Why do children have their heads cut every year? Is it really necessary to cut a child’s hair every year? Let’s debunk modern myths

Previously, you yourself dealt with the locks falling on your forehead and covering your ears, and it is unlikely that your child would allow someone else to manipulate his hair. But the baby is growing up, and the hairstyle requires professional care.

Overgrown strands get into the eyes, forcing the baby to make bizarre head movements to get rid of the interference. In the summer, Panama hats and scarves helped you out, under which your regrown hair was so well hidden. But perhaps it's time to get your hair in order. However, it is completely unknown how the child will react to the fact that he will have to sit quietly in a chair, while scissors will flash around his head in the hands of a master of his craft, but completely unfamiliar to him.

To prevent your baby from becoming capricious and stubborn when he finds himself in an unfamiliar situation, you need to prepare in advance, taking into account the child’s behavioral characteristics. And, of course, tell him in detail about what will happen in the hairdresser, and what will be required of him to make the trip successful.

To the hairdresser in my mother's footsteps

Do you have a favorite stylist whom you have been going to for years and who understands you perfectly? Should you contact him with your baby? This largely depends on how fashionable or reputable the salon you are visiting. If you are sure that your child’s behavior will not cause dissatisfaction among other clients and will not put you in an awkward position, feel free to take him to a specialist you trust. True, it is worth asking in advance whether he has ever cut the hair of small children.

Residents of megacities can easily find a salon that specializes exclusively in children's haircuts. But the simplest solution may be an ordinary hairdresser in your area, where they will always find time for you and probably work with masters who have experience in communicating with very different clients, including the smallest ones. It would be great if this hair salon has video screens and chairs that rise to the desired height. If not, you can bring a few of your favorites. toys and baby books that will help you distract and calm him. Some children constantly fidget and fidget in the chair and even try to run away, others freeze tensely, afraid to move, but in any case, for a child, the first trip to the hairdresser is an exciting event that even requires some courage.

Virtuoso technique

To reduce your time in the salon chair and avoid the risky step of washing your hair in the sink, wash your hair at home. Then the hairdresser will only moisten clean hair. If you feel that your child is uncomfortable sitting on a stack of telephone books or uncomfortable in a chair that is too big for him, sit him on your lap and tell him about what the hairdresser is doing and how wonderful the result will be.

Usually a haircut lasts no more than fifteen to twenty minutes. In any case, it will be difficult for the baby to “hold out” longer.

Some kids begin to panic when they see cut strands on the floor. In young children, the sense of their integrity is still fragile and not very stable, so they prefer not to part with what belongs to them. Be sure to - better in advance, before arriving at the salon - explain to your child that hair grows constantly and needs to be cut from time to time so that it does not interfere. Be sure to reassure your baby that his curls will grow back very soon. Emphasize that he will get his hair done like an adult, that all people go to a hairdresser where they get beautiful haircuts. Your exclamations of admiration will greatly delight the baby (and also the hairdresser). The child will be happy to look at the new haircut in the mirror, filling himself with self-respect. There is something to be proud of here - after all, he has taken another step into the world of adults. As a souvenir of such a significant event, you can take with you a strand of hair, which you put together in a box.

To get started - haircut at home

Are your convincing arguments in favor of going to the hairdresser met with desperate resistance? Perhaps the baby’s fears are too strong and he is not yet ready for a new experience. In this case, it is worth inviting a hairdresser to your home: in a familiar environment, it will be easier for the child to trust a stranger. Having passed the first test with honor, your child will probably react more favorably to the offer to go to the hairdresser.

If your baby is naughty on the very day you planned a hike because he didn’t get enough sleep or doesn’t feel very well, cancel the plan. Wait until he is in a good mood. If your child is wary of everything new, first let him stay nearby during your haircut. Just the fact that the child knows in advance what the hall looks like will help him feel more comfortable when the crucial moment comes. And soon he himself will demand a visit to the hairdresser, considering that his hair does not lie well enough. And you will be happy to support his desire to look fashionable and stylish.


