Why a pregnant woman should not be nervous - reasons, consequences and recommendations. Why do pregnant women often cry? If a pregnant woman is often nervous

Negative emotions and stress not only harm the pregnant woman, but also have a detrimental effect on the condition of the baby in the mother’s womb.

A nervous state and disorders have an unsatisfactory effect on the overall development of the child both before his birth and after birth. And although everyone knows these facts, mothers continue to not give up their energetic lifestyle and plunge into depression. Women, knowing about this fact, do not fully understand what the matter is, why pregnant women shouldn't be nervous.

Hormone surge

When pregnancy is planned, a storm of feelings cannot be avoided, because the expectant mother cannot suppress the emotions that she will soon become a mother and will receive a new social status. The gestation period is the most emotionally stressful time. At this time, frequent hormonal changes take over. However, despite this nervous period, doctors strongly recommend that a young mother, with the onset of pregnancy, try not to experience a wide range of feelings, since this is the primary cause of nerve tension.

Of course, everyone understands that it is difficult for the weaker sex not to worry, in which case one should try to minimize emotional outbursts. Because when a pregnant woman feels different negative emotions: fear, irritation, anger, her hormonal levels change, and as a result, the hormonal levels of the unborn baby also change, negative emotions are fully transmitted from the mother to her baby.

The mother's hormones accumulate in the fluid surrounding the fetus and which the baby often swallows; the baby subsequently removes this liquid from his body. Such an increase in the level of negative hormones will lead to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system in the child. Here's the explanation Why shouldn't pregnant women worry?

Why shouldn't pregnant women be nervous? Sleepless nights

Canadian scientists have concluded that a child whose mother experienced various negative emotions during pregnancy may suffer from asthma in the first years of life. Such a child will be capricious, irritable, eat and sleep poorly. Therefore, if mothers and fathers want a restful sleep at night, then it is necessary to take care from the very first days of pregnancy that the baby in the womb is calm. Here why pregnant women shouldn't be nervous and cry.

It is especially necessary to monitor the second half of pregnancy, it is necessary to minimize nervousness; by this period, the child’s nervous system has already been formed, he is extremely sensitive to changes in the mother’s mood and begins to worry himself.

A constant state of nervousness in a pregnant woman is fraught with serious consequences. Receiving bad hormones, amniotic fluid becomes an extremely hormonal substance. The baby may experience a lack of air, which leads to the development of a disease called hypoxia. This is the name for delayed development of a child; it can lead to various kinds of anomalies and a decrease in the child’s ability to adapt to the world around him after birth.

Expectant mothers are obliged to draw their own conclusions from this article and begin to take care of the baby’s peace from the very first days of pregnancy. Try not to experience serious emotional stress, don’t get nervous over trifles, and your baby will develop fully. Now you know, Why you shouldn't worry during pregnancy.

We know why! As always, during pregnancy everything is to blame for the hormonal background, or rather, its hurricane changes that literally take the soul out of the expectant mother. These hitherto unfamiliar radical mood swings make her experience more than just positive emotions.

By the way, for many women the signal of pregnancy is precisely:

  • unexpected tearfulness,
  • sudden anxiety
  • a sudden feeling of childish helplessness (which also does not add peace of mind).

It is believed that it is in the first trimester that expectant mothers experience the most severe nervousness, because the female body has just begun to adapt to the recently begun, but already very rapid changes, and reacts to them, including changes in emotions.

There is nothing strange or unhealthy about this: we say “hormones” - we mean “emotions”, we say “emotions” - we mean “hormones” (may Vladimir Mayakovsky forgive me).

Which pregnant women are more prone to mood swings than others?

In the early stages of pregnancy, expectant mothers who:

  1. Excessively nervous in life or had neurological diseases before pregnancy.
  2. They suffer from hypochondria: they are used to worrying about themselves, and now the health of the unborn child is an inexhaustible source of anxiety.
  3. We got pregnant unexpectedly, the pregnancy was not planned.
  4. During pregnancy they do not receive moral support from close people: husband, relatives, friends.
  5. Even before pregnancy, they had disorders of the endocrine system or acquired complications along this line with its onset.

