What is laser biorevitalization of the face: advantages and disadvantages. Laser biorevitalization Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid laser

Beauty salons and cosmetology clinics today offer a large number of anti-aging procedures. Among this diversity, it is sometimes very difficult to make a competent, only correct choice.

One of the most popular and popular options is laser biorevitalization of the face, which is a non-injection method. Its main advantage is the minimal number of side effects and low risk of complications. But this rejuvenation technique also has disadvantages. So initially it’s better to find out more about what it is and whether it’s worth signing up for at least one session.

Essence of the procedure

Non-injection laser biorevitalization is the penetration of low-molecular molecules into the skin under the influence of an infrared low-intensity laser. To carry out the procedure, the active drug is applied to the problem area of ​​the face, and then the treatment is carried out with a special attachment of a cosmetology device. A thin laser beam opens transport channels in the epidermis, through which hyaluronic acid enters its deepest layers. In this case, there is no heating or puncture of the skin.

This is how laser biorevitalization differs from injection biorevitalization - it does not use the famous beauty injections. The mesopreparation enters the cells naturally, without violating the integrity of the skin. Whereas injection techniques inject rejuvenating cocktails under the skin using a syringe. The main function of laser biorevitalization is lifting and rejuvenation, which can be judged by the declared effectiveness of the procedure.

What is facial biorevitalization - all the pros and cons of the procedure, read.

Cosmetology educational program. A laser is a unique device that converts various types of energy into a highly targeted radiation stream.


It is better to find out in advance what non-injection laser biorevitalization promises as a result in order to know whether this procedure is suitable for you or not. The declared effectiveness is quite impressive:

  • receives hydration, becomes soft and silky;
  • rejuvenation of mature and sagging skin occurs: wrinkles are smoothed out, nasolabial folds become less noticeable, complexion improves, visual marks disappear;
  • sagging folds, eyelids, double chin and;
  • minor scars and stretch marks fade or disappear altogether;
  • photoaging processes are eliminated or suspended;
  • narrow;
  • the skin is ready for ultraviolet irradiation, deep peeling, plastic surgery, microdermabrasion;
  • the epidermis is fully restored after aggressive cosmetic sessions;
  • skin with eczema and atopic dermatitis heals very quickly;
  • bags and bruises under the eyes become smaller or disappear completely;
  • the facial contour acquires clearer and more beautiful boundaries;
  • is removed .

If laser biorevitalization of facial skin is able to work such miracles, I am irresistibly tempted to try it. But when you sign up for this procedure, the first test awaits you. First, the cosmetologist will determine whether you have indications for it in accordance with the results stated above.

Origin of name. Translated from English, the word “laser” means “light amplification by stimulated emission.”


In order for non-injection laser biorevitalization to have the desired effect on the skin, you will need to strictly follow the indications for the procedure. You should sign up for it if you suffer from the following number of cosmetic problems:

  1. Dry skin type.
  2. Mature, loose, wrinkled skin.
  3. Scars, stretch marks on the face.
  4. Signs of photoaging.
  5. Preparing the skin for ultraviolet irradiation, deep peeling, plastic surgery, microdermabrasion.
  6. Restoration of the epidermis after aggressive cosmetic sessions.
  7. Eczema, atopic dermatitis.
  8. , bruises under the eyes.
  9. Blurry facial contour.
  10. Swelling.
  11. Enlarged pores.
  12. One of the most exciting questions for girls is at what age can laser non-injection biorevitalization be done. If the goal is to get rid of scars or stretch marks, then from any. If you are pursuing the goal of becoming younger, it is recommended to combine laser and hyaluronic acid only after 35 years.

After a survey and examination, the cosmetologist will tell you whether non-injection biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is suitable for you to solve your cosmetic problems or not. In the latter case, you should not be upset, because usually in such a situation some alternative ways are offered. However, testimony is not the only stumbling block in this matter. If you are found to have contraindications, you may also be denied this rejuvenation technique.

This is interesting! In medicine and cosmetology, experts call a laser a bloodless scalpel.


Like any other cosmetic procedure, laser non-injection biorevitalization of the face can be disastrous in the presence of certain diseases. Contraindications to it should not be ignored, because this can lead to serious complications that will require long treatment and a rehabilitation period. These include:

  • individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid;
  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • fever;
  • large wound surfaces on the face that do not heal for a long time;
  • large moles and;
  • in the active stage;
  • cancerous growths on the face;
  • tuberculosis;
  • on the face;
  • diabetes.

To ensure that not a single contraindication escapes the cosmetologist, at the first appointment you need to tell him about all your illnesses and health problems. This is the only way to achieve a decent result from laser biorevitalization and a real, lasting rejuvenation effect. If you have passed this test and no absolute contraindications have been found, you should start preparing for the procedure itself.

Through the pages of history. The discovery of the laser was first predicted in 1916 by the famous physicist A. Einstein.