Comment on the article "Baby's first haircut"

Haircuts per year. Achievements. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old. Do you somehow cut children's hair? When did you start cutting hair? By yourself or at the hairdresser? In a children's hairdressing salon they will not send you, but they will be happy to see a new client :) Even we have children's ones in Odessa.

first haircut. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from I would be glad to receive advice on how to take your child to the hairdresser for the first time and get...

When I was three or four years old I had a bob - that's where you spent time on hair - all the bobby pins - where do you cut hair for 12 year olds? Haircut or braids. I want to weigh the pros and cons of haircuts for How to cut a child's hair. The children's hairdressing salon "Chik-Chik" has been operating in the center of Moscow for a year now.

Section: Parental experience (where you can cut a 3-year-old child’s hair in Moscow). Where do you get your little boys 3 years old hair cut? there is a good children's hairdresser Chik-chik on Oktyabrskaya. we went there until 4, only there it was possible to get a haircut without screaming, while he...

about cutting small children's hair. Parental experience. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child about cutting haircuts for young children. Today they called a hairdresser to cut a haircut for a 1 year 9 month old child (they already had his hair cut). In the center there is a special children's hairdressing salon, something called Chick-Chick.

Baby's first haircut. There is also a play area for children and a relaxation room where you can wait while your little one gets their hair cut.

Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills. How our dad likes to cut it, they say the hair will grow thicker. But they don’t get any thicker. Has anyone taken their child to the hairdresser?

How to cut a child's hair. The children's hairdressing salon "Chik-Chik" has been operating in the center of Moscow for a year now. I once watched a program (foreign), where a girl had her hair cut (just in this spirit), styled, etc. Q... Tell me, who gets her hair cut where and for how much?

First haircut. - gatherings. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills.

first haircut. - gatherings. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills.

How to cut a child's hair. The children's hairdressing salon "Chik-Chik" has been operating in the center of Moscow for a year now. Section: Parental experience (where you can cut a 3-year-old child’s hair in Moscow). Where do you get your little boys 3 years old hair cut? I want to have a comfortable and cute haircut...

clipper haircut. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household...

How to cut a child's hair. Lisa: And by calling several hairdressers, I found out that they could cut my toddler’s hair at 1.8 in adults Section: ...it’s difficult to choose a section. How did you cut your child's hair for the first time? I cut my one-year-old eldest's hair at a barbershop, and Sashka...

Baby's first haircut. But I want to say that you shouldn’t do this too much (lead to a 3-year-old child who doesn’t want to get his hair cut and won’t let him wash his hair. But when is this supposed to happen?

First haircut... - get-togethers. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills.

First haircut. Parental experience. A child from birth to one year. What time did you cut your baby's hair for the first time? Can I use a typewriter? What to do with cut hair?

Children's hairdresser. Where can I buy?. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition and illness. We would like to go to a children's hairdresser, so that there is a children's atmosphere and a normal haircut. Tell me... are there such?

First haircut. Parental experience. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. What time did you cut your baby's hair for the first time?

Does a haircut help?.. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Our beloved little ones are growing amazingly quickly: it seems like only yesterday the baby looked at you for the first time with his unearthly eyes, and today he is already taking his first steps and comically brushing away his overgrown bangs. According to traditions (or signs?), the time has come for the first haircut. Do you need to cut your child's hair every year? Who came up with this rule? And how to properly cut a baby’s hair for the first time?

Why children get their hair cut every year - folk beliefs and signs about cutting children's hair every year

In ancient Rus', many beliefs were associated with the first haircut. Since ancient times, all manipulations with hair (especially children's) have been endowed with special meaning - according to legends, they are continuously connected with a person’s vital forces, and it was impossible to cut them just like that - only on special days and for a specific occasion.

What ancient signs have survived to this day?

