What if a guy kisses with his eyes open? Why do they close their eyes when they kiss? Distance too short

Kisses can be different: friendly, parental, passionate, French, etc. Any kiss is a manifestation of love, sympathy, tenderness. Doctors believe that kissing is very good for health. He who kisses a lot lives longer.

Have you paid attention to how your boyfriend kisses? If not, it's worth watching. Psychologists say that by the manner of kissing you can determine a man’s character, as well as whether he is suitable for you as a life partner.

Psychology of kissing

Psychologists have studied how guys kiss and identified several psychological types based on kissing techniques.

Romantic nature

A romantic man always kisses with his eyes closed. Thus, he fences himself off from reality in order to completely surrender to feelings and love fantasies. He is gentle, sensual and very impressionable. He does not tolerate routine and routine; when he meets them, he always feels disappointed. If you get along with such a man, you will get real strong feelings, perhaps love for life.


If a guy kisses with his eyes open, then he is clearly a realist. He values ​​intelligence and control over emotions. They are guided by sober calculation. He believes that reason is more important than feelings. A realist is overly serious, he calculates all the pros and cons of your relationship. If you are a romantic person who craves beautiful love, then such a partner is not for you.

Show off

Such a man loves to kiss in front of everyone, he definitely needs an audience. He wants to impress, show how cool he is, what a beautiful girlfriend he has. Such an artist always plays some role - both in public and in his own bedroom. Behind this behavior lies psychological trauma. Probably, before such a guy was shy and lonely, but now he wants to win back and prove to everyone that he is a real macho. You understand that when work is done exclusively for the public, there is no room left for deep feelings.


The name speaks for itself. The owner will tenaciously hold you both during the kiss and throughout your entire relationship. He will limit your freedom, be jealous, control, keep you on a short leash. The owner seems to say: “Mine! I won’t give it to anyone.” He takes your romance seriously, but may consider you his property. Therefore, if you love freedom, then this option is not for you.


If your man immediately after a passionate kiss rinses his mouth, brushes his teeth, and carries out some other hygiene procedures, then you should think about it. Such a man believes that the relationship between a man and a woman should be pure, sublime, almost platonic. And sex is dirty. In fact, behind the emphasized cleanliness lies emotional stinginess, underdevelopment, indifference, insensitivity, and cold selfishness. Think about whether you want to be with such a man?

lover of kissing

If your boyfriend constantly tries to kiss, then try not to refuse him. Such a partner will be faithful to you, because he is looking for a girlfriend for life. He constantly pecks you on the lips, cheeks, nose and everything he comes across. Such men are sweet, charming, caring, gentle and slightly frivolous. They are distinguished by inexhaustible optimism. In general, this is a good candidate, if you forgive such a guy his little weaknesses.


Women, beware! As soon as such a man kisses you, you are lost. His kiss is perfect. Women lose their heads and are ready to follow their idol through thick and thin. And in vain, often such men are unfaithful, because they need new mistresses to practice their professional kissing.


Such a man immediately goes on the attack - he energetically grabs his victim, lustfully kisses her and kisses her... until she loses consciousness. He doesn't take into account the woman's wishes. The main thing for him is to win. Such men are controllers, sometimes they are unnecessarily cruel. He should be feared.

Avoiding kisses

Kisses provide emotional contact between lovers. Sometimes nonverbal communication with a person says more than words. What if your partner has nothing to say and avoids kissing? It’s worth thinking: maybe he’s not very much in love with you?

Don't forget that every person is individual. The main thing is that you like the way your boyfriend kisses and your relationship in general, and everything else is not important!

More than once, when passing by a couple in love, people catch themselves thinking that kissing occurs with their eyes closed. This begs the question, why is this so? There are several assumptions that help solve this mystery. And they are very interesting and unexpected, but have explanations.

Most guys and girls have a hard time explaining why they close their eyes during a kiss. After all, there is practically no logic or explanation in this; it happens as if automatically, instinctively, out of habit.

During a kiss, such a scene seems more beautiful and correct than a kiss with open eyes. But there are some other moments that make people close their eyes while kissing.

Incredible pleasure from the process

Scientists have conducted studies that have found that when kissing with their eyes closed, people experience double the pleasure. Therefore, there is a certain logic in this and it is difficult to reject it. After all, it is much better to perform actions “in the dark” - this is considered by many to be correct and something extraordinary, if you look from the outside.

