How to properly attach a baby in a lying position. Should you feed your baby on a schedule? Crying and feeding

Undoubtedly, every mother wants her baby to be healthy. Therefore, most women want to feed their babies with their own milk. True, not everyone gets it right the first time. It is very important to put your baby to the breast correctly. After all, not only the health of the baby, but also the well-being of the mother depends on this. Therefore, today we will learn everything about such an important action as proper attachment during breastfeeding, the poses (photos are given in the article) used in this process. We will also define the basic rules that a woman should not neglect if she wants her boy or girl to grow up healthy and strong.

Signs of correct attachment

Signs of improper attachment

The uncomfortable position of the baby may interfere with his saturation, and also cause In this case, the child’s long-term eating may not be possible. You can understand whether latching is correct during breastfeeding or not by looking at certain signs. So, signs of an incorrect application may be the following:

  1. The baby tilts its head down or turns it to the side.
  2. The baby does not open its mouth wide, but its lips do not turn out, and its cheeks are retracted, although they should be puffed out.
  3. The baby performs not sucking, but chewing movements.
  4. Only the nipple is in the baby's mouth, while the areola is completely visible.
  5. When feeding, you can hear the tongue clicking and smacking.
  6. The baby spits up a lot after feeding due to the large amount of air swallowed.
  7. The baby is restless, he cries, stops taking the breast and again demands food.
  8. The mother feels pain during feeding or experiences discomfort.

If one or even several of the situations described above are observed, this means that the woman is not putting the baby to her breast correctly. Then it is necessary to complete the feeding and position the baby correctly. To do this, you can insert your fingertips into the corner of the baby’s mouth and gently press on the lower jaw. In general, proper attachment during breastfeeding is a procedure that needs to be learned gradually. Therefore, the main thing that a mother should think about at this time is her state of mind. Even if nothing works out the first time, don’t despair, because the second or even the tenth time everything will certainly be different. As a last resort, you can contact a pediatrician who will help the mother in this seemingly difficult task.

How to breastfeed correctly?

Since the baby does not understand anything in the first days after birth, the mother must help him eat. To do this, a woman must do the following: before each feeding, move the nipple across the baby’s mouth strictly from top to bottom. You should never move it from side to side! In this way, the mother will teach the child to only turn his head, but will not achieve a wide open mouth.

Movements from top to bottom should be repeated as many times as necessary. How is it - in full breadth? The mother must catch the moment when the baby yawns or, for example, cries. At this time, the woman should pay attention to how wide the baby can open her mouth, and strive for this. Also, the mother can catch the moment when the baby yawns and quickly put the breast into his mouth. This must be done at lightning speed, otherwise you may be late.

Possible poses

Proper attachment when feeding a baby clearly intersects with the choice of position for the mother. In this case, both the woman and the baby should not feel any discomfort. Therefore, choosing a pose is a crucial moment. It is influenced by many factors: the baby’s weight, his sucking style, and the mother’s well-being. Depending on these circumstances, the following poses may be acceptable:

  1. "Cradle". The starting position of the woman is sitting, holding the baby in her arms, pressing his belly to hers. In this case, the baby should grasp the nipple without turning his head.
  2. "Cross Cradle" The mother places the child in her arm and holds the back of his head with her palm. The woman should support her breasts with her other hand.
  3. "Out of hand." The baby lies on a pillow, with his body behind his mother’s back. In this position, the baby receives milk from the lower and upper lobes of the breast, where lactostasis most often appears.
  4. "On the chest." The mother, in a reclining position, places the baby in front of her. This position is convenient when there is an excess of milk, when it flows heavily, preventing the baby from sucking.
  5. "Standing." This position can be used if the mother wants to rock the baby to sleep. In this case, the woman should hold the baby in her arms in the “cradle” position.
  6. "Overhang." The starting position of the mother is lying on her side. The woman turns the baby to face her and feeds, leaning on her elbow.

If during feeding both the mother and her baby do not feel discomfort, they are relaxed, and the breasts empty well, then the position was chosen correctly. The application of the poses described above was carried out correctly. Women can experiment with positions to see which position is best for them to give their baby milk.

Feeding position if mom doesn't get enough sleep

Often mothers complain that the baby does not allow them to rest properly. After all, even at night you have to feed babies. However, you can learn to put your baby to your breast and continue to rest during this time. To do this, it is enough to feed him lying down. Below we will look at how to properly attach the baby so that both he and the mother feel good.