  • If you cut your child's hair in a year "to zero" , the grown-up child will become the owner of chic and thick hair.
  • It is strictly forbidden to cut your hair before one year old so as not to bring various ailments to the baby, in particular, infertility.
  • The first haircut is a celebration , symbolizing the baby’s transition to a new stage of life, and it should take place in a solemn atmosphere.
  • When you are one year old, you need to get your hair cut to “erase” the information. about painful childbirth and drive away dark forces from your child.

Children's hair was considered one of the signs of wealth, and a thick head of hair was a symbol of good luck. This "symbol" combed with coins, rolled in chicken eggs, and shorn hairs were buried in anthills, drowned with the words “it came from the earth, it went into the earth” and hid it behind the fence. And tradition preserving the baby's first curl is still alive, although its roots go back to those times when a cut lock of hair was preserved due to the fact that the soul lives in the hair. In general, there were a lot of signs, and modern mothers, driven by the demands of mothers-in-law and grandmothers to “Cut it to zero!”, are at a loss. Few people understand - is there really a need for a haircut? And why cut a girl’s hair to zero? Moreover, if by this age she has grown thick and beautiful hair.

Is it really necessary to cut a child’s hair every year? Let’s debunk modern myths

The times of superstitions and ancient rituals involving rolling eggs through hair are long gone. No one goes out at night to the crossroads of seven roads to bury their cut hair and ask the moon for royal hair for their child. But signs live to this day , confusing modern mothers - to cut or not to cut.

Let's try to figure out what is a myth and what sign actually tends to come true in reality.

  • “If you don’t cut your child’s hair to zero, then in the future he will have thin, thin hair.”
    The formation of the hair structure and its follicles occurs even before birth. That is, if a mop of hair is not programmed in the baby’s genes, as on the cover of a magazine, then even a haircut a year during the waxing moon by candlelight and in a magic circle will not turn thin ponytails into hair.
  • “Shaving your hair every year is the key to thick, chic hair in the future.”
    You should know that such a radical method can permanently damage the hair follicles. Therefore, if there is no urgent need for shaving your head, then it is better not to resort to this method.
  • “The fluff must be cut off, otherwise the hair will remain that way.”
    Babies from birth to one year grow fine vellus hairs that were formed in the womb. This is fine. They become adults – dense and strong – gradually. Therefore, there is no point in panicking over the fact that a baby has only “undercoat” a year, while the neighbor’s little one already has “all of it and wow.”

You also need to understand that...

  • Not all babies' hair grows evenly. If the hairs stick out in “clumps”, this does not mean at all that it will always be like that. Uneven hair growth is inherent in nature. After “shedding” the fluff, the hair will grow in the amount determined by genetics.
  • Shaving and haircuts do not in any way affect the structure/quality of hair .
  • Immature hair follicle even after shaving and cutting, a thin hair shaft will still appear.
  • No haircut, regardless of age, will not add hair follicles to the baby’s head .
  • Hair "thickness" effect after a haircut is explained only by a visual effect and a “placebo” - after all, after cutting the fluff, real hair begins to grow.
  • Pediatricians do not advise cutting and, especially, shaving babies to eliminate the risk of damage to the hair follicles and painful irritation on the skin, through which infection can enter.
  • As for the quality of hair, everything is in the hands of the parents: when normal health, nutrition, care and growth stimulation (regular combing with a massage brush) hair will grow quickly.

Arguments for cutting hair per year - in what cases can cutting your baby’s hair be useful?

  • Bangs too long spoils vision - fact.
  • A neat haircut ensures more well-groomed appearance.
  • Haircut is one of signs that distinguish babies of different sexes. After all, any mother frowns with displeasure when her princess is called “a charming little boy.”
  • With short hair baby easier to bear the heat.

Child's first haircut - important rules for safe haircuts for children per year

Ideally, if you decide to get a haircut, it is better to carry out your plan at the children's hairdresser , whose specialists know how to cut a baby’s hair safely. There are special “distracting” chairs in the form of toys, toys themselves, TVs with cartoons and, of course, professionals who will find an approach to even the most fidgety and timid baby.

