Perm hair (54 photos) in the salon: its features, types of compositions and care after the procedure. Curling your hair with an iron What to spray your hair before curling

All girls whose hair is not naturally curly dream about curls. Now getting angel curls is not difficult, because there are many ways to perm hair.

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Perm has come a long way since the 80s, when it was just gaining popularity among girls. Since then, curling technologies and methods have been greatly improved and refined to give you the exact wave you want.

Thanks to a perm, you can add a stunning volume effect to your hair. You can also get light, sexy waves or cool spiral curls that many girls like so much.

But which perm is the best choice for your hair? How long does the curling process take, and most importantly, how can you avoid the negative effect? Below are ten basic rules to find out the basic requirements for age, hair texture and curling style.

How suitable is perm for your hair?

Perm is best taken on hair that has not been dyed or bleached. Chemicals have a rather harsh effect on hair that has previously been bleached, dyed or already curled with chemicals. Perming hair that has already been dyed can lead to negative consequences and unexpected results.

If you have dry and short hair, then it is better to avoid curling it, as curling it will dry it out even more, and the hairstyle will look like a “poodle”.

If you are unsure whether a perm is suitable for your hair, consult your stylist about what your hair has been exposed to over the past couple of years.

There's a simple old float trick to figure out if your hair can be chemically applied. To do this, take a few strands of hair and put them in a glass of water, if they sink, it means your hair is damaged and absorbing moisture. If the hair strands float, it means your hair is healthy.

Perming Asian hair types can also be tricky, but not impossible. To do this, you must have a clear understanding of the structure of your hair: the thicker the hair, the better the chemical composition will enter the hair and change the shape of the curl.

So, do you still want a perm? Then you should know how long the whole process will take.

How long does a perm last?

A perm can take one to two hours depending on how long your hair is and how fast your stylist works. Your stylist will perform a perm in two steps, the first step is to apply a chemical compound that breaks the structural bonds in your hair, and the second is called a “neutralizer” or curl fixer.

Factors that affect perms

Other critical influencing factors to consider when curling are:

  • cabin temperature;
  • bobbin direction and size;
  • hair condition;
  • previous chemical treatments;
  • hair texture.

How long does a perm last on hair?

Most perms usually last about 2-6 months on the hair.

Preparing hair for perm

To prepare your hair for a perm, do not use a moisturizing conditioner after shampooing. Avoid deep conditioning your hair at least 24 hours before you start curling, otherwise the curl may not take off.

Curler size

The diameter of the curl directly depends on the size of the curler rod on which the hair is wound, as well as the time for which the solution is applied to the hair. If you're worried that you'll end up with curls that are too tight, ask your stylist to show you the types of rods they use.

Basic methods of perm

There are so many ways to perm, and their main difference is the way they are wound. There are spiral, vertical and horizontal winding, these methods are most often used in hairdressing salons.

There are also many new ones, for example, root perm, perm at the ends of the hair, perm in a pigtail or with a hairpin, perm with boomerangs - “large curlers”, American perm, perm with 2 bobbins that differ in diameter, as well as the so-called “chemistry” -twin”, when some of the bobbins are wound vertically and some horizontally.

How to find a good specialist?

Not all stylists can do perms these days, and if you don't want one who does them on a semi-regular basis, you should call salons to see if they have someone who specializes in perms. You can call many salons, but in the end you will choose the one who is most qualified in this regard.

What to take with you for a perm?

Before visiting the hairdresser, take a photo or take an image of the type of wave you want to end up with. It will be much easier to clearly explain to the hairdresser what rigidity of the curl you want to get and what you expect from a perm. Tell your stylist not only what you want (showing photos) but also what you don't want (like '80s-style curls).

However, you should understand that the hairdresser will try to do something similar, but the model in the picture may have a slightly different structure, or the hair may be thicker, so the results will be slightly different.

Hair care after perm

After perming, you should use shampoos and conditioners that are formulated for permed hair. You can easily find them on store shelves or in the main pharmacy.

Many women who have naturally straight hair are often unhappy with this state of affairs. They definitely want to get elegant curls or flirty curls. Of course, you can curl the strands with curlers or use electric tongs or a curling iron, and then fix the finished hairstyle with hairspray. But, unfortunately, none of the listed methods gives a lasting effect: several hours pass, and the styling created with such difficulty loses its shape. That is why ladies who were not born with curly hair resort to a hairdressing procedure such as perm.

When deciding to do “chemistry,” most of the fair sex are guided by the fact that it will relieve them of the need to do daily hair styling and will greatly simplify their care. And indeed it is. Perm also allows you to increase the volume of your hair and visually hide some facial imperfections. However, in addition to the advantages, this procedure has one significant drawback, which is that it uses rather aggressive agents that do not have the best effect on the hair structure. They lift the cuticle scales, contributing to the formation of voids inside the hair shafts, causing the latter to become fragile and brittle. In this case, a violation of the water-fat balance in the cells of the scalp often occurs, and, as a result, dry or wet dandruff appears. To reduce the likelihood of certain problems arising, you need to provide your hair with high-quality home care after a perm, which we will talk about today.

Recommendations for hair care after perm

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely protect your hair from stress when performing a perm, but minimizing its negative consequences is quite possible. To do this, just follow simple recommendations for caring for your curls at home:

  • After a perm, you should not wash your hair for 3 days (it is not advisable to even just wet it with water), since at this time the composition is still in effect, and moisture that gets on the hair can negatively affect the final result.
  • Try to refrain from combing your hair altogether on the first day, and then use only a wooden or silicone comb with sparse wide teeth for these purposes. Avoid massage brushes and brushing. Comb your curls very smoothly so that the curls do not lose their shape.
  • In the first week after chemo, do not use a hairdryer, as exposure to hot air can disrupt your styling. Leave your hair to dry naturally after washing. Just don’t wrap your hair in a towel and wait until it’s almost dry, but just gently dry it to remove excess moisture. Never comb wet curls, as they are very vulnerable to mechanical stress. In the future, the use of a hair dryer is allowed, but it is desirable to turn it on at the lowest air flow rate. If you prefer to wash your hair before bed, be sure to dry your hair. You can’t sleep with wet hair, otherwise the curls will deform and lose their shape.
  • Try to walk with loose hair as often as possible, and when creating hairstyles, use extremely soft wide elastic bands and hairpins that do not have sharp teeth. Do not pull your curls and do not bouffant, otherwise the curls may become uneven.
  • Do not use high-temperature appliances for styling (ironing irons, curling irons, tongs), otherwise you will worsen the condition of your hair and lose beautiful curls. In extreme cases, you can use soft curlers, but you should not abuse them either.
  • Wash your hair only with a special shampoo that does not contain silicones (they weigh down the hair and help wash out the natural keratin). You will also need to purchase a conditioner designed to care for curls after "chemistry", and a product for the ends of the hair (serum or cosmetic oil). It is advisable to buy all products from the same series with the curling product. In order for the curls to keep their shape for as long as possible and not fall apart, it is recommended to additionally use special sprays (they can be purchased at any store selling hair cosmetics).
  • When washing your hair, apply shampoo only to the root zone, beat it into foam, and only then distribute it along the entire length of the strands. This will help you protect your curls from drying out and thinning. When washing, do not rub or twist your hair so as not to injure it.
  • It is recommended to carry out water procedures no more than 2 times a week. Usually this is enough to ensure that the hair retains a fresh and well-groomed appearance (after a perm, curls tend to be less greasy than before). It is advisable to do the last rinse of the hair not with ordinary water, but with herbal decoctions (from nettle, sage or chamomile). They give the curls softness, silkiness and natural shine.
  • Permed hair is not recommended to be treated with hairspray. To fix your hairstyle, it is better to use special products (foams or mousses) designed for curly hair, and wax is perfect for modeling curls. As an alternative to factory-made cosmetics, you can use folk remedies, such as beer or lemon juice. They perfectly fix the curls and allow them to maintain their shape for several hours.
  • After “chemistry”, the ends of the hair often begin to separate, as a result of which the hairstyle takes on an unkempt and unkempt appearance. And since damaged curls cannot be restored, they need to be periodically trimmed to healthy areas (this is best done with hot scissors). It is also necessary to prevent the appearance of split ends through the use of special products (cosmetic oils or serums).
  • If you have permed your hair using a chemical composition, refrain from dyeing your hair for at least 1–1.5 months (this applies not only to the use of permanent dyes, but also to semi-permanent dyes, as well as tonics and natural remedies). Otherwise, the curls will not have time to recover and will begin to break and fall out.
  • Perm, even the most gentle one, weakens hair and makes it more susceptible to various adverse factors. Therefore, after this hairdressing manipulation, it is necessary to provide protection to the curls. To do this, you need to use products containing UV filters in the summer and spring, wear hats (both in the warm season and in the cold), avoid contact of curled strands with chlorinated water and monitor the air humidity in the room where you spend most of your time. time.