  1. The woman should lie down comfortably. You should not lean on your elbow. Only the mother's head can be on the pillow. The starting position is strictly on your side, you cannot deviate either forward or backward.
  2. The baby should also lie on its side under the mother’s arm. The shoulder, hip and ear should be on the same line. The tummy should be pressed against the mother, the head should be thrown back a little, then the mouth will open easily.
  3. It is necessary to comfortably present the breast to the baby. If it is the left mammary gland, then the baby should be supported by the shoulder blades with the left hand, and the breast should be fed with the right.
  4. Throughout the feeding, the baby should be supported to prevent him from rolling onto his back. You can define a cushion under its back.

These are four points that ensure proper attachment. If these conditions are strictly observed, then the mother will be able to rest and the baby will be well-fed.

Basic rules for breastfeeding a baby

Early breastfeeding

Obstetricians and gynecologists advise women in labor to feed the baby, or at least try to do so, no later than an hour after birth. This is very important, since in this case the first contact between mother and baby will be made. The duration of the first feeding should be at least half an hour.

Early proper attachment during breastfeeding will encourage the formation of milk, as well as promote the rapid passage of the placenta and will be an excellent prevention of postpartum hemorrhage. In addition, the baby will quickly develop intestinal microflora, as well as immunity.

Correct application

This point has already been discussed in detail, but it is worth mentioning what is good about the right application. If the baby correctly latches on to the mother’s breast, does not cause the woman pain or discomfort, and drinks plenty of milk, then this will protect the woman in labor from mastitis, cracks and other troubles.

Feeding on demand

This is another important rule that is worth paying attention to. Feeding not according to the clock, but according to the baby’s demand is one of the principles of such a basis as proper attachment during breastfeeding. Komarovsky E.O. - an experienced pediatrician, who has his own program about babies on television, claims that a baby should be given breastfeeding for any reason from the first months of life. It is necessary to provide him with access to milk whenever he wants. This is very important, because this way the baby will not only be satisfied, but it will also contribute to his psycho-emotional comfort. After 4-5 months, the child will develop his own routine. Komarovsky E.O. notes that it is advisable to feed a baby until at least six months, and better yet, up to a year.

Duration of application

All mothers should remember that it is not worth interrupting feeding; if you take the breast off, it will stop sucking on its own. Different babies stay at the breast for different lengths of time. And that's okay. Therefore, you should not worry if your neighbor’s baby is at the breast for 40 minutes, but 15 is enough for yours. Why shouldn't wean your breasts yet? It turns out that at the beginning of feeding, the baby receives earlier milk, rich in water, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins. But after 5-7 minutes of sucking, it reaches late milk, which contains proteins and fats. This is why it is so important not to interrupt this process.

Alternate feeding

Proper attachment during breastfeeding cannot do without this point. Experts strongly recommend that all mothers give one breast to their baby per feeding. If a woman is in a hurry and wants to give the second one as quickly as possible, then the baby will not receive late milk, rich in fats. As a result, he may have problems with bowel movements. To prevent this, the mother should know that she can offer the same mammary gland to the child for 1-2 hours. And only then change it to another. Feeding from both breasts is allowed only if the baby is already 5 months old, that is, when he no longer has enough milk from one breast and needs more.

Now you know everything about such an important action as proper attachment during breastfeeding (photos of this process and suitable poses are presented in the review). We found out what is the essential product that babies should eat. After all, it contains all the necessary vitamins and microelements that are so important for the health of children.

The most important point to ensure stable lactation is the correct technique for attaching a newborn to the breast of a nursing mother.

Every child has reflexes from birth, including reflexes associated with feeding. Thanks to unconditioned reflexes, the baby can open his mouth wide to take the breast:

  • he instinctively turns his head from side to side and looks for his mother's breast;
  • the touch of a breast nipple makes him open his mouth wide. If the baby's mouth is not open wide enough, his lower jaw may put pressure on the chest, which may cause pain.
  • The baby's sucking action resembles a wave. The baby makes several sucking movements in a row, then after a short break a new series follows. As the baby becomes saturated, the series of sucking movements become shorter and the breaks longer. With effective sucking, the baby sucks out the required amount of milk in 15-20 minutes. Milk does not pour out of the mouth, the child does not choke, the sucking is rhythmic and for every two sucking movements there are two swallowing movements and one or two breathing movements.

