Read how to apply shellac at home. Shellac at home for beginners. Secrets of applying shellac at home

Taking care of nails and their attractive appearance is a priority among women compared to other cosmetic procedures. A beautiful manicure is an indicator of a woman’s style and elegance. Every woman dreams of a perfect manicure that will last a long time and please the eye. Therefore, a nail coating called shellac quickly gained immense popularity.

The coating is especially durable, allowing it to stay on the nails for at least 20 days.

Shellac is a modern nail polish coating., which simultaneously combines extension gel and excellent quality varnish.

This coating on the nails stays in good condition for about 3 weeks, given careful handling. The name of this type of nail decoration comes from the company that introduced this new product - Shellac.

A huge range of colors allows you to choose the right shade for any look.

Shellac cannot be used to adjust the length and shape of the nail plate - it is only a coating. This product is sold in bottles identical to standard varnish. Huge range of colors allows you to choose the right shade for any look. Despite this, such a product requires drying under an ultraviolet lamp.

It combines the durability of nail gel, the attractiveness and lightness of varnish. This nail procedure has reached its peak of popularity in recent years, thanks to the ability to do it at home. To do this, you need to have a small number of special tools and the desire to make your nails neat and attractive.

Advantages and disadvantages of shellac over regular varnish

Using regular manicure polish has the biggest disadvantage - it peels off and cracks quickly. In modern times, a woman realizes herself more and more in her career, and she wants to keep her manicure in order with minimal time spent on procedures.

Shellac made at home lasts 4-5 times longer on nails and is aesthetically more attractive.

Even girls who are on maternity leave or running a household take care of their appearance and want to look good with minimal investment of time and money. Varnish in this case is not a help.

Shellac made at home lasts 4-5 times longer on nails and is aesthetically more attractive, even if it was performed step by step by beginners according to instructions. This “homemade” shellac will still have a rich color and even after a week or two the manicure will look perfect.

For women whose nails grow slowly or are too brittle, shellac is an excellent solution. It will reliably protect the nail plate and allow it to grow.

Another undeniable advantage is the composition of this cosmetic product. It does not contain many chemicals. Thus, the development of allergic reactions that occur when using shellac is reduced to a minimum percentage, unlike gel for nail extensions.

Variety of shades expands the possibilities of using such coverage. Finding the right shade for any outfit will not be difficult. Considering that shellac is packaged in small bottles, a woman can have a sufficient variety of colors.

A variety of shades expands the possibilities of using this coating.

This coating also has its disadvantages. It reacts poorly to temperature changes. That is, if a woman spends a lot of time fiddling around near a stove or oven, small cracks may appear on it and bacteria may develop there. Also, if your nails grow rapidly, you will have to periodically adjust the coating.

The cost of shellac in a beauty salon is quite high, and not every woman can afford it. This is also an important disadvantage of this procedure. But you can get out of this situation quite simply - learn how to make shellac at home.

For beginners, we offer step-by-step instructions, but only if you have the necessary tools and resources.

Don't miss the most interesting article on the site:

Tools and products for applying shellac

To perform a manicure using shellac at home step by step you need to have a number of tools. Without them, achieving high-quality results will be quite difficult.

To perform a manicure using shellac at home step by step, you need to have a number of tools.
  1. UVA lamp- the main device, without which such coverage is impossible.
  2. Classic set of manicure accessories:- files of varying degrees of abrasiveness; - coarse polisher; - tweezers; - spatula;
  3. Degreaser(you can use napkins for shellac - always lint-free).
  4. Foundations or base coat.
  5. Top coating.
  6. A product that removes sticky residue from manicures.
  7. Gel polish (shellac).

These tools will pay for themselves in a short time. Having shellac done by a specialist is not cheap, and it is better to invest this money in devices that will help you keep your nails in order at minimal cost.

Shellac at home. Step-by-step instruction

In order for a manicure to be visually beautiful and professionally done, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules for applying shellac during the procedure.

1. Mandatory nail preparation:

  • cuticle trimming;
  • The gloss is completely removed from the nail plate using a nail file or buff;
  • treating the nail with an antibacterial agent;
  • using alcohol on the surface of the nail: if it is not available, it will be enough to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and wipe dry with a short-nap towel.

2. All procedures are carried out dry without the use of additional creams and oils.

3.After this the primer is applied, which dries in no more than one minute without the help of a special lamp.

