Kaolin hair mask. Hair masks made from white clay at home. How to use white clay

White clay is also called kaolin; it is widely used in cosmetology to treat hair. Application is not difficult, but each procedure has its own characteristics. They must be taken into account in order to bring only one benefit to the hair. Let's look at the intricacies of use and everything connected with it.

Benefits of white clay for hair

  1. The product contains many minerals. Among the most popular and effective are potassium, calcium, nitrogen, magnesium, iron, and zinc. It cannot be done without the inclusion of mineral salts.
  2. The value of white clay, first of all, lies in its disinfecting properties. The composition has a positive effect on the scalp for dandruff, seborrhea, and other types of fungus.
  3. Kaolin is indicated for use in cases of excessive fat content. Due to blockage of the sebaceous ducts, the hair in the root section looks dull. Clay solves this problem by reducing greasy hair and keeping your hair looking fresh for a long time.
  4. Dry hair will also benefit from the product. All minerals penetrate deep into the hair shaft through the follicles. Intensive nutrition and hydration are provided, the scales are closed, and natural pigmentation is improved.
  5. The main indications for use include growth retardation, massive loss in women after childbirth and men suffering from alopecia. Clay is also useful for dullness, cross-section, and oiliness. It makes the mop silky and makes combing easier.

Subtleties of using kaolin

Any composition that is widely used in the field of cosmetology has its own characteristics of use. Let's talk about them in more detail.

  1. To use clay at home, you need to buy the powder composition in bags or packs. You can find packaged clay in a cosmetic store or pharmacy. It is worth remembering that you cannot use kaolin collected with your own hands at your summer cottage or in woodland.
  2. As a rule, clay has a long shelf life or no shelf life at all (unlimited). But after the first use as a mask or in another form, there is no point in carrying out a cosmetic procedure with this composition again. There will be no benefit.
  3. When mixing white clay with other ingredients, choose the “right” glass, ceramic or plastic dishes. Metal bowls and tablespoons that oxidize are not suitable. Stir the kaolin with your hands or a wooden stick.
  4. Before preparing the mixture, the powder composition is diluted with water at a temperature of approximately 35 degrees. Clay will not dissolve in cold water, and in hot water it will lose all benefits. Kneading is carried out with water until you get a paste with a consistency like sour cream.
  5. To improve the health of the mop, you can dilute kaolin with herbal decoction, still mineral water or filtered water. The ready-to-use product is distributed onto slightly moistened curls along the entire length and left for the time specified in the specific recipe.
  6. You should not rely on the fact that clay does not lose its valuable qualities for a long time. The composition is not prepared for future use; after mixing, it must be quickly used for its intended purpose.
  7. To improve the result and achieve impressive hair health, after applying the white clay mixture, wrap the head of hair in a plastic bag. Wrap a towel turban on top to create a “greenhouse”. This way, the beneficial substances will quickly penetrate the hair shaft and perform their function.
  8. Clay of this type is quite easily washed out of the hair if there are no oils in the mask based on it. It is enough to wash your hair first with plain water and shampoo. Then rinse with herbal decoction or apply balm.

White clay for dry hair

  1. Mix the required amount of clay with filtered water to obtain a paste mixture. You can additionally introduce 2 ampoules of tocopherol (vitamin E) and retinol (vitamin A). Mix the contents with a wooden stick, leave the kaolin covered for 5 minutes.
  2. When the mass becomes thick, reminiscent of sour cream, add 20 ml. vinegar (preferably apple) and 40 gr. colorless henna powder. If necessary, add more water and let the mixture sit for 10 minutes.
  3. During this time, comb your hair and sprinkle the strands with water to just slightly moisten them. Apply the contents of the bowl along the entire length to the ends, and distribute the rest to the root area.
  4. Massage your scalp with your fingertips. Carefully work on the temples, hairline, crown, and occipital area. Insulate the mop with cellophane and a turban made from a scarf, and note the time.
  5. This product is left on the hair for 30-35 minutes. Rinse off as usual using water and shampoo. To soften after washing, apply the balm for 5 minutes.

White clay for oily hair

  1. Owners of oily hair are constantly upset when, just 4 hours after washing, the root part becomes greasy. Prepare a mask of 0.1 l. kefir and clay (actual quantity).
  2. Mix to a paste-like consistency, apply to the roots and stretch along the entire length. Wrap your head with film and a scarf, wait 40 minutes. After this time, wash off the product.