Signs of proper breastfeeding

  • Feeding does not cause pain for the mother. With proper attachment to the breast, the feeding process should bring only pleasure to the mother, but not pain.
  • Mouth wide open. Lactation consultant Kay Hoover used a protractor when looking at photographs of babies who were latched correctly or incorrectly. With proper grip, the mouth opening angle is 130-150 degrees. When incorrect, the angle was about 90 degrees.
  • The lower lip is relaxed and turned outward. The baby's lips are turned outward; you can see how the tongue rests on the lower lip.
  • The lower part of the areola is not visible. If the nipple areola is small, then it is completely captured.
  • The nipple is deep in the baby's mouth and the tip of the nipple touches his palate.
  • Baby's cheeks are rounded, and not retracted (sometimes his ears move when sucking).
  • The chin touches or sinks into the mother's chest.
  • You can hear the baby swallowing milk. When sucking, the baby makes two simultaneous movements: the lower jaw moves up and down and, pressing the lips and tongue on the areola, squeezes out milk. There should be no clicking or smacking noises during sucking.

Signs of improper breastfeeding

  • A nursing mother suffers pain from the moment her baby is put to the breast. If applied incorrectly, cracks and abrasions may appear at the tip or base of the nipple.
  • Mouth not open wide. The angle is about 90 degrees.
  • Lips and gums are pressed to the nipple, not to the areola. With this feeding, the baby's chin and nose do not come into contact with the mother's breast.
  • The child sucks or chews only the nipple with his lips (gums) or tongue. If the baby squeezes only the nipple, the milk ducts become pinched and milk does not flow into the baby's mouth. “Nipple sucking” is the main cause of cracked and inflamed nipples, which, in turn, contributes to limited attachment to the breast and impaired milk flow.
  • Tongue positioned incorrectly, preventing the nipple from entering the baby's mouth.
  • Cheeks retracted, not round.
  • Clicking, smacking, or other noises are heard during feeding. With proper feeding, you should only hear the baby swallowing milk.

Technique for attaching a baby to the breast.

  1. Choose a comfortable position (posture) for feeding your baby. You should be as relaxed as possible; If feeding is carried out in a sitting position, then you should have support behind your back.
  2. Your baby's head and body should be in a straight line. Regardless of the feeding position you choose, your baby's body should be facing your body. The baby may not be able to breastfeed or swallow easily if his head is turned to the side or his hand is held in front of him. Try drinking yourself with your head turned to the side and you will realize that it is difficult.
  3. Your baby's face should be facing your breast and his nose should be level with your nipple. This gives the baby the opportunity to grasp more of the lower part of the areola rather than the upper. Touching the nipple to the baby's lips will cause him to open his mouth wide.
  4. Hold your baby close to your body so he can latch onto the breast well. Bring the baby to the breast, not the breast to the baby. Don't lean forward or your back may hurt.
  5. If your baby is a newborn, support his entire body, not just his head and shoulders. This will help him stay close to your body, but still allow him to move his head and neck freely.
  6. Touch your nipple to your baby's lips, and when your baby opens his mouth wide, allow him to take the breast into his mouth, holding his body tightly against you.
  7. If you feel that you need to support your breasts, support them from below with your free hand or place four fingers under your chest on your chest, and the fifth, large one, on top. You don't want to use your fingers to act like scissors, as this could cause you to pull the breast out of your baby's mouth and ruin the proper attachment. This common way of supporting the breast stems from the misconception that it is difficult for a baby to breathe when attached to the breast. In fact, nature designed babies' nostrils so that they are located on the sides of the nose, and therefore he can breathe while breastfeeding. It may seem that the baby is pressed into the chest, but there is nothing to worry about. If he can move his head freely, he will adjust himself and breathe easily.

If you are exclusively breastfeeding, your baby is healthy and developing normally, and your breasts do not hurt, there are no cracked nipples, then you are doing everything right .

How to put a baby to the breast so that he is full, and the mother does not experience pain?