Prying eyes

Many are convinced that kissing with closed eyes occurs because from the outside it seems more attractive than kissing with open eyes. It is very difficult to judge whether this information is reliable, but only in practice can you be sure of this. The main thing is not to listen to what others say, not to pay attention to statistics, but to do what you want here and now. If you are comfortable kissing your partner with your eyes open, it does not matter whether it is beautiful or not.

Opinions of others

Probably, it is important for every person what others say. More impressive individuals will not ask why they should close their eyes, they will do it only because someone said it was right. The fact is that eyes close most often automatically, unconsciously, and it is quite difficult to control yourself. Therefore, does it make sense to pay attention to someone’s advice if you yourself know what you get more pleasure from?

In any case, you can listen to more experienced individuals, but you need to make the choice yourself, based on your personal preferences.

Psychology of kissing

Psychologists say that people close their eyes to feel positive emotions, the desire to experience what is happening more vividly. When kissing, the human body intensely releases hormones into the blood - endorphin and adrenaline, which are the cause of pleasant sensations.

What other reasons are noted:

  1. The human psyche is designed in such a way that if you turn off one of the senses and eliminate some of the external stimuli, the remaining senses begin to work harder. That is, when a person closes his eyes, extraneous factors are eliminated from the visual perception zone, due to which tastes and smells, touches are felt more clearly, and sounds are heard more sharply. This phenomenon is noted by many, especially blind people, who hear much better than sighted people.
  2. This question can also be answered differently by turning to psychology for help. It is believed that amorous and romantic people prefer to kiss with their eyes closed, using their imagination to enhance pleasure.
  3. Occasionally, vision loss occurs reflexively. At the moment of closing the eyes, a person involuntarily relaxes his muscles and tunes in to rest. Often a kiss is a prelude to intimacy; it is easier for a person to tune in to sex and fully enjoy this process with his eyes closed.

Psychologists characterize people who like to kiss their partner with their eyes closed as straightforward and sober-minded. Such individuals are not embarrassed by the fact that, upon close examination, the object of adoration seems distorted and a little funny; they are more concerned with control over themselves and the situation as a whole.

Philematology, the science of the peculiarities of kissing, often explains the reluctance to close one’s eyes during the process with curiosity. A person wants to get to know his partner better, and he does this by looking at the kisser, observing his emotions on his face. In addition, peeping can be called an instinct that is inherent in almost everyone.

In any case, a person must decide for himself how he feels more comfortable kissing his partner. If your eyes close automatically during a kiss, why force yourself to try to open them, if someone said that this is more correct. You need to rely only on your opinion, your feelings and impressions.

A kiss... A merging of lips... A merging of hearts... A sincere expression of feelings between people in love who sympathize with each other.

There are few people in the world who would not like the sensations experienced during a passionate kiss. And hardly anyone can explain why this state delights two completely opposite people called woman and man.

But here’s what’s interesting: kissers, merging their lips together, usually close their eyes. Have you ever wondered: why does this happen and how to explain this phenomenon? Let's try to do this together.

1. Heightened senses

Have you heard about musicians, composers, ordinary people who have lost their sight? Then you should know that blind people have enhanced other senses: touch, charm. The situation is similar here: by closing their eyes, kissers sharpen all their senses and receive untold pleasure.

2. Double pleasure

The guy and girl close their eyes involuntarily, succumbing to passion and instinctively surrendering to pleasure. By closing our eyes, we relax, thereby increasing the pleasure from amazing emotions. There is an opinion that in addition to this, the guy imagines that he is kissing an ideal lady, and the girl imagines that she is kissing an ideal lady, and the girl imagines that she is kissing an exemplary gentleman or knight, whom she read about in novels.

3. Pleasure

When people kiss, their eyelids involuntarily close, as both participants experience incredible pleasure. They say that it is in this case that the kiss becomes sweet and passionate, allowing partners to soar in the clouds, experiencing the feeling of flying. Those who have tried kissing with their eyes open and with their eyes closed claim that the difference between the sensations is incredibly large. Only by closing your eyes can you fly away into unknown distances on the wings of happiness.