Home remedies with clay for hair

  1. Mineral water with clay. To significantly stimulate hair growth, you should use a simple remedy. Stir in 100 ml. water 55 gr. powder. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Distribute a homogeneous mass over the entire length of your hair. Rub the mixture into the root area of ​​the skin. Give a light massage. After a third of an hour, rinse the mop with non-hot running water. Shampoo is not recommended.
  2. Chamomile with yolk. The presented mask perfectly fights seborrhea and eliminates regular dandruff. Pour into 25 ml. chamomile decoction 50 gr. kaolin. Add 30 ml. apple cider vinegar and 1 chicken yolk. Mix the ingredients until smooth. Apply the prepared composition to the root area and strands. Give a light massage. Wait 40 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo. To get rid of the problem, the procedure should be carried out twice a week until it disappears completely.
  3. Honey with butter. To achieve pristine shine and fully strengthen the structure of the strands, simple manipulation should be carried out regularly. Combine equal amounts of clay, honey, butter, egg yolk and lemon juice. Take 50 gr. each component. Turn the products into a homogeneous mass using any available method. Rub the mixture into the scalp with massaging movements, distributing the remainder to the ends. After half an hour, wash your hair.
  4. Burdock oil and yolk. To fully moisturize the hair structure and provide it with the necessary nutrition, you should regularly use folk remedies. Combine 60 ml. purified water and 70 gr. clay. Inject 30 ml. burdock oil and egg yolk. Achieve homogeneity from the components. Rub the product into your scalp and distribute the remainder to the ends. After 40 minutes, wash your hair.
  5. Sage with rosemary essential oil. To fully strengthen the hair roots, you need to combine 55 grams. kaolin with sage decoction. Bring the ingredients into a paste-like mixture. Add 2 ml. rosemary ether. If the strands are extremely dry, add 1 ml to the total mass. jojoba oils. Rub a homogeneous mixture into the hair roots. Distribute the remainder with a cosmetic brush. After half an hour, wash your hair with everyday shampoo.
  6. Henna with apple cider vinegar. The folk remedy perfectly strengthens the structure of the strands, preventing their loss. In addition, the effective composition prevents increased fragility of curls. Combine 55 g in a cup convenient for you. clay and 30 gr. colorless henna. Mix the required amount of water to obtain a homogeneous paste. Pour 35 ml into the finished product. apple cider vinegar. Mix the ingredients and distribute over the entire length of the hair using a cosmetic brush. Wait half an hour, then wash your hair with shampoo.

The benefits of kaolin are visible to the naked eye. In combination with other natural ingredients, you can achieve impressive results in a relatively short period of time. Systematically use the recipes presented to get rid of common problems associated with curls.

Video: types of cosmetic clay and their use

In the article we discuss hair clay. We talk about its composition, types, benefits and harms. You will learn how to make hair masks from different types of clay.

Hair clay is a natural cosmetic product that has a dusty consistency when dry and plastic when moistened.

The main types of clay used to care for curls are: blue, green, white, pink, black, and red.


The cosmetic product contains the following components:

  • kaolinite;
  • silicon oxide;
  • water;
  • aluminium oxide.

Benefits and harms

Beneficial properties of clay for hair:

  • strengthening hair follicles;
  • regulation of the sebaceous glands;
  • elimination of the process of loss;
  • getting rid of seborrhea;
  • growth stimulation;
  • reduced fragility;
  • cleansing the scalp;
  • thickening of the hair structure;
  • nutrition;
  • restoration of damaged strands;
  • adding volume, smoothness, shine;
  • increased elasticity;
  • treatment of split ends.

The harmful effect of the product is the absorption of large amounts of moisture. As a result, the curls become heavier. Therefore, women with thin, dry hair should use clay masks with caution.

You should avoid using the product if you have severe scalp damage.

In some cases, clay powder can cause an allergic reaction. To avoid this, perform a simple allergy test. Apply a small amount of product to your elbow and check for redness after 15 minutes. In their absence, the use of clay is permitted.

How to use

In order for the use of blue and other types of clay to bring results, you must strictly follow the instructions below:

  1. Buy clay based on your hair problems and hair type. When purchasing, pay attention to the release date and the integrity of the packaging. Clay powder should be of uniform consistency, without impurities and lumps.
  2. Take the amount of powder taking into account the length of the curls. If it is not enough, then increase the dose by 2 times.
  3. To mix the components, take dishes made of ceramics, plastic, glass, and mix with a wooden spatula.
  4. Apply clay masks to clean, slightly damp strands. First, treat the scalp with the composition, then the entire length.
  5. Use only freshly prepared solution for masks.
  6. Dilute the product in warm water. The finished solution should have a consistency similar to thick sour cream or a little thinner.
  7. After treating your curls with the composition, make sure that it is well absorbed. Be sure to keep your head warm.
  8. Keep the mask on for 20 to 40 minutes, then wash off using shampoo and conditioner. If you leave it longer, the clay will harden and become difficult to remove.
  9. All types of clay have a cleansing effect, so after using the mask it is not necessary to use shampoos; rinsing with water and lemon or herbal decoction is enough.
  10. Women with light-colored hair can use a tint toner after using the mask to remove yellowness.
  11. Make masks no more than 2 times a week. The course consists of 10-15 procedures.

Blue clay

Blue clay contains the following components:

  • iron;
  • silicon;
  • magnesium.

This type is universal and can be used on any hair type.