To minimize the risk of hair problems after perm, it is recommended to carry out a course of restorative masks. For these purposes, you can use both factory-made products and self-prepared cosmetic compositions based on natural products. As for effectiveness, homemade cosmetics are in no way inferior to store-bought ones, and to some extent even surpass them. Therefore, if you have free time, the first option can be a real lifesaver for you.

In order for homemade masks to be effective enough, they must be applied to clean and slightly damp hair. To enhance the effect, curls treated with a cosmetic mixture should be insulated with plastic film. The duration of action of such products can vary from 20 to 60 minutes (depending on the structural features and condition of the curls). To remove masks, it is better to use warm filtered or settled water or a herbal decoction (for example, nettle or sage). It is recommended to carry out restoration procedures twice a week for one and a half to two months.

Masks for hair restoration after perm: recipes

Recipe #1

Effect: strengthens and evens out the structure of the hair shafts, accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues, and gives the hair a beautiful shine and silkiness.


  • egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • honey - 30 g;
  • olive oil - 50 ml;
  • cognac - 30 ml.

How to do:

  • Whisk the yolk together with the olive oil.
  • Add cognac and honey and apply to hair.
  • After half an hour, wash your hair with shampoo.

Recipe number 2

Effect: smoothes cuticle scales, evens out the structure of curls, nourishes and moisturizes them along their entire length.


  • baker's yeast - 20 g;
  • cream - 50 ml;
  • raw yolk - 1 pc.;
  • castor oil (warm) - 50 ml.

How to do:

  • Heat the cream and mix with the yeast.
  • We put the mixture in a warm place for 20-30 minutes.
  • Beat the yolk thoroughly with butter.
  • We combine both mixtures and distribute the finished mask on curls.
  • Wait 40 minutes, wash your hair and rinse it with water adding a small amount of apple cider vinegar.

Recipe number 3

Effect: softens and moisturizes curled strands, prevents their thinning and drying out, and returns healthy shine to hair.


  • olive oil - 50 ml;
  • jojoba oil - 30 ml;
  • grape oil - 10 ml;
  • sandalwood essential oil - 3 drops;
  • ylang-ylang essential oil - 3 drops.

How to do:

  • Mix vegetable oils (jojoba, olive and grape seed) and heat in a steam bath.
  • Add esters and apply to curls for 50–60 minutes.
  • Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo.

Recipe number 4

Effect: perfectly softens and refreshes curls, evens out and strengthens their structure, prevents fragility.


  • rye bread - 1/4 loaf;
  • kefir - 200 ml;
  • yolk - 1 pc.;
  • honey - 20 g.

How to do:

  • Crumble the bread and fill it with kefir.
  • After 20–30 minutes, knead the bread into a paste and mix it with the yolk and honey.
  • Distribute the mask on your hair, wait about 40 minutes, then wash your hair with plenty of water (you can do it without shampoo).

Recipe number 5

Effect: restores hair that has been exposed to chemicals, smoothes cuticle scales, eliminates fragility and protects ends from splitting.


  • nettle decoction - 100 ml;
  • aloe juice - 10 ml;
  • liquid honey - 30 g;
  • almond oil - 30 ml.

How to do:

  • Beat all ingredients with a mixer.
  • Apply a small amount of the mask to the scalp and perform a light massage.
  • We saturate the curls with the remainder of the product, insulate them and wait 45 minutes.
  • We wash our hair with running water and mild shampoo.

The recommendations and folk recipes listed above will help you not only preserve the curls obtained as a result of perm for a long time, but also prevent the occurrence of all kinds of problems with your hair. However, you need to keep in mind that caring for curls is not a one-time event, but painstaking work, the results of which will become noticeable only if it is done regularly.

A perm is like a medal, which, as you know, has 2 sides. On the one hand - the desired curls, additional volume, neat hairstyle without much effort. On the other hand, there are fairly damaged curls, which in 100% of cases need restoration. Competent, careful hair care after a perm will reduce the harm from the procedure, help to gradually heal and restore the structure of the hair strands, and make the curls vibrant and shiny. To do this, you can use professional cosmetics or folk “grandmother’s” recipes, or better yet, combine both.

