How many times can ultrasound diagnostics be done during pregnancy? Is frequent examination in the early stages harmful for the fetus? At how many weeks of pregnancy is the third ultrasound performed and what indicators are determined? How long does an ultrasound last during pregnancy?

As soon as a girl finds out that she is pregnant, the question arises: when should she go for an ultrasound examination, how often can it be performed during pregnancy? One of the diagnostic methods is ultrasound. How often the expectant mother will undergo it will depend on the timing at which she contacts a specialist and on the results of the examination.

Ultrasound snapshot photograph
apparatus consultation inside
planned in rest position
development snapshot view

Every expectant mother undergoes ultrasound examinations. At least three visits are required throughout the entire period. This number was calculated based on the fact that a woman at about 12 weeks went to the gynecologist and registered. But it happens that gestation does not proceed entirely according to plan, deviations arise, additional questions arise, then additional examinations are carried out.

In order to perform an ultrasound, the doctor can use several sensors:

  • transvaginal: used in the early stages, inserted directly into the vagina, the fact that the girl is in position can be established from the second to fourth week;
  • transabdominal: used at a later date, the sensor is moved across the abdomen.

In both cases, a special gel is used. It increases contact between the sensors and the abdomen (vagina). The gel is absolutely safe.

This procedure is painless, no discomfort is noted during the appointment, only a slight coolness from the gel and the moving sensor across the abdomen. Many data and studies conducted over the years indicate the harmlessness of ultrasound examinations both for the unborn baby and for the health of the pregnant woman. Therefore, we set the standard that at least three visits to a specialist are necessary.

But still, frequent visits to a specialist on personal initiative are not recommended. You should not personally come for a diagnosis to determine the sex of your unborn child or for other reasons. So everything must be done in consultation with the supervising doctor.

First examination by a doctor

Often, from the tenth week, they are contacted in order to confirm the fact that the woman is pregnant. This can be done if there is no menstruation, if there is a long delay, if there is a delay, but the test done at home is negative.

The main indications for performing ultrasound early, before the tenth week:

  • bleeding from the genital tract;
  • prolonged pain in the lower abdomen;
  • suspicion of a frozen pregnancy, if during a medical examination the size of the uterus did not correspond to the term, an ultrasound scan is performed at an earlier date;
  • if there has already been a non-developing fetus, miscarriage, etc. to exclude possible results;
  • if pregnancy occurred with the help of assisted technologies (IVF, ART);
  • previous attempts led to defects in fetal development.

It's worth checking your lower abdomen

The main point when an ultrasound is performed in the first trimester is the diagnosis of fetal defects, which can be detected already in the early stages. Often such defects are incompatible with life or cause disability to the unborn baby.

If a specialist suspects a developmental defect while an ultrasound examination is being performed, the doctor will prescribe additional tests - the use of invasive diagnostic methods (examination of amniotic fluid, biopsy, tissue analysis), invasive diagnostic methods, therapeutic procedures - penetration into body tissue ( for example, intramuscular injections). These studies will determine how many ultrasound examinations a woman will undergo during pregnancy.

Early diagnosis of the defect is still necessary if there is a need to terminate the pregnancy. This is done so as not to cause more harm to the woman’s body. The sooner the interruption occurs, the less damage will be done.

There are indications that can only be determined in the early stages of pregnancy. This is the cervical-collar space (11 - 14 weeks of pregnancy), in the later stages - this information is no longer important. Thanks to this, you can determine the exact deadline. Then the size of the fetus will be influenced by the characteristics of heredity. Large parents mean a large child.

Second examination of a pregnant woman

If the pregnancy proceeds without any complications, then a routine examination is carried out from 20 to 24 weeks. But if necessary, they can do an additional ultrasound up to 20 weeks. This is done if it is determined that the level of the hormone (hCG, estriol) is insufficient.

The main task of the second ultrasound examination remains to determine the congenital defect in the development of the unborn child. In the second trimester, the size of the child, its organs, systems (kidneys, liver, etc.) allows for a more thorough examination and detection of disorders in the early stages.

They are also studying the placenta to see if it contains cysts or calcifications that could disrupt normal functioning. When studying the fetus, the placenta plays a significant role, because thanks to it, the interaction between mother and child occurs. Thanks to her, the baby receives the necessary nutrition and vitamins that are needed for normal functioning and development. At 22–24 weeks, parents can already be told the future sex of the baby.

From 22 to 24 weeks, Doppler ultrasound is performed on the pregnant woman - this is a study of the vessels of the uterus, its condition, the umbilical cord, and the placenta.


Thanks to these studies, a specialist can predict the further course of pregnancy and, if necessary, another ultrasound can be done and timely treatment can be prescribed.

Conducting a final examination

In the absence of obvious deviations from the norm, subsequent ultrasound examination is carried out from 32 to 34 weeks of pregnancy. About a month later - Doppler measurements. Because the development of obvious damage can only be established within a month.

If no pathologies have occurred, Doppler testing may be prescribed ahead of schedule. If it is discovered that any therapeutic measures need to be carried out for the pregnant woman, additional ultrasound examinations are prescribed after treatment.

Doppler testing in a pregnant woman

In the third trimester, an ultrasound is performed for the next one.

  1. Assess fetoplacental and uteroplacental blood flow. Because its violation can become a serious cause of pregnancy complications, for example, delays in fetal development.
  2. Determine the size of the unborn baby, compare the compliance with the gestational age.
  3. Determine where and how the placenta is located (complete, partial or placenta previa). This is important because it will be necessary to determine exactly how the woman will give birth, whether there will be a natural birth or the doctor will suggest a cesarean section.
  4. Position of the baby in the uterus. How it is located in relation to the exit from the uterus is also important for options for managing labor.

After the 34th week of pregnancy, the baby practically does not turn around, as there is not enough space for him. But it happens that the fetus can turn 180 degrees, position its legs forward towards the exit of the uterus.

Advantages of examination using ultrasound

Many pregnant women deliberately do not want to attend an ultrasound scan or do it later, when the pregnancy is already long, but doctors are confident that conducting research on time is important. The main reasons why you need to visit an ultrasound room:

  • it is harmless, as many claim, but can also be beneficial for the mother and child;
  • the examination allows you to determine the gender of future children;
  • it is possible to identify congenital defects in time and take appropriate measures; this is relevant for those who work or live near the presence of harmful chemicals (production workshops, factories, etc.);
  • accurate determination of gestational age;
  • with the help of a routine ultrasound examination, an ectopic pregnancy can be detected;
  • helps doctors prepare the expectant mother for childbirth and successfully carry out childbirth, taking into account every feature of the fetus;
  • It is important for the doctor to monitor the condition of the fetus.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

A pregnant woman undergoes a lot of medical examinations, which are mandatory for this group of the population in our country. Ultrasound(ultrasound diagnostics) as one of the many modern diagnostic methods is especially important for a woman during her pregnancy and is called the “gold standard” for diagnosing fetal pathology. It is he who is able, without a detrimental effect on both the expectant mother and the fetus, to tell the doctor about the satisfactory or poor condition of the baby in the womb. When and how many times are ultrasounds performed during pregnancy?

Ultrasonography is a visualization on the screen of a special ultrasound machine of structures that differ in their echogenic (that is, if possible, reflect ultrasonic waves) activity of structures.

The operation of ultrasound is based on the phenomenon of different echogenicity of the tissue elements of the organ under study, as a result of which they are displayed differently on the screen, which provides the specialist with the convenience of most accurately assessing the visualization results. This is a non-invasive technique, which means its absolute harmlessness for mother and baby.

Exists several types of ultrasound scanning in pregnant women, which include:

  • Fetometric study, in which the doctor can determine with absolute accuracy the timing of gestation and the presence of pathologies in the development and growth of the baby by measuring the size of various parts of his body.
  • , which helps to analyze the state of vascular blood flow.
  • three-dimensional, the indication for which is a gestation period of more than 24 full weeks.
  • Four-dimensional, which visualizes the child in the mother’s womb even more accurately and in detail.

This type of diagnostic study of a pregnant woman and baby shows the doctor how the pregnant uterus is located, what size it is, what is the condition of its contour and the structure of the amniotic membranes. The length of the cervical canal and its structure are assessed. It is possible to analyze the condition of nearby groups of lymph nodes.

Ultrasound scans can be divided according to the method of introducing the device into the female body into transvaginal (through the vagina), transrectal (through the rectum) and transabdominal (by driving along the lower part of the anterior abdominal wall).

More often the technique is carried out transabdominal method and is one of the most painless and safe for both subjects, and it is also quite simple and short-lived. The patient is asked to lie down completely on the couch, but a semi-sitting position is also possible. After taking the desired position, the pregnant woman exposes her tummy, and a special transparent gel is applied to the skin and the sensor itself for a better signal.

Using the sensor, the specialist moves through the area under study several times, making repeated drives in those areas that need additional attention. Having recorded his observations, the doctor removes the sensor. A pregnant woman wipes the gel from her skin with a paper napkin or an ordinary towel and gets dressed. All that remains is to wait for the results of the examination.

At what stage of pregnancy can you have an ultrasound? At term, a pregnant woman is 100 percent sure that she is carrying a baby under her heart, since it is at this moment that he has the developing heart begins to beat. Ultrasound in the first weeks of pregnancy can only give results using the transvaginal method.

The transabdominal method visualizes pregnancy by, although this is also considered quite early. In general, an early ultrasound scan is necessary for a woman to not only verify the presence of a fetus, but also to exclude, determine the number of formed embryos and the risk of miscarriage.