Effect on hair

Blue clay acts on hair in a certain way:

  • returns shine and volume;
  • stimulates growth;
  • strengthens roots;
  • eliminates seborrhea;
  • moisturizes;
  • stabilizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

For oily hair


  1. Clay - 30 gr.
  2. Lemon juice - 20 ml.
  3. Garlic - 2 cloves.
  4. Water - 100 ml.

How to cook: Dilute the powder with water, pour in lemon juice, add finely chopped garlic, mix vigorously.

How to use: Treat your curls with the solution, insulate them, and rinse off after 30 minutes. Perform the procedure twice a week for 30 days.

Result: Reducing oily shine.

From falling out


  1. Clay - 30 gr.
  2. Lemon juice - 20 ml.
  3. Honey - 20 gr.
  4. Yolk - 1 pc.

How to cook: Dilute the clay powder with water, add the remaining ingredients, mix thoroughly.

How to use: Treat the scalp, the entire length of the curls with the mixture, rinse after an hour using shampoo.

Result: Stopping the loss.

For hair growth


  1. Clay powder - 30 gr.
  2. Dry mustard - 20 gr.
  3. Yolk - 1 pc.
  4. Honey - 10 gr.
  5. Lemon juice - 15 ml.

How to cook: Dilute the dry ingredients with water, add other ingredients, stir thoroughly.

How to use: Treat the scalp and the entire length of the curls with the solution, insulate it, and after an hour, rinse using a cleansing cosmetic product. There may be a slight burning sensation while wearing the mask.

Result: Accelerated growth.

With yolk


  1. Clay - 100 gr.
  2. Burdock oil - 60 ml.
  3. Yolk - 2 pcs.

How to cook: Pour the clay into a container, add water, stir until a thick mass forms. Pour in the oil, yolks, stir.

How to use: Treat the scalp and curls with the mixture, insulate it, and rinse off after 30 minutes.

Result: Hydration.

Green clay

Green clay contains:

  • silicon;
  • aluminum;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • calcium.
  • cobalt.

The product is great for oily curls.

Effect on hair

Green clay has the following effects on hair:

  • eliminates oily shine;
  • deeply cleanses the scalp;
  • controls the production of subcutaneous sebum by the glands;
  • eliminates seborrhea and irritation.

To strengthen


  1. Clay - 100 gr.
  2. Apple cider vinegar - 20 ml.
  3. Water - 100 ml.

How to cook: Dilute the powder with water, pour in vinegar, stir. Make sure there are no lumps.

How to use: Part your curls, then gently rub a small amount of the mixture into your scalp. Distribute the remaining mask over the entire length and rinse off after a quarter of an hour.

Result: Strengthening.

With mustard


  1. Clay - 40 gr.
  2. Apple cider vinegar - 20 ml.
  3. Dry mustard - 8 gr.

How to cook: Dilute the main component with water, add the rest of the ingredients, and stir.

How to use: Treat the roots of your hair with the prepared mixture, after 25 minutes, rinse using a cleansing cosmetic product, and apply conditioner to the ends.

Result: Strengthening, accelerated growth, normalization of the sebaceous glands.

White clay

The product contains the following components:

  • calcium;
  • nitrogen;
  • magnesium;
  • silicon;
  • zinc.

This powder substance is great for dry, tired, damaged curls.

Effect on hair

The product has a certain effect on hair:

  • cleanses;
  • restores;
  • eliminates excess fat;
  • dries;
  • adds shine.

For dry hair


  1. Clay powder - 60 g.
  2. Olive oil - 10 ml.

How to cook: Dilute the powder with water to the consistency of sour cream, pour in the oil, stir vigorously.

How to use: Treat the strands with the composition, insulate them, and after half an hour, rinse with water.

Result: Hydration.

To strengthen


  1. Clay - 50 gr.
  2. Apple cider vinegar - 20 ml.
  3. Colorless henna - 20 gr.

How to cook: Dilute the clay powder in water, pour in vinegar, add henna, and stir vigorously.

How to use: Apply to the scalp, distribute the remainder over the entire length, put a shower cap on top, and rinse off after half an hour.

Result: Prevention of loss.

Pink clay

This type of clay powder perfectly takes care of weakened curls. It combines the beneficial properties of white and red clay. With regular use, the structure of the strands is restored.

  • iron copper oxide;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium.

Effect on hair

Pink clay has the following effects on strands:

  • eliminates dryness, peeling, fragility, split ends;
  • adds shine;
  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • stops hair loss;
  • relieves seborrhea.

For shine


  1. Clay - 40 gr.
  2. Castor oil - 20 ml.
  3. Milk - 100 ml.

How to cook: Dissolve the ingredients in milk.

How to use: Treat your curls with a milk-clay mixture, insulate them, and rinse with water after half an hour.

Result: Adding shine.

Black clay

Black clay powder effectively copes with split ends and dry strands.

Composition of the product:

  • strontium;
  • quartz;
  • magnesium;
  • iron.

Effect on hair

The product has the following effects on curls:

  • accelerates growth;
  • prevents hair loss;
  • strengthens hair follicles.