Possible consequences of nervous breakdowns and hysterics during pregnancy

The question of why pregnant women shouldn’t be nervous, in my opinion, makes expectant mothers even more nervous. During the period of bearing a baby, a woman already has a hormonal storm raging in her body, and she is also constantly reminded: “You shouldn’t be nervous and cry, remember, this will harm the child, forget about your worries, step on the throat of your emotions!”

In my opinion, such advice triggers a mechanism similar to the anecdotal one: to know the truth, drink a specially prepared potion and NEVER THINK ABOUT THE WHITE MONKEY! It’s the same during pregnancy: don’t be nervous, don’t be nervous, don’t be nervous!

The expectant mother will inevitably become nervous if she is constantly reminded of this. In addition, it is impossible for even non-pregnant people to remain calm all the time, unless 100% phlegmatic people manage to do so. Sometimes even “calm as elephants” people become furious, let alone pregnant women experiencing crazy hormonal changes. Everything is just good in moderation.

Dear pregnant expectant mothers! If you want to cry - cry a little, if you want to get irritated - release your anger. Just do it consciously. Don't give in to extremes. In other words, don't get hysterical, because this is really dangerous.

Yes, you have an excuse: along with all other hormones, the release of the stress hormone cortisol also increases. But please realize that you have the power to cope with negative emotions and refrain from hysterics and nervous breakdowns.

Risk of miscarriage

In the early stages, nervous breakdowns can lead to miscarriage. A sharp release of cortisol tones the uterus and causes it to contract. This is dangerous throughout pregnancy, since at the beginning it can provoke a miscarriage, and towards the end - premature birth.

This, in fact, is the main danger of hysterics and nervous breakdowns during pregnancy - here lies a direct threat to the life of both the unborn baby and the expectant mother.

In addition to “incompatibility with life,” there are a number of negative consequences of emotional incontinence during pregnancy.

Negative impact on the psyche and development of the unborn child

Firstly, a nervous mother makes the fetus nervous, which has a detrimental effect on the formation of the child’s nervous system and psyche. Correlations have already been found between maternal stress during pregnancy and the development of schizophrenia or autism in the infant.

Maternal nervousness especially affects the psyche of boys. Perhaps, the desire to avoid such a prospect for your baby is a good antidote to the need to be nervous during pregnancy.

The risk of developing stress in a baby before and after birth

Secondly, even if we exclude serious mental illnesses in the unborn child, maternal stress during pregnancy can lead to prolonged stress in the baby before and after birth.

While the child lives in the mother's womb, he receives hormones through the general blood supply and through the pregnant woman's placenta. Cortisol changes the chemical composition of the blood and tissues of the placenta, which, in turn, makes it difficult for the fetus to breathe, plunges it into hypoxia and affects the slowdown of development.

When the baby is born, this entire hormonal cocktail received from a nervous mother continues to prevent him from living a peaceful life: the baby cries a lot, sleeps poorly, and has difficulty feeding.

A vicious circle of stress closes: the mother was nervous during pregnancy - the fetus received unwanted hormones. As a result, a nervous child was born; he sleeps and eats poorly, which means he does not allow his parents to sleep. His unstable development upsets his mother - as a result, the woman does not get out of the stress.

The threat of weakened immunity in the unborn baby

Thirdly, an even more distant prospect for the deterioration of the health of a future son or daughter due to the nervousness of the mother is a weakened immune system and hyperactivity, which means a painful childhood and reduced learning ability.

Factors that provoke increased nervousness during pregnancy

Constantly changing hormonal levels

The main factor has already been described by us: unstable hormonal levels. It is hormones that are responsible for emotions, and, consequently, for mood, and not only in pregnant women, it’s just that all this has a stronger effect on expectant mothers.

And then all that remains is to get used to the idea that the body is now pregnant, which means emotions can change, because the endocrine system is being rebuilt, and all this happens inside me while pregnant. This factor is internal.

There are, however, some reasons that can change a woman’s mood from the outside (and again, not only in pregnant women, but in them it is somehow more noticeable).


It is clear that this sensitivity itself is also an internal factor and completely hormonal-dependent, but it is provoked by weather changes: in the rain you want to cry, the wind increases anxiety, temperature changes - headache and melancholy, the sun - quiet happiness.