How many times are ultrasounds performed during pregnancy? In the Russian Federation there is a special program for examining pregnant women, according to which they are 3 mandatory screening ultrasounds. Additional studies during periods of pregnancy not established by law are not excluded.

First scheduled ultrasound during pregnancy

When and how many weeks is the first ultrasound done during pregnancy? Carried out on time 10-14 obstetric weeks intrauterine life of the baby. This stage of the study is necessary to assess the signs of hereditary pathology of the fetus in the form of developmental anomalies. The place where the pregnancy began is also monitored, that is, the location of the implanted embryo, the presence of motor activity of the child, and the usefulness of the chorionic villi.

Maybe identify such pathological conditions of the fetus, How:

  • abnormal placenta previa;
  • abnormal structure of the fetus;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • reduction in the baby's movements until death;
  • chorionic insufficiency.

Second planned ultrasound during pregnancy

At what stage of ultrasound during pregnancy? Held during from 20 to 24 obstetric weeks.

The diagnostic value of this episode of research on a pregnant woman is increased due to the greater possibilities in determining the abnormal structure of individual parts of the baby’s body. This is due to the active differentiation of all organs and systems of the baby by this time. The child is already more clearly visible; assessing the condition of its membranes is no less important.

At this stage it is possible to detect pathology anencephaly, polycystic and hydronephrosis of the kidneys, megacystic (enlarged bladder of the baby), pathologies of the respiratory and digestive systems. Confirmation of the four-chamber structure of the heart is especially important.

Third planned ultrasound during pregnancy

At what stage in pregnancy? A woman is sent to it on time 30-34 obstetric weeks. Usually everything goes like a transabdominal examination. Particular attention is paid to fetometric parameters, such as:

  • biparietal size (BPR);
  • length of humerus and femur;
  • length of forearm bones;
  • abdominal and head circumference;
  • chest diameter;
  • fronto-occipital size (FOR).

The condition of the woman’s birth canal, amniotic membranes, uterus, respiratory and cardiovascular systems is not excluded from the study. At this stage, it is very important to exclude, which is a trigger factor for many dangerous conditions in a newborn child.

This last ultrasound examination during the period of bearing a baby. It is carried out for the purpose of assessing the condition of the placenta, fetometric indicators, fetal position before birth, and eliminating the entanglement of the umbilical cord around the fetal neck.

This ultrasound is important, first of all, because in the period before birth the baby’s condition is especially unstable, because at any moment he can be born. And a specialist can determine not only pathological presentation and, but also severe hypoxia of the baby, which significantly complicates the early neonatal period and places the newborn in the neonatal pathology department.

Why might you need an unscheduled ultrasound?

The normal course of pregnancy usually excludes the use of episodes of additional ultrasound examination of the fetus. However, if there is pain in the lower abdomen and discomfort, the doctor not only has the right, but also must prescribe an additional ultrasound. The use of additional procedures when there is a threat of premature termination of pregnancy and suspicion of an ectopic location of the ovum is not discussed.

Is ultrasound during pregnancy harmful to the fetus?

How often can an ultrasound be done during pregnancy? Is ultrasound harmful in early pregnancy? All women expecting the birth of their beloved child ask this question. But they have nothing to worry about: Ultrasonic waves are absolutely harmless both for themselves and for the fetus.

As can be understood from the above, ultrasound during pregnancy has only a beneficial effect, helping doctors manage their patient’s pregnancy in accordance with the norm.

Video about ultrasound during pregnancy

In order to better understand the essence and significance of the screening periods established by the protocols using ultrasound in pregnant women, you can watch the video. It describes in detail, When is a routine ultrasound performed? during pregnancy, assessment parameters, advantages of this method and a wide range of its capabilities.

And to find out even more information about planned and additional ultrasound examinations, discuss this issue with each other in comments. Share your impressions after undergoing this diagnostic procedure and ask questions that interest you, because a live discussion of the topic with those who have undergone this procedure is very useful for women planning a pregnancy.

Ultrasound remains one of the most informative research methods today. This is not only an opportunity to find out the gender of the baby, to see its outline on the screen, but also to obtain comprehensive data about its development. Disputes about possible harm continue, but numerous experiments have proven the safety of the procedure for both the child and his mother.

This is a way to examine internal organs and tissues. The working principle of echolocation is as follows:

  • the sensor of the device, in contact with the surface of the skin, produces sound waves directed at the body;
  • when they meet internal organs, they are reflected, and the result is displayed on the monitor.

A safe and painless procedure is performed on average 3 times, but if pathologies or abnormalities of the fetus are detected, the frequency is increased to confirm or refute the preliminary diagnosis.

Why do ultrasounds be done?