For dry hair


  1. Powdered clay - 60 gr.
  2. Warm milk - 200 ml.
  3. Vitamins A, E - 3 drops each.
  4. Cinnamon - 5 gr.
  5. Honey - 40 gr.

How to cook: Place all ingredients in a plastic container and stir.

How to use: Treat your curls with the mixture and rinse with water after 2 hours.

Result: Nutrition.

Red clay

The product contains:

  • copper;
  • iron.

Most often, the powder is used to restore curls after perm, as well as to eliminate seborrhea.

Effect on hair

Effect of the drug on curls:

  • stabilizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • eliminates split ends;
  • activates growth.

For dry hair


  1. Clay - 40 gr.
  2. Kefir - 110 ml.

How to cook: Dilute the powder with fermented milk drink.

How to use: Treat the strands with the solution, put a shower cap on top, and insulate. Rinse your hair after 40 minutes.

Result: Adding shine, moisturizing.

White clay will cleanse your hair very delicately and carefully. It restores their beauty and eliminates dull color and hair loss. Nourishes hair and makes it elastic.

White clay can be used as for oily hair, it will dry out, and for dry ones- will bring them back to life.

It is impossible not to say about bactericidal properties of clay. It will help fight various scalp diseases, as well as dandruff, which affects every 2 women.

Women often complain about loss of hair volume for no reason. If you do not often use a hairdryer, straightener, or curlers, that is, you do not unnecessarily tire your scalp and hair, and the volume is quickly lost, white clay will help you fix this. It removes unnecessary substances from the hair that “clog” the hair structure, and it will become light and voluminous. With white clay in the masks, you can forget about hairsprays and hair foams. They will no longer need it.

Recipes for white clay hair masks

When using white clay as part of homemade masks, you must consider the following rules for maximum effect:

  1. White clay masks are suitable for all hair types.
  2. We dilute the clay with water at the optimal temperature - 45-50 degrees. It is at this temperature that the clay will not lose its beneficial properties, but will reveal them 100%.
  3. Preparing the mask just before use. If you are distracted by household chores and it hardens, then applying it will be useless. There will be almost no healing properties left.
  4. White clay can be diluted not only with warm water, but also with a decoction of herbs, mineral water, and milk. Just don't forget about temperature conditions.
  5. The finished clay mask can be stored in the refrigerator for 4-5 days, but it will no longer be as useful.
  6. Always wear a mask before washing your hair, and not vice versa.
  7. When the mask is already on your hair, wrap it in plastic wrap, and on top - a terry towel or cap.
  8. We dilute white clay with water in proportions 1:1 or 1:2. Let's look at the consistency.
  9. The maximum number of white clay masks per week is 2 masks if there is a specific problem. Enough for prevention 1 time every two weeks.

White clay mask for all hair types

A universal mask for all hair types and textures. We use the mask for lifeless, dull hair.

We will need:

  • 1-2 tbsp warm water (45-50 degrees);
  • 1 tbsp white clay;
  • 1 tbsp burdock oil;
  • 1 piece chicken egg yolk;
  • 3-4 drops of tangerine or other citrus oil.

We dilute white clay with water to obtain the consistency of liquid sour cream. Add burdock oil. It has a yellow-green tint. This is a very important component of the mask, as it will help get rid of hair loss, brittleness, hair loss and split ends. Add the egg yolk to the remaining components of the mask.

Protein is also useful, but in combination with warm water it will simply curdle and make it difficult to comb through the strands.

Mix with a wooden stick. We drip citrus oil, it will add shine and strength to dry hair, stimulate growth. Mix again. Apply the mask before washing your hair. You can do this with a brush or cotton swab. We blot not only part after part, but also the entire length of the hair. We wrap our hair. Keep it on for 20-40 minutes. Rinse off with warm water, wash hair with shampoo and conditioner.

Women with oily hair stage shampoo and conditioner may be missed. A mask is enough for them. The mask can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. If you wash your hair, for example, once every three days, then apply this mask after 1 wash.

The course of such masks consists of 10 procedures.

White clay for oily hair

Let's prepare the ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp clay powder;
  • 3 tbsp kefir.

To obtain a thin slurry, add warm kefir to the clay and mix. After applying the mask, warm your head, leave for 25 minutes and rinse off. Kefir with clay acts as a normalizer for the performance of the sebaceous glands.

Clay mask for hair growth

When hair growth is slow, clay is mixed with butter in the proportion of 2 tbsp: 1 tbsp. Mix the melted butter with clay powder. Keep this mixture on your hair for 25 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo.

Video: useful masks

Mask for dry hair with clay

To nourish your hair we need:

  • decoction of medicinal herbs (2 types of herbs of your choice) – 2 tbsp;
  • almond oil – 1 tbsp;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp;
  • white clay – 1 tbsp.

We dilute white clay with a decoction of herbs; it is better to use proven Valdai clay. Add oils (almond and olive), mix and apply to scalp and hair. Wrap it up and wash it off after half an hour. With this mask you will not only get rid of brittle and dry hair, but also strengthen the hair follicles.

