how to dye your hair correctly. A competent approach and adherence to technology will allow you to get the desired result without disappointment or error.

How to dye your hair at home

The main advantage of the salon procedure is that the master will perform it professionally. He will advise you on the optimal shade, ensure even color distribution, and talk about the basics of caring for colored hair. However, you will have to pay a lot for this, and sometimes you will also have to wait in a long line to see a good stylist.

Of course, the cost of painting in Elektrostal or another regional city cannot be compared with Moscow or St. Petersburg prices, but to some girls even such an amount seems impressive. With this in mind, they are making bold attempts to paint themselves at home.

Preparation for self-staining can be divided into the following episodes:

  1. Purchase of paint and additional materials and tools.
  2. Skin and curl testing.
  3. Carrying out the procedure.

When planning to change the natural color of their hair, women often act radically: blondes buy brown or black dye, and brown-haired and brunette women desperately lighten their curls. This is where the first surprises appear. Hair bleaching is already a strong stress for the hair, and if you apply an additional tone after that, long-term treatment and restoration of the structure of the strands cannot be avoided.

In addition, a new shade may simply not suit you and highlight flaws in your appearance. To avoid having to urgently correct the results of unsuccessful coloring, you should listen to the recommendations of specialists.

The principle of color selection is based on determining the color type of appearance. There are 4 of them in total, and they are named after the seasons.

There are several signs and tests, thanks to which every girl can understand who she is: autumn, winter, spring or summer. After this, it will not be difficult to choose the appropriate shade before dyeing your hair at home:

  • pale-skinned women with gray or blue eyes Cool shades are suitable: light brown, ash, platinum. If the skin has a yellowish color, you should not paint yourself in golden tones;
  • spring women, which belong to the warm color type, it is worth choosing red, copper, golden brown. It is not recommended to change your appearance radically;
  • cold winter type requires a contrasting black, ash or dark brown color. You need to focus on the color of your eyes and skin (can be light or dark);
  • golden skin and dark curls- a sign of the autumn type of appearance. Chestnut, chocolate, brown, copper, light brown would be appropriate here.

Attention! If you want to figure out how to properly dye your hair at home, remember: cold shades suit winter and summer color types, and warm shades suit spring and autumn color types.

Dye selection

All modern chemical compositions for hair coloring are conventionally divided into 3 groups: blond, chestnut, black. There is even a special scale for this from 1 to 10 points, where 1 is rich black, 10 is the lightest blonde. Of course, each of these colors has shades.

On paint packages, they are usually indicated by three numbers: the first - belonging to one of three groups, and the remaining two (after the dot) - color nuances. As a rule, manufacturers of professional painting compositions have their own palettes where you can see what a particular color scheme looks like.

Attention! Markings “1000”, “12” and “SS” indicate that the product is intended for strong hair lightening.

According to the duration of the effect, chemical preparations for coloring are:

  • temporary - mascara, gels that are washed off upon contact with water;
  • unstable - these are tinted shampoos and balms;
  • semi-permanent - ammonia-free paints;
  • persistent - permanent dyes with ammonia.

The last two categories allow you to get the most lasting results. The differences between them will help you decide how to properly dye your hair at home and what exactly you need.

Semi-permanent paints:

  • they wash out gradually, so they are optimal if you do not change the color radically;
  • help lighten the color by 1-2 tones, no more. On blondes, such shades do not last long;
  • require regular color updates;
  • may not cover heavy gray hair or previously tinted hair (if a permanent composition was used);
  • examples of semi-permanent coloring preparations are Casting Crème Gloss from L’oreal, Estel Professional De Luxe Sense and others.

Sometimes, instead of ammonia, semi-permanent paints contain amines - also very toxic substances.

Features of permanent dyes:

  • make it possible to radically change the original color;
  • can lighten curls even without prior bleaching;
  • the color does not fade;
  • even completely gray hair is covered;
  • forced to periodically tint the roots;
  • can damage the scalp and cause allergic reactions;
  • cause difficulties if you need to change a dark tone to a light one;
  • examples of such drugs are Syoss, Londa Professional, Palette, L'Oreal Excellence and others.

Advice. If you are not ready to spoil your curls with permanent or semi-permanent dye, take a closer look at temporary or unstable, as well as natural preparations (henna, basma) and folk remedies. You can make hair dye at home from lemon juice, honey, chamomile and other products.

  • check the expiration date;
  • do not buy dyes that are too cheap. They may contain harmful impurities;
  • remember that smooth strands lose color faster than curly ones;
  • Thick, dense curls require more time to dye.

To dye your hair roots at home or lighten the ends you will need 1 package of the composition. The same amount is enough to fully color short and medium hair. Long-haired beauties need to buy 2-3 packs.