An appointment to visit an ultrasound room is not a whim of doctors or parents, but a mandatory study. At what time are ultrasounds performed during pregnancy? It is carried out as a standard during the following periods of gestation:

  • the first ultrasound at 10-14 weeks helps determine the gestational age based on the development of the fetus, you can assess the condition of the uterus, measurements of the nuchal area are taken to exclude chromosomal abnormalities;
  • second ultrasound – 19-23 weeks, the development, height and weight of the fetus are assessed, you can also obtain data on the formation of its internal organs and their compliance with standards, the number of amniotic fetuses and the condition of the placenta are calculated, if samples for chromosomal abnormalities have not been taken before this period, at this time it can already be confirmed or excluded using a sensor;
  • third ultrasound - 33-38 weeks - the development of the fetus and the absence of anomalies are clarified, the maturity of the placenta is examined, the due date is set, it is also possible to find out the diligence of the fetus, the entanglement of the umbilical cord, and the size of the child is calculated as standard.

The operation of the device causes a slight heating of the cells, but this will not cause harm to either the pregnant woman or her baby. Thanks to this research method, it was possible to save millions of lives, prevent the development of pathologies, detect deviations in a timely manner, and carry out successful treatment.

First ultrasound

Only a doctor can decide at what stage of pregnancy the first ultrasound is performed. For a planned study, the deadline is usually set at 10-13 weeks. If a woman undergoes pregnancy earlier, in the first weeks, this is done to exclude complex pathologies such as ectopic pregnancy and hydatidiform mole.

A woman can receive the most reliable information about the condition and development of the embryo at 12-13 weeks:

  • the thickness of the collar zone is measured; if it differs from the norm, the doctor may suspect chromosomal abnormalities and prescribe further examination;
  • the quantity is measured and the quality of amniotic fluid is determined, the functions are to supply the embryo with nutrients;
  • the anatomical indicators of the development of the child’s organs are assessed, the liver, kidneys, stomach and bladder are examined;
  • The placenta, its place of attachment in the uterus, as well as the condition of the muscular organ are studied; thanks to the study, it is possible to prevent its detachment as a result of hypertonicity.

A pregnant woman cannot independently interpret the results of the data obtained, which are entered into the protocol. She also does not prescribe additional ultrasound on her own. If the doctor suspects developmental abnormalities, a repeat ultrasound is performed after a few weeks.

Second ultrasound

All parents love the second ultrasound for the opportunity to find out who will be a boy or a girl. It is possible to determine gender at 12 weeks, but it will be more reliable after 20 weeks. The timing of 19-24 weeks helps:

  • find out the exact gestational age, and therefore calculate the approximate date of birth;
  • special attention is paid to compliance with sizes - weight, height, length of limbs, development of internal organs to standards;
  • the condition of the placenta is assessed - the degree of maturity, location, structure, as well as the characteristics of the uterus, amniotic fluid - quantity and quality allow us to judge the development of the kidneys and the absence of infection;
  • the fetus makes the first movements that can be seen on the monitor;
  • by week 22, all organs are formed, their condition is analyzed;
  • if the doctor prescribes it after 24 weeks, the purpose of the study is to check the gynecologist’s concerns about a frozen pregnancy, as well as deviations in the health indicators of the expectant mother.

A second planned ultrasound can confirm the presence of abnormalities and chromosomal pathologies. With the consent of the pregnant woman, in case of violations leading to severe disability of the child, pregnancy is interrupted until 22 weeks.

Third ultrasound

A planned screening test or third ultrasound is carried out at 30-34 weeks, provided that pregnancy proceeds without complications. The results will allow you to decide on a plan for the birth process, focusing on:

  • placenta, its location is especially important when prescribing a cesarean section, the internal structure allows you to determine maturity, the width and ratio of the lower edge of the placenta to the opening of the cervix are also measured, which helps prevent bleeding both in the last months and during childbirth;
  • the last ultrasound also determines the weight and size of the child, the volume of the head and abdomen, the circulatory system and the condition of the blood vessels are examined;
  • You can already see whether there is an entanglement of the umbilical cord; when detected, it is recorded in the protocol; these data will be taken into account during the birth of the baby.

How many times an ultrasound is done during pregnancy, and at what time, is determined only by the doctor. There are 3 planned screening studies, in the first, second, and third semester, respectively. If concerns arise about abnormalities in the development and formation of the fetus, as well as threats to the health of the mother, additional diagnostic tests may be prescribed several weeks after the planned one. Today, this is the safest and most painless method of collecting information, allowing you to monitor pregnancy.

When can you do the first ultrasound during pregnancy? This question worries expectant mothers almost from the first days of pregnancy. They can’t wait to make sure that everything is okay with the baby, to hear the beat of the little heart, and of course, to find out when to expect the cherished meeting. Indeed, early ultrasound will answer many questions, help set exact dates and prevent possible problems. So let's figure out how many weeks pregnant women have their first ultrasound, and what this study reveals.