Salon procedure

There is no need to be afraid of laser biorevitalization of the face. All its stages are painless and simple. To be calm and not ask the cosmetologist unnecessary questions, you can watch relevant videos on the Internet in advance or study the information yourself, as a specialist does in a salon.


  1. A medical examination, the purpose of which is to identify indications and contraindications for laser biorevitalization.
  2. Consultation with a specialist, clarification of all controversial and unclear issues.
  3. Assigning deadlines and courses.

Don’t forget to ask at this stage how often laser biorevitalization will have to be done. This indicator is very individual. For some, 5 procedures with an interval of 1 week will be enough, for others, all 10 will be needed. For some, the result lasts for years (up to 1 year, but this is very rare), while others will be forced to return to the clinic for the next portion of hyaluronic acid already after 3 months.


  1. Preparation of the treated area of ​​the face: makeup removal, disinfection, if necessary, local anesthesia. In some cases, additional peeling is performed to soften the tissue.
  2. Applying a special gel (optional).
  3. Application of hyaluronic acid to the skin. Sometimes, for effectiveness, collagen is added to it, which is also known for its anti-aging properties.
  4. Treatment of the problem area with a laser using a special attachment for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Rest for half an hour.
  6. Application.
  7. Consultation regarding the rehabilitation period.

Device "Vitalaser 500 Plus" for laser biorevitalization

Almost all cosmetology clinics perform laser biorevitalization of the face according to the same scheme. Minor differences may lie in the time and disinfectant and analgesic solutions used. Well, devices for attachments with a laser beam can be of different manufactures. If you don’t trust your beauty and youth in the hands of others, you can experiment and try the wonderful effect of hyaluronic acid at home. Although this type is the most difficult and not recommended for doing it yourself.

About the devices. Many clinics use Polilaser bionic (Belgian company lumis) for laser biorevitalization. The device is quite portable, so it can be used at home.

Home procedure

If you decide to carry out laser biorevitalization at home on your own, first study the information about it in detail. You need to understand that this, firstly, is quite dangerous, since you will have to control the depth and intensity of the laser beam and the dosage of hyaluronic acid yourself. Secondly, you will need to purchase a pharmaceutical preparation of the active substance and a special device with a laser attachment, which costs a lot of money. Follow the procedure according to the following guidelines.

  1. When purchasing a portable laser device for home use, carefully read the instructions.
  2. Learn to set the desired frequency and depth of the laser beam on it. First, experiment on some distant surface (table, piece of fabric), then on the back of your hand. And only if there are no side effects, you can begin facial rejuvenation procedures.
  3. Buy a special solution of hyaluronic acid at the pharmacy. It may include a small amount.
  4. Before the procedure, thoroughly clean your face of decorative cosmetics. You can do a peeling and steam bath to expand the pores. Disinfect the surface to be treated.
  5. Next, a special gel is applied to the skin, which should come with the device. It acts as a spacer between the skin and the laser to prevent burns.
  6. Only then is hyaluronic acid applied.
  7. Using the attachment, you emit a laser and move it over the surface of your face to be treated at the distance specified in the instructions.
  8. After 5-10 minutes, remove any remaining product from the skin with a cotton pad or disinfectant wipe.
  9. Allow your skin to recover from stress for 20-30 minutes.
  10. Apply a soothing mask.

In terms of effectiveness, home laser biorevitalization will be inferior to salon one. The specialists at the clinic know the dosage of the drug and know how to set the required values ​​for the laser beam. At home, everything will have to be done extremely carefully and carefully, which will affect the result. And don’t forget that in any case, there is a rehabilitation period ahead of you, during which you will have to follow certain skin care rules.

Helpful information. For home biorevitalization with a laser, the Italian-made Dibi laser device is quite suitable.

Rehabilitation period

Some sources contain information that laser biorevitalization of the face is good because the skin does not require any rehabilitation after it. A very dubious statement. Any salon rejuvenation procedure causes a small but very active revolution at the cellular level. Otherwise there would be no result. So within 2-3 days after visiting the clinic you will need to follow the following rules:

  • do not sunbathe, avoiding the scorching rays of the sun;
  • do not visit public bathing places, including swimming pools;
  • do not go to baths and solariums;
  • do not abuse alcohol;
  • drink a lot of clean water (about 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight);
  • Use for the care of treated facial skin.

If you fail to withstand and violate the above prohibitions, complications and side effects cannot be avoided. The cosmetologist should warn you about this in advance.

About hyaluronic acid. For laser biorevitalization of the face, clinics can offer. Among the highest quality are Aesthetic Dermal, Hyamatrix, Hyalurox.