  1. Find a comfortable position with your back resting on the back of a sofa or chair. Excess tension will only tire and irritate you, so make sure you are as relaxed as possible.
  2. Hold your baby so that his head rests on your forearm. The baby should be turned with its body and facing you, the ear, shoulder and tummy should be at the same level. Your baby's bottom arm should be pressed against his body and not between you and him.
  3. You don’t lean towards the baby, but bring him closer to your chest.

Baby's latching on to the breast

It is important to give your baby not only the nipple, but also the areola. Take your chest with your hand so that your thumb is on the bottom and the rest on top. Pass the nipple along the baby's upper lip; he will respond by opening his mouth and searching for the breast. Place the nipple and areola into the baby's mouth so that his tongue is at the bottom, his lower lip is turned out, his chin touches his chest, and his nose is breathing freely. Point the nipple upward towards the baby's palate. The baby's mouth should be wide open, this will help him not to choke or swallow air. Your main goal is to move your lower lip and jaw as far away from the base of the nipple as possible. Thanks to this, the baby will take as much of the breast as possible into his mouth with his tongue and feed more effectively in terms of milk output, as well as painlessly for the mother. Try not to lean towards the baby, but to pull him closer to your chest. If applied correctly, it may only hurt in the first seconds; if the pain is constant, practice more. Usually all unpleasant sensations go away after 2 weeks and the mother experiences pleasure from breastfeeding.

Correct attachment to the breast - photo

Signs of proper attachment

With proper attachment to the breast, the baby will suck the breast with a wide open mouth and actively working with the tongue. First, the baby will make several quick sucking movements, this stimulates the production of oxytocin and the flow of milk. After this, the baby will begin slow, deep sucking movements and you will hear him swallow. Sometimes the baby will pause, then the pauses will become more frequent as the feeding continues and the milk flow will slow down. If proper latching techniques are followed, your baby's body will relax as he feeds and he won't have difficulty breathing.

Throughout the feeding, leave the baby attached to the breast until he is ready to finish feeding, releasing the breast on his own while in a calm state.

Baby's behavior during feeding

The normal situation is that after a few minutes the baby releases the breast to burp, and then returns to feeding again. In this case, the milk flow may be at its maximum. If the baby spits out the breast during feeding, while being in a state of anxiety and irritation, then most likely he was incorrectly attached to the breast.

The baby shows that he has finished sucking the breast by releasing it from his mouth. You can offer him another breast, which the baby will take or not depending on his appetite. Do not interrupt breastfeeding or try to speed up feeding by shaking the baby or the breast. You should allow your baby to breastfeed unhindered until he is satisfied. In the first days of life, a small child may suckle for a long time and take long pauses during feedings.

Painful sensations during feeding

In the first two weeks after childbirth, almost all mothers experience pain during breastfeeding, to the point where they wonder whether it is necessary to breastfeed their baby. Don't worry, if you follow proper breastfeeding techniques, you will definitely begin to enjoy this most important process in your baby's life. Normally, discomfort may occur in the first seconds after latching, and then disappear if, of course, the baby takes the breast correctly. But these feelings will completely go away after a while and breastfeeding will become a joy for you and your baby.

The birth of a newborn child is the greatest miracle for its parents. At this moment, the baby’s health depends most on mother’s milk.

Treating specialists From all over the planet, young mothers constantly recommend breastfeeding their newborn, because the composition of breast milk is completely suitable for the baby.

That is why similar drugs that could replace mother’s milk for a baby simply do not exist.

But every year, an increasing number of mothers are faced with the following lactation problems: either it is impossible to preserve milk for the baby, or the time of breastfeeding is unlikely to last up to six months . Why does this happen?? Doctors report that in most cases the cause of this condition is the incorrect behavior of the woman herself.

It is for this reason that young mothers must understand how to properly breastfeed. How to latch on to your baby? What is the best thing to pay attention to when feeding a newborn? What is the best way to discern your baby's needs?

Correct attachment to the breast during breastfeeding

The main process that will determine all further feeding is the first attachment of the baby to the breast. In this case, failure can have a negative impact on both the mother and the child, who may subsequently simply stop breastfeeding.

Most modern maternity hospitals can provide first aid while feeding the baby. But unfortunately, the opposite situations also occur.

It is for this reason that every woman should independently understand the main principles of proper attachment of the baby to the mammary glands.

How to apply to the breast?