What will an ultrasound tell you in the early stages?

Not many women have the patience to wait for the first scheduled examination, which is carried out at 12 weeks. With the question of when they can do the first ultrasound during pregnancy, they go to the gynecologist, and having received the “green light”, they rush to quickly “get acquainted” with the little miracle. Another question is how many weeks can the first ultrasound be done during pregnancy so that it is informative. In this case, it is better to focus on the following dates:

  1. So, if you suspect it, doctors recommend undergoing an examination 3-4 weeks after the expected conception. If the situation is favorable, by this time the fertilized egg, which has attached itself in the uterus, will be clearly visible on the monitor, and if you are lucky, you will be able to see the embryo itself. In addition, at this stage you can already hear the first contractions of the small heart. If there is no fertilized egg in the uterine cavity, then, most likely, a specialist will be able to detect it. It is worth noting that an ectopic pregnancy must be diagnosed as early as possible, otherwise irreversible consequences cannot be avoided.
  2. Worried about the life of the baby, or having a history of frozen pregnancy, many mothers decide to have an ultrasound at 6-8 obstetric weeks. By this time, the baby’s arms and legs are clearly visible, and now we can already say with confidence whether the pregnant woman will become a happy mother of one or two babies at once. By the way, early detection of multiple pregnancies is very important, since in women who are carrying twins, the likelihood of some complications increases significantly. In addition, on the monitor you can see whether the babies have a common placenta or a different one, and can also subsequently make adjustments when taking a test for Down syndrome.
  3. The question of how many weeks the first ultrasound is performed is not relevant for women who have started spotting, which serves as the first signal that a miscarriage has begun. In this case, you must immediately seek medical help and undergo an ultrasound examination in order to establish the exact causes of what is happening and, if possible, prevent the irreparable.
  4. It is worth doing the first ultrasound earlier than planned in cases where it is necessary to establish the exact duration of pregnancy. Most often, this problem is faced by women with irregular menstrual cycles and young ladies who have taken hormonal medications.
  5. Reasons for undergoing an ultrasound before the 12th week may also include: abnormalities in the development of the genital organs, a diagnosis such as habitual miscarriage, tumors and other formations in the uterus or ovaries.
First scheduled ultrasound

Of course, no one has the right to prohibit an expectant mother from undergoing an examination ahead of schedule, but when talking about how many weeks it is better to do the first ultrasound, in the absence of special indications, doctors recommend waiting until 11-14 weeks. Since at this stage it is possible to assess the dynamics of fetal development, establish the exact gestational age of the embryo, and also identify some deviations and possible anomalies. In particular, during ultrasound it is possible to measure the thickness of the nuchal translucency, which is a marker of a chromosomal pathology such as Down syndrome.

Based on the above, it is very difficult to answer unambiguously the question of how many weeks the first ultrasound is performed. Since each pregnancy proceeds differently and the degree of anxiety for each mother is different.

The first ultrasound examination during pregnancy is always an exciting and important event in the life of the expectant mother. This is the first “meeting” of a woman with her child, who is still very small.

This examination is awaited with a special feeling - impatience mixed with anxiety. We will tell you in this article how and when the first ultrasound scan is performed for women in an “interesting position,” as well as what parameters are considered normal.


The first planned ultrasound, which is recommended for all expectant mothers, is carried out from up to 13 weeks inclusive. This is an important and informative first prenatal screening for doctors and women. However, for many women this mandatory examination will no longer be the first, since before the 10th week they may have already undergone such a diagnosis.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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Theoretically, the first ultrasound can be informative during pregnancy already 2.5-3 weeks after the expected day of ovulation. This corresponds to approximately the fifth obstetric week.

At this stage, for the first time, it becomes technically possible to see the fetal egg on the monitor of an ultrasound scanner, which will indicate that pregnancy has occurred. But before 10-11 weeks, ultrasound diagnostics are not officially recommended without compelling evidence.

Why is a routine ultrasound performed?

The purpose of a planned study within a specified time frame is to identify so-called markers of possible fetal pathologies. Until 10-13 weeks according to obstetric calculation (this is approximately -15 weeks from conception), these markers cannot be assessed.

The timing of the first prenatal screening was not chosen by chance, because if anomalies are detected, a woman will be able to have an abortion for medical reasons, without waiting for deadlines to become long.

There are always more complications after termination of pregnancy at longer periods.

It is also no coincidence that the first ultrasound takes place on the same day as the donation of a venous blood sample for biochemical testing. Ultrasound results are not evaluated separately from blood parameters. If markers are found and the hormonal and protein balance in the blood are disturbed in a certain way, the risk of having a child with chromosomal pathologies is higher.