What is it and what harm can it cause?

Any perm, even gentle ones with the prefix “bio,” disrupts the hair structure. What can we say about classical chemistry, although modern drugs have a less aggressive effect on strands than their predecessors, which were used several decades ago.

For the procedure, you can take different types of curlers. With their help, you can turn your hair into light waves, vertical spiral curls, beautiful voluminous curls or zigzag curls.

The main element of chemistry is a reagent, under the influence of which straight strands turn into curly ones. The result is fixed with a fixative, from which the hair can become 1–1.5 tones lighter. Some girls don't like this side effect, especially if they have recently dyed their hair.

But this is not the most dangerous thing that chemistry can bring with it. Other effects of chemical styling include:

  • strands begin to fall out more intensively. It is possible that bald patches may appear if the problem is ignored;
  • curls become brittle, dry;
  • cease to shine;
  • the ends after chemistry are constantly split;
  • dandruff may appear.

How to care for hair after a perm

In the first 3-4 days after the procedure, it is better to leave the new hairstyle alone. Try not to wash your hair, do not comb your curls, and if possible, leave them loose.

Avoid using styling products. This is important because there is a process of fixing the curls. Protect your hair after chemicals from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and accidental wetting, from salt water at sea and from chlorinated water in the pool.

How, when and how to wash your hair

The main recommendation for girls who have permed their hair is to not wash their hair very often. Any chemicals will dry out your hair. And if for those with oily hair this is a plus, then for those with naturally dry hair it is a significant minus. This does not mean that you can walk around with dirty curls for 2-3 weeks in a row, but the frequency of washing should still be reduced.

Shampoo is better to buy a special, to restore curly hair. It must be soft, with nutritious organic substances: essential oils, amino acids, proteins, keratin, vitamins. It is optimal if the product is intended specifically for curly strands. Various cosmetic companies offer a wide selection of detergents for hair after chemical styling:

  1. Love Essential Haircare ShampoofromDavines Spa. Volume - 250 milliliters, cost - about 1500 rubles. The composition contains olive oil, vitamin C, myrtle extract.
  2. Joico's Curl Cleansing Sulfate-Free Shampoo. A bottle of 300 milliliters costs about 1600 rubles. Among other ingredients enriched with avocado oil, keratin complex.
  3. Smooth and Curly Shampoo by Kapous. The cost is about 350 rubles for 300 milliliters. The composition contains silk and wheat proteins, but there are no sulfates and parabens.
  4. Capelli Mossi-Ricci Double Action Revitalizing ShampoofromHair Company. Volume - 1 liter, cost - 1800 rubles. Particularly valuable components of the product are panthenol, vitamin B, olive oil, and polymers.
  5. Restoring shampoo for curly hair Curl Revitalizing Shampoo Maraes from the Italian brand Kaaral. Price - from 1300 rubles for 300 milliliters. It contains monoi oil, marula and yogurt.

If buying a special shampoo after chemical treatment is too expensive for you, choose any other gentle restoration product with organic ingredients to save your curls.

During the post-perm wash process, pay more attention to your scalp. Gently massage it with your fingers. The curls themselves can be left untouched, or done very carefully so as not to provoke premature straightening.

A compromise option is to rinse the shampoo from the roots, just rinse the curls with this soapy water, without an additional portion of detergent. Use mouthwash regularly: store-bought or homemade.

How to dry

Your curls will thank you if you stop using a hair dryer at least for a while. Hot air is an additional stress for chemically dried curls. Give your curls a chance to dry naturally. Lightly blot your hair with a terry towel, but wrapping your hair in it like a turban is not recommended.

You can periodically squeeze the curls with your hands, modeling curls. If you still need a hair dryer, it is better to use a diffuser attachment in combination with a cold blow mode.

Important! Don't go to bed with damp curls. This is one of the rules on how to care for your hair after chemotherapy.

How to comb

The main advice here is the same as in the case of washing your hair: not too often. Chemically permed hair should be combed with a wide-toothed comb. It is optimal if it is made of wood. Metal and massage brushes are not suitable.

You cannot tidy up wet curls after a perm. Wait until they dry and comb with minimal pressure, starting from the ends.