Non-injection laser biorevitalization rarely causes complications. This is usually facilitated by the unprofessionalism of the cosmetologist who performed the procedure, the low quality of the hyaluronic acid used, unsanitary conditions or non-compliance with contraindications. Despite the fact that such cases are very rare in practice, it is the responsibility of any clinic to inform the client about possible side effects after the procedure. These include:

  • facial redness;
  • allergic reactions to hyaluronic acid;
  • swelling;
  • introduction of infections through open foci of inflammation (if present).

But most often, laser biorevitalization of the skin has only positive consequences: the skin glows with youth, health and beauty, complexes about early aging go away. And this, undoubtedly, goes into the general treasury of advantages of this procedure.


Weighing all the pros and cons, pay attention to the following advantages of laser facial biorevitalization:

  1. Simplicity.
  2. No unpleasant or uncomfortable sensations.
  3. No punctures, which means maintaining the integrity of the skin. This is the main trump card in deciding which is better: laser or injection biorevitalization - but only in terms of safety. If we judge the effectiveness, the advantages are on the side of beauty injections.
  4. Short recovery period.
  5. Rarely causes allergic reactions and complications.
  6. Minimum contraindications.
  7. Low cost of relatively invasive rejuvenation techniques.

The impressive list of advantages of laser biorevitalization must necessarily be supplemented by a number of its disadvantages. This will allow you to objectively evaluate the procedure and make the right decision.


Despite all its undoubted advantages, laser biorevitalization of facial skin with hyaluronic acid has significant disadvantages. They are the ones who force women to abandon this miracle procedure. These include:

  1. Low efficiency compared to invasive rejuvenation techniques.
  2. Activation of cellular processes occurs in the surface layers of the epidermis.
  3. The results do not last long, so the procedure will have to be applied quite often.
  4. The high cost of a portable laser device for home procedures.

Today, laser biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is incredibly in demand. But before you sign up for this procedure, you need to know in advance about all its pros and cons, so as not to be disappointed and not waste your money. If there are contraindications, do not be upset: it is enough to treat the existing diseases or wait for the acute stage to subside and still enjoy the rejuvenating effect on the skin of the miracle drug, coupled with hardware cosmetology.

Laser biorevitalization is a course of rejuvenation by introducing hyaluronic acid into the subcutaneous tissues through laser radiation (laser phoresis), bio-implanting nutrients into the cells of the epidermis.

Types of biorevitalization

There are many types of biorevitalization effects. Depending on the method of carrying out the procedures, a distinction is made between injection and hardware revitalization. In both cases, the main task is to introduce hyaluronic acid, enriched with essential microelements and nutrients, into the epidermal cells.

Injection biorevitalization involves the subcutaneous administration of hyaluronic acid by injection. Hardware rejuvenation is based on the transport of hyaluronate deep into the subcutaneous layers using ultrasonic waves, laser radiation or microcurrent effects. A common method is laser biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid stabilizes the amino acid composition of the skin. Entering the epidermis, it accumulates there, then gradually enters the lower layer - the dermis, accelerates metabolism, due to which natural restoration of epidermal cells occurs. In the human body, hyaluronic acid is found in many tissues and organs, skin cells, and intra-articular fluid.

The main task of the acid is to distribute fluid throughout cells and tissues, maintaining collagen fibers in skin cells at a level sufficient to ensure smoothness and elasticity of the skin. This is a kind of elixir of youth.

The healing properties of hyaluronic acid:

  1. Accumulation of water, which helps to hydrate the epidermis. Lack of water causes dry skin and the appearance of wrinkles.
  2. Neutralize free radicals, prevent cancer development, strengthen the immune system.
  3. Neutralization of viral infections.
  4. Acceleration of the healing process of wounds, burns, postoperative scars.

Effect of laser biorevitalization

Not everyone knows what laser biorevitalization is, how many times it needs to be done, and whether the procedure is worth it. Its essence lies in the fact that using the laser phoresis method, low-molecular substances penetrate into the deep layers of the skin along with a laser beam, which are applied to the surface of the skin before the session.

The procedure is also based on the healing properties of the laser, which improves blood circulation in the epidermis and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. The skin has a double effect - hyaluronic acid molecules and laser beams.

Laser biorevitalization promotes the accumulation of fluid in cells, providing hydration to the epidermis and smoothing out fine wrinkles, combats sagging, increasing firmness and elasticity by increasing the concentration of elastin.

The laser beam penetrates the tissue by 4 mm, transporting up to 4 ml of hyaluronic acid into the skin cells, significantly increasing the effectiveness of the hardware revitalization procedure compared to injections. With ultrasonic revitalization, hyaluronic acid penetrates into the subcutaneous layers even deeper - 1-1.5 cm.

The effect of laser on tissue stimulates the following processes:

  • active synthesis of natural moisturizing substances by fibroblasts;
  • production of own hyaluronic acid;
  • increasing the protective forces of the skin;
  • acceleration of blood microcirculation in skin capillaries;
  • relief of skin inflammatory processes;
  • helps get rid of some cosmetic skin imperfections.