A routine examination within the time frame established by the Ministry of Health is aimed at finding women who are at risk of giving birth to babies with severe total lesions caused by genetic "failure".

Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. They are all the same, except for the last pair, in which the boys have XY and the girls have XX. An extra chromosome or a deficiency in one of the 23 pairs causes irreversible pathologies.

So, if the number of chromosomes in the 21st pair is abnormal, the child is diagnosed with Down syndrome, and if there is an incorrect number of chromosomes in the 13th pair, Patau syndrome develops.

It cannot be said that the first screening in general and ultrasound examination within its framework in particular are capable of identifying all possible variants of genetic disorders, but the most serious ones can mostly be detected during the first planned examination followed by additional diagnostics. Such pathologies include: Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, Patau syndrome, Turner syndrome, Cornelia de Lange syndrome, Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome, as well as signs of non-molar triploidy.

Severe defects of the neural tube, such as a reduction or complete absence of the brain, abnormalities in the development of the spinal cord, can be detected only at the second prenatal screening, which takes place as planned only in the second trimester of pregnancy.

When going for the first scheduled ultrasound, a woman should understand that no one will diagnose her baby solely on the basis of what is seen on the ultrasound scanner monitor.

If the diagnostician suspects pathologies and developmental anomalies, he will definitely indicate this in the conclusion, and the woman will be referred for a consultation with a geneticist, who will decide on the need for more accurate diagnostic methods than ultrasound - invasive ones, during which doctors take particles of fetal tissue , blood from the umbilical cord, amniotic fluid for genetic analysis. The accuracy of invasive methods is almost 99%.

An excellent analogue is non-invasive fetal DNA analysis, which is absolutely safe for both mother and baby, since to carry it out the pregnant woman only needs to donate venous blood.

Other tasks of the first screening ultrasound include clarifying the gestational age based on the baby’s size, determining the state of women’s reproductive health, and assessing possible risks in the upcoming birth in six months.

Unscheduled research - what is it for?

Today, ultrasound examination is more than accessible, and therefore a woman can go for it without the knowledge of the doctor and his direction. Many people do this, and after a home test shows two lines, they go to the nearest clinic to confirm the fact of pregnancy using such a scan.

However, in addition to the desire of the woman herself to know for sure whether conception has taken place, there may also be medical indications for the first ultrasound earlier than planned. It happens that before screening, a woman already has time to do several similar examinations.

Medical indications for which the study may be recommended previously established The recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the deadlines are varied:

  • Miscarriage. If a woman has previously had two or more miscarriages in the very early stages of gestation, it is recommended to undergo the first ultrasound upon registration at the antenatal clinic to make sure that the fetus is developing this time.
  • History of frozen pregnancies. If before the current pregnancy a woman had cases of non-developing pregnancy, anembryony (absence of an embryo in the fertilized egg), then an early ultrasound scan is strongly recommended to find out if there is a relapse.

  • History of ectopic pregnancy or suspected ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the task of early examination is to identify possible ectopic implantation of the ovum as early as possible, before it poses a serious threat to the woman’s life. Suspicion arises if the level of hCG in a woman’s blood is significantly lower than the required level, if there is pain, discharge that is not similar to menstrual, or a delay in menstruation, but the uterus is not enlarged.
  • History of trauma and surgery on the uterus. If before pregnancy a woman underwent surgical interventions affecting the main female reproductive organ, then the task of the first ultrasound at the earliest possible stage will be to assess the site of attachment of the fertilized egg. The further away the baby is from the postoperative scars, the more favorable the prognosis for normal pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Suspicion of multiple pregnancy. In this case, an ultrasound examination earlier than the screening period is necessary to confirm the very fact of bearing two or more babies. A doctor can guess this by seeing that the level of hCG in a pregnant woman’s blood is two or more times higher.
  • Chronic diseases tumors, fibroids. Existing pathologies of the reproductive system can affect not only the ability to conceive a child, but also the ability to bear it. Therefore, women with such ailments are advised to have an early ultrasound examination to assess the site of implantation and the growth rate of the fertilized egg.

  • Threat of interruption. In the very early stages, there may also be a risk of miscarriage. It is usually manifested by spotting discharge from the genitals, nagging (as during menstruation or a little stronger) pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region, and deterioration of the woman’s general condition. For such symptoms, an ultrasound is recommended with the mark “cito”, which means “urgently, urgently”.
  • Questionable test results. For a variety of reasons, “disagreements” may arise between strip tests, a blood test to determine the hCG hormone characteristic of pregnancy, and the results of a “manual” gynecological examination. If the disagreement is such that the obstetrician-gynecologist cannot say with certainty whether the woman is pregnant at all, he will definitely refer her for an ultrasound.