Mask against hair breakage

To make the strands come to life, shine and stop being brittle, mix the clay with milk. Ratio 1: 2. The clay has been dissolved, now add 1 tsp of honey. Apply and leave the mask on for half an hour. You can wash it off without shampoo.

Mask against dullness of hair

The mask is recommended for those with normal hair type. Mix 2 tbsp of white clay with 3 tbsp of infusion of medicinal herbs (chamomile, burdock root, etc.). Separate the white from the yolk. Add 1 yolk to the mask. The last and very important ingredient for healthy shiny curls is 1 tbsp lemon juice. Apply the mask for 30 minutes, following the same rules as in the masks above.

White clay can be used without any additives.

It is enough to dissolve it with water, apply it with a brush to the hair and scalp, put on a cosmetic cap and leave for 25 minutes. After application, it is recommended to massage your head with your fingers. For dry hair, white clay is recommended to be used only as part of a mask with ingredients that will actively moisturize the skin.

The effectiveness of white clay

Upon completion of 10 procedures with white clay, you can expect the following results:

  • increase hair volume without auxiliary products (varnishes, foams, curlers, hair dryer, etc.);
  • restoration of weak, damaged, split hair;
  • fine hair will become more vibrant;
  • the hair structure is filled useful substances, hair becomes elastic, strong and healthy;
  • reduction of scalp greasiness;
  • moisturizing and nourishing dry hair;
  • % loss will decrease significantly;
  • getting rid of dandruff;
  • shiny hair and stunningly beautiful well-groomed curls.

Side effects and caution

White clay, like most other types of clay, has no serious contraindications. However, in case of fungal diseases, and especially in case of severe infections, we first go to the doctor and weigh the pros and cons.

You should not take risks and apply a clay mask if there are wounds or other damage to the scalp. Wait until they heal. We refuse procedures in case of individual intolerance. In all other cases, feel free to use clay for the health of your hair.

The topic of the article is clay masks for hair. We will discuss what types of clay powder exist and what kind of hair it can be used on. And we will teach you how to make masks based on this product at home.

Benefits of clay for hair

The clay contains various minerals that help eliminate various problems with hair and scalp.

Cosmetics based on clay powder regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands, add volume to curls, and prevent hair loss and fragility.

The fine-grained product has a beneficial effect on the hair follicles, strengthens and nourishes the hair roots.

Main product components:

  • silicon - normalizes sebum production, cleanses the scalp and strands of impurities, synthesizes collagen in cells, activates hair growth, strengthens;
  • aluminum - has a drying effect;
  • sodium, iron, etc. - the presence of certain substances depends on the color of the clay.

Types of clay

Most often, the following clay is used to prepare cosmetics:

  • white (kaolin);
  • blue;
  • green;
  • pink;
  • black.

White clay

Kaolin is ideal for dry, damaged and weakened strands.

It contains nitrogen, calcium, magnesium and other useful trace elements.

The product has a cleansing effect; it deeply cleanses the pores of the skin, as a result of which the epidermis receives more oxygen and nutrients.

Another positive property is strengthening the structure of curls.

Since the product has a drying effect, it can be used when caring for oily scalp. Kaolin penetrates deeply into the pores, cleanses them of sebum, and eliminates excess oil.

The product also gives your curls extra volume and keeps them clean longer.

Blue clay

This clay powder is universal and can be used for any hair type.

The product can be used for the following purposes:

  1. For deep cleansing of the scalp and hair. The product absorbs fat, regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, and cleanses pores.
  2. To prevent hair loss. The product contains a large number of useful microelements that have a beneficial effect on the hair roots, strengthening them.
  3. To stimulate growth, add volume, shine and eliminate fragility.

Green clay

This type of product is most often used to care for oily scalp prone to dandruff.

Composition of the product:

  • iron;
  • silver;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium.

These substances have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the dermis of the head and regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Useful properties of the product:

  • narrowing of pores, regulation of the sebaceous glands;
  • strengthening hair roots;
  • growth activation;
  • elimination of itching, dandruff and irritation;
  • deep cleansing of pores, slight peeling effect.

Pink clay

Pink clay consists of two types of clays - white and red. It contains kaolinite, copper and iron oxides.

Beneficial features:

  • cleansing curls of impurities, nourishing and moisturizing them;
  • treatment of fungal diseases, elimination of dandruff;
  • acceleration of cellular metabolism;
  • strengthening curls, accelerating their growth;
  • elimination of irritations on the dermis of the head;
  • protection from harmful environmental influences;
  • reduction of sebum secretion.

Black clay

The main effect of black clay is aimed at treating split ends and moisturizing hair.

It contains:

  • iron;
  • quartz;
  • magnesium;
  • strontium;
  • calcium.

These substances prevent hair loss, eliminate fragility and dandruff.

With regular use of the product, hair becomes smooth and manageable.

If you experience itching on your scalp after using shampoo, then black clay will help eliminate it.

