Is it possible to dye your hair during pregnancy, and with what? Is it possible to dye your hair during pregnancy Dye your hair during pregnancy opinion

In everyday life, every girl strives to look well-groomed and beautiful. All women often cut their hair and dye their hair, sometimes even in order to radically change their appearance. However, for those who are in this situation, the question begins to frighten them: is it possible to cut their hair and dye their hair as before? After all, now the most important thing is health and safety, both for the expectant mother and for her unborn baby.

Even 20 years ago, specialists and doctors categorically forbade women from dyeing or cutting their hair during pregnancy. Already now all opinions and prejudices are fading into the background. Despite this, some gynecologists cannot find a definite answer as to whether painting is so harmful or not. What is the opinion of doctors and the masters themselves in the salons?

What are the dangers of modern paints?

The first thing that may raise doubts is what components are included in the coloring product. Before purchasing a package, you should carefully read the entire composition of the included components. What if there are chemically harmful substances there?

Scientific researchers have proven that dangerous chemicals, which are included in almost all paints from different manufacturers, penetrate the scalp, and therefore coloring hair while carrying a baby can have a negative impact on the development process and health of the embryo.

There is another side to modern coloring agents. There are technologies that allow the paint not to come into contact with the scalp and thus harmful substances cannot penetrate the girl’s body. The problem is this: a pungent odor that penetrates the respiratory tract of a pregnant woman. And since the painting process takes a lot of time, it is best to avoid such paints.

Some doctors take this situation more simply. They are convinced that the environmental situation at the present time is much worse and more dangerous than a banal painting procedure. And considering that the coloring procedure will be carried out a maximum of two times during pregnancy and no more, doctors are confident that nothing bad will happen.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time, because it is the birth of a new life! The expectant mother has been living for nine months in anticipation of the birth of a miracle, trying to eat right and spend time in the fresh air more often, taking vitamins and following the doctor’s recommendations. Women in delicate situations often wonder whether it is possible for pregnant women to dye their hair, do highlights or coloring? After all, you always want to be charming and attractive, but an unkempt hairstyle with dark, overgrown roots or glimpses of gray hair can ruin your mood for a long time.

There are many signs and beliefs associated with hair, the most common is that it cannot be cut. The roots of this sign grow from ancient times, when it was believed that hair contained a person’s vital energy and, by cutting it, one could harm not only oneself, but also unborn life.

When a woman has long hair, there are no problems. But what to do if the haircut requires care and correction? Should you walk around with unevenly grown strands until you give birth?

From a medical point of view, this sign has no basis and in no way can harm the health of either the woman or the child. If you want to look stylish, go to the hairdresser! If you doubt and believe signs, then don’t listen to anyone, because the main thing is that you yourself feel calm and confident.

Another question is whether it is possible during pregnancy. The coloring composition contains chemical compounds, often with a pungent odor and aggressive effects. Can they do harm? Here the situation is not so clear-cut.

Most expectant mothers are selective when it comes to cosmetics and care products, giving preference to natural recipes that can be prepared at home from herbs and natural products.

It happens that hair splits, loses its shine, and falls out. To strengthen them, decoctions of nettle, burdock, and St. John's wort are used. Hair masks and compresses made from honey, cottage cheese, and eggs are very popular. Try rinsing your hair with kefir and whey. All these products nourish the scalp, saturate it with useful microelements, and increase blood circulation.

Often in antenatal clinics, women ask the doctor whether pregnant women can dye their hair. Modern medicine sees no obstacles to this. Harmful substances are not transmitted to the child through the hair, and their effect on the skin is so insignificant that even if they enter the bloodstream, they do not have a negative effect. In addition, the placenta acts as a powerful shield to protect the child.

Another thing is that many paints contain ammonia and other strong-smelling components that can cause nausea or headaches in the expectant mother.

All the baby's vital organs form in the first three months, so refrain from coloring until the 12th week. As they say, God protects those who are careful.