No matter how long the procedure takes, laser biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid helps to “throw off” 10-15 years in a fairly short period of time.

The session is carried out using a special laser that practically does not heat the body. In rare cases, the temperature may rise by 1°, which is not noticeable at all. Laser treatment is called cold laser biorevitalization.

Listing the advantages and disadvantages of various anti-aging techniques will allow you to figure out what is better for clients: hardware biorevitalization or injection revitalization. Initially, a course of facial rejuvenation with hyaluronic acid was carried out by introducing injections into those areas where it was necessary to implant beneficial microelements and nutrients into the tissue. This procedure is quite painful and requires the use of anesthetics, and after the injections, bruises and swelling on the face remain for several days.

Simply applying hyaluronate to the skin as part of creams or ointments affects only the upper layers of the skin, improving appearance and elasticity, but does not produce a rejuvenating effect. Laser hyaluroplasty is absolutely painless, nourishes and enriches the deep layers of the epidermis and leaves no marks on the face, and protects well from the destructive effects of free radicals.

Indications for laser biorevitalization

What is laser biovitalization of the skin and when is it required, you need to find out from a specialist. Indications for the procedure:

  • dryness, when the skin is tight, overly sensitive to exposure, “paper skin” effect;
  • signs of aging of the skin layer on the face, neck, hands;
  • and giving them volume;
  • regeneration of “tired” skin after prolonged exposure to the sun and frost;
  • stimulation of healing processes after cosmetic procedures and operations;
  • correction of sagging upper eyelids and swelling and cyanosis under the eyes;
  • treatment of inflammatory processes (acne, pimples, blackheads, etc.).

Do laser biorevitalization to help your skin activate its internal reserves to preserve youth and beauty. According to some cosmetologists, to increase the effectiveness of laser phoresis, a course of laser rejuvenation should begin at the age of 30, the procedure should last at least half an hour. Laser biorevitalization can be used to regenerate the skin tissues of the face, décolleté, arms, neck, etc. The exception is the eyelids, for which it is used

Carrying out the procedure

Many patients undergoing the procedure for the first time are interested in how laser biorevitalization works, what it is, how long each session lasts, and how many procedures each course contains. Laser biorevitalization of the face and other skin is carried out using a diode laser and gel with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid.

The order is as follows:

  • the procedure begins with cleansing the skin of dead cells by peeling;
  • medicinal gel is applied;
  • laser radiation is applied.

There is an impact on both the upper and deep cells and tissues of the epidermis.

Hyaluronic acid, once in the body, begins to disintegrate. In order to increase the exposure time, it is necessary to periodically change the wave frequency of the laser radiation. This leads to strengthening of bonds between molecules, increasing the resistance of hyaluronate to the effects of enzymes that destroy the structure.

After completing the procedure, the skin must be moisturized with a soft cream. No other aftercare measures for the face or body are required. The only requirement is to increase fluid intake to 2.5-3 liters per day. This helps to hydrate cells.

Typically sessions last from 40 minutes to 1 hour. A laser beam rejuvenation course, depending on the area of ​​treatment, skin condition, and patient’s age, can include from 3 to 10 sessions, the interval between each procedure is 7 days. In the future, for the purpose of prevention, laser biorevitalization of the skin of the face and other parts of the body can be carried out once a month. How many procedures are necessary in each case is determined by the specialist conducting the treatment.

Watch the video of the laser biorevitalization procedure:

Advantages of laser rejuvenation

Regeneration of skin cells using laser exposure has the following advantages:

  • laser phoresis is a painless and safe procedure that does not require a recovery period;
  • skin injury and damage to its integrity are excluded;
  • bruises, swelling, and inflammation do not appear;
  • has a rejuvenating and healing effect on the skin, stimulating the body's production of natural collagen - elastin;
  • can be used if there are inflammatory rashes on the skin, since the laser has antiseptic and immunostimulating properties.

Possible contraindications

Along with many advantages, laser skin biorevitalization, like all procedures, has its contraindications:

  • a large number of moles and papillomas;
  • infectious, viral or fungal skin diseases (herpes) during an exacerbation;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • endocrine pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • cuts, wounds, scratches, etc.;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • high blood pressure, severe diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • epilepsy and mental illness;
  • malignant tumors.

Results of laser biorevitalization

The rejuvenation course has the following effect:

  • the skin becomes firm and elastic;
  • active hydration of skin cells to the deepest layers;
  • enrichment of tissues with oxygen elements;
  • smoothing of deep wrinkles, disappearance of small ones;
  • the skin becomes young, smooth and healthy;
  • healing burns from sunlight and chemicals;
  • resorption of various scars and scars.

After completing the procedure, you should refrain from massage and intense friction of the laser treatment areas.