Beneficial features:

  • improvement of intracellular metabolism;
  • acceleration of the healing process of microcracks on the scalp;
  • activation of strand growth;
  • prevention of loss;
  • eliminate inflammation on the dermis;
  • acceleration of blood circulation, as a result of which a large number of useful microelements penetrate into the hair roots.

What kind of hair can you apply a clay mask to?

Clay powder can be used on any hair type.

But with one condition - each type of product is suitable for a certain type of curls.

You can use different fine-grained powders when creating masks, but only one of them will have the maximum positive effect on the strands.

The product has no contraindications, so it can be used for any type of curls.

Just in case, you can do a simple allergy test. Apply some clay to your wrist and look at it after 15 minutes. If there are no rashes, redness, itching, there is no allergy.

How to make a hair mask from clay

To prepare the cosmetic composition, use the recommendations below:

  • Apply only a freshly prepared mask to your curls;
  • prepare the product only in glass or ceramic containers, do not use iron ones;
  • the finished composition should have a creamy consistency, in which case it will be easier to apply;
  • if the product is intended for the scalp, then when applying, massage it well with clay; for hair, distribute it over the entire length so that the composition is better absorbed;
  • after you treat your curls with the composition, place cellophane on top of them and wrap your head with a towel;
  • keep the product on your hair for a quarter of an hour to 60 minutes;
  • rinse off the mask with clean water, use shampoo if desired;
  • rinse your curls until the water becomes clear;
  • After applying clay powder, strands may be stiff, so use conditioner or balm.

Clay hair mask recipes

From white clay


  • nettle decoction - 100 ml;
  • kaolin - 40 g;
  • grapefruit oil - 3 drops.

Preparation: Add chamomile decoction to the clay, stir to form a creamy mass, pour in grapefruit oil.

Usage: Apply the product to the strands, rinse after 40 minutes.

Effect: Reducing the oiliness of curls.

From blue clay


  • blue clay - 40 g;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • lemon juice - 40 g.


  1. Chop the garlic.
  2. Dilute the clay in warm water, add garlic and lemon juice, stir.


  1. Apply the product to your curls.
  2. Put cellophane and a scarf on your head.
  3. After a quarter of an hour, rinse off the product with shampoo.
  4. Apply conditioner to your strands.

From green clay


  • green clay - 40 g;
  • mineral water - 20 g;
  • yolk - 1 piece;
  • lavender essential oil - 5 drops.


  1. Dilute the clay with mineral water.
  2. Add the yolk and ether to the mixture and mix.


  1. Treat your curls with the product.
  2. Warm your head with cellophane and a scarf.
  3. After 20 minutes, rinse off the product with shampoo.
  4. Apply balm to clean curls.

Effect: Elimination of dandruff, reduction of oily strands.

From pink clay


  • pink clay - 20 g;
  • mineral water - 10 g;
  • jojoba oil - 20 g;
  • vitamins A, E - 5 drops each;
  • yolk - 1 piece;
  • lemon juice - 5 g;
  • honey - 10 g.


  1. Dilute the clay with water.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients, mix thoroughly until a creamy mass is obtained.


  1. Apply the product to the hair roots.
  2. Put a plastic towel on your head.
  3. After 20 minutes, rinse off the product with shampoo and apply conditioner to your curls.

Effect: Strengthens curls, giving them volume and shine.

From black clay


  • black clay - 60 g;
  • vitamin A - 1 drop;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • honey - 40 g;
  • cinnamon - 5 g;
  • vitamin E - 3 drops.

Preparation: Mix the ingredients.

Usage: Apply the product to the entire length of your curls, rinse off after 2 hours.

Effect: Nourishes dry hair.

For oily hair


  • blue clay - 40 g;
  • apple cider vinegar - 40 g.

Preparation: Mix the ingredients.


  1. Apply the mixture to your curls.
  2. Put a plastic bag and scarf on your head.
  3. After 20 minutes, rinse off the product and apply conditioner. Perform the procedure twice a week.

Effect: Reducing the oiliness of curls.

Clay hair mask - reviews

Victoria, 25 years old

Inna, 35 years old

I regularly make clay-based masks. I tried all types of clay powder, I confess to you, I am pleased with the result. True, if I don’t wash off the mask well, my hair becomes hard to the touch for a while.


  1. Clay can be used on any hair type; it has no contraindications and does not cause irritation.
  2. The effect of use will be noticeable only with regular use of the product.

Masks based on cosmetic clay fight hair loss, eliminate excess oiliness and, on the contrary, dryness. The products also allow you to moisturize the strands along the entire length, strengthen the follicles, and remove dandruff and seborrhea. Clay is distinguished by color, each shade belongs to a specific type. For this reason, it is easy to choose one type or another (gray, pink, black, blue, white, green, yellow clay). Let's look at the most popular mask recipes based on this component.

