How to enlarge breasts using folk remedies: products, infusions, compresses

Do you think our grandmothers were not interested in the question of how to enlarge breasts using folk remedies? You are wrong! After all, how else can one explain such an incredible number of recipes for infusions and compresses, a significant list of products and other means of influencing bust size. Large breasts have always been considered almost the main female advantage. Therefore, we take into account grandmother’s recipes. And we use folk methods of breast enlargement for our own benefit!

Of course, proper nutrition alone will not enlarge your breasts. But some products will actually be very useful in the process of working on your bust. Combining them with healing infusions, periodic compresses on the chest, and regular use, you can achieve excellent results.

Breast Enlargement Products

High Protein Foods

Include in your diet any foods that are high in protein and low in unhealthy (unnatural) fats. Often eat chicken breast, white fish, seafood (mussels, rapana, squid, scallops, etc.) Milk, milk tea, linden tea are perfect drinks.


Healthy and tasty cabbage helps girls up to 18 years old to grow their breasts. After that, eating it to make your bust grow is useless. But don't count out cabbage! It has been proven that its regular use activates the intestines, and the body quickly cleanses itself of toxins. This has a beneficial effect on the girl’s appearance: the condition of her skin and her slim figure.

Nuts with honey

It is believed that nuts with honey are important foods for breast enlargement. The beneficial oils contained in nuts contain phytoestrogens - substances identical to the natural female hormone estrogen. The more estrogen in the body, the larger the breasts. Therefore, enlarging the mammary glands using folk remedies is impossible without such a daily delicious dessert.

  1. Peel the walnuts and cover with honey. Use the honey you like. But first make sure it is natural.
  2. Place in a cool, dark place for 7 days.
  3. Eat a teaspoon of honey nuts 2-3 times daily.


This yellow spice adds richness to chicken broth and plump breasts. Its use is encouraged by folk methods of breast enlargement in Eastern countries. Three times a day before meals, eat a teaspoon of turmeric with milk. The beauty of this method is also that you will curb your appetite. And with your growing breasts you will get a slimmer waist.

Infusions for breast enlargement

One of the ways to enlarge your breasts with your grandmother’s remedies is to use healing infusions. For their preparation, herbs containing large amounts of phytoestrogen or plants that increase blood flow are used. Breast enlargement at home will be effective when using such tinctures.

Cereal “cocktail”

  1. Take 1 tablespoon each of corn, millet, oats and barley. Pour in 0.5 liters of water.
  2. Boil over medium heat until the grains are soft.
  3. Strain, pour the broth into a jar, and place in a cool place.
  4. Drink the decoction daily, 2-3 sips before each meal.

Intoxicating liqueur

  1. Take 1 tablespoon of hops, pour a glass of water.
  2. Cook for 15-20 minutes, cool.
  3. Take 3 tablespoons before each meal.

Oregano infusion

  1. Take 5 tablespoons of oregano, pour 500 ml of boiling water over it.
  2. Leave for 1 hour.
  3. Drink half a glass of infusion 2 times a day before meals.

Strawberry tea

  1. Take fresh strawberry leaves, rinse, and place in a teapot.
  2. Pour boiling water over, leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Enjoy a tasty and aromatic drink after meals several times a day. Add milk to strawberry tea to enhance the effect.

How to enlarge breasts using folk remedies - compresses

The effect of compresses on bust volume is simply explained: they increase blood flow in the tissues of the mammary glands and provide a rush of lymph. The more “fluid” enters the breast, the larger it becomes. The only drawback of compresses is the need for daily use, since their effect is short-term.

Rice porridge compress

  1. Boil the milk rice porridge, cool to a “pleasantly warm” temperature.
  2. Apply a compress to your chest. Leave it overnight.
  3. In the morning, rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer.

Blue clay compress

  1. Mash the blue clay and apply it to your chest.
  2. Leave the compress on overnight.
  3. In the morning, rinse with warm water and moisturize with cream.

Compress with essential oils

  1. Take essential oils of almond, geranium, ylang-ylang in equal proportions, mix.
  2. Apply the mixture to the fabric. Place the oil-saturated cloth on your chest.
  3. Leave the compress on overnight.
  4. In the morning, remove the tissue and any remaining essential oils with a cotton swab.

How to enlarge your bust at home without causing harm

Pay attention to the advice of traditional medicine and exclude those that you have even the slightest suspicion about. If you have a food allergy (such as honey or milk), do not use these products.

Avoid the following breast enlargement methods as they pose a real threat to your health.

  • Mustard plasters on the chest. The skin of the breast is so delicate and thin that a few minutes with mustard plasters can result in a long-lasting burn for you.
  • Iodine mesh. The effect will be similar to the first method.
  • Eating raw dough. It won't do you any good. Moreover, you will get constipation, intestinal blockage, and digestive problems.
  • Hot compresses. The use of hot compresses is fraught not only with burns, but also with the development of tumor diseases. Use only warm compresses.
  • The principle of operation of the simulator is to influence the pectoral muscles, due to which the creation of a perfectly toned chest shape is created.
  • The main difference from analogues is that the device puts a load on all groups of pectoral muscles.
  • The exercise machine is easy to use: you just need to grab it with your hands and make squeezing movements to the center and back.

We hope our tips helped you learn how to enlarge your breasts using folk remedies. Choose several options for yourself. And use them daily. Prepare for the fact that you will have to use each product for quite a long time. The effect of traditional medicine occurs within several months.