In general, doctors take a neutral position, especially since no one has ever conducted special studies of the effects on the fetus. Gynecologists recommend dyeing your hair as needed and using gentle products.

In addition, while expecting a child, hormonal levels change, and coloring can give a completely unexpected result - the paint may lie unevenly or not “work” at all. It is possible that you may develop an allergy to some component, even if there was none before, since the body now reacts sharply to changes.

Factory-made paints almost always contain ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, resorcinol and other chemicals. They cause nausea, headaches, irritate the nasopharynx and provoke a cough. In delicate situations, it is advisable to avoid using products with these components.

There are many methods of coloring that will not cause discomfort to either the mother or the unborn baby.

Tinted balm

If you decide not to use permanent chemical dyes, you can dye your hair using tinted shampoos or balms. These products create a film that envelops the hair, and the coloring elements do not penetrate its structure. They are harmless and easily give the desired shade. Simply washing your hair is enough.

The disadvantages include fragility and the inability to radically change the color, but only emphasize the existing one. But if you use it regularly, this problem can be solved.

Henna is obtained from the dried and crushed leaves of Lawsonia, a shrub native to tropical climates. It gives a red tint to those with fair hair and a golden tint to those with dark hair. In addition, it perfectly strengthens and has a beneficial effect on hair and scalp.

Basma - crushed leaves of indigo, a tropical shrub. Similar to henna both in beneficial properties and in application. It can turn you into a burning brunette or give your hair a dark brown color. Basma is not used in its pure form; it is mixed with henna in various proportions to obtain one or another shade.

Dilute henna or basma with water until you get a paste and apply it to dry hair, put on a cellophane cap and insulate it with a towel. The dyeing time depends on the natural color and the desired shade: from 40 minutes for fair hair and up to an hour and a half for dark hair.

Try experimenting with shades. Remember that the longer you leave the mixture on, the more intense the color will be.

  1. Bronze. Two parts henna and one part basma.
  2. Burning black. Henna and basma in equal proportions.
  3. Mahogany color. Henna and 3-4 teaspoons of cocoa.
  4. Golden brown. A bag of henna and 2 teaspoons of natural coffee.
  5. Bright golden. Mix chamomile decoction with henna.

Great-grandmother's funds

Do not neglect the natural hair coloring products that our great-great-grandmothers used. They have a strengthening effect, add volume and fluffiness.

  1. Onion peel. You know what a beautiful color eggs get when you boil them in onion skins for Easter. Try using it to add color to your hair. The method is simple. Take some dry husks, add water and boil for 20-30 minutes. Let it brew and cool. Apply the resulting mass to your hair and leave for at least half an hour. The result will be a reddish-brown tint.
  2. Chamomile. Chamomile decoction will add a light golden tint to blond hair. It brightens, strengthens, and relieves skin inflammation. To prepare a decoction, boil three tablespoons of dry chamomile in 500 grams of water for at least 30 minutes. Cool, strain, rinse hair.
  3. Walnut. The peel of young nuts will help dye your hair a chestnut shade if you boil it for half an hour in a liter of water. Color saturation depends on the amount of raw materials.

These products have two drawbacks - their use must be regular, and the desired shade will not be obtained the first time.

Be sure to listen to the opinions of professional craftsmen.

  1. Before pregnancy, give preference to shades that are closest to your natural color, so that as your hair grows, the color change will not be too noticeable.
  2. Try to use coloring products no more than once every two to three months.
  3. Do a skin sensitivity test on your wrist or elbow.
  4. Try dyeing one strand to determine the result, so that you don’t end up with an unexpected hair color due to changing hormonal levels.
  5. Do not use permanent ammonia-based paints, use organic dyes.
  6. An alternative could be highlighting.
  7. Use gentle dyes: tinted shampoo, henna, herbal decoctions.
  8. Hair should be dyed as needed, for example, when gray hair appears.
  9. It is best to plan a trip to the hairdresser early in the morning. Be the first client, and the smells from previous procedures will not bother you.
  10. If this is your first experience with coloring, then refrain from it until a more favorable moment after childbirth.
  11. Be sure to inform the master about your delicate situation, he will select safe coloring for you or offer alternative methods. And during the procedure it will minimize the contact of chemical reagents with the skin.
  12. Dyeing with chemicals is only possible if the hair is healthy.