It is necessary to strictly follow the rules for applying shellac.

4. Applies very thin base coat layer with blockage of the end of the nail - dries under the lamp for 1.5-2 minutes.

5. The next layer is the main tone, which is also applied in a small layer, taking into account a well-wrung out brush - the drying procedure takes about 2 minutes under a UV lamp.

6. A second layer of shellac is applied already in a thicker layer with the obligatory sealing of the end of the nail - dry under a lamp for 2 minutes.

7. You can start finishing coat, which is applied in a fairly dense layer - drying for 2 minutes under UV rays.

8. After all stages removes sticky residues using special wipes or a solution.

After each process of applying a layer of shellac It is necessary to dry the nails under a lamp for 1-1.5 minutes. This condition is mandatory and without it a high-quality manicure will not work.

Sticky layers that form at intermediate stages should not be removed. They contribute to good fixation of the following layers. Residues should only be removed after the last application of the product to the nails.

After each process of applying a layer of shellac, it is necessary to dry the nails under a lamp for 1-1.5 minutes.

For beginners doing shellac at home, it is important to know that if one layer of the base tone is applied, a translucent effect will be obtained. To obtain a bright, opaque color, it is necessary to apply the main shade of shellac several times and at the same time paint over the cuticles and the sides of the nails. Sealing the edges should be done with a well-pressed brush.

All moments during the application of shellac take no more than an hour. With experience, this time can be reduced to 40 minutes.

The technique of applying shellac is practically no different from the correct use of classic nail polish.

What will happen to your nails after applying shellac?

Applying shellac at home, even if it is carried out by a beginner following a step-by-step guide and following all the rules of technology, does not cause much harm to the nail plate. The condition of the nails after this procedure depends on the correct method of removing gel polish.

If a girl rips off the coating without a preparatory process, then visible problems and a long rehabilitation process cannot be avoided. The nail plate becomes very thin and brittle. It often turns yellow and has a painful appearance.

Experts recommend giving your nails a rest after each shellac removal. At this time, it is better to use strengthening agents and apply medicinal baths for nails. You can use regular good quality nail polish these days.

Shellac at home is not as difficult as it might seem. In addition, doing it at home can be useful for pregnant women when it is not possible to spend a lot of time in beauty salons. When done correctly, you can achieve impressive results even in cases of brittle and weak nails, or if nails cannot grow back.

The coating will protect the nail plate from breaking and the aggressive effects of washing and cleaning products in the house and will make it possible to grow the required length.

Secrets of applying shellac at home for beginners (step by step)

Specialists in modern manicure techniques know many useful tips that can simplify the task of applying shellac, as well as achieve the most excellent results. Let us list the main recommendations of professionals.

It is better to use quick-drying varnish. Otherwise, if the coating does not dry completely and shellac is applied to it, it will not last long and will quickly peel off. Thus, this step can be included in the step by step rules for applying shellac at home for beginners.

It is better to use quick-drying varnish.

Before applying shellac, it is strictly forbidden to steam your nails and moisturize them. The technology for using gel polish only involves working with dry nail plates. If it is necessary to remove heavily overgrown cuticles, then special cuticle nippers and oil are used to remove cuticles for a European manicure.

Grinding of the nail plate should only occur in the direction of nail growth, that is, “north-south”. The file should be no more than 200 Guide, otherwise the plate will be excessively scratched and damaged. Also in this case, shellac will not last long and will quickly crack.

You need to be careful and responsible when wiping your nails with a cleaner. If this process is performed poorly, the remaining dust or hairs can ruin all further work. The use of cotton pads is strictly prohibited – they leave a lot of villi on the nail plate.

It is advisable to use a bond with antibacterial additives. This way you can avoid the development of diseases and fungal diseases under shellac. This layer also provides a rough surface that allows the nail to adhere firmly to the shellac polish.

The main condition for applying shellac is “sealing” the free edge nail

When removing the gel polish from a bottle, the brush should be pressed lightly against the edge of the bottle. This will help remove any bubbles from the brush. Apply the first drop of shellac in the center of the nail plate to avoid dripping to the edges.

Colored gel polish cannot be applied in one thick layer. This way you won’t get a uniform and neat coating - it will flow down the edges and create an unsightly shape. Shellac is applied in 2-3 thin balls and only with this technology will the desired result be obtained.

The design is applied only to the penultimate layer before which the sticky layer must be removed.