  1. To begin with, you should choose the right position for the baby, since the feeding process lasts quite a long period of time, and the mother should not be completely tired. It is possible to feed the baby in various positions and, most often, each woman individually selects the most comfortable position for herself. At this time, the newborn should always be with his tummy facing his mother, and his face should be turned towards the nipple. In addition, the baby’s head should not be fixed in one position so that he can freely adjust the position of the nipple inside the oral cavity and can indicate to the mother that he has finished eating.
  2. The baby's nose should be fairly close to the breast, but not drown in it, since if the baby begins to reach for the nipple, there is a high probability of a superficial latch. You should be especially careful o carry out the feeding process women with full breasts.
  3. It should be noted that the baby must take the nipple himself. Do not put it in the baby's mouth. Otherwise, an incorrect grip will be provided to the child, as well as special consequences. If baby grabbed only the tip of the nipple, then by gently pressing on the chin, mom can always free herself.

How to breastfeed correctly?

How can a mother understand that the baby has taken the breast correctly? To do this, you just need to be careful take a closer look at the feeding process. It should happen like this:

  1. The newborn should grasp both the areola and the nipple, and his lips should be turned outward.
  2. A child's nose should be b well pressed to mother's chest, but should not drown in it.
  3. During the sucking process, there should not be any extraneous sounds around the baby’s throat.
  4. The mother should not feel any pain or special discomfort during feeding.

Do I need to create a latching schedule when breastfeeding?

Feeding schedules are another challenge for every mother. You can hear from older people that you need to feed your baby strictly according to the clock. Modern treating specialists say that this technique is ineffective and they unanimously say that feeding the baby should be done solely according to his request.

And all because the process of its production proportionally depends on the amount of milk eaten by the baby.

That is why the more milk the baby consumes, the more successful the mother’s lactation will be.

How much should I feed my baby?

If we talk about the time of feeding a child, then in this matter there is no clear delineation of time. Everything will depend on individual characteristics and the wishes of the baby himself. But it is worth saying that a healthy baby should actively latch on to the breast and eat food within half an hour. Children determine the maximum time for feeding on their own.

  1. The period of time for feeding a child with mother's milk must be determined by the baby himself. Some newborns suckle much more actively, get full very quickly and release their mother's breast. Other babies suckle very slowly and you can often see them almost sleeping at the breast. But if the mother tries to remove the nipple, they will continue to drink breast milk again. To wake up such a baby, you need to slightly remove the nipple, and then touch the child on the cheek.
  2. The duration of the entire period of breastfeeding is determined by the mother’s desire to breastfeed her baby, as well as the general standard of living of the family (the need to go to work, food, and so on).
  3. Most often, at the beginning of the lactation process, the baby is given breasts up to 10 times per day. Over time, when the child gets older, the diet should be reduced to 7-8 times a day.

Has the baby eaten?

A well-fed baby is completely happy baby. If the baby is completely full, he will either simply let go of the breast or fall asleep. There are several ways to find out if your baby is full:

  1. The baby releases the breast on its own after feeding.
  2. Gains proportionately in weight and height.
  3. Shows optimal activity and also has good sleep.

One or more servings

You should only feed one breast at a time. The next feeding should be given a second one, alternating this process.

This technique helps the mammary glands regulate the process of properly supplying milk to the baby.

Sucking one breast provides the newborn with liquid front milk, which functions as a drink, and thick rear milk, which carries a large amount of nutrients for the baby. But if the baby does not eat enough, then you can give him the second breast.

Sometimes it also happens that the mother’s milk production is not as regulated as the baby needs it. This situation can especially occur in the mother along with growth spurts in the baby (two months old). It is then that in one feeding the mother should give the baby two breasts at once, so that he had enough milk. To imply that the breast is empty if it is soft is fundamentally wrong. If the mother understands that the baby has eaten from one breast, but gives him the other one just in case, then this method can have a bad effect on the baby himself. After all, a newborn can be overfed very quickly.

How often should you feed your baby?

How often should you feed your baby if you can still overfeed him? In this case, everything should come down again to the requirements of the child himself. After all, in the case when he is completely full, he should not get hungry faster than after a few hours. But if the foal begins to ask for breastfeeding more often, then you should meet him halfway and let him feed as much as he wants. After all, the child may simply not have received the required portion of milk last time. It is for this reason that feeding a child at his request is the red thread of the entire process of feeding a child in our time.