The choice is yours

Let's summarize: is it possible to dye your hair during pregnancy? Without a doubt! A woman should always be attractive; her mood, and therefore the health of her unborn baby, depends on her appearance.

Some people feel beautiful without additional hair manipulation, while others need additional care. In any case, the expectant mother decides for herself whether to believe the advice of the grandmothers on the bench or regularly go to the hairdresser and look her best.

Avoid using persistent aggressive dyes, use gentle dyeing methods without ammonia, pay attention to natural ingredients, and then your hair will look great, and nothing will harm your health and your unborn baby.

It is not at all surprising that almost all expectant mothers have questions about going to a beauty salon. Pregnancy lasts nine long months, so the desire to look attractive and beautiful all this time is completely justified. During pregnancy, the figure takes on smoother, more feminine shapes, and naturally there is a desire to maintain an attractive image by caring for your hair.

However, there are always superstitions and rumors around pregnancy, for example, hair dye, penetrating into the blood through the scalp, will negatively affect the health of the fetus. Therefore, one of the first questions asked at an appointment with a gynecologist is - Is it possible for pregnant women to dye their hair?.

If you read the composition of any paint, even the most expensive one, you will see that it contains a huge amount of all kinds of chemical elements that you will hardly be able to pronounce correctly even the first time.

However, they will in no way be able to enter your body through your hair; this can only happen if the dye gets on your scalp. Although, even then, those tiny crumbs that get into the blood are not capable of having a detrimental effect on the health of the unborn baby.

In any case, it is up to the expectant mother to decide whether to dye her hair during pregnancy or not. If you are confident in your irresistibility even without hair coloring procedures, then, of course, a trip to a beauty salon can be limited to a haircut.

If the expectant mother does not feel entirely confident, then it is better to apply makeup, since a mother’s good mood is the key to a healthy baby. If you do decide to visit a beauty salon, then listen to the advice that will help minimize all risks of toxic exposure.

Most likely, you know that a baby is most sensitive to any external influences in the early stages of its development. In the first weeks after fertilization, the heart, spine and other important body systems begin to form in the embryo, and the slightest negative impact may well lead to various pathologies in the future.

Look around at how many sick children there are - every third one has allergies and other diseases... But this is not only the result of environmental deterioration. In general, if there is at least some opportunity to postpone dyeing your hair for a few weeks - until the second trimester begins, then it is better to abstain.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, your baby will already be reliably protected from external influences by the placenta. Of course, not from everyone, but it will definitely reflect some of the negative factors from outside.

Precautionary measures

During pregnancy, you can dye your hair, since it is not harmful to the fetus, but it will be better to use ammonia-free dyes during this period. Ammonia vapors are very toxic, and this paint has a very pungent odor. Therefore, the room of the beauty salon where a pregnant woman’s hair will be dyed should be very well ventilated and not be cramped, especially if the expectant mother has one.

If you decide to dye your hair at home yourself, you should definitely use the gloves included with the dye. Monitor the dyeing time very strictly and do not overexpose the composition under any circumstances. After the staining procedure, thoroughly ventilate the room. It is also very important to thoroughly rinse your hair and scalp so that no dye remains anywhere.

Traditional methods of hair coloring for pregnant women

If you decide to refrain from any influences that could lead to the slightest risk for the baby, then folk remedies for hair coloring can help you stay beautiful even during this period. If you want to lighten If you have dark hair, then wash your hair with a decoction of chamomile with a spoonful of hydrogen peroxide.

