How to reduce estrogen levels in the body in women

Increased estrogen levels lead to many unwanted health disorders in a woman’s body.

But before starting treatment, the cause of the hormonal imbalance is determined.

There are many ways to eliminate health problems caused by this type.

Causes and symptoms of increase

Reasons that contribute to an increase in the hormone estrogen:

  • unhealthy diet, consumption of fatty, genetically modified products;
  • congenital factors (a person is born with a certain hormonal status);
  • pregnancy;
  • pathological menopause;
  • liver diseases;
  • stressful situations.

Excess estrogen causes the following symptoms:

  • headaches, dizziness, migraine;
  • increased blood pressure;
    • swelling and pain in the mammary glands;
    • blood thickening;
    • debilitating bleeding from the uterus;
    • hair loss;
  • overweight;
  • acne (acne).

It is important to know: Elevated estrogen levels can threaten a woman's life.

Diseases that occur when estrogen increases:

  1. Hyperplasia (proliferation of tissue lining the uterine cavity). This condition leads to prolonged bleeding and the formation of glandular-cystic changes in the uterus. With hyperplasia, polyps are formed.
  2. Myoma, uterine fibroid.

Treatment of hormonal imbalance

Treatment is selected based on the individual characteristics of the body. If, after taking a blood test, the doctor discovers that estrogen is elevated, he will prescribe medications that suppress the hormone estrogen, such as:

  1. Tamoxifen, which also has an antitumor effect. It is drunk in long courses (several years). Has side effects. Destroys the gastric mucosa.
  2. "Orgametril" is an artificial substitute for the hormone progesterone. Has side effects: negatively affects the liver, thickens the blood.

In some advanced forms of the disease, doctors have to use surgical treatment. For example, if the size of the fibroids has reached 12-13 weeks (compared with the size of the uterus during pregnancy).

If the patient’s estrogen level is not significantly elevated, mild and preventive treatment methods are sufficient. – herbal, homeopathic preparation, relieves swelling and pain in the mammary glands.

According to women's reviews, it does not help everyone. But homeopathic medicines are taken strictly according to the clock. In addition, for their effectiveness, spicy seasonings are excluded from the diet. This unconventional treatment method is mild, but has almost no side effects.


Folk remedies also help normalize hormonal levels in women. Herbs such as hogweed and red brush have been used by our ancestors since ancient times to treat gynecological diseases.

They are rich in plant phytoestrogens. Tinctures and infusions are prepared from medicinal plants. Herbs purchased at the pharmacy are brewed or infused in alcohol as indicated in the instructions. Because they have different grinds.

Treatment with medicinal herbs is long-term (up to several months). But if you apply them according to the rules, you can get rid of small tumors: fibroids, fibromas, fibroadenomas. Herbal medicines have contraindications. Therefore, carefully study their medicinal properties and side effects.

Preventive methods

Following a diet helps reduce estrogen levels in the blood. The following foods are excluded from the diet:

  • not domestic chicken,
  • fatty pork,
  • canned food,
  • sausage. Salt intake is limited to two grams per day.

Scientists have found: Almost all cruciferous vegetables contain the substance ─ indole-3 carbinol. It has antitumor properties. There is especially a lot of it in broccoli.

Food rich in fiber improves metabolism and promotes weight loss. There should be grain bread, fruits, and vegetables on the table.

It is advisable to eat fish, especially fatty types (mackerel, trout). It has been noticed that in countries where fish dishes are preferred, cancer develops less frequently.

Light exercise also helps reduce estrogen levels in the blood. Include in your daily routine: exercise, walking, swimming.

About the importance of estrogens for a woman’s body, watch the following video: