Alexander Sviyash - what to do when everything is not the way you want. What to do when everything doesn’t go as we expect When everything doesn’t go the way we want it

What to do when everything is not the way you want it to be. (How to understand the lessons of Life and become its favorite). Alexander Sviyash. What is this book about? It's about how we all live in a world of abundance. In our world there is a lot of food, money, housing, cars, men and women, children, health, love, sex, fame, places to relax and everything else. The Creator created everything in abundance.

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What is this book about? It's about how we all live in a world of abundance. In our world there is a lot of food, money, housing, cars, men and women, children, health, love, sex, fame, places to relax and everything else. The Creator created everything in abundance.

But then why does it happen that some people have something in abundance, while others lack it? And even if you have an abundance of something, for example, money, then at the same time you may lack love or health. Or there is an abundance of love or health, but not enough money, and so on. And only rare people have everything they need, but there are very few of them. People call them lucky or lucky. In general, they believe that their happiness and success do not depend on them, but that they are simply lucky. And they themselves sometimes think so, not even suspecting that they created their happiness and success for themselves.

Can anyone be one of these lucky ones? Can he do something to make sure everything is the way he wants? Maybe if he behaves the same way as successful people.

Everything depends on you!

The idea that to achieve success you need to behave the same way successful people behave is not new. It is discussed and described in detail in many books. I will not do this again, because the authors of the recommendations described the external side of the command of successful people - how they work, how they plan their activities, how they talk, and so on. To some extent, these recommendations work - but only to the extent that the reader’s inner world coincides with the inner world and belief system of a successful person. And here, as you understand, there can be a huge gap. You can endlessly identify your goals, plan your achievements, work 18 hours a day. But at the same time, if deep down in your heart you consider your boss to be an idiot who is in the wrong place, then the results of your efforts will be zero or even negative, that is, you will be demoted or even fired.

Or you decorate yourself and develop communication skills to attract the attention of men and arrange your personal life. And as luck would have it, they completely disappear from your horizon.

Why, because outwardly you were doing everything that a successful person should do, and suddenly such a defeat?

But the point here is that in addition to the external aspects of behavior, there are some very important internal rules that every person must follow in the process of interacting with other people. They are quite simple, but no one tells us about them. And if we violate them - and millions of people constantly do this, then Life will give us its lessons. She will teach us, and these lessons are not very pleasant - like a bad grade for an unfinished lesson at school. If we do not understand these lessons, then Life will block most of our efforts towards our desired goals. And then, no matter how energetic you are, no matter how much effort you make towards your goal, the desired result will be closed to you. You will not be Life's favorite, you will be a laggard, a loser.

And vice versa, if you understand her simple lessons and do not violate some of her requirements, then you will become her favorite. And being Life’s favorite is very pleasant, as you understand. Most of your goals will be achieved as if by themselves. You will live in inner harmony and joy. Fear of the future will leave you - will Life allow its pet to do something bad?

It looks like a miracle, but it is reality. And this miracle can become your constant companion, that is, you can easily move into the category of those people who are called lucky. It now depends only on you!

I don’t know how exactly this happens and who exactly helps a person who follows some simple rules of living in our world. People call this invisible and caring patron God, Angels, Higher Powers, or something else, as is more familiar to them. Our methodology is non-religious, so we will simply use the concept of Life, and you can put into it any interpretation that is convenient for you, corresponding to your belief system.

Since readers are usually interested in the personality of the author, I’ll tell you a little about myself. I was born in Russia into a simple family, went to school, worked, and received two higher educations.

In my life there were no huge failures and huge achievements that you can read about in other books. That is, I did not bring my body to a fatal illness, and then through heroic efforts to recover. I was not in prison, I was not bankrupt, I was not on the verge of suicide, I was not persecuted by the KGB. Of course, I had difficulties at work, conflicts with management, sometimes leading to dismissal. I had great difficulties in my family life, which eventually led to divorce, and now I am in my second marriage. That is, I lived an ordinary life, which millions of people live.

The only thing that has always distinguished me is an increased inquisitiveness of mind and I always tried to understand: why is everything happening like this? And how can you create something new and useful? I studied a lot and am learning now. All my efforts were aimed at understanding the patterns that govern our lives. If most people are told: “do it this way,” they do it that way and are quite happy with it, then it never suited me, and I always asked: “Why this way and not another way?” If no explanation was given to me, I looked for it myself. That is, for me there are no authorities except the Truth, which I seek in every way available to me. And this process, as you understand, is endless.

At first, my efforts were directed into the field of technology - I tried to understand how technical inventions are created. As a result, I became an inventor, co-author of the book “The Birth of an Invention,” and received an academic degree.