Or, on the contrary, anger: I, poor pot-bellied one, am suffering here, and this “yellow face” has come out again!

Lunar cycle

Since ancient times it has been known that the menstrual cycle is associated with the lunar cycle, because blood is a liquid, and all the ebbs and flows on earth are controlled by the moon. In pregnant women, menstruation, of course, stops, but, firstly, the body still “remembers” these cycles for approximately the entire first trimester.

And, secondly, the pregnant woman’s womb is filled with all sorts of additional fluids, such as amniotic fluid, plus the volume of blood, lymph and intercellular fluid increases, so the moon has something to control in the pregnant body. And when there are ebbs and flows inside, the mood will inevitably begin to change, if only because of changes in well-being.

Psychological atmosphere around a pregnant woman

Well, here we are talking about well-known things like the support of the child’s father, the parents of the pregnant woman, her various relatives and friends... When all this is there, the pregnant woman feels that both she and the baby are loved, there is somehow more peace of mind in her soul.

Although there are two sides to the coin here: I have more than once heard complaints from young mothers that after the birth of a child everything has changed, the husband and other relatives concentrate on the offspring, and she, the poor thing, no longer receives as much care as she did during pregnancy. So too much of a good thing is also bad.

Unexpected pregnancy

I really don’t want to mention this reason for the hysteria of the expectant mother, but, nevertheless, it exists: the pregnancy was not desired. Awareness of the “unplannedness” of one’s situation, coupled with unstable hormonal levels, increases nervousness in a pregnant woman and can lead to nervous breakdowns.

How to learn not to be nervous during pregnancy?

This is quite easy to do.

  1. If possible, do what the pregnant body wants: eat, drink, sleep, walk. If the body just wants to lie down and eat, turn on the brain and take yourself for a walk.
  2. Seeing the right doctor, listening to him and following his recommendations: among other things, this is reassuring. In addition, the doctor knows well that you should not be nervous during pregnancy, and will decide what to do as a last resort: prescribe a sedative.
  3. Attend classes for pregnant women - gymnastics, swimming, sauna (unless, of course, all this is contraindicated due to the characteristics of your pregnancy). Confidently taking care of yourself and your unborn child also gives you peace of mind.
  4. Take care not only of the body, but also of the soul: read interesting books, specialized publications for expectant parents, study your pregnancy. If you are a working pregnant woman and love your job, work for your health, this is an excellent prevention of intellectual stagnation.
  5. And finally, one more piece of advice. It is harsh, but often works, which is why this simple method is actively used in sports. If you can’t calm down and you’re literally shaking, think about your child and tell yourself: “Well, pull yourself together, you wimp!”

Almost all women during pregnancy begin to get nervous and worry about trifles.

Sometimes a pregnant woman’s condition even reaches panic attacks.

The thing is that hormonal changes occur in the body of the expectant mother, affecting her emotional and physical state.

What consequences can these changes entail and how not to be nervous during pregnancy? Experienced psychologists answer this.

The influence of nerves on the condition of mother and baby

Excessive nervousness during pregnancy can provoke unpredictable consequences. It is especially dangerous to be nervous after 20 weeks.

  • Constant stress can cause fetal hypoxia, which is life-threatening for the baby.
  • Also, according to the doctor, if the expectant mother is nervous all the time, then she risks giving birth to a child with underweight or lung disease.
  • In addition, an unstable emotional state can cause hyperactivity and anxiety in her child. Such children often suffer from sleep-wake disturbances.

This is what constant stress and worry can lead to and why pregnant women shouldn’t be nervous.

How to deal with nerves?

So, the emotional state greatly influences the formation of the future child. And when a woman understands why she shouldn’t be nervous during pregnancy, it becomes easier for her to take care of her emotional health.

Outbursts of anger and sudden mood swings are a thing of the past. And they are replaced by peace of mind and self-confidence.

To make it easier for pregnant women to endure hormonal changes, psychologists give several tips that should not be neglected.

1. Learn to plan.

It seems that there is less and less time left before the birth of the baby, but there is only more work to do and there is nothing to be done? Pregnant women who carefully plan their time are more likely to remain calm.