When baking each layer under the lamp, you cannot remove your hands from there to control. Otherwise, the gel polish will become cloudy and unattractive.

The design is applied only to the penultimate layer before which the sticky layer must be removed. After applying the final layer of gel polish to the cuticles, you need to drop a special oil to soften and moisturize them.

For better removal of shellac coating can be used "lacquer square" rule. It consists in the fact that before applying the buff, the nail plate is covered with a colorless varnish in a square. That is, an indentation is made from the edges along the perimeter of the nail plate, and varnish is applied.

All these nuances will help you make shellac at home even for those just starting to understand the basics of modern manicure, because it’s quite easy to follow all the steps step by step.

Properly done shellac will last from 3 to 4 weeks. and will retain its attractiveness.

Video: Master class - Shellac at home

Don't miss this useful video on how to apply shellac correctly, even at home:

Find out now: What folk remedies are the most effective in treating nail fungus? How to quickly treat fungus.

How to properly remove gel polish (shellac)

There are several ways to remove gel polish using:

  • acetone;
  • cosmetics containing acetone;
  • foil.

In the first case, you need to cut off the top layer with a 180 Guide file. Then treat the cuticles and fingers with a rich cream and dip the nails in a container with acetone for 6-8 minutes. After which the gel polish will soften and can be easily removed with a wooden stick. Remains of shellac on nails can be removed with a disc soaked in acetone.

Their health and attractiveness depend on the method of removing shellac from nails.

In other cases, special products containing acetone and foil are used. For this procedure you will also need cotton pads, cut in half. As in the first method, first remove the first shiny layer using an abrasive file.

Lubricate the cuticles and skin of the fingers with a rich cream. Cotton pads are generously moistened in a special liquid, and the nail is wrapped in them. The upper part of the fingers with nails is wrapped in foil. The fingers are kept in this state for 10-15 minutes.

When the foil is removed, you can see that the gel polish comes off well from the nail plate and is easily removed with a wooden stick. If shellac remains are visible on the nails, they can be removed using a nail file 180 Guide.

After all procedures, it is necessary to make strengthening nail baths and lubricate the cuticles with moisturizing oil.

Gel polish will not cause problems for your nails and will only delight you with its appearance if applied and removed correctly.

Professionals use special products containing acetone and foil, such as Gel - off SHELLAC Professional.

Considering the simplicity of the procedure, you can make shellac at home step by step for beginners without any problems, if you have special tools and patience. The good thing about this coating is that Any design can be applied under it and has a huge range of colors.

Nail care after shellac removal

Nails coated with shellac look bright, shiny, and most importantly, this manicure lasts for several weeks. But despite all the advantages, shellac also has significant disadvantages: after removing the coating, the nails become thin and brittle, and they require special care.

Ways to restore healthy nails

Olive oil helps to restore nails. You need to put your hands in a container with warm oil for a few minutes; if you carry out a similar procedure daily, the effect will not take long to appear.

Nail restoration should be carried out not only from the outside, but also from the inside. To keep your nails strong and not peel, you need to eat a balanced diet. You need to consume saturated fatty acids, for this you need to eat: meat, fish, dairy products, nuts, margarine, coconut and palm oils. It is also necessary for the body to receive proteins; they are found in meat, poultry, seafood, and cottage cheese.

Lemon juice helps restore nails. It needs to be rubbed into your nails, left for a few minutes, and then rinsed off with water. Lemon juice not only helps restore nails, but also whitens them.

A berry mask helps a lot. It is best to use berries that contain a lot of vitamin C, such as black currants, cranberries, and lingonberries. They need to be crushed into a paste and applied to the nails for a few minutes, then rinsed with water.

Iodine mesh It helps not only with colds, it can also be applied to nails for recovery. Of course, this does not look aesthetically pleasing, so it is better to make an iodine mesh at night so that the iodine has time to be absorbed and disappear.

Sealing the nails- this is a procedure carried out in beauty salons; a composition based on wax and honey restores nails well.

Baths with sea salt help brittle nails well. Dissolve two tablespoons of sea salt in a liter of water and put your hands in it; it is advisable to carry out a similar procedure two to three times a week.

Cuticle care

If you don’t want to do anything yourself, you can purchase a professional nail restoration product; they are sold in specialized stores or pharmacies. Proper cuticle care will help avoid excessive moisture loss; for this you can use a special nourishing oil that moisturizes the skin.