Have you decided to cut your own hair? Then remember Basic recommendations for safe haircuts:

  • It’s good if you’re in the process of getting a haircut will take the baby on his lap someone he trusts.
  • Accompany your haircut with a game- for example, to a hairdresser. To prepare for a haircut, practice with your child on toys in advance. Let the baby remember and love this game.
  • Turn on cartoons, give the child a new toy.
  • Use scissors with rounded tips only.
  • Lightly wet your hair spray before cutting to make the procedure easier.
  • Trim your curls carefully but quickly squeezing them between your fingers.
  • Start cutting your child's hair from the most problematic areas, otherwise, when he gets tired, you simply won't get to them.
  • Do not be nervous. Anxiety is transmitted to the child.
  • You can cut a boy's hair using a trimmer- This is the least dangerous option.
  • Do not cut your child's hair if he is sick or not in the mood.

AND don't forget to praise your child and show him in the mirror how beautiful he looks now.

Our beloved little ones are growing amazingly quickly: it seems like just yesterday the baby looked at you for the first time with his unearthly eyes, and today he is already taking his first steps and comically brushing off his overgrown bangs. According to traditions (or signs?), the time has come for the first haircut. Do you need to cut your child's hair every year? Who came up with this rule? And how to properly cut a baby’s hair for the first time?

Why children get their hair cut every year - folk beliefs and signs about cutting children's hair every year

In ancient Rus', many beliefs were associated with the first haircut. Since ancient times, all manipulations with hair (especially children's) have been endowed with a special meaning - according to legends, they are inextricably linked with a person's vital forces, and it was impossible to cut them just like that - only on special days and for a specific occasion.
What ancient signs have survived to this day?

  • If you cut your child's hair every year, the grown-up child will have chic and thick hair.
  • It is strictly forbidden to cut your hair before the age of one year, so as not to bring various ailments to the baby, in particular, infertility and poverty.
  • The first haircut is a holiday symbolizing the baby’s transition to a new stage of life, and it should take place in a solemn atmosphere.
  • At one year old, you need to cut your hair in order to “erase” information about the painful birth and drive away dark forces from your child.

Children's hair was considered one of the signs of wealth, and a thick head of hair was considered a symbol of good luck. This “symbol” was combed with coins, rolled in chicken eggs, and the cut hairs were buried in anthills, drowned with the words “it came from the earth, it went to the earth” and hid behind a fence. And the tradition of preserving a baby’s first lock of hair is still alive, although its roots go back to the times when a cut lock of hair was preserved because the soul lives in the hair.

In general, there were a lot of signs, and modern mothers, driven by the demands of mothers-in-law and grandmothers to “Cut it to zero!”, are at a loss. Few people understand - is there really a need for a haircut? And why cut a girl’s hair to zero? Moreover, if by this age she has grown thick and beautiful hair...

Is it really necessary to cut a child’s hair every year? Let’s debunk the myths

The times of superstitions and ancient rituals involving rolling eggs through hair are long gone. No one goes out at night to the crossroads of seven roads to bury their cut hair and ask the moon for royal hair for their child. But signs live to this day, confusing modern mothers - to cut their hair or not to cut it.

Let's try to figure out what is a myth and what sign actually tends to come true in reality.

“If you don’t cut your child’s hair to zero, then in the future he will have thin, thin hair.”
The formation of the hair structure and its follicles occurs even before birth. That is, if a mop of hair is not programmed in the baby’s genes, as on the cover of a magazine, then even a haircut a year during the waxing moon by candlelight and in a magic circle will not turn thin ponytails into hair.

“Shaving your hair every year is the key to thick, chic hair in the future.”
You should know that such a radical method can permanently damage the hair follicles. Therefore, if there is no urgent need for shaving your head, then it is better not to resort to this method.