Here are just a few photos before and after laser biorevitalization:

Alternative methods of hardware biorevitalization

Skin treatment with a hardware method normalizes collagen levels, slowing down the aging process of cells and preventing the formation of wrinkles. The lifting effect of this effect is to tighten and restore facial contours.

Alternative hardware methods for introducing hyaluronate under the skin include ultrasound biorevitalization, electrophoresis and the use of microcurrent waves. Laser biorevitalization is a great way to restore youth. But any procedures have a temporary effect and require constant prevention.

Laser biorevitalization is a salon procedure that can rejuvenate the skin of the face and body without surgery or pain. Laser beams deliver hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the skin. This accelerates cell regeneration in the treated area.

Clients of Moscow salons have access to laser biorevitalization of the face and body at an inexpensive price. You can get a discount if you buy a coupon or promotional code on the Biglion website.

Laser biorevitalization: advantages

Skin transformation in clinics and salons in Moscow is carried out painlessly and comfortably, and with Biglion bonuses it is also cheap. The doctor examines the visitor and determines the frequency of procedures. After laser biorevitalization, according to customer reviews, it is noted:

  • Elimination of dryness and sagging skin;
  • Smoothing wrinkles;
  • Discoloration of age spots;
  • Lifting the oval of the face and the upper eyelid;
  • Elimination of traces of post-acne and stretch marks, scars and scars;
  • Enlargement of lips and clarity of their contour.

The effect of laser biorevitalization lasts up to a year. Even one session enhances the effect of other salon manipulations. Promotions from Biglion and sales of course subscriptions reduce the price of procedures by up to 90%.

Benefits of skin rejuvenation with a coupon from Biglion

Biglion helps you compare offers from Moscow salons and purchase a coupon with the most profitable ones. Also, the buyer of Biglion coupons gets the opportunity to:

  • View documents confirming the knowledge of a cosmetologist;
  • Make sure the equipment is new;
  • Read patient reviews;
  • See photographs of patients before and after the course.

Biglion offers to buy coupons only from salons that are in demand in Moscow, with a serious reputation and competent specialists. There are no weather restrictions for laser biorevitalization, so transformation with a company discount is possible both in summer and winter.

Laser non-injection biorevitalization of the face

Biorevitalization in Moscow is in great demand because it is one of the most effective rejuvenating procedures. Until recently, injection of hyaluronic acid was the only method of delivering this bioactive substance to the deep layers of the skin. Like any injection technique, classical biorevitalization has a number of contraindications, is associated with a certain discomfort and presupposes the presence, albeit short-term, of a rehabilitation period. At the same time, cosmetics, creams and masks containing hyaluronic acid are not able to deliver it to the deep layers of the skin due to its protective mechanisms. A compromise between the high efficiency of injection biorevitalization and all the advantages of non-injection techniques has become laser biorevitalization of the face.

Laser biorevitalization of the face in Moscow is often mistakenly called non-injection biorevitalization, although the correct name, according to the rules of word formation in the Russian language, is precisely the spelling with “s”. One way or another, this term means the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the skin using an atraumatic method, without punctures or damage to the epidermis.

GMTCLINIC uses the famous Spanish system of non-injection laser biorevitalization of the face Hialurox.


Operating principle of non-injection biorevitalization of the face Hialurox

Non-injection (non-injection) biorevitalization combines the effects of laser and hyaluronic gel. During the non-injection facial biorevitalization procedure, a special gel containing nanospheres with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is applied to the skin. A special “cold” (athermic) laser destroys the gel nanospheres and at the same time increases the permeability of skin cell membranes, ensuring deep penetration of hyaluronic acid. Having penetrated the skin, hyaluronic acid is collected into high-molecular compounds and allows moisture to accumulate, providing a long-lasting effect of intense hydration and rejuvenation of the skin from the inside.

The procedure does not require rehabilitation and can be performed during a lunch break or a couple of hours before an important event.

Indications for non-injection biorevitalization of the face

It is not without reason that the Hialurox laser biorevitalization procedure is so popular, because it can be recommended, with almost no restrictions, in any facial rejuvenation and transformation program:

  • for dry and flabby skin;
  • with a decrease in turgor and skin tone;
  • for dull and/or uneven complexion;
  • with finely wrinkled mesh;
  • after peelings and various hardware rejuvenation procedures.

There are virtually no contraindications, other than acute systemic and skin diseases, as well as individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid, which is extremely rare.

Results of laser biorevitalization of the face

One of the main advantages of non-injection facial biorevitalization is the immediate effect and the complete absence of rehabilitation, which is why the procedure is often used as an express method for rejuvenating and refreshing facial skin before an important event. To obtain the maximum effect, you need to undergo a course of laser biorevitalization, consisting of 3-6 procedures.