But, if you have a fungal infection, you should first treat it. A good remedy is nail polish "Demikten". Price, reviews, instructions and other useful information - right at the link.

As we have already noted, the good thing about shellac is that its service life can be extended even up to 3 weeks with the correct application technique. How to achieve this? You should follow certain rules and buy only tried and true products.

From the material proposed, you will learn how to apply shellac correctly, how to remove shellac, and you will understand why such a manicure does not always last long. You will also find step-by-step photos and reviews of this CND product.

As for color, the CND varnish palette is updated every year. In addition, the manufacturer offers instructions for mixing this or that color to obtain new beautiful shades.

For shellac manicure, it is better to buy a ready-made set, which includes everything you need. Namely, a base + top coat, a lamp, three colored gel polishes in a red tone, a means for removing shellac and degreasing nails, and cuticle oil. Only for our readers there is a special 50% discount on the shellac starter kit. To take advantage of the promotional offer, follow the link.

Shellac is a unique superiority. Those who have ever had a shellac manicure come back to it again and again. Although it requires drying under a special lamp, you are rewarded with a long-lasting coating that is not afraid of external damaging factors and lasts for 14 days. For those with problem nails, Shellac is a real find.

So, what is shellac nail polish? Shellac was created by CND (Creative Nail Design) and is a hybrid of gel and polish. In addition, it is much easier to apply and remove than gel.

By the way, if you expect a truly long-term effect, use materials with the CND logo. The power of the CND YV lamp should be 36 W

The differences between gel and shellac are minor:

  1. Shellac is easy to remove and has no analogues.
  2. The technique of applying shellac does not require the use of a primer, but this is more a minus than a plus. After all, the trouble is that this approach to manicure leads to dry nails.

Let's go directly to the instructions and tell you how to make shellac with your own hands at home.

How to make shellac at home

First, let's look at what you need to apply shellac at home. Please note that we have included only the most necessary tools in the list.

We will need the following manicure supplies:

  • A medium abrasive buff to remove gloss and a file to shape the nail.
  • Degreaser or acetone.
  • Base coat (foundation) is also called the base (for stronger adhesion of the nail and varnish.
  • Colored gel polish. The palette is currently very diverse and depends on the manufacturer (see table below).
  • Topcoat is a finishing varnish. It will seal the manicure.
  • Liquid for removing the sticky layer.
  • Napkins should only be lint-free.
  • UV lamp (or LED).
  • Liquid and special Shellac remover pads.

For those who are just learning how to do shellac manicure, it is better to buy ready-made sets.

If you have never tried to apply such a long-term product, and do not know how to make shellac at home, we suggest you follow the further instructions.

  1. Preparing the nail plate for applying shellac. Namely, we give it shape, get rid of the cuticle, remove only the gloss from the nail, there is no need to diligently work on it with a buff. Degrease. It is especially important to degrease for those with oily skin. Use special wipes; cotton pads are contraindicated.
  2. It's time for the primer. At this stage, apply the base using rubbing movements, maintaining a distance of 1-2 mm around the perimeter. In other words, we leave a gap between the skin and the base-treated surface. Direction: from cuticle to tip. Dry the primer layer under a UV lamp for 30 seconds.
  3. How to properly apply shellac with colored pigment. We apply the first layer in the same way as in the previous step. Leave the perimeter 1-2 mm untouched. Dry for three minutes. Cover again. Now we close the perimeter but without touching the skin and cuticle, otherwise the shelf life will be significantly reduced. We seal the end. Again under the lamp. For design lovers, there is the opportunity to finish by drawing drawings, whatever you like, from simple lines to florals.
  4. Finish coat time. Be careful, you should seal the manicure, including the end. Drying (3 min.).
  5. Finally, use special napkins soaked in a cleanser (special liquid) to remove the sticky layer. You can use an alcohol solution (water 70% + alcohol 30%) instead of clinser.

Why doesn't shellac last?

Despite the declared strength, it is not always possible to go through two weeks and still keep a shellac manicure in perfect condition. Why doesn't shellac last well? The reasons can be very different.

Poor adhesion of shellac to the nail is often caused by incorrect application technique. This is, firstly, poor degreasing, and secondly, not sealing the end.

A common reason why gel polish does not last is splitting and flexibility of the nails. After all, when accidentally bent, the nail does not always break, but a crack in the coating may appear. As a result, the wear time of manicure is significantly reduced.