“The fluff must be cut off, otherwise the hair will remain that way.”
Babies from birth to one year grow fine vellus hairs that were formed in the womb. This is fine. They become adults – dense and strong – gradually. Therefore, there is no point in panicking over the fact that a baby has only “undercoat” a year, while the neighbor’s little one already has “all of it and wow.”

You also need to understand that...

Not all babies' hair grows evenly. If the hairs stick out in “clumps”, this does not mean at all that it will always be like that. Uneven hair growth is inherent in nature. After “shedding” the fluff, the hair will grow in the amount determined by genetics.

Shaving and cutting in no way affect the structure/quality of the hair. An immature hair follicle, even after shaving and cutting, will still produce a thin hair shaft. No haircut, regardless of age, will add hair follicles to the baby’s head.

The effect of “thickness” of hair after cutting is explained only by the visual effect and “placebo” - after all, after cutting the fluff, real hair begins to grow.

Pediatricians do not advise cutting and, especially, shaving babies to eliminate the risk of damage to the hair follicles and painful irritation on the skin, through which infection can enter.

As for the quality of hair, everything is in the hands of the parents: with normal health, nutrition, care and stimulation of growth (regular combing with a massage brush), hair will grow quickly.

Arguments for cutting hair per year - in what cases can cutting your baby’s hair be useful?

  • Too long bangs spoil your eyesight - fact.
  • A neat haircut provides a more well-groomed appearance.
  • Haircut is one of the signs that distinguishes children of different sexes. After all, any mother frowns with displeasure when her princess is called “a charming little boy.”
  • With short hair, it is easier for the baby to endure the heat.

Child's first haircut - important rules for safe haircuts for children per year

Ideally, if you decide to get a haircut, it is better to carry out your plan at a children's hairdresser, whose specialists know how to cut a baby's hair safely. There are special “distracting” chairs in the form of toys, toys themselves, TVs with cartoons and, of course, professionals who will find an approach to even the most fidgety and timid baby.

Have you decided to cut your own hair? Then remember the basic recommendations for a safe haircut:

  • It’s good if, during the haircut process, someone he trusts takes the baby on his lap.
  • Accompany your haircut with a game - for example, to the hairdresser. To prepare for a haircut, practice with your child on toys in advance. Let the baby remember and love this game.
  • Turn on cartoons, give your child a new toy.
  • Use scissors with rounded tips only.
  • Lightly mist your hair with a spray bottle before cutting to make the process easier.
  • Cut the curls carefully but quickly, pinching them between your fingers.
  • Start cutting your child's hair from the most problematic areas, otherwise, when he gets tired, you simply won't get to them.
  • Do not be nervous. Anxiety is transmitted to the child.
  • You can cut a boy's hair using a trimmer - this is the least dangerous option.
  • Do not cut your child's hair if he is sick or not in the mood.

And don't forget to praise your child and show him in the mirror how beautiful he now looks.

Surely, you have more than once heard the question from your loved ones and acquaintances: “Are you going to get a haircut when you’re a year old?” And we involuntarily thought: is it really necessary or not? And in general, why cut a child’s hair every year? The most common answers to this question are: “So that the hair is thick”, “It’s necessary” and “But of course!” There are many myths surrounding the ritual of cutting or shaving babies for the first time, and most of them have their roots in ancient traditions of peoples.

Why do babies get their hair cut?

Many manipulations with children have always been carried out simply because “everyone does it,” and few people think about why this is necessary and is it necessary at all?


In many cultures around the world, it is customary to cut or shave the heads of children at a certain age, following religious rituals, folk traditions and simply superstitions. For example, in India, babies' hair was cut as a sign of farewell to their past life and movement into the future. In Mongolia, a baby's first haircut is a celebration to which the whole family is invited. Each guest cuts a strand, presents a gift to the baby and says wishes. In Israel, it is customary not to cut boys' hair until they are three years old (many non-religious families also adhere to this).