Mistakes when dyeing hair

No. 1. Expect that after the procedure you will look the same as the girl from the paint package.

Natural light and dark hair have different textures, which affects the final result. Natural blonde curls are very porous, so they retain pigment well. For this reason, the new color on your hair most often matches what you see in the photo from the box.

Natural chestnut and black strands are highly dense. This means that the shade will be deeper and more saturated. Of course, dark hair can be pre-bleached to get a brighter color, but this will greatly affect its health.

Advice. Pre-dye a small strand at the back of your head and see what color comes out.

No. 2. Try to lighten black locks at one time.

Apply lighter shades gradually: first dark chestnut, then dark blond, blond. Take breaks between coloring your hair at home, use restorative and moisturizing products. This way you will protect yourself from unpleasant lightening results. You will find details on lightening dark hair using folk and chemical means on our website.

No. 3. Don't do an allergy test.

1-2 days before the intended staining, apply a small amount of the product to the area behind the ear or the bend of the elbow. Make sure that there is no itching or redness in this area. Ignoring this rule is fraught with dermatological problems and even hair loss.

No. 4. Do not wear gloves or a cape to protect your clothing.

The dye can leave stains on your favorite T-shirt or the skin of your hands, so it is better to carefully prepare your hair at home.

No. 5. Immediately before coloring, wash your hair with conditioner or use styling products.

To prevent the chemical components of the dye from causing too much damage to your hair, you should wash your hair 2-3 days before the procedure. In this case, it is advisable not to use additional products: balm, conditioner. It is also better to exclude styling products. Hair should be clean, but in moderation.

No. 6. Keep the paint on longer than the manufacturer recommends.

This is one of the most common mistakes and the fastest way to ruin the structure of the hair shafts. It is better to repeat the coloring at home after 2-3 weeks to make the color more saturated, but do not violate the exposure time.

No. 7. Dye your hair with a shade that is more than 2-3 shades lighter or darker than the natural color of your curls.

Any color should be in harmony with the color type of appearance, so it is better to avoid drastic experiments.

No. 8. Ignore precautions when painting:

  • do not mix different formulations in one container;
  • rinse your hair well with water;
  • make sure that the composition does not get into your eyes;
  • do not paint eyebrows and eyelashes with hair preparation;
  • Carefully follow the instructions included in the package.

Advice. If you dye your hair regularly, try to use products from the same manufacturer. Even a slight difference in composition can cause unexpected results.

Necessary tools and preparations

Properly selected tools and materials will be a good help in your work and will help you get the desired result. It is important that all painting tools are not metal, as they can react chemically with the dye and change its shade.

To prepare the solution, take a plastic, glass or porcelain container. The same recommendation applies to other hair coloring devices at home.


Determines the quality and speed of application of the solution. All brushes are divided into classic ones and those equipped with a comb. The latter are convenient if you use semi-permanent products or tint long hair. However, they are recommended for use by professionals. For home use it is better to choose classics.

The optimal brush width for uniform coloring is 4–5 centimeters. Narrower specimens are suitable for tinting individual strands, while wider ones are suitable for hair of considerable length. The brush can be replaced with a sponge or curling applicator, especially when it comes to toners and semi-permanent products.

By the way. Hard brushes are convenient for painting long curls, if you do not need to tint the roots. In other cases, it is better to choose soft bristles.

Thermal paper

It is an alternative to foil. It is used for wrapping individual strands during highlights, ombre, balayage and other complex hair coloring techniques at home or in the salon, as well as for dyeing ends. Unlike foil paper, thermal paper washes well without losing its qualities.


It looks like a device for picking berries: a wide plane with a curved comb end. Separate parts of hair are placed on the shoulder blade. The device is smoothly moved from roots to ends, as if combing a curl from bottom to top, and at the same time dye is applied to this strand.

The tool is indispensable if you need to do bronzing, California highlighting at home, or create the effect of washed-out paint on your hair, which looks quite natural. If your goal is complete hair coloring at home, changing color, then you won’t need a spatula.

Oxide for hair coloring

The purpose of the oxidizing agent (developer, activator) is to consolidate the painting result. It is used only in combination with permanent or semi-permanent formulations. It is important to choose the correct concentration of oxide, otherwise you can burn your hair.

This indicator is expressed as a percentage, which is deciphered as the amount of hydrogen peroxide per 1 liter of product (3% oxygen - 3% peroxide per liter, and so on).

Information on how to properly dye your hair at home will be incomplete if you don’t know about developer concentration options:

  • 1,2–2,5% - suitable for gentle painting and tinting;
  • 3% - for darkening by 1 tone or coloring color to color;
  • 6% - to disguise gray hair and lighten it by 1–2 tones;
  • 9% - if you need to become 3 shades lighter;
  • 12% - used with lightening dyes, it makes it possible to immediately whiten hair by 3-4 tones.