Features of using clay masks

  1. Only freshly prepared formulations can be applied to hair. You cannot mix clay with other ingredients for future use, otherwise the product will quickly lose its beneficial properties.
  2. When using dishes to prepare a mask, give preference to glass or ceramic containers. Do not use iron or aluminum cookware as they are prone to oxidation.
  3. After mixing the ingredients, make sure that the mixture has a creamy consistency. Do not apply a dry mask; it is better to add more water to the clay.
  4. Do not apply the mask on your hair in a thick layer, use moderation. If the composition is designed to be rubbed into the skin, after all manipulations, do a five-minute massage to speed up blood circulation.
  5. Clay-based masks are kept exclusively under plastic film. Additionally, you should warm up a terry towel with a hairdryer or iron, then wrap it around your head.
  6. Depending on your hair type, the mask should be kept on for about 20-60 minutes. The fattier the strands, the longer the exposure should be. Also don't forget to massage your scalp.
  7. If any natural oil is added to the mask, wash off the composition with shampoo. In other cases, clay can be easily removed with plain water and lemon juice or vinegar.
  8. Clay can make hair harsh, so finish with a conditioner or balm to make it easier to comb and moisturize.
  9. To achieve results, carry out therapy with clay masks for 2-3 months. The optimal frequency of sessions is 3 times a week for oily hair, 2 times for dry, normal, and combination hair.
  10. Clay is diluted separately from other components; choose separate dishes for it. Honey, sour cream, chicken eggs, lemon juice, dairy products, and natural oils are added as auxiliary ingredients.

Choosing the right clay for making masks

  1. If your hair is oily at the roots and dry at the ends, give preference to clay in a black, white or green shade.
  2. Blue, pink, green, white, black clay is suitable for a normal type of mop. The same applies to a dry-type mop, which is such along the entire length or in certain zones.
  3. Brittle, weakened hair requires clay in a black, gray or pink shade. These same colors normalize blood flow and fight dandruff and hair loss.
  4. If you have irritation of the root zone, use white, black, or blue clay. You will also be able to improve intracellular metabolism.
  5. Pink and black clay has bactericidal properties, restores the scalp, eliminating microcracks, abrasions, and purulent pimples.
  6. If you need to get rid of massive hair loss and strengthen hair follicles, choose blue, green, pink clay.

Blue clay and milk

  1. If your scalp is irritated, use blue clay. Measure 50 grams, sift, dilute 80 ml. hot milk (you can replace it with water).
  2. Leave the composition to infuse for half an hour. After this period, comb the strands and moisten them with a spray bottle. Distribute the mask, wait 1 hour.

Blue clay and bell pepper

  1. Sift 70 gr. blue clay, dilute with warm water in a ratio of 2:1. Break 1 egg, mix with a fork or mixer. Cover the bowl with the mixture with film and leave for 30 minutes.
  2. After this time, turn 1 bell pepper and tomato into a paste and add to the first mass. If the composition turns out to be liquid, add more clay to it.
  3. After applying the mask, distribute it over the entire length, touching the roots and ends. Leave the composition to act for half an hour, then rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Blue clay, sage and honey

  1. Take 40 gr. sage, pour boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Measure out 80 ml, add 60 g to this decoction. blue clay. Add 40 gr. flower honey.
  2. The mask can be applied. The main thing is to carry out manipulations on wet strands. Keep under cellophane for 30 minutes, remove with warm water and shampoo.

Black clay and onion juice

  1. You can use either black or gray clay. It all depends on the product you have on hand. Take about 60 grams, sift, fill with warm water according to the instructions.
  2. Leave the diluted clay for half an hour. At this time, prepare the onions. It must be peeled, chopped and turned into pulp. This composition is mixed with clay.
  3. An important feature of this mask from all others is that you need to wash your hair first. The composition is distributed onto moistened curls, then rubbed into the skin.
  4. The exposure period should not exceed half an hour, otherwise you may burn the strands. Wash off with shampoo and water with lemon juice (this will eliminate the unpleasant smell of onions).

Black clay, mayonnaise and salt

  1. Mix 60 gr. black clay with 60 gr. mayonnaise, add 15 g. salt. Achieve uniformity, apply to hair roots and rub in. Give yourself a short massage.
  2. For better results, insulate your head with film and a scarf and let the composition work. After 40 minutes, rinse with shampoo diluted with water.

Black clay, sour cream and egg

  1. Break the egg into a bowl and cool it, add 60 g. sour cream. Beat the contents with a mixer or blender. Add 45 gr. black clay, leave the product for 40 minutes.
  2. Comb your hair, separate the strands, and treat each of them with the mixture. Give a light scalp massage, cover the head with a plastic bag and a warm scarf.
  3. The duration of exposure depends on the type of hair. If they are oily, leave the product on for 40 minutes.

Pink clay, coffee and vinegar

  1. If your hair is weakened as a result of external factors, the use of thermal devices, or poor nutrition, make a mask based on pink clay.
  2. You can buy it at the pharmacy, measure out 50 grams. composition. Pour in 25 ml. apple or wine vinegar. Add 50 ml. hot milk, stir.
  3. Brew natural coffee, measure 40 ml, add to the general mixture. You can add a couple of yolks. Stir the mixture until smooth and apply through hair.
  4. Rub into the scalp, wrap the head with plastic wrap and a scarf. Leave for half an hour, rinse with warm water and lemon juice.