In Slavic culture, the ritual of the first haircut is also associated with religious traditions and folk culture. The main rule is not to touch your hair for up to a year. There was a belief that if you cut a baby’s hair before he is 12 months old, he will be weak and often get sick, and will not be lucky, rich, etc. Shaving a child's head symbolized the transition to a new life and served as a way to ward off evil spirits from the precious child.

In ancient times in Rus' there was a ritual when, at one year old, the godparents cut off the baby’s locks in four places, in the shape of a cross. Then they were placed behind images (icons) and kept as a powerful amulet against troubles and illnesses. The baby's first haircut was performed according to the lunar calendar, and in particular - on the waxing moon. Such calendars are still compiled annually and released for free sale.

Nowadays, there are also many different signs regarding the haircut of one-year-old children. For example, some parents believe that if a lock of hair cut off at the age of one is shown to the child when he goes to first grade, he will study well. Another sign says that a cut lock of hair placed under a baby’s pillow will bring him good dreams.


Today, many parents cut their children's hair when they are one year old because they are convinced of the benefits of this action - supposedly the hair will become thicker, thicker and healthier (the same myth circulates in the army). And indeed, when the hair begins to grow back after shaving, it seems that it has become thicker. In fact, this is just an appearance, because there are no more hair follicles.

"Pros and cons"

Some two or three decades ago, we didn’t even ask ourselves whether it was necessary to cut a child’s hair bald every year, but simply cut it. Moreover, both boys and girls were shaved the same way, and from this “original hairstyle” one could easily determine that the baby had recently had his first birthday.

Why you shouldn't cut your hair

Hair begins to develop in children even in the prenatal period, so babies are born with fluff on their head and entire body. During the first months of life, natal hairs fall out and thicker, more mature hairs begin to grow, which may differ in color and texture. Don't be alarmed if the fuzz has already fallen out and new hair does not appear - this is normal. There are several reasons why you shouldn’t cut your one-year-old’s hair.

  • Doesn't make sense. Hair starts growing inside the skin in hair follicles, and what you do to it on the outside has no effect on its development inside the follicle.
  • Deceptive effect. Sometimes parents think that after cutting the hair becomes thicker - in fact, this effect creates uniform hair growth (that is, the length of all hairs is the same).
  • It can cause harm. No matter how carefully we work with tools, there is always a risk of damage to hair and follicles. Accidentally pulled with scissors or scratched with a clipper - several weak children's follicles are damaged.
  • Discomfort . After shaving the head, the stubble that soon appears can cause irritation on the delicate baby skin and, as a result, severe discomfort. In addition, without hair, the baby may simply be cold.
  • Risk of infection. The smallest scratches from a machine or pimples on irritated skin can cause inflammation due to the entry of pathogenic microorganisms (for example, streptococcus).

There is no scientific evidence that babies' hair grows faster, healthier or thicker after shaving. The beauty of hair is ensured by good nutrition, proper hygiene and heredity. Why cut your child's hair bald every year? The answer is simple - there is no need.

When might a haircut be needed?

Although cutting children's hair will not make it look better in the future, there are situations when it is really necessary to get rid of excess hair (we are talking about trimming, not shaving):

  • infant crusts are difficult to remove;
  • long bangs fall over the eyes;
  • Mom thinks her hair is ugly;
  • very hot;
  • The boy's hair is too long and he is mistaken for a girl.

How to get a haircut correctly

If, after weighing all the pros and cons, you still come to the conclusion that your child should be cut, you need to take into account several important rules.