What if overfeeding happens?

Many mothers are afraid of overfeeding their child and harming his body. The main thing is not to panic. Although it is quite easy to overfeed a baby, he will definitely remove all excess food from his body. Therefore, the child’s health should not suffer in any way.

Will the food have time to be digested?

If a child eats too much food, will it have time to be completely digested? There is no main reason for the development of anxiety in this case. Mother’s milk is so balanced in its composition that the child’s body does not need to spend any special effort on the process of digesting it. The milk almost immediately enters the baby’s intestines, where it begins to be digested within a short period of time.

Hysterics during feeding procedure

In the practice of young mothers, there are situations when the child begins to throw tantrums before feeding. And the question of how to breastfeed a child if he begins to have a strong hysteria appears on his own. In this case, you should somehow calm the child down: hold him close, rock him in your arms, try to talk. If the baby continues to cry because he cannot take the breast, then you can independently squeeze a drop of milk into his mouth and touch the nipple to the baby’s lips or lip. The breast is considered the best soothing agent for a child. Therefore, the mother will not have to force the mother to take it for a long time.

How to properly remove the breast from a baby when breastfeeding?

Despite the large number of references to how to properly apply the breast to a baby for feeding, it is worth remembering special tips on how to correctly remove it from the baby. To ensure that the process of taking the breast does not cause the mother a lot of discomfort and does not provoke the development of difficulties in the future (for example, cracked nipples), the breast should be removed only after the baby has completely released it.

To do this, you should gently press on the child’s chin (as mentioned above), or you can insert your little finger into the corner of the child’s mouth and turn it half a turn. This simple technique will help you quickly open your baby’s mouth. At this time, the breast can be easily removed.

What to do if milk stagnation occurs?

All women know from personal experience that the process of breastfeeding does not always go well. It happens that this happens when the baby does not have time to completely eat the milk and it begins to stagnate inside the breast. Breasts at this time becomes completely stone. If you do not pay attention to this process, you can easily acquire mastitis and undergo breast surgery in the future. How should one react to such a problem if it does manifest itself?

If a lump appears inside the chest or at the same time there is a rise in body temperature, then special measures should be taken urgently. At this time, the following will help well: massages under a warm shower, pumping or offering the baby the breast (this action is considered the best in such situations), and you can also make compresses from cabbage leaf combined with honey. Massage should be done carefully, without the risk of breast irritation.

Compresses should be applied after each child’s meal. If such methods do not bring any results, the temperature continues to be at an elevated level for several days, then you should urgently seek help from your doctor.

The main thing is not to worry

In most cases, young mothers begin to perceive this problem very acutely, so they immediately begin to make a large number of mistakes. Eg:

  1. Wash your breasts before each feeding. In fact, using the morning and evening hygiene process for breastfeeding your baby is quite enough. Otherwise, you can completely eliminate the protective lubricant, which mainly protects the breasts from the development of pathogenic bacteria.
  2. Holding the breast with your hands during the feeding process. This technique can cause stagnation of milk at the point of contact with the mother’s hand, which should be avoided.
  3. Supplementing the child with water or tea for children. Both drink and main food for a child is mother’s milk.
  4. Stop breastfeeding and switch to artificial nutrition if cracks or colds develop on the nipple. For proper feeding without pain, in this case it is worth using specialized silicone nipple covers. To prevent your child from catching a cold, you should simply use a mask.

Immediately after giving birth, a woman does not have milk, but she does have colostrum, a colorless liquid that appears in the breasts in the second trimester of pregnancy. Colostrum contains a huge amount of useful substances in concentrated form. They are able to protect the newborn from infectious diseases and intestinal disorders, and allow the baby to organize full-fledged immune protection. Colostrum is 100% absorbed by the baby. It is very important that the baby receives his first food as quickly as possible, because during pregnancy he is accustomed to the fact that food is supplied to him around the clock, without any effort, that he does not know such a feeling of hunger and is afraid of these new, unpleasant sensations.

Early attachment of a newborn to the mother's breast is of particular importance for women. During the process of sucking, the production of a special hormone oxytocin is activated in the female body, which promotes contraction of the uterus and prevents postpartum bleeding. In addition, the formation of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the amount of breast milk, is triggered.