What styling products can be used

Styling preparations should model curls, clearly separate curls from each other, securely fixing them for a long time. Texturizing creams, gels for wet hair styling after chemical treatment, foams and mousses for curly hair are suitable for this purpose. Among these special tools:

  • got2b mousse “Trap” from Schwarzkopf;
  • mousse “Elastic curls” from SYOSS;
  • Coil Up Curl Defining Cream Flexible from Londa;
  • TAFT Ultra gel from Schwarzkopf;
  • Always On-Line mousse from ESTEL and others.

When can you dye your hair?

Some hairdressers who choose gentle chemical curling agents assure that curls can be dyed even on the day the chemicals are applied. But the strands will certainly experience extreme stress from the two procedures. There's no need to rush.

Is it possible to dye your hair after chemical treatment? The answer to this question is affirmative, but with one condition: postpone coloring your curls for at least 3 weeks after the perm. First, the curls need to be treated a little, restored, and only then change their color.

It is better to dye your hair after chemicals with natural substances: henna, basma. They contain nutritional components that contribute to the reconstruction of hair shafts and their strengthening. Minimal harm after perm will be caused by tinted shampoos and conditioners. Dyes with hydrogen peroxide can greatly dry out already dry skin and strands. Painting products containing ammonia also require caution. They are used maximum once every 2 months and kept on the head strictly according to the instructions.

Note, It is not recommended to perm freshly colored strands. Take a break of at least 2-3 weeks between procedures, especially if you dyed your hair with henna, basma, or bleached your hair. Is it possible to apply chemicals to colored, highlighted and bleached hair, as well as the features of such styling, you will find on our website.

How to restore hair

It is a mistake to believe that only those strands that were burned during an unsuccessful chemical treatment need restoration. curls. Careful care for curly hair is required in any case.

You need to act in two directions simultaneously:

  • minimize the harm of perm, eliminating the impact of negative factors;
  • reconstruct the damaged structure of the hair shafts. This is true regardless of whether the hair was burned with chemicals or not.

When going for a walk in the sun, be sure to wear a wide-brimmed hat. Use curl products that contain UV filters. After swimming in the sea, be sure to take a shower and wash off any remaining salt water. Before going to the pool, hide your curls under a cap, because chlorine has a negative effect on curls. Use crab clips less often, and do not tie your curls with an elastic band after a perm.

Include fish in your diet or take fish oil capsules to strengthen hair follicles and restore hair after chemical treatment.

Prof. facilities

Such products are created in laboratories and undergo a series of tests. The preparations are specifically intended for damaged hair after chemical treatment, therefore they often contain panthenol, keratin, proteins, vitamins, and natural extracts. The products carefully reconstruct burnt, weakened curls, nourish them, moisturize them, add shine and smooth out hair scales.

To revive your curls and ensure their recovery after chemicals, in addition to special shampoos, you can use:

  1. Balm- “Intense moisturizing” Bc Moisture from Schwarzkopf, T-LAB Professional Hydra Mist balm for dry and frizzy hair, Paul Mitchell Smoothing relaxing balm, others.
  2. Air conditioner- moisturizer Echosline C2 Hydrating Care, “Elastic curl” from Mades Cosmetics, conditioner for curly hair from Revlon, others.
  3. Masks- strengthening Green Light Day By Day, nourishing NHP Nutri Argan, moisturizing with color protection Inebrya Ice Cream Dry-T, others.
  4. Ampoules- two-phase for the restoration of lifeless strands Kleral System Silk Senjal, a herbal complex of 7 ampoules against hair loss “Agafia’s First Aid Kit”, for the restoration and nutrition of L’Oreal Professionnel Pro Fiber Re-Charge, others.

You can also use milk, lotions, serum, and other preparations to care, reconstruct and make hair styling easier after chemotherapy. But don’t overload your curls with excessive care by buying everything at once. When choosing a product, focus on consumer reviews. It happens that an expensive hair product after perm is less suitable than a similar one from the mass market.

Advice. It is desirable that all cosmetics be from the same series.

Use of oils

Fragrant essential oils are a good natural remedy for hair care after chemical treatment. They can be added to masks or applied to the scalp and along the entire length of curls, and then wrap your head in plastic and a towel and walk for 1 hour. First, the ether should be slightly heated in a water bath, avoiding boiling. Warm oil is more effective.