  • Cut your hair, don't shave! A shaving machine, even a very good one, can damage the hair follicles, as it sometimes tends to catch hair. In addition, it can simply scare the baby. Give preference to scissors with rounded ends. But if your family or religious traditions require a close shave, use a trimmer (it's not as noisy). But under no circumstances should you shave your baby with a machine!
  • After swimming. Wash your baby's hair and cut slightly damp hair.
  • Times of Day . Choose an appropriate time for this procedure when the child is usually calmest. For example, after lunch and sleep and food. You should not start this procedure if the baby is not in the mood or is sick.
  • Setting. Make sure that the child is comfortable, prepare in advance interesting (preferably new) toys or healthy treats to distract him. During the procedure, talk to him all the time. If possible, invite a hairdresser who specializes in infant haircuts to your home (and not your neighbor - just because you are afraid).
  • After the haircut. At the end of the procedure, you need to bathe the baby in a warm bath to remove the cut hair from the body. Carefully inspect all the folds of the skin so as not to leave bristles, which can then prick.
  • Disinfection. If you did not cut the baby's head, but rather shaved it, it must be treated with a disinfectant (for example, Miramistin) and lubricated with moisturizer. Do not use alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to treat children's skin!

If you see that your child categorically refuses hairdressing services, do not insist, but simply postpone this event for a month or two. Moreover, you should not start a haircut if your baby has recently undergone painful medical procedures on his head.

In fact, no one knows for sure why a one-year-old child should have their hair cut. Some people follow traditions and the advice of their elders, while others, on the contrary, strive to keep up with the times and do not believe in omens. In any case, whether to cut a baby's hair or not is a purely parental decision. The main thing is to do everything according to the rules and take precautions.


Our ancestors treated hair cutting, especially children's hair, with special trepidation. Since ancient times, it was believed that hair is a connecting link between man and the Cosmos, man and the Universe, man and the Divine, man and Nature. According to beliefs, it is in the hair that the necessary life experience, intelligence, strength and energy are accumulated, so cutting hair in ancient times was considered an extremely undesirable thing, and often disastrous for a child. The first haircut of a child had to be followed strictly. Let's find out what these signs were and how to cut a child's hair according to folk traditions.

Beliefs, traditions, rituals

It was strictly forbidden to cut children's hair before they reached the age of one year. Many children were born in the family, but they often died in infancy, and cutting a child’s hair could deprive him of the strength he needed so much in order to survive. It was believed that before the baby was one year old, he decided whether to stay in the family or leave it. If the child did not die, then on the first name day the first lock of hair was ceremoniously cut off from the top of his head, and all other hair was left intact. This was done as a sign that the baby had been accepted into the family and was now under family protection.

The first curl was cut from the top of the child’s head at the age of one

The first lock of hair was kept in a canvas bag behind the icons until the son went into military service and the daughter was married off. Then the curl was passed on to the owner and served as a talisman against troubles and illnesses.

Early hair cutting, according to popular belief, could lead to illness or death of the child. Belarusians believed that cutting a child’s hair in the first year of life was the same as “cutting” his tongue; a baby cut early began to speak late, or even remained mute. The Poles believed that cutting children's hair before they were one year old would lead to the fact that when they grew up, the person cut too early would live in poverty.

In different regions, the first haircut was carried out at different times, but this day was very solemn. A haircut could take place at three, five, or even seven years old. In the family of magicians, priests and sorcerers, they did not cut their hair at all until the age of 12, since up until this age it was through the hair that all the information that his ancestors possessed came to the child.

Traditionally, children's hair is cut for the first time after three, or even after seven years.

Often only boys had their hair cut, while girls grew their hair long. The day when their hair was braided for the first time was very important for girls.

It was believed that on the day of the first haircut the child grew up. Girls began to help with housework, and boys moved to live in the men's half of the house and do men's things. There was also a ritual when, immediately after cutting his hair, the boy was allowed to hold on to a plow or saber and was seated on a horse.

Infant tonsure

For the child’s first haircut, it was customary to call the midwife, who delivered the mother, and the child’s godparents. Close relatives (mother, father, grandmother or grandfather), and most often godparents, cut 4 curls in the shape of a cross on the top of the child’s head, and then the rest was cut off.

During these manipulations, the child was seated on a sheepskin or sheepskin coat. The cut hair was tied with red thread and kept as a talisman. Nowadays, this tradition has been preserved, only today all manipulations with hair are usually carried out within a year, while our ancestors were in no hurry to cut their hair.