To do this, you need to concentrate and think about what you need to do before the baby is born. By making a to-do list, it will be easy for you to act according to plan without the fear that you will forget something.

2. Learn more about pregnancy.

In order not to be nervous during pregnancy, be interested in all its nuances. Especially if you are pregnant for the first time.

It is very useful to communicate on forums for young mothers. There you can get answers to many questions that are relevant to you.

The experience of other women will help you understand why you are experiencing certain sensations at the moment, for what reason they are happening, and whether it is worth spending time and seeing a doctor because of them.

However, do not under any circumstances use any folk remedies or medications that have helped others without consulting a doctor!

3. Find support.

According to psychologists, this is the best way not to be nervous during pregnancy. Reliable support in the person of a loved one is the strongest shield that protects you from unnecessary fears and worries.

Knowing that pregnant women should not be upset, your loved one will constantly protect your peace of mind. Tell your loved one what is important to you now - this will make it easier for him to support you.

4. Talk to your unborn child.

Communication with your baby will help relieve stress during pregnancy. Stroking your belly and talking with your child will give both you and him the opportunity to relax.

In addition, by communicating with him, you establish a strong emotional connection between the child and the world around him. It has been proven that after birth a child recognizes lullabies that he heard while still in the stomach.

5. Pamper yourself.

When, if not now, should you treat yourself to your beloved? You can’t deny yourself the pleasure of getting a relaxing massage, getting a beautiful manicure or a new hairstyle.

Positive emotions from these procedures will have a beneficial effect on your psycho-emotional state. And they will give you a boost of energy.

6. Don't take on everything at once.

If during pregnancy you continue to live at the same pace, without giving yourself a break, naturally, you will have to be nervous.

Do only what you currently have the strength to do. Pay more attention to your favorite activities, reading and communicating with loved ones.

7. Eat right

One of the reasons why pregnant women feel nervous is poor nutrition. In addition, it will help control your weight.

To maintain a stable emotional state, you need to eat fresh fruits, vegetables and dairy products every day. Also, foods rich in proteins are very beneficial for pregnant women.

8. Rest.

Carrying a child is hard work for the mother's body. Therefore, she definitely needs proper rest.

If you have a free minute, why not sleep, or just lie on the couch? Even a short rest brings significant benefits to both pregnant women and their children.

9. Positive environment.

Your emotional state can be disrupted by negative emotions and bad attitudes from people. The consequences of communicating with them cannot be called pleasant.

The hurtful words they say and the increased sensitivity during pregnancy can lead to deep stress. Therefore, choose your environment very selectively and limit communication with people who are unpleasant to you.

10. Think about the future.

Imagine your baby more often. Draw pictures in your head of how you walk with him, swim in the sea, relax in nature, etc.

Such thoughts during pregnancy inspire and lift your spirits. Explain your dreams to your child out loud, this will have a good effect on his development.

By following these tips and understanding why pregnant women should not be nervous, you can easily manage your psycho-emotional state.

The main thing to remember is that your child’s health is in your hands. By paying enough attention to him, you can calmly carry and give birth to your little one.

The news of impending motherhood evokes a number of conflicting feelings: at first it may be filled with delight, then - doubts and anxiety. A pregnant woman may be overcome by fears about whether she can cope with the role of a mother, how her usual way of life will now change, whether her partner is ready for the changes that are taking place, and, ultimately, how the birth will go.

In addition to such thoughts, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, fatigue, and drowsiness appear. Feelings, tastes and preferences change. Physical ailments, low self-esteem, depressed mood, irritability, even rage are not a complete list of sensations that can overcome a woman. It is not surprising that in such a state, even the slightest reason can cause tears.


Pregnant women are characterized by sentimentality, anxiety, suggestibility and resentment. But the reason for these feelings is not only fears for the future, but also hormones. Namely: hCG, estrogen, relaxin, oxytocin, prostaglandin, cortisone, prolactin and placental lactogen - being catalysts for the necessary physical processes, they can have a huge impact on the emotional background.