The following will help revive your hair after chemicals:

  • Burr oil. Strengthens hair follicles, accelerates growth, removes fragility and split ends. Good prevention of dandruff after chemotherapy;
  • Peach oil- improves blood circulation, soothes irritated scalp, restores hair shafts;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil- helps fight split ends, which is important for damaged hair after chemical treatment. Copes with dry hair after chemical styling, dandruff;
  • almond oil- strengthens, adds shine, revitalizes weakened strands.

This is not a complete list of oils that are useful for caring for hair after perm. But before treating strands with them, you need to make sure there is no allergic reaction. Apply a few drops of ether to your wrist and wait 15–20 minutes. If itching, redness, rash and other undesirable manifestations do not appear, feel free to use the drug for treatment after chemotherapy.

Many cosmetic brands offer ready-made oils to revitalize curls. But these are not ethers in their pure form, but professional products with many ingredients.

Hair restoration after a perm will be provided by moisturizing oil with passion fruit extract BioSilk Hydrating Therapy, argan oil against split ends Inebrya Ice Cream Pro Age Treatment, restoring oil based on medicinal herbs Daeng Gi Meo Ri and other similar products.


When planning to wash hair damaged by perm, be sure to prepare a rinse aid. This could be a cosmetic product from the same company that produced your shampoo, or a drug according to a folk recipe. The procedure that completes shampooing makes the curls soft and manageable, carefully cares for split ends after chemicals, and gives shine to the curls.

Ready-to-rinse products:

  • restorative with keratin from S:ENKO;
  • Philip Martin's Maple moisturizing maple;
  • restoring Beyond Damage Repair and others.

Traditional recipes:

  1. Rinsing hair with vinegar- one of the most popular products for curls after perm and more. To prepare, 1 tablespoon of essence is diluted in a liter of warm water. It is better to take apple cider vinegar, but not synthetic, but natural. Look for appropriate marks on the bottles.
  2. Lemon juice based liquid will help quickly restore damaged curls. To do this, squeeze half a medium-sized citrus fruit into a liter of water.
  3. Will help revive and make hair stronger after chemicals rinsing with nettles. 100 gr. the herbs are poured with boiling water and kept on low heat for half an hour, then filtered. It is enough to leave the finished filter bags for 20–25 minutes. Mint, burdock root, and coltsfoot go well with nettle, which also help heal hair after perm.

Advice. You can use dry and fresh herbs, but in the second case you need to first pour boiling water over it so as not to burn the skin.


Medicine based on black bread optimal for damaged hair after chemicals:

  1. Pour a glass of kefir over 2 slices and leave overnight.
  2. In the morning, fluff the bread with a fork.
  3. Add 2 yolks, then a tablespoon of honey.
  4. Stir and apply to barely damp roots, rubbing thoroughly.
  5. Massage your scalp for 20 minutes.
  6. Rinse with plain warm water or chamomile decoction without using shampoo.
  7. Repeat twice a week.

Women whose heads are decorated with mischievous curls always look fresh, young, and somewhat playful. You can get perfect curls at home by simply using a curling iron. Using a curling iron, you can quickly curl your hair into large curls or small, elastic curls.

Most women believe that beautiful curls can only be created by a hairdresser in a salon, but in fact, this task is quite possible to cope with on your own if you choose the right styling products and purchase a high-quality curling iron.

Before you start curling your hair, you need to treat the strands with a styling product, usually mousses or foams. Varnish is used last, to fix the completed styling, and not for straight processing of curls. Do not forget that after curling, the curls should look natural, be silky and soft, and not sticky and sticky to the touch.

The curls will have volume depending on the volume of the working part of the curling iron, that is, the curling iron.

The thinner the curling iron, the smaller the curl will be, but this curling is good either for long hair or for very short hair, if you curl only the ends. For medium-length hair, curling your hair is also good; large curls with a curling iron will look elegant and very impressive. You need to wind the strand along its entire length, starting from the hair roots, stepping back a couple of centimeters from them, and wrapping it around the curling iron. Most curling irons have curling irons that help pinch the ends of the hair, but if you want to get a really beautiful, natural curl, then the strand needs to be wrapped around closed curling irons. If you clamp a strand with them, then creases will remain on the curled hair, and it is impossible to get rid of them.

In general, curling large curls of hair with a curling iron takes no more than a quarter of an hour, if you practice and follow the basic principles.