If children's hair was not stored, it was buried in an anthill or burned to ashes. Still cut hair could be thrown into the river so that running water would wash away all information about the owner. It was forbidden to throw away hair, as bad people could use it to cast the evil eye.

Today, tonsure is entrusted to godparents, and superstitious mothers and fathers try not to touch scissors, because there is a sign that parents should not cut their children’s hair. A mother cutting her daughter's hair deprives her of happiness, just as a father cutting his son's hair dooms him to an unhappy fate.

Mothers never cut their own daughters' hair. And in general, girls rarely got their hair cut

In princely, and then in boyar families, during the first haircut, the rite of infant tonsure was carried out in the church, when the ritual cutting of the cross was carried out by a priest. The godfather brought the child to church, and after the tonsure a feast was held. By the way, the church views children’s haircuts favorably and does not see anything reprehensible in cutting off a child’s hair. All beliefs about strength, energy and connection with the Cosmos through hair are considered by clergy as superstitions.

Modern signs In modern days, the popular belief about a baby's first haircut has become distorted.

It is believed that you should not touch a baby’s down until he is one year old, but at exactly one year of age it is necessary to shave the baby’s head bald. This is done so that the hair grows thick and strong, and the child is not left with thin and sparse hair forever.

Our ancestors, of course, did not do this; they believed that children receive knowledge and intelligence through their hair; it is through their hair that all moral foundations and laws of life come to the child from the divine beginning. Therefore, depriving a child of the opportunity to develop and experience life by cutting his hair was reprehensible.

And if we take into account that hair, according to popular belief, is the center of vitality, then shaving a child bald was equated to infanticide. Today this is a common practice.

For many peoples of the world, children's hair is a symbol of wealth and success. If a child was born with thick hair, then the newborn’s hair was combed with coins to attract wealth.

To cut or not to cut?

If parents adhere to esoteric views, then when cutting a child’s hair, everything becomes more or less clear: it is better to cut baby hair as rarely as possible. But what should other parents do to avoid becoming victims of stupid superstitions? You can rely on the authority of modern scientists, who say that cutting a child’s hair can be done at any time if necessary, or it can be postponed indefinitely if the hair does not cause discomfort to the child, and the cutting process causes fear.

When cutting a child's hair, don't ignore his fears

From a scientific point of view, it is worth refraining from cutting a baby’s hair in the first year of life because there are fragile areas on the child’s head - fontanelles, damage to which can lead to irreversible consequences for the brain . After the fontanelles are overgrown, you can cut children's hair without fear.

However, it is quite possible to have an earlier haircut if the hair has grown too large, gets into the eyes and in any way bothers the child. It’s true that you should be very careful when doing this.

Scientific research has proven that the structure of a child’s hair is formed in the womb, so no haircut, including shaving the head, can make the hair thicker and stronger. In addition, the razor blade can damage the hair follicles, so shaving your head does more harm than good.

The visual effect of the density of regrowing hair after shaving is explained very simply - the cut of the hair looks darker and thicker than the tip, so the hair appears darker. And the hair looks thicker because it all starts to grow at the same time. Even if you don’t cut your baby’s hair at all, gradually all the fluff will fall out on its own and be replaced by real hair, given by nature.

Baby fluff gradually falls out on its own, giving way to hair

It is better for girls to grow their hair after three years, since at an earlier age, hairpins and elastic bands can disturb the child, as well as loose hair getting into the face and eyes. The length of a child’s hair and the frequency of cutting it can also be influenced by the convenience of washing their hair. With short hair, it is much easier to perform these manipulations without tears and whims.

How to cut your baby’s hair, who should cut it, and at what age to cut your baby’s hair is up to his parents. When making this decision, it is better to proceed from considerations of the child’s convenience, and not to be led by superstitions, often based on idle speculation. And of course, we shouldn’t forget about the aesthetic side of the issue.