Later, I became very interested in psychology, and then in mysticism, esotericism, and spiritual practices that created a feeling of limitless possibilities and limitless power. For several years I was intensively engaged in the development of superpowers - clairvoyance, the ability to read information from photographs, vision of the aura, astral travel. In principle, every person has innate superpowers, you just need to develop them, but this takes many years. Later I realized that in our real life there is no use for these hidden talents. Technology has completely replaced almost all superpowers, and they have faded away from people as unnecessary. In our world, superpowers can be used either in healing, or you need to show tricks. None of these activities attracted me, and I stopped doing it.

More precisely, I began to look for how a person can use the enormous hidden capabilities given to him from birth in the ordinary life that he lives. That is, how to become a magician and wizard without spending many hours doing special meditations, repeating mantras or prayers, without changing your usual rhythm of life.

Everything that I found, I experienced on myself, and then I told other people about it in books, lectures and trainings.

As a result, today I am the head of several enterprises - the Center for Positive Psychology "The Smart Way" (Moscow) and the American Academy of Success "The Smart Way" (Boston), and the editor-in-chief of the magazine "The Smart World". I am the author of nine books, which have sold over 5 million copies and have been translated into several languages. I am a candidate of science, a full member of one of the Academies, and the author of several inventions. I have a wonderful wife, I travel with lectures and trainings all over the world - in general, I have created for myself the life I wanted.

You can achieve anything

And no one is stopping you from achieving any desired success except yourself. Many people around the world have already applied the recommendations offered here, and their lives have changed in the most miraculous ways. To support this, I provide extracts from letters received from my readers.

For several years now I have been reading and trying to apply psychology literature. But your book “How to Be...” shocked me with its stateliness, accuracy and information content. It will replace dozens of volumes of other manuals. (Leonid Rotstein, Jerusalem)

After reading your two books, I would like to continue learning about life and myself. “In the East, simplicity of presentation is considered the highest achievement, for simplicity testifies to clarity of understanding.” I believe that this statement fits your principles of presentation, I am very happy about it! I would like to thank you and wish you not to stop there! (Natalya Vladimirovna Vasilyeva, Tula)

What is this book about? It's about how we all live in a world of abundance. In our world there is a lot of food, money, housing, cars, men and women, children, health, love, sex, fame, places to relax and everything else. The Creator created everything in abundance.

But then why does it happen that some people have something in abundance, while others lack it? And even if you have an abundance of something, for example, money, then at the same time you may lack love or health. Or there is an abundance of love or health, but not enough money, and so on. And only rare people have everything they need, but there are very few of them. People call them lucky or lucky. In general, they believe that their happiness and success do not depend on them, but that they are simply lucky. And they themselves sometimes think so, not even suspecting that they created their happiness and success for themselves.

Can anyone be one of these lucky ones? Can he do something to make sure everything is the way he wants? Maybe if he behaves the same way as successful people.

Everything depends on you!

The idea that to achieve success you need to behave the same way successful people behave is not new. It is discussed and described in detail in many books. I won't do the same thing again because the authors of the recommendations described the external side of the command of successful people- how they work, how they plan their activities, how they talk, and so on. To some extent, these recommendations work - but only to the extent that the reader’s inner world coincides with the inner world and belief system of a successful person. And here, as you understand, there can be a huge gap. You can endlessly identify your goals, plan your achievements, work 18 hours a day. But at the same time, if deep down in your heart you consider your boss to be an idiot who is in the wrong place, then the results of your efforts will be zero or even negative, that is, you will be demoted or even fired.

Or you decorate yourself and develop communication skills to attract the attention of men and arrange your personal life. And as luck would have it, they completely disappear from your horizon.

Why, because outwardly you were doing everything that a successful person should do, and suddenly such a defeat?

But the point here is that in addition to the external aspects of behavior, there are some very important internal rules that every person must follow in the process of interacting with other people. They are quite simple, but no one tells us about them. And if we violate them - and millions of people constantly do this, then Life will give us its lessons. She will teach us, and these lessons are not very pleasant - like a bad grade for an unfinished lesson at school. If we do not understand these lessons, then Life will block most of our efforts towards our desired goals. And then, no matter how energetic you are, no matter how much effort you make towards your goal, the desired result will be closed to you. You will not be Life's favorite, you will be a laggard, a loser.

And vice versa, if you understand her simple lessons and do not violate some of her requirements, then you will become her favorite. And being Life’s favorite is very pleasant, as you understand. Most of your goals will be achieved as if by themselves. You will live in inner harmony and joy. Fear of the future will leave you - will Life allow its pet to do something bad?

It looks like a miracle, but it is reality. And this miracle can become your constant companion, that is, you can easily move into the category of those people who are called lucky. It now depends only on you!