Individual intolerance to the components of gel polish is very rare.

How to quickly remove shellac from nails

We told you how to cover your nails with shellac, now all you have to do is find out at home. When carrying out the shellac removal procedure, adhere to the following rules.

  • Soak a cotton swab or napkin in acetone;
  • Place on nail;
  • Wrap tightly in aluminum foil;
  • Wait 10 minutes and clean the surface.

For convenience, we provide step-by-step photo instructions that show how to remove shellac yourself.

Watch the video: how to remove shellac at home using brand products:

Shellac price

Shellac has been and remains the leader among gel polishes. It follows that the price of a shellac manicure is quite high. But if you need really high-quality coverage, then price shouldn't be a barrier. The cheapest analogue is offered by the Bluesky brand, although this gel applies with flaws and lasts much less than the stated two weeks.

The approximate price of an economical set ranges from 4,500 rubles to 13,000 for a complete set. As you can see, you can get by with the economy option, the price of which is quite reasonable.

But before purchasing a set, we recommend trying out a shellac manicure in a salon. This way will allow you to see if this coating is suitable for you. And then learn to make it yourself, starting, of course, with economy kits. After all, the high price of a salon procedure on an ongoing basis can significantly hit your budget.

Guide to creating a color palette

Many people complain about the small amount of color in gel polishes, but today, thanks to step-by-step instructions, you will learn how to create a huge number of different shades.

  1. Apply base coat, wait 10 seconds.
  2. Then cover with the first color from the pair you like. Dry for 2 minutes.
  3. Next, according to the photo instructions, select the second color. Dry for 2 minutes.
  4. Cover with a finishing layer. Again under the lamp for a couple of minutes.
  5. Remove stickiness.

That's all, you will be surprised how easily and simply you can create a wide variety of colors using several shades of shellac.

What is better shellac or gel polish?

First, let's reveal a terrible secret, shellac is the same gel polish, it's just that this name is assigned to all gel polishes. This is because CND was the first to produce a product called shellac. Therefore, the price of this nail coating is the highest.

In the hope of saving money, we try to find cheaper options, fortunately there are more than enough of them. But CND still remains the leader, this fact is indicated by reviews from both the manicurists themselves and their clients. In addition, it still does not have equivalent analogues. Plus, shellac manicure does not require prior application of primer. However, this technique is fraught with drying out the nail plate.

As mentioned earlier, shellac is a hybrid of a plastic gel and a varnish that requires drying under a UV lamp. It is simply irreplaceable for those who value their time and are willing to devote no more than 30 minutes to creating a manicure once every two weeks.

So which is better? Opinions and reviews from customers vary. Some people think that shellac is much better than other similar analogues. But there are also those who are delighted with the cheaper Gelish and Bluesky. Apparently, many are scared by the price of CND sets.

But if we put all the reviews together, we can conclude that shellac is better than others due to a fairly simple removal procedure. Although its colors are not so varied, and it lasts only two weeks versus 20 days for InGarden brand gel polish, provided that the application technique is followed. Ultimately, Shellac and Gelish Harmony received the highest scores among users.

To understand which gel polish looks better than others on nails, see the photo gallery at the end of the article. But don’t forget: a lot depends on the application technique and the level of professionalism of the manicurist.

How to spot fake shellac

Most counterfeits may have slight visual differences, but the easiest way to distinguish the original from a cheap copy is to pay attention to the batch number. You need to pay attention to the presence of the batch number when purchasing absolutely any product. The batch number is not printed on the packaging and is duplicated on the bottom of the varnish.

  • So, the first thing that should alert you is the low price.
  • The serial number printed on the bottom of the product must match the number on the packaging.
  • Another distinctive feature is the smooth bottom of the original and the ribbed edge of the fake.

If you have caught the purchased shellac as a counterfeit, then do not use it under any circumstances. Fake shellac can cause nail damage or worse: severe allergic reactions.