4. Trust

Many associate this phenomenon with the relationship between the parties. If partners close their eyes, it means they trust each other completely. If only one of them covers his eyelids, then the other one is unlikely to experience the same feelings and does not trust his partner. In general, many people believe that trust is the first sign of love for another person. Based on this, we can talk about whether there is love between kissing people. Also, most of us believe that real feelings cannot be controlled. This means that people who are truly in love with each other will not be able to control themselves and will definitely close their eyelids.

5. Modesty

Some people think that lovers close their eyes out of excessive modesty. You should not look at your partner, so as not to put him and yourself in an awkward position. Judging by how many immodest people there are in the world who care little about the feelings of others, such a theory is unlikely, although it may be suitable for someone.

6. Theory of vision

According to this theory, when kissing, partners, being at a very close distance, see each other's features in a three-dimensional image. The effect of what he saw is strange: the partner resembles pictures from horror films. To avoid such an unpleasant sight, our subconscious dictates to us that it is better to close our eyes.

7. Opinions of psychologists

Psychologists note that during a kiss, the brain is able to give commands that force partners not to be distracted by external stimuli and other distractions that can interfere with obtaining true pleasure and satisfaction. In addition, the brain also affects hearing during a kiss, causing the couple to not hear anything around them.

Another part of psychologists classifies people who close their eyes during a kiss as romantic natures. It is the romantics who live for today, so they are able to completely surrender to their feelings and get maximum pleasure.

Psychologists have observed people who claim that they are in control of the situation even when kissing, so they do not close their eyes. There were few such people: and all of them either lie or have never kissed.

8. Researcher's opinion

A professor at the Singapore Institute, Yau Che Ming, took a close look at this issue and came to some conclusions:

  • People close their eyelids during a kiss to escape reality and focus on the fullness of sensations.
  • Second explanation: to relieve yourself of emotional stress.
  • The third assumption is similar to the theory of vision: in order not to see the partner’s state and facial expressions so closely.

In general, is it necessary to think about why this happens? Why not allow your body to behave naturally and simply indulge in pleasure, pleasure, sweet sensations? After all, it has been proven that kissing has a positive effect on our health, improving blood circulation and giving people the hormone of happiness. So, kiss your health!

A kiss is a way to show your love, tenderness and trust. Many people close their eyes when they kiss, and why they do this can be understood if you study some of the features of human psychology.

Why do we kiss with our eyes closed?

Only one in ten people prefers kissing with their eyes open. Why do other people kiss with their eyes closed - most often in order to experience positive emotions more vividly. When kissing, the human body intensely releases hormones into the blood - endorphin and adrenaline, which are the cause of pleasant sensations.

The human psyche is designed in such a way that if you “turn off” one of the sense organs and eliminate some of the external stimuli, the remaining sense organs will begin to work in enhanced mode. This means that if a person closed his eyes and excluded vision from the zone of perception, he began to sense smells, tastes, touches more strongly, and hear sounds more acutely. This phenomenon is noted by many, and especially by blind people, who hear and smell much better than sighted people.

An alternative answer to the question of why people kiss with their eyes closed can also be attributed to the field of psychology. It is believed that such kisses are loved by amorous and romantic individuals who use their imagination to enhance pleasure.

Sometimes “turning off” vision is a reflex. When a person closes his eyes, he involuntarily relaxes his muscles and gets ready to relax. Since a kiss is often a prelude to sex, a person who does not perceive visual information is better attuned to intimacy and, accordingly, enjoys this process more fully.

Psychologists characterize people who prefer to kiss with their eyes open as direct and sober-minded. Such individuals are not embarrassed that when When viewed closely, the partner looks distorted and not very attractive; they are more concerned about the issue of controlling themselves and the situation as a whole.

Philematology, the science of the peculiarities of kissing, often explains the reluctance to close one’s eyes during this process with curiosity. The desire to get to know a loved one better forces the kisser to observe the emotions on the partner’s face. In addition, peeping is an instinct that is more or less common to all people.

Ultimately, the question of how to kiss can be answered this way: you need to kiss in such a way that this process brings pleasure and does not cause unpleasant feelings. Whether a person does this with his eyes closed or open is not so important.

If the guy you love doesn't close his eyes when kissing, does that mean he's not in love?