After a course of laser facial biorevitalization, patients note:

  • fresh and healthy looking skin;
  • smoothing of fine wrinkles and noticeable reduction in the depth of medium and deep wrinkles and folds;
  • significant improvement in skin quality and structure;
  • even out the relief and tone of the facial skin;
  • lifting effect, skin toning.

Laser biorevitalization in Moscow

The effectiveness of non-injection (non-injection) biorevitalization in Moscow depends on the device with which it is carried out, as well as the quality of the hyaluronic preparation used. The Clinic of German Medical Technologies uses a modern certified Hialurox device with proven effectiveness, as well as special gels purchased directly from the manufacturer. This provides the Clinic with high efficiency and reasonable cost of non-injection facial biorevitalization services in Moscow.

Sign up for laser facial biorevitalization in Moscow at GMTCLINIC and get the famous moisturizing care and instant results without a rehabilitation period.

Before and after

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The best

Laser biorevitalization is a cosmetic procedure during which hyaluronic acid is delivered deep into the skin without injections, under the influence of laser light.

The essence of this method

The procedure uses a special laser, the light of which does not cause significant heating of the tissue. The skin temperature usually increases by only 1 o C, which may not even be felt by the client. Therefore, the procedure may also be called “cold laser biorevitalization” or “athermal laser biorevitalization.”

Most often in Russia, devices such as HialuroFrax, LAZMIK, Vitalazer and some others are used for this procedure. A number of companies are already ready to offer their customers devices for home use.

Non-injection laser biorevitalization is carried out using special cosmetic gels in which hyaluronic acid has a small molecular weight, which allows it to easily penetrate into tissues.

Photo: laser machine

Under the influence of laser radiation energy, hyaluronic acid from the gel penetrates deep into the skin through microchannels in the epidermis to the basement membrane (the border between the epidermis and dermis) and accumulates there in significant quantities.

The laser lens is designed in such a way as to ensure close contact with the skin. A gentle massage while sliding the lens over the face causes a pleasant sensation in the client, promotes relaxation, and ensures faster absorption of the cosmetic gel used for the procedure.

Over a long period of time, hyaluronic acid from the epidermis evenly enters the dermis, where it activates metabolism and cellular renewal, the production of collagen and elastin by cells, and attracts and retains water.

The main feature of the procedure is that not only hyaluronic acid, but also laser light energy has an active biological effect.

Hyaluron replacement therapy (as, for example, with injection biorevitalization) is effective to a certain extent. Much better results are obtained by stimulating the production of the body’s own hyaluronic acid.

Laser radiation has a stimulating effect on tissue:

  • fibroblasts more actively produce natural moisturizing factor;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • local skin immunity increases;
  • blood circulation improves due to new formation of capillaries;
  • inflammatory processes are suppressed.

This combined effect without damaging the skin makes it a more physiological way of rejuvenation, skin renewal and getting rid of cosmetic defects compared to injection techniques.

Video: Laser biorevitalization


  1. A decrease in the degree of skin hydration, which is manifested by a feeling of tightness, excessive sensitivity of the skin to external factors, fine wrinkles throughout the face, especially in the area around the eyes; The laser is especially indicated for clients with thin and dry skin (when “skin is like paper”);
  2. Prevention of age-related skin changes, elimination of signs of aging on the skin of the face, neck, décolleté and hands; Laser biorevitalization will be especially effective for finely wrinkled skin aging;
  3. Improving the appearance and volume of lips;
  4. The need to prolong the effect of fillers based on hyaluronic acid, injection mesotherapy and biorevitalization;
  5. Restoration of skin after exposure to active sun, prevention of photoaging;
  6. Accelerating skin recovery after traumatic cosmetic procedures such as peelings, microdermabrasion, laser peeling and others;
  7. Removing swelling of the skin of the eyelids and dark circles around the eyes that occur due to overwork, insomnia, and smoking;
  8. Treatment of acne and post-acne.

Do you know that plasma lifting, as a method of PRP therapy used in cosmetology, was invented by Russian maxillofacial surgeons? Find out in what cases it is recommended.

With the help of hyaluronic acid injections, lost skin elasticity is restored, dry skin is eliminated, and the formation of wrinkles and folds is stopped. You can familiarize yourself with the cost of procedures.


The procedure has contraindications for both the use of hyaluronic acid and laser treatment. They can be either temporary or permanent.

Contraindications for the use of “acid of youth” preparations:

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  2. Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  3. Skin diseases at the site of the proposed procedure of a fungal, bacterial or viral nature;
  4. Damage to the skin at the site of the procedure in the form of abrasions, cuts, scratches;
  5. Allergy to hyaluronic acid.

Permanent contraindications for laser use:

  1. Malignant neoplasms in the body;
  2. Systemic blood diseases;
  3. Sudden physical exhaustion as a result of illness;
  4. Stage III hypertension, decompensated diabetes mellitus, advanced diseases of the cardiovascular system, pronounced cerebral atherosclerosis;
  5. Pulmonary tuberculosis;
  6. Epilepsy;
  7. Mental illnesses, such as psychosis, accompanied by attacks of psychomotor agitation and hysteria;
  8. Individual intolerance to laser radiation.