Pivot table

Shellac cnd InGarden Bluesky Gelish Harmony
Manufacturer USA USA China USA
Bottle volume 7.3 ml 11 ml 10 ml 15 ml
Difficulty or ease of application Apply like regular varnish, requires UV drying The brush is inconvenient, it requires skill to get the coating neat, it doesn’t spread Poor quality of the brush and the gel polish itself, paints unevenly Liquid consistency, consumed quickly
Drying speed 36 W UV lamp (2 minutes) or LED lamp (30-60 seconds) drying time should be increased by 1.5 or even 2 times
How many layers will be required? One two One -Two, some shades will have to be applied in Three and Four layers Three-Five Three
Color palette 61 shades, it is possible to combine different colors for a wider palette Very extensive, new shades are added every year 141 colors
Preliminary cleaning of the nail and application of primer Not required (just degrease is enough) Requires sanding with a buffer and applying a bonder - an adhesive coating Required Requires sanding with a buffer, treatment with a dehydrator and application of a bonder.
Effect on nails The coating makes nails stronger Does not spoil, strengthens Recovery courses are required; in some cases, drug treatment of the nail plate will be required. For problem nails, the manufacturer suggests using medicinal bases
Durability of the coating 2 weeks Up to 3 weeks 10-14 days, easy to chip 14 days, first of all the cuticle begins to peel off
Removal Product Remover (10-15 minutes), removed in pieces Artificial Nail Remover (15 minutes), easy to remove with film does not soften completely, you have to cut it down Removal time takes 15 minutes, must first be dissolved under foil with Harmony Gelish liquid
Hypoallergenic Eat Eat Possible allergic reactions Eat
Unpleasant chemical smell Absent Absent The smell is not strong Absent
Formaldehyde resins None None, + added caring ingredients Contains hazardous substances None
Cost price Low if application technique is followed Average High
Cost, rub. 900-1500 500-600 300-450 In sets up to 3000
User rating 4.5-5 points 4-4,5 3-3,5 4.5-5 points
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Covering your nails with shellac has long been no longer a problem for any modern girl. The days of ordinary nail polish, which had to be applied very carefully, dried for quite a long time, handled extremely delicately with the finished coating and, despite all this, washed off after a couple of days due to peeling in order to repeat all the steps again, have come to an end. Nowadays, with the help of special varnishes, you can create a neat and very durable manicure, not only by turning to professionals such as KRC, but even at home, if you purchase the necessary materials and equipment.

The concept of shellac came to us, which is not surprising at all, from America. It was positioned as a durable and vibrant manicure option, and successfully confirmed its status, becoming one of the most popular services in the beauty industry in most countries around the world. Many were afraid that such good qualities of shellac were due to its toxicity or negative effect on the nail plate, as was the case with the use of acrylic techniques, but the experience of many women and the opinion of experienced experts confirm the groundlessness of such fears.

Of course, if you use cheap varnishes that may not be stored properly, their composition has not been tested, as well as devices of dubious quality, then problems may arise both with the final result of such a manicure, the duration of the coating, and with the health of the client’s nails. The only caveat is that any varnish, even premium class, can cause an allergic reaction, but for such people there is the possibility of choosing other options that will not include the allergen, and competent craftsmen can give full information about such moments.

Correct application of shellac guarantees a good duration of wear without loss of coating quality and no harm to the body. In addition to the ease of application, it can also be easily and safely removed using a special liquid or by filing - at the discretion of the master and the client. Shellac can even be beneficial for nails, since the lines of medium and luxury quality varnishes contain vitamins, strengthening complexes and nutrients for nail plastic, which promotes its growth and maintenance of density. Therefore, women can use shellac for many years, and the condition of their nails after removal is no worse, and sometimes better, than those who used other products or did not use any coating at all.

How to apply shellac?

The product is no more difficult to apply than regular nail polish. The bottle also looks typical and contains a standard brush. Some craftsmen like to use a separate brush, which they then wash and reuse – it’s a matter of taste. The advantage of shellac is that it does not dry out on its own, so you don’t have to rush too much when applying a layer of coating, but carefully and evenly distribute the varnish over the surface of the nail. This allows you to avoid streaks, lumps, and remove any fluff or dust that might have gotten in by accident, without losing the quality of the coating. After the layer is applied, the varnish is dried in a special lamp, which even a beginner can use.

How to properly apply shellac at home?

How to properly apply shellac at home? In order to use shellac yourself, you need to equip yourself with a set of all the components that are needed for shellac coating. This can be somewhat expensive, especially if you buy high-quality products and tools, but it will all pay for itself very quickly when compared to salon coating. Having bought all the basics, then you can only supplement your palette with new colors, sparkles, broths and other decorations for every taste.