I don’t know how exactly this happens and who exactly helps a person who follows some simple rules of living in our world. People call this invisible and caring patron God, Angels, Higher Powers, or something else, as is more familiar to them. Our methodology is non-religious, so we will simply use the concept of Life, and you can put into it any interpretation that is convenient for you, corresponding to your belief system.

Since readers are usually interested in the personality of the author, I’ll tell you a little about myself. I was born in Russia into a simple family, went to school, worked, and received two higher educations.

In my life there were no huge failures and huge achievements that you can read about in other books. That is, I did not bring my body to a fatal illness, and then through heroic efforts to recover. I was not in prison, I was not bankrupt, I was not on the verge of suicide, I was not persecuted by the KGB. Of course, I had difficulties at work, conflicts with management, sometimes leading to dismissal. I had great difficulties in my family life, which eventually led to divorce, and now I am in my second marriage. That is, I lived an ordinary life, which millions of people live.

The only thing that has always distinguished me is an increased inquisitiveness of mind and I always tried to understand: why is everything happening like this? And how can you create something new and useful? I studied a lot and am learning now. All my efforts were aimed at understanding the patterns that govern our lives. If most people are told: “do it this way,” they do it that way and are quite happy with it, then it never suited me, and I always asked: “Why this way and not another way?” If no explanation was given to me, I looked for it myself. That is, for me there are no authorities except the Truth, which I seek in every way available to me. And this process, as you understand, is endless.

The book describes in detail and clearly the unique method of Alexander Sviyash, which helps to change the attitude towards negative events and eliminate them from life forever, get rid of many diseases and solve the most complicated family problems. The author’s simple and accessible recommendations and the psychological exercises he offers have already helped millions of people overcome troubles, regain the joy of life, and find happiness and well-being.


What is this book about? It's about how we all live in a world of abundance. In our world there is a lot of food, money, housing, cars, men and women, children, health, love, sex, fame, places to relax and everything else. The Creator created everything in abundance.

But then why does it happen that some people have something in abundance, while others lack it? And even if you have an abundance of something, for example, money, then at the same time you may lack love or health. Or there is an abundance of love or health, but not enough money, and so on. And only rare people have everything they need, but there are very few of them. People call them lucky or lucky. In general, they believe that their happiness and success do not depend on them, but that they are simply lucky. And they themselves sometimes think so, not even suspecting that they created their happiness and success for themselves.

Can anyone be one of these lucky ones? Can he do something to make sure everything is the way he wants? Maybe if he behaves the same way as successful people.

Everything depends on you!

The idea that to achieve success you need to behave the same way successful people behave is not new. It is discussed and described in detail in many books. I won't do the same thing again because the authors of the recommendations described the external side of the command of successful people- how they work, how they plan their activities, how they talk, and so on. To some extent, these recommendations work - but only to the extent that the reader’s inner world coincides with the inner world and belief system of a successful person. And here, as you understand, there can be a huge gap. You can endlessly identify your goals, plan your achievements, work 18 hours a day. But at the same time, if deep down in your heart you consider your boss to be an idiot who is in the wrong place, then the results of your efforts will be zero or even negative, that is, you will be demoted or even fired.

Or you decorate yourself and develop communication skills to attract the attention of men and arrange your personal life. And as luck would have it, they completely disappear from your horizon.

Why, because outwardly you were doing everything that a successful person should do, and suddenly such a defeat?

But the point here is that in addition to the external aspects of behavior, there are some very important internal rules that every person must follow in the process of interacting with other people. They are quite simple, but no one tells us about them. And if we violate them - and millions of people constantly do this, then Life will give us its lessons. She will teach us, and these lessons are not very pleasant - like a bad grade for an unfinished lesson at school. If we do not understand these lessons, then Life will block most of our efforts towards our desired goals. And then, no matter how energetic you are, no matter how much effort you make towards your goal, the desired result will be closed to you. You will not be Life's favorite, you will be a laggard, a loser.

And vice versa, if you understand her simple lessons and do not violate some of her requirements, then you will become her favorite. And being Life’s favorite is very pleasant, as you understand. Most of your goals will be achieved as if by themselves. You will live in inner harmony and joy. Fear of the future will leave you - will Life allow its pet to do something bad?

I don’t know how exactly this happens and who exactly helps a person who follows some simple rules of living in our world. People call this invisible and caring patron God, Angels, Higher Powers, or something else, as is more familiar to them. Our methodology is non-religious, so we will simply use the concept of Life, and you can put into it any interpretation that is convenient for you, corresponding to your belief system.

Since readers are usually interested in the personality of the author, I’ll tell you a little about myself. I was born in Russia into a simple family, went to school, worked, and received two higher educations.