But the greatest influence on the mental state of a pregnant woman is exerted by adrenaline, norepinephrine and endorphins. These hormones are responsible for increasing the heart rate. Endorphins, moreover, are a natural pain reliever; their levels gradually increase and reach their maximum at the time of childbirth.


Hormones are a common, but not the only reason for sudden tears in the eyes of a pregnant woman. Doctors say that about 10-12% of expectant mothers suffer from real depression, and the same percentage suffers from postpartum depression. The symptoms are still the same - fatigue, anxious thoughts, sadness, tears. But with hormonal fluctuations, at least from time to time, hormones of joy will also appear, and that the mood will periodically improve, and tears will be followed by laughter. And if such a depressed state continues for more than 2 weeks without being replaced by positive emotions, perhaps it makes sense to consult a specialist. This problem can be solved together with a psychotherapist, possibly with the help of antidepressants, which can only be used with the approval of a gynecologist.

It is impossible to predict exactly how pregnancy will go emotionally. Here a lot depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. For example, if during PMS a woman experienced apathy, self-pity and a desire to cry, then with a high degree of probability we can say that this will happen again during pregnancy.

The main thing to remember is that tantrums and outbursts of rage cause excessive release of adrenaline and spasms of blood vessels in the uterus, which negatively affects the baby. Mother's feelings and emotions can affect the development of the child's nervous system and even leave an imprint of pain in the brain cells. Therefore, despite hormonal changes, it makes sense to take control of your emotions and try to cope with negativity for the sake of your baby’s health.

It is no secret to any pregnant woman that, being in an interesting position, you need to constantly monitor your emotional state, because everything affects the health of the child inside the womb. This is due to the fact that there is a very close physiological connection between the fetus and the mother. In a child, against the background of severe stress or any other emotional overstimulation, the rhythm of breathing and heartbeat, and hormonal balance may be disrupted.

It’s just impossible not to worry during the period of bearing a child. This is one of the most difficult emotional periods in a woman’s life - anxiety arises by itself, because responsibility for the life of a new person appears. You need to be able to cope with it, because you can’t be nervous during pregnancy. In this article, we'll tell you why and explain in detail what to do to avoid stress.

Why are you nervous during pregnancy?

A pregnant woman has more than enough reasons to worry. Involuntarily, you constantly worry about your well-being, about how the baby is feeling, what the test results will be. At first, the expectant mother’s anxiety is more related to the ability to calmly bear the baby, but by the end of pregnancy, emotions overwhelm her because there is fear of childbirth. Against the backdrop of changing hormones, a woman often cries, gets irritated, takes everything to heart and worries about every issue.

Next, we will consider in detail the consequences of a woman’s emotional overexcitation during pregnancy. They will clearly let you understand why you should not be nervous during pregnancy, and what this means for you and your baby personally.

Why shouldn't you be nervous during pregnancy?

  • High blood pressure and abnormal heart rhythm. Such phenomena are dangerous because against their background the placental vessels change, which leads to its insufficiency and leads to the death of the fetus, because due to this pathology the child cannot fully breathe and receive the nutrients necessary for its development.
  • Toxicosis will be so strong that the woman will not be able to tolerate it without medical help.
  • The expectant mother will suffer from sleep problems. Most often, she cannot sleep because she is depressed or some other psycho-emotional disorder.

Being nervous during pregnancy: consequences for the baby

If the expectant mother is not nervous during pregnancy, then we can guarantee that bearing a child will be easy and simple. We must always remember that all diseases that a person has are provoked by nervous breakdowns. If you want your baby to be born healthy, then the question of whether you can be nervous during pregnancy will never even arise.

We propose to understand in detail what the mother’s nervous overexertion can do for the fetus. To begin with, we note that experts in the field of neuro-linguistic programming are convinced that all the problems that a mother experiences during the period of bearing a child are reflected in his personality, character, and method of adaptation to the world around him after birth. If you are constantly in a state of stress, then it is unlikely that the baby, when born, will often rejoice and experience happiness.