This is why the first breastfeeding, which ideally should occur within half an hour after birth, is so important for both the baby and his mother. It’s great if the baby receives about 50 ml of colostrum. Therefore, take your time, feed your little miracle properly, let him understand that he has come to a cozy and kind world.

How to breastfeed your baby correctly?

A newborn who has just been born does not know or understand how he should now receive nutrition, because before everything happened by itself, but what now? It should be noted that during pregnancy, all babies master the general principle of sucking. Also, while in their mother’s tummy, they suck their fingers and fists, developing a sucking reflex. Therefore, immediately after birth, the baby instinctively opens its mouth, sticks out its tongue, trying to find a source of food. This is where the mother must put the baby to her breast, filled with colostrum. Moreover, it is important to do this in such a way that the baby and you feel comfortable. With proper latching on the breast, the baby will never injure you and will not swallow air. Therefore, it is advisable to master feeding techniques while still in the maternity hospital. How to properly breastfeed a newborn:

  • Step 1. Take a comfortable position. You can feed your baby while sitting, lying down or standing. It is important to follow the basic rule - the torso and face of the newborn must be in the same plane. It is advisable for mom to relax, the main thing is calm and comfort. You can put pillows under your back or cover yourself with a blanket if it’s cool, because feeding takes quite a long time. How to breastfeed a baby while lying down? Yes, just like sitting, the basic principles remain the same.
  • Step 2. We take the baby, holding him tightly to us, the head should be opposite the chest, the mouth should be at the level of the areola (brown circle around the nipple). Make sure that the baby's head is not thrown back and that the shoulders do not sag between your arms. , the other to feed and guide the chest.
  • Step 3. Start feeding. Using your thumb and index finger, we squeeze the areola of the breast from which we will give milk, achieving the appearance of a fold. We place it parallel to the baby’s lips. We pass the tip of the nipple along the baby's lips, wait until he opens his mouth wide, making sure that his tongue lies on the lower gum, and at this moment we pull him towards us, putting the areola deeper into his mouth. Please note that we are not bringing the breast closer to the baby, but bringing him closer to ourselves.
  • Step 4. Feed. After the baby begins to eat vigorously, you can remove your fingers from the areola and relax. In the first days, you will have to start feeding several times, as the baby will turn his head, lose his breasts, and fall asleep while feeding. It is important to patiently and persistently insert the areola into his mouth, at least a centimeter. Then the baby, while eating, will put pressure on the path of milk, stimulating its production. Remember that the baby will learn to eat correctly only by the second or third week, and a stable skill will be formed by two or three months.

How often should you breastfeed your baby?

The answer to this question worries all young mothers. Everything is simple here. In the first days, when the baby is just born, his ventricle is still very small and poorly adapted to feeding. Colostrum is absorbed very quickly and a feeling of hunger sets in. Have you noticed that the baby begins to cry, open his mouth, stick out his tongue, and try to suck his fist? It's time to put him to the breast, let him eat, don't finish feeding until he interrupts it himself. It is recommended to organize such a diet during the first 5 days after birth. On average, it turns out that the baby eats 15-20 times a day. Do not intentionally wake the baby, let everything around him coincide with his own rhythm. Around the fifth day, mommy will have a significant supply of milk and can already switch to the diet recommended by experts, approximately 10-12 times a day.

How long should you breastfeed your baby?

The optimal period for breastfeeding a child is 2 years. Previously, pediatricians insisted that a baby should be weaned off the breast every year, but today we are talking about two years. We can conclude that this decision is largely individual. There are no hard deadlines. As the baby grows, the composition of mother's milk changes, it adapts to the child's body, the amount of nutrients in it is sufficient to satisfy the needs of the growing body. Of course, starting from 6 months, additional nutrition, juices, purees, etc. are necessarily introduced. But it is not at all necessary to deny a baby breast milk if the mother has it. The end of breastfeeding varies from family to family. Trust your intuition, but try to feed your little treasure yourself for at least six months.

To watch a video with detailed expert instructions on successful breastfeeding, you can purchase our course

Young mothers, remember the main thing - the best, perfectly balanced food for a baby is breast milk. Don't worry that breastfeeding will ruin your figure and will prevent you from losing the weight you gained during pregnancy. These are all myths.

Breastfeeding is the key to the health of not only the baby, but also the excellent health and amazing beauty of his mother!