First diagnosis after IVF

If for some reason a couple cannot conceive a baby on their own, doctors can do this for them. The entire process of in vitro fertilization, starting with preparation for it and ending with the transfer of embryos - “three-day” or “five-day”, is controlled through ultrasound diagnostic capabilities.

After embryo transfer, the woman is prescribed hormone therapy so that babies have a better chance of settling in and starting to grow in the uterus.

Signs of pregnancy after IVF before hCG

At this stage, the task of diagnosis is to make sure that the pregnancy has taken place and the efforts of doctors and spouses have been crowned with success.

If ultrasound diagnostics shows the presence of a fertilized egg (or several fertilized eggs) in the uterus, then the next ultrasound examination is scheduled after another two weeks to make sure that the embryos are growing and developing. Then the woman is prescribed, like all other pregnant women, a routine screening examination at 10-13 weeks of pregnancy.

What can you see on the first ultrasound?

The expectant mother, no matter how far along she goes to the ultrasound room, is interested in what can be seen at a given time. Modern types of ultrasound diagnostics significantly expand prospects, especially for such innovative types as 3D and 4D ultrasound, as well as 5D ultrasound, which make it possible to obtain not a two-dimensional, but a three-dimensional and even color image in real time.

However, you should not think that the very next day after the start of the delay on any, even the most modern device, you can see at least something. The earliest date at which it is possible (again, only theoretically) to consider a fertilized egg is considered 5 obstetric week(this is three weeks after ovulation or a week after the start of the delay).

There is no need to do an expensive “volumetric” three-dimensional ultrasound at such a short period of time, because for now you can only see the point, which is the fertilized egg. When going for the first ultrasound, a woman should know what exactly they can show her.

At 5-9 weeks

Early ultrasound, with or without indications, at the expectant mother’s own request, will not be able to please the woman with impressive pictures and memorable photographs. At the earliest stages, only a round formation is detected in the uterine cavity with a barely visible inner core - the embryo. In reality there will not be such a beautiful, detailed picture of a small embryo as they are depicted using computer graphics.

Most women cannot even really examine the fertilized egg itself, especially if the diagnosis is not accompanied by detailed comments from the doctor. But there is one pleasant nuance - at five obstetric weeks, the tiny baby’s little heart begins to beat, or rather, a characteristic pulsation is observed where the chest will soon form.

If the device on which the examination is carried out has a fairly good resolution and a modern sensor, then the mother will be able to see how this happens. The main characteristic of a baby’s development in the early stages is the size of the fertilized egg. This is what the doctor will measure if a woman comes for a scan at 5-9 weeks of pregnancy.


The coccyx-parietal size allows us to judge the growth rate of the child from about 7-8 weeks of pregnancy. This size is laid by a diagnostician from the highest point of the head (crown) to the lowest point - coccyx at maximum embryo extension.

Height is measured from head to feet. On ultrasound, this size is considered an important indicator, especially if an early examination is performed prior to the planned one. According to KTE, they not only determine how the baby is growing and whether he is feeling well, but also the gestational age in order to clarify the expected date of birth.

At a later date, when a woman enters the second trimester, CTE is no longer determined, since the baby becomes large enough to be measured from the head to the tailbone in its entirety.

KTE is a size that causes serious worries for expectant mothers. His hesitation causes a storm of emotions.

In fact, you shouldn't look for matches down to the millimeter in the tables. Minor deviations up or down may not always indicate anomalies, and deviations of 1-2 weeks do not always have pathological causes.

A decrease in CTE may be caused by the fact that a woman ovulated late or the baby was “delayed” on its way to the uterine cavity after conception, that is, implantation occurred later than the woman thinks.

Among the possible adverse consequences of reducing CTE are infections, including intrauterine ones, as well as gross genetic pathologies that prevent the baby from developing at the physical level at the pace set by nature.

An increase in CTE may also indicate inaccuracies in determining the gestational age, that is, early ovulation, as well as a tendency towards a large fetus.

Table of CTE norms (average)


This is the first indicator of possible chromosomal abnormalities. The thickness of the collar space is measured by a segment that is laid from the inner surface of the skin to the border of the dark anechoic area on the back of the baby's neck.

Some gross developmental anomalies associated with errors in the genetic code cause general swelling in the child, but it can be determined during this period only by one area of ​​study - the collar space. After 13 weeks of pregnancy, this indicator is not measured; it is no longer considered diagnostically important.

Future mothers undergoing their first prenatal screening worry the most about this size.

Do not panic, because this size, like all others determined by ultrasound scanning, does not indicate the presence of pathology with 100% accuracy. A slight deviation from the norm does not always indicate the presence of a disease.

Statistics show that disappointing diagnoses in children with increased TVP are confirmed only in 10% of cases. Among sick babies, TVP above 3.0 mm was found only in a few; usually, true developmental defects correspond to an excess of 3-8 mm from the norm.