To give a golden color shine hair, this decoction is also perfect, but use alcohol instead of peroxide. Saturated chestnut Onion peels or linden flowers will help give color to your curls. Black tea can give your hair reddish brown color.

If traditional methods of hair coloring for some reason cannot be used by you, use other safe methods, for example, tinted shampoo and foundation balm (tonic).

Is it possible for pregnant women to dye their hair with tonic or tinted shampoo?

The use of tonics or tinted shampoos is currently an alternative to traditional salon coloring. In addition, they are absolutely harmless to a pregnant woman and do not have any negative effects on the fetus, since they do not contain ammonia at all and quickly give the hair the desired shade.

The disadvantages of using them include the fact that they are quickly washed off when washing your hair with simple shampoo.

Is it possible to dye your hair with henna during pregnancy?

Scientists have not identified any negative consequences for the health of the baby and the expectant mother due to the use of henna to color hair during pregnancy. On the contrary, henna dyeing is much better than chemical dyes, which can be harmful.

It is believed that the most beautiful women are pregnant ones. And they look good even without makeup. But a woman always strives for perfection and tries to look even better than she is.

Everyone knows that not only a change of style, clothes, new makeup, but also a new hair color can change the image quite significantly. What to do if you want to dye your hair during pregnancy?

Why hair dye is harmful for pregnant women

There is a general belief that you should not cut or dye your hair during pregnancy. Is this more of a superstition or really a fact proven by medicine?

Experts say that you can cut your hair, but dyeing it is strictly prohibited. The reasons for this are:

  • The paint contains very harmful chemicals that penetrate through the scalp into the circulatory system of a pregnant woman and can be quite dangerous to the health of the baby.
  • All unnatural paints contain ammonia, which is very toxic. During staining, it enters the woman’s body through the respiratory system.
  • The result after dyeing may not be what was expected, but it will be impossible to wash off the paint. And this is additional worry and anxiety for a pregnant woman, who already has plenty of it.
  • During pregnancy, all diseases worsen, all hidden ailments reveal their existence. Paint is a strong allergen. And, if before even the paint you tested did not cause you irritation, then during pregnancy an allergy may well appear, and not in its simplest form. And this, in turn, can harm not only the pregnant woman, but also the fetus.
  • The paints contain paraphenylenediamine, which can cause inflammation in the fetus.
  • Resorcinol can also be found among the chemical elements in paint, which can cause irritation to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract and lead to a weakened immune system.

The reasons are quite serious, so before dyeing you should seriously think about whether it is worth risking your health and the health of your baby or wait just 9 months?

What and how to dye your hair during pregnancy

If you still need to dye your hair during pregnancy, then there are certain recommendations for this case. After all, everyone understands that you want to be the most beautiful when you leave the maternity hospital, or suddenly you are going to some important event, but at the same time you have quite long regrown hair roots of your native color, very different from the dyed one, or some other circumstances, for which you need to be the most beautiful and look decent.