So, before curling, you should always wash your hair, dry it and comb it thoroughly. Then, foam or styling mousse is applied to the hair. When using a curling iron, styling foams are always used, and it is better to choose those that are designed specifically for hot styling. The product will not only fix the curls, but also protect the hair from damage.

If you do not process the strands before curling, then the curls under their own weight will simply disintegrate.

As a result, the procedure will be useless and beautiful styling will not work. But if you follow the exact recommendations, use styling products, withstand the temperature, you can get beautiful, elastic curls without much effort. Thus, perm hair is not at all necessary; large curls with a curling iron will last all day, and the styling will remain flawless.

To make large curls voluminous and soft, it is better to separate not too thin strands.

Elastic curls are obtained from thin strands, but they look less luxurious than soft waves lying on the shoulders. It is better to divide the hair in advance into six or eight parts, depending on the thickness of the hair and length. Each strand must be secured with a clip so that in the process of work, already curled curls do not mix with untreated hair. You need to start curling the curl from the roots, and not from the tips, as most women do. First, the curl is twisted to the middle of the length, and held for about 8 seconds, and then the rest of the hair is wrapped around the tongs and held for no more than 4 seconds. Using this technique of curling hair into large curls with a curling iron, you can get uniform curls, equally curled, and resistant. After the curls are wound, they cannot be combed with an ordinary comb, and even more so with a massage brush. For this purpose, it is better to use wide-toothed combs, or simply straighten the curls with your fingers, shaking them slightly.

You can get beautiful and voluminous curls using various methods, including curling them with your own hands at home using various devices. But most ladies still prefer to turn to hairdressers to create long-term styling for volume from the very roots.

The answer to the question of how long a hair perm lasts will depend on the composition used and proper care after the procedure.

Perm hair in a beauty salon is just one of the effective methods of solving the problem associated with insufficient hair thickness. What is this popular procedure, its varieties, and care for curls after the manipulations - we will look at these and other questions in this article.

Photo of a long-term perm performed by a master in a beauty salon

Features of long-term styling

The long-term perm procedure in the salon is carried out using a special chemical composition for hair, under the influence of which the normal bonds of protein and keratin in the hair shaft are destroyed.

This in turn leads to a “softening” of the strands and their ability to take on a more wavy shape. And by winding curls on curlers of a certain diameter, you can get the desired volume of curl.

The first procedures for long-term creation of curls were very brutal in terms of the degree of negative impact on hairstyles. Nowadays, thanks to cosmetic developments, the compositions have become even more harmless and include a huge number of necessary components that minimize the harm from the procedure.

This has made it possible to perm thin hair, even if it has been damaged by repeated dyeing or prolonged exposure to heat.

If the curls are very damaged or there are contraindications for salon styling, then ordinary braids are a good candidate for perm hair

Types of long-term styling

The choice of composition on which the procedure for creating long-term styling will be carried out is of great importance. The responsibility of the specialist is to find the characteristics and condition of the hairstyle, and then select the appropriate chemical substance in order to preserve the quality of the curls.

There are the following methods of perm hair:

  • The acidic composition allows you to achieve the highest durability of acquired curls due to brutal intervention in the structure of curls. The effect lasts up to six months and is a real salvation for hard and straight strands, but is not suitable for very damaged and weakened hair, as well as those with sensitive scalp;
  • The alkaline composition allows you to form curls on thin hair with the least negative effect on them, while dense and straight curls are weakly susceptible to it. The result lasts, unlike the first option, only 3 months, and this procedure is more harmless;
  • long-term styling based on a neutral consistency is suitable for weakened and damaged curls. Thanks to the component allantoin included in its composition, a neutral pH level is achieved. Thus, this procedure dries the hair less, providing a gentle effect on the strands and scalp. The effect of elastic curls lasts from 1 to 3 months, while they look very natural;
  • Bio chemical perm is ideal for bleached or dark-colored hair. This procedure has already become quite popular due to the necessary components and plant extracts included in the consistency.

But the rather high cost of this service is also justified by the absence of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, as well as the inclusion of a special building element - the protein cystine, which significantly thickens thinning curls. The styling lasts up to six months, and the hairstyle remains healthy and elastic.

In addition to the varieties outlined, there is also perming of hair ends. It is suitable in this case, when there is no need for volume at the roots. This applies, of course, mainly to those with thick hair. A similar method allows you to place emphasis on individual strands, without harming the condition of the entire length of the hair.