The effect and durability of the manicure depends on the correct technique for applying shellac. Only a complete complex can guarantee the quality result that any master strives for. So, in addition to shellac itself, which essentially performs a decorative function in itself, a novice craftsman will need to purchase the following products:

Knowing how to apply shellac on nails and what products will be needed is not enough. You will also need some additional “accessories”, which you also cannot do without. Some of the main tools are nail files and polishing buffs. Files are needed not only as an element of giving shape to the free edge of the nail plate, but also to remove the remnants of the previous shellac after removing the coating by other means. It’s good if you also have a glass file in your arsenal, which is ideal for natural nails, injures them less and gives a good effect. A buff is a kind of very fine-grained file, the purpose of which is to polish the surface of the nail, eliminate small irregularities, and make it smooth. You also need special wipes for degreaser and liquid for removing the sticky layer, which do not have lint. Ordinary cotton pads or cotton wool leaves particles and can stick, creating difficulties in work and taking up time.

And, of course, shellac is impossible without a drying lamp. This is usually a UV lamp, but you can also purchase an LED lamp. Different manufacturers provide a wide selection of lamps in terms of design, power, and drying speed. You can choose any one that meets the basic criteria of safety and convenience.

Let's consider in what order and how to apply shellac correctly.

First of all, first you always need to prepare your nails for varnishing. This applies not only to shellac, but is especially important for it, because we are focused on long-term coverage, and everything must be perfect. Nails are shaped, cuticles are trimmed, hangnails are trimmed - the appearance of nails and hands must be neat and clean, otherwise even the most beautiful and high-quality coating will not save the impression of uneven, bumpy nails with protruding cuticles.

Before application

Before applying shellac polish, you need to wipe your nails and fingers with a disinfectant after the manicure, and then degrease the surface of the nail. After this, dry the surface naturally, without a lamp. At this stage we remove all dirt, foreign particles from the nails, dust particles and sebum. The primer is applied next and is also clear and watery. You don’t need a lot of it, just a thin layer that is quickly absorbed and dries itself, also without the use of a UV lamp.

At this point, the preparatory stage is almost complete, all that remains is to cover the nails with the base. It is recommended to take all products from the same brand, since the compositions in them interact better with each other. The base coat is applied in a thin layer, there is no need to apply it thickly or in two layers - it works great just like that. You need to be careful when applying, make sure that the coating is uniform and the liquid does not flow down to the cuticle. After application, the base is dried under the foot for the time specified by the lamp manufacturer (from 30 seconds to 3 minutes, depending on the type of radiation and power). A sticky layer is formed, but it should not be removed; it is necessary for good adhesion to the next layer.

The next layer is shellac gel; how to apply it doesn’t need to be particularly explained. The process is no different from conventional varnishing, the only thing is that one layer is usually not enough. Therefore, we apply one layer, dry it in a lamp, then apply a second layer, dry it again. It is usually not necessary to apply more than two layers. It is important that the sticky layer is not yet removed between layers of varnish.

After the color layer we apply the finish. The topcoat is often also called topcoat or topcoat. This is almost the final stage of manicure. The finish has a fairly thick texture; it must also be applied carefully and in a thin layer. Depending on the desired effect, the finish can be glossy or matte. After application, also dry.

After the top, like after other layers, a sticky layer remains. But, since no more layers will be applied, it does not have any functional essence, so we carefully remove it using a degreaser or a special product with a lint-free cloth until a tactile sensation of smoothness arises.

Finally, we treat the cuticle with oil, which will care for the delicate skin, which has lost a lot of moisture after several stages of drying under the lamp, and this completes the shellac application procedure. The oil is absorbed quickly enough, so it will not cause any discomfort.

So, we looked in great detail at how to apply shellac on nails, what is needed for shellac at home, and what are the advantages of such a manicure. A good shellac can please its owner for at least 4 weeks, which saves a lot of time and money for things that there were always not enough hours in the day for, when you had to constantly spend hours on regular varnish.

Shellac nail coating has become very popular lately.

It makes it possible to create long lasting manicure, which will delight the owner for at least two weeks, allows you to experiment with design and simply looks amazing.

You can go to a salon or see a specialist, or you can make shellac at home.