  • If ammonia is so harmful, then you should take a closer look at paints without ammonia. Recently, their range has been expanding more and more and provides a good selection of colors. Although this dye will be more expensive than ammonia dyes and may not last as long, it is the most suitable option for safe hair coloring.
  • It is worth knowing that the most dangerous time for dyeing your hair is the first trimester. The placenta has not yet formed, which means that the baby does not yet have sufficient protection and any toxic substance can greatly harm him.
  • For obvious reasons, you should refrain from dyeing your hair if you have toxicosis.
  • If you are used to dyeing your hair quite often, then try to reduce the number of dyes during pregnancy as much as possible. Maximum once every 3 months, and ideally no more than 2-3 times during the entire pregnancy. Thus, during pregnancy, you can choose a dye color that is closer to your natural one, so that the regrown hair roots are not so noticeable. And if you are used to unusual dyeing with all the colors of the rainbow, then maybe you should just get an unusual haircut during pregnancy that will make your image no less bright?
  • Before each painting, be sure to follow all the recommendations written in the instructions for the paints, or rather, do an allergy check every time. To do this, before painting, you need to apply the paint to the elbow for about 10 minutes. If there are no burns, various rashes and your health does not change, then you can dye your hair.
  • Now there are a lot of different color options: ombre, coloring, highlighting. For a pregnant woman they will be preferable, because... The paint is applied only to individual strands or ends of the hair, without touching the scalp. The only coloring method you should avoid is bleaching your hair. Hair is already very weakened during pregnancy, and such a serious procedure can harm it even more, which will give the expectant mother another reason to worry.
  • During pregnancy, you need to take good care of yourself and love yourself. So why not go to a salon for coloring and contact a professional who knows his business and will help you avoid unnecessary contact with dyes?
  • If you are planning to dye your hair at home, turn on the air conditioner or open the windows. The room should be well ventilated.
  • Well, of course, it is not necessary to dye your hair with unnatural dyes. There are dyes such as henna and basma. They will not only color your hair, but also nourish it and make it healthier.

Folk remedies for hair coloring during pregnancy

There are folk remedies, loved by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, that not only will not harm the health of you and your unborn child, but will also strengthen and improve your hair.

Any shortcomings of undyed hair (overgrown roots, dull color, unhealthy appearance) can be hidden in various ways; today's fashion allows almost everything. It is worth taking a close look at various kinds of accessories: hairpins, scarves, headbands, caps. They will not only hide all imperfections from prying eyes, but will also add zest if they are chosen correctly and combined with your image and style.

  • Walnut peel. It gives your hair a beautiful chestnut shade. To make paint from it, you need to take 0.5 cups of olive (or vegetable) oil, 1 tbsp. walnut peel, 1 tbsp. alum. Mix all ingredients, add 1/4 cup of water and place on low heat for about 15 minutes. The paint is ready, you just need to let it cool. This paint is applied in the usual way with a brush for 40 minutes, and then washed off with water.
  • Onion peel. Its coloring properties are known to many, and our mothers and grandmothers still paint eggs for Easter with onion skins, preferring it to all paints because of its harmlessness. Onion peels are excellent not only for eggs, but also for hair. Using onion peel dye you can get a wonderful golden shade for blonde hair. For this you need: 0.5 cups of onion peels, 1 cup of water and 2 tsp. glycerin. Keep the water and husk on the fire for about 20 minutes, then strain the resulting water and add glycerin. And then apply the resulting mixture to your curls every day using a cotton swab until the desired shade appears. This decoction not only helps to acquire a healthy and beautiful hair color during pregnancy, but also effectively covers gray hair on dark hair.
  • Chamomile. The effect is slightly lighter than onion skins, but also gives blonde hair a golden tint. You need to take 2 tbsp. dry chamomile, add them to boiling water and cook for half an hour. Next, strain the resulting broth and cool until warm. Afterwards, rinse your hair with this decoction and allow it to dry naturally without blow-drying or styling.
  • Black tea. With the help of tea you can get a brown, light brown shade. To prepare a tea decoction you will need only 2-3 tbsp. tea and 1 glass of water. Mix all the ingredients, boil and keep on low heat for 15 minutes, and then leave. The decoction can be used in two ways: simply rinse your hair with strained water and let it dry on its own, or apply it as a mask over the entire length of your hair and rinse with warm water after 5 minutes.
  • Henna and basma. Thanks to the right proportions, you can get completely different shades. A bronze shade is obtained by taking 2 parts of henna and 1 part of basma. Black color: henna and basma are taken in equal quantities.
  • Henna and cocoa. Their mixture gives the color “mahogany”. Ratio: 1 packet of henna and 3 tbsp. cocoa.
  • Henna and coffee. This composition allows you to dye your hair red.