TVP table (average)

Nose bone length

As is the case with the thickness of the nuchal translucency, the nasal bones can also indicate the likelihood of a pathology of chromosomal origin. In children with Down syndrome, for example, the nasal bones may not be defined at all, and in children with Patau syndrome, the nasal bone may be greatly shortened. But again, as with TVP, everything depends not only on the baby’s health condition.

Very often, doctors do not see the nasal bone due to the fact that the ultrasound machine in the consultation was outdated ten years ago. Sometimes the reason for detecting an alarming marker is the lack of experience of the diagnostician. If the result of the examination of this marker is disappointing, then the woman is prescribed a control ultrasound using an expert-class device and a consultation with a medical geneticist.

Table of norms for nasal bone length (average)


Many women are interested in how the first ultrasound examination is performed. Most often, doctors use a vaginal probe for examination, which is inserted into the vagina in a condom. With this method, it is possible to examine the uterine cavity through the vaginal wall. It is quite thin and the visualization is good. That's why intravaginal ultrasound is considered one of the most accurate.

Theoretically, it is possible during pregnancy in the first trimester to examine a woman transabdominally - with an external sensor, which is applied to the anterior abdominal wall, but in the short term, examining a tiny embryo can be prevented by the subcutaneous fat layer, which is present on the abdomen even in fairly petite girls.

The examination is carried out on a couch, on which the woman is asked to sit in a supine position with her knees bent. The doctor can also conduct an examination with a vaginal sensor on a gynecological chair.

If a woman comes for an appointment in the ultrasound room before the scheduled screening, which happens when an examination is prescribed regarding possible complications of pregnancy, the doctor will scan exclusively with a vaginal sensor, since it allows a detailed study of the condition of the cervix and cervical canal, which is very important when suspicion of a threatened miscarriage, an ectopic pregnancy, or an undeveloped pregnancy.

How to prepare for the examination?

Early ultrasound results may be affected by an insufficient amount of fluid through which ultrasound waves travel better. That is why, before going to the doctor, the expectant mother It is recommended to drink about half a liter of water, thereby filling your bladder.

In later stages of pregnancy, there will be enough amniotic fluid in the uterine cavity, which will serve as an ideal environment for conducting ultrasound waves.

While the embryo is very tiny, any factor can distort the real picture of what is happening. Thus, an intestine overflowing with feces, an intestine whose loops are swollen from gases, can compress the woman’s pelvic organs.

To better prepare for the first ultrasound, the expectant mother is advised not to eat foods that can cause fermentation and the formation of intestinal gases two to three days before visiting the diagnostic room.

It is better to exclude peas, white cabbage, baked goods, rye bread, sweets, and carbonated drinks from the diet. On the day of the examination, the intestines should be emptied, and 2-3 hours before the ultrasound, take a drug that “collapses” the bubbles of intestinal gases, preventing bloating. Such drugs approved for pregnant women include: "Espumizan" or "Simethicone".

For the first ultrasound, you need to take with you an exchange card, if you already have one, a passport, a compulsory health insurance policy, a clean diaper that can be laid on a couch or gynecological chair, as well as replacement shoes. There is no need to fast or go for an ultrasound scan on an empty stomach.

Probability of errors

Errors made by ultrasound doctors are a subject of widespread discussion among expectant mothers. Indeed, ultrasound scanning is not considered a highly accurate method. Its accuracy is estimated at only 75-90%. Much of the veracity of the results depends on the quality of the device, the qualifications of the doctor and the timeliness of the examination.

If you resolve issues as they arise, within the recommended time frame, ultrasound can be considered a fairly accurate and informative method. And in cases where the results of an ultrasound scan cannot be unambiguously interpreted, if the doctor has alarming markers or doubts, he will definitely recommend more accurate diagnostic methods - amniocentesis, chorionic villus biopsy, and a little later - cordocentesis.

If desired, you can do non-invasive fetal DNA analysis, which is an excellent alternative to invasive tests and is absolutely safe for the baby.

In addition, in most cases, ultrasound again helps to dispel doubts, but of a different class - expert. Such devices are available to perinatal centers, medical genetic centers and clinics.

Does ultrasound harm a baby?

There is no consensus on this matter. Modern medicine has no evidence that this diagnostic procedure is harmful to the fetus developing in the womb. However, there is no evidence that ultrasound is completely harmless. The fact is that science cannot study long-term consequences. No one knows how the influence of ultrasound in the embryonic period affects a person when he turns 30, 40, 50 years old.

It is the lack of information that provides fertile food for pseudo-scientific speculation about the influence of ultrasonic waves on human DNA. Available experience shows that children who were born to women who did not undergo ultrasound during pregnancy at all, and children who were born to women who underwent such diagnostics more than 6 times during the gestation period, did not differ in any way from each other in health status.