Temporary and relative contraindications for laser use:

  1. Pregnancy;
  2. A large number of moles at the site of exposure;
  3. Adolescence;
  4. Infections accompanied by chills, fever, rise in body temperature;
  5. Skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, atopic dermatitis in the acute phase;
  6. Tattoo on the skin at the site of intended impact;
  7. Taking medications that increase the skin's sensitivity to light (photosensitizing).

How is the procedure done?

The procedure protocol largely depends on the laser used and its capabilities.

The standard procedure includes 3 main steps:

  1. Cleansing the facial skin, applying gel with hyaluronic acid;
  2. The effect of laser on facial skin;
  3. Removal of gel residues; it is possible to additionally apply a mask, which enhances the effect of the gel with hyaluronic acid.

The duration of the second stage can vary from 15 to 40 minutes, since different lasers provide different rates of penetration of hyaluronic acid into the skin.

Photo: Vitalazer device

The device for laser biorevitalization Vitalazer and some others can operate in both pulsed and continuous mode.

Then the procedure takes place in four stages:

  1. Cleansing the face and applying gel;
  2. Exposure to laser in pulsed mode, in which hyaluronic acid penetrates the epidermis;
  3. Laser exposure in a continuous mode, in which hyaluronic acid forms larger aggregates in the skin, which provide a longer duration of the effect and a better degree of skin hydration;
  4. Removing gel residues.
Immediately after the procedure, the face looks aesthetically pleasing, without any traces of injections, redness, swelling, bruises or papules. Therefore, you can do it on any day, even a working day, and continue to do your normal business.

Rehabilitation and recovery

During this procedure, there is no trauma to the skin, therefore there is no risk of infection or the development of hematomas, the distribution of hyaluronic acid is even, therefore there is no risk of causing swelling.

All this explains why after the procedure the skin does not need special care, there is no need to limit the use of skincare and decorative cosmetics, you can visit the sauna, solarium, and gym.

Consequences, complications and side effects

If there are no contraindications for the procedure, the device is in working order and all precautions are observed when working with laser radiation (use of special protective glasses by the client and the cosmetologist), then no side effects of the procedure are observed.

Video: Laser biorevitalization procedure

Both mesotherapy and biorevitalization are procedures that are actively used in cosmetology to remove fine wrinkles. Find out what it could be.

I wonder how contouring is performed using filler injection? Read the article.

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Similar analogues

Almost all cosmetic procedures have similar indications, but different effectiveness in certain cases.

Increased skin hydration

To do this, you can use care procedures using alginate masks or collagen biomatrix. These procedures quickly give the skin a radiant appearance, but their effect is superficial.

Only the upper layer of the epidermis is moisturized; deep penetration of the active ingredients of cosmetics does not occur. To maintain the effect, it is necessary to repeat the procedure once every 7-10 days.

Laser biorevitalization allows you to increase the hydration of the deep layers of the epidermis and dermis, plus it has a pronounced stimulating effect on tissue due to the influence of laser radiation. To obtain a long-term effect, it is enough to perform 3 procedures at intervals of a week, and then do maintenance courses once a month.

Prevention of age-related skin changes

Injection mesotherapy and, from a certain age, injection biorevitalization can be used. The active components of ampoule concentrates are delivered directly to the dermis, where the most intense metabolic processes occur.

But to do this, you need to injure the skin with injections, which makes the appearance unaesthetic due to the presence of papules and bruises, creating the risk of infection in the wounds. And when substances are introduced into the dermis, the risk of developing allergic reactions and other complications increases.

Elimination of signs of aging on the skin of the face, neck and décolleté

You can speed up the renewal of skin cells and improve metabolic processes with peelings and microdermabrasion. When the upper layers of the epidermis are damaged and peeled off, the reparative activity of the skin is activated, due to which the face is smoothed out and the first wrinkles disappear.

Photo: before and after laser rejuvenation

Peels allow you to solve the problem of enlarged pores, post-acne and others. But peelings and microdermabrasion themselves are procedures, if not painful, then at least unpleasant. Skin requires special, often expensive care. There are many restrictions during the rehabilitation period, an unaesthetic appearance after the procedure in the form of sharp redness, and then pronounced peeling of the skin.

Photo: redness on the skin after rejuvenation procedures

Laser biorevitalization activates internal restoration processes in the skin without traumatizing the skin.

The procedure is pleasant. The skin does not require special care. There are no restrictions on the season of procedures. There is no risk of developing complications such as traumatic pigmentation.