In my life there were no huge failures and huge achievements that you can read about in other books. That is, I did not bring my body to a fatal illness, and then through heroic efforts to recover. I was not in prison, I was not bankrupt, I was not on the verge of suicide, I was not persecuted by the KGB. Of course, I had difficulties at work, conflicts with management, sometimes leading to dismissal. I had great difficulties in my family life, which eventually led to divorce, and now I am in my second marriage. That is, I lived an ordinary life, which millions of people live.

The only thing that has always distinguished me is an increased inquisitiveness of mind and I always tried to understand: why is everything happening like this? And how can you create something new and useful? I studied a lot and am learning now. All my efforts were aimed at understanding the patterns that govern our lives. If most people are told: “do it this way,” they do it that way and they are quite happy with it, then it never suited me, and I always asked: “Why exactly this way and not another way?” If no explanation was given to me, I looked for it myself. That is, for me there are no authorities except the Truth, which I seek in every way available to me. And this process, as you understand, is endless.

At first, my efforts were directed into the field of technology - I tried to understand how technical inventions are created. As a result, I became an inventor, co-author of the book “The Birth of an Invention,” and received an academic degree.

Later, I became very interested in psychology, and then in mysticism, esotericism, and spiritual practices that created a feeling of limitless possibilities and limitless power. For several years I was intensively engaged in the development of superpowers - clairvoyance, the ability to read information from photographs, vision of the aura, astral travel. In principle, every person has innate superpowers, you just need to develop them, but this takes many years. Later I realized that in our real life there is no use for these hidden talents. Technology has completely replaced almost all superpowers, and they have faded away from people as unnecessary. In our world, superpowers can be used either in healing, or you need to show tricks. None of these activities attracted me, and I stopped doing it.

More precisely, I began to look for how a person can use the enormous hidden capabilities given to him from birth in the ordinary life that he lives. That is, how to become a magician and wizard without spending many hours doing special meditations, repeating mantras or prayers, without changing your usual rhythm of life.

Everything that I found, I experienced on myself, and then I told other people about it in books, lectures and trainings.

As a result, today I am the head of several enterprises - the Center for Positive Psychology "Reasonable Path" (Moscow) and the American Academy of Success "Reasonable Path" (Boston), and the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Reasonable World". I am the author of nine books, which have sold over 5 million copies and have been translated into several languages. I am a candidate of science, a full member of one of the Academies, and the author of several inventions. I have a wonderful wife, I give lectures and trainings all over the world - in general, I have created for myself the life I wanted.

You can achieve anything

And no one is stopping you from achieving any desired success except yourself. Many people around the world have already applied the recommendations offered here, and their lives have changed in the most miraculous ways. To support this, I provide extracts from letters received from my readers.

For several years now I have been reading and trying to apply psychology literature. But your book “How to Be...” shocked me with its stateliness, accuracy and information content. It will replace dozens of volumes of other manuals. (Leonid Rotstein, Jerusalem)

Sviyash Alexander - What to do when everything is not the way you want - read the book online for free


The book describes in detail and clearly the unique method of Alexander Sviyash, which helps to change the attitude towards negative events and eliminate them from life forever, get rid of many diseases and solve the most complicated family problems. The author’s simple and accessible recommendations and the psychological exercises he offers have already helped millions of people overcome troubles, regain the joy of life, and find happiness and well-being.


What is this book about? It's about how we all live in a world of abundance. In our world there is a lot of food, money, housing, cars, men and women, children, health, love, sex, fame, places to relax and everything else. The Creator created everything in abundance.

But then why does it happen that some people have something in abundance, while others lack it? And even if you have an abundance of something, for example, money, then at the same time you may lack love or health. Or there is an abundance of love or health, but not enough money, and so on. And only rare people have everything they need, but there are very few of them. People call them lucky or lucky. In general, they believe that their happiness and success do not depend on them, but that they are simply lucky. And they themselves sometimes think so, not even suspecting that they created their happiness and success for themselves.

Can anyone be one of these lucky ones? Can he do something to make sure everything is the way he wants? Maybe if he behaves the same way as successful people.

Everything depends on you!

The idea that to achieve success you need to behave the same way successful people behave is not new. It is discussed and described in detail in many books. I won't do the same thing again because the authors of the recommendations described the external side of the command of successful people- how they work, how they plan their activities, how they talk, and so on. To some extent, these recommendations work - but only to the extent that the reader’s inner world coincides with the inner world and belief system of a successful person. And here, as you understand, there can be a huge gap. You can endlessly identify your goals, plan your achievements, work 18 hours a day. But at the same time, if deep down in your heart you consider your boss to be an idiot who is in the wrong place, then the results of your efforts will be zero or even negative, that is, you will be demoted or even fired.

Or you decorate yourself and develop communication skills to attract the attention of men and arrange your personal life. And as luck would have it, they completely disappear from your horizon.

Why, because outwardly you were doing everything that a successful person should do, and suddenly such a defeat?