26 natural remedies to increase breast size

Large breasts not only symbolize a woman's femininity, but it is also associated with their self-esteem and self-confidence. It is believed that the bulk of men love women with large breasts, and this thought causes many women to desire to have large breasts. Unfortunately, this is just a dream for many, so they are drawn to any unnatural and natural ways of breast augmentation.

The first reason for smaller breasts is an unhealthy diet. If you have a hormonal imbalance with less estrogen in your body, then your breast size will also be small. In some women, small breast size is a genetic disorder. Low fat, use of weight loss pills, emotional problems and irregular periods can all be the cause of small breasts.

If you go out of your way to increase your breast growth naturally and worry about it, then breast growth will stop because stress can also stop breast growth. Many women spend an enormous amount of money and time on breast enlargement pills, chemicals and treatments; all this does not work as effectively as natural methods of breast augmentation.

If you are looking for reliable information on how to increase breast size naturally, then the following remedies and methods will be useful for you.

Exercises to increase breast size

Exercise not only increases breast size, but also makes you fit and strong enough to perform your daily work with the utmost energy. During your workout, focus on exercises that add more strength to your pecs (muscles located on your chest). The following exercises will add elasticity to the muscles and increase the size of the chest.

1. Chest press

Do a chest press. Lie on your back with your knees bent. Your feet should be on the floor. Hold dumbbells in each hand. Raise the dumbbells so that your palms and arms rest on your shoulders. Tilt your chin in the direction of your chest, pulling your abdominal muscles inward. Lower the dumbbells slightly to the side so that the elbows are under the shoulders. Move your shoulder blades back and down. Doing three sets of 15 repetitions regularly will add more firmness to the pectoral muscles.

2. Push-ups

Three sets of push ups a week for at least 15 reps to get the results you want.

3. Repulsions

Place your hands on the wall and push off the wall. Don't bend your arms. Repeat this exercise at least 5 times regularly.

4. Getting up from a chair

Sit on a stable chair with your feet slightly forward, bend your knees and place your hands on the armrests of the chair. Now lower your torso and slowly raise your back. Repeat this 10 times a day on a regular basis.

Diet to increase breast size

5. Fat

The size of a woman's breasts is determined by the amount of fat in her body. So, try adding monounsaturated fats to your meals, but make sure you don't overindulge in fatty foods.

6. Foods that stimulate estrogen production

In addition to fatty foods, eat diets that increase estrogen production, which can increase breast growth. Include garlic, pumpkin, split beans, soybeans, red beans, squash, and eggplant in your meals. Also eat peas, oats, carrots, beets, apples, papaya, dates, cherries and pomegranates.

7. Radish

Radishes can improve blood flow to the tissues around the breasts. Eating radish regularly can increase breast size naturally as radish has rich astringent properties.

8. Bananas

Banana is a natural muscle relaxant and is also rich in magnesium and potassium. Nutrients and beneficial substances in bananas will help increase breast size in women naturally. However, try eating fibrous ripe bananas instead of meaty bananas.

9. Homemade smoothie

Grind ½ tablespoon of flaxseed powder, ½ cup low-fat yogurt and 1 peeled, chopped kiwi, ½ peeled and chopped cucumber, 1 peeled and chopped orange, 1 cup grapefruit, and 3-4 strawberries in a blender. Drink this smoothie every day. The smoothie will help increase muscle density around the waist, chest, and hips.

10. Dairy products

Dairy products rich in fats also help in increasing breast size. Therefore, add milk, cheese, butter, cottage cheese and yogurt to your daily diet.

Herbal remedies for breast enlargement

11. Wild Yam

Yams are rich in phytonutrients that help increase estrogen production and increase breast size.

12. Fennel seeds

Fennel is a spice that enhances the flavor of food. Include some fennel in your morning salad to boost your breast size.

13. Fenugreek

This plant naturally cools your body, which slows down the process of fat breakdown near the chest area. It also has a substance called diosgenin which encourages the growth of breast tissue in women.

14. Red clover

Red clover has an estrogen-enhancing nutrient, namely phytoestrogens, which stimulate breast growth in women. Take 2-3 red clover flowers and boil them. Now strain the water and drink it every day for best results.

15. Dandelion Root

Drink dandelion root tea daily and you will notice results within a short amount of time. Dandelion tea should be prepared without adding sugar or milk, so as not to lead to an increase in body fat.

16. Pueraria Mirifica

It is a herbal extract that has natural properties to improve skin tone and hair growth in women. It also promotes breast development.

17. With Palmetto

Besides curing urinary infections, saw palmetto also helps in improving breast size. Consume this herb regularly.

18. Wheat germ oil

Spread wheat germ oil around the chest and massage gently for 15 minutes. This increases blood flow to the breast area and also promotes tissue growth.

19. Elecampane root

Elecampane root is an effective herbal treatment for increasing breast size in women.

20. Watercress - leaf lettuce

Watercress is rich in vitamin E, which is an important vitamin for breast development in women. Add watercress leaves to boiling water. Strain the water and drink it.

21. Blessed Thistle

Blessed Thistle increases breast size by inducing estrogen production. This herb also increases blood flow around the breast area, which will increase tissue growth.

22. Angelica officinalis

Angelica officinalis is a natural remedy that regulates the production of estrogen in women and helps increase breast size in a natural way. For those who do not have large breasts due to hormonal imbalances, this herb can improve breast growth by regulating hormonal imbalances.

Oils and masks for breast enlargement

Massage increases the growth of breast tissue and makes them fuller. Massage also increases blood flow to the breast area and therefore the breasts are ready to take in all the nutrients from food in order to quickly increase in size.

23. Olive oil

Use olive oil to massage your breasts. Massage in a clockwise direction for 10 minutes and then in an anti-clockwise direction for another 10 minutes.

24. Honey

You can apply raw honey on the chest area, or you can mix honey with warm olive oil to massage gently on the breasts for enlargement.

25. Onion mask

Onions are a great breast enhancer readily available in your kitchen. Mix onion juice with honey and turmeric and apply the mask on your chest every day to see visible results. When you apply this mask, avoid wearing tight fitting items that block air circulation.

26. Sesame oil

Sesame oil can be used to strengthen the pectoral muscles and enlarge the breasts. This is indeed an ancient practice. Massage around your breasts with warm sesame oil to promote breast development.

What is possible:

Wear underwear that makes your breasts look fuller and bigger. Try wearing push-up underwear, which can not only make your breasts fuller, but can also keep them firm with proper support.

Eat chicken and nuts regularly as it increases breast size, but combine your diet with regular exercise to avoid excessive fat accumulation.

What is not allowed:
Avoid sugary drinks, caffeine, and chocolate entirely, as caffeine can decrease the body's production of estrogen.

Do not use weight loss pills to lose weight faster. These pills can affect breast size, and sometimes these pills can completely stop breast development in women.

Avoid wearing tight clothing that can block airflow to your skin.