All women want to be attractive, including pregnant women, although everyone already pays special attention to them. Remember that first of all you need to take care of your health and the health of your unborn baby, so before dyeing your hair, take into account all the recommendations and advice of doctors.

A modern working woman is unlikely to be satisfied with the lack of hairstyle and undyed roots, even during such a significant period of her life as carrying a baby. But there are also those who, listening to ancient signs, are afraid to go to the hairdresser, get a manicure and pet their pets. If the latter is a true relic of the past and has no basis, then dyeing your hair during pregnancy is a controversial issue that requires the right approach. Why can't you put on makeup in the early stages? Is hair coloring harmful and how not to harm your future baby? What paint to use and how often is the procedure allowed?

Why is hair coloring harmful during pregnancy?

There have been no special studies on the hair dyes existing on the market, and there is no clear opinion as to why they are harmful for pregnant women. Even the views of doctors are divided here.

Doctors' opinion

Old-school doctors believe that it is absolutely forbidden to dye your hair during pregnancy. The paint contains harmful substances:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide can cause severe skin burns and serious allergies.
  2. Paraphenylenediamine, which is included in paints from some manufacturers, provokes inflammatory processes.
  3. When ammonia evaporates, it can cause nausea, dizziness, vomiting, asthma, increased blood pressure, and lacrimation.
  4. Resorcinol reduces the body's protective functions and injures the mucous membrane of the eyes and nose.

Other doctors believe that the harm from applying hair dye is exaggerated and during pregnancy you can put yourself in order without a twinge of conscience. There are negligible amounts of toxic substances in dyes. Absorbed into the blood, they cannot affect either the woman’s well-being or the health of the unborn child. It, surrounded by the placenta, will be reliably protected from any chemical elements found in paints.

But all doctors agree on one thing: testing should definitely be done before dyeing, even if the product of this brand has been used by a woman for a long time.

Necessarily! A day before going to the hairdresser or dyeing it yourself, apply a little dye to the elbow. If redness, burning, or irritation does not occur, then you can safely apply makeup.

Even a familiar brand that has been used by a pregnant woman for a long time can behave unpredictably when applied. The hormonal background during pregnancy changes so much that any reaction can be expected from the body.

Which hair dye to choose during pregnancy

In the first trimester (up to 12 weeks) of pregnancy, when the placenta and vital organs of the fetus are forming, ammonia paints should not be used. Harmful toxic fumes, if inevitably ingested, can negatively affect the health of the unborn baby. Instead of full coloring, do highlighting - partial coloring without contacting the scalp. You can use high-quality natural paints with a low concentration of toxic substances.

Store paint

Recently, manufacturers pleased customers with an ammonia-free line, which was appreciated by many pregnant and lactating women. These paints do not have a strong odor. The color of dyed curls remains durable and more natural, which is why they have gained popularity. These products contain natural ingredients and protect against ultraviolet radiation. Nourishes the roots of the bulbs, improves the hair structure. But when choosing ammonia-free paints, you should carefully read all the labels on the packaging. The “ammonia-free” icon does not always mean that the paint, when used, will not have a strong chemical odor, since manufacturers often resort to such tricks. You can buy them in specialized stores and, if necessary, consult the seller.

A good alternative to permanent paints are tinted shampoos and tonics. They do not contain ammonia and are not prohibited during pregnancy. They can be used to give your hair a healthy shine. The downside is quick rinsing, but the woman will be sure that tidying her hair with these products will not cause harm to her health and her unborn child.

Natural hair dye

For those who are concerned about the harmfulness, there is a safe solution - the use of natural dyes. The color and shade of the hair may not be as bright, rich and lasting as we would like, but safe coloring, hair strengthening and the absence of unpleasant odors will be guaranteed. Women used walnuts, onion peels, and chamomile back in the old days. Such natural products strengthen hair, make it strong and silky. The most popular are basma for black hair and henna for light hair.