Pink clay, henna and yolk

  1. Combine 40 gr. henna with 50 gr. pink clay, dilute with warm water in an approximate ratio of 2:1. Let the mixture sit for 40 minutes, then add 3 chicken yolks.
  2. After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, apply the mask over your hair. Make a warm hat from film and a warm towel. Leave the composition for 40 minutes.

Pink clay, lemon and honey

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the clay. Measure out 50 g. product, dilute with water in the ratio specified in the instructions. After 20 minutes of infusion, inject 35 ml. lemon juice and a spoon of honey.
  2. Apply the composition along the entire length of the head, rub in circular movements into the skin. Keep under a plastic bag and a scarf for 40-60 minutes, depending on the amount of free time.

Green clay, honey and oil

  1. Green clay can be bought at any pharmacy. Take 45-50 g, dilute with water or milk. Heat the composition, add 20 g. honey, 30 ml. olive or corn oil.
  2. Comb the mop, spray it with water from a spray bottle. Apply a clay mask, stretch to the ends. Leave under the film for 30 minutes, rinse with shampoo.

Green clay and cinnamon

  1. Mix 60 gr. green clay with 20 gr. chopped cinnamon, pour in 70 g. hot sour cream or milk. Mix the ingredients until smooth.
  2. Comb your hair and apply with a brush to all strands. Wrap yourself in cling film and place a scarf or towel on top. Leave the mixture for a third of an hour, rinse the mop.

Green clay, yeast and sour cream

  1. Pour 40 g into a bowl. baker's yeast, add 80 ml. fat kefir, sour cream or fermented baked milk. Leave the product to rise for half an hour, and in the meantime prepare 50 grams. clay.
  2. Combine all components into one mass, distribute warmly onto hair. Comb, stretching the composition to the ends. Warm your head, wait 45 minutes.

Gray clay, bread and butter

  1. Melt 50 gr. butter in the microwave or in a water bath. Place 2 pieces of black bread in another bowl, after kneading it. Pour 70 ml here. hot milk.
  2. Now knead the crumb, squeeze out the excess liquid, and add the butter to the bread. Separately dilute 50 g. gray clay with water.
  3. Combine all ingredients and distribute through hair. Rub into scalp and leave for 45 minutes. After this time, get rid of the remaining composition with water and balm.

Gray clay, apple cider vinegar and thyme

  1. Collect thyme, brew 50 g. herbs in 100 ml. boiling water Leave covered for an hour, then pass through a gauze filter. Combine the composition with 60 gr. gray clay, knead until lumps are eliminated.
  2. Add a spoonful of apple cider vinegar. The mask is applied in liquid form to dry hair and rubbed well into the root area. If you don't like this consistency, add a packet of gelatin and let it sit.
  3. Regardless of what kind of mask you use (liquid or thick), it must be left on for at least 45 minutes. After the specified period, the product is washed off without shampoo.

White clay and lemon juice

  1. White clay is used to prevent oily hair. It is enough to make masks 3-4 times a month. To prepare the mask, take 50-60 grams, dilute with water, leave for a third of an hour.
  2. Achieve a paste-like mass, add lemon juice obtained from half a citrus. Rub into the root area and massage.
  3. After 5 minutes, wrap your hair with cellophane and a scarf. Leave the product for 40 minutes, rinse with warm water. Be sure to use the balm after removing the mask.

White clay, vitamins A and B3

  1. Buy several ampoules of vitamin A, 1 ampoule of vitamin B3 or nicotinic acid. Combine the preparations with each other, dilute with water in equal quantities.
  2. Additionally dilute 50 g. white clay, leave it for 1 hour. Now mix with the preparations and distribute through your hair. Leave for about 45 minutes, rinse.

Yellow clay and calendula infusion

  1. Calendula tincture is sold at the pharmacy; you will need half a teaspoon. Mix it with 80 ml. clean water, add and sift 50 g. yellow clay (you can replace it with pink).
  2. Leave the product for about 25 minutes, after this time, rub well with a fork and start applying. Treat all hair and root area well. Keep the mixture under a warming cap for half an hour.

Yellow clay and corn oil

  1. Mix 40 gr. yellow clay with 20 gr. pink, add 80 ml. warm water or full-fat milk. Stir the mixture with a fork and pour in 30 ml. corn oil.
  2. Comb your hair and start distributing the product. Rub it into the roots for 5 minutes, then use a comb to stretch it to the ends. Wrap cellophane and a woolen scarf around your head. Keep for 40 minutes.

Depending on the initial hair problem, choose pink, blue, green, white, black, yellow clay. Mix the main component with honey, egg, apple cider vinegar, gelatin, butter, henna, and milk. Rub into skin and curls along the entire length.

Video: clay hair masks