Improving the appearance and volume of lips

This task is accomplished by plastic surgery using fillers based on hyaluronic acid. Cosmetologists have even learned how to create an “a la naturel” effect, when lips look very natural after the filler procedure. But fillers have their own characteristics, such as the ability to migrate, cause fibrosis, and be unevenly distributed in tissues. Laser biorevitalization of the lips allows you to slightly increase the volume of the lips without injections (and the lip area is very painful) and without the risk of complications.

Photo: laser biorevitalization of lips

Tightening of facial skin after weight loss, elimination of dark circles around the eyes, swelling of the face

Facial massage helps improve muscle tone, blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. But you can do without additional administration of hyaluronic acid only at a relatively young age.

What can you combine with?

With radio wave lifting

Radio wave lifting affects the reticular layer of the dermis, activating the activity of fibroblasts to produce collagen and elastin.

Photo: radio wave lifting

The mild stimulating effect of laser radiation and radio wave lifting allows you to maintain the production of your own hyaluronic acid at a high level, which is more physiological than the introduction of hyaluronic acid from the outside, and is an excellent prevention of “withdrawal syndrome”. It is acceptable to carry out procedures on the same day, but it is better to do laser biorevitalization the next day after radio wave lifting.

Video: Radiofrequency lifting

With injection biorevitalization and the introduction of fillers based on hyaluronic acid

This combination allows you to create a significant concentration of hyaluron in the tissues, prevents the resorption of fillers, significantly enhances the effect of using the “acid of youth” and makes it longer.

Photo: injection of hyaluronic acid fillers
Currently, injection and non-injection methods of administering hyaluronic acid are so often used in combination that even special lasers with a lens and a special attachment have been created that will allow the drug to be injected into the skin.

With ultrasonic facial cleansing

Laser biorevitalization of facial skin after cleansing helps reduce the severity of redness and tighten pores, facilitates the process of tissue restoration after cleansing, prevents the formation of new rash elements, and helps eliminate scars and hyperpigmented spots at the site of resolved rash elements.

Photo: before and after ultrasonic facial cleansing

With ultrasonic and chemical facial peeling

Can be used both before and after peeling to prepare the skin for a traumatic procedure and to speed up skin recovery.

Photo: ultrasonic and chemical facial peeling

With facial treatments and masks according to skin type

The combination of skincare procedures and laser biorevitalization allows you to simultaneously influence the deep and superficial layers of the skin, which leads to a more pronounced effect from a visit to a cosmetologist.

With myostimulation and microcurrent therapy

Photo: myostimulation and microcurrent therapy

Prices for the procedure


At what age can laser biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid be performed?

There is only one age limit - adolescence. But the first indications for the procedure appear after 25-30 years, when the production of the body’s own hyaluronic acid begins to decline.

How often can you do it, is it addictive?

Typically, procedures are done at intervals of 7-10 days. Usually 3-4 procedures are done per course, less often they are limited to only 1 session. Maintenance procedures are performed once a month. Due to the stimulating effect of laser radiation, the skin maintains the production of its own hyaluronic acid at the same level as before the procedure, therefore there is no “withdrawal syndrome” after laser biorevitalization.

Which biorevitalization is better: laser or non-injection?

Non-injection is any introduction of hyaluronic acid into the skin without injections. It can be carried out with a laser, a special apparatus for supplying oxygen under pressure, or by iontophoresis.

Laser biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is widespread in salons and has many advantages compared to the injection technique.

How long does the procedure take?

Different salons offer different lengths of procedures. Most often, the session time depends on what laser is used, how many stages the procedure has and the presence of additional care masks to enhance the effect of the gel. Typically, laser biorevitalization of the face takes from 15 to 40 minutes. Accordingly, if the effect is simultaneously applied to the neck and décolleté, the procedure time is extended.

How many sessions are needed?

The number of sessions can only be determined individually. It depends on the age and condition of the skin, problems that need to be eliminated, and other cosmetic procedures that can be performed at the same time as laser biorevitalization. Usually 3-4 sessions are prescribed with intervals of one week between procedures.

Less often, you can get by with just one procedure. If there is a need to maintain the effect for a long time, then you can perform one procedure every month. It is better for you to consult a cosmetologist who will determine whether you need laser biorevitalization, the frequency of sessions, and whether you have indications and contraindications for the procedure.

Is it possible to do the procedure in summer?

Yes. There are no restrictions on seasonal laser biorevitalization. You can do one or two procedures before going to the sea to increase the skin's resistance to the active sun and prevent photoaging, and do the rest upon arrival to restore the skin after intense sun exposure.

Plasmolifting of the face accelerates reparative processes in the skin, therefore it is ideal after laser or chemical resurfacing. Look what you become.

The fact that actress Megan Fox had plastic surgery has already been discussed by everyone, however, we note that Megan Fox became even more popular after plastic surgery, and the “adjustments” clearly benefited her. You can see a lot of photos.

Laser biorevitalization: before and after photos