Dyeing your hair with basma or henna, choosing the right proportion, is quite difficult. Therefore, it is better to apply makeup in a beauty salon. If a pregnant woman has used chemical dyes before, she needs to wait until her natural hair grows back. The structure of curls changes under the influence of such dyes and it is unlikely that henna will be able to cover up the applied professional dye and give the desired result. There are known cases when turned out purple and green when applied.

What shades do natural dyes produce (table)

If the expectant mother is ready to paint herself with natural products and does not know which one to choose, you can use the following options:

Dye What shade will it be
hennalight or dark red
Basmapersistent chestnut
henna + basma 2/1bronze
henna + basma 1/1black
chamomile infusionlight light golden
henna+chamomilebright golden
onion peel

golden or dark chestnut depending on the time of dyeing.

The longer the dye stays on the hair, the darker the shade will be.

tea, coffee, cocoa
henna + cocoaRed tree
henna + coffeereddish-blond
cinnamonnatural brightener
walnut shelldark chestnut
Oak bark

Highlighting during pregnancy It should be noted that achieving the desired effect is not as easy as when dyeing with store-bought paints. Sometimes, in order to get light or dark curls, you need to dye your hair several times. In addition, you may be allergic to some dyes, and odors can cause nausea. After dyeing with henna, hairdressers advise not to use chemical dyes until the curls grow back and are completely cut off.

This method of hair coloring is the safest during pregnancy. It is unlikely that you will be able to paint yourself, which is why you need to go to a salon and see an experienced professional. A good specialist will test the dye on the curl (due to changes in hormonal levels, a regular color can give an unpredictable shade) and select a gentle technique with harmless dyes.

Highlighting can be done:

  • apply makeup without very noticeable transitions, so that frequent correction is not required;
  • plain. Using several shades requires more time for the procedure. The less time a pregnant woman sits in the cabin, inhaling harmful fumes, the better;
  • superficial. This highlighting will refresh your hair color and save time;
  • close to natural color. Contrasting shades require frequent visits to the hairdresser for correction, and soon the regrown roots will be very noticeable. It is better to choose shades that are 2-3 tones different from the natural color.

Classic highlighting requires frequent correction. It is better to use the freehand method. A knowledgeable master will quickly color your hair, and within an hour the woman will enjoy the result. In other cases, you will have to sit in the cabin for at least 2 hours.

How to dye your hair correctly during pregnancy

Walking around covered with a scarf or pulling a hat over your eyebrow during pregnancy is not the most pleasant experience. To get yourself in order and maintain your attractiveness, you don’t need to wait for the birth of your baby.

It is important to follow simple hair coloring rules during this important period:

  • do not dye your hair in the early stages (up to 12 weeks);
  • Painting can be done no more than once a trimester;
  • choose a color close to natural;
  • use natural dyes that help strengthen hair;
  • When choosing durable store-bought paint, read the composition. It should not contain ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, pyrocatechol, hydroxyaniline, paraphenylenediamine. Such brands are more expensive, but they do not contain heavy salts and toxins that are harmful to health;
  • carry out a sensitivity test a day before painting, even with a long-tested product;
  • apply paint wearing thick gloves;
  • Carry out painting in a ventilated area. Sitting close to an open window to avoid inhaling toxic substances;
  • It is better to visit a beauty salon in the morning. When dye vapors do not accumulate in the room;
  • inform the specialist about pregnancy. A knowledgeable specialist will definitely do a test on the curl to avoid unpleasant surprises and find out what color you will get;
  • Do not change the color radically. Leave experiments with shades for the future;
  • You cannot dye your hair with henna and basma after perm;
  • After dyeing, you can make strengthening masks, use balms and decoctions.

As a result, a pregnant woman must decide for herself whether she really needs to dye her hair, or whether she can be patient in order to certainly protect her unborn baby from negative consequences.