Now let’s take a closer look at the most dangerous consequences for a child if his mother is often nervous during pregnancy:

  1. The chorion may not form correctly in the early stages of pregnancy if you are nervous. This means that numerous pathologies will arise with the fetal bladder, or it simply will not attach to the walls of the uterus, and this will happen outside of it, which will lead to termination of pregnancy. Even if the chorion is correctly formed at first, against the background of nervous tension, already in the later stages of pregnancy, changes will occur to it under the influence of biologically active substances that are secreted by the adrenal glands. As a result, the vascular walls will begin to contract incorrectly, and placental insufficiency will occur, which can ruin the child’s life - he will be overcome by hypoxia.
  2. The fetal nervous system will be incorrectly formed. While in the womb, the child completely remembers everything negative that happens in the mother’s life. This happens on a subconscious level, so the baby will never remember this as he grows up. However, all this will affect his character.

Being nervous during pregnancy: consequences before childbirth for a woman

Nervous stress and tension clearly negatively affect the health of the expectant mother and the course of pregnancy:

  1. A miscarriage may occur. This is especially true for women who experience stress in the earliest stages of pregnancy, when it is necessary to avoid by any means any factors that can provoke stress.
  2. In the later stages, due to nerves, the water may break prematurely; because of this, the child will be born premature, and as a result, unhealthy not only physiologically, but also mentally. Even if the water does not break, the integrity of the amniotic sac may be compromised, and the fetus may become infected.
  3. Pregnancy can simply freeze because, due to nervous conditions, the child may stop its development, or it will become abnormal and incompatible with life.

How not to be nervous during pregnancy?

If you become pregnant, then you need to clearly understand the rules on how not to be nervous during pregnancy in order to maintain the health of yourself and your baby:

  • As soon as a stressful situation arises, try to breathe deeply and evenly. You won’t even notice how quickly you will calm down.
  • Drink valerian or motherwort tea immediately. If you like mint and lemon balm, you can use these herbs.
  • Breathe in the aromas of essential oils. Pine needle, sandalwood and citrus oils have an excellent calming effect.
  • Just take a walk in the park, go to the forest, where you can completely relax and forget about everyday problems.
  • Start attending courses for expectant mothers that teach meditation practice.
  • Massage the point on your chin yourself. This is an anti-stress point, which, in order to calm down, must be massaged in a circular motion, first in one direction and then in the other about 9 times.
  • To worry less about everything around you, make yourself a plan of action for a certain period so that you know what to do every day. If you are busy, then bad thoughts will not enter your head. The main thing is not to overdo it.
  • Register on some forum for expectant mothers and communicate with them, discuss what worries you. This way you will find like-minded people and you will be calm for yourself and your child. If such communication does not appeal to you, then just read useful books about pregnancy.
  • Accept help from loved ones. This is very important at a time when you can’t be alone. Meet more often with your friends, mother, sister. This will be especially useful if they already have children. Then they will help you calm down and tune in correctly.
  • Constantly interact with your baby, communicate, pet him, sing him songs, tell him stories. Emotional contact between you will be established even before the birth.
  • Charge yourself with positive emotions - go to the cinema, eat food that brings you pleasure, relax, have fun. All this will help ensure that you always have only positive emotions.
  • Follow a daily routine. Be sure to get enough sleep, eat regularly, and walk in the evenings. Do some light sports, because physical activity increases the hormone of happiness.

How to stop being nervous during pregnancy?

If a woman is nervous during pregnancy, she needs to be able to pull herself together in time. Below are some useful tips:

  • Develop some kind of defense mechanism for yourself. This is especially true for expectant mothers who continue to work while pregnant. You should focus your attention on the functional side of your responsibilities, and not on the emotional one. If you are surrounded by decent and good people, then, knowing your position, they will treat you gently and loyally.
  • Don't communicate with people who annoy you. They are energy vampires not only for you personally, but also for your child. You shouldn’t show your integrity, because pregnancy is not the best time to experiment on yourself and your psycho-emotional system.
  • Consult your doctor about what sedatives you can take for preventive purposes. The doctor will definitely prescribe you harmless medications that will support your nervous system while you are carrying your baby.

Treat yourself carefully, drive away everything that can upset you or make you nervous. Your main task is to bear your child and give him a healthy and happy life. Focus on this, everything else is vanity and has no meaning.

Video: “Why shouldn’t you be nervous during pregnancy?”