To cover your nails with shellac, you need to prepare a fairly impressive list of necessary tools and materials, which you will need for this:

  • Special set to make hygienic manicure. Typically includes files, tweezers, a cuticle remover, a spatula, a buff, a pusher, a stick, and a brush for removing dirt from the nails.
  • Products intended for disinfection.
  • Primer (nail degreasing agent).
  • Gel polishes – base, color and top coat.
  • Ultraviolet lamp with a power of at least 36 W.
  • Soaking liquid.
  • A special product that removes the sticky layer from nails.
  • Napkins (they should not have lint).
  • Foil and sponges.

If you plan to do a manicure with nail design, you will need at least two or three color coatings.

Sequins, stones and other decorative elements will also come in handy.

If you plan a manicure with a pattern, consider the rules for color combinations. It is better not to combine warm and cold tones side by side, and a delicate, almost transparent coating should not be complemented with a dense one.

Preparing nails for manicure

For the coating to be durable and attractive, you need. It includes the following measures:

  • The cuticle is trimmed and the nails are given the desired length and shape;
  • Using a special file, the surface is polished - this helps remove excess shine from the surface of the nails;
  • The marigolds are treated, for which any antibacterial drug can be used;
  • Nail surface treated with alcohol.

Applying shellac

  • First, the prepared nails need to be thinned cover with a base coat. Afterwards, you need to hold the marigolds in an ultraviolet lamp. After the nails are coated, you need to dry them for two minutes each time, and there is no need to remove the sticky layer that may remain.

The drying lamp should ideally have power 36 W. The good thing about using it is that all nails can be dried in just one use of the device, which saves time. A 9W lamp will also dry your nails, but then you won't be able to dry everything at once.

  • Apply on top of the base layer with a brush from the bottle. shellac base color. It is recommended to cover your nails in two layers, a third is also acceptable. Dry each layer for two minutes.
  • At the end of the procedure, you need to apply a fixing finishing coat. Its thickness will be greater than the previous layers. You need to apply it cleanly and without streaks, and then brush the edge of the nail over its entire area with a pressed brush. The coating should cover the entire nail.
  • The last layer is also needed Withsuture for two minutes. Be careful that the finishing base does not affect the cuticle and area near the nails, as this will damage the integrity of the coating.
  • Using a lint-free cloth pre-moistened with isopropyl alcohol, remove excess layer from the sealer.
  • Apply nourishing oil to the cuticle. You can also do a gentle massage in the area around the nail.

Drawing on shellac

First you need to figure out how to apply a design using shellac on nails that are covered with the same material. This quite a simple way, and it is also suitable for those whose artistic talents are small, but, nevertheless, they want to transform their nails with the help of an original design.

After applying the gel polish and drying it with a lamp, a slightly sticky layer will remain on the nails. If we talk about the drawing, there is no need to remove this layer, since it can provide the correct smooth brush strokes.

You will need a kolinsky brush and a dots (a small manicure stick with a tip). Consider that the main color is good combined with the shades of the picture. Do not combine two dark and light colors, otherwise the manicure will be faded.

To get beautiful patterns and swirls, initially apply dots using dots. Then use a brush to pull the polish away from the point in the direction you want.

We must also not forget that the gel polish itself has a fairly liquid consistency, and in order for the strokes to be clear and look attractive, certain practical skills are needed.

It wouldn’t hurt to first practice applying the pattern with gel polishes on plastic tips. The completed drawing needs to be dried in a lamp and apply topcoat, then dry again.

Drawings on shellac with acrylic paints

Painting with acrylic paints differs in that it requires a surface which has no fat. Therefore, after the base coating has dried, remove the sticky layer with acetone or a liquid specially designed for this purpose. Then you can start drawing.

Make sure that the paints are not excessively diluted with water, as otherwise the excess moisture will prevent the finish from drying properly.

Also, you don’t need to put a lot of paint on the brush, because otherwise under the finishing coat it may appear. cracks and chips.

There are materials that cannot be used to apply designs to gel polish. These are gouache and watercolor paints, as well as regular nail polishes. They are incompatible with the structure of gel polish, in which case your time and materials will be wasted.

Drawing is not so difficult. Even if you don’t have much imagination, it’s not a big deal, because on the Internet you can find a lot of ideas for shellac nail designs and even special training videos.

Features of removing shellac

In order to remove the applied coating, you will need such materials:

  • 10 special patches or sponges;
  • orange or wooden stick;
  • a special product that dissolves manicure - gel polish remover, varnish with acetone or isopropyl alcohol.

You need to wrap each nail with a sponge well soaked in liquid. The finger can be sealed, so to speak, prepared foil.