Advice! In order to correctly determine the appropriate composition for a particular hair type, always contact only beauty salons that are trustworthy and have earned a good reputation. Otherwise, there is a high risk of falling into the hands of a low-skilled specialist who can harm your hair.

Photo of the result obtained after a long-term styling procedure

Carrying out long-term styling in a beauty salon

Before going to the salon, some ladies think about whether it is necessary to wash their hair before perm? In fact, bio-waved hair does not require any preliminary measures, because... A specialist carries out the entire complex on site, including washing your hair with a special product.

The process of creating long-term styling in the form of curls is quite labor-intensive and takes approximately 1.5 to 2 hours, depending on the length and thickness of the hairstyle.

It is carried out in several steps:

  1. First, use a deep-cleansing shampoo., which not only perfectly removes impurities from the hair, but also opens the hair cuticle. Due to this, the active substances in a chemical consistency get inside the curls better and faster, softening them.

The procedure for creating long-lasting styling begins with preparing and cleansing the curls.

  1. Then each strand is wound on curlers of the selected diameter and a chemical composition is applied, which is kept for 20 to 30 minutes, and then washed off with warm water.

Photo of applying the composition to sophisticated strands of hair

  1. To control the curl properties, the hairdresser must untwist the curlers from several strands a couple of turns., and then - apply the fixing mixture for 5-10 minutes and repeat its application on already loose curls for this time.

After checking the quality of the curl, the master washes off the composition with a warm stream of water.

  1. The fixing consistency is removed using a special neutralizing agent., then dry and style the acquired curls with a hairdryer.

Blow-drying is the final step of long-term hair curling in a beauty salon.

Depending on the condition of the hairstyle and the severity of the procedure being carried out, the need for additional caring and restorative procedures is determined. In addition, the specialist also gives advice on do-it-yourself home care to maintain the acquired results for a very long time.

Advice! To get the desired effect from long-term perming, try to refrain from coloring your hair for at least 2 weeks before the procedure. Otherwise, the composition that reacts with the dye in the structure of the curls can give sudden results.

For at least 2 weeks, perm on colored hair is an unnecessary procedure to avoid negative reactions

Pros, cons and contraindications of long-term styling

Before deciding on the need for long-term styling, you should also familiarize yourself with its contraindications, which include:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • very damaged curls that have recently been dyed or highlighted;
  • susceptibility to frequent allergic reactions;
  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • very sensitive scalp.

Pay attention! An allergic reaction test with the application of a reactive substance to a small area of ​​skin, also to a separate strand, should show whether this or that chemical composition is suitable for you and whether any contraindications to the procedure will be identified.

The usual instructions on the use of special hair products that have undergone a brutal perm allow you to take good care of your curls with your own hands

Hair care after long-term curling

In order to ensure that the condition of your curls does not worsen, and that the curls acquired during styling retain their elasticity as long as possible, you need to follow some DIY home care tips:

  • after the procedure, you should refrain from washing your hair for the first 2-4 days;
  • in the first week, try to injure your curls less;
  • for combing, use brushes with the rarest teeth and put aside combs with natural bristles for the time being;
  • limit or completely eliminate the introduction of thermal devices;
  • Avoid exposing your hair to direct sunlight and use protective products.

In addition, during the period of maintaining the curl, you need to use special hair care cosmetics that provide gentle care. The constant use of air conditioners and masks is an indispensable condition for maintaining the health of curls.

When selecting products on your own, you need to pay attention to their composition. Excessive amounts of silicones and oils that help smooth the hair should be avoided. On the contrary, moisturizing components will be very useful, these include glycerin, panthenol, collagen, silk proteins, etc.

On the open market you can also find highly concentrated serums and ampoules created for very damaged hair. The instructions for their use are very simple, so maintaining the health of your hair after exposure to brutal chemical mixtures will not be difficult.

An appeal to a highly qualified beauty salon specialist and competent home care allows you to get elastic curls with the least harm to their health


As you can see, by resorting to a perm in a salon, you can solve several problems right away - from visually increasing the volume of your hairstyle to saving time on daily styling with your own hands. But it is also worth keeping in mind the need for competent care after all the manipulations performed.

If you need additional information on the topic described, we invite you to watch the video in this article. You can also leave your questions or comments, if any, in the comments.