    It’s just that a guy who kisses with his eyes open can’t help but admire his girlfriend and he’s interested in what his girlfriend looks like when she kisses him. This guy loves with his eyes more. Everyone has their own love. Some love mentally, some sensually, and some visually.

    To be honest, I asked many people about this issue. Everyone says this is complete nonsense. Just as everyone makes love differently, everyone kisses differently. Everything is so individual that it is simply wrong to assert this fact.

    You know the words from the song: I looked back to see if she had looked back, to see if I had looked back. Don’t peek :)) Oh, you opened your eyes, what does that mean? :))

    Or maybe you don’t like the guy? :)) These are, of course, just jokes, but the answers given here are correct, excellent answers. It's just that boys and girls sometimes peep. And why? This is well said in the song :))

    You are probably a grown girl, but you don’t understand simple things. He empathizes with you during the kiss, wants to do what is best. so he opens his eyes. He wants to see your state of mind. All impulses are directed only at you. Give you pleasure and pleasant moments of sensation. I also did this when I was young and now, although I am no longer a young man. Don’t worry, it’s better to have your eyes open than not to have any. Closed eyes are not a sign of what your girlfriend is thinking about.

    I dated a guy who didn't always close his eyes when kissing or rolled them in a weird way. I saw this by accident, and it kind of bothered me at first. I can’t say that he didn’t love me, rather he really loved me, he just had this thing, he wanted to see my serene face))) so you shouldn’t draw far-reaching conclusions based on kisses of this kind)))

    As for open eyes, I can say one thing: at this moment, when the eyes are open during kissing, the guy or girl is in control of the situation. They can be driven by curiosity, indifference, or lack of time.

    It’s not burning inside at this moment or at this moment they decided to play with the girl, just like the girl can do this trick.

    Yes, of course, if he doesn’t moan during sex, it means that you don’t satisfy him in bed, and if House 2 isn’t watching, then there’s nothing to talk about with him...

    All people are different, and there are especially many differences between men and women. We are very often perceives the world differently.

    And, in general, why did your friend decide that open or closed eyes somehow influence such a complex phenomenon as love? Not all people close their eyes while kissing!

    Kiss in the dark if it bothers you that much!

    In general, this the statement has nothing to do with reality and has no scientific evidence or basis.

    And, I’m sure, if you express such a hypothesis to a man, he will take a very long time to figure out what’s what, and then he will start laughing until he drops.

    This is the best case scenario.

    At worst, she might even be mistaken for a mentally retarded person))

    So, it’s better to keep your stupid, childish superstitions like: He who bullies someone loves him, and so on, to yourself, if you don’t want to create an unflattering impression about yourself.

    What's the difference? Are your eyes open or not? And some kind of peculiar way to identify a guy’s love by open or closed eyes, I think falling in love is revealed and proven in other ways, and under other circumstances, you should be glad that you even got around to kissing, it’s a luxury nowadays, and not everyone has the luxury to be happy It is necessary that there are kisses, but some details, who closed their eyes or opened them, are not important, and how did you even know this? That his eyes are open? Along the way, you yourself don’t close them either, and sometimes women ask strange questions, it’s the same as me saying, if a woman sleeps dressed at night, it means she’s not in love?????? So you ask the same thing, a wild laugh erupted at your question.

    All this is nonsense... the first guy dedicated poems and songs to me, asked me to come back, but didn’t close his eyes when they kissed me, and now what do we think that in spite of everything he didn’t love me... all this is nonsense. You look for evidence of love in actions, but this is a simple invention.

    Well, everyone kisses differently, so you shouldn’t think like that, I also often open my eyes, well, maybe the person just has some kind of interest and wants to look at the person he’s kissing.

    Nothing like this. Quite the contrary. If a man closes his eyes, he focuses on his sensations. And if he kisses with his eyes open, then he is interested in the state of his partner. This suggests that the guy is observant. And such people make good husbands. And those who close their eyes can at this moment fantasize about something (or someone) else.

    I'm not saying that a guy should always kiss with his eyes open, but if he opens his eyes from time to time, then everything is fine.

    Of course, it’s a little abnormal if he never closes his eyes. Then he is afraid of something, he closes his eyes, and it will happen. Although if they just kiss and do nothing else, he can control himself that way.