Just like thermal paper, when coloring hair at home or in a salon, it serves to separate strands. Foil is used for closed and hidden dyeing methods, when it is necessary that the tinted curls do not come into contact with the rest of the hair. The advantage over paper is its high plasticity.


Protect your hands from exposure to chemicals. Usually they come in a set with paint. You can replace them with more durable rubber gloves.


You will need a fine-toothed comb to shape the strands. It can be with a ponytail to make it convenient to separate partings when distributing the composition.

There are also special brushes for coloring (stripper or with hooks) that help to effectively highlight or lighten curls at home. A wide-tooth comb will come in handy at the final stage of dyeing your hair at home.

Unfortunately, we do not always have the opportunity and time to visit beauty salons and hairdressers.

It is much cheaper and easier to do everything at home yourself.

But how to do it correctly in order to be satisfied with the result? Let's take a step-by-step look at how to dye your hair at home yourself.

  • Preparing hair for coloring - what you need to consider

First you need to decide on the paint consumption.

If you have short hair (up to 35 cm), one tube is enough for you, and if you have long hair, at least two.

Two days before dyeing, do not wash your hair, as clean curls are more susceptible to the harmful effects of the chemical composition of the dye.

Necessary items for painting

At the beginning of the process, you should prepare all the necessary items.

So, in addition to the coloring agent itself, we will need:

  • 1. Old T-shirt and towel

The thing should not be a pity if it gets dirty with paint.

  • 2. Painting brush
  • 3. Plastic or porcelain dishes (not metal!)

To mix the paint with an oxidizing agent, you will need any non-metallic utensils, since under the influence of an oxidizing agent, the metal oxidizes and this can affect the color of your hair.

  • 4. Disposable gloves

You can purchase latex medical gloves. Or you can use the cellophane gloves that come with the paint.

  • 5. Comb with large teeth

To separate the strands, you will need a convenient, simple plastic or wooden comb with teeth, but not a metal one.

How to dye your hair at home - step by step steps

  • Actions before starting coloring

Read the instructions that come with the paint to find out what precautions you need to take, the exposure time of the paint, and how to use it.

In a plastic bowl, mix the oxidizing agent in the box with the paint itself until smooth. Do not use metal objects for stirring.

Comb your hair well.

For better dyeing and a brighter color, you can spray your hair with water. They should be slightly damp; you shouldn’t get them too wet, otherwise the paint won’t stick.

In order to protect the skin of the face from coloring, it is necessary to smear the areas along the hairline with a protective fatty cream.

Cover your shoulders with a towel to avoid staining your skin.

Put on your gloves and start painting.

  • Dyeing process

You need to start coloring from the back of your head.

Therefore, with the tip of a comb, divide your hair into 4 sectors, parting it through the crown, and also perpendicular to it, so that you get two temporal areas (left and right), and two occipital areas.

Secure each resulting part with a plastic clip.

Dyeing is done starting from the strands at the back of the head. Next, apply the dye to the hair in the parietal area. Finally, they move on to coloring the temple area. In this area, the hair is the thinnest, so coloring is carried out faster.

Take a separate strand and use a brush to apply paint first to the roots and then along the entire length. Treat each small strand in this manner one by one.

Then move on to all other parts of the hair step by step.

Distribute the rest of the dye onto your hair closer to the roots and comb it well with a comb along the entire length.

At the end, comb your hair well with a wide-toothed comb so that the dye is evenly distributed along the entire length.

Let the paint sit for the time specified in the instructions (usually about thirty minutes).

  • How to dye overgrown roots

When coloring regrown roots, the paint is first applied to the regrown roots and left on for thirty minutes.

After this, after sprinkling your hair a little with water, use a comb to comb the curls well from the roots along their entire length to smooth out the transition and leave the dye for another 5-7 minutes.

  • Painting overgrown roots - video

If there is a lot of gray hair, the dyeing time should be extended by ten minutes.

After the dyeing time has passed, rinse off the dye with warm water until the water runs clear. Use shampoo for colored hair.

Be sure to rinse your curls with hair protecting conditioner, which is usually included in the dye kit. It softens and protects them from the aggressive effects of chemical composition, makes them shiny and smooth.

If paint gets on your skin, it can be easily removed by mixing lemon juice and any skin cream.

It is important to remember to take special care of colored hair. When exposed to chemical dyes, hair loses strength, shine, becomes thinner and brittle, so it is recommended to treat it with masks, creams and balms to restore, nourish and moisturize.

  • How to